- Minimum supported PHP version increased to 8.2+
- Fully supported Composer-based autoloading
- PSR-4 compliant file structure
- Library is now properly namespaced under
- Enumerations are using native enums in separate files
- API calls now support header-based POSKey authentication
- Allowed funding sources now include Apple Pay and Google Pay
- PaymentState request is now implemented at API version 4
- Added Spanish (es-ES) locale to the supported Barion Smart Gateway languages
- Updated examples and docs
- Added PHPDoc annotation
- Client throws exception if PHP version is not sufficient or cURL extension is not available
- Client throws exception if an incorrect API version is specified for a method
- API version can now be set on-the-fly between calls
v1.4.11 2024-04-02
- Updating bundled CA certificates
v1.4.10 2022-06-13
- Fixed PaymentId parsing in API error models
v1.4.9 2022-06-09
- Small fixes
v1.4.8 2022-06-09
- Small fixes
v1.4.7 2022-05-25
- Error response extended
v1.4.6 2021-04-28
- CompletePayment response fix
v1.4.5 2021-04-15
- Additional properties in the GetPaymentState response
v1.4.4 2021-01-17
- RecurrenceType is fixed in GetPaymentState response
v1.4.3 2020-12-11
- 3DS v2 token payment information added to the models
v1.4.2 2019-08-15
- ADD: added RecurrenceType and ChallengePreference 3DS properties
v1.4.1 2019-08-14
- FIX: fixed shipping address model parameters
- ADD: detailed documentation for different payment scenarios
v1.4.0 2019-08-08
- ADD: supporting payment properties related to 3D Secure authentication
- ADD: support for Delayed Capture payment scenarios
- FIX: added shipping address model and fixed shipping address structure in examples
v1.3.1 2019-03-20
- ADD: Greek locale support (el-GR)
v1.3 2019-03-12
- ADD: CZK currency and czech locale
v1.2.9 2017-05-16
- FIX: PaymenStateResponse extended to parse all the available fields
v1.2.8 2017-04-13
- FIX: Refunded transactions parsed correctly
v1.2.7 2017-02-14
- MERGE: Added FundingInformation and BankCard to PaymentStateResponse
- MERGE: Added currency to PaymentStateResponseModel and TransactionDetailModel
- Added "Expired", "PartiallySucceeded" and "InProgress" payment states to enumeration
- MERGE: Added currency handling to the start payment request model to handle EUR/USD currencies
- MERGE: Added parent constructor call to ResponseModels to get the Errors array initialized properly
v1.2.3 2016-01-14
- FIX: Extra option for environments with SSL problems
- FIX: Some issues with the models (finish reservation and QR models)
- FIX: Adding DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR to the path construction (thx to @zelding, based on: #1)
- SSL certificates included for the TEST environment
- cURL errors are transferred to the client to help debugging
- Removed end php tags
- Added licencing headers
- Library class "Locale" renamed to "UILocale"
- Minimized notices from uninitialized indices
- Fixed minor include path issues
- Initial release
© 2017 Barion Payment Inc.
All rights reserved.