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Odin Language Bindings

This directory contains bindings for the Odin programming language, as well as an example implementation of the clay website in Odin.

Special thanks to

If you haven't taken a look at the full documentation for clay, it's recommended that you take a look there first to familiarise yourself with the general concepts. This README is abbreviated and applies to using clay in Odin specifically.

The most notable difference between the C API and the Odin bindings is the use of if statements to create the scope for declaring child elements. When using the equivalent of the Element Macros:

// C form of element macros
CLAY_RECTANGLE(CLAY_ID("SideBar"), CLAY_LAYOUT(.layoutDirection = CLAY_TOP_TO_BOTTOM, .sizing = { .width = CLAY_SIZING_FIXED(300), .height = CLAY_SIZING_GROW() }, .padding = {16, 16}), CLAY_RECTANGLE_CONFIG(.color = COLOR_LIGHT), {
	// Child elements here
// Odin form of element macros
if clay.Rectangle(clay.ID("SideBar"), clay.Layout({ layoutDirection = .TOP_TO_BOTTOM, sizing = { width = clay.SizingFixed(300), height = clay.SizingGrow({}) }, padding = {16, 16} }), clay.RectangleConfig({ color = COLOR_LIGHT })) {
	// Child elements here

Quick Start

  1. Download the clay-odin directory and copy it into your project.
import clay "clay-odin"
  1. Ask clay for how much static memory it needs using clay.MinMemorySize(), create an Arena for it to use with clay.CreateArenaWithCapacityAndMemory(minMemorySize, memory), and initialize it with clay.Initialize(arena).
minMemorySize: u32 = clay.MinMemorySize()
memory := make([^]u8, minMemorySize)
arena: clay.Arena = clay.CreateArenaWithCapacityAndMemory(minMemorySize, memory)
  1. Provide a measureText(text, config) proc "c" with clay.SetMeasureTextFunction(function) so that clay can measure and wrap text.
// Example measure text function
measureText :: proc "c" (text: ^clay.String, config: ^clay.TextElementConfig) -> clay.Dimensions {
    // clay.TextElementConfig contains members such as fontId, fontSize, letterSpacing etc
    // Note: clay.String->chars is not guaranteed to be null terminated

// Tell clay how to measure text
  1. Optional - Call clay.SetPointerPosition(pointerPosition) if you want to use mouse interactions.
// Update internal pointer position for handling mouseover / click / touch events
clay.SetPointerPosition(clay.Vector2{ mousePositionX, mousePositionY })
  1. Call clay.BeginLayout(screenWidth, screenHeight) and declare your layout using the provided macros.
COLOR_LIGHT :: clay.Color{224, 215, 210, 255}
COLOR_RED :: clay.Color{168, 66, 28, 255}
COLOR_ORANGE :: clay.Color{225, 138, 50, 255}

// Layout config is just a struct that can be declared statically, or inline
sidebarItemLayout := clay.LayoutConfig {
    sizing = {width = clay.SizingGrow({}), height = clay.SizingFixed(50)},

// Re-useable components are just normal functions
SidebarItemComponent :: proc(index: u32) {
    if clay.Rectangle(clay.ID("SidebarBlob", index), &sidebarItemLayout, clay.RectangleConfig({color = COLOR_ORANGE})) {}

// An example function to begin the "root" of your layout tree
CreateLayout :: proc() -> clay.ClayArray(clay.RenderCommand) {
    clay.BeginLayout(windowWidth, windowHeight)

    // An example of laying out a UI with a fixed width sidebar and flexible width main content
    // NOTE: To create a scope for child components, the Odin api uses `if` with components that have children
    if clay.Rectangle(
        clay.Layout({sizing = {clay.SizingGrow({}), clay.SizingGrow({})}, padding = {16, 16}, childGap = 16}),
        clay.RectangleConfig({color = {250, 250, 255, 255}}),
    ) {
        if clay.Rectangle(
            clay.Layout({layoutDirection = .TOP_TO_BOTTOM, sizing = {width = clay.SizingFixed(300), height = clay.SizingGrow({})}, padding = {16, 16}, childGap = 16}),
            clay.RectangleConfig({color = COLOR_LIGHT}),
        ) {
            if clay.Rectangle(
                clay.Layout({sizing = {width = clay.SizingGrow({})}, padding = {16, 16}, childGap = 16, childAlignment = {y = .CENTER}}),
                clay.RectangleConfig({color = COLOR_RED}),
            ) {
                if clay.Image(
                    clay.Layout({sizing = {width = clay.SizingFixed(60), height = clay.SizingFixed(60)}}),
                    clay.ImageConfig({imageData = &profilePicture, sourceDimensions = {height = 60, width = 60}}),
                ) {}
                clay.Text(clay.ID("ProfileTitle"), "Clay - UI Library", clay.TextConfig({fontSize = 24, textColor = {255, 255, 255, 255}}))

            // Standard Odin code like loops etc work inside components
            for i in 0..<10 {

        if clay.Rectangle(
            clay.Layout({sizing = {width = clay.SizingGrow({}), height = clay.SizingGrow({})}}),
            clay.RectangleConfig({color = COLOR_LIGHT}),
        ) {}
    // ...
  1. Call clay.EndLayout(screenWidth, screenHeight) and process the resulting clay.RenderCommandArray in your choice of renderer.
renderCommands: clay.ClayArray(clay.RenderCommand) = clay.EndLayout(windowWidth, windowHeight)

for i: u32 = 0; i < renderCommands.length; i += 1 {
    renderCommand := clay.RenderCommandArray_Get(&renderCommands, cast(i32)i)

    switch renderCommand.commandType {
    case .Rectangle:
        DrawRectangle(renderCommand.boundingBox, renderCommand.config.rectangleElementConfig.color)
    // ... Implement handling of other command types

Please see the full C documentation for clay for API details. All public C functions and Macros have Odin binding equivalents, generally of the form CLAY_RECTANGLE (C) -> clay.Rectangle (Odin)