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This code contains the necessary steps to compile React & Tremor into bundled code that can be included in HTML to dynamically build components.

If any code needs to be updated, just update it from npm or yarn and redo the steps below.

Pre-Compiling Code

Building the React-Tremor-HeroIcons Bundle

We need all dependencies bundled into one JS file so we can leverage it after Babel compiles the code. The idea for this can be seen in this video where JS dependencies are manually compiled.

To create the bundle:

  1. From the command line, navigate to the folder react-tremor-bundle
cd react-tremor-bundle
  1. Run the webpack builder:
npx webpack-cli ./src/index.js
  1. Take the ouptput file ./react-tremor-bundle/node_modules/react-tremor-bundle.js and use it as you need. The basic use will be something like:
window.reactTremorBundle=((__magic__, exports, module) => {/*Bundled code*/});

Splitting out Components

If you allow users to enter their own components, you will need to map them to your compiled object (window.reactTremorBundle in the example above). To do this, you need to compile a list of all component names that exist in your bundle and have them in an available array, possible split out by library.

A good way to do this is to browse the original compiled code's packaging and get the file names. For example, for heroicons, you can do this via unpkg:

or by just looking in ./node_modules/@heroicons/react/20/solid.

Getting CSS for Tailwind & Tremor

Tremor relies on Tailwind CSS, so we need to generate the necessary Tailwind classes for Tremor to use.

  1. Run npm run build.
  2. Take the contents of ./dist/assets/index-[hash].css and place it in a CSS file to reference from your app.