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File metadata and controls

286 lines (234 loc) · 10.3 KB


A simple text editor with expandable commands.

key features

  • Built using vanilla ES6
  • Customizable using an array of settings
  • Built-in, fully-integrated colorpicker
  • The ability to add more custom commands

How to use


First step is to install it using yarn or npm:

npm install @baianat/align

# or use yarn
yarn add @baianat/align

Include necessary files

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/css/align.css">
  <!-- use editor's theme -->
  <!-- or create your own -->
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/css/default-theme.css">
  <!-- @baianat/colorpicker stylesheet -->
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="path-to-colorpicker/css/colorpicker.css">
    <!-- @baianat/colorpicker script file -->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="path-to-colorpicker/js/colorpicker.j"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="dist/js/align.js"></script>

HTML Layout

You need a div to render Align in it.

<div class="align"></div>

  new Align('.align', {
    // settings

You can also pass the element directly to the constructor

<div class="align"></div>

  const myAlign = document.querySelector('.align');
  new Align(myAlign, {
    // settings

Align Customizations

Align comes with three styling bars(stylers), the main toolbar (toolbar) and the pop-up toolbar (bubble) that pops when you select a text.

You can choose to work with either of the toolbars, or both of them, by passing the toolbar object and/or the bubble object to the Align settings object.

You can choose what commands you'd like both of the stylers to include, by passing the desired commands through the commands array.

Align also shipped with creator bar(creator), which dedicated to add items like images, tables, posts, etc...


new Align('.editor', {
  postTitle: 'title placeholder', // add title post placeholder, default is (false)
  toolbar: {
    tooltip: true, // show or hide commands tooltip, default is (false)
    shortcuts: true, // enable or disable keyboard shortcuts, default is (false)
    commands: [
      {'fontSize': [false, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]},
      {'fontName': ['Poppins', 'Raleway', 'Roboto']},
      'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strikeThrough',
      'justifyLeft', 'justifyCenter', 'justifyRight', 'justifyFull',
      'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'p', 'blockquote', 'pre', 'createLink',
      'orderedList', 'unorderedList', 'indent', 'outdent',
      'superscript', 'subscript',
      'color', 'backColor',
      'selectContent', 'removeFormat', 'undo', 'redo', 'fullscreen'
  bubble: {
    theme: 'dark',
    commands: [
      'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strikeThrough',
      'justifyLeft', 'justifyCenter', 'justifyRight', 'justifyFull',
  creator: {
    mode: 'toolbar', // inline or toolbar defaults (toolbar)
    theme: 'light',
    items: ['figure', 'video', 'facebook', 'embed']

List of all available styler commands

font changes the font name for the selection or at the insertion point.
color changes a font color for the selection or at the insertion point.
backColor changes the element background color.
fontSize changes the font size for the selection or at the insertion point.
bold Mac: ⌘ B
Win: Ctrl B
toggles bold on/off for the selection or at the insertion point.
italic Mac: ⌘ I
Win: Ctrl I
toggles italics on/off for the selection or at the insertion point.
underline Mac: ⌘ U
Win: Ctrl U
toggles underline on/off for the selection or at the insertion point.
strikeThrough toggles strikethrough on/off for the selection or at the insertion point.
justifyLeft Mac: ⌘ L
Win: Ctrl L
justifies the selection or insertion point to the left.
justifyCenter Mac: ⌘ E
Win: Ctrl E
centers the selection or insertion point.
justifyRight Mac: ⌘ R
Win: Ctrl R
right-justifies the selection or the insertion point.
justifyFull Mac: ⌘ J
Win: Ctrl J
justifies the selection or insertion point.
superscript Mac: ⌘ ⇧ =
Win: Ctrl ⇧ =
toggles superscript on/off for the selection or at the insertion point.
subscript Mac: ⌘ =
Win: Ctrl =
toggles subscript on/off for the selection or at the insertion point.
indent Mac: ⇥
Win: Tab
indents the line containing the selection or insertion point.
outdent Mac: ⇧ ⇥
Win: Shift Tab
outdents the line containing the selection or insertion point.
selectContent Mac: ⌘ ⇧ A
Win: Ctrl Shift A
selects all of the content of the editor region.
removeFormat Mac: ⌘ \
Win: Ctrl \
removes all formatting from the current selection.
h1 adds an HTML h1 tag around the line containing the current selection.
h2 adds an HTML h2 tag around the line containing the current selection.
blockquote adds an HTML blockquote tag around the line containing the current selection.
p adds an HTML p tag around the line containing the current selection.
pre adds an HTML pre tag around the line containing the current selection so you can highlight its script.
orderedList creates a numbered ordered list for the selection or at the insertion point.
unorderedList creates a bulleted unordered list for the selection or at the insertion point.
createLink creates an anchor link from the selection text.
html toggles HTML on/off for all text.
sperator used for decoration to separate commands.
createFigure uploads an image figure and inseart it at insert at the start of the selected range
createVideo embed a video for youtube/vimeo url at insert at the start of the selected range
createPost embed a facebook post from url at insert at the start of the selected range
createEmbed embed any embed iframe script at insert at the start of the selected range
createTable inserts a table at insert at the start of the selected range
createLine inserts a selected horizontal line at insert at the start of the selected range

Adding new custom commands

To extend Align's cmdsSchemas object to add a new command or overwrite a current command behavior, use Align.extend('commandName', { //setting })

Note: you can overwrite the current commands behavior, if you used your commandName same as one of Align's commands.

Align.extend('commandName', {
  element: 'custom',
  data() {
    // a function to store a reference to command elements
  create() {
    // a function to render the command on execution
  action() {
    // a function to define command actions

A full working example on how to add addImage command

Align.extend('addImage', {
  element: 'custom',
  data() {
    return {
      button: document.createElement('div'),
      input: document.createElement('input'),
        `<svg class="icon" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
          <path d="M21 19V5c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2H5c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v14c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h14c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2zM8.5 13.5l2.5 3.01L14.5 12l4.5 6H5l3.5-4.5z"></path>
  create() {
    this.$data =;
    const button = this.$data.button;
    const input = this.$data.input;
    const icon = this.$data.icon;

    button.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', icon);
    input.type = 'file';
    input.addEventListener('change', this.action.bind(this));

    return button;
  action() {
    const file = this.$data.input.files[0];
    const selectedPosition = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
    if (!file || !window.getSelection().rangeCount) return;
    const imageURL = URL.createObjectURL(file);
    const img = document.createElement('img');

    img.src = imageURL;
    this.$data.input.value = null;

    // add your logic to save `imageURL` in the database

Adding new custom icon

If you want to change Align's icons or add a new one, use Align.extendIcon('iconName', 'svg path')

Note: your icon should be only one path SVG.

// change bold command icon
Align.extendIcons('bold', 'M12 2c1.1 0 2 .9 2 2s-.9 2-2 2-2-.9-2-2 .9-2 2-2zm9 7h-6v13h-2v-6h-2v6H9V9H3V7h18v2z');

Getting the data

To get Align's content you can use content property To get Align's post title you can use title property


Handle resources uploading

Align has events bus($bus), you can listen for imageAdded and videoAdded to handle any resources uploading

myEditor.$bus.on('imageAdded', ({file, update}) => {
  // save the uploaded image
  // and get its new link
  const newLink = saveImageToStorage(file);

  // update the image src with
  // the new generated link


We using highlight.js plug-in to highlight pre tags. To enable syntax highlighting you have to include highlight.js as external dependence before Align

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/css/align.css">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="path-to/highlight.min.css">
  <script src="path-to/highlight.min.js"></script>
  <script src="dist/js/align.js"></script>



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