- cachemap: add import alias and fix deps in core-worker (e6adf1ce)
- cachemap:
- revert one vulnerability fix as it breaks tests (62f17114)
- lock file (87992270)
- sort vulnerabilities (2aa1f63a)
- package lock (36b4ec17)
- cachemap: remove postinstall script (1f81a504)
- cachemap: vulnerabilities (6f7f0134)
- cachemap: update repodog deps (befb9a72)
- cachemap: reexport types and utils from core (b7fec698) change hash to hashKey and introduce valueFormatting (d5a540fb)
- cachemap: upgrade deps and fix issues (456b28e3)
- web-storage: change local storage package to web storage (c14f53bc)
sort entries and metadata by key when exported (d770474d)
upgrade deps (419eea81)
- deps-dev: bump @babel/traverse from 7.22.10 to 7.23.6 (#50) (0a73fea6)
- deps: bump crypto-js from 4.1.1 to 4.2.0 (#49) (3fc4b6ab)
update package lock (c5d83bf5) remove deps (3addd612)
add whitespace to package.json (c96d3310) add and update del-cli and rename files (c5b3b76a)
pnppm version in pipeline (06473ba1)
better support esm and cjs (a9804560)
update installation examples to npm (e470eb34)
upgrade cacheability deps (533ec8ef)
upgrade syncpack (ba336eef) move to exports map (40ab4949)
clarify install dependencies (4f85e61b)
update lock file (cb8e25c0) remove reduendant deps (6f526d9f)
update readmes (b49346ab)
migrate repo over to esmodules (#48) (106666e2)
output mjs files for module (ca43a4d3)
add named exports (f503e0e1)
named export core class (27e229b0)
backup to persisted storage and delete entry event emitter (#36) (141407d7)
bind core worker event handlers (29323d92)
event handler binding within core (631c61ba)
set reaper to initialise without starting by default (b1807986)
add controller module (62390881)
add type contructor prop to core (789ce496)
used heap size not being reset on clear (497d8de9)
another attempt with actions config (a5c9fb39) another update to tag logic (e01c9e23)
clear request queue when all requests have been resolved (28dde3d8)
alt approach to setting tag output (4cf17242)
typo in actions config (4dfa510b) typo in actions config (ba9f48a5) typo in actions config (a4038f09) update way of storing variables (950c8c67) names of action scripts (8bbd4a46)
move builds to be combined again (5c288399) split build and deploy action configs (cabdd40c)
mistake in actions config (ba019baa) update actions config (8ff4a773)
add actions badge to readme (78d1a971) move to github actions (e7325101) enable filter by value in export (53585a0f) add encryption and encoding (515f09e7)
use of double quotes in actions config (1be9499e) typo in actions file (c9b09523) delete travis file (a88fa197) update travis url (60c4e976)
updating dependencies and peer versions (50a09ddf)
- constants: add public scope to package json (f68b2bfb)
- constants: add npmrc (2f4f64a5)
update peer dependency versions (34d12b9d)
update docs to reflect syc init for core and core-worker (1f506166)
create constants package (5679b70a) changing folder/file structure and exports (f4b1374e) moving core-worker to sync init (acf663c2) moving cashmap init to sync (a6ae2457)
upgrade dependencies, including core-js (40e3beaa)
update dependencies (9f3c9798) update scripts (f538d136) update travis scripts (beed2a71) update dependencies (c7099f2e) update scripts to add source maps (5ae26e48)
scripts broken and missing commands (00de699d)
- repo: update dependencies (13ed3886) upgrade depencencies (d7d1d5ff)
- dependencies: update dependencies and run docs (78eb8f81)
- dependencies: update dependencies and fix follow on issues (e34b125e)
- node: update version to latest stable. (a45bfbd6)
- repodog: add additional repodog config packages (594d4801)
- tsconfig: move to using repodog config (4fa61050)
- npm: allow src files to be in packages (d39ccdfe)
- package.json: update validate script (5e13ba7f)
- dependencies: change internal deps to peer (c0bd2de4)
- update dependencies: upgrade dependencies. (52c713b0)
- repository: update dependencies. (3de6fa72)
- travis: update node version in config. (f0089aa1)
- corejs: downgrade back to v2. (1fafbcaf)
- build process: nested dependencies in third party apps. (2e6445d0)
- build process: Adding npmignore to packages. (4e23125e)
- readme: update worker usage. (64dbdb80)
- core worker: remove name prop as not necessary and update docs. (9cf77b91)
- build process: change the way core and babel runtime are used. (1c3ca662)
- core worker: allow worker to be passed in and message handler to be reused by other libraries. (#23) (e3c87c42)
- repository: Updating organisation name. (8594d339)
- readme: updating link to parent repo readme. (7f050c09)
- readme: Remove repo npm package link (f51be43a)
- docs: Removing docs folder from npm ignore as readme is now in that folder. (89d29b6e)
- config: Update urls in package.json. (4072f5d4)
- dependencies: Update cacheability version. (83399461)
- tests: Updating test folder name. (b2b767fb)
- dependencies: Update cacheability to latest version. (cb3faa74)
- config: Updating npmignore file to include codecov config. (a4ae334d)