From acedda5a219f03828e34c382c50d0a1d14c2bd91 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: JAOUAD OUXHAIB s306971 Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2024 21:28:29 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 1/4] feat: add ErrorPopover component and integrate regex validation error handling --- src/components/ErrorPopover.tsx | 43 +++++ src/components/Icon/selection.json | 272 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- src/components/InteractiveArea.tsx | 76 +++++--- src/utils/checkRegex.ts | 150 +++++++++++++--- 4 files changed, 488 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-) create mode 100644 src/components/ErrorPopover.tsx diff --git a/src/components/ErrorPopover.tsx b/src/components/ErrorPopover.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..378dbdde --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/ErrorPopover.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +import { Popover } from '@headlessui/react'; +import Icon from 'src/components/Icon'; + +interface ErrorType { + message: string; + type: string; +} + +interface ErrorPopoverProps { + errors: ErrorType[]; +} + +const ErrorPopover: React.FC = ({ errors }) => { + return ( + + + + + + + {errors.length === 0 ? ( +
No errors.
+ ) : ( +{ message, type }) => ( +
+ +
+ + {message.split(':').pop()?.trim() || message} + +
+ )) + )} +
+ ); +}; + +export default ErrorPopover; diff --git a/src/components/Icon/selection.json b/src/components/Icon/selection.json index 6b0bdbd8..ff453ffa 100644 --- a/src/components/Icon/selection.json +++ b/src/components/Icon/selection.json @@ -1 +1,271 @@ -{"generatorSource":"","IcoMoonType":"selection","icons":[{"icon":{"paths":["M822.592 192h14.272c0.015-0 0.032-0 0.049-0 15.82 0 28.958 11.479 31.54 26.562l0.027 0.19 21.312 128c0.276 1.578 0.433 3.394 0.433 5.248 0 17.668-14.318 31.992-31.984 32l-49.345 0-39.040 546.304c-1.239 16.654-15.055 29.696-31.917 29.696-0.007 0-0.013-0-0.020-0l-452.095 0c-0.025 0-0.054 0-0.083 0-16.862 0-30.678-13.043-31.911-29.59l-0.006-0.106-38.912-546.304h-49.152c-17.667-0.008-31.985-14.332-31.985-32 0-1.854 0.158-3.67 0.46-5.438l-0.027 0.19 21.312-128c2.609-15.273 15.747-26.752 31.567-26.752 0.017 0 0.035 0 0.052 0l-0.003-0h14.016l-6.72-93.696c-0.053-0.689-0.083-1.493-0.083-2.304 0-17.673 14.327-32 32-32 0.007 0 0.013 0 0.020 0l571.007-0c0.006-0 0.012-0 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'src/components/Icon'; import setCaretPosition from 'src/utils/setCaretPosition'; @@ -39,6 +40,8 @@ const InteractiveArea = ({ isShow, setIsOpenModal }: Props) => { const { formatMessage } = useIntl(); const regexInput = useRef(null); const [regex, setRegex] = useState(data.initialValue || ''); + const [isvalidRegexSyntax, setIsvalidRegexSyntax] = useState(true); + const [errors, setErrors] = useState([]); const [flags, setFlags] = useState(data.initialFlags || ''); const [content, setContent] = useState(''); const [isChanged, setIsChanged] = useState(false); @@ -104,15 +107,21 @@ const InteractiveArea = ({ isShow, setIsOpenModal }: Props) => { if (!checkBrowserSupport()) return; } - const { isSuccess, isMatch, err, regex: grouppedRegex } = checkRegex(data, { regex, flags }); + const { isSuccess, isMatch, error, regex: grouppedRegex } = checkRegex(data, { regex, flags }); - if (err) { + if (error) { setError(true); setMatch(false); setSuccess(false); + if (error.type === 'InvalidRegex') { + setIsvalidRegexSyntax(false); + setErrors([error]); + } else { + setIsvalidRegexSyntax(true); + setErrors([]); + } return; } - setError(false); setMatch(isMatch); setSuccess(isSuccess); @@ -146,11 +155,11 @@ const InteractiveArea = ({ isShow, setIsOpenModal }: Props) => { const onFocus = e => { if (data.readOnly) { - return; + return; } onChange(e); - } + }; const focusInput = () => { regexInput?.current?.focus(); @@ -205,7 +214,8 @@ const InteractiveArea = ({ isShow, setIsOpenModal }: Props) => { }).toLowerCase(); return ( -
{ {!data.noHint && ( )} -
- +
+ +
{errors.length > 0 && }
{data.videoURL && (
{ const matches = [...regex.matchAll(/\\(\d+)/g)] .map(item => Number(item[1])) @@ -14,40 +22,136 @@ const createGrouppedRegex = (regex: string, flags?: string) => { return new RegExp(`(${newRegex})`, flags); }; -type CheckRegex = ( - data, - regexObj: { regex: string; flags?: string }, -) => { - err?: Error; - isMatch?: boolean; - isSuccess?: boolean; +/** + * Defines the structure of the regex object. + */ +interface RegexObj { + regex: string; + flags?: string; +} + +/** + * Defines the possible error types. + */ +type RegexError = + | { type: 'InvalidRegex'; message: string } + | { type: 'IncorrectMatches'; message: string; expected: string[]; actual: string[] } + | { type: 'InvalidFlags'; message: string } + | { type: 'ValidationFailed'; message: string }; + +/** + * Defines the structure of the result returned by checkRegex. + */ +interface CheckRegexResult { + isMatch: boolean; + isSuccess: boolean; regex?: RegExp; -}; + error?: RegexError; +} -const checkRegex: CheckRegex = (data, { regex, flags }) => { - const isGlobal = flags?.includes('g'); - const isValidRegex = data.regex.includes(regex) || data.customValidate?.(regex); - const isValidFlags = xor(data.flags.split(''), flags.split('')).length === 0; +/** + * Checks the provided regex against the data and returns detailed results. + * + * @param data - The data object containing content, expected answers, and validation methods. + * @param regexObj - An object containing the regex pattern and optional flags. + * @returns An object detailing the match results and any errors encountered. + */ +const checkRegex = (data: LessonData, { regex, flags }: RegexObj): CheckRegexResult => { + let grouppedRegex: RegExp; + let results: string[] = []; + // Step 1: Validate Regex Syntax try { - const grouppedRegex = createGrouppedRegex(regex, flags); - let results; + grouppedRegex = createGrouppedRegex(regex, flags); + } catch (syntaxError) { + return { + isMatch: false, + isSuccess: false, + error: { + type: 'InvalidRegex', + message: `The provided regex has invalid syntax: ${(syntaxError as Error).message}`, + }, + }; + } + + // Step 2: Validate Flags + const expectedFlags = data.flags ? data.flags.split('') : []; + const providedFlags = flags ? flags.split('') : []; + const invalidFlags = xor(expectedFlags, providedFlags); + if (invalidFlags.length > 0) { + return { + isMatch: false, + isSuccess: false, + error: { + type: 'InvalidFlags', + message: `The provided flags "${flags}" do not match the expected flags "${data.flags}".`, + }, + }; + } - if (isGlobal) { + // Step 3: Validate Regex Inclusion or Custom Validation + const isValidRegex = data.regex + ? data.regex.includes(regex) + : data.customValidate + ? data.customValidate(regex) + : false; + + if (!isValidRegex) { + return { + isMatch: false, + isSuccess: false, + error: { + type: 'ValidationFailed', + message: 'The provided regex does not pass the validation checks.', + }, + }; + } + + // Step 4: Perform Matching + try { + if (flags?.includes('g')) { results = [].map(result => result[0]).filter(Boolean); } else { - results = [].filter(Boolean); + const match = data.content.match(grouppedRegex); + if (match) { + results = [match[0]]; + } } + } catch (matchError) { + return { + isMatch: false, + isSuccess: false, + error: { + type: 'InvalidRegex', + message: `Error during regex matching: ${(matchError as Error).message}`, + }, + }; + } - const isMatch = - data.answer?.length === results.length && xor(data.answer, results).length === 0; - const isSuccess = isMatch && isValidRegex && isValidFlags; + // Step 5: Compare Results with Expected Answers + const expected = data.answer || []; + const isMatch = expected.length === results.length && xor(expected, results).length === 0; - return { isMatch, isSuccess, regex: grouppedRegex }; - } catch (err) { - console.error(err); - return { err }; + if (!isMatch) { + return { + isMatch, + isSuccess: false, + regex: grouppedRegex, + error: { + type: 'IncorrectMatches', + message: 'The regex does not produce the expected matches.', + expected, + actual: results, + }, + }; } + + // If all checks pass + return { + isMatch: true, + isSuccess: true, + regex: grouppedRegex, + }; }; export default checkRegex; From 9465afbc17b75467b63234879fe7cf3afedc5a80 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: JAOUAD OUXHAIB s306971 Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2024 21:51:23 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 2/4] revert prettier changes --- src/components/Icon/selection.json | 28 ++++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/components/Icon/selection.json b/src/components/Icon/selection.json index ff453ffa..37c409ee 100644 --- a/src/components/Icon/selection.json +++ b/src/components/Icon/selection.json @@ -5,42 +5,42 @@ { "icon": { "paths": [ - "M822.592 192h14.272c0.015-0 0.032-0 0.049-0 15.82 0 28.958 11.479 31.54 26.562l0.027 0.19 21.312 128c0.276 1.578 0.433 3.394 0.433 5.248 0 17.668-14.318 31.992-31.984 32l-49.345 0-39.040 546.304c-1.239 16.654-15.055 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