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283 lines (233 loc) · 14.1 KB

File metadata and controls

283 lines (233 loc) · 14.1 KB


This file is the source for mappings.lua and intended to be viewed in vi or raw in the browser. In rendered HTML you can't see the mappings in angle brackets, e.g. <Enter> (we don't clutter the tables with backticks).

👉 All default AstroNVim Shortcuts:
👉 :map lists them all


Mapping M What How Cmt
🟣 Fold open zR " folds
🟣 Toggle fold za
🟣 Close ALL Folds zM is ident with

Type z and let which key help you, regarding other options


Mapping M What How Cmt
,c 🟣 Close :close :close ⏎ Close just a split or a tab
,g 🟣 Open file or URL :silent call PyEvalSelection('SmartGoto', '') ⏎
,g 🟢 Open file or URL : silent call PyEvalSelection('SmartGoto', visualmode()) ⏎
,q 🟣 Quit all! :quitall! ⏎
,u 🟣 Undo Tree :UndotreeToggle ⏎
-SEMICOL- 🟣 Buffers open TS().buffers() 🟥 does not repeat last f t F T
🟣 Jump newer (after C-o) C-o jump older -> alt-o is jump newer (since C-i is tab which we need elsewhere)
🟣 Buffer delete :bd! :bd! ⏎ Close window
fg 🟣 Git files TS().git_files()
🟣 Previous edited buffer :ls:b# in your open buffers (toggle back and forth) :b# ⏎ " previous buffer
G 🟣 End of file :$:silent! ?begin-UNDER-archive ⏎ Move stuff you want to keep below a begin_ archive comment and G jumps to that
ff 🟣 Open file(from vi start dir) TS().find_files() You can open many files at once, by selecting them with TAB in the picker
gw 🟣 Live grep words TS().live_grep() 🟥 gw reformat via gq

🟥 Arrow keys resize split windows, i.e. won't work for navigation (hjkl ftw)

  • <Ctl>o Jump last place (u knew that)
  • H L Window left/right selection


Mapping M What How Cmt
,d 🟣 Done - write quit :wq! ⏎
,s 🟣 Toggle Autosave all buffers :ASToggle ⏎ See here
,w 🟣 :FormatAndSave ⏎
🟣 Save File w!
🟣 Resize split down SS().resize_down(2)
🟣 Resize split left SS().resize_left(2)
🟣 Resize split right SS().resize_right(2)
🟣 Resize split up SS().resize_up(2)
d 🟣 Delete noregister '"_d In visual or normal mode, delete w/o overwriting your "pasteable content"
d 🟠 Delete noregister '"_d
S 🟣 Easy global replace :%s//gI
Y 🟣 Yank (like C and D) y$
fj 🟣 Line join $mxjoin ⏎0$[-BACKTICK-dmx h Line join better, position cursor at join point : " (J is para down)
ga 🟣 :Tabularize/
ga 🟢 :Tabularize/
gq 🟣 Format w/o formatexpr gwgw null-ls messes formatexpr for some reason, which affects gq

Hopping Around

Mapping M What How Cmt
,f 🟣 Hop char line HopLine('f')
,t 🟣 Hop char line HopLine('t') vtx: select until char 'x'
11 🟣 First no empty char in line ^ 🟥 The number 11 as count will work
🟤 Jump Left Split
🟣 Jump Left Split
🟤 Jump Right Split
🟣 Jump Right Split
J 🟣 Jump paragraph down }j 🟥 J won't line-join. fj for that
K 🟣 Jump paragraph up {k{kkJ
fk 🟣 Hop char :HopChar1 ⏎
fl 🟣 Hop line :HopLine ⏎


Since f alone is already "find forward char on current line", we cannot display help for those


Mapping M What How Cmt
,D 🟣 Buffer Diagnostics TS().diagnostics({bufnr=0})

👉 :LSPInstall


Mapping M What How Cmt
,1 🟣 Reload init.lua :source ~/.config/nvim/init.lua ⏎
,2 🟣 Edit init.lua :edit ~/.config/nvim/lua/user/init.lua ⏎
,3 🟣 Term in dir of buf :ToggleTerm dir=%:p:h ⏎
,C 🟣 Color Schemes TS().colorscheme({enable_preview=true})
,E 🟣 Vim Eval Into :EvalInto ⏎
,E 🟢 Vim Eval Into :EvalInto ⏎
,G 🟣 Lazygit :TermExec cmd=lazygit ⏎
,W 🟣 Save all buffers :wa ⏎
,r 🟣 VimPythonEval :call PyEvalSelection('Eval', '') ⏎
,r 🟢 VimPythonEval : call PyEvalSelection('Eval', visualmode()) ⏎
🟤 A " Jump to end of line in insert mode
🟣 pds help :edit ~/.config/nvim/lua/user/ ⏎
mm 🟣 Mind Main :MindOpenMain ⏎
mp 🟣 Mind Project :MindOpenSmartProject ⏎
gq 🟠 Format w/o formatexpr gwgw
🟠 Fold all open zO


👉 Everything in the tables is parsed into mappings.lua.

The rest is informational. To (re-)generate mappings.lua, hit ,r (anywhere).

Details: Any line in this file is parsed, which:

  • looks like a MD table row
  • with a single char in 2nd col.


  • foo: lua function -> function () foo end
  • 'foo: (single apo. after start backtick): vim command, equal to foo (MD workaround)
  • -SEMICOL-, -UNDER-, -BACKTICK-: Replaced at parsing (MD and ,t workaround)
  • Function like TS(), SS() are defined in python parser
  • Aliases: | 🟣 n | 🟠 v | 🟢 x | 🟤 i | ⏎ |
  • 🟥: Dubious - might change.



    | M   | Mapping | What | How                       | Cmt                               |
    | --- | ------- | ---- | ------------------------- | --------------------------------- |
    | n   | S       |      | :%s//gI<Left><Left><Left> | " move between splits with alt-jk |




MODES = {'🟣':'n', '🟠': 'v', '🟢': 'x', '🟤': 'i'}
REPL = {' ⏎': '<CR>', '-SEMICOL-': ';', '-BACKTICK-': '`', '-UNDER-': '_'}
   'function SS() return require("smart-splits") end',
   'function TS() return require("telescope.builtin") end',
   'function UU() return require("user.utils") end',
     function HopLine(ft)
           if ft == 'f' then o = 0 else o = -1 end
           require('hop').hint_char1({current_line_only=true, hint_offset=o})

import time, os

# not time, this is comitted:
r = [f'-- Autocreated by parsing', '']
add = lambda k, r=r: r.append(k)
[add(f) for f in FUNCS]
add('return {')
s = '\n'.join(vpe.ctx.src_buf)

def in_backticks(s):
    return s[0]+s[-1] == '``'

def add_line(l, add=add):
    l.extend(['', '', '', ''])
    nr, key, what, how,  cmt = l[:5]
    for k, v in REPL.items():
        key = key.replace(k, v)
        how = how.replace(k, v)
    if not how or not key:
        return vpe.notify(f'wrong line {nr}: {l}')
    key = key[1:-1].strip() if in_backticks(key) else key
    lua = 0
    if in_backticks(how):
        if len(how) > 2 and how[1] == "'":
            how = how[2:-1]
            lua, how =1,  f'function () {how[1:-1]} end'
    if not lua:
        #if how[0] == ':': how += ' ⏎'
        how = how.replace('"', '\\"')
        how = f'"{how}"'
    if cmt:
        add(f'-- {cmt}')
    what = f', desc = "{what}" ' if what else ''
    add(f'["{key}"] = {{ {how}{what} }},')

def add_mode(m, defs, add=add, s=s):
    add(f'{m} = {{')
    [add_line(i) for i in defs]

def by_mode():
    m = {}
    nr =  0
    for l in vpe.ctx.src_buf:
        nr += 1
        if not l.startswith('|'): continue
        l = [i.strip() for i in l.split('|')]
        if l and len(l) > 4:
            mode = l.pop(2)
            mode = MODES.get(mode, mode)
            if len(mode) != 1: continue
            l[0] = nr
            m.setdefault(mode, []).append(l)
    m.pop('M', 0)
    m.pop('-', 0)
    return m

M = by_mode()
[add_mode(m, l) for m, l in M.items()]
with open('mappings.lua', 'w') as fd: fd.write('\n'.join(r))
cmd = 'PATH="$HOME/.local/share/nvim/mason/bin:$PATH" stylua ./mappings.lua'
vpe.notify('💾 Parsing Success', msg='\nHave written: mappings.lua')
vpe.vim.command(f'edit {os.getcwd()}/mappings.lua')
vpe.vim.current.buffer = vpe.ctx.src_buf