CICD Boot uses a configuration script, scripts/
to set up the configuration of the CICD Boot project. In addition to generating a script which can be sourced to your environment shell, this script also modifies package.json
with certain configuration values.
ENV Variable | Package.json config | Default Value | Description |
AWS_REGION | deployment region | ||
ACCOUNT_RES | account id for resources account where pipeline will run | ||
ACCOUNT_DEV | account id for DEV environment account | ||
ACCOUNT_INT | account id for INT environment account | ||
RES_ACCOUNT_AWS_PROFILE | sets the named profile to use for the RES account. this profile must exist in ~/.aws/credentials or ~/.aws/config |
DEV_ACCOUNT_AWS_PROFILE | sets the named profile to use for the DEV account. this profile must exist in ~/.aws/credentials or ~/.aws/config |
INT_ACCOUNT_AWS_PROFILE | sets the named profile to use for the INT account. this profile must exist in ~/.aws/credentials or ~/.aws/config |
AWS_PROFILE | sets the default named profile to use for aws cli or cdk commands when no --profile is provided. set to the same value as RES_ACCOUNT_AWS_PROFILE this profile must exist in ~/.aws/credentials or ~/.aws/config |
applicationName | CICDBoot | sets the name of the Application | |
CDK_QUALIFIER | cdkQualifier | cicdboot | used to distinguish between multiple deployments of a VP project in the same account. Good practice to customize per deployment. |
GIT_REPOSITORY | repositoryName | sets the name of the Git repository in the format org/name | |
repositoryType | sets the type of the repository, GITHUB or CODECOMMIT |
CODESTAR_CONNECTION_ARN | sets the codestar connection required for GITHUB type | ||
CICD_VPC_TYPE | cicdVpcType | NO_VPC | sets the type of the VPC: NO_VPC , VPC , or VPC_FROM_LOOK_UP . |
CICD_VPC_ID | cicdVpcId | for use with VPC_FROM_LOOK_UP to set the vpc ID |
CICD_VPC_CIDR | cicdVpcCidr | | for use with VPC to set the CIDR block of the VPC |
CICD_VPC_CIDR_MASK | cicdVpcCidrMask | 24 | for use with VPC to set the Subnet size |
PROXY_SECRET_ARN | used to set the ARN for the proxy secrets to enable proxy |