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Away Tools |
<p>A collection of open source resources that compliment the workflow and use of the <a href="">Away3D engine</a>. Away Tools are developed and maintained by the non-profit organisation <a href="">The Away Foundation</a>. The initiative is led by a community need for accessible online 3D tooling, and is supported via a voluntary <a href="">partnership program</a>.</p><p>To join the discussion, you can follow us on <a href="">GitHub</a>, jump into the <a href="">Away3D Forums</a> or email us at <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>.</p> |
AwayTools |
Logo_AwayTools_300x300.png |
index.html |
{% include JB/setup %}
{% assign posts_collate = site.posts %} {% include JB/posts_collate %}