AutoCore simulation tool is developed based on Unity engine, which focuses kinematics principle of the vehicle and environment. It could simulate multi type of sensor inputs according to different driving cases and user configurable environmental conditions, so that the autonomous driving system could be tested and tuned in loop.
NOTE: This guideline works with Autoware.AI and Autocore Simulator. If you would like to run Autocore SDK comes with PCU and Autocore simulator, please refer to:
OS: Windows 10
CPU:Intel i5 9100 or higher
GPU:GTX 750Ti or higher
Free disk:>1GB
To use the simulator, you will need to build a simulation environment. In our case, we use one PC and one PCU dev board. As optional, you could also run Autoware software stack on PC to work simulator.
AutoCore PCU dev boards v1.0 x 1 (optional Ubuntu PC x 1)
- Autoware.AI 1.09 or higher for x86
- Autoware 1.14-alpha.1 for ARM64
Simulator PC (Windows)
Connect PC directly to AutoCore PCU's local network port(optianal connected to the same network segment)
To simplify the deployment of Autoware.AI on PCU board, you could also download the official docker image from Autoware:
$ wget -O
$ sudo chmod +x
$ . --ros-distro melodic --tag-prefix 1.14.0-alpha.1 --cuda off --image autoware/arm64v8
You could follow this video to run simulation on PCU dev board:
Run Autoware Simulation on PCU
Launch Autoware 1.14 runtime manager at PCU board.
NOTE: Autoware runtime manager requires GUI, so Linux desktop environments(e.g. xfce) and remote desktop(e.g. xrdp) software shall be installed on PCU firstly. The following command shall be executed on PCU desktop environment.
source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash source Autoware/install/setup.bash #set "ROS_IP", Default IP address of PCU is export ROS_IP= #set "ROS_MASTER_URI", the uri of ros master export ROS_MASTER_URI= #run runtime_manager roslaunch runtime_manager runtime_manager.launch
Start Autocore Simulator
Start Rviz for visulization
Cofigure "ROS_IP" and "ROS_MASTER_URI" in terminal and run Rviz on AutoCore PCU or your laptop which connected to same network, you should be able to see points map and vector map from simulator.
source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash export ROS_IP= export ROS_MASTER_URI= Rviz &
Set tf
In runtime manager, set all the values of baselink to 0, then click button "TF"
Launch localization nodes:
Launch the following ros node for localization:
Make sure you can see points cloud at rviz and ndt_matching result is consistent with the location of the car in the simulator.
Launch planning nodes:
Launch global planning node
and mark goal point in rviz, then planner will generate way to goal point(Blue line at points map)
Launch local planning nodes as following sequence.
op_common_params op_trajectory_generator op_motion_predictor op_trajectory_evaluator op_behavior_selector pure_pursuit twist_filter
When the car under testing starts moving, we can add obstacles, pedestrians and AI cars dynamically.
After launch all the necessary nodes, vehicle doesn't move
a. Verify drive mode is "AutowareSimu" at simulator, if not, please reselect dirve mode.
b. If drive mode is correct, try to restart node "pure_pursuit"
c. If a and b doesn't work, please repeat step 5 and 6 to re-plan. -
Ndt localization result isn't correct.
a. Restart node ndt_matching
b. Set resolution of ndt to 2 or larger