Course Description (Course Tracker)
Proposal Approvals and Office Hours:
Intensive courses are hands on, immersive experiences designed to give students time to apply their skills to building original products (website or apps) and practice software engineering skills. The course is a week of coding all day with daily check ins and feedback from instructors on progress, short instructional session on key concepts, and ongoing support from instructors and classmates. In Spring Intensive 1 the focus is on user testing, shipping products as well best practices and steps to build and pitch an original product in a week. The Intensive culminates with a Demo Night in which each student pitches their product to their classmates, industry professionals and recruiters.
INT 1.3 Spring Intensive 1 is for Juniors while INT 2.3 Spring Intensive 2 is for Seniors. Students will work on similar skills with different evaluation criteria and expectations.
- None
Students by the end of this intensive will be able to ...
- Build and ship an app or product in your language concentration
- Explain the value of your product via a product pitch
- Provide and receive constructive feedback on your app idea, designs, and code
- Scope your product effectively
- Ship products efficiently
Intensive Dates: Monday, March 16 – Friday, March 27 (12 days)
- Please check the College Calendar for office hour times
Session Times: Attendance is required from 9:30 to 5:30 every day including the following sessions on the schedule:
Date | Time | Topics |
Monday, 3/16 | 9:30-10:30am | Intensive Kickoff Ceremony |
10:30-11:00am | Make School Portfolio | |
11:00am-12:30pm, 1:30-5:30pm | Proposal Approval | |
Tuesday, 3/17 | 9:30 am-9:55am | Checkin Standup |
10:00 am-10:50am | Accessibility + Scoping your product effectively | |
Wednesday, 3/18 | 9:30 am-9:55am | Checkin Standup |
10:00 am-10:50am | Debugging with Jess | |
Thursday, 3/19 | 9:30 am-9:55am | Checkin Standup |
10:00 am-10:50am | Shipping Is A Superpower | |
Monday, 3/23 | 9:30 am-9:55am | Checkin Standup |
10:00 am-10:50am | User Testing | |
Tuesday, 3/24 | 9:30 am-9:55am | Checkin Standup |
Wednesday, 3/25 | 10:00am-12:00pm | Pitch Presentations |
Please choose one of the following options to complete by 9am on Monday morning. Turn in your artifact/deliverable for your task in the tracker.
- Pick an old project, improve it and add it to your portfolio. Turn in project live link or code link
- Pick a new language, framework, or tool and complete a brief beginner tutorial/app with it. Turn in github repo
- Pick a technical topic and write a 1500 word blog post about it. Turn in link to article
- Reach out to 10 potential industry contacts and try to set up 2-3 phone conversations. Turn in spreadsheet of icon's names and linkedin profiles you reached out to.
- Write a tutorial (written in Markdown) for how to build a simple project or implement a particular library or feature. Turn in github repo.
- Other: please confirm with your standup instructor. Choices must have a concrete deliverable/artifact that can be turned in
To pass this course you must meet the following requirements:
- Attend all class sessions
- Get your Project Proposal approved on Monday, 3/16: juniors (template), senior (template)
- Meet the project requirements and score minimums as shown in the SPD Intensive Product Rubric
- Present your pitch using the Pitch Rubric
- Program Learning Outcomes - What you will achieve after finishing Make School, all courses are designed around these outcomes.
- Grading System - How grading is done at Make School
- Diversity and Inclusion Statement - Learn about Diversity and Inclusion at Make School
- Academic Honesty - Our policies around plagerism, cheating, and other forms of academic misconduct
- Attendance Policy - What we expect from you in terms of attendance for all classes at Make School
- Course Credit Policy - Our policy for how you obtain credit for your courses
- Disability Services (Academic Accommodations) - Services and accommodations we provide for students
- Student Handbook - Guidelines, policies, and resources for all Make School students