EastNews is a multi-process online-storage, Nodejs-based web crawler system.
- eastmoney_list -- crawler for news list
- eastmoney_content -- crawler for news content
- eastmoney_list_update -- updater for news list
- eastmoney_content_update -- updater for news content
- Rely on the sl.json which provide the stock list
- The data will be writen to blob the blob key is set in the ev.sh
- Should set the ENV for blob storage:
- The cintainer name is in the eastnews_config.js
$ source ev.sh
module.exports = {
blob_container: 'twjcontainer', // blob container name
rurl: 'http://so.eastmoney.com/Web/GetSearchList',// eastmoney search api
- Rely on the list data in the blob container for list.
- The container is the same as the eastmoney_list
- This script will overwrite the list file on the blob adding a new field of the news blob url
- TODO: merger the schema updater to this part
- TODO: merge the schema updater to this part
news_tags: &news_tags
- title
news_fields: &news_fields
detail_url: # blob url to the whole schema
pv: # view number
cv: # comments number
active_window: # the influence duration of the news
related_codes: # the stocks relat to this news
author: # the author of this news
news: &news
database: news
measurement: news
fields: *news_fields
tags: *news_tags
npm install redis jsdom influx cheerio azure-storage