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-# Kaizoyu
-XDCC based free Anime streaming platform for Android devices
+The Kaizoyu App is an anime streaming platform¹ exclusive for Android devices. Watch anime for free
+without any torrents, web-scraping, or highly compressed online video files.
+¹ Although we consider the app to be a streaming platform, it is, in fact, a Kitsu, Nibl.co.uk and XDCC client
+[Want to jump right in?, download here](https://github.com/astarivi/KaizoDelivery/releases)
+## Features
+The Kaizoyu App ships with many features out of the box, some of them are:
+- Simple interface, with high, and low contrast themes included
+- Stream anime freely with the included XDCC player
+- Multiple video qualities available
+- Weekly schedule for new anime episode launches
+- Add your favorite shows to favorites, and find them later easily
+- No torrents, no web-scraping, no file sharing, only direct downloads
+- Secure; encrypted where possible
+## Download
+To download the Kaizoyu App, go to the download page, get the latest version, and download Universal.
+[Download here](https://github.com/astarivi/KaizoDelivery/releases)
+Or visit the Kaizoyu App homepage and download it from there. It will fetch the latest version and
+start the download for you.
+[Go to homepage](https://kaizoyu.ovh)
+## Plans
+### Will do
+- Resume player where it was left last time (important)
+- Android TV Support
+- Download episodes
+- Play episodes online
+- Online sync of favorites
+- Accounts
+- In-app report system for missing anime episodes (for now use Discord)
+- Multiple lists
+- Server side recommendations
+### Won't do
+- Manga reader
+- Subtitles in languages other than English * This is a tech limitation
+- Sources other than torrent
+### Experimental
+- Remote watch together
+- Local watch together
+- XDCC web player with host companion app
+## Disclaimer
+- None of the audiovisual content found inside the app is hosted by the Kaizo Team or any of its contributors.
+- All shows information is retrieved from public API Kitsu, and episode search is powered by the Nibl.co.uk API.
+- KaizoServices does not host any copyrighted material, and only contains metadata files.
+- Content found inside the app is not guaranteed to come from legitimate sources.
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