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This branch is 251 commits behind substrait-io/substrait:main.


Substrait Site

This directory contains the source for the Substrait site.

  • Site structure is maintained in mkdocs.yml
  • Pages are maintained in markdown in the docs/ folder
  • Links use bare page names: [link text](target-page)


The site is built using mkdocs. To install mkdocs and the theme, run:

# Activate the virtual environment (if installed)
cd site/
. venv/bin/activate
# Install or update the dependencies
pip install -r ./requirements.txt

It is easier to use virtualenv to keep the Python dependencies for site/ separate from your other projects and/or distinct from system managed Python dependencies.

  • To use virtualenv, you need Python 3.7/3.8 installed locally.
    • For Ubuntu: apt-get install python3 virtualenv
    • For MacOS/brew: brew install python pyenv-virtualenv
  • Install the virtual environment:
    # cd to the site/ directory
    cd site/
    # setup the virtual environment (only needed once)
    virtualenv -p $(which python3) venv
    # activate the virtual environment
    . venv/bin/activate
    # Install or update the dependencies as usual
    pip install -r ./requirements.txt

Local Changes

To see changes locally before committing, use mkdocs to run a local server from this directory.

mkdocs serve
