- Play store link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=sanskritcode.sanskritdictionaryupdater
- Ratings Certificate
- Signed apk is also released in this repository.
See comment in MainActivity.java for a rough understanding of the code.
Review notifications setup: https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/138230?hl=en
- Just open an issue in the most appropriate project (stardict-sanskrit, stardict-hindI, stardict-kannada, stardict-pAlI, stardict-tamiL, stardict-telugu), or if there is no match, in this project.
- We will just need to list your dictionary repository in <dictioanryIndices.md>. Open an issue in this project.
- Creating your dictionary repository:
- Just follow the pattern you observe in, say this repo.
- Note that the filename of your dictionary should have two parts, separated by __, as in
.- The first part should be the actual dictionary name, the second the timestamp.
- All stardict and other dictionary files should have names matching the dictionary name specified above.