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acts_as_versioned is a gem for Rails 3.1 & 3.2 to enable easy versioning of models. As a versioned model is updated revisions are kept in a seperate table, providing a record of what changed.

Getting Started


In your Gemfile simply include:

gem 'acts_as_versioned', :git => ''

The next time you run bundle install you'll be all set to start using acts_as_versioned.



Versioning a Model

By default acts_as_versioned is unobtrusive. You will need to explicitly state which models to version. To do so, add the line acts_as_versioned to your model, like so:

class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base

Next we need to create a migration to setup our versioning tables:

bundle exec rails generate migration AddVersioningToMyModel

Once that is completed, edit the generated migration. acts_as_versioned patches your model to add a create_versioned_table and drop_versioned_table method. A migration for MyModel (assuming MyModel already existed) might look like:

class AddVersioningToMyModel < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def self.up

  def self.down

Execute your migration:

bundle exec rake db:migrate

And you're finished! Without any addition work, MyModel is being versioned.

Excluding attributes from versioning

Sometime you want to exclude an attribute of a model from being versioned. That can be accomplished with the :except paramter to acts_as_versioned:

class MyMode < ActiveRecord::Base
  acts_as_versioned :except => :some_attr_i_dont_want_versioned

Changes to some_attr_i_dont_want_versioned won't trigger an updated version


Recording a history of changes to a model is only useful if you can do something with that data. With acts_as_versioned there are several ways you can interact with a model's revisions.

Version Number

To determine what the current version number for a model is:


The version attribute is available for both the actual model, and also any revisions of a model. Thusly, the following is valid:

Revisions List

As alluded to above, you can get an array of revisions of a model via the versions attribute:


The returned objects are of a type MyModel::Version where MyModel is the model you are working with. These objects have identical fields to MyModel. So, if MyModel had a name attribute, you could also say:
Reverting to a Revision

To revert a model to an older revision, simply call revert_to with the version number you desire to rever to:

Saving Without Revisions

Occasionally you might need to save a model without necessary creating revisions. To do so, use the save_without_revision method:



Adding a field to your model does not automatically add it to the versioning table. So, when you add new fields, be sure to add them to both:

class AddNewFieldToMyModel < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    add_column :my_models, :new_field_, :string
    add_column :my_model_versions, :new_field_, :string

Version Class

As has been stated, the versioned data is stored seperately from the main class. This also implies that model.versions returns an area of object of a class other than MyModel (where model is an instance of MyModel, keeping with our working example). The instances returned are actually of type MyModel::Version. With this, comes the fact that any methods, associations, etc. defined on MyModel are not present on MyModel::Version.

While this sounds obvious, it can some times be unexpected. Especially when acts_as_versioned make it so easy to grab historical records from a live record. A common scenario where this can come up is associations.

Say MyModel belongs to TheMan. Also, assume that you want to find out where (in the past) a particular instance of MyModel was updated in regards to it's association to TheMan. You could write that as:

model.versions.keep_if { |m| m.the_man != current_man }.last

However, this will not work. This is because MyModel::Version does not belong to TheMan. You could compare ids here, or you could patch MyModel::Version to belong to TheMan like:

class MyModel
  belongs_to :the_men
  #some stuff
  class Version
    belongs_to :the_men