This document provides solutions regarding the saving and loading of tuned models with Intel® Low Precision Optimization Tool.
For PyTorch eager model, Intel® Low Precision Optimization Tool will automatically save tuning configure and weights of model which meet target goal when tuning process.
# In lpot/strategy/
def stop(self, timeout, trials_count):
if, self.baseline):
......, os.path.dirname(self.deploy_path))
# In lpot/adaptor/
def save(self, model, path):
'''The function is used by tune strategy class for saving model.
model (object): The model to saved.
path (string): The path where to save.
path = os.path.expanduser(path)
os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
with open(os.path.join(path, "best_configure.yaml"), 'w') as f:
yaml.dump(self.tune_cfg, f, default_flow_style=False)
except IOError as e:
logger.error("Unable to save configure file. %s" % e), os.path.join(path, ""))
Here, deploy_path is defined in configure yaml file. Default path is ./lpot_workspace/$framework/$module_name/, this folder will saving tuning history, deploy yaml, tuning configure and model weights. Tuning configure and weights files name are "best_configure.yaml" and "".
path: /path/to/saving/directory
If you want get tuned model, you can load tuning configure and weights in saving folder.
# In utils/
def load(tune_cfg_file, weights_file, model):
"""Execute the quantize process on the specified model.
tune_cfg_file (file): the tune configure file.
model (object): fp32 model need to do quantization.
(object): quantized model
assert os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser(tune_cfg_file)), \
"tune configure file %s didn't exist" % tune_cfg_file
assert os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser(weights_file)), \
"weight file %s didn't exist" % weights_file
q_model = copy.deepcopy(model.eval())
with open(os.path.expanduser(tune_cfg_file), 'r') as f:
tune_cfg = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.UnsafeLoader)
op_cfgs = _cfg_to_qconfig(tune_cfg)
_propagate_qconfig(q_model, op_cfgs)
# sanity check common API misusage
if not any(hasattr(m, 'qconfig') and m.qconfig for m in q_model.modules()):
logger.warn("None of the submodule got qconfig applied. Make sure you "
"passed correct configuration through `qconfig_dict` or "
"by assigning the `.qconfig` attribute directly on submodules")
q_model = convert(q_model, inplace=True)
weights = torch.load(os.path.expanduser(weights_file))
return q_model
- Saving model:
Intel® Low Precision Optimization Tool will automatically save tuning configure and weights of model which meet target goal when tuning process. - loading model:
model # fp32 model
from lpot.utils.pytorch import load
quantized_model = load(
os.path.join(Path, 'best_configure.yaml'),
os.path.join(Path, ''), model)