# AryansSpotifyTools
#### Video Demo: https://youtu.be/AjHZCiDU-Wk
#### Description: A lightweight tool built in python enabling the user to access new features and extend existing spotify functionality not available on the native app. Currently this app is the earliest release version, but I certainly do intend to publish later updates and versions with more capabilities in the near future as I further work on this project.
This was a wonderful experience as it was my first ever project built in python. I learnt how to use various libraries and API's and GUI tools and further learned how to think. I am enthusiastic to continue to develop more applications and software in python as my experience building my first project was exhilirating.
The feature i was most looking forward to building when i first started developing this project was the shuffle feature. Being an avid spotify user, i noticed when i'm listening to my main playlist of around 2000 songs, my playlist doesn't really shuffle. I just have to listen to the same songs over and over and I probably get to listen to a couple hundred different songs (bold assumption) while my playlist has thousands of tracks to play!
Current Features: Login, View Playlists, View songs in playlist, Shuffle Playlists, Logout, Display playlist information, Display basic user information
Features to be implemented: A more secure approach to logging in, Mini-Player, Sort playlists by genre (& other sorting parameters), Visualiser, Random song playback, Display secondary user information, a more polished and optimised user interface and experience and more...