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xCaliper - A Proposal

Chris Vento and Anthony Whyte


Caliper Analytics® is an IMS specification developed by IMS member organizations (universities and suppliers, now numbering 430). Caliper defines an information model, learning domain-specific controlled vocabularies, and a common data interchange format for describing, collecting and exchanging learning activity data between systems. Caliper governance, development activities, and asset curation practices are determined by IMS member organizations operating in partnership with IMS staff.

The Experience API (xAPI) is a pioneering specification developed by ADL and a number of suppliers that "facilitates the documentation and communication of learning experiences." [xAPI spec, part 1]. xAPI is a data transport specification that provides a standard messaging format and rules governing the processing, storage and retrieval of xAPI statements over HTTP. Unlike Caliper, the xAPI spec does not specify domain-specific controlled vocabularies for describing learning interactions. Rather it leaves it to the marketplace to define how learning experiences are to be described. ADL has encouraged xAPI adopters to form "Communities of Practice" (CoP) in order to develop learning domain-specific controlled vocabularies. Currently, twelve CoPs are listed in ADL's index. However, no central authority currently oversees CoP governance or curation of xAPI verbs, recipes and profiles produced by COPs or other entities.

A 2016 IMS comparison of Caliper and xAPI described the two specifications as not equivalent but complementary. We concur with this view. We believe addressing .edu concerns should be Caliper's primary focus. We also believe that Caliper's design, governance, and increasingly, industry support is well suited to support an interoperable and scalable learning data services infrastructure for the .edu domain. With that in mind we propose xCaliper as a program that aims to both promote .edu Caliper adoption as well as support IMS members and others who need to support both Caliper and xAPI. We propose the following xCaliper initiatives:

  1. document and make available mappings of the terms employed by both specifications.

  2. establish an ADL/IMS community-supported Learning Profile repository for publicizing and sharing Caliper and xAPI profile and recipe assets.

  3. adjust the Caliper information model to capture certain xAPI concepts and attributes not currently described.

  4. develop a transducer service for converting xAPI statements to Caliper Events as both an aid to adoption and as a way of lowering both producer and consumer costs associated with supporting both specifications.


The following assertions inform our thinking regarding the xCaliper program proposal. They should be reviewed and challenged if disagreement exists.

  1. xAPI enjoys a "first-mover" status that we acknowledge. ADL released xAPI version 1.0 in April 2013, some 30 months prior to the release of Caliper 1.0 (October 2015). Caliper should focus its energies on serving the .edu domain. xAPI's SCORM lineage and market presence gives it a certain natural advantages as regards the corporate training market since it provides a ready route to escape the limitations imposed by the CMI data model and ADL SCORM runtime. Nevertheless, Caliper has made significant strides in market adoption among the most important sources of learning data: LMS providers. Blackboard, D2L, Instructure, and Moodle are all leading the way with Caliper adoption. The situation is the same with major educational content providers such as Elsevier, McGraw Hill Education, and VitalSource. Other leading learning platform providers such as Kaltura and Explorance are also adopting Caliper. This success has been achieved with the active support of major universities such as the University of California, Berkeley, the University of Michigan and the Unizin Consortium.

  2. Caliper provides an event-based, extensible information model, composed of profiles that define learning domain-specific concepts, relationships and rules. The model is optimized for describing and collecting learning interactions at a granular level and is augmented by a simple API for transmitting learning data to consuming endpoints. Unlike xAPI, Caliper is opinionated and defines profiles and events that enforce vocabulary agreement between implementers in order to ensure both data and semantic interoperability between systems. As a result learning activity data sourced from a variety of providers can more easily be consumed, understood, blended and analyzed. We believe this approach is well-suited to serving the .edu domain.

  3. Caliper governance and curation practices backed by the IMS community provide at present a more internally consistent and sustainable development ecoystem than ADL's de-centralized, CoP approach to xAPI profile development and curation.

  4. Caliper is not dependent on other IMS specifications. Nevertheless it benefits from opportunities to align with sibling specifications such as Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) and OneRoster. xAPI neither enforces vocabulary agreement between adopters nor benefits from the synergies implicit in the IMS ecosystem. ADL has produced a Companion Spec for xAPI Vocabularies and recently an xAPI Profiles specification in partnership with the Data Interoperability Standards Consortium. Rustici offers an xAPI Registry under its "Tin Can API" brand that provides listings of xAPI verbs, recipes and profiles. The ADL-sponsored companion specifications are admirable additions but in no way solve the fundamental interoperability concerns regarding vocabulary agreement and use.

  5. xAPI is a transport specification limited to HTTP request/response messaging. Caliper is messaging protocol neutral (although it should be noted that currently, Caliper's certification suite only accepts test messages over HTTP). Caliper encourages implementers to utilize whatever transport protocol aligns with their business needs and industry best practice. UT Austin, for example, is implementing Caliper using MQTT, a lightweight publish/subscribe messaging protocol optimised for IOT.

  6. Caliper's data interchange format is easier to query than xAPI's statement format, with the added benefit of utilizing the JSON-LD syntax for serializing Linked Data. Unlike Caliper Events, xAPI statements are not typed, forcing implementers to construct more complicated queries to retrieve data. xAPI statement design forces frequent overuse of context.extensions in order to capture contextual information otherwise modeled by Caliper. Interoperability is undercut as a result. xAPI's use of language maps also complicates querying and adds unnecessary statement bloat.

  7. xAPI data streams are typically unstructured and focus on packaging up a wide spectrum of locally-described learning experience data for transmission to a learning record store (LRS). The Babel-like character of these sorts of data streams is problematic from an interoperability perspective. The xAPI community has begun to recognize this serious shortcoming in approach. While xAPI profiles and recipes do exist they often remain "local" in inspiration and usage (e.g., the JISC recipes). Other efforts such as the MedBiquitous profiles and recipes and vocabulary look more like draft works-in-progress than published artifacts. Both AICC's cmi5 and ADL's SCORM profiles are both robust efforts intended for general use but with limited applicability to the .edu sector. Nevertheless, the profiles and recipes provide a useful mechanism for mapping xAPI statements to Caliper events.

  8. We should commence a cross-walk of the two specifications and map .edu relevant xAPI profiles, recipes and Statements (both unstructured and those linked to profiles and recipes) to Caliper Profiles and Events. Caliper includes a Basic Profile that allows implementers to compose generic events referencing any Caliper Action or Entity described by the model. The profile provides a built-in extension mechanism for implementers who need to compose events that have yet to be modeled in other described profiles. Unstructured xAPI statements can be mapped to the Basic Profile with minor rule adjustments. Opting for the inverse and expressing/serializing a Caliper Event as an xAPI Statement we think would result in a substantial loss in fidelity.

What is xCaliper?

xCaliper is best conceived of as a program rather than simply a service offering. First up would be a joint ADL-IMS cross-walk of the two specs that would result in a Caliper-xApi mapping of terms, an exercise beneficial to both communities. xCaliper would establish an ADL/IMS community-supported Learning Profile repository for publicizing and sharing Caliper and xAPI profile and recipe assets. xCaliper would also provide a transducer service that converts or caliperizes inbound xAPI data streams prior to forwarding transformed messages to a target endpoint. Conversely, the transducer could also be used to transform or caliperize outbound xAPI statements emitted from an LRS. The service could also operate on Caliper data streams as a validation service. If warranted, the transducer could be envisioned as a general caliperization service, perhaps with a plugin architecture so that learning activities generated in conformance with other specifications (e.g., W3C ActivityStreams) can also be transformed.

Figure 1 - xCaliper Overview

Accommodating two specifications or transitioning from one model to another involves cost and takes time. Existing xAPI producers serving the .edu domain can adopt a gradualist adoption strategy by leveraging the xCaliper transducer service, reducing the pressure to add or rewrite code so that it can emit both xAPI Statements and Caliper Events. xAPI producers might also be encouraged to provide hints to the transducer service via xAPI Statement context.extensions in order to simplify conversion of Statements to particular Caliper events. Likewise, Caliper endpoint providers can harness the transducer in order to interoperate with xAPI-enabled applications without the need to implement an xAPI consumer service.

If xAPI terms, profiles, and recipes could be mapped and then deprecated in favor of associated Caliper profiles then both the IMS and the xAPI communities can join together to work collectively on expanding metric profiles to cover more and more learning activity use case scenarios. An IMS community supported "Profile" registry would help here, providing a public space for locating both Caliper and xAPI profile and registry assets.

Expected Market Impact for xCaliper

The xCaliper program is intended to establish links between xAPI and Caliper. Mapping terms between the two specifications would benefit both communities. The Profile Registry would provide a centralized hub of curated assets. The transducer service should help simplify the task of consuming learning data sourced from both xAPI and Caliper producers. The xCaliper transducer is also intended to encourage adoption of Caliper by performing the heavy lifting of mapping xAPI terms to Caliper terms and converting xAPI Statements to Caliper Events. Not least, xCaliper provides a path for the two communities to synchronize efforts focused on improving the description, collection, transmission, storage and use of learning activity data.

xCaliper would benefit from the active input of ADL. Cross-walk mapping exercises should be a joint effort between ADL and Team Caliper. If the xCaliper transducer service is established as an open source effort, opportunities may exist to include xAPI contributors in the project. Once xCaliper reaches MVP status we should have a viable market solution that dovetails with the increasing number of analytics implementations that we anticipate will need to support both Caliper and xAPI. How the respective IMS and xAPI development work groups and communities begin to work together needs to be addressed in order to establish a more formalized and structured collaborative effort.

The xCaliper Transducer Service

xCaliper will provide a transducer or conversion service designed to transform xAPI statements into Caliper events. Caliper events will also be accepted and either routed directly to a target endpoint or validated before transmission elsewhere. Converted xAPI statements will be expressed as JSON-LD. Caliper terms will supercede xAPI terms whenever exact match and near match mappings exist. In certain cases, xAPI Activity types and verbs will be retained in order to preserve Statement semantics across the conversion. This may result in statement-to-event conversions that extend existing Caliper controlled vocabularies.

Mapping xAPI vocabularies to Caliper terms will require the establishment and maintenance of data dictionaries or mapping files. Defining and publishing mappings between terms (perhaps using the SKOS vocabulary mapping properties) should be included in the scope of the proposed IMS "Profiles Registry". Indeed, we recommend that IMS propose to Rustici that they consider retiring their commercial-backed registry in favor of an IMS-sponsored replacement.

We should also consider extending the Caliper Event model to include certain xAPI concepts such as Statement Authority, Statement reference (i.e., a pointer to a pre-existing statement), SubStatement (i.e, prediction or statement of intention, or anticipated future action), Statement attachments and perhaps Statement signing. Caliperizing these concepts will help maintain fidelity during the conversion process and reduce the need to unmatched xAPI concepts to Event.extensions.

What follows is a preliminary walkthrough of likely xCaliper transducer behavior with respect to xAPI message header and statement property processing with example JSON / JSON-LD. For a visualization of xAPI Statement processing see Appendix A below.

Message Header processing

The transducer will process both PUT (single statement) and POST (single statement, batch statements) HTTP requests. Message headers will be inspected, in particular Content-Type and the custom X-Experience-API-Version request headers. xAPI message requests normally set the Content-Type value to "application/json". Statement requests that include Attachments use the "multipart/mixed" content type.

Regarding Content-Type handling the transducer service should consider adopting behaviors that mirror LRS requirements as described in the xAPI Spec, sections 1.5.1 and 1.5.2:

"application/json" document types

  • accept PUT or POST requests that include Statement batches containing either no Attachment objects or Attachment objects with a defined fileURL.

"multipart/mixed" document types

  • accept PUT or POST requests that include Statement batches containing Attachments in the transmission format described in the xAPI spec.

  • reject PUT or POST requests that include Statement batches that include Attachments that lack a defined fileURL or fail to match a received Attachment part based on their hash.

  • assume a Content-Transfer-Encoding of binary for Attachment parts when receiving a PUT or POST requests.

  • reject Statement batches that are larger than the transducer is configured to allow.

  • accept batches of Statements which contain no Attachment Objects when receiving a PUT or POST requests.

  • accept batches of Statements which contain only Attachment Objects with a populated fileUrl when receiving a PUT or POST requests.

The transducer will process 1.0.x Statements only. The service will reject requests without a custom xAPI version header (pre xAPI version 0.95) or with a version header set to a value other than "1.0.0" unless such requests are routed to a fully conformant implementation of the prior version specified in the header (see xAPI Spec 2.4.10 and 3.3).

Mapping Event types

Converting an xAPI Statement to a Caliper Event subtype such as a MessageEvent is not a straightforward operation. Unlike Caliper, which is explicit in its use of Event subtypes for descriptive purposes and as an aid to querying (e.g., AssessmentEvent, MessageEvent etc.), xAPI Statement "types" are defined optionally by specifying a context.contextActivities array consisting of one or more category object values. Each category is defined as "an Activity used to categorize the Statement". The array can be used to link a Statement to a profile such as cmi5 (see cmi5 9.6.2 contextActivities.

However, xAPI profiles and recipes are neither uniformly consistent in design nor referenced consistently in xAPI statements. The xAPI spec provides an example of a Statement referencing cmi5 contextActivities categories (see xAPI Spec Appendix B: cmi5. The transducer should be able to leverage this information when attempting to map a Statement to a Caliper Event type. On the other hand, the JISC recipes do not utilize context.contextActivities to link its xAPI Statements to a particular recipe choosing instead to provide a generic recipe reference in context.extensions (see JISC logged in example. These sorts of Statement variations may prove challenging when attempting to poll xAPI profiles and recipes for hints.

In cases where an xAPI Statement resists conversion to a Caliper Event subtype, the transducer will convert the Statement to a generic Event. That said, there are other ways to map an xAPI Statement to a Caliper Event subtype. Certain Statement verb choices such as "annotated", "logged-in" or "logged-out" should prove sufficient to map a Statement to a AnnotationEvent or a SessionEvent. Statement "types" can also be inferred from the Activity Object Definition (see xAPI Spec If an xAPI object is typed as an Activity it may include an optional activity definition object property that provides additional metadata regarding the activity including a recommended type IRI. If a definition.type value is provided the transducer could use it to map the Statement to a Caliper Event type.

  "object": {
    "id": "",
    "definition": {
      "type": "",
      . . .
    "objectType": "Activity"


  "@context": "",
  "id": "urn:uuid:27734504-068d-4596-861c-2315be33a2a2",
  "type": "AssessmentEvent",
  . . .
  "object": {
    "id": "",
    "type": "Assessment"
    . . .

Other mappings may require more complex associations involving Statement verb, object, and other property combinations. For instance, if a Statement includes a result in combination with a verb with a value of "completed", "earned", "failed", "graded", "passed" or "scored" transducer could infer that the Statement is scoring related and map it to a Caliper GradeEvent. The transducer may well need to employ a duck typing strategy to map these sort of associations.

Statement id processing

xAPI Statement providers are not required to provide a UUID identifier (the LRS must set it if not provided). If a UUID is provided the transducer will map it to as a URN using the form urn:uuid:<UUID>. If the Statement is not provisioned with a UUID transducer will generate and assign a UUID , perhaps with a "log" reference to UUID assignment in a changeLog object in Event.extensions.

  "id": "urn:uuid:1b557176-ba67-4624-b060-6bee670a3d8e",
  "type": "Event",
  . . .
  "extensions": {
    "changeLog": {
      "dateConverted": "2017-11-18T11:59:59.000Z",
      "idAssignedBy": "xCaliper | Provider"

Statement actor processing

An xAPI Statement actor can be an Agent or a Group (a collection of type Agent). The transducer will map the xAPI Statement actor to the Caliper typed as a Caliper Person or Group.

  "actor": {
    "mbox": "mailto:[email protected]",
    "name": "Example Learner",
    "objectType": "Agent"


  "actor": {
    "id": "mailto:[email protected]",
    "type": "Person",
    "name": "Example Learner"

Each xAPI Agent includes a required "inverse functional identifier" comprising either an mbox mailto IRI (email address), hex-encoded SHA1 hash of a mbox mailto IRI, OpenId or an account object that represents a user account on an existing system such as an LMS. Given that an xAPI Agent can be assigned a non-IRI identifier we will need to establish a conversion rule for the transducer when such identifiers are encountered. For example, an xAPI object can be assigned an otherwise opaque value representing a unique login id or name.

  "actor": {
    "account": {
      "homePage": "",
      "name": "1625378"
    "objectType": "Agent"
  "actor": {
    "id": "???",
    "type": "Person",
    "extensions": {
      "xapi": {
        "account": {
          "homePage": "",
          "name": "1625378"

Statement verb processing

The absence of firm xAPI governance and curation practices means that anyone can mint a verb for use in an xAPI statement. That said, Rustici has made an attempt to provide the xAPI community with a registry of xAPI verbs. Most of the "Tincan" verbs are drawn from the W3C Activity Streams 1.0 specification, a verb set much reduced in size in the re-scoped Activity Streams 2.0 release. ADL's set of xAPI verbs are also included. Rustici has itself contributed a robust set of verbs to the registry. A small set of additional verbs are drawn from a variety of commercial providers including Brindleway, HT2 Labs (Curatr), RISC and Andrew Downes among others. Not all verbs in the Rustici registry focus on learning (e.g., "laughed", "purchased", "ran", "walked").

  Caliper ADL xAPI Rustici xAPI Activity Streams 2.0 Activity Streams 1.0 Others
Total 64 30 46 28 88 19

Where equivalencies exist between the various verb vocabularies the transducer can simply map the term to the appropriate action, as the following example illustrates:

  "verb": {
    "id": "",
    "display": {
      "en-US": "logged in"
  "action": "LoggedIn"

As the Caliper information model evolves the number of defined actions will increase, enhancing the transducer's ability to substitute Caliper actions for xAPI verbs. For instance, the draft Caliper Digital Badges profile slated for Caliper 1.2 adds a dozen new actions. However, there are many xAPI verb object representations that have no ready equivalent in Caliper. Consider ADL's list of 30 xAPI verbs. As of today, we can map 13 ADL verbs (43.33%) to Caliper actions. Of the 13 verbs we can achieve an exact match on 8 (26.66%) and a near match on 5 (16.66%), such as converting ADL's "updated" to Caliper's "modified". In such cases, xAPI verb IRIs will be need to be assigned as values:

  "verb": {
    "id": "",
    "display": {
      "en-US": "attended"
  "action": ""

Statement object processing

Likewise, various xAPI vocabularies define Activity types for use when the object of a Statement is an "Activity" rather than an Agent, Group, Substatement or Statement Reference. Despite the confusing nomenclature (inherited from ActivityStreams) an xAPI Activity is equivalent to a Caliper Entity. Each xAPI Activity type is provisioned with a required id of type IRI and optional objectType (type = string of value "Activity") and definition object. The definition or "Activity Definition Object" provides additional recommended and optional metadata about the Activity (see xAPI spec

The Rustici TinCan registry defines 110 Activity Types drawn principally from Rustici, W3C Activity Streams 1.0, and ADL. A small set of additional verbs are drawn from a variety of commercial providers including Brindleway, HT2 Labs (Curatr), RISC and Andrew Downes among others. In addition, W3C Activity Streams 2.0 defines 8 Core types, 5 Actor types, 12 Object types, and 1 Link Type.

  Caliper ADL xAPI Rustici xAPI Activity Streams 2.0 Activity Streams 1.0 Others
Total 44 16 58 26 28 8

Not all the Activity Types listed in the Rustici Tincan registry describe learning-related objects (e.g., "sales opportunity", "security role", "changed diaper").

Whenever the xAPI Statement object.objectType = "Activity", the transducer would convert the xAPI Statement object to a Caliper Entity. As of Caliper 1.1 we can map a minimum 48 xAPI Activity Types (43.63%) listed in the Rustici Tincan Registry directly to Caliper Entity subtypes. ADL describes fourteen Activity Types. Eight of these types (57.14%) can be mapped to available Caliper entities. The remaining six Activity Types (42.85%) could either be mapped to the generic Entity or retain the original type and provide an inline JSON-LD context as described below.

If type equivalency can be established, the transducer would convert the xAPI Activity type to an Entity subtype. The transducer would also attempt to convert Activity definition object properties to Caliper Entity properties (e.g., name to name). xAPI properties that resist mapping to an existing Caliper property would be added to Entity.extensions.

  "object": {
    "id": "",
    "definition": {
      "name": {
        "en-US": "Assessment no. 5"
      "type": ""
    "objectType": "Activity"


  "object": {
    "id": "",
    "type": "Assessment",
    "name": "Assessment no. 5"

If no Caliper type exists that matches an xAPI Activity type the transducer could retain the original type by defining for it an inline @context as part of the conversion process.

  "object": {
    "id": "",
    "definition": {
      "name": {
        "en-US": "Simulation no. 1"
      "type": ""
    "objectType": "Activity"


  "object": {
    "@context": {
      "adl": "",
      "simulation": "adl:simulation"
    "id": "",
    "type": "simulation",
    "name": "Simulation no. 1"

Otherwise, the transducer could convert the unmatched xAPI Activity Type as a generic Entity and record the Activity Object Type in Entity.extensions.

  "object": {
    "id": "",
    "definition": {
      "name": {
        "en-US": "xCaliper Meeting"
      "type": ""
    "objectType": "Activity"


  "object": {
    "id": "",
    "type": "Entity",
    "name": "xCaliper Meeting",
    "extensions": {
      "xapi": {
        "object": {
          "definition": {
            "type": ""

If the xAPI Statement object.objectType = "Agent" or "Group", the transducer would map the xAPI Statement object to a Caliper Person, Group as described above for converting the Statement actor.

If the xAPI Statement object.objectType = "StatementRef" the transducer can either map the xAPI Statement object to a generic Caliper Event or retain the xAPI type and provide an inline @context based on Jason Haag's draft xAPI ontology. Note that an xAPI StatementRef object is provisioned with an id and type only. If the transducer were to convert a StatementRef to a generic Caliper Event certain required properties (i.e., actor, action, object, endTime) could not be set⎯a violation of the current Caliper model.

  "object": {
    "objectType": "StatementRef",
    "id": "8f87ccde-bb56-4c2e-ab83-44982ef22df0"


  "object": {
    "id": "urn:uuid:8f87ccde-bb56-4c2e-ab83-44982ef22df0",
    "type": "Event"


  "object": {
    "@context": {
      "xapi": "",
      "StatementRef": "xapi:StatementRef"
    "id": "urn:uuid:8f87ccde-bb56-4c2e-ab83-44982ef22df0",
    "type": "StatementRef"

Similarly, if the object.objectType = "SubStatement" the transducer can either map the xAPI Statement object to a generic Caliper Event or retain the xAPI type and provide an inline @context with a term drawn from Jason Haag's draft xAPI ontology. The xAPI SubStatement should include values for all required Caliper Event properties.

Statement result processing

Unlike Caliper, xAPI provides its Statement with a top-level result property. This sort of privileging is understandable given xAPI's SCORM antecedent and roots in corporate training where compliance is a key goal. The xAPI Result object is a map without an id or a type specified which creates conversion challenges. Despite Caliper modeling both a Score and a Result the transducer may need to retain the xAPI result object as is and define an inline @context for it from terms drawn from Jason Haag's draft xAPI ontology. The object could be recorded in Event.generated or Event.extensions if the former is deemed inappropriate since the object would not be typed as an Entity.

  "result": {
    "score": {
      "scaled": 0.95
    "success": true,
    "completion": true,
    "duration": "PT1234S"


  "generated": {
    "@context": {
      "xapi": "",
      "result": "xapi:Result",
      "score": "xapi:Score",
      "completion": "xapi:completion",
      "duration": "xapi:duration",
      "scaled": "xapi:scaled",
      "success": "xapi:success"
    "result": {
      "score": {
        "scaled": 0.95
      "success": true,
      "completion": true,
      "duration": "PT1234S"

Statement context processing

The xAPI Statement context property attempts to capture portions of the learning context in which a Statement is situated. All xAPI context properties are considered optional. The transducer will copy the context as is to Event.extensions if provided. Certain property values could be extracted from the Statement context and mapped to various Caliper Event properties as is noted below.

xAPI Type Description
context.registration UUID The registration identifier of a Context object. Copy to Event.extensions
context.instructor Agent or Group Copy to Event.extensions.xapi.context. Assuming is a course the instructor could also be added to the CourseOffering/CourseSection extensions property. Group Copy to Event.extensions. The team value could also be mapped to Event.membership.organization (although xAPI does not appear to model an individual member's role or status).
context.contextActivities ContextActivities Object Copy to Event.extensions. Four context types are defined: "parent", "grouping", "category" and "other", each expressed as an array of values. If a parent Activity is described and can be converted to a Caliper DigitalResource or Organization then map the parent to the Caliper isPartOf or subOrganizationOf property. If a category Activity is described that links to an xAPI profile or recipe transducer may be able to map the Statement to a particular Event type based on the reference.
context.revision string Event.extensions. If the Statement object is an Activity that can be mapped to a Caliper DigitalResource the revision value can also be mapped to DigitalResource.version.
context.platform string Copy to Event.extensions. Unfortunately since there is no xAPI requirement that the platform value be expressed as an IRI there is no way to convert the value to a Caliper SoftwareApplication and map it to Event.edApp.
context.language string RFC 5646 language code. Copy to Event.extensions.
context.statement Statement Reference Another Statement considered as context for this Statement. Copy to Event.extensions.
context.extensions Object A map of other domain-specific context relevant to the Statement. Copy to Event.extensions.
  "extensions": {
    "xapi": {
      "context": {
        "registration": "UUID",
        "instructor": {},
        "team": {},
        "contextActivities": {},
        "revision": "",
        "platform": "",
        "language": "",
        "statement": "",
        "extensions": {}

Statement timestamp processing

xAPI Statement providers are not required to provide a timestamp (the LRS must set it if not provided). If a timestamp is provided the transducer will map it to Event.eventTime as an ISO 8601 formatted date time string value. If the Statement is not provisioned with a timestamp the transducer will generate and assign an eventTime, perhaps with a reference to the date time assignment in a changeLog object in Event.extensions.

  "id": "urn:uuid:1b557176-ba67-4624-b060-6bee670a3d8e",
  "type": "Event",
  . . .
  "eventTime": "2017-11-18T11:59:59.000Z",
  "extensions": {
    "changeLog": {
      "dateConverted": "2017-11-18T11:59:59.000Z",
      "eventTimeAssignedBy": "xCaliper | Provider"

Statement stored processing

The xAPI Statement stored timestamp property is set by the LRS upon receipt of the Statement. The transducer will not provide a stored date time value in Event.extensions.

Statement authority processing

The xAPI Statement authority object property provides a reference to an Agent or a Group representing a 3-legged OAuth asserting the veracity of the Statement (see xAPI Spec 2.4.9. Although listed as optional an authority must be set by the LRS if not provided or if a strong trust relationship between the Statement Provider and LRS has not been established. In the case of a 3-legged OAuth, the authority is a Group composed of two Agents. The Agent that represents the OAuth consumer must be identified by an account while the second Agent represents the user.

If the Transducer encounters a Statement authority the object will be mapped to Event.extensions. If no authority object value is provided the transducer will ignore the property.

  "authority": {
    "objectType": "Group",
    "member": [{
        "account": {
          "homePage": "",
          "name": "oauth_consumer_x75db"
        "mbox": "mailto:[email protected]"


[TODO: represent authority with an inline context or convert to a Caliper Agent or Group? ]

  "extensions": {
    "xapi": {
      "authority": {
         . . .

Statement version processing

The xAPI spec does not recommend setting the Statement version property since versioning is handled by a custom Header. If a Statement provider sets the Statement version it must set the value to "1.0.0" rather than the latest patch version.

The transducer will not set the version property. If a Statement provider chooses to set the version to "1.0.0" the transducer will map it to Event.extensions. If the transducer encounters a Statement with a version set to a value other than "1.0.0" it will reject the Statement.

  "version": "1.0.0"


  "extensions": {
    "xapi": {
      "version": "1.0.0"

Statement attachments processing

[TODO: describe ]

[TODO] update diagram to include Statement->Event typing workflow.

xCaliper Statement Processing Diagram