Phase 1 is practical/ultra-applied research akin to 'industry' R&D, in close loop with development.
We expect Flashbots developers to be heavily involved in this phase.
Phase 1 has 2 research papers as a deliverable. Phil Daian will by guiding the outline, goals and high-level questions related to these papers. The outcome of Phase 1 is immediately relevant to providing MVP and communicating our intentions to the community. We expect to be able to describe the remainder of the research roadmap in-depth in our first research document under 'Future Work'.
Paper style/field: Cryptocurrency systems paper, short paper/PoC (9pgs)
Similar papers: bloxroute, Thunderella, FlyClient
Venue: FC22? USENIX?
Research question: How can we build a "good" auction mechanism for validator priority "bribes"?
- "Good":
- Gas efficiency for community
- Measure: gas saved with perfectly efficient arbs, gas currently wasted on-chain
- Network overhead for community
- Measure: current arb-bot network overhead, full node bandwidth wasted
- Prefer off-chain computation whenever possible for equivalent security
- Formalize trade-off between on-chain / off-chain arb computation
- Is there any computation we should move off-chain (into bundle processing/switching)?
- Formalize trade-off between on-chain / off-chain arb computation
- Efficiently express preferences of all network actors
- Enumerate current arb use cases, show that system covers all of them
- Discuss trade-offs in order type complexity vs. latency
- Permissionless: no KYC / ad-hoc trust required in design
- Create security criteria for users not needing to trust miners/pools in PGA
- Enumerate where current design falls short, impliations of shortcomings
- Better for miners unilaterally than vanilla Geth
- Measure miner latency: assuming both no Flashbots txs / saturation
- Measure required resources on miner side
- Measure latency penalty of minimal viable switching algorithm [critical]
- Academic definition for "strictly dominating" client in game theory?
- Gas efficiency for community
Research question: How can we leverage existing auction literature?
- Survey: ad auctions / other priority bidding games. Known pathologies / design trade-offs
- Discuss traade-off of first vs. second price auction, continuous vs. discrete auctions
- Mempool auction theory?
Research question: How does architecture differ across chains? PoW/PoS/leaderless/other?
- Hypothesis: architecture is general and will allow for priority in all systems
- Measure percent of hashpower / probability of success for PoW / PoS, leaderless protocols
Purpose: Intended to open discussion, describe future goals, elicit community priority
Research question: Should we build a "good" auction mechanism for validator priority "bribes"?
- Open question: what is state-of-the-art in discussion on parasitic vs. helpful arbitrage / "MEV"
- Open question: what are market designs that synergize with Flashbots / provide benefits to users other than arbers
Research question: How do we minimize possible user harm of priority bribe incentives?
Research question: How do we minimize possible consensus harms of priority bribe incentives?
Resarch question: Should we allow for any MEV on the system? Should we bound the MEV?
Engineering question: What kind of transparency should we allow? Fully transparent MEV portal?
- Who leads? Need firm commitment to develop, keep public.
Research question: how do new contracts measure their own MEV? Formally, what determines and affects MEV?
Artifacts: "MVP" tools for measuring, calculating, and reasoning about MEV.
Paper style/field: CS ethics / social sciences paper, short paper (10-12pgs)
Similar papers: On the Moral Character of Cryptographic Work, Will the Market Fix the Market
Venue: IEEE S&B? Ledger journal?
Potential Collaborators: Ethereum Foundation? Community call? Other MEV projcts?
Research question: How can we build fair markets for users?
Research question: What is fair ordering
Support work like with a grant?
Implement similar systems? Industry partnerships? Internal definitions?
Continue exploration mapped out by Phase 1>>Paper 2
How can we create a robust organization to support our aims of commons infrastructure?
Depends on MVP gaining traction
Paper style/field: CS systems / systems security
Similar papers: ??
Venue: ??
Potential Collaborators: ??
Continue exploration mapped out by Phase 1>>Paper 1 Derive list of metrics to collect from deployed product Depends on MVP gaining traction
Paper style/field: CS / econ, computational economics
Similar papers: quadratic voting, ad auctions
Venue: EC?
Potential Collaborators: ??
Research Question: What does value capture / extraction look like in an auction-based ecosystem? Compared to defi as a whole?
Research Question: How best to distribute profits?
- Incentive alignment between miners, users, defi developers, etcetc.
Research Question: How best to hold the auctions?
To be determined after MVP phase