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Assembly providing work with the RabbitMQ queue


  • RabbitMqQueueConfiguration - Advanced configuration for the RabbitMQ adapter.
  • RabbitMqQueueMessageAdapter - Provides direct interaction with RabbitMQ queues.
  • RabbitMqQueueMessageAdapterConstructor - Creates instances of RabbitMqQueueMessageAdapter.


 Section in the configuration file:

        "rabbitmq": {
          "queues": [
              "id": "<queue identifier>", // as a rule, the name of the queue is indicated
              "server": "<queue server host>",
              "port": "<queue server port>",
              "processingtype": "<processing type to listen on the queue>", // one of the values of MessageProcessingType
              "queuename": "<queue name>",
              "user": "<login to connect to the queue>",
              "password": "password to connect to the queue",
              "replyQueue": "<name of the queue for receiving messages>",
              "lifetime": "<lifetime of messages in TimeSpan format>",
              "customHeaders": {"values": []} // additional headers for working with queues
              "serviceHealthDependent": <flag of the dependence of the subscription to the queue on the state of the service 
                                         obtained as a result of the diagnostic call true | false>
              // the parameters below apply only to the RabbitMQ queue
              "exchangeType": "<type of exchange point>",
              "exchangeName": "<exchange point name>",
              "replyTimeout": "<timeout of operations in TimeSpan format>",
              "virtualHost": "<RabbitMQ virtual host>",
              "routings": [] // RabbitMQ routing keys

Required fields

  • id
  • server
  • exchangeName
  • intervalPollingQueue
  • user
  • password

RabbitMQ configuration features

  • processingtype - can take the value Subscribe or SubscribeAndReply to create a subscriber that reads messages as they arrive (by event), or for the same subscriber, but with the ability to send a response message, respectively
  • exchangeType - can take one of the values ​​direct | topic | fanout | headers, if not specified, then by default fanout
  • exchangeName - if not specified, then the exchange point is not automatically created
  • queuename - if not specified, then the queue is not automatically created
  • if both queuename and exchangeName are specified, then the queue is bound to the exchange point