Load CLI
# get Ark CLI repo
$ git clone https://github.com/arkprotocol/ics721-tools
# go to cli directory
$ cd ics721-tools/cli
# initialize ark CLI
$ source ./ark-cli.sh
ark 0.1.0
- please select operating chain: ark select chain [chain: stagagaze|irisnet|juno|uptick|omniflix|osmosis]
- max calls (like tx queries) until succcesful response set to: MAX_CALL_LIMIT=200
# init CLI and pass chain
$ source ./ark-cli.sh stargaze
ark 0.1.0
reading stargaze.env
- max calls (like tx queries) until succcesful response set to: MAX_CALL_LIMIT=200
Ark CLI syntax: ark [command] [module] [sub command] [flags]
The Ark CLI loads for each chain an .env
file and supports these chains:
- Stargaze: stargaze.env
- Juno: juno.env
- IRISnet: irisnet.env
- Uptick: uptick.env
- OmniFlix: omniflix.env
Additional chains can be easily added by adding another .env
First thing you need to do is to select the chain on which Ark
CLI is suppose to work with:
# tell ARK on which chain it should operate with
$ ark select chain irisnet
reading irisnet.env
Instead of using ark select chain
it is also possible for all commands using the --chain
ark query chain tx --tx E856A27A9496DDD7EE11FC5722BB7611017DB265F293C7962666EA31588BD1E9 --chain juno
As a a minimum please enter your wallets for these entries in the corresponding env files:
export WALLET_CREATOR="stars183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6q8nzqcf"
export WALLET_MINTER="stars183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6q8nzqcf"
export WALLET_RELAYER="stars1g0krhq56pmxmaz8lnj8h6jf55kcsq7x0lw5ywc"
The relayer wallet is only needed - in case you want to manually relay your own IBC packets (like for ICS721/NFT transfers).
Please also NOTE that the creator and minter wallets provided in env files are being used by Ark team internally - so please be kind and use your own wallet ;)!
Transferring to another chain
ark transfer ics721 token \
[--chain CHAIN] \
[--from FROM] \
[--recipient RECIPIENT] \
[--target-chain TARGET_CHAIN] \
[--source-channel SOURCE_CHANNEL] \
[--collection COLLECTION] \
[--token TOKEN] \
Transferring through multiple chains
ark transfer ics721 chains \
[--chain CHAIN] \
[--from FROM] \
[--recipients RECIPIENTS] \
[--target-chains TARGET_CHAINS] \
[--source-channels SOURCE_CHANNELS] \
[--collection COLLECTION] \
[--token TOKEN] \
[--max-height MAX_HEIGHT]
A collection being transferred to chains using nft
module have this id format: ibc/SOME_HASH
The hash is generated using a class id.
TODO: remove --dest-port
ark query ics721 class-id \
[--chain CHAIN] \
[--class-id CLASS_ID] \
[--dest-port DEST_PORT] \
[--max-call-limit MAX_CALL_LIMIT] \
[--sleep SLEEP] \
ark query chain tx --tx [TXHASH]
$ ark select chain juno
reading juno.env
$ ark query chain
selected chain: juno
$ ark reload chain
reading juno.env
TODO: not working yet
ark query history list
ark create collection \
[--chain CHAIN] \
[--name NAME] \
[--data DATA] \
[--symbol SYMBOL] \
[--uri URI] \
[--label LABEL] \
[--collection COLLECTION] \
[--code-id CODE_ID] \
[--description DESCRIPTION] \
[--from FROM] \
[--admin ADMIN]
ark mint collection \
[--chain CHAIN] \
[--collection COLLECTION] \
[--token TOKEN] \
[--data DATA] \
[--uri URI] \
[--name NAME] \
[--from FROM] \
[--recipient RECIPIENT]
ark query collection collections \
[--chain CHAIN] \
[--owner OWNER] \
[--limit LIMIT] \
[--code-id CODE_ID] \
[--offset OFFSET]
ark query collection tokens \
[--chain CHAIN] \
[--collection COLLECTION]
ark query collection token \
[--chain CHAIN] \
[--collection COLLECTION] \
[--token TOKEN]
ark query nft snapshot \
[--chain CHAIN] \
[--collection COLLECTION]
Outputs latest block height.
ark query chain height --chain [CHAIN]
Queries for transaction until max call limit is reached. Helpful for sync operations, since this query waits until tx is finished!
ark query chain tx --chain [CHAIN] --tx [TXHASH] --max-call-limit [MAX_CALL_LIMIT]
Transfer NFT to another owner (within same chain).
NOTE: In case NFT is not owned by FROM
, this command waits until max call limit. This allows doing a transfer, while another command (like interchain transfers) is transferring NFT to this new
ark transfer nft --collection [COLLECTION] --token [TOKEN] --recipient [RECIPIENT] --from [FROM]
Helper function, awaiting for NFT owned by given address until max call limit.
ark assert nft token-owner --chain irisnet --collection arkprotocol002 --token ark100 --owner iaa183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6qxd4v3f --max-call-limit 200
Output returns with exit code 0, in case of success.
Now let's create a collection on IRISnet:
# tell ARK on which chain it should operate with
$ ark select chain irisnet # stargaze, juno, irisnet, uptick, and omniflix
# create collection on selected chain
$ ark create collection \
--collection alphacollection001 \
--uri "https://arkprotocol.io/" \
--symbol ArkAlphaCollection \
--name "Ark Alpha Collection - coming soon..." \
--description "Alpha holders earn rewards on each transfer and multichain utility and any collection!" \
| jq # optional: using jq for better formatting JSON output!
The following output is then shown:
- CLI command: actual command being executed. Like:
iris tx nft issue ...
- Query command: queries for mint transaction
- Command output containing:
{cmd: ..., data: ...}
The 1st command is the ones used for creating a collection. The return transaction hash is used for the 2nd command. The query command is called x times based on MAX_CALL_LIMIT as defined in cli.env:
export MAX_CALL_LIMIT=200
Once it succeeds, output looks like this:
"cmd": "iris tx nft issue arkalpha004 --symbol \"arkalpha\" --name \"Ark Alpha Collection - coming soon...\" --uri \"https://arkprotocol.io/\" --description=\"holders earn on each ICS721 transfer!\" --mint-restricted=true --update-restricted=true --from iaa183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6qxd4v3f --fees 2000uiris -b sync --yes --output json",
"data": {
"height": "446320",
"txhash": "EA421D256B287E52626CD8AD34D8D9181F1869F5302B1E466833293B136669C3",
"codespace": "",
"code": 0,
"id": "arkalpha004"
Please note that output provides the collection in id
(e.g. 'arkalpha004'). Id varies depending on chain. Like for Stargaze it returns a CW721 contract for id
For ease of use, collection id may be added to env file, like in irisnet.env:
# change vars in env file
export ARK_GON_COLLECTION="arkalpha003"
# IMPORTANT: don't forget reloading your envs!
$ ark select chain irisnet
$ ark mint collection \
--recipient $WALLET_MINTER \
--collection $ARK_GON_COLLECTION \
--token arkalpha001 \
| jq # optional: using jq for better formatting JSON output!
Output shows: mint command, tx query and output including mint command and tx result.
"cmd": "iris tx nft mint 'arkalpha004' 'arkalpha001' --from iaa183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6qxd4v3f --recipient iaa183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6qxd4v3f --fees 2000uiris -b sync --yes --output json",
"data": {
"height": "446342",
"txhash": "774BBFB3B4EAE294200D11E7DE09BCC91B6EB62CC65F5953DD79CA423188F59D",
"id": "arkalpha001"
Query all collections
# query all collections on IRISnet
$ ark select chain irisnet
$ ark query collection collections # please note there is a limit of 100! Also there is a bug on IRISnet, where offset is not working: https://github.com/game-of-nfts/gon-evidence/issues/194
# query on another chain using `--chain` flag instead of using `ark select chain`
$ ark query collection collections --chain stargaze
# query for all collections starting at page/offset 7
$ ark query collection collections --chain omniflix --offset 7
Query for all tokens for a specific collection:
$ ark query collection tokens --collection $ARK_GON_COLLECTION | jq
Query for specific token and collection:
$ ark query collection token --collection $ARK_GON_COLLECTION --token arkalpha011 | jq
# transfer from selected chain (e.g. IRISnet) to target chain Juno
$ ark transfer ics721 token \
--recipient stars183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6q8nzqcf \
--target-chain stargaze \
--source-channel $CHANNEL_1_TO_STARGAZE \
--collection $ARK_GON_COLLECTION \
--token arkalpha002 \
| jq
Transfer output contains:
- transfer cmd: transfers NFT from source to target chain
- query cmd waiting for above transfer transaction to be finished
- query for counter-part channel (needed for retrieving class-id on target chain)
- query class-id on target chain
- output with info on source and target chain like class id and collection id
"cmd": "iris tx nft-transfer transfer 'nft-transfer' 'channel-22' 'stars183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6q8nzqcf' 'arkprotocol002' 'ark192' --from iaa183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6qxd4v3f --fees 2000uiris --packet-timeout-timestamp 300000000000 -b sync --yes",
"source": {
"chain": "irisnet",
"chain_id": "gon-irishub-1",
"port": "nft-transfer",
"channel": "channel-22",
"collection": "arkprotocol002",
"class_id": "arkprotocol002",
"owner": "iaa183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6qxd4v3f"
"target": {
"chain": "stargaze",
"chain_id": "elgafar-1",
"port": "wasm.stars1ve46fjrhcrum94c7d8yc2wsdz8cpuw73503e8qn9r44spr6dw0lsvmvtqh",
"channel": "channel-207",
"collection": "stars1ff06t96hwd96fa3pq7uxgrxqqt3gv4zda444k0kappcr6tcwyzass8e4jz",
"class_id": "wasm.stars1ve46fjrhcrum94c7d8yc2wsdz8cpuw73503e8qn9r44spr6dw0lsvmvtqh/channel-207/arkprotocol002",
"owner": "stars183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6q8nzqcf"
"tx": "900F2A87ECC5A00AEC4DB62C4600D8C7A35EF4490B688CBA585B7FB6365F64A8",
"height": "578254",
"id": "ark192"
Now let's use above NFT for transferring to another chain. For this have a look at above output for target chain Stargaze:
The collection
is required for transferring an NFT from recipient's target chain Stargaze.
"cmd": "iris tx nft-transfer transfer 'nft-transfer' 'channel-22' 'stars183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6q8nzqcf' 'arkalpha004' 'arkalpha001' --from iaa183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6qxd4v3f --fees 2000uiris -b sync --yes",
"tx": "4050049F3855891F0415C016DC4F2755A5245E04F00AFACCC2FAA93AF4BB273A",
"source": {
"chain": "irisnet",
"collection": "arkalpha004",
"class_id": "arkalpha004",
"channel": "channel-22",
"port": "nft-transfer"
"target": {
"chain": "stargaze",
"collection": "stars1ztf5rfs06cgduxn3j68l8nqcsdgne06c0fd6e80xn6xjllde3hns52x7xw",
"class_id": "wasm.stars1ve46fjrhcrum94c7d8yc2wsdz8cpuw73503e8qn9r44spr6dw0lsvmvtqh/channel-207/arkalpha004",
"channel": "channel-207",
"port": "wasm.stars1ve46fjrhcrum94c7d8yc2wsdz8cpuw73503e8qn9r44spr6dw0lsvmvtqh"
Now let's transfer and also manually relay using optional --relay
# switch to Stargaze
$ ark select chain stargaze
# transfer from Stargaze to Omniflix
$ ark transfer ics721 \
--recipient omniflix183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6qw3yyyx \
--target-chain omniflix \
--source-channel $CHANNEL_1_TO_OMNIFLIX \
--collection stars1ztf5rfs06cgduxn3j68l8nqcsdgne06c0fd6e80xn6xjllde3hns52x7xw \
--token arkalpha001 \
The JSON output looks like this:
"cmd": "starsd tx wasm execute 'stars1ztf5rfs06cgduxn3j68l8nqcsdgne06c0fd6e80xn6xjllde3hns52x7xw' '{ \"send_nft\": { \"contract\": \"stars1ve46fjrhcrum94c7d8yc2wsdz8cpuw73503e8qn9r44spr6dw0lsvmvtqh\", \"token_id\": \"arkalpha001\", \"msg\": \"ewogICAgICAgICAgICAicmVjZWl2ZXIiOiAib21uaWZsaXgxODNlN2Njd3NubmdqMnE4bGZ4bm1la3Vuc3BuZnhzNnF3M3l5eXgiLAogICAgICAgICAgICAiY2hhbm5lbF9pZCI6ICJjaGFubmVsLTIwOSIsCiAgICAgICAgICAgICJ0aW1lb3V0IjogeyAidGltZXN0YW1wIjogIjE2Nzg4MDc1OTY4NDIzNjQ4MjkiIH0gfQo=\"}}' --from stars183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6q8nzqcf --gas-prices 0.01ustars --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b sync --yes",
"tx": "7B2BD324F0535DBF2164CE3440C9DA0BC7BEC3793D121557B4DD65AB50186429",
"source": {
"chain": "stargaze",
"collection": "stars1ztf5rfs06cgduxn3j68l8nqcsdgne06c0fd6e80xn6xjllde3hns52x7xw",
"class_id": "wasm.stars1ve46fjrhcrum94c7d8yc2wsdz8cpuw73503e8qn9r44spr6dw0lsvmvtqh/channel-207/arkalpha004",
"channel": "channel-209",
"port": "wasm.stars1ve46fjrhcrum94c7d8yc2wsdz8cpuw73503e8qn9r44spr6dw0lsvmvtqh"
"target": {
"chain": "omniflix",
"collection": "ibc/CDA10747CF2BC440B1BBD25FBC093241E26508BC2F65F7DA9A1DF80B9FF48DE8",
"class_id": "nft-transfer/channel-44/wasm.stars1ve46fjrhcrum94c7d8yc2wsdz8cpuw73503e8qn9r44spr6dw0lsvmvtqh/channel-207/arkalpha004",
"channel": "channel-44",
"port": "nft-transfer"
Transferring through 5 chains and channels through this flow:
i --(1)--> s --(1)--> j --(1)--> u --(1)--> o --(1)--> i
Flow starts from IRISnet and ends at IRISnet, resulting each collection being escrowed/locked on all 5 chains. In addtion last transfer creates a new collection on IRISnet, while initial collection is locked at IRISnet.
# transfer from selected chain (e.g. IRISnet) to target chain Juno
ark transfer ics721 chains --collection $ARK_GON_COLLECTION --from $WALLET_MINTER --recipients stars183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6q8nzqcf/juno183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6q9akx5y/uptick1h7c0ltrj6z707eh3z4cyv4jkqwfv6lj76se7lr/omniflix183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6qw3yyyx/iaa183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6qxd4v3f --target-chains stargaze/juno/uptick/omniflix/irisnet --source-channels channel-22/channel-230/channel-86/channel-5/channel-24 --token ark193 --max-height 50 | jq
Transfer output contains:
- transfers: details for each interchain transfer, including chain, chain id, collection, port, channel, target channel, class id and owner (before transfer)
- final chain details: chain, chain id, collection, port, channel, class id and owner
Please also note, that in log output, it provides an undo command, allowing to transfer back to initial chain. Like: Skip revert: ark transfer ics721 chains --chain irisnet --collection ibc/415A6D8164A11757001E29DEEE482FC373D2CB37BC33E9D8BECFC458358478AA --token ark193 --from iaa183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6qxd4v3f --recipients omniflix183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6qw3yyyx/uptick1h7c0ltrj6z707eh3z4cyv4jkqwfv6lj76se7lr/juno183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6q9akx5y/stars183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6q8nzqcf/iaa183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6qxd4v3f --target-chains omniflix/uptick/juno/stargaze/irisnet --source-channels channel-0/channel-41/channel-7/channel-120/channel-207
"transfers": [
"cmd": "ark transfer ics721 token --from iaa183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6qxd4v3f --collection arkprotocol002 --token ark193 --recipient stars183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6q8nzqcf --target-chain stargaze --source-channel channel-22",
"tx": "F3850F73175A0FFD9FB0C37960D6E13DAC6558DA019B6DAC60D926C2AA4C548D",
"height": "578375",
"chain": "irisnet",
"chain_id": "gon-irishub-1",
"port": "nft-transfer",
"channel": "channel-22",
"target_channel": "channel-207",
"collection": "arkprotocol002",
"class_id": "arkprotocol002",
"owner": "iaa183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6qxd4v3f"
"cmd": "ark transfer ics721 token --from stars183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6q8nzqcf --collection stars1ff06t96hwd96fa3pq7uxgrxqqt3gv4zda444k0kappcr6tcwyzass8e4jz --token ark193 --recipient juno183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6q9akx5y --target-chain juno --source-channel channel-230",
"tx": "E33F4C1F789338F06916C2571E0C91D970A0881CC164375E2E78389475C5F5AA",
"height": "3970056",
"chain": "stargaze",
"chain_id": "elgafar-1",
"port": "wasm.stars1ve46fjrhcrum94c7d8yc2wsdz8cpuw73503e8qn9r44spr6dw0lsvmvtqh",
"channel": "channel-230",
"target_channel": "channel-120",
"collection": "stars1ff06t96hwd96fa3pq7uxgrxqqt3gv4zda444k0kappcr6tcwyzass8e4jz",
"class_id": "wasm.stars1ve46fjrhcrum94c7d8yc2wsdz8cpuw73503e8qn9r44spr6dw0lsvmvtqh/channel-207/arkprotocol002",
"owner": "stars183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6q8nzqcf"
"cmd": "ark transfer ics721 token --from juno183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6q9akx5y --collection juno1pzphrwp3vp3m6vsd2axjak4lgzr9hg7lxelx0lnntm76gh69ypnsafdew2 --token ark193 --recipient uptick1h7c0ltrj6z707eh3z4cyv4jkqwfv6lj76se7lr --target-chain uptick --source-channel channel-86",
"tx": "9FD429D9514B8C7E610CCF9665D245C4264AC4CC0D18A3FD8756C6C41FD3FD87",
"height": "640281",
"chain": "juno",
"chain_id": "uni-6",
"port": "wasm.juno1stv6sk0mvku34fj2mqrlyru6683866n306mfv52tlugtl322zmks26kg7a",
"channel": "channel-86",
"target_channel": "channel-7",
"collection": "juno1pzphrwp3vp3m6vsd2axjak4lgzr9hg7lxelx0lnntm76gh69ypnsafdew2",
"class_id": "wasm.juno1stv6sk0mvku34fj2mqrlyru6683866n306mfv52tlugtl322zmks26kg7a/channel-120/wasm.stars1ve46fjrhcrum94c7d8yc2wsdz8cpuw73503e8qn9r44spr6dw0lsvmvtqh/channel-207/arkprotocol002",
"owner": "juno183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6q9akx5y"
"cmd": "ark transfer ics721 token --from uptick1h7c0ltrj6z707eh3z4cyv4jkqwfv6lj76se7lr --collection ibc/1945C3288496E68862A524E6C5A59627ABFB5BA9D624E13B826F050AA055CDFF --token ark193 --recipient omniflix183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6qw3yyyx --target-chain omniflix --source-channel channel-5",
"tx": "CD159BD292FF6326CB12FE658D6C59021102E9B3BDBAE843C27D7B9047EDB284",
"height": "2590229",
"chain": "uptick",
"chain_id": "uptick_7000-2",
"port": "nft-transfer",
"channel": "channel-5",
"target_channel": "channel-41",
"collection": "ibc/1945C3288496E68862A524E6C5A59627ABFB5BA9D624E13B826F050AA055CDFF",
"class_id": "nft-transfer/channel-7/wasm.juno1stv6sk0mvku34fj2mqrlyru6683866n306mfv52tlugtl322zmks26kg7a/channel-120/wasm.stars1ve46fjrhcrum94c7d8yc2wsdz8cpuw73503e8qn9r44spr6dw0lsvmvtqh/channel-207/arkprotocol002",
"owner": "uptick1h7c0ltrj6z707eh3z4cyv4jkqwfv6lj76se7lr"
"cmd": "ark transfer ics721 token --from omniflix183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6qw3yyyx --collection ibc/39B2848724674E175F6803CDC3FA260E9CFE209D619E9C83EFC3A4E9AE538322 --token ark193 --recipient iaa183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6qxd4v3f --target-chain irisnet --source-channel channel-24",
"tx": "2BC5BBF6FB734A9CF24E3EBFCD962AEA62948F545F0FA596288662818E91B989",
"height": "665924",
"chain": "omniflix",
"chain_id": "gon-flixnet-1",
"port": "nft-transfer",
"channel": "channel-24",
"target_channel": "channel-0",
"collection": "ibc/39B2848724674E175F6803CDC3FA260E9CFE209D619E9C83EFC3A4E9AE538322",
"class_id": "nft-transfer/channel-41/nft-transfer/channel-7/wasm.juno1stv6sk0mvku34fj2mqrlyru6683866n306mfv52tlugtl322zmks26kg7a/channel-120/wasm.stars1ve46fjrhcrum94c7d8yc2wsdz8cpuw73503e8qn9r44spr6dw0lsvmvtqh/channel-207/arkprotocol002",
"owner": "omniflix183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6qw3yyyx"
"chain": "irisnet",
"chain_id": "gon-irishub-1",
"port": "nft-transfer",
"channel": "channel-0",
"collection": "ibc/415A6D8164A11757001E29DEEE482FC373D2CB37BC33E9D8BECFC458358478AA",
"class_id": "nft-transfer/channel-0/nft-transfer/channel-41/nft-transfer/channel-7/wasm.juno1stv6sk0mvku34fj2mqrlyru6683866n306mfv52tlugtl322zmks26kg7a/channel-120/wasm.stars1ve46fjrhcrum94c7d8yc2wsdz8cpuw73503e8qn9r44spr6dw0lsvmvtqh/channel-207/arkprotocol002",
"owner": "iaa183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6qxd4v3f",
"total_duration_height": "19"
A collection being transferred to chains using nft
module have this id format: ibc/SOME_HASH
The hash is generated using a class id.
TODO: remove --dest-port
ark query ics721 class-id --class-id wasm.stars1ve46fjrhcrum94c7d8yc2wsdz8cpuw73503e8qn9r44spr6dw0lsvmvtqh/channel-207/gonTeamRace2 --dest-port wasm.stars1ve46fjrhcrum94c7d8yc2wsdz8cpuw73503e8qn9r44spr6dw0lsvmvtqh
"cmd": "starsd query wasm contract-state smart stars1ve46fjrhcrum94c7d8yc2wsdz8cpuw73503e8qn9r44spr6dw0lsvmvtqh '{\"nft_contract\":{\"class_id\":\"wasm.stars1ve46fjrhcrum94c7d8yc2wsdz8cpuw73503e8qn9r44spr6dw0lsvmvtqh/channel-207/gonTeamRace2\"}}' --output json",
"data": {
"class_id": "wasm.stars1ve46fjrhcrum94c7d8yc2wsdz8cpuw73503e8qn9r44spr6dw0lsvmvtqh/channel-207/gonTeamRace2",
"collection": "stars1unjgjcyhhx5r8tn96hqs92xdv6d0hy64xw55qu4um8awvy5qdulq0ggj28"
ark transfer nft --collection arkprotocol002 --token ark194 --recipient $WALLET_MINTER --from $WALLET_CREATOR
ark assert nft token-owner --chain irisnet --collection arkprotocol002 --token ark100 --owner $WALLET_MINTER --max-call-limit 200
Output returns with exit code 0, in case of success.