First release of the library.
Name of the library has changed and new models have been added.
- Added: HongTan model
- Changed: The library's name is now TSFEDL.
- Deprecated:
- Removed:
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
Minor bugs are fixed.
- Added: Documentation of the base model in PyTorch and PyPi configuration files.
- Changed: Changed name of the base module in PyTorch for TSFEDL_BaseModule
- Deprecated:
- Removed:
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
Minor bugs are fixed, including a valid testing of all the networks.
- Added: Documentation and continuous integration with Travis.
- Changed:
- Deprecated:
- Removed:
- Fixed: Testing scripts.
Minor bugs are fixed, installation fixed for gpu servers.
- Added: Documentation and gpu testing.
- Changed:
- Deprecated:
- Removed:
- Fixed: Testing scripts and installation.
Minor bugs are fixed. Unused parameters removed.
- Added:
- Changed: Documentation
- Deprecated:
- Removed: Unused parameters
- Fixed: Testing scripts and installation.
New models added from 2021 and 2022
- Added: SharPar and DaiXiLi models
- Changed: Documentation
- Deprecated:
- Removed:
- Fixed: Testing scripts and installation.
Installation updated for tensorflow.
- Added:
- Changed:
- Deprecated:
- Removed:
- Fixed: Requirements and config to support only tensorflow as package name.
Installation updated for tensorflow, pytorch and newer versions of Python.
- Added: future compatibility.
- Changed:
- Deprecated:
- Removed:
- Fixed:
Added validation to base module and solved problem to get compatibility with pytorch and pytorch-lightning latest versions.
- Added: future compatibility, validation step in base module.
- Changed:
- Deprecated:
- Removed:
- Fixed:
Fixed error with ShiHaotian model in Pytorch and top module. Solved and reported in issue #3.
- Added:
- Changed:
- Deprecated:
- Removed:
- Fixed: ShiHaotian model in Pytorch had a default top module behavior
Fixed error with HongTan model, invalid call to arguments.
- Added:
- Changed:
- Deprecated:
- Removed:
- Fixed: HongTan model had an invalid call to arguments