diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 1285286312..91a8669f8d 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/server/pbench/bin/gold/test-11.txt b/server/pbench/bin/gold/test-11.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..204d3245e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/pbench/bin/gold/test-11.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1028 @@
++++ Running indexing on /var/tmp/pbench-test-server/test-11
+len(actions) = 4
+ {
+ "_id": "25685d21315d1b5fdd9593be5f1ab773",
+ "_index": "pbench.run.2016-08",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "@metadata": {
+ "file-date": "2017-03-16",
+ "file-name": "/var/tmp/pbench-test-server/test-11.tar.xz",
+ "generated-by": "index-pbench",
+ "generated-by-version": "",
+ "md5": "25685d21315d1b5fdd9593be5f1ab773",
+ "pbench-agent-version": ""
+ },
+ "@timestamp": "2016-08-02T22:47:17.596797999",
+ "host_tools_info": [
+ {
+ "hostname": "localhost",
+ "hostname-f": "localhost.localdomain\n",
+ "tools": {
+ "iostat": "--interval=3",
+ "mpstat": "--interval=3",
+ "perf": "--record-opts=record -a --freq=100",
+ "pidstat": "--interval=3",
+ "proc-interrupts": "--interval=3",
+ "proc-vmstat": "--interval=3",
+ "sar": "--interval=3",
+ "turbostat": "--interval=3"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "hostname": "",
+ "hostname-f": null,
+ "label": "sysbenchguest",
+ "tools": {}
+ }
+ ],
+ "run": {
+ "config": "",
+ "controller": "localhost.localdomain",
+ "date": "2016-08-02T22:47:17",
+ "end_run": "2016-08-02T22:47:58.249377123",
+ "id": "25685d21315d1b5fdd9593be5f1ab773",
+ "name": "pbench-user-benchmark__2016-08-02_22:47:17",
+ "script": "pbench-user-benchmark",
+ "start_run": "2016-08-02T22:47:17.596797999",
+ "tarball-dirname": "test-11",
+ "tarball-toc-prefix": "test-11"
+ },
+ "sosreports": [
+ {
+ "hostname-f": "localhost.localdomain\n",
+ "hostname-s": "localhost",
+ "md5": "72d90c40c542f21b76116189f5b24177 sosreport.tar.xz",
+ "name": "test-11/sysinfo/localhost/end/sosreport.tar.xz"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "_type": "pbench-run"
+ },
+ {
+ "_id": "39683a1426eb92acccd7bc147a356f84",
+ "_index": "pbench.run.2016-08",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_parent": "25685d21315d1b5fdd9593be5f1ab773",
+ "_source": {
+ "@timestamp": "2016-08-02T22:47:17.596797999",
+ "directory": "/1/reference-result/tools-default/localhost/sar/",
+ "files": [
+ {
+ "mode": "0o644",
+ "name": "sar.data",
+ "size": 43236
+ },
+ {
+ "mode": "0o775",
+ "name": "sar.cmd",
+ "size": 146
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "_type": "pbench-run-toc-entry"
+ },
+ {
+ "_id": "91b78182343b2b5b52d72b195ab889da",
+ "_index": "pbench.run.2016-08",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_parent": "25685d21315d1b5fdd9593be5f1ab773",
+ "_source": {
+ "@timestamp": "2016-08-02T22:47:17.596797999",
+ "directory": "/sysinfo/localhost/end/",
+ "files": [
+ {
+ "mode": "0o664",
+ "name": "sosreport.tar.xz.md5",
+ "size": 51
+ },
+ {
+ "mode": "0o664",
+ "name": "sosreport.tar.xz",
+ "size": 888
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "_type": "pbench-run-toc-entry"
+ },
+ {
+ "_id": "36208d6dd70b5131e6e2ab7eb7621a5c",
+ "_index": "pbench.run.2016-08",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_parent": "25685d21315d1b5fdd9593be5f1ab773",
+ "_source": {
+ "@timestamp": "2016-08-02T22:47:17.596797999",
+ "directory": "/1/"
+ },
+ "_type": "pbench-run-toc-entry"
+ }
+ 3.1
+ Linux
+ 4.6.3-300.fc24.x86_64
+ x86_64
+ 4
+ 2016-08-02
+ 22:47:40
+ 6.67
+ 1514280
+ 6345684
+ 80.73
+ 372440
+ 2902960
+ 10290592
+ 44.88
+ 3932160
+ 1838516
+ 580
+ 2495716
+ 391308
+ 12000
+ 75656
+ 0
+ 15069180
+ 0
+ 0.00
+ 0
+ 0.00
+ 0.67
+ 2.00
+ 36.33
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.00
+--- Finished indexing on /var/tmp/pbench-test-server/test-11 (status=0)
++++ pbench tree state
+--- pbench tree state
++++ pbench log file contents
+--- pbench log file contents
++++ test-execution.log file contents
+grep: /var/tmp/pbench-test-server/test-execution.log: No such file or directory
+--- test-execution.log file contents
diff --git a/server/pbench/bin/gold/test-7.8.txt b/server/pbench/bin/gold/test-7.8.txt
index 0a87414bb1..7753db4807 100644
--- a/server/pbench/bin/gold/test-7.8.txt
+++ b/server/pbench/bin/gold/test-7.8.txt
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ len(actions) = 19
"_op_type": "create",
"_source": {
"@metadata": {
- "file-date": "2017-02-22",
+ "file-date": "2017-03-20",
"file-name": "/var/tmp/pbench-test-server/uperf__2016-10-06_16:34:03.tar.xz",
"generated-by": "index-pbench",
"generated-by-version": "",
diff --git a/server/pbench/bin/index-pbench b/server/pbench/bin/index-pbench
index ad4c49d540..2cf1cfa32b 100755
--- a/server/pbench/bin/index-pbench
+++ b/server/pbench/bin/index-pbench
@@ -7,18 +7,32 @@
from __future__ import print_function
-import sys, os, time, re, stat, copy
-import hashlib, json, glob, csv, tarfile
+import sys
+import os
+import re
+import stat
+import csv
+import copy
+import time
+import json
+import glob
+import pathlib
+import hashlib
+import tarfile
+import subprocess
+from shutil import rmtree
+from pprint import pprint
+from collections import defaultdict
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from satools import tstos, index_sar, extract_sa
+from optparse import OptionParser, make_option
+from urllib3 import exceptions as ul_excs, Timeout
+from elasticsearch import VERSION, Elasticsearch, helpers, exceptions as es_excs
from configparser import SafeConfigParser, NoSectionError, NoOptionError
-except ImportError:
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser, NoSectionError, NoOptionError
-from optparse import OptionParser, make_option
-from elasticsearch import VERSION, Elasticsearch, helpers, exceptions as es_excs
-from urllib3 import exceptions as ul_excs, Timeout
-from datetime import datetime, timedelta
-from vos.analysis.lib import tstos
_VERSION_ = ""
_NAME_ = "index-pbench"
@@ -31,6 +45,11 @@ _dict_const = dict
_tmpdir = None
+# list of file names present in the pbench tar ball,
+# that use a special indexing method. Currently, sar is supported.
+SPECIAL_PARAMS_LIST = ['sar.data']
+_special_paths = defaultdict(list)
class MappingFileError(Exception):
@@ -744,6 +763,7 @@ def mk_toc(tb, md5sum, options):
# by a dictionary with a 'name' key, whose value is the pathname of the dictionary
# and a 'files' key, which is a list of the files contained in the directory.
d = _dict_const()
+ global _special_paths
for m in members:
if m.isdir():
dname = os.path.dirname(m.name)[len(prefix):] + os.path.sep
@@ -770,6 +790,11 @@ def mk_toc(tb, md5sum, options):
# the directory entry always preceded the file entry
# in the tarball.
d[dname] = _dict_const(directory=dname, files=[fentry])
+ if m.path.split('/')[-1] in SPECIAL_PARAMS_LIST:
+ # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ _special_paths[m.path.split('/')[-1]].append(m)
# if debug: print(repr(m))
@@ -826,7 +851,6 @@ def search_by_host(sos_d_list, host):
return None
def search_by_ip(sos_d_list, ip):
- # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
for sos_d in sos_d_list:
for l in sos_d.values():
if type(l) != type([]):
@@ -905,6 +929,7 @@ def ip_address_to_ip_o_addr(s):
# If not, grovel through the ip_address file, collect the juicy pieces
# and fake a string that is similar in format to the preferred case -
# at least similar enough to satisfy the caller of this function.
as_is = True
pat = re.compile(r'^[0-9]+:')
@@ -1372,6 +1397,43 @@ def main(options, args):
if options.debug_time_operations: ts("es_index")
res = es_index(es, actions)
+ if _special_paths:
+ # print("no special paths found (to be indexed separately). " + \
+ # "indexing pbench-run and pbench-run-toc-entry",
+ # file=sys.stderr)
+ # define a temporary dir to be used for temporary sar data extraction
+ if not _tmpdir:
+ print("setting /tmp as default since none found in environment variable..")
+ _tmpdir = '/tmp'
+ # process contents of _special_paths
+ for special_case in _special_paths:
+ if special_case == 'sar.data':
+ # convert sar.data files into xml files (to reside inside _tmpdir)
+ # and then use index_sar.call_indexer() to index them using this
+ for m in _special_paths[special_case]:
+ uid = m.name.split('/sar/sar.data')[0]
+ sa_data_file = os.path.join(_tmpdir, m.path)
+ extraction_status, nodename, xml_fp = extract_sa.process_binary(path=sa_data_file,
+ cfg=cfg_name,
+ write_data_to_file=True)
+ if not extraction_status:
+ continue
+ if not options.debug_unittest:
+ index_sar.call_indexer(file_path=xml_fp,
+ _nodename=nodename,
+ cfg_name=cfg_name,
+ run_unique_id=uid,
+ run_md5=ptb.md5sum)
+ else:
+ print(open(xml_fp, 'r').read())
+ # TODO: generate grafana dashboard using create_dashboard
+ # finally, cleanup _tmpdir tmp files (xmls, binaries)
+ rmtree(os.path.join(_tmpdir, pathlib.Path(m.name).parts[0]))
except ConfigFileNotSpecified as e:
print(e, file=sys.stderr)
res = 2
diff --git a/server/pbench/lib/vos/analysis/lib/__init__.py b/server/pbench/bin/satools/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from server/pbench/lib/vos/analysis/lib/__init__.py
rename to server/pbench/bin/satools/__init__.py
diff --git a/server/pbench/bin/satools/extract_sa.py b/server/pbench/bin/satools/extract_sa.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..900ce56022
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/pbench/bin/satools/extract_sa.py
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import subprocess
+import configparser
+from satools import oscode
+from distutils.spawn import find_executable
+from optparse import OptionParser, make_option
+ from configparser import SafeConfigParser, NoSectionError, NoOptionError
+ from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser, NoSectionError, NoOptionError
+BASE_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname('__file__'))
+DEFAULT_SADF_PATH = find_executable('sadf')
+nodename_pattern = re.compile(r'nodename=".*"')
+class ConfigFileNotSpecified(Exception):
+ pass
+class ConfigFileError(Exception):
+ pass
+def extract_xml(sa_file_path='/tmp/sa01',
+ sadf_script_path=DEFAULT_SADF_PATH):
+ CMD_CONVERT = ['-x', "--", "-A"]
+ CMD_CONVERT.insert(0, sadf_script_path)
+ CMD_CONVERT.insert(-2, sa_file_path)
+ target = os.path.dirname(sa_file_path)
+ filename = os.path.basename(sa_file_path)
+ p1 = subprocess.Popen(
+ env={'LC_ALL': 'C', 'TZ': 'UTC'},
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+ bufsize=1
+ )
+ XML_DATA = ''
+ with p1.stdout:
+ for line in iter(p1.stdout.readline, b''):
+ XML_DATA+=line.decode('utf-8')
+ rc = p1.wait()
+ err = p1.stderr
+ err = err.read().decode()
+ if rc == 0:
+ print(err, file=sys.stdout)
+ NODENAME = nodename_pattern.findall(XML_DATA)[0]\
+ .replace("nodename=","").replace('"','')
+ return (True, rc, NODENAME, XML_DATA)
+ else:
+ print(err, file=sys.stderr)
+ del XML_DATA
+ if "cannot read the format" in err:
+ return (True, rc, None, None)
+ else:
+ print("ERROR: Supplied path doesn't yield an SA binary file. Check your input!", file=sys.stderr)
+ # sys.exit(rc)
+ return (False, rc, None, None)
+def convert_binary(sa_file_path='/tmp/sa01',
+ sadf_script_path=DEFAULT_SADF_PATH):
+ """
+ From sadf man page:
+ >> Convert an old system activity binary datafile
+ >> (version 9.1.6 and later) to current up-to-date format.
+ >> Use the following syntax:
+ >> $ sadf -c old_datafile > new_datafile
+ """
+ SA_FILEPATH_CONV = "%s_conv" % sa_file_path
+ CMD_CONVERT = [sadf_script_path, '-c', sa_file_path]
+ p2 = subprocess.Popen(CMD_CONVERT, stdout=open(SA_FILEPATH_CONV ,'w'),
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env={'LC_ALL': 'C', 'TZ': 'UTC'})
+ # p2.wait()
+ err = p2.stderr
+ if err:
+ err = err.read().decode()
+ print(err, file=sys.stderr)
+ if "Cannot convert" in err:
+ os.remove(SA_FILEPATH_CONV)
+ return (False, '')
+ print("converted binary to current version of sysstat..")
+ print(p2.communicate()[0])
+ return (True, SA_FILEPATH_CONV)
+def check_sadf_compliance(sa_file_path='/tmp/sa01', cfg_name=None, path=None):
+ """
+ Attempt to determine os-code for a SA binary which failed to
+ convert to XML in first go. If attempt fails, try to convert that
+ binary to be compatible with a newer sysstat version using `sadf -c`.
+ Returns:
+ - (True, path-to-new-sa-binary) if conversion happens
+ - (False, os-code) if conversion failed and we now need OS specific
+ sadf binaries to process this SA file.
+ """
+ res = oscode.determine_version(file_path=sa_file_path)
+ if res[0]:
+ print("compatible OS version for this binary: %s" % res[1])
+ script_path = os.path.join(path, "sadf-%s-64" % res[1])
+ if os.path.exists(script_path):
+ return extract_xml(sa_file_path=sa_file_path,
+ sadf_script_path=script_path)
+ else:
+ msg = "Appropriate sadf-- script necessary to process this file not found!\n"
+ msg += "Please provide a path to folder containing sadf script corresponding to Red Hat OS: %s\n" % res[1]
+ msg += "Path should be configured under [SAR] section in %s" % cfg_name
+ print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
+ # sys.exit(1)
+ return (False, 1, None, None)
+ else:
+ print("ERROR: [oscode/sysstat-version]::[file-magic] record for this binary not found.", file=sys.stderr)
+ print("Please file a bug @ https://github.com/distributed-system-analysis/satools. Thanks!", file=sys.stderr)
+ # sys.exit(1)
+ return (False, 1, None, None)
+def dump_xml(data='', sa_file_path=None):
+ XML_DUMP_FILE = os.path.basename(sa_file_path) + ".xml"
+ NEW_PATH = os.path.join(
+ os.path.dirname(sa_file_path),
+ )
+ with open(NEW_PATH, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(data)
+ return NEW_PATH
+def process_binary(path=None, cfg=None, write_data_to_file=False):
+ """
+ main block responsible for handling SA binary file.
+ Returns:
+ - (status, nodename, path_to_dumped_xml_file) if write_data_to_file == True
+ - (status, nodename, xml_data) if write_data_to_file == False
+ """
+ try:
+ config = SafeConfigParser()
+ config.read(cfg)
+ sadf_binaries_path = config.get('SAR', 'sadf_binaries_path')
+ extraction_status, rc, nodename, data = extract_xml(sa_file_path=path)
+ if extraction_status == True and rc != 0:
+ # Couldn't extract in one go. So then, try to convert to latest sysstat version.
+ conversion_status = convert_binary(sa_file_path=path)
+ if conversion_status[0]:
+ extraction_status, rc, nodename, data = extract_xml(sa_file_path=conversion_status[1])
+ os.remove(conversion_status[1])
+ if extraction_status == True and rc != 0:
+ # Per se, extraction failed after conversion to latest sysstat version's format.
+ # So now, try to detect oscode and follow that path.
+ print("Failed to extract converted binary. Checking oscode..", file=sys.stderr)
+ extraction_status, rc, nodename, data = check_sadf_compliance(sa_file_path=path,
+ cfg_name=cfg,
+ path=sadf_binaries_path)
+ else:
+ # so to speak, failed to convert to latest sysstat's versioning.
+ # Fall back to oscode detection route.
+ extraction_status, rc, nodename, data = check_sadf_compliance(sa_file_path=path,
+ cfg_name=cfg,
+ path=sadf_binaries_path)
+ if write_data_to_file and extraction_status:
+ xml_file_path = dump_xml(data=data, sa_file_path=path)
+ del data
+ return (extraction_status, nodename, xml_file_path)
+ else:
+ return (extraction_status, nodename, data)
+ except ConfigFileNotSpecified as e:
+ print(e, file=sys.stderr)
+ except ConfigFileError as e:
+ print(e, file=sys.stderr)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Other error", e, file=sys.stderr)
+ import traceback
+ print(traceback.format_exc())
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ usage = "Usage: extract_sa.py [--config ] "
+ parser = OptionParser(usage)
+ o = make_option("-c", "--config", dest="cfg_name", help="Specify config file")
+ parser.add_option(o)
+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+ if not options.cfg_name:
+ parser.error('Path to pbench-index.cfg required.')
+ try:
+ SA_FILEPATH = args[0]
+ status, nodename, fp = process_binary(path=SA_FILEPATH,
+ cfg=options.cfg_name,
+ write_data_to_file=True)
+ if status:
+ print("Nodename: %s" % nodename)
+ print("XML data saved to: %s" % fp)
+ else:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ except IndexError as e:
+ parser.error("No SA binary file supplied to script")
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Other error", e, file=sys.stderr)
+ import traceback
+ print(traceback.format_exc())
diff --git a/server/pbench/bin/satools/index_sar.py b/server/pbench/bin/satools/index_sar.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..af7699f043
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/pbench/bin/satools/index_sar.py
@@ -0,0 +1,917 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from __future__ import print_function
+_DEBUG = 1
+_PROFILE = False
+# Version of this tool, ..-, where:
+# major: systemic layout change to _metadata or other field structures,
+# not backward compatible
+# minor: backward compatible layout changes to names, etc.
+# rev: completely compatible changes or additions made
+# build: identifying build number, should not represent any changes
+# Started at 1.0.0-0 since we initiated this after a trial period.
+import os
+import sys
+import hashlib
+import logging
+import configparser
+import json, collections
+import lzma, contextlib
+import time
+import xml.parsers.expat
+import mmap
+from urllib3 import exceptions as ul_excs, Timeout
+from elasticsearch import VERSION, Elasticsearch, helpers, exceptions as es_excs
+ import cProfile, cStringIO as StringIO, pstats
+ from logging import NullHandler
+except ImportError:
+ class NullHandler(logging.Handler):
+ def handle(self, record):
+ pass
+ def emit(self, record):
+ pass
+ def createLock(self):
+ self.lock = None
+_VERSION_ = "1.1.2-0"
+if VERSION < (1, 0, 0):
+ print("At least v1.0.0 of the ElasticSearch Python client is required,"
+ " found %r" % (VERSION,), file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
+_read_timeout = 120
+timeoutobj = Timeout(total=1200, connect=10, read=_read_timeout)
+# Silence logging messages from the elasticsearch client library
+# to keep track of timestamp
+DOCTYPE = 'sar'
+_NAME_ = "index-sar"
+TS_ALL = []
+_op_type = 'create'
+def gen_action(index, rec, nodename, ts):
+ md5 = hashlib.md5((nodename + ts).encode('utf-8'))
+ TS_ALL.append(ts)
+ # ix_all.append(index)
+ action = {
+ "_op_type": _op_type,
+ "_index": index,
+ "_type": DOCTYPE,
+ "_id": md5.hexdigest(),
+ "_timestamp": ts,
+ "_source": rec
+ }
+ return action
+def cvtnum(v):
+ """
+ Convert a string value to an integer or a float. If the given value is
+ neither, return it quoted.
+ """
+ try:
+ # Attempt to consider it an int first.
+ new_v = int(v)
+ except ValueError:
+ try:
+ # Then see if it could be considered a float.
+ new_v = float(v)
+ except ValueError:
+ # Otherwise, just return it as a quoted string.
+ new_v = v
+ else:
+ # ElasticSearch / Lucene have a max range for long types of
+ # [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807], assumes 64-bit
+ # platforms!
+ if new_v > sys.maxsize:
+ new_v = sys.maxsize
+ elif new_v < -sys.maxsize:
+ new_v = -sys.maxsize
+ return new_v
+def tstos(ts=None):
+ return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S-%Z", time.localtime(ts))
+class SysStatParse(object):
+ """
+ Parse sysstat XML generated data into discrete JSON documents, with
+ appropriate meta data applied for indexing in ElasticSearch.
+ The operation of this code relies on the order in which elements are
+ written to the XML from the sadf utility, where the first few elements can
+ data that applies to all statistics, comments and restarts (machine name,
+ linux version, etc.).
+ For the most part, all the element names and attributes translate over
+ one-to-one. There are a few exceptions:
+ 1. int-proc data has no mapping in the more recent sysstat versions,
+ so a new key is used, "interrupts-processor" instead (note that
+ int-global already maps to "interrupts")
+ 2. the file-sz and inode-sz elements are renamed to file-nr and inode-nr
+ to match later output
+ 3. the net-device element is not carried over
+ 4. the rxbyt and txbyt net-dev values are renamed to rxkB and txkB, and
+ their values devided by 1,024 to match
+ No attempt is made to map older element or attribute names into their more
+ recent forms, e.g.
+ * "processes" and "context-switch" combined into the newer
+ "process-and-context-switch" element
+ @pbench_run_md5: This md5 corresponds to the pbench-run._metadata.md5
+ @pbench_run_unique_id: This is a path that represents the unique location
+ of that SAR data being indexed.
+ """
+ _valid_states = set((
+ 'START', 'sysstat', 'host', 'statistics', 'timestamp', 'cpu-load',
+ 'cpu-load-all', 'io', 'memory', 'hugepages', 'kernel', 'serial',
+ 'power-management', 'disk', 'network', 'interrupts', 'int-global',
+ 'int-proc', 'filesystems','cpu-frequency', 'fan-speed', 'comments',
+ 'voltage-input', 'temperature', 'usb-devices', 'restarts'))
+ _int_name_map = { 'int-global': 'interrupts',
+ 'int-proc': 'interrupts-processor' }
+ def __init__(self, fname, target_nodename, es, unique_id, md5,
+ idx_prefix, blk_action_count):
+ if _DEBUG > 9:
+ import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ # Input filename being considered
+ self.fname = fname
+ # set references to a pbench run
+ self.target_nodename = target_nodename
+ self.pbench_run_md5 = md5
+ self.pbench_run_unique_id = unique_id
+ self.es = es
+ self.INDEX_PREFIX = idx_prefix
+ self.BULK_ACTION_COUNT = blk_action_count
+ # XML element parsing state and the stack that helps us transitions
+ # between states; see _valid_states above
+ self.state = 'START'
+ self.stack = []
+ # Saved key/value pairs being assembled into a new dictionary,
+ # currently used to merge "processes" and "context-switch" element
+ # dictionaries into the one "process-and-context-switch" dictionary.
+ self.saved = {}
+ # Used when in the context of an element who's character data values
+ # are destined for normal statistics data.
+ self.curr_element = None
+ # Used when in the context of an element who's character data values
+ # are destined for metadata.
+ self.curr_meta_element = None
+ # Metadata dictionary to accumulate top level element values and
+ # attributes that should be applied as metadata to all statistics,
+ # comments, and restarts.
+ self.metadata = {}
+ # Dictionary or list representing the current element's context as its
+ # being processed.
+ self.curr_element_dict = None
+ self.curr_element_dict_stack = []
+ # Buffer for accumulating data between elements (all accumulated data
+ # is stripped of whitespace when the end element is encountered). The
+ # data stack allows us to accumulate data between elements, pushing a
+ # new buffer when we encounter a new element start before the previous
+ # one ends.
+ self.data_buf = ''
+ self.data_stack = []
+ # State for handling net-dev and net-edev elements
+ self.net_devs = []
+ self.net_edevs = []
+ self.net_device_iface = None
+ # For each "host" element encountered, this is the nodename attribute
+ # value from that element.
+ self.nodename = ''
+ # Accumulated list of ElasticSearch "actions" for bulk indexing
+ self.actions = []
+ # ElasticSerach indexing counts
+ self.totals = collections.defaultdict(int)
+ self.successes = 0
+ self.duplicates = 0
+ self.errors = 0
+ self.exceptions = 0
+ def _error(self, msg, *args):
+ print(msg % args, file=sys.stderr)
+ if _DEBUG > 8:
+ import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ print(repr(self.stack))
+ def _warn(self, msg, *args):
+ print(msg % args, file=sys.stderr)
+ if _DEBUG > 9:
+ import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ print(repr(self.stack))
+ def _dump_actions(self):
+ for act in self.actions:
+ print(json.dumps(act, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
+ # If we are dumping the actions out, we are consuming them
+ del self.actions[0:len(self.actions)]
+ def _push(self, state=None, noindent=False):
+ self.stack.append((self.state, self.saved))
+ self.state = state if state is not None else self.state
+ self.saved = {}
+ def _pop(self):
+ self.state, self.saved = self.stack.pop()
+ def _push_dict(self, obj, name=None):
+ self.curr_element_dict_stack.append(self.curr_element_dict)
+ self.curr_element_dict = obj
+ if _DEBUG > 8:
+ print(name, "pushed", self.curr_element_dict, self.curr_element_dict_stack)
+ def _pop_dict(self, name=None):
+ if _DEBUG > 8:
+ if len(self.curr_element_dict_stack) == 0:
+ import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ print(name, "popping", self.curr_element_dict, self.curr_element_dict_stack)
+ else:
+ assert len(self.curr_element_dict_stack) > 0
+ ced = self.curr_element_dict
+ assert ced is not None
+ self.curr_element_dict = self.curr_element_dict_stack.pop()
+ if isinstance(self.curr_element_dict, list):
+ self.curr_element_dict.append(ced)
+ else:
+ if _DEBUG > 8:
+ if name is None or self.curr_element_dict is None:
+ import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ else:
+ assert name is not None
+ self.curr_element_dict[name] = ced
+ def _normalize_attrs(self, attrs):
+ new_attrs = {}
+ for k, v in attrs.items():
+ if k == "per" and v == "second":
+ continue
+ new_attrs[k] = cvtnum(v)
+ return new_attrs
+ def _create_record(self, name, attrs):
+ assert name in ('comment', 'boot', 'timestamp')
+ timestamp_d = {}
+ name_val = None
+ for k, v in attrs.items():
+ if k in ('date', 'time', 'utc', 'interval'):
+ timestamp_d[k] = cvtnum(v)
+ else:
+ assert k != 'com' or name_val is None
+ name_val = cvtnum(v)
+ if not name_val:
+ if name == 'boot':
+ name_val = "recorded"
+ assert timestamp_d
+ record = { 'timestamp': timestamp_d }
+ if name != 'timestamp':
+ record[name] = name_val
+ return record
+ def _metadata_element(self, name, attrs):
+ if not attrs:
+ assert name, "Expected an element name, not: %r" % name
+ # Remember this element name, and wait for possible
+ # character data
+ self.curr_meta_element = name
+ else:
+ for k, v in attrs.items():
+ if k == "per" and v == "second":
+ continue
+ self.metadata[k] = cvtnum(v)
+ def _register_action(self, name):
+ #assert self.curr_element_dict is not None
+ if self.curr_element_dict is None:
+ if _DEBUG > 8:
+ import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ print("bad state: _register_action() called with no action",
+ file=sys.stderr)
+ self.exceptions += 1
+ return
+ #assert len(self.curr_element_dict_stack) == 0
+ if len(self.curr_element_dict_stack) > 0:
+ if _DEBUG > 8:
+ import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ print("bad state: _register_action() called with a non-empty stack",
+ file=sys.stderr)
+ self.exceptions += 1
+ return
+ record = self.curr_element_dict
+ self.curr_element_dict = None
+ self.metadata["generated-by"] = _NAME_
+ self.metadata["generated-by-version"] = _VERSION_
+ self.metadata["pbench_run_md5"] = self.pbench_run_md5
+ self.metadata["pbench_run_unique_id"] = self.pbench_run_unique_id
+ record['_metadata'] = self.metadata
+ try:
+ timestamp = record['timestamp']
+ ts = timestamp['date'] + 'T' + timestamp['time']
+ except KeyError:
+ print("Seems to be an invalid sar XML file, where a"
+ " '%s' element does not have date and time"
+ " attributes" % name, file=sys.stderr)
+ if _DEBUG > 8:
+ import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ self.exceptons += 1
+ return
+ else:
+ index = "%s.sar-%s" % (self.INDEX_PREFIX, timestamp['date'])
+ self.actions.append(gen_action(index, record, self.nodename, ts))
+ self.totals['records'] += 1
+ self.totals[self.state] += 1
+ if len(self.actions) >= self.BULK_ACTION_COUNT:
+ self._bulk_upload()
+ def _bulk_upload(self):
+ if _DEBUG > 1:
+ self._dump_actions()
+ if len(self.actions) == 0:
+ return
+ beg, end = time.time(), None
+ start = beg
+ if _DEBUG > 0:
+ print("\tbulk index (beg ts: %s) ..." % tstos(beg))
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ delay = _read_timeout
+ tries = 20
+ try:
+ while True:
+ try:
+ res = helpers.bulk(self.es, self.actions)
+ except es_excs.ConnectionError as err:
+ end = time.time()
+ if isinstance(err.info, ul_excs.ReadTimeoutError):
+ tries -= 1
+ if tries > 0:
+ print("\t\tWARNING (end ts: %s, duration: %.2fs):"
+ " read timeout, delaying %d seconds before"
+ " retrying (%d attempts remaining)..." % (
+ tstos(end), end - beg, delay, tries),
+ file=sys.stderr)
+ time.sleep(delay)
+ delay *= 2
+ beg, end = time.time(), None
+ print("\t\tWARNING (beg ts: %s): retrying..." % (
+ tstos(beg)), file=sys.stderr)
+ continue
+ if _DEBUG > 8:
+ import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ print("\tERROR (end ts: %s, duration: %.2fs): %s" % (
+ tstos(end), end - start, err), file=sys.stderr)
+ self.exceptions += 1
+ except Exception as err:
+ end = time.time()
+ if _DEBUG > 8:
+ import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ # print("\tERROR (end ts: %s, duration: %.2fs): %s" % (
+ # tstos(end), end - start, err), file=sys.stderr)
+ self.exceptions += 1
+ else:
+ end = time.time()
+ lcl_successes = res[0]
+ self.successes += lcl_successes
+ lcl_duplicates = 0
+ lcl_errors = 0
+ len_res1 = len(res[1])
+ for idx, ires in enumerate(res[1]):
+ sts = ires[_op_type]['status']
+ if sts not in (200, 201):
+ if _op_type == 'create' and sts == 409:
+ self.duplicates += 1
+ lcl_duplicates += 1
+ else:
+ print("\t\tERRORS (%d of %d): %r" % (
+ idx, len_res1, ires[_op_type]['error']),
+ file=sys.stderr)
+ self.errors += 1
+ lcl_errors += 1
+ else:
+ self.successes += 1
+ lcl_successes += 1
+ if _DEBUG > 0 or lcl_errors > 0:
+ print("\tdone (end ts: %s, duration: %.2fs,"
+ " success: %d, duplicates: %d, errors: %d)" % (
+ tstos(end), end - start, lcl_successes,
+ lcl_duplicates, lcl_errors))
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ break
+ finally:
+ del self.actions[0:len(self.actions)]
+ def start_element(self, name, attrs):
+ assert self.state in self._valid_states
+ assert not (self.curr_element is not None and self.curr_meta_element is not None)
+ self.data_stack.append(self.data_buf.strip())
+ self.data_buf = ''
+ if self.state == 'int-global':
+ if name == 'irq':
+ if attrs['value'] != "0.00":
+ self.curr_element_dict.append(self._normalize_attrs(attrs))
+ else:
+ self._error("Ignoring start for element: %s, attrs: %r", name, attrs)
+ elif self.state == 'int-proc':
+ if name == 'irqcpu':
+ if attrs['value'] != "0.00":
+ self.curr_element_dict.append(self._normalize_attrs(attrs))
+ else:
+ self._error("Ignoring start for element: %s, attrs: %r", name, attrs)
+ elif self.state == 'interrupts':
+ if name == 'int-global':
+ self._push(state=name)
+ self._push_dict([])
+ elif name == 'int-proc':
+ self._push(state=name)
+ self._push_dict([])
+ else:
+ self._error("Ignoring start for element: %s, attrs: %r", name, attrs)
+ elif self.state in ('cpu-load', 'cpu-load-all'):
+ if name == 'cpu':
+ try:
+ attrs['cpu'] = attrs['number']
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ del attrs['number']
+ self.curr_element_dict.append(self._normalize_attrs(attrs))
+ else:
+ self._error("Ignoring start for element: %s, attrs: %r", name, attrs)
+ elif self.state == 'disk':
+ if name == 'disk-device':
+ try:
+ attrs['disk-device'] = attrs['dev']
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ del attrs['dev']
+ self.curr_element_dict.append(self._normalize_attrs(attrs))
+ else:
+ self._error("Ignoring start for element: %s, attrs: %r", name, attrs)
+ elif self.state in ('cpu-frequency', 'fan-speed', 'temperature',
+ 'voltage-input', 'usb-devices', 'filesystems'):
+ if self.state == 'filesystems':
+ try:
+ attrs['filesystem'] = attrs['fsname']
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ del attrs['fsname']
+ self.curr_element_dict.append(self._normalize_attrs(attrs))
+ elif self.state == 'network':
+ if name == 'net-dev':
+ if self.net_device_iface is not None:
+ attrs['iface'] = self.net_device_iface
+ self.net_devs.append(self._normalize_attrs(attrs))
+ elif name == 'net-edev':
+ if self.net_device_iface is not None:
+ attrs['iface'] = self.net_device_iface
+ self.net_edevs.append(self._normalize_attrs(attrs))
+ elif name == 'net-device':
+ self.net_device_iface = attrs['iface']
+ else:
+ self.curr_element_dict[name] = self._normalize_attrs(attrs)
+ elif self.state in ('io', 'memory', 'kernel', 'hugepages'):
+ if not attrs:
+ assert name, "Expected an element name, not: %r" % name
+ # Remember this element name, and wait for possible
+ # character data
+ self.curr_element = name
+ else:
+ self.curr_element_dict[name] = self._normalize_attrs(attrs)
+ elif self.state == 'serial':
+ if name == 'tty':
+ self.curr_element_dict.append(self._normalize_attrs(attrs))
+ else:
+ self._error("Ignoring start for element: %s, attrs: %r", name, attrs)
+ elif self.state == 'power-management':
+ if name in ('cpu-frequency', 'fan-speed', 'temperature',
+ 'voltage-input', 'usb-devices'):
+ self._push(state=name)
+ self._push_dict([])
+ else:
+ self._error("Ignoring start for element: %s, attrs: %r", name, attrs)
+ elif self.state == 'timestamp':
+ if name in ('cpu-load-all', 'cpu-load', 'disk', 'serial', 'filesystems'):
+ self._push(state=name)
+ self._push_dict([])
+ elif name == 'interrupts':
+ self._push(state=name, noindent=True)
+ elif name in ('io', 'memory', 'network', 'hugepages', 'power-management'):
+ self._push(state=name)
+ self._push_dict({})
+ if self.state == 'network':
+ self.net_devs = []
+ self.net_edevs = []
+ elif name == 'kernel':
+ try:
+ del attrs['per']
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ if attrs:
+ # Starting with sysstat 10.1.x (maybe earlier) kernel has
+ # attributes on element
+ self._push_dict(self._normalize_attrs(attrs))
+ else:
+ # Pre sysstat 10.1.x kernel has sub elements with attributes
+ self._push(state=name)
+ self._push_dict({})
+ elif name in ('process-and-context-switch', 'swap-pages', 'paging', 'queue'):
+ self._push_dict(self._normalize_attrs(attrs))
+ elif name in ('processes', 'context-switch'):
+ self.saved[name] = attrs
+ else:
+ self._error("Ignoring start for element: %s, attrs: %r", name, attrs)
+ elif self.state == 'statistics':
+ if name == 'timestamp':
+ self._push(state='timestamp')
+ assert self.curr_element_dict == None
+ assert len(self.curr_element_dict_stack) == 0
+ self.curr_element_dict = self._create_record(name, attrs)
+ else:
+ self._error("Ignoring element: %s, attrs: %r", name, attrs)
+ elif self.state == 'restarts':
+ if name == 'boot':
+ assert self.curr_element_dict == None
+ assert len(self.curr_element_dict_stack) == 0
+ self.curr_element_dict = self._create_record(name, attrs)
+ else:
+ self._error("Ignoring start for element: %s, attrs: %r", name, attrs)
+ elif self.state == 'comments':
+ if name == 'comment':
+ assert self.curr_element_dict == None
+ assert len(self.curr_element_dict_stack) == 0
+ self.curr_element_dict = self._create_record(name, attrs)
+ else:
+ self._error("Ignoring start for element: %s, attrs: %r", name, attrs)
+ elif self.state == 'host':
+ if name in ('statistics', 'restarts', 'comments'):
+ self._push(state=name, noindent=True)
+ elif name in ('sysname', 'release', 'machine', 'number-of-cpus', 'file-date', 'file-utc-time'):
+ self._metadata_element(name, attrs)
+ else:
+ self._error("Ignoring start for element: %s, attrs: %r", name, attrs)
+ elif self.state == 'sysstat':
+ if name == 'host':
+ self._push(state='host', noindent=True)
+ self._metadata_element(name, attrs)
+ try:
+ self.nodename = self.metadata['nodename']
+ except KeyError:
+ print("Seems to be an invalid sar XML file,"
+ " where the host element does not"
+ " have a nodename attribute", file=sys.stderr)
+ raise
+ else:
+ if self.nodename != self.target_nodename:
+ raise Exception("Unexpected nodename, %s, expected: %s" % (self.nodename, self.target_nodename))
+ elif name in ('sysdata-version'):
+ self._metadata_element(name, attrs)
+ else:
+ self._error("Ignoring start for element: %s, attrs: %r", name, attrs)
+ elif self.state == 'START':
+ if name == 'sysstat':
+ self._push(state='sysstat', noindent=True)
+ else:
+ self._warn("Ignoring element: %s, attrs: %r", name, attrs)
+ else:
+ self._error("Unexpected state: %s", self.state)
+ def end_element(self, name):
+ assert self.state in self._valid_states
+ assert not (self.curr_element is not None and self.curr_meta_element is not None)
+ data_buf = self.data_buf.strip()
+ self.data_buf = self.data_stack.pop()
+ if self.curr_element is not None:
+ if self.curr_element != name:
+ if data_buf != '':
+ # Encountered the end of another element, when expecting something else
+ if _DEBUG > 8:
+ import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ pass
+ else:
+ # Quietly swallow other empty elements that don't match this one
+ pass
+ return
+ if data_buf:
+ if self.curr_element_dict is None:
+ import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ self.curr_element_dict[name] = cvtnum(data_buf)
+ else:
+ if _DEBUG > 8:
+ import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ pass
+ else:
+ # Not debugging, ignore whitespace only element values
+ pass
+ self.curr_element = None
+ elif self.curr_meta_element is not None:
+ if self.curr_meta_element != name:
+ if data_buf != '':
+ # Encountered the end of another element, when expecting something else
+ if _DEBUG > 8:
+ import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ pass
+ else:
+ # Quietly swallow other empty elements that don't match this one
+ pass
+ return
+ if data_buf:
+ self.metadata[name] = cvtnum(data_buf)
+ else:
+ if _DEBUG > 8:
+ import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ pass
+ else:
+ # Not debugging, ignore whitespace only values elements
+ pass
+ self.curr_meta_element = None
+ else:
+ # Nothing to do for this ending element.
+ assert data_buf == ''
+ if self.state in ('int-global', 'int-proc'):
+ if name == self.state:
+ self._pop_dict(self._int_name_map[name])
+ self._pop()
+ elif self.state in ('cpu-load', 'cpu-load-all'):
+ if name == self.state:
+ self._pop_dict(name)
+ if name == 'cpu-load-all':
+ # Synthesize a cpu-load entry from a cpu-load-all:
+ cpu_load = []
+ for clad in self.curr_element_dict[name]:
+ cld = {
+ 'cpu': clad['cpu'],
+ 'idle': clad['idle'],
+ 'iowait': clad['iowait'],
+ 'nice': clad['nice'],
+ 'steal': clad['steal'],
+ 'system': clad['sys'] + clad['irq'] + clad['soft'],
+ 'user': clad['usr'] + clad['guest']
+ }
+ try:
+ # with sysstat 10.1.6 and later we might have
+ # gnice values, which roll up into
+ # cpu-load.cpu.nice.
+ cld['nice'] += clad['gnice']
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ cpu_load.append(cld)
+ self.curr_element_dict['cpu-load'] = cpu_load
+ self._pop()
+ elif self.state in ('serial', 'disk', 'cpu-frequency', 'fan-speed',
+ 'temperature', 'voltage-input', 'usb-devices',
+ 'filesystems'):
+ if name == self.state:
+ self._pop_dict(name)
+ self._pop()
+ elif self.state == 'interrupts':
+ if name == self.state:
+ self._pop()
+ elif self.state == 'network':
+ if name == self.state:
+ if self.net_devs:
+ assert self.curr_element_dict is not None
+ if 'rxbyt' in self.net_devs[0]:
+ for nd in self.net_devs:
+ try:
+ nd['rxkB'] = nd['rxbyt'] / 1024
+ nd['txkB'] = nd['txbyt'] / 1024
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ del nd['rxbyt']
+ del nd['txbyt']
+ self.curr_element_dict['net-dev'] = self.net_devs
+ self.net_devs = []
+ if self.net_edevs:
+ assert self.curr_element_dict is not None
+ self.curr_element_dict['net-edev'] = self.net_edevs
+ self.net_edevs = []
+ if self.net_device_iface is not None:
+ self.net_device_iface = None
+ self._pop_dict(name)
+ self._pop()
+ elif self.state in ('io', 'memory', 'kernel', 'hugepages', 'power-management'):
+ if name == self.state:
+ if name == 'kernel':
+ # Make sysstat-7.x like sysstat-9.x and later
+ try:
+ self.curr_element_dict['file-nr'] = self.curr_element_dict['file-sz']
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ del self.curr_element_dict['file-sz']
+ try:
+ self.curr_element_dict['inode-nr'] = self.curr_element_dict['inode-sz']
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ del self.curr_element_dict['inode-sz']
+ self._pop_dict(name)
+ self._pop()
+ elif self.state == 'timestamp':
+ if name == self.state:
+ try:
+ pattrs = self.saved['processes']
+ except KeyError:
+ combined_attrs = {}
+ else:
+ combined_attrs = pattrs
+ try:
+ cattrs = self.saved['context-switch']
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ combined_attrs.update(cattrs)
+ if combined_attrs:
+ self.curr_element_dict['process-and-context-switch'] = self._normalize_attrs(combined_attrs)
+ self._pop()
+ self._register_action(name)
+ elif name not in ('processes', 'context-switch'):
+ self._pop_dict(name)
+ elif self.state == 'statistics':
+ if name == self.state:
+ self._pop()
+ elif self.state in ('restarts', 'comments'):
+ if name == self.state:
+ self._pop()
+ else:
+ self._register_action(name)
+ elif self.state == 'host':
+ # Add any other elements we find, just add
+ if name == 'host':
+ self._pop()
+ elif self.state == 'sysstat':
+ if name == 'sysstat':
+ self._pop()
+ else:
+ self._error("Unexpected state: %s", self.state)
+ def char_data(self, data):
+ # Simply accumulate all the data given. This method may be called more
+ # than once between start_element and end_element invocations.
+ self.data_buf += data
+def process_fp(fp, p, sparse):
+ if _PROFILE:
+ pr = cProfile.Profile()
+ pr.enable()
+ beg = time.time()
+ try:
+ p.ParseFile(fp)
+ except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError as err:
+ print("Bad XML: %r" % err, file=sys.stderr)
+ sparse.exceptions += 1
+ # Bulk upload the remainder
+ sparse._bulk_upload()
+ end = time.time()
+ if _PROFILE:
+ pr.disable()
+ s = StringIO.StringIO()
+ sortby = 'cumulative'
+ ps = pstats.Stats(pr, stream=s).sort_stats(sortby)
+ ps.print_stats()
+ print(s.getvalue())
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ return beg, end
+def call_indexer(file_path=None, _nodename=None, TS_ALL=TS_ALL,
+ _index_name='', cfg_name=None, run_unique_id=None,
+ run_md5=None):
+ if file_path == '-':
+ fname = '-'
+ else:
+ try:
+ fname = os.path.abspath(file_path)
+ except IndexError:
+ print("We need a XML file to process", file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ # FIXME: This is a bit simplistic
+ bname = os.path.basename(fname)
+ if not bname.endswith(('.xml', '.xml.xz')):
+ print("Are you sure this is an XML file? (%s)" % fname,
+ file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ try:
+ target_nodename = _nodename.strip()
+ except IndexError:
+ print("We need a target nodename to use verifying the XML", file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ try:
+ indexname = _index_name.strip()
+ except IndexError:
+ indexname = ''
+ # cfg_name = "/etc/pbench-index.cfg"
+ if cfg_name is None:
+ print("cfg_name was not supplied. Reading path from VOS_CONFIG_PATH")
+ cfg_name = os.environ.get('VOS_CONFIG_PATH')
+ if cfg_name is None:
+ print("Need VOS_CONFIG_PATH environment variable defined",
+ file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ config = configparser.ConfigParser()
+ config.read(cfg_name)
+ try:
+ URL = config.get('Server', 'server')
+ except configparser.NoSectionError:
+ print("Need a [Server] section with host and port defined in %s"
+ " configuration file" % cfg_name, file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ except configparser.NoOptionError:
+ host = config.get('Server', 'host')
+ port = config.get('Server', 'port')
+ else:
+ host, port = URL.rsplit(':', 1)
+ hosts = [dict(host=host, port=port, timeout=timeoutobj),]
+ es = Elasticsearch(hosts, max_retries=0)
+ INDEX_PREFIX = config.get('Settings', 'index_prefix')
+ if indexname:
+ INDEX_PREFIX += '.%s' % indexname
+ BULK_ACTION_COUNT = int(config.get('Settings', 'bulk_action_count'))
+ # Setup XML element parser
+ sparse = SysStatParse(fname, target_nodename, es, run_unique_id,
+ # Setup XML parser to use our element callback parser
+ p = xml.parsers.expat.ParserCreate()
+ p.StartElementHandler = sparse.start_element
+ p.EndElementHandler = sparse.end_element
+ p.CharacterDataHandler = sparse.char_data
+ if _DEBUG > 0:
+ print("parsing %s..." % (fname if fname != '-' else '',))
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ if fname == '-':
+ beg, end = process_fp(sys.stdin.buffer, p, sparse)
+ else:
+ try:
+ inf = lzma.LZMAFile(fname, "rb")
+ with contextlib.closing(inf):
+ beg, end = process_fp(inf, p, sparse)
+ except (IOError, lzma.LZMAError):
+ with open(fname, "r+b") as inf:
+ mm = mmap.mmap(inf.fileno(), 0)
+ beg, end = process_fp(mm, p, sparse)
+ TS_ALL = sorted(TS_ALL)
+ if _DEBUG > 0:
+ print("grafana_range_begin %s" % (TS_ALL[0]))
+ print("grafana_range_end %s" % (TS_ALL[-1]))
+ print("...parsed %s (%.03f secs)" %
+ (fname if fname != '-' else '',
+ end - beg))
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ if sparse.exceptions + sparse.errors > 0:
+ print("ERROR(%s) errors encountered during indexing" % (
+ _NAME_,), file=sys.stderr)
+ if sparse.successes + sparse.duplicates == 0:
+ # Only return a total failure if no records were actually indexed
+ # successfully
+ sys.exit(1)
diff --git a/server/pbench/bin/satools/oscode.py b/server/pbench/bin/satools/oscode.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..9b0cdfb466
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/pbench/bin/satools/oscode.py
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# From DSA/satools/satools/
+# https://github.com/distributed-system-analysis/satools
+from __future__ import print_function
+import os
+import sys
+ from sysstat import fetch_fileheader, fetch_os_code, Invalid
+ from .sysstat import fetch_fileheader, fetch_os_code, Invalid
+def determine_version(file_path=None):
+ if os.path.getsize(file_path) == 0:
+ return (False, "Invalid - %s: empty data file" % file_path)
+ try:
+ fm, fh, fa, magic = fetch_fileheader(file_path)
+ except Invalid as e:
+ return (False, "Invalid - %s: %s" % (file_path, e))
+ except Exception as e:
+ return (False, "Error - %s: %s" % (file_path, e))
+ try:
+ val = fetch_os_code(magic)
+ except Invalid as e:
+ return (False, "Invalid - %s: %s" % (file_path, e))
+ except Exception as e:
+ return (False, "Error - %s: %s" % (file_path, e))
+ else:
+ return (True, val)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ res = determine_version(file_path=sys.argv[1])
+ if res[0]:
+ print(res[1])
+ else:
+ print(res[1], file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
diff --git a/server/pbench/bin/satools/sysstat.py b/server/pbench/bin/satools/sysstat.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..269f671934
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/pbench/bin/satools/sysstat.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1582 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# From DSA/satools/satools/
+# https://github.com/distributed-system-analysis/satools
+A simple module to facilitate reading sa binary data files, providing classes
+appropriate to different versions of the various binary data file formats, and
+simple methods for dumping the data.
+Test in this tree via:
+ for i in samples/sa.* ; do echo $i; python sysstat.py $i ; done
+ ***************************************************************************
+ * Definitions of header structures.
+ *
+ * Format of system activity data files (from at least FORMAT_MAGIC 0x2170 and later):
+ * __
+ * |
+ * | file_magic structure
+ * |
+ * |--
+ * |
+ * | file_header structure
+ * |
+ * |-- --|
+ * | |
+ * | file_activity structure | * sa_nr_act
+ * | |
+ * |-- --|
+ * | |
+ * | record_header structure |
+ * | |
+ * |-- | *
+ * | |
+ * | Statistics structures...(*) |
+ * | |
+ * |-- --|
+ *
+ * (*)Note: If it's a special record, we may find a comment instead of
+ * statistics (R_COMMENT record type) or the number of CPU items (R_RESTART
+ * record type).
+ ***************************************************************************
+ */
+import sys, time, os.path, os, lzma
+from datetime import datetime
+from ctypes import Structure, c_int, c_uint, c_ushort, c_uint8, c_ulong, c_char, c_ulonglong
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
+from contextlib import closing
+class Corruption(Exception):
+ """
+ sa binary data file is corrupted somehow.
+ """
+ pass
+class Invalid(Exception):
+ """
+ sa binary data file is corrupted somehow.
+ """
+ pass
+class Truncated(Exception):
+ """
+ sa binary data file is corrupted somehow.
+ """
+ pass
+DEBUG = False
+TWO_DAYS_SECONDS = (2 * 24 * 60 * 60)
+#/* Maximum length of a comment */
+#define UTSNAME_LEN 65
+#/* Get IFNAMSIZ */
+#ifndef IFNAMSIZ
+#define IFNAMSIZ 16
+# * Sysstat magic number. Should never be modified.
+# * Indicate that the file was created by sysstat.
+# */
+##define SYSSTAT_MAGIC 0xd596
+#/* Record type */
+# * R_STATS means that this is a record of statistics.
+# */
+#define R_STATS 1
+R_STATS = 1
+# * R_RESTART means that this is a special record containing
+# * a LINUX RESTART message.
+# */
+#define R_RESTART 2
+R_DUMMY = 2 # Under 2169 formats
+# * R_LAST_STATS warns sar that this is the last record to be written
+# * to file before a file rotation, and that the next data to come will
+# * be a header file.
+# * Such a record is tagged R_STATS anyway before being written to file.
+# */
+#define R_LAST_STATS 3
+# * R_COMMENT means that this is a special record containing
+# * a comment.
+# */
+#define R_COMMENT 4
+# 0x2169 based formats, add "_B" to differentiate.
+#/* Define activities */
+A_PROC_B = 0x000001
+A_CTXSW_B = 0x000002
+A_CPU_B = 0x000004
+A_IRQ_B = 0x000008
+A_ONE_IRQ_B = 0x000010
+A_SWAP_B = 0x000020
+A_IO_B = 0x000040
+A_MEMORY_B = 0x000080
+A_SERIAL_B = 0x000100
+A_NET_DEV_B = 0x000200
+A_NET_EDEV_B = 0x000400
+A_DISK_B = 0x000800
+A_PID_B = 0x001000
+A_CPID_B = 0x002000
+A_NET_NFS_B = 0x004000
+A_NET_NFSD_B = 0x008000
+A_PAGE_B = 0x010000
+A_MEM_AMT_B = 0x020000
+A_KTABLES_B = 0x040000
+A_NET_SOCK_B = 0x080000
+A_QUEUE_B = 0x100000
+#define A_LAST 0x100000
+#/* Activities */
+A_CPU = 1
+A_PCSW = 2
+A_IRQ = 3
+A_SWAP = 4
+A_PAGE = 5
+A_IO = 6
+A_QUEUE = 9
+A_SERIAL = 10
+A_DISK = 11
+A_NET_DEV = 12
+A_NET_EDEV = 13
+A_NET_NFS = 14
+A_NET_NFSD = 15
+A_NET_SOCK = 16
+A_NET_IP = 17
+A_NET_EIP = 18
+A_NET_ICMP = 19
+A_NET_TCP = 21
+A_NET_ETCP = 22
+A_NET_UDP = 23
+A_NET_SOCK6 = 24
+A_NET_IP6 = 25
+A_NET_EIP6 = 26
+A_NET_ICMP6 = 27
+A_NET_EICMP6 = 28
+A_NET_UDP6 = 29
+class FileMagic(Structure):
+ """
+As of the final git v10.2.1:
+This structure should only be extended in the future, so can serve as the
+generic base structure from which we can interrupt the initial bytes of a file
+to determine what the actual format version is for the rest of the file. If it
+changes in size, which is likely for 10.3.x and later, we can define another
+version for that specific number and insert it in the table below.
+ * Datafile format magic number.
+ * Modified to indicate that the format of the file is
+ * no longer compatible with that of previous sysstat versions.
+ */
+#define FORMAT_MAGIC 0x2171
+/* Structure for file magic header data */
+struct file_magic {
+ /*
+ * This field identifies the file as a file created by sysstat.
+ */
+ unsigned short sysstat_magic;
+ /*
+ * The value of this field varies whenever datafile format changes.
+ */
+ unsigned short format_magic;
+ /*
+ * Sysstat version used to create the file.
+ */
+ unsigned char sysstat_version;
+ unsigned char sysstat_patchlevel;
+ unsigned char sysstat_sublevel;
+ unsigned char sysstat_extraversion;
+#define FILE_MAGIC_SIZE (sizeof(struct file_magic))
+ """
+ _fields_ = [ ('sysstat_magic', c_ushort),
+ ('format_magic', c_ushort),
+ ('sysstat_version', c_uint8),
+ ('sysstat_patchlevel', c_uint8),
+ ('sysstat_sublevel', c_uint8),
+ ('sysstat_extraversion', c_uint8)
+ ]
+ #FORMAT_MAGIC = 0x2171
+ SIZE = ((2 * 2)
+ + (4 * 1))
+ def dump(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ print("file_magic:")
+ print("\tsysstat_magic = 0x%04x" % self.sysstat_magic)
+ print("\tformat_magic = 0x%04x" % self.format_magic)
+ print("\tsysstat_version", repr(self.sysstat_version))
+ print("\tsysstat_patchlevel", repr(self.sysstat_patchlevel))
+ print("\tsysstat_sublevel", repr(self.sysstat_sublevel))
+ print("\tsysstat_extraversion", repr(self.sysstat_extraversion))
+class FileHeader(Structure):
+ """
+ File Header structure shared by format versions under a 0xd596
+ 0x2170 (9.0.0, RHEL 6.x),
+ 0x1170 (RHEL 6.5+),
+ 0x2171 (10.1.5, RHEL 7-Beta1, Fedora 19+)
+/* Header structure for system activity data file */
+struct file_header {
+ /*
+ * Timestamp in seconds since the epoch.
+ */
+ unsigned long sa_ust_time __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ /*
+ * Number of activities saved in the file
+ */
+ unsigned int sa_nr_act __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ /*
+ * Current day, month and year.
+ * No need to save DST (Daylight Saving Time) flag, since it is not taken
+ * into account by the strftime() function used to print the timestamp.
+ */
+ unsigned char sa_day;
+ unsigned char sa_month;
+ unsigned char sa_year;
+ /*
+ * Size of a long integer. Useful to know the architecture on which
+ * the datafile was created.
+ */
+ char sa_sizeof_long;
+ /*
+ * Operating system name.
+ */
+ char sa_sysname[UTSNAME_LEN];
+ /*
+ * Machine hostname.
+ */
+ char sa_nodename[UTSNAME_LEN];
+ /*
+ * Operating system release number.
+ */
+ char sa_release[UTSNAME_LEN];
+ /*
+ * Machine architecture.
+ */
+ char sa_machine[UTSNAME_LEN];
+#define FILE_HEADER_SIZE (sizeof(struct file_header))
+ """
+ _fields_ = [ ('sa_ust_time', c_ulong),
+ ('sa_nr_act', c_uint),
+ ('sa_day', c_uint8),
+ ('sa_month', c_uint8),
+ ('sa_year', c_uint8),
+ ('sa_sizeof_long', c_char),
+ ('sa_sysname', c_char * UTSNAME_LEN),
+ ('sa_nodename', c_char * UTSNAME_LEN),
+ ('sa_release', c_char * UTSNAME_LEN),
+ ('sa_machine', c_char * UTSNAME_LEN),
+ ('_alignment_padding', c_uint), # Padding due to alignment of first element?
+ ]
+ SIZE = ((1 * 8)
+ + (1 * 4)
+ + (4 * 1)
+ + (4 * UTSNAME_LEN)
+ + 4)
+ def dump(self, format_magic, *args, **kwargs):
+ print("file_header (0x%04x):" % format_magic)
+ print("\tsa_ust_time", repr(self.sa_ust_time), datetime.utcfromtimestamp(self.sa_ust_time))
+ print("\tsa_nr_act", repr(self.sa_nr_act))
+ print("\tsa_day", repr(self.sa_day))
+ print("\tsa_month", repr(self.sa_month))
+ print("\tsa_year", repr(self.sa_year))
+ print("\tsa_sizeof_long", repr(self.sa_sizeof_long))
+ print("\tsa_sysname", repr(self.sa_sysname))
+ print("\tsa_nodename", repr(self.sa_nodename))
+ print("\tsa_release", repr(self.sa_release))
+ print("\tsa_machine", repr(self.sa_machine))
+class FileStats2169(Structure):
+ """
+ File Header layout for sysstat 7.x.x versions (RHEL 5.x, bascially), that
+ is, those with a file magic number of 0x2169.
+struct file_stats {
+ /* --- LONG LONG --- */
+ /* Machine uptime (multiplied by the # of proc) */
+ unsigned long long uptime __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
+ /* Uptime reduced to one processor. Set *only* on SMP machines */
+ unsigned long long uptime0 __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
+ unsigned long long context_swtch __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
+ unsigned long long cpu_user __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
+ unsigned long long cpu_nice __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
+ unsigned long long cpu_system __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
+ unsigned long long cpu_idle __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
+ unsigned long long cpu_iowait __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
+ unsigned long long cpu_steal __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
+ unsigned long long irq_sum __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
+ /* --- LONG --- */
+ /* Time stamp (number of seconds since the epoch) */
+ unsigned long ust_time __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
+ unsigned long processes __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ unsigned long pgpgin __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ unsigned long pgpgout __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ unsigned long pswpin __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ unsigned long pswpout __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ /* Memory stats in kB */
+ unsigned long frmkb __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ unsigned long bufkb __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ unsigned long camkb __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ unsigned long tlmkb __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ unsigned long frskb __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ unsigned long tlskb __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ unsigned long caskb __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ unsigned long nr_running __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ unsigned long pgfault __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ unsigned long pgmajfault __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ /* --- INT --- */
+ unsigned int dk_drive __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ unsigned int dk_drive_rio __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int dk_drive_wio __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int dk_drive_rblk __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int dk_drive_wblk __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int file_used __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int inode_used __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int super_used __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int super_max __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int dquot_used __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int dquot_max __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int rtsig_queued __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int rtsig_max __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int sock_inuse __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int tcp_inuse __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int udp_inuse __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int raw_inuse __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int frag_inuse __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int dentry_stat __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int load_avg_1 __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int load_avg_5 __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int load_avg_15 __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int nr_threads __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int nfs_rpccnt __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int nfs_rpcretrans __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int nfs_readcnt __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int nfs_writecnt __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int nfs_accesscnt __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int nfs_getattcnt __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int nfsd_rpccnt __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int nfsd_rpcbad __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int nfsd_netcnt __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int nfsd_netudpcnt __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int nfsd_nettcpcnt __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int nfsd_rchits __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int nfsd_rcmisses __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int nfsd_readcnt __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int nfsd_writecnt __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int nfsd_accesscnt __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int nfsd_getattcnt __attribute__ ((packed));
+ /* --- CHAR --- */
+ /* Record type: R_STATS or R_DUMMY */
+ unsigned char record_type __attribute__ ((packed));
+ /*
+ * Time stamp: hour, minute and second.
+ * Used to determine TRUE time (immutable, non locale dependent time).
+ */
+ unsigned char hour /* (0-23) */ __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned char minute /* (0-59) */ __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned char second /* (0-59) */ __attribute__ ((packed));
+ """
+ _fields_ = [
+ # --- LONG LONG ---
+ ('uptime', c_ulonglong), # 8 bytes, 16 byte aligned
+ ('uptime_padding', c_ulong), # ... 8 bytes of padding
+ # Uptime reduced to one processor. Set *only* on SMP machines
+ ('uptime0', c_ulonglong),
+ ('uptime0_padding', c_ulong), # ... 8 bytes of padding
+ ('context_swtch', c_ulonglong),
+ ('context_swtch_padding', c_ulong), # ... 8 bytes of padding
+ ('cpu_user', c_ulonglong),
+ ('cpu_user_padding', c_ulong), # ... 8 bytes of padding
+ ('cpu_nice', c_ulonglong),
+ ('cpu_nice_padding', c_ulong), # ... 8 bytes of padding
+ ('cpu_system', c_ulonglong),
+ ('cpu_system_padding', c_ulong), # ... 8 bytes of padding
+ ('cpu_idle', c_ulonglong),
+ ('cpu_idle_padding', c_ulong), # ... 8 bytes of padding
+ ('cpu_iowait', c_ulonglong),
+ ('cpu_iowait_padding', c_ulong), # ... 8 bytes of padding
+ ('cpu_steal', c_ulonglong),
+ ('cpu_steal_padding', c_ulong), # ... 8 bytes of padding
+ ('irq_sum', c_ulonglong),
+ ('irq_sum_padding', c_ulong), # ... 8 bytes of padding
+ # --- LONG ---
+ # Time stamp (number of seconds since the epoch)
+ ('ust_time', c_ulong), # 8 bytes, 8 byte aligned
+ ('processes', c_ulong),
+ ('pgpgin', c_ulong),
+ ('pgpgout', c_ulong),
+ ('pswpin', c_ulong),
+ ('pswpout', c_ulong),
+ # Memory stats in kB
+ ('frmkb', c_ulong),
+ ('bufkb', c_ulong),
+ ('camkb', c_ulong),
+ ('tlmkb', c_ulong),
+ ('frskb', c_ulong),
+ ('tlskb', c_ulong),
+ ('caskb', c_ulong),
+ ('nr_running', c_ulong),
+ ('pgfault', c_ulong),
+ ('pgmajfault', c_ulong),
+ # --- INT ---
+ ('dk_drive', c_uint), # 4 bytes, packed
+ ('dk_drive_rio', c_uint),
+ ('dk_drive_wio', c_uint),
+ ('dk_drive_rblk', c_uint),
+ ('dk_drive_wblk', c_uint),
+ ('file_used', c_uint),
+ ('inode_used', c_uint),
+ ('super_used', c_uint),
+ ('super_max', c_uint),
+ ('dquot_used', c_uint),
+ ('dquot_max', c_uint),
+ ('rtsig_queued', c_uint),
+ ('rtsig_max', c_uint),
+ ('sock_inuse', c_uint),
+ ('tcp_inuse', c_uint),
+ ('udp_inuse', c_uint),
+ ('raw_inuse', c_uint),
+ ('frag_inuse', c_uint),
+ ('dentry_stat', c_uint),
+ ('load_avg_1', c_uint),
+ ('load_avg_5', c_uint),
+ ('load_avg_15', c_uint),
+ ('nr_threads', c_uint),
+ ('nfs_rpccnt', c_uint),
+ ('nfs_rpcretrans', c_uint),
+ ('nfs_readcnt', c_uint),
+ ('nfs_writecnt', c_uint),
+ ('nfs_accesscnt', c_uint),
+ ('nfs_getattcnt', c_uint),
+ ('nfsd_rpccnt', c_uint),
+ ('nfsd_rpcbad', c_uint),
+ ('nfsd_netcnt', c_uint),
+ ('nfsd_netudpcnt', c_uint),
+ ('nfsd_nettcpcnt', c_uint),
+ ('nfsd_rchits', c_uint),
+ ('nfsd_rcmisses', c_uint),
+ ('nfsd_readcnt', c_uint),
+ ('nfsd_writecnt', c_uint),
+ ('nfsd_accesscnt', c_uint),
+ ('nfsd_getattcnt', c_uint),
+ # --- CHAR (uint8) ---
+ # Record type: R_STATS or R_DUMMY
+ ('record_type', c_uint8), # 1 byte, packed
+ #
+ # Time stamp: hour, minute and second.
+ # Used to determine TRUE time (immutable, non locale dependent time).
+ #
+ ('hour', c_uint8),
+ ('minute', c_uint8),
+ ('second', c_uint8),
+ #
+ # 12 bytes of padding follow because of initial "__attribute__ ((aligned (16)))"
+ #
+ ('_alignment_padding0', c_uint),
+ ('_alignment_padding1', c_uint),
+ ]
+ SIZE = ((10 * 16) # 10 unsigned long longs
+ + (16 * 8) # 16 unsigned longs
+ + (40 * 4) # 40 unsigned ints
+ + (4 * 1) # 4 unsigned chars
+ + 12) # 12 bytes of padding
+ def integrity(self, offset=-1, *args, **kwargs):
+ for f in self._fields_:
+ if not f[0].endswith('_padding'):
+ continue
+ val = getattr(self, f[0])
+ if val == 0:
+ continue
+ if DEBUG:
+ print(repr(f))
+ self.dump(verbose=True)
+ import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ raise Corruption("non-zero filled padding: fs.%s = 0x%0x, offset: %d" % (f[0], val, offset))
+ def dump(self, verbose=False, *args, **kwargs):
+ print("file_stats: type %d, ts %r" % (self.record_type, time.gmtime(self.ust_time)))
+ if not verbose:
+ return
+ for f in self._fields_:
+ print("\t%s: %r" % (f[0], repr(getattr(self, f[0]))))
+class StatsOneCpu2169(Structure):
+ """
+ CPU stats layout for a single CPU for sysstat 7.x.x versions (RHEL 5.x,
+ bascially).
+struct stats_one_cpu {
+ unsigned long long per_cpu_idle __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
+ unsigned long long per_cpu_iowait __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
+ unsigned long long per_cpu_user __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
+ unsigned long long per_cpu_nice __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
+ unsigned long long per_cpu_system __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
+ unsigned long long per_cpu_steal __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
+ unsigned long long pad __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
+ """
+ _fields_ = [ ('per_cpu_idle', c_ulonglong),
+ ('per_cpu_idle_padding', c_ulong),
+ ('per_cpu_iowait', c_ulonglong),
+ ('per_cpu_iowait_padding', c_ulong),
+ ('per_cpu_user', c_ulonglong),
+ ('per_cpu_user_padding', c_ulong),
+ ('per_cpu_nice', c_ulonglong),
+ ('per_cpu_nice_padding', c_ulong),
+ ('per_cpu_system', c_ulonglong),
+ ('per_cpu_system_padding', c_ulong),
+ ('per_cpu_steal', c_ulonglong),
+ ('per_cpu_steal_padding', c_ulong),
+ ('pad', c_ulonglong),
+ ('pad_padding', c_ulong),
+ ]
+ SIZE = (7 * 16)
+ def dump(self):
+ pass
+class StatsSerial2169(Structure):
+ """
+ Serial stats layout for sysstat 7.x.x versions (RHEL 5.x, bascially).
+struct stats_serial {
+ unsigned int rx __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ unsigned int tx __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int frame __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int parity __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int brk __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int overrun __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned int line __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned char pad[4] __attribute__ ((packed));
+ """
+ _fields_ = [ ('rx', c_uint),
+ ('tx', c_uint),
+ ('frame', c_uint),
+ ('parity', c_uint),
+ ('brk', c_uint),
+ ('overrun', c_uint),
+ ('line', c_uint),
+ ('pad', c_uint8 * 4),
+ ]
+ SIZE = (7 * 4) + 4
+ def dump(self):
+ pass
+NR_IRQS = 256
+class StatInterrupt2169(Structure):
+ """
+ """
+ _fields_ = [ ('interrupt', c_uint * NR_IRQS) ]
+ SIZE = 4 * NR_IRQS
+ def dump(self):
+ pass
+class StatsIrqCpu2169(Structure):
+ """
+ IRQ CPU stats layout for sysstat 7.x.x versions (RHEL 5.x, bascially).
+struct stats_irq_cpu {
+ unsigned int interrupt __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ unsigned int irq __attribute__ ((packed));
+ """
+ _fields_ = [ ('interrupt', c_uint),
+ ('irq', c_uint),
+ ]
+ SIZE = (2 * 4)
+ def dump(self):
+ pass
+class StatsNetDev2169(Structure):
+ """
+ Net Dev stats layout for sysstat 7.x.x versions (RHEL 5.x, bascially).
+struct stats_net_dev {
+ unsigned long rx_packets __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ unsigned long tx_packets __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ unsigned long rx_bytes __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ unsigned long tx_bytes __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ unsigned long rx_compressed __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ unsigned long tx_compressed __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ unsigned long multicast __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ unsigned long collisions __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ unsigned long rx_errors __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ unsigned long tx_errors __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ unsigned long rx_dropped __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ unsigned long tx_dropped __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ unsigned long rx_fifo_errors __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ unsigned long tx_fifo_errors __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ unsigned long rx_frame_errors __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ unsigned long tx_carrier_errors __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ char interface[MAX_IFACE_LEN] __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ """
+ _fields_ = [ ('rx_packets', c_ulong),
+ ('tx_packets', c_ulong),
+ ('rx_bytes', c_ulong),
+ ('tx_bytes', c_ulong),
+ ('rx_compressed', c_ulong),
+ ('tx_compressed', c_ulong),
+ ('multicast', c_ulong),
+ ('collisions', c_ulong),
+ ('rx_errors', c_ulong),
+ ('tx_errors', c_ulong),
+ ('rx_dropped', c_ulong),
+ ('tx_dropped', c_ulong),
+ ('rx_fifo_errors', c_ulong),
+ ('tx_fifo_errors', c_ulong),
+ ('rx_frame_errors', c_ulong),
+ ('tx_carrier_errors', c_ulong),
+ ('interface', c_char * MAX_IFACE_LEN),
+ ]
+ SIZE = ((16 * 8)
+ def dump(self):
+ pass
+class DiskStats2169(Structure):
+ """
+ Disk stats layout for sysstat 7.x.x versions (RHEL 5.x, bascially).
+struct disk_stats {
+ unsigned long long rd_sect __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
+ unsigned long long wr_sect __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
+ unsigned long rd_ticks __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
+ unsigned long wr_ticks __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ unsigned long tot_ticks __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ unsigned long rq_ticks __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ unsigned long nr_ios __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ unsigned int major __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ unsigned int minor __attribute__ ((packed));
+ """
+ _fields_ = [ ('rd_sect', c_ulonglong),
+ ('rd_sect_padding', c_ulong),
+ ('wr_sect', c_ulonglong),
+ ('wr_sect_padding', c_ulong),
+ ('rd_ticks', c_ulong),
+ ('wr_ticks', c_ulong),
+ ('tot_ticks', c_ulong),
+ ('rq_ticks', c_ulong),
+ ('nr_ios', c_ulong),
+ ('major', c_uint),
+ ('minor', c_uint),
+ ]
+ SIZE = ((2 * 16)
+ + (5 * 8)
+ + (2 * 4))
+ def dump(self):
+ pass
+class FileHeader2169(Structure):
+ """
+ File Header layout for sysstat 7.x.x versions (RHEL 5.x, bascially).
+/* System activity data file header */
+struct file_hdr {
+ /* --- LONG --- */
+ /* Time stamp in seconds since the epoch */
+ unsigned long sa_ust_time __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ /* --- INT --- */
+ /* Activity flag */
+ unsigned int sa_actflag __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ /* Number of processes to monitor ( {-x | -X } ALL) */
+ unsigned int sa_nr_pid __attribute__ ((packed));
+ /* Number of interrupts per processor: 2 means two interrupts */
+ unsigned int sa_irqcpu __attribute__ ((packed));
+ /* Number of disks */
+ unsigned int sa_nr_disk __attribute__ ((packed));
+ /* Number of processors:
+ * 0 means 1 proc and non SMP machine
+ * 1 means 1 proc and SMP machine
+ * 2 means two proc, etc.
+ */
+ unsigned int sa_proc __attribute__ ((packed));
+ /* Number of serial lines: 2 means two lines (ttyS00 and ttyS01) */
+ unsigned int sa_serial __attribute__ ((packed));
+ /* Number of network devices (interfaces): 2 means two lines */
+ unsigned int sa_iface __attribute__ ((packed));
+ /* --- SHORT --- */
+ /* System activity data file magic number */
+ unsigned short sa_magic __attribute__ ((packed));
+ /* file_stats structure size */
+ unsigned short sa_st_size __attribute__ ((packed));
+ /* --- CHAR --- */
+ /*
+ * Current day, month and year.
+ * No need to save DST (daylight saving time) flag, since it is not taken
+ * into account by the strftime() function used to print the timestamp.
+ */
+ unsigned char sa_day __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned char sa_month __attribute__ ((packed));
+ unsigned char sa_year __attribute__ ((packed));
+ /*
+ * Size of a long integer. Useful to know the architecture on which
+ * the datafile was created.
+ */
+ char sa_sizeof_long __attribute__ ((packed));
+ /* Operating system name */
+ char sa_sysname[UTSNAME_LEN] __attribute__ ((packed));
+ /* Machine hostname */
+ char sa_nodename[UTSNAME_LEN] __attribute__ ((packed));
+ /* Operating system release number */
+ char sa_release[UTSNAME_LEN] __attribute__ ((packed));
+#define FILE_HDR_SIZE (sizeof(struct file_hdr))
+ """
+ _fields_ = [ ('sa_ust_time', c_ulong),
+ ('sa_actflag', c_uint),
+ ('sa_nr_pid', c_uint),
+ ('sa_irqcpu', c_uint),
+ ('sa_nr_disk', c_uint),
+ ('sa_proc', c_uint),
+ ('sa_serial', c_uint),
+ ('sa_iface', c_uint),
+ ('sa_magic', c_ushort),
+ ('sa_st_size', c_ushort),
+ ('sa_day', c_uint8),
+ ('sa_month', c_uint8),
+ ('sa_year', c_uint8),
+ ('sa_sizeof_long', c_char),
+ ('sa_sysname', c_char * UTSNAME_LEN),
+ ('sa_nodename', c_char * UTSNAME_LEN),
+ ('sa_release', c_char * UTSNAME_LEN),
+ ('padding', c_char),
+ ]
+ SIZE = (8
+ + (7 * 4)
+ + (2 * 2)
+ + (4 * 1)
+ + (3 * UTSNAME_LEN)
+ + 1)
+ def dump(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ print("file_header (0x%04x):" % (self.sa_magic,))
+ print("\tsa_ust_time", repr(self.sa_ust_time), datetime.utcfromtimestamp(self.sa_ust_time))
+ print("\tsa_actflag", repr(self.sa_actflag))
+ print("\tsa_nr_pid", repr(self.sa_nr_pid))
+ print("\tsa_irqcpu", repr(self.sa_irqcpu))
+ print("\tsa_nr_disk", repr(self.sa_nr_disk))
+ print("\tsa_proc", repr(self.sa_proc))
+ print("\tsa_serial", repr(self.sa_serial))
+ print("\tsa_iface", repr(self.sa_iface))
+ print("\tsa_magic 0x%04x" % self.sa_magic)
+ print("\tsa_st_size", repr(self.sa_st_size))
+ print("\tsa_day", repr(self.sa_day))
+ print("\tsa_month", repr(self.sa_month))
+ print("\tsa_year", repr(self.sa_year))
+ print("\tsa_sizeof_long", repr(self.sa_sizeof_long))
+ print("\tsa_sysname", repr(self.sa_sysname))
+ print("\tsa_nodename", repr(self.sa_nodename))
+ print("\tsa_release", repr(self.sa_release))
+class FileHeaderOldGeneric(Structure):
+ """
+ Old style sa datafiles has the magic value at offset 36 (both for 32 and
+ 64 bits).
+ """
+ _fields_ = [ ('padding', c_char * 36),
+ ('sa_magic', c_ushort),
+ ]
+ SIZE = 36 + 2
+def check_readinto(obj, ret):
+ if ret != obj.SIZE:
+ if DEBUG:
+ import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ raise Truncated("Read %d, expected to read %d" % (ret, obj.SIZE))
+def check_timestamp(fh, rh, prev_rh):
+ if rh.ust_time == 0:
+ raise Corruption("Record timestamp is zero")
+ if (rh.ust_time - fh.sa_ust_time) < -60:
+ # We have seen cases where the file header is one second later than
+ # the first record, which is odd, but okay. So we only consider this
+ # to be invalid if the header is more than a minute later than a
+ # record.
+ raise Invalid("Binary data file record, %s, earlier than header, %s" % (
+ time.strftime("%c", time.gmtime(rh.ust_time)), time.strftime("%c", time.gmtime(fh.sa_ust_time))))
+ if prev_rh:
+ if rh.ust_time < prev_rh.ust_time:
+ raise Invalid("Binary data file record, %s, earlier than previous, %s" % (
+ time.strftime("%c", time.gmtime(rh.ust_time)), time.strftime("%c", time.gmtime(prev_rh.ust_time))))
+ if (rh.ust_time - prev_rh.ust_time) > TWO_DAYS_SECONDS:
+ raise Invalid("Binary data file record, %s, greater than two days from previous, %s" % (
+ time.strftime("%c", time.gmtime(rh.ust_time)), time.strftime("%c", time.gmtime(prev_rh.ust_time))))
+ else:
+ if (rh.ust_time - fh.sa_ust_time) > TWO_DAYS_SECONDS:
+ raise Invalid("Binary data file record, %s, greater than two days from header, %s" % (
+ time.strftime("%c", time.gmtime(rh.ust_time)), time.strftime("%c", time.gmtime(fh.sa_ust_time))))
+def read_extra_stats2169(fp, fh, wl=None):
+ """
+ These structures appear optionally, but always in this order.
+ """
+ total_read = 0
+ if fh.sa_proc:
+ c_read = 0
+ for i in range(fh.sa_proc):
+ cpu_stats = StatsOneCpu2169()
+ ret = fp.readinto(cpu_stats)
+ check_readinto(cpu_stats, ret)
+ total_read += ret
+ c_read += ret
+ cpu_stats.dump()
+ if wl is not None:
+ wl.append(cpu_stats)
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("c_read = ", c_read)
+ if (fh.sa_actflag & A_ONE_IRQ_B) == A_ONE_IRQ_B:
+ interrupt_stats = StatInterrupt2169()
+ ret = fp.readinto(interrupt_stats)
+ check_readinto(interrupt_stats, ret)
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("int_read = ", ret)
+ total_read += ret
+ interrupt_stats.dump()
+ if wl is not None:
+ wl.append(interrupt_stats)
+ if fh.sa_serial:
+ s_read = 0
+ for i in range(fh.sa_serial):
+ serial_stats = StatsSerial2169()
+ ret = fp.readinto(serial_stats)
+ check_readinto(serial_stats, ret)
+ s_read += ret
+ total_read += ret
+ serial_stats.dump()
+ if wl is not None:
+ wl.append(serial_stats)
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("s_read = ", s_read)
+ if fh.sa_irqcpu:
+ i_read = 0
+ for i in range(fh.sa_proc * fh.sa_irqcpu):
+ irq_cpu_stats = StatsIrqCpu2169()
+ ret = fp.readinto(irq_cpu_stats)
+ check_readinto(irq_cpu_stats, ret)
+ i_read += ret
+ total_read += ret
+ irq_cpu_stats.dump()
+ if wl is not None:
+ wl.append(irq_cpu_stats)
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("i_read = ", i_read)
+ if fh.sa_iface:
+ if_read = 0
+ for i in range(fh.sa_iface):
+ net_dev_stats = StatsNetDev2169()
+ ret = fp.readinto(net_dev_stats)
+ check_readinto(net_dev_stats, ret)
+ if_read += ret
+ total_read += ret
+ net_dev_stats.dump()
+ if wl is not None:
+ wl.append(net_dev_stats)
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("if_read = ", if_read)
+ if fh.sa_nr_disk:
+ d_read = 0
+ for i in range(fh.sa_nr_disk):
+ disk_stats = DiskStats2169()
+ ret = fp.readinto(disk_stats)
+ check_readinto(disk_stats, ret)
+ d_read += ret
+ total_read += ret
+ disk_stats.dump()
+ if wl is not None:
+ wl.append(disk_stats)
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("d_read = ", d_read)
+ return total_read
+def process_file_2169(fp, fm, fh, fa, magic, callback=None):
+ assert hasattr(fp, 'readinto')
+ assert fm is None
+ assert isinstance(fh, Structure)
+ assert fa is None
+ assert magic == 0x2169
+ assert FileHeader2169.SIZE == 240, "FileHeader2169.SIZE (%d) != 240" % FileHeader2169.SIZE
+ assert FileStats2169.SIZE == 464, "FileStats2169.SIZE (%d) != 464" % FileStats2169.SIZE
+ assert StatsOneCpu2169.SIZE == 112, "StatsOneCpu2169.SIZE (%d) != 112" % StatsOneCpu2169.SIZE
+ assert StatsSerial2169.SIZE == 32, "StatsSerial2169.SIZE (%d) != 32" % StatsSerial2169.SIZE
+ assert StatsIrqCpu2169.SIZE == 8, "StatsIrqCpu2169.SIZE (%d) != 8" % StatsIrqCpu2169.SIZE
+ assert StatsNetDev2169.SIZE == 144, "StatsNetDev2169.SIZE (%d) != 144" % StatsNetDev2169.SIZE
+ assert DiskStats2169.SIZE == 80, "DiskStats2169.SIZE (%d) != 80" % DiskStats2169.SIZE
+ if FileStats2169.SIZE != fh.sa_st_size:
+ # If the file header is not valid, we're done
+ if DEBUG:
+ import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ raise Invalid(
+ "Invalid file header structure encountered,"
+ " expected sizeof(struct file_stats) == %d"
+ " for magic 0x2169, but found .sa_st_size = %d" % (
+ FileStats2169.SIZE, fh.sa_st_size))
+ if callback is not None:
+ callback.start(file_header=fh)
+ try:
+ prev_fs = None
+ fs = None
+ while True:
+ prev_fs = fs
+ fs = FileStats2169()
+ try:
+ ret = fp.readinto(fs)
+ except Exception:
+ if DEBUG:
+ import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ raise
+ else:
+ if ret == 0:
+ # Indicates EOF
+ break
+ else:
+ check_readinto(fs, ret)
+ fs.integrity(fp.tell() - fs.SIZE)
+ check_timestamp(fh, fs, prev_fs)
+ if fs.record_type == R_DUMMY:
+ if callback is not None:
+ callback.handle_record(fs, record_payload=None)
+ continue
+ if callback is not None:
+ write_list = []
+ else:
+ write_list = None
+ ret = read_extra_stats2169(fp, fh, write_list)
+ if callback is not None:
+ callback.handle_record(fs, record_payload=write_list)
+ finally:
+ if callback is not None:
+ callback.end()
+class RecordHeader2170(Structure):
+ """
+/* Header structure for every record */
+struct record_header {
+ /*
+ * Machine uptime (multiplied by the # of proc).
+ */
+ unsigned long long uptime __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
+ /*
+ * Uptime reduced to one processor. Always set, even on UP machines.
+ */
+ unsigned long long uptime0 __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
+ /*
+ * Timestamp (number of seconds since the epoch).
+ */
+ unsigned long ust_time __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
+ /*
+ * Record type: R_STATS, R_RESTART,...
+ */
+ unsigned char record_type __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ /*
+ * Timestamp: Hour (0-23), minute (0-59) and second (0-59).
+ * Used to determine TRUE time (immutable, non locale dependent time).
+ */
+ unsigned char hour;
+ unsigned char minute;
+ unsigned char second;
+#define RECORD_HEADER_SIZE (sizeof(struct record_header))
+ """
+ _fields_ = [ ('uptime', c_ulonglong), # 8 bytes, __attribute__ ((aligned (16)))
+ ('uptime_padding', c_ulong), # ... 8 bytes of padding for next alignment
+ ('uptime0', c_ulonglong), # 8 bytes, __attribute__ ((aligned (16)))
+ ('uptime0_padding', c_ulong), # ... 8 bytes of padding for next alignment
+ ('ust_time', c_ulong), # 8 bytes, __attribute__ ((aligned (16)))
+ ('record_type', c_uint8), # 1 byte, __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+ ('hour', c_uint8), # 1 byte
+ ('minute', c_uint8), # 1 byte
+ ('second', c_uint8), # 1 byte
+ ('_alignment_padding', c_uint), # 4 bytes of padding due to alignment?
+ ]
+ SIZE = ((2 * 16)
+ + (1 * 8)
+ + (4 * 1)
+ + (1 * 4))
+ def integrity(self, offset=-1, *args, **kwargs):
+ for f in self._fields_:
+ if not f[0].endswith('_padding'):
+ continue
+ val = getattr(self, f[0])
+ if val == 0:
+ continue
+ if DEBUG:
+ print(repr(f))
+ self.dump(verbose=True)
+ import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ raise Corruption("non-zero filled padding: rh.%s = 0x%0x, offset: %d" % (f[0], val, offset))
+ def dump(self, verbose=False, *args, **kwargs):
+ print("record_header: type %d, ts %r" % (self.record_type, time.gmtime(self.ust_time)))
+ if not verbose:
+ return
+ for f in self._fields_:
+ print("\t%s: %r" % (f[0], repr(getattr(self, f[0]))))
+class FileActivitySummary(object):
+ def __init__(self, fa, total_len):
+ self.fa = fa
+ self.total_len = total_len
+ def dump(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ print("file activity summary, total length: %d" % (self.total_len,))
+class FileActivity2170(Structure):
+ """
+/* List of activities saved in file */
+struct file_activity {
+ /*
+ * Identification value of activity.
+ */
+ unsigned int id __attribute__ ((aligned (4)));
+ /*
+ * Number of items for this activity.
+ */
+ __nr_t nr __attribute__ ((packed));
+ /*
+ * Size of an item structure.
+ */
+ int size __attribute__ ((packed));
+ """
+ _fields_ = [ ('id', c_uint),
+ ('nr', c_int),
+ ('size', c_int),
+ ]
+ SIZE = 3 * 4
+def get_file_activity_2170(fp, fh):
+ # Read file activities
+ a_cpu = False
+ file_activities = []
+ total_len = 0
+ for i in range(fh.sa_nr_act):
+ act = FileActivity2170()
+ ret = fp.readinto(act)
+ check_readinto(act, ret)
+ if act.nr <= 0:
+ if DEBUG:
+ import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ print(repr(act))
+ raise Invalid("activity count %d <= 0" % act.nr)
+ file_activities.append(act)
+ if act.id == A_CPU:
+ a_cpu = True
+ total_len += (act.nr * act.size)
+ if not a_cpu:
+ if DEBUG:
+ import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ raise Invalid("expected CPU activity")
+ return FileActivitySummary(file_activities, total_len)
+def get_file_activity_1170(fp, fh):
+ return get_file_activity_2170(fp, fh)
+def process_file_2170(fp, fm, fh, fa, magic, callback=None):
+ assert hasattr(fp, 'readinto')
+ assert isinstance(fm, Structure)
+ assert isinstance(fh, Structure)
+ assert isinstance(fa, FileActivitySummary)
+ assert magic == 0x1170 or magic > 0x2169
+ if callback is not None:
+ callback.start(file_magic=fm, file_header=fh, file_activities=fa)
+ try:
+ prev_rh = None
+ rh = None
+ while True:
+ prev_rh = rh
+ rh = RecordHeader2170()
+ try:
+ ret = fp.readinto(rh)
+ except Exception:
+ if DEBUG:
+ import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ raise
+ else:
+ if ret == 0:
+ # Indicates EOF
+ break
+ else:
+ check_readinto(rh, ret)
+ rh.integrity(fp.tell() - rh.SIZE)
+ try:
+ check_timestamp(fh, rh, prev_rh)
+ except Invalid:
+ if callback is not None:
+ do_raise = callback.handle_invalid(rh, prev_rh)
+ else:
+ do_raise = True
+ if do_raise:
+ raise
+ if rh.record_type == R_COMMENT:
+ fc = bytearray(MAX_COMMENT_LEN)
+ ret = fp.readinto(fc)
+ if ret != MAX_COMMENT_LEN:
+ if DEBUG:
+ import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ raise Truncated("Could not read entire comment,"
+ " read %d, expected %d" % (ret, MAX_COMMENT_LEN))
+ if callback is not None:
+ callback.handle_record(rh, record_payload=fc)
+ continue
+ elif rh.record_type == R_RESTART:
+ if callback is not None:
+ callback.handle_record(rh, record_payload=None)
+ continue
+ act_buf = bytearray(fa.total_len)
+ ret = fp.readinto(act_buf)
+ if ret != fa.total_len:
+ if DEBUG:
+ import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ raise Truncated("Could not read all activities,"
+ " read %d, expected records of size %d" % (ret, fa.total_len))
+ if callback is not None:
+ callback.handle_record(rh, record_payload=act_buf)
+ finally:
+ if callback is not None:
+ callback.end()
+def process_file_1170(fp, fm, fh, fa, magic, callback=None):
+ """
+ For some reason, RHEL 6.5 patch sysstat to mark a changed file format
+ using 0x1170. It is not clear where the format change came from, or what
+ the difference is, but it did not affect sizing or layouts, as far as we
+ can tell.
+ """
+ process_file_2170(fp, fm, fh, fa, magic, callback=callback)
+class FileActivity2171(Structure):
+ """
+ * Base magical number for activities.
+ */
+ * Magical value used for activities with
+ * unknown format (used for sadf -H only).
+ */
+/* List of activities saved in file */
+struct file_activity {
+ /*
+ * Identification value of activity.
+ */
+ unsigned int id __attribute__ ((aligned (4)));
+ /*
+ * Activity magical number.
+ */
+ unsigned int magic __attribute__ ((packed));
+ /*
+ * Number of items for this activity.
+ */
+ __nr_t nr __attribute__ ((packed));
+ /*
+ * Number of sub-items for this activity.
+ */
+ __nr_t nr2 __attribute__ ((packed));
+ /*
+ * Size of an item structure.
+ */
+ int size __attribute__ ((packed));
+#define FILE_ACTIVITY_SIZE (sizeof(struct file_activity))
+ """
+ _fields_ = [ ('id', c_uint),
+ ('magic', c_int),
+ ('nr', c_int),
+ ('nr2', c_int),
+ ('size', c_int),
+ ]
+ SIZE = 5 * 4
+def get_file_activity_2171(fp, fh):
+ # Read file activities
+ a_cpu = False
+ file_activities = []
+ total_len = 0
+ for i in range(fh.sa_nr_act):
+ act = FileActivity2171()
+ ret = fp.readinto(act)
+ check_readinto(act, ret)
+ if act.nr <= 0 or act.nr2 <= 0:
+ if DEBUG:
+ import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ print(repr(act))
+ raise Invalid("activity counts: (nr %d or nr2 %d) <= 0" % (act.nr, act.nr2))
+ file_activities.append(act)
+ if act.id == A_CPU:
+ a_cpu = True
+ total_len += (act.nr * act.nr2 * act.size)
+ if not a_cpu:
+ if DEBUG:
+ import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ raise Invalid("expected CPU activity")
+ return FileActivitySummary(file_activities, total_len)
+def process_file_2171(fp, fm, fh, fa, magic, callback=None):
+ """
+ While the format magic has changed, the actual on-disk format is not so
+ different since the activities have already been processed. Since all the
+ record reads are performed using the values stored in the activity set,
+ the processing remains the same.
+ """
+ process_file_2170(fp, fm, fh, fa, magic, callback=callback)
+class_map = {
+ 0x2169: {
+ "file_magic": None,
+ "file_header": FileHeader2169,
+ "process_file": process_file_2169,
+ "file_activity": None,
+ "os-code": "5x",
+ "rpm-versions": ("sysstat-7.0.0-3.el5",
+ "sysstat-7.0.2-1.el5",
+ "sysstat-7.0.2-3.el5",
+ "sysstat-7.0.2-3.el5_5.1",
+ "sysstat-7.0.2-11.el5",
+ "sysstat-7.0.2-12.el5",),
+ },
+ 0x2170: {
+ "file_magic": FileMagic,
+ "file_header": FileHeader,
+ "process_file": process_file_2170,
+ "file_activity": get_file_activity_2170,
+ "os-code": "64",
+ "rpm-versions": ("sysstat-9.0.4-11.el6",
+ "sysstat-9.0.4-18.el6",
+ "sysstat-9.0.4-20.el6",),
+ },
+ 0x1170: {
+ "file_magic": FileMagic,
+ "file_header": FileHeader,
+ "process_file": process_file_1170,
+ "file_activity": get_file_activity_1170,
+ "os-code": "65",
+ "rpm-versions": ("sysstat-9.0.4-22.el6",),
+ },
+ 0x2171: {
+ "file_magic": FileMagic,
+ "file_header": FileHeader,
+ "process_file": process_file_2171,
+ "file_activity": get_file_activity_2171,
+ "os-code": "f19",
+ "rpm-versions": ("sysstat-10.1.5-1.el7",),
+ },
+ }
+def fetch_fileheader_with_fp(fp):
+ fm = FileMagic()
+ ret = fp.readinto(fm)
+ check_readinto(fm, ret)
+ fp.seek(0) # Reset to the beginning to read into the proper structure below.
+ if fm.sysstat_magic == SYSSTAT_MAGIC:
+ # We have a 9.0.0 and later version
+ try:
+ the_class_map = class_map[fm.format_magic]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise Invalid("Unrecognized new format magic: 0x%04d" % fm.format_magic)
+ else:
+ magic = fm.format_magic
+ else:
+ # Now we have an old style sa binary data file, where the file
+ # header comes first, and the sa_magic field is at a defined
+ # offset inside that header.
+ fh = FileHeaderOldGeneric()
+ ret = fp.readinto(fh)
+ check_readinto(fh, ret)
+ try:
+ the_class_map = class_map[fh.sa_magic]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise Invalid("Unrecognized old sa magic: 0x%04d" % fh.sa_magic)
+ else:
+ magic = fh.sa_magic
+ # Will need to re-read from the beginning of the file to get the right
+ # mappings.
+ fp.seek(0)
+ try:
+ fm = the_class_map['file_magic']()
+ except TypeError:
+ fm = None
+ else:
+ try:
+ ret = fp.readinto(fm)
+ check_readinto(fm, ret)
+ except Exception as err:
+ raise Invalid("Error reading file header: %s" % err)
+ try:
+ fh = the_class_map['file_header']()
+ ret = fp.readinto(fh)
+ check_readinto(fh, ret)
+ except Exception as err:
+ raise Invalid("Error reading file header: %s" % err)
+ try:
+ fa = the_class_map['file_activity'](fp, fh)
+ except TypeError:
+ fa = None
+ except Exception as err:
+ raise Invalid("Error reading file activities: %s" % err)
+ return fm, fh, fa, magic
+class ContentAction(object):
+ """
+ The callback object argument of the module method, verify_contents(),
+ expects with these four methods.
+ """
+ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+ @abstractmethod
+ def start(self, file_magic=None, file_header=None, file_activities=None):
+ """
+ Start the handling of a binary data file. The caller optionally
+ provides the file_magic record, always provides the required
+ file_header record, and optionally provides the file activities.
+ """
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def handle_record(self, record_header, record_payload=None):
+ """
+ Handle a record header, along with its optional payload.
+ """
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def handle_invalid(self, record_header, prev_record_header):
+ """
+ An invalid record header was encountered, the previous one is also
+ provided for the callee to inspect. If this method returns True, the
+ processing will continue the exception, if False, the exception will
+ be swallowed.
+ """
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def end(self):
+ """
+ By hook, or by crook, we have reached the end of the binary data
+ file. No other methods will be invoked on the given object instance
+ after this invocation.
+ """
+ pass
+def verify_contents_fp(fp, tgt_hostname, callback):
+ fm, fh, fa, magic = fetch_fileheader_with_fp(fp)
+ try:
+ the_class_map = class_map[magic]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise Invalid("Unrecognized old sa magic: 0x%04d" % magic)
+ else:
+ if tgt_hostname and (tgt_hostname != fh.sa_nodename.decode('utf-8')):
+ raise Invalid("Target host name, %s, does not match file header node name, %s" % (tgt_hostname, fh.sa_nodename))
+ process_file = the_class_map['process_file']
+ process_file(fp, fm, fh, fa, magic, callback=callback)
+def verify_contents(thefile, tgt_hostname=None, callback=None):
+ """
+ Given a sysstat binary data file verify that it contains a set of well
+ formed data values.
+ The optional 'tgt_hostname' argument is checked against the file header's
+ stored hostname value.
+ The optional 'callback' argument, if provided, should be an instance of
+ the ContentAction class, where for each magic structure, file header, file
+ activity set, record header and record payload read the appropriate method
+ will be invoked, with the 'eof' method invoked at the end.
+ One of the following exceptions will be raised if a problem is found with
+ the file:
+ Invalid: The file header or record header metadata values do not make
+ sense in relation to each other
+ Corruption: The file appears to be corrupted in some way
+ Truncated: The file does not appear to contain all the data as
+ described by the file header or a given record header
+ """
+ try:
+ with lzma.open(thefile, "rb") as fp:
+ verify_contents_fp(fp, tgt_hostname, callback)
+ except lzma.LZMAError:
+ with open(thefile, "rb") as fp:
+ verify_contents_fp(fp, tgt_hostname, callback)
+def fetch_os_code(magic):
+ """
+ Given a sysstat magic number value, return the "OS code" that maps to
+ version of Fedora or RHEL.
+ """
+ try:
+ the_class_map = class_map[magic]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise Invalid("Unrecognized old sa magic: 0x%04d" % magic)
+ else:
+ return the_class_map['os-code']
+def fetch_fileheader(thefile):
+ """
+ Fetch the sysstat FileHeader object for the given file path.
+ """
+ try:
+ with lzma.open(thefile, "rb") as fp:
+ res = fetch_fileheader_with_fp(fp)
+ except lzma.LZMAError:
+ with open(thefile, "rb") as fp:
+ res = fetch_fileheader_with_fp(fp)
+ return res
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # When invoked as a progrem, we'll just check the first argument to see
+ # that is has data in it, and if so, we'll process the header, fetch the
+ # OS code, and verify its contents.
+ if os.path.getsize(sys.argv[1]) == 0:
+ print("Invalid - %s: empty data file" % (sys.argv[1],), file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ try:
+ fm, fh, fa, magic = fetch_fileheader(sys.argv[1])
+ except Invalid as e:
+ print("Invalid - %s: %s" % (sys.argv[1], e), file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Error - %s: %s" % (sys.argv[1], e), file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ if DEBUG or 1:
+ fm.dump()
+ fh.dump(fm.format_magic)
+ fa.dump()
+ val = fetch_os_code(magic)
+ print("os_code = ", val)
+ try:
+ verify_contents(sys.argv[1])
+ except Invalid as e:
+ print("Invalid - %s: %s" % (sys.argv[1], e), file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ except Corruption as e:
+ print("Corrupted - %s: %s" % (sys.argv[1], e), file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ except Truncated as e:
+ sys.exit(1)
diff --git a/server/pbench/bin/state/test-11.tar.xz b/server/pbench/bin/state/test-11.tar.xz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4426cfe407
Binary files /dev/null and b/server/pbench/bin/state/test-11.tar.xz differ
diff --git a/server/pbench/bin/state/test-7.8.tar.xz b/server/pbench/bin/state/test-7.8.tar.xz
index 54da30e831..58089a69d8 100644
Binary files a/server/pbench/bin/state/test-7.8.tar.xz and b/server/pbench/bin/state/test-7.8.tar.xz differ
diff --git a/server/pbench/bin/unittests b/server/pbench/bin/unittests
index 8f62de1fad..90af2425fa 100755
--- a/server/pbench/bin/unittests
+++ b/server/pbench/bin/unittests
@@ -169,6 +169,7 @@ declare -A cmds=(
[test-7.5]="_run_index $_testroot/test-7.5"
[test-7.6]="_run_index $_testroot/test-7.6"
[test-7.7]="_run_index $_testroot/test-7.7"
# uperf tarball
[test-7.8]="_run_index $_testroot/test-7.8"
@@ -189,6 +190,9 @@ declare -A cmds=(
# pbench-rsync-satellite
[test-10]="_run pbench-rsync-satellite TEST foo.bar.com $_testroot/pbench/archive"
+ # verify special _special_paths in 'toc' (like sar.data) are processed
+ [test-11]="_run_index $_testroot/test-11"
declare -A links=(
@@ -218,4 +222,3 @@ for test in $tests ;do
exit $failures
diff --git a/server/pbench/lib/config/pbench-index.cfg.example b/server/pbench/lib/config/pbench-index.cfg.example
index 56024d4e34..bbc70c9615 100644
--- a/server/pbench/lib/config/pbench-index.cfg.example
+++ b/server/pbench/lib/config/pbench-index.cfg.example
@@ -11,3 +11,6 @@ bulk_action_count = 2000
# defaults for shards per index or replica count per index.
#number_of_shards = 1
#number_of_replicas = 0
+sadf_binaries_path = /usr/local/bin/
diff --git a/server/pbench/lib/mappings/sar.json b/server/pbench/lib/mappings/sar.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..84b7f5d7b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/pbench/lib/mappings/sar.json
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ "sar": {
+ "_timestamp": {
+ "enabled": true,
+ "store": true,
+ "fielddata": {
+ "format": "doc_values"
+ }
+ },
+ "properties": {
+ "_metadata": {
+ "properties": {
+ "file-date": {
+ "type": "date",
+ "format": "yyyy-MM-dd",
+ "fielddata": {
+ "format": "doc_values"
+ }
+ },
+ "pbench_run_unique_id": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "index": "not_analyzed",
+ "fielddata": {
+ "format": "doc_values"
+ }
+ },
+ "pbench_run_md5": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "index": "not_analyzed",
+ "fielddata": {
+ "format": "doc_values"
+ }
+ },
+ "machine": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "index": "not_analyzed",
+ "fielddata": {
+ "format": "doc_values"
+ }
+ },
+ "nodename": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "index": "not_analyzed",
+ "fielddata": {
+ "format": "doc_values"
+ }
+ },
+ "number-of-cpus": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "fielddata": {
+ "format": "doc_values"
+ }
+ },
+ "release": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "index": "not_analyzed",
+ "fielddata": {
+ "format": "doc_values"
+ }
+ },
+ "sysdata-version": {
+ "type": "float",
+ "fielddata": {
+ "format": "doc_values"
+ }
+ },
+ "sysname": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "index": "not_analyzed",
+ "fielddata": {
+ "format": "doc_values"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "timestamp": {
+ "properties": {
+ "date": {
+ "type": "date",
+ "format": "yyyy-MM-dd",
+ "fielddata": {
+ "format": "doc_values"
+ }
+ },
+ "time": {
+ "type": "date",
+ "format": "HH:mm:ss",
+ "fielddata": {
+ "format": "doc_values"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "cpu-load": {
+ "type": "nested",
+ "properties": {
+ "cpu": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "index": "not_analyzed",
+ "fielddata": {
+ "format": "doc_values"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "cpu-load-all": {
+ "type": "nested",
+ "properties": {
+ "cpu": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "index": "not_analyzed",
+ "fielddata": {
+ "format": "doc_values"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "disk": {
+ "type": "nested",
+ "properties": {
+ "disk-device": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "index": "not_analyzed",
+ "fielddata": {
+ "format": "doc_values"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "interrupts": {
+ "type": "nested",
+ "properties": {
+ "intr": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "index": "not_analyzed",
+ "fielddata": {
+ "format": "doc_values"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "interrupts-processor": {
+ "type": "nested",
+ "properties": {
+ "intr": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "index": "not_analyzed",
+ "fielddata": {
+ "format": "doc_values"
+ }
+ },
+ "cpu": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "index": "not_analyzed",
+ "fielddata": {
+ "format": "doc_values"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "filesystems": {
+ "type": "nested",
+ "properties": {
+ "filesystem": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "index": "not_analyzed",
+ "fielddata": {
+ "format": "doc_values"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "network": {
+ "properties": {
+ "net-dev": {
+ "type": "nested",
+ "properties": {
+ "iface": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "index": "not_analyzed",
+ "fielddata": {
+ "format": "doc_values"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "net-edev": {
+ "type": "nested",
+ "properties": {
+ "iface": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "index": "not_analyzed",
+ "fielddata": {
+ "format": "doc_values"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "power-management": {
+ "properties": {
+ "cpu-frequency": {
+ "type": "nested",
+ "properties": {
+ "number": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "index": "not_analyzed",
+ "fielddata": {
+ "format": "doc_values"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "fan-speed": {
+ "type": "nested",
+ "properties": {
+ "device": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "number": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "index": "not_analyzed",
+ "fielddata": {
+ "format": "doc_values"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "temperature": {
+ "type": "nested",
+ "properties": {
+ "device": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "number": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "index": "not_analyzed",
+ "fielddata": {
+ "format": "doc_values"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "voltage-input": {
+ "type": "nested",
+ "properties": {
+ "device": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "number": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "index": "not_analyzed",
+ "fielddata": {
+ "format": "doc_values"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "usb-devices": {
+ "type": "nested",
+ "properties": {
+ "bus_number": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "index": "not_analyzed",
+ "fielddata": {
+ "format": "doc_values"
+ }
+ },
+ "idvendor": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "idprod": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "manufact": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "product": {
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "serial": {
+ "type": "nested",
+ "properties": {
+ "line": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "index": "not_analyzed",
+ "fielddata": {
+ "format": "doc_values"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/server/pbench/lib/vos/__init__.py b/server/pbench/lib/vos/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2..0000000000
diff --git a/server/pbench/lib/vos/analysis/__init__.py b/server/pbench/lib/vos/analysis/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2..0000000000