diff --git a/.github/workflows/verify-specs.yaml b/.github/workflows/verify-specs.yaml
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..b3e6fae3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/verify-specs.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+name: Verify Specs
+  pull_request:
+  merge_group:
+  build:
+    name: Verify Specs
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    steps:
+    - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+    - uses: actions/setup-go@v5
+      with:
+        go-version-file: go.mod
+    - run: |
+        make generate-specs
+        if [ -n "$(git status --porcelain)" ]; then
+          echo "Run 'generate-specs' and push it"
+          exit 1
+        fi
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index e6c528cd..e5f404d0 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -49,4 +49,8 @@ verify-bundle:
 	rm scripts/bundle.tar.gz
-	go build ./cmd/opa
\ No newline at end of file
+	go build ./cmd/opa
+.PHONY: generate-specs
+	go run ./cmd/specs
diff --git a/cmd/specs/main.go b/cmd/specs/main.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7d835544
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmd/specs/main.go
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+package main
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"os"
+	"path/filepath"
+	"sort"
+	"strings"
+	"gopkg.in/yaml.v3"
+	"github.com/aquasecurity/trivy/pkg/iac/framework"
+	"github.com/aquasecurity/trivy/pkg/iac/rego"
+	"github.com/aquasecurity/trivy/pkg/iac/rules"
+	iacTypes "github.com/aquasecurity/trivy/pkg/iac/types"
+const complianceDirPath = "pkg/specs/compliance/"
+var specs = map[framework.Framework]*iacTypes.Spec{
+	framework.CIS_AWS_1_2: {
+		ID:          "aws-cis-1.2",
+		Title:       "AWS CIS Foundations v1.2",
+		Description: "AWS CIS Foundations",
+		Version:     "1.2",
+		Platform:    "aws",
+		Type:        "cis",
+		RelatedResources: []string{
+			"https://www.cisecurity.org/benchmark/amazon_web_services",
+		},
+	},
+	framework.CIS_AWS_1_4: {
+		ID:          "aws-cis-1.4",
+		Title:       "AWS CIS Foundations v1.4",
+		Description: "AWS CIS Foundations",
+		Version:     "1.4",
+		Platform:    "aws",
+		Type:        "cis",
+		RelatedResources: []string{
+			"https://www.cisecurity.org/benchmark/amazon_web_services",
+		},
+	},
+func main() {
+	frameworks := make([]framework.Framework, 0, len(specs))
+	for f := range specs {
+		frameworks = append(frameworks, f)
+	}
+	// Clean up all Go checks
+	rules.Reset()
+	// Load Rego checks
+	rego.LoadAndRegister()
+	for _, rule := range rules.GetRegistered(frameworks...) {
+		for f, controlIDs := range rule.Frameworks {
+			for _, id := range controlIDs {
+				specs[f].Controls = append(specs[f].Controls, iacTypes.Control{
+					ID:          id,
+					Name:        rule.ShortCode,
+					Description: rule.Summary,
+					Severity:    iacTypes.Severity(rule.Severity),
+					Checks:      []iacTypes.SpecCheck{{ID: rule.AVDID}},
+				})
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	for _, spec := range specs {
+		sort.Slice(spec.Controls, func(i, j int) bool {
+			return strings.Compare(spec.Controls[i].ID, spec.Controls[j].ID) < 0
+		})
+	}
+	for _, c := range specs {
+		if err := writeCompliance(c, complianceDirPath); err != nil {
+			panic(err)
+		}
+	}
+func writeCompliance(spec *iacTypes.Spec, path string) error {
+	file, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(path, fmt.Sprintf("%s.yaml", spec.ID)))
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	defer file.Close()
+	encoder := yaml.NewEncoder(file)
+	encoder.SetIndent(2)
+	return encoder.Encode(iacTypes.ComplianceSpec{Spec: *spec})
diff --git a/pkg/specs/compliance/aws-cis-1.2.yaml b/pkg/specs/compliance/aws-cis-1.2.yaml
index 3d8d4eeb..f7780468 100644
--- a/pkg/specs/compliance/aws-cis-1.2.yaml
+++ b/pkg/specs/compliance/aws-cis-1.2.yaml
@@ -3,216 +3,212 @@ spec:
   title: AWS CIS Foundations v1.2
   description: AWS CIS Foundations
   version: "1.2"
-  platfrom: aws
+  platform: aws
   type: cis
-  - https://www.cisecurity.org/benchmark/amazon_web_services
+    - https://www.cisecurity.org/benchmark/amazon_web_services
-  - id: "1.1"
-    name: limit-root-account-usage
-    description: |-
-      The "root" account has unrestricted access to all resources in the AWS account. It is highly
-      recommended that the use of this account be avoided.
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0140
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "1.10"
-    name: no-password-reuse
-    description: IAM Password policy should prevent password reuse.
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0056
-    severity: MEDIUM
-  - id: "1.11"
-    name: set-max-password-age
-    description: IAM Password policy should have expiry less than or equal to 90 days.
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0062
-    severity: MEDIUM
-  - id: "1.12"
-    name: no-root-access-keys
-    description: The root user has complete access to all services and resources in an AWS account. AWS Access Keys provide programmatic access to a given account.
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0141
-    severity: CRITICAL
-  - id: "1.13"
-    name: enforce-root-mfa
-    description: |-
-      The "root" account has unrestricted access to all resources in the AWS account. It is highly
-      recommended that this account have MFA enabled.
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0142
-    severity: CRITICAL
-  - id: "1.16"
-    name: no-user-attached-policies
-    description: IAM policies should not be granted directly to users.
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0143
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "1.2"
-    name: enforce-user-mfa
-    description: IAM Users should have MFA enforcement activated.
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0145
-    severity: MEDIUM
-  - id: "1.3"
-    name: disable-unused-credentials
-    description: Credentials which are no longer used should be disabled.
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0144
-    severity: MEDIUM
-  - id: "1.4"
-    name: rotate-access-keys
-    description: Access keys should be rotated at least every 90 days
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0146
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "1.5"
-    name: require-uppercase-in-passwords
-    description: IAM Password policy should have requirement for at least one uppercase character.
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0061
-    severity: MEDIUM
-  - id: "1.6"
-    name: require-lowercase-in-passwords
-    description: IAM Password policy should have requirement for at least one lowercase character.
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0058
-    severity: MEDIUM
-  - id: "1.7"
-    name: require-symbols-in-passwords
-    description: IAM Password policy should have requirement for at least one symbol in the password.
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0060
-    severity: MEDIUM
-  - id: "1.8"
-    name: require-numbers-in-passwords
-    description: IAM Password policy should have requirement for at least one number in the password.
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0059
-    severity: MEDIUM
-  - id: "1.9"
-    name: set-minimum-password-length
-    description: IAM Password policy should have minimum password length of 14 or more characters.
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0063
-    severity: MEDIUM
-  - id: "2.3"
-    name: no-public-log-access
-    description: The S3 Bucket backing Cloudtrail should be private
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0161
-    severity: CRITICAL
-  - id: "2.4"
-    name: ensure-cloudwatch-integration
-    description: CloudTrail logs should be stored in S3 and also sent to CloudWatch Logs
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0162
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "2.5"
-    name: enable-all-regions
-    description: Cloudtrail should be enabled in all regions regardless of where your AWS resources are generally homed
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0014
-    severity: MEDIUM
-  - id: "2.6"
-    name: require-bucket-access-logging
-    description: You should enable bucket access logging on the CloudTrail S3 bucket.
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0163
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "3.1"
-    name: require-unauthorised-api-call-alarm
-    description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for unauthorized API calls
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0147
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "3.10"
-    name: require-sg-change-alarms
-    description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for security group changes
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0156
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "3.11"
-    name: require-nacl-changes-alarm
-    description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for changes to Network Access Control Lists (NACL)
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0157
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "3.12"
-    name: require-network-gateway-changes-alarm
-    description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for changes to network gateways
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0158
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "3.13"
-    name: require-network-gateway-changes-alarm
-    description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for route table changes
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0159
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "3.14"
-    name: require-vpc-changes-alarm
-    description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for VPC changes
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0160
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "3.2"
-    name: require-non-mfa-login-alarm
-    description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for AWS Management Console sign-in without MFA
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0148
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "3.3"
-    name: require-root-user-usage-alarm
-    description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for usage of root user
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0149
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "3.4"
-    name: require-iam-policy-change-alarm
-    description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for IAM policy changes
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0150
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "3.5"
-    name: require-cloud-trail-change-alarm
-    description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for CloudTrail configuration changes
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0151
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "3.6"
-    name: require-console-login-failures-alarm
-    description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for AWS Management Console authentication failures
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0152
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "3.7"
-    name: require-cmk-disabled-alarm
-    description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for disabling or scheduled deletion of customer managed keys
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0153
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "3.8"
-    name: require-s3-bucket-policy-change-alarm
-    description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for S3 bucket policy changes
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0154
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "3.9"
-    name: require-config-configuration-changes-alarm
-    description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for AWS Config configuration changes
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0155
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "4.1"
-    name: no-public-ingress-sgr
-    description: Security groups should not allow ingress from or ::/0 to port 22 or port 3389.
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0107
-    severity: HIGH
-  - id: "4.2"
-    name: no-public-ingress-sgr
-    description: Security groups should not allow ingress from or ::/0 to port 22 or port 3389.
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0107
-    severity: HIGH
\ No newline at end of file
+    - id: "1.1"
+      name: limit-root-account-usage
+      description: The "root" account has unrestricted access to all resources in the AWS account. It is highly recommended that the use of this account be avoided.
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0140
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "1.10"
+      name: no-password-reuse
+      description: IAM Password policy should prevent password reuse.
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0056
+      severity: MEDIUM
+    - id: "1.11"
+      name: set-max-password-age
+      description: IAM Password policy should have expiry less than or equal to 90 days.
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0062
+      severity: MEDIUM
+    - id: "1.12"
+      name: no-root-access-keys
+      description: The root user has complete access to all services and resources in an AWS account. AWS Access Keys provide programmatic access to a given account.
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0141
+      severity: CRITICAL
+    - id: "1.13"
+      name: enforce-root-mfa
+      description: The "root" account has unrestricted access to all resources in the AWS account. It is highly recommended that this account have MFA enabled.
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0142
+      severity: CRITICAL
+    - id: "1.16"
+      name: no-user-attached-policies
+      description: IAM policies should not be granted directly to users.
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0143
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "1.2"
+      name: enforce-user-mfa
+      description: IAM Users should have MFA enforcement activated.
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0145
+      severity: MEDIUM
+    - id: "1.3"
+      name: disable-unused-credentials
+      description: Credentials which are no longer used should be disabled.
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0144
+      severity: MEDIUM
+    - id: "1.4"
+      name: rotate-access-keys
+      description: Access keys should be rotated at least every 90 days
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0146
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "1.5"
+      name: require-uppercase-in-passwords
+      description: IAM Password policy should have requirement for at least one uppercase character.
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0061
+      severity: MEDIUM
+    - id: "1.6"
+      name: require-lowercase-in-passwords
+      description: IAM Password policy should have requirement for at least one lowercase character.
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0058
+      severity: MEDIUM
+    - id: "1.7"
+      name: require-symbols-in-passwords
+      description: IAM Password policy should have requirement for at least one symbol in the password.
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0060
+      severity: MEDIUM
+    - id: "1.8"
+      name: require-numbers-in-passwords
+      description: IAM Password policy should have requirement for at least one number in the password.
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0059
+      severity: MEDIUM
+    - id: "1.9"
+      name: set-minimum-password-length
+      description: IAM Password policy should have minimum password length of 14 or more characters.
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0063
+      severity: MEDIUM
+    - id: "2.3"
+      name: no-public-log-access
+      description: The S3 Bucket backing Cloudtrail should be private
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0161
+      severity: CRITICAL
+    - id: "2.4"
+      name: ensure-cloudwatch-integration
+      description: CloudTrail logs should be stored in S3 and also sent to CloudWatch Logs
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0162
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "2.5"
+      name: enable-all-regions
+      description: Cloudtrail should be enabled in all regions regardless of where your AWS resources are generally homed
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0014
+      severity: MEDIUM
+    - id: "2.6"
+      name: require-bucket-access-logging
+      description: You should enable bucket access logging on the CloudTrail S3 bucket.
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0163
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "3.1"
+      name: require-unauthorised-api-call-alarm
+      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for unauthorized API calls
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0147
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "3.10"
+      name: require-sg-change-alarms
+      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for security group changes
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0156
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "3.11"
+      name: require-nacl-changes-alarm
+      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for changes to Network Access Control Lists (NACL)
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0157
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "3.12"
+      name: require-network-gateway-changes-alarm
+      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for changes to network gateways
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0158
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "3.13"
+      name: require-network-gateway-changes-alarm
+      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for route table changes
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0159
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "3.14"
+      name: require-vpc-changes-alarm
+      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for VPC changes
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0160
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "3.2"
+      name: require-non-mfa-login-alarm
+      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for AWS Management Console sign-in without MFA
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0148
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "3.3"
+      name: require-root-user-usage-alarm
+      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for usage of root user
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0149
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "3.4"
+      name: require-iam-policy-change-alarm
+      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for IAM policy changes
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0150
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "3.5"
+      name: require-cloud-trail-change-alarm
+      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for CloudTrail configuration changes
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0151
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "3.6"
+      name: require-console-login-failures-alarm
+      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for AWS Management Console authentication failures
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0152
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "3.7"
+      name: require-cmk-disabled-alarm
+      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for disabling or scheduled deletion of customer managed keys
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0153
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "3.8"
+      name: require-s3-bucket-policy-change-alarm
+      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for S3 bucket policy changes
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0154
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "3.9"
+      name: require-config-configuration-changes-alarm
+      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for AWS Config configuration changes
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0155
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "4.1"
+      name: no-public-ingress-sgr
+      description: Security groups should not allow ingress from or ::/0 to port 22 or port 3389.
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0107
+      severity: HIGH
+    - id: "4.2"
+      name: no-public-ingress-sgr
+      description: Security groups should not allow ingress from or ::/0 to port 22 or port 3389.
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0107
+      severity: HIGH
diff --git a/pkg/specs/compliance/aws-cis-1.4.yaml b/pkg/specs/compliance/aws-cis-1.4.yaml
index 9193a446..58025e2f 100644
--- a/pkg/specs/compliance/aws-cis-1.4.yaml
+++ b/pkg/specs/compliance/aws-cis-1.4.yaml
@@ -3,245 +3,224 @@ spec:
   title: AWS CIS Foundations v1.4
   description: AWS CIS Foundations
   version: "1.4"
-  platfrom: aws
+  platform: aws
   type: cis
-  - https://www.cisecurity.org/benchmark/amazon_web_services
+    - https://www.cisecurity.org/benchmark/amazon_web_services
-  - id: 2.1.3
-    name: require-mfa-delete
-    description: Buckets should have MFA deletion protection enabled.
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0170
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "1.12"
-    name: disable-unused-credentials-45-days
-    description: |-
-      AWS IAM users can access AWS resources using different types of credentials, such as
-      passwords or access keys. It is recommended that all credentials that have been unused in
-      45 or greater days be deactivated or removed.
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0166
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "1.13"
-    name: limit-user-access-keys
-    description: No user should have more than one active access key.
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0167
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "1.14"
-    name: rotate-access-keys
-    description: Access keys should be rotated at least every 90 days
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0146
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "1.15"
-    name: no-user-attached-policies
-    description: IAM policies should not be granted directly to users.
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0143
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "1.16"
-    name: no-policy-wildcards
-    description: IAM policy should avoid use of wildcards and instead apply the principle of least privilege
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0057
-    severity: HIGH
-  - id: "1.17"
-    name: require-support-role
-    description: Missing IAM Role to allow authorized users to manage incidents with AWS Support.
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0169
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "1.19"
-    name: remove-expired-certificates
-    description: Delete expired TLS certificates
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0168
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "1.20"
-    name: enable-access-analyzer
-    description: Enable IAM Access analyzer for IAM policies about all resources in each region.
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0175
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "1.4"
-    name: enforce-user-mfa
-    description: IAM Users should have MFA enforcement activated.
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0145
-    severity: MEDIUM
-  - id: "1.4"
-    name: no-root-access-keys
-    description: The root user has complete access to all services and resources in an AWS account. AWS Access Keys provide programmatic access to a given account.
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0141
-    severity: CRITICAL
-  - id: "1.5"
-    name: enforce-root-mfa
-    description: |-
-      The "root" account has unrestricted access to all resources in the AWS account. It is highly
-      recommended that this account have MFA enabled.
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0142
-    severity: CRITICAL
-  - id: "1.6"
-    name: enforce-root-hardware-mfa
-    description: |-
-      The "root" account has unrestricted access to all resources in the AWS account. It is highly
-      recommended that this account have hardware MFA enabled.
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0165
-    severity: MEDIUM
-  - id: "1.7"
-    name: limit-root-account-usage
-    description: |-
-      The "root" account has unrestricted access to all resources in the AWS account. It is highly
-      recommended that the use of this account be avoided.
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0140
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "1.8"
-    name: set-minimum-password-length
-    description: IAM Password policy should have minimum password length of 14 or more characters.
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0063
-    severity: MEDIUM
-  - id: "1.9"
-    name: no-password-reuse
-    description: IAM Password policy should prevent password reuse.
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0056
-    severity: MEDIUM
-  - id: "3.10"
-    name: enable-object-write-logging
-    description: S3 object-level API operations such as GetObject, DeleteObject, and PutObject are called data events. By default, CloudTrail trails don't log data events and so it is recommended to enable Object-level logging for S3 buckets.
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0171
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "3.11"
-    name: enable-object-read-logging
-    description: S3 object-level API operations such as GetObject, DeleteObject, and PutObject are called data events. By default, CloudTrail trails don't log data events and so it is recommended to enable Object-level logging for S3 buckets.
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0172
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "3.3"
-    name: no-public-log-access
-    description: The S3 Bucket backing Cloudtrail should be private
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0161
-    severity: CRITICAL
-  - id: "3.4"
-    name: ensure-cloudwatch-integration
-    description: CloudTrail logs should be stored in S3 and also sent to CloudWatch Logs
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0162
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "3.6"
-    name: require-bucket-access-logging
-    description: You should enable bucket access logging on the CloudTrail S3 bucket.
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0163
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "4.10"
-    name: require-sg-change-alarms
-    description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for security group changes
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0156
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "4.1"
-    name: require-unauthorised-api-call-alarm
-    description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for unauthorized API calls
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0147
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "4.11"
-    name: require-nacl-changes-alarm
-    description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for changes to Network Access Control Lists (NACL)
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0157
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "4.12"
-    name: require-network-gateway-changes-alarm
-    description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for changes to network gateways
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0158
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "4.13"
-    name: require-network-gateway-changes-alarm
-    description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for route table changes
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0159
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "4.14"
-    name: require-vpc-changes-alarm
-    description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for VPC changes
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0160
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "4.15"
-    name: require-org-changes-alarm
-    description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for organisation changes
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0174
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "4.2"
-    name: require-non-mfa-login-alarm
-    description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for AWS Management Console sign-in without MFA
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0148
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "4.3"
-    name: require-root-user-usage-alarm
-    description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for usage of root user
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0149
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "4.4"
-    name: require-iam-policy-change-alarm
-    description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for IAM policy changes
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0150
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "4.5"
-    name: require-cloud-trail-change-alarm
-    description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for CloudTrail configuration changes
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0151
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "4.6"
-    name: require-console-login-failures-alarm
-    description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for AWS Management Console authentication failures
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0152
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "4.7"
-    name: require-cmk-disabled-alarm
-    description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for disabling or scheduled deletion of customer managed keys
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0153
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "4.8"
-    name: require-s3-bucket-policy-change-alarm
-    description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for S3 bucket policy changes
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0154
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "4.9"
-    name: require-config-configuration-changes-alarm
-    description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for AWS Config configuration changes
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0155
-    severity: LOW
-  - id: "5.1"
-    name: aws-vpc-no-public-ingress-acl
-    description: Network ACLs should not allow ingress from to port 22 or port 3389.
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0105
-    severity: MEDIUM
-  - id: "5.3"
-    name: restrict-all-in-default-sg
-    description: Default security group should restrict all traffic
-    checks:
-    - id: AVD-AWS-0173
-    severity: LOW
\ No newline at end of file
+    - id: "1.12"
+      name: disable-unused-credentials-45-days
+      description: Disabling or removing unnecessary credentials will reduce the window of opportunity for credentials associated with a compromised or abandoned account to be used.
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0166
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "1.13"
+      name: limit-user-access-keys
+      description: No user should have more than one active access key.
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0167
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "1.14"
+      name: rotate-access-keys
+      description: Access keys should be rotated at least every 90 days
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0146
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "1.15"
+      name: no-user-attached-policies
+      description: IAM policies should not be granted directly to users.
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0143
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "1.19"
+      name: remove-expired-certificates
+      description: Delete expired TLS certificates
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0168
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "1.20"
+      name: enable-access-analyzer
+      description: Enable IAM Access analyzer for IAM policies about all resources in each region.
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0175
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "1.4"
+      name: enforce-user-mfa
+      description: IAM Users should have MFA enforcement activated.
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0145
+      severity: MEDIUM
+    - id: "1.4"
+      name: no-root-access-keys
+      description: The root user has complete access to all services and resources in an AWS account. AWS Access Keys provide programmatic access to a given account.
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0141
+      severity: CRITICAL
+    - id: "1.5"
+      name: enforce-root-mfa
+      description: The "root" account has unrestricted access to all resources in the AWS account. It is highly recommended that this account have MFA enabled.
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0142
+      severity: CRITICAL
+    - id: "1.6"
+      name: enforce-root-hardware-mfa
+      description: The "root" account has unrestricted access to all resources in the AWS account. It is highly recommended that this account have hardware MFA enabled.
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0165
+      severity: MEDIUM
+    - id: "1.7"
+      name: limit-root-account-usage
+      description: The "root" account has unrestricted access to all resources in the AWS account. It is highly recommended that the use of this account be avoided.
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0140
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "1.8"
+      name: set-minimum-password-length
+      description: IAM Password policy should have minimum password length of 14 or more characters.
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0063
+      severity: MEDIUM
+    - id: "1.9"
+      name: no-password-reuse
+      description: IAM Password policy should prevent password reuse.
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0056
+      severity: MEDIUM
+    - id: 2.1.3
+      name: require-mfa-delete
+      description: Buckets should have MFA deletion protection enabled.
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0170
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "3.10"
+      name: enable-object-write-logging
+      description: S3 object-level API operations such as GetObject, DeleteObject, and PutObject are called data events. By default, CloudTrail trails don't log data events and so it is recommended to enable Object-level logging for S3 buckets.
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0171
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "3.11"
+      name: enable-object-read-logging
+      description: S3 object-level API operations such as GetObject, DeleteObject, and PutObject are called data events. By default, CloudTrail trails don't log data events and so it is recommended to enable Object-level logging for S3 buckets.
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0172
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "3.3"
+      name: no-public-log-access
+      description: The S3 Bucket backing Cloudtrail should be private
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0161
+      severity: CRITICAL
+    - id: "3.4"
+      name: ensure-cloudwatch-integration
+      description: CloudTrail logs should be stored in S3 and also sent to CloudWatch Logs
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0162
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "3.6"
+      name: require-bucket-access-logging
+      description: You should enable bucket access logging on the CloudTrail S3 bucket.
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0163
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "4.1"
+      name: require-unauthorised-api-call-alarm
+      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for unauthorized API calls
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0147
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "4.10"
+      name: require-sg-change-alarms
+      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for security group changes
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0156
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "4.11"
+      name: require-nacl-changes-alarm
+      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for changes to Network Access Control Lists (NACL)
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0157
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "4.12"
+      name: require-network-gateway-changes-alarm
+      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for changes to network gateways
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0158
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "4.13"
+      name: require-network-gateway-changes-alarm
+      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for route table changes
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0159
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "4.14"
+      name: require-vpc-changes-alarm
+      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for VPC changes
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0160
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "4.15"
+      name: require-org-changes-alarm
+      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for organisation changes
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0174
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "4.2"
+      name: require-non-mfa-login-alarm
+      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for AWS Management Console sign-in without MFA
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0148
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "4.3"
+      name: require-root-user-usage-alarm
+      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for usage of root user
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0149
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "4.4"
+      name: require-iam-policy-change-alarm
+      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for IAM policy changes
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0150
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "4.5"
+      name: require-cloud-trail-change-alarm
+      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for CloudTrail configuration changes
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0151
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "4.6"
+      name: require-console-login-failures-alarm
+      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for AWS Management Console authentication failures
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0152
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "4.7"
+      name: require-cmk-disabled-alarm
+      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for disabling or scheduled deletion of customer managed keys
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0153
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "4.8"
+      name: require-s3-bucket-policy-change-alarm
+      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for S3 bucket policy changes
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0154
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "4.9"
+      name: require-config-configuration-changes-alarm
+      description: Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for AWS Config configuration changes
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0155
+      severity: LOW
+    - id: "5.1"
+      name: no-public-ingress-acl
+      description: Network ACLs should not allow ingress from to port 22 or port 3389.
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0105
+      severity: MEDIUM
+    - id: "5.3"
+      name: restrict-all-in-default-sg
+      description: Default security group should restrict all traffic
+      checks:
+        - id: AVD-AWS-0173
+      severity: LOW