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This section contains self-help troubleshooting information. If you're running into an issue you can't resolve, try the Slack chat, or submit an issue.
I didn't receive a sign-in or certificate confirmation email
AWS email delivery can be slow sometimes. Please give it 30-60s. Otherwise, be sure to check your spam folder.
My application times out or seems slow
Lambda `memory` scales CPU alongside RAM, so if your application is slow to initialize or serve responses, you may want to try `1024` or above. See [Lambda Pricing](https://aws.amazon.com/lambda/pricing/) for options.
Ensure that all of your dependencies are deployed. You may use `up -v` to view what is added or filtered from the deployment or `up build --size` to output the contents of the zip.
I'm seeing 404 Not Found responses
By default, Up ignores files which are found in `.upignore`. Use the verbose flag such as `up -v` to see if files have been filtered or `up build --size` to see a list of files within the zip sorted by size. See [Ignoring Files](#configuration.ignoring_files) for more information.
My deployment seems stuck
The first deploy also creates resources associated with your project and can take roughly 1-2 minutes. AWS provides limited granularity into the creation progress of these resources, so the progress bar may appear "stuck".
How do I sign into my team?
Run `up team login` if you aren't signed in, then run `up team login --team my-team-id` to sign into any teams you're an owner or member of.
Unable to associate certificate error
If you receive a `Unable to associate certificate` error it is because you have not verified the SSL certificate. Certs for CloudFront when creating a custom domain MUST be in us-east-1, so if you need to manually resend verification emails visit [ACM in US East 1](https://console.aws.amazon.com/acm/home?region=us-east-1).
I'm seeing 403 Forbidden errors in CI
If you run into "403 Forbidden" errors this is due to GitHub's low rate limit for unauthenticated users, consider creating a [Personal Access Token](https://github.com/settings/tokens) and adding `GITHUB_TOKEN` to your CI.