- Download the src folder which contains the java source code.
- Using Netbeans, create a new Java Project with Existing Sources as in the image and add the folders inside it to your project in the next step.
- Download the Python files (.py files) in home directory of your project. The Java code runs such files.
- Download the .jar files from the lib folder and add all of them as liberaries to your project.
- Download the data folder, unzip the files inside it and add it to your project. The project structure must be as follow
|─── data
│ |─── userDefinied.json
│ |─── DBpedia
│ | │─── No_SPARQL
│ | └─── SPARQL
| |
│ └─── Freebase
│ │─── No_SPARQL
│ └─── SPARQL
|─── src
| └─── ... All packages
└─── lib
| └─── ... All .jar files
└─── evaluate.py
Now you can edit and run the project.