diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 4d43f1f..7e87e75 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -98,19 +98,23 @@ No additional setup is required.
 ## Usage
-| Key binding      | Description        |
-| `arrows`, `hjkl` | Move cursor        |
-| `shift+arrows`   | Jump to start/end  |
-| `enter`          | Enter directory    |
-| `backspace`      | Exit directory     |
-| `space`          | Toggle preview     |
-| `esc`, `q`       | Exit with cd       |
-| `ctrl+c`         | Exit without cd    |
-| `/`              | Fuzzy search       |
-| `d`, `delete`    | Delete file or dir |
-| `y`              | yank current dir   |
-| `.`              | Hide hidden files  |
+| Key binding      | Description            |
+| `arrows`, `hjkl` | Move cursor            |
+| `shift+arrows`   | Move most to direction |
+| `pgup`, `g`      | Go to column top       |
+| `pgdown`, `G`    | Go to column bottom    |
+| `home`           | Go to beginning        |
+| `end`            | Go to end              |
+| `enter`          | Enter directory        |
+| `backspace`      | Exit directory         |
+| `space`          | Toggle preview         |
+| `esc`, `q`       | Exit with cd           |
+| `ctrl+c`         | Exit without cd        |
+| `/`              | Fuzzy search           |
+| `d`, `delete`    | Delete file or dir     |
+| `y`              | yank current dir       |
+| `.`              | Hide hidden files      |
 ## Configuration
diff --git a/main.go b/main.go
index 856d1e3..de7ce7f 100644
--- a/main.go
+++ b/main.go
@@ -992,6 +992,11 @@ func usage() {
 		_, _ = fmt.Fprintln(w, s)
 	put("    arrows, hjkl\tMove cursor")
+	put("    shitf+arrows\tMove most to direction")
+	put("    pgup, g\tGo to column top")
+	put("    pgdown, G\tGo to column bottom")
+	put("    home\tGo to beginning")
+	put("    end\tGo to end")
 	put("    enter\tEnter directory")
 	put("    backspace\tExit directory")
 	put("    space\tToggle preview")