diff --git a/.github/workflows/build_documentation.yml b/.github/workflows/build_documentation.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5dfbb3d0d84..00000000000
--- a/.github/workflows/build_documentation.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-name: Documentation Build
-on: [pull_request, workflow_dispatch]
- # Following env vars when changed will "reset" the mentioned cache,
- # by changing the cache file name. It is rendered as ...-v%RESET_XXX%-...
- # You should go up in number, if you go down (or repeat a previous value)
- # you might end up reusing a previous cache if it haven't been deleted already.
- # It applies 7 days retention policy by default.
- group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
- cancel-in-progress: true
- docs-style:
- name: "Check documentation style"
- runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- steps:
- - name: "Check documentation style"
- uses: ansys/actions/doc-style@v5
- with:
- token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
- vale-config: "doc/.vale.ini"
- vale-version: "2.29.6"
- docs_build:
- runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
- steps:
- - uses: actions/checkout@v4
- - name: Setup Python
- uses: actions/setup-python@v5
- with:
- python-version: "3.10"
- - name: Update pip
- run: |
- pip install --upgrade pip
- - name: Install pyaedt
- run: |
- pip install .[doc]
- - name: Verify pyaedt can be imported
- run: python -c "import pyaedt"
- - name: Retrieve PyAEDT version
- id: version
- run: |
- echo "PYAEDT_VERSION=$(python -c 'from pyaedt import __version__; print(__version__)')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- echo "PyAEDT version is: $(python -c "from pyaedt import __version__; print(__version__)")"
- # - name: Cache docs build directory
- # uses: actions/cache@v3
- # with:
- # path: doc/build
- # key: doc-build-v${{ env.RESET_DOC_BUILD_CACHE }}-${{ steps.version.outputs.PYAEDT_VERSION }}-${{ github.sha }}
- # restore-keys: |
- # doc-build-v${{ env.RESET_DOC_BUILD_CACHE }}-${{ steps.version.outputs.PYAEDT_VERSION }}
- # - name: Cache autosummary
- # uses: actions/cache@v3
- # with:
- # path: doc/source/**/_autosummary/*.rst
- # key: autosummary-v${{ env.RESET_AUTOSUMMARY_CACHE }}-${{ steps.version.outputs.PYAEDT_VERSION }}-${{ github.sha }}
- # restore-keys: |
- # autosummary-v${{ env.RESET_AUTOSUMMARY_CACHE }}-${{ steps.version.outputs.PYAEDT_VERSION }}
- - name: Install doc build requirements
- run: |
- sudo apt install graphviz
- # run doc build, without creating the examples directory
- # note that we have to add the examples file here since it won't
- # be created as gallery is disabled on linux.
- - name: Documentation Build
- run: |
- make -C doc clean
- mkdir doc/source/examples -p
- echo $'Examples\n========' > doc/source/examples/index.rst
- make -C doc html SPHINXOPTS="-j auto -w build_errors.txt -N"
- # Verify that sphinx generates no warnings
- - name: Check for warnings
- run: |
- python doc/print_errors.py
-# - name: Upload Documentation
-# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
-# with:
-# name: Documentation
-# path: doc/_build/html
-# retention-days: 7
diff --git a/.github/workflows/full_documentation.yml b/.github/workflows/full_documentation.yml
index 38364e830ad..68f6a319f48 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/full_documentation.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/full_documentation.yml
@@ -10,19 +10,19 @@ env:
MEILISEARCH_HOST_URL: https://backend.search.pyansys.com
# Controls when the workflow will run
- # Triggers the workflow on push or pull request events but only for the main branch
- push:
- tags:
- - v*
- workflow_dispatch:
- inputs:
- logLevel:
- description: 'Log level'
- required: true
- default: 'warning'
- tags:
- description: 'Test scenario tags'
+on: [pull_request, workflow_dispatch]
+ # # Triggers the workflow on push or pull request events but only for the main branch
+ # push:
+ # tags:
+ # - v*
+ # workflow_dispatch:
+ # inputs:
+ # logLevel:
+ # description: 'Log level'
+ # required: true
+ # default: 'warning'
+ # tags:
+ # description: 'Test scenario tags'
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ jobs:
# The type of runner that the job will run on
name: full_documentation
runs-on: [windows-latest, pyaedt]
- timeout-minutes: 720
+ timeout-minutes: 900
python-version: ['3.10']
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ jobs:
run: |
pip install .[doc]
+ pip install .[ci]
Copy-Item -Path "C:\actions-runner\opengl32.dll" -Destination "testenv\Lib\site-packages\vtkmodules" -Force
- name: Retrieve PyAEDT version
@@ -71,7 +72,8 @@ jobs:
- name: Create HTML Documentations
run: |
- sphinx-build -j auto --color -b html -a doc/source doc/_build/html
+ cd doc
+ .\make.bat html
# - name: Create PDF Documentations
# run: |
@@ -93,7 +95,7 @@ jobs:
retention-days: 7
# - name: Upload PDF documentation artifact
-# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
+# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: documentation-pdf
# path: doc/_build/pdf
diff --git a/.github/workflows/ironpython.yml b/.github/workflows/ironpython.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index b169c44d1c3..00000000000
--- a/.github/workflows/ironpython.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# This is a basic workflow to help you get started with Actions
-name: CI_Ironpython
-# Controls when the workflow will run
- # Triggers the workflow on push or pull request events but only for the main branch
- pull_request:
- branches: [ main ]
- group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
- cancel-in-progress: true
-# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
- # This workflow contains a single job called "build"
- build:
- # The type of runner that the job will run on
- runs-on: [windows-latest, pyaedt]
- # Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
- steps:
- - uses: actions/checkout@v4
- - name: 'Run Unit Tests in Ironpython'
- timeout-minutes: 60
- run: |
- $processA = start-process 'cmd' -ArgumentList '/c .\_unittest_ironpython\run_unittests_batchmode.cmd' -PassThru
- $processA.WaitForExit()
- get-content .\_unittest_ironpython\pyaedt_unit_test_ironpython.log
- $test_errors_failures = Select-String -Path .\_unittest_ironpython\pyaedt_unit_test_ironpython.log -Pattern "TextTestResult errors="
- if ($test_errors_failures -ne $null)
- {
- exit 1
- }
- else
- {
- exit 0
- }
diff --git a/.github/workflows/nightly-docs.yml b/.github/workflows/nightly-docs.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index bebff44a875..00000000000
--- a/.github/workflows/nightly-docs.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-name: Nightly Documentation Build
- workflow_dispatch:
- schedule: # UTC at 0400
- - cron: '0 4 * * *'
- DOCUMENTATION_CNAME: 'aedt.docs.pyansys.com'
- group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
- cancel-in-progress: true
- docs_build:
- runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- steps:
- - uses: actions/checkout@v4
- - name: Setup Python
- uses: actions/setup-python@v5
- with:
- python-version: "3.10"
- - name: Install pyaedt
- run: |
- pip install .
- - name: Install doc build requirements
- run: |
- pip install .[doc]
- - name: Full Documentation Build
- run: |
- make -C doc phtml
- - name: Upload documentation HTML artifact
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
- with:
- name: documentation-html
- path: doc/_build/html
- retention-days: 7
- - name: Upload HTML documentation artifact
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
- with:
- name: documentation-html-edb
- path: doc/_build/html/EDBAPI
- retention-days: 7
- docs_upload:
- needs: docs_build
- runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- steps:
- - name: Deploy development documentation
- uses: ansys/actions/doc-deploy-dev@v4
- with:
- cname: ${{ env.DOCUMENTATION_CNAME }}
- token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
- doc-index-dev:
- name: "Deploy dev docs index"
- runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- needs: docs_upload
- steps:
- - uses: actions/checkout@v4
- - uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
- - name: Display structure of downloaded files
- run: ls -R
- - name: "Deploy the dev documentation index for PyAEDT API"
- uses: ansys/actions/doc-deploy-index@v4
- with:
- cname: ${{ env.DOCUMENTATION_CNAME }}/version/dev
- index-name: pyaedt-vdev
- host-url: ${{ vars.MEILISEARCH_HOST_URL }}
- api-key: ${{ env.MEILISEARCH_API_KEY }}
- pymeilisearchopts: --stop_urls \"EDBAPI\" # Add EDB API as another index to show it in dropdown button
- - name: "Deploy the dev documentation index for EDB API"
- uses: ansys/actions/doc-deploy-index@v4
- with:
- cname: ${{ env.DOCUMENTATION_CNAME }}/version/dev/EDBAPI/
- index-name: pyedb-vdev
- host-url: ${{ vars.MEILISEARCH_HOST_URL }}
- api-key: ${{ env.MEILISEARCH_API_KEY }}
- doc-artifact-name: documentation-html-edb # Add only EDB API as page in this index.
- pymeilisearchopts: --port 8001 # serve in another port as 8000 is deafult
- # docstring_testing:
- # runs-on: Windows
- # steps:
- # - uses: actions/checkout@v4
- # - name: Setup Python
- # uses: actions/setup-python@v2
- # with:
- # python-version: 3.8
- # - name: 'Create virtual env'
- # run: |
- # python -m venv testenv
- # testenv\Scripts\Activate.ps1
- # python -m pip install pip -U
- # python -m pip install wheel setuptools -U
- # python -c "import sys; print(sys.executable)"
- # - name: 'Install pyaedt'
- # run: |
- # testenv\Scripts\Activate.ps1
- # pip install . --use-feature=in-tree-build
- # cd _unittest
- # python -c "import pyaedt; print('Imported pyaedt')"
- # - name: Install testing requirements
- # run: |
- # testenv\Scripts\Activate.ps1
- # pip install -r requirements/requirements_test.txt
- # pip install pytest-azurepipelines
- # - name: Docstring testing
- # run: |
- # testenv\Scripts\Activate.ps1
- # pytest -v pyaedt/desktop.py pyaedt/icepak.py
- # pytest -v pyaedt/desktop.py pyaedt/hfss.py
diff --git a/.github/workflows/unit_tests.yml b/.github/workflows/unit_tests.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2dcee8a270d..00000000000
--- a/.github/workflows/unit_tests.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-name: CI
- python.version: '3.10'
- python.venv: 'testvenv'
- # Following env vars when changed will "reset" the mentioned cache,
- # by changing the cache file name. It is rendered as ...-v%RESET_XXX%-...
- # You should go up in number, if you go down (or repeat a previous value)
- # you might end up reusing a previous cache if it hasn't been deleted already.
- # It applies 7 days retention policy by default.
-# Controls when the workflow will run
- # Triggers the workflow on push or pull request events but only for the main branch
- push:
- tags:
- - 'v*'
- branches:
- - main
- pull_request:
- branches: [ main ]
- group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
- cancel-in-progress: true
-# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
- # This workflow contains a single job called "build"
- build_solvers:
- # The type of runner that the job will run on
- runs-on: [ windows-latest, pyaedt ]
- strategy:
- matrix:
- python-version: [ '3.10' ]
- # Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
- steps:
- - uses: actions/checkout@v4
- - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- uses: actions/setup-python@v5
- with:
- python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- - name: 'Create virtual env'
- run: |
- Remove-Item D:\Temp\* -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
- python -m venv testenv_s
- testenv_s\Scripts\Activate.ps1
- python -m pip install pip -U
- python -m pip install wheel setuptools -U
- python -c "import sys; print(sys.executable)"
- - name: 'Install pyaedt'
- run: |
- testenv_s\Scripts\Activate.ps1
- pip install .
- pip install .[tests]
- pip install pytest-azurepipelines
- Copy-Item -Path "C:\actions-runner\opengl32.dll" -Destination "testenv_s\Lib\site-packages\vtkmodules" -Force
- mkdir tmp
- cd tmp
- python -c "import pyaedt; print('Imported pyaedt')"
- # - name: "Check licences of packages"
- # uses: pyansys/pydpf-actions/check-licenses@v2.0
- - name: 'Unit testing'
- uses: nick-fields/retry@v3
- with:
- max_attempts: 3
- retry_on: error
- timeout_minutes: 40
- command: |
- testenv_s\Scripts\Activate.ps1
- Set-Item -Path env:PYTHONMALLOC -Value "malloc"
- pytest --durations=50 -v --cov=pyaedt --cov-report=xml --cov-report=html --junitxml=junit/test-results.xml _unittest_solvers
- - uses: codecov/codecov-action@v4
- env:
- with:
- name: 'Upload coverage to Codecov'
- - name: Upload pytest test results
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
- with:
- name: pytest-solver-results
- path: junit/test-results.xml
- # Use always() to always run this step to publish test results when there are test failures
- if: ${{ always() }}
- build:
- # The type of runner that the job will run on
- runs-on: [windows-latest, pyaedt]
- strategy:
- matrix:
- python-version: ['3.10']
- # Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
- steps:
- - uses: actions/checkout@v4
- - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- uses: actions/setup-python@v5
- with:
- python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- - name: 'Create virtual env'
- run: |
- Remove-Item D:\Temp\* -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
- python -m venv testenv
- testenv\Scripts\Activate.ps1
- python -m pip install pip -U
- python -m pip install wheel setuptools -U
- python -c "import sys; print(sys.executable)"
- - name: 'Install pyaedt'
- run: |
- testenv\Scripts\Activate.ps1
- pip install .
- pip install .[tests]
- pip install pytest-azurepipelines
- Copy-Item -Path "C:\actions-runner\opengl32.dll" -Destination "testenv\Lib\site-packages\vtkmodules" -Force
- mkdir tmp
- cd tmp
- python -c "import pyaedt; print('Imported pyaedt')"
- # - name: "Check licences of packages"
- # uses: pyansys/pydpf-actions/check-licenses@v2.0
- - name: 'Unit testing'
- uses: nick-fields/retry@v3
- with:
- max_attempts: 3
- retry_on: error
- timeout_minutes: 50
- command: |
- testenv\Scripts\Activate.ps1
- Set-Item -Path env:PYTHONMALLOC -Value "malloc"
- pytest -n 6 --dist loadfile --durations=50 -v --cov=pyaedt --cov-report=xml --cov-report=html --junitxml=junit/test-results.xml _unittest
- - uses: codecov/codecov-action@v4
- env:
- with:
- name: 'Upload coverage to Codecov'
- - name: Upload pytest test results
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
- with:
- name: pytest-results
- path: junit/test-results.xml
- # Use always() to always run this step to publish test results when there are test failures
- if: ${{ always() }}
- - name: 'Build and validate source distribution'
- run: |
- testenv\Scripts\Activate.ps1
- python -m pip install build twine
- python -m build
- python -m twine check dist/*
- - name: "Builds and uploads to PyPI"
- if: github.event_name == 'push' && startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags')
- run: |
- testenv\Scripts\Activate.ps1
- python setup.py sdist
- python -m pip install twine
- python -m twine upload --skip-existing dist/*
- env:
- TWINE_USERNAME: __token__
diff --git a/.github/workflows/unit_tests_solvers.bkp b/.github/workflows/unit_tests_solvers.bkp
deleted file mode 100644
index 19080841594..00000000000
--- a/.github/workflows/unit_tests_solvers.bkp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-name: CI_Solvers
- python.version: '3.10'
- python.venv: 'testvenv'
- # Following env vars when changed will "reset" the mentioned cache,
- # by changing the cache file name. It is rendered as ...-v%RESET_XXX%-...
- # You should go up in number, if you go down (or repeat a previous value)
- # you might end up reusing a previous cache if it hasn't been deleted already.
- # It applies 7 days retention policy by default.
-# Controls when the workflow will run
- # Triggers the workflow on push or pull request events but only for the main branch
- push:
- tags:
- - 'v*'
- branches:
- - main
- pull_request:
- branches: [ main ]
- group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
- cancel-in-progress: true
-# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
- # This workflow contains a single job called "build"
- build:
- # The type of runner that the job will run on
- runs-on: [windows-latest, pyaedt]
- strategy:
- matrix:
- python-version: ['3.10']
- # Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
- steps:
- - uses: actions/checkout@v4
- - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- uses: actions/setup-python@v4
- with:
- python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- - name: 'Create virtual env'
- run: |
- Remove-Item D:\Temp\* -Recurse -Force
- python -m venv testenv_s
- testenv_s\Scripts\Activate.ps1
- python -m pip install pip -U
- python -m pip install wheel setuptools -U
- python -c "import sys; print(sys.executable)"
- - name: 'Install pyaedt'
- run: |
- testenv_s\Scripts\Activate.ps1
- pip install .
- pip install .[tests]
- pip install pytest-azurepipelines
- Copy-Item -Path "C:\actions-runner\opengl32.dll" -Destination "testenv_s\Lib\site-packages\vtkmodules" -Force
- mkdir tmp
- cd tmp
- python -c "import pyaedt; print('Imported pyaedt')"
- # - name: "Check licences of packages"
- # uses: pyansys/pydpf-actions/check-licenses@v2.0
- - name: 'Unit testing'
- timeout-minutes: 40
- run: |
- testenv_s\Scripts\Activate.ps1
- Set-Item -Path env:PYTHONMALLOC -Value "malloc"
- pytest --durations=50 -v --cov=pyaedt --cov-report=xml --cov-report=html --junitxml=junit/test-results.xml _unittest_solvers
- - uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
- if: matrix.python-version == '3.10'
- name: 'Upload coverage to Codecov'
- - name: Upload pytest test results
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
- with:
- name: pytest-results
- path: junit/test-results.xml
- # Use always() to always run this step to publish test results when there are test failures
- if: ${{ always() }}
- - name: 'Build and validate source distribution'
- run: |
- testenv_s\Scripts\Activate.ps1
- python -m pip install build twine
- python -m build
- python -m twine check dist/*
- - name: "Builds and uploads to PyPI"
- if: github.event_name == 'push' && startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags')
- run: |
- testenv_s\Scripts\Activate.ps1
- python setup.py sdist
- python -m pip install twine
- python -m twine upload --skip-existing dist/*
- env:
- TWINE_USERNAME: __token__
diff --git a/.github/workflows/wheelhouse.yml b/.github/workflows/wheelhouse.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b8e2631955..00000000000
--- a/.github/workflows/wheelhouse.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-# This is a basic workflow to help you get started with Actions
-name: WheelHouse
- python.venv: 'testvenv'
- # Following env vars when changed will "reset" the mentioned cache,
- # by changing the cache file name. It is rendered as ...-v%RESET_XXX%-...
- # You should go up in number, if you go down (or repeat a previous value)
- # you might end up reusing a previous cache if it haven't been deleted already.
- # It applies 7 days retention policy by default.
-# Controls when the workflow will run
- # Triggers the workflow on push or pull request events but only for the main branch
- push:
- tags:
- - 'v*'
- - v*
- group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
- cancel-in-progress: true
-# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
- # This workflow contains a single job called "build"
- build:
- # The type of runner that the job will run on
- runs-on: [windows-latest]
- strategy:
- matrix:
- python-version: [ 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, '3.10']
- # Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
- steps:
- - uses: actions/checkout@v4
- - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- uses: actions/setup-python@v5
- with:
- python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- - name: 'Create virtual env'
- run: |
- python -m venv testenv
- testenv\Scripts\Activate.ps1
- python -m pip install pip -U
- python -m pip install wheel setuptools -U
- python -c "import sys; print(sys.executable)"
- pip install .[all]
- pip install jupyterlab
- - name: Retrieve PyAEDT version
- run: |
- testenv\Scripts\Activate.ps1
- echo "PYAEDT_VERSION=$(python -c 'from pyaedt import __version__; print(__version__)')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- echo "PyAEDT version is: $(python -c "from pyaedt import __version__; print(__version__)")"
- id: version
- - name: Generate wheelhouse
- run: |
- testenv\Scripts\Activate.ps1
- $packages=$(pip freeze)
- # Iterate over the packages and generate wheels
- foreach ($package in $packages) {
- echo "Generating wheel for $package"
- pip wheel "$package" -w wheelhouse
- }
- - name: Zip wheelhouse
- uses: vimtor/action-zip@v1
- with:
- files: wheelhouse
- dest: ${{ env.PACKAGE_NAME }}-v${{ steps.version.outputs.PYAEDT_VERSION }}-${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.python-version }}.zip
- - name: Upload Wheelhouse
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
- with:
- name: ${{ env.PACKAGE_NAME }}-v${{ steps.version.outputs.PYAEDT_VERSION }}-${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.python-version }}
- path: '*.zip'
- retention-days: 7
- - name: Release
- uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1
- if: github.event_name == 'push' && startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags')
- with:
- generate_release_notes: true
- files: |
- ${{ env.PACKAGE_NAME }}-v${{ steps.version.outputs.PYAEDT_VERSION }}-${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.python-version }}.zip
diff --git a/.github/workflows/wheelhouse_linux.yml b/.github/workflows/wheelhouse_linux.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index c3d61262668..00000000000
--- a/.github/workflows/wheelhouse_linux.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-# This is a basic workflow to help you get started with Actions
-name: WheelHouse Linux
- python.venv: 'testvenv'
- # Following env vars when changed will "reset" the mentioned cache
- # by changing the cache file name. It is rendered as ...-v%RESET_XXX%-...
- # You should go up in number. If you go down (or repeat a previous value),
- # you might end up reusing a previous cache if it hasn't been deleted already.
- # It applies a 7-day retention policy by default.
-# Controls when the workflow will run
- # Triggers the workflow on push or pull request events but only for the main branch
- push:
- tags:
- - 'v*'
- - v*
- group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
- cancel-in-progress: true
-# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
- # This workflow contains a single job called "build"
- build:
- # The type of runner that the job will run on
- runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
- strategy:
- matrix:
- python-version: [ 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, '3.10']
- # Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
- steps:
- - uses: actions/checkout@v4
- - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- uses: actions/setup-python@v5
- with:
- python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- - name: Install pyaedt
- run: |
- pip install .[all]
- pip install jupyterlab
- - name: Verify pyaedt can be imported
- run: python -c "import pyaedt"
- - name: Retrieve PyAEDT version
- run: |
- echo "PYAEDT_VERSION=$(python -c 'from pyaedt import __version__; print(__version__)')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- echo "PyAEDT version is: $(python -c "from pyaedt import __version__; print(__version__)")"
- id: version
- - name: Generate wheelhouse
- run: |
- pip install wheel setuptools -U
- pip install --upgrade pip
- pip wheel . -w wheelhouse
- export wheellist=$(pip freeze)
- for file in $wheellist; do
- if [[ $file != *"@"* ]] && [[ $file != *"pyaedt"* ]]; then
- pip wheel $file -w wheelhouse
- fi
- done
- continue-on-error: true
- - name: Zip wheelhouse
- uses: vimtor/action-zip@v1
- with:
- files: wheelhouse
- dest: ${{ env.PACKAGE_NAME }}-v${{ steps.version.outputs.PYAEDT_VERSION }}-wheelhouse-${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.python-version }}.zip
- - name: Upload Wheelhouse
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
- with:
- name: ${{ env.PACKAGE_NAME }}-v${{ steps.version.outputs.PYAEDT_VERSION }}-wheelhouse-${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.python-version }}
- path: '*.zip'
- retention-days: 7
- - name: Release
- uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1
- if: github.event_name == 'push' && startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags')
- with:
- generate_release_notes: true
- files: |
- ${{ env.PACKAGE_NAME }}-v${{ steps.version.outputs.PYAEDT_VERSION }}-wheelhouse-${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.python-version }}.zip
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 32172648189..0af6f3e1d03 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -381,6 +381,9 @@ test-output.xml
# Scratch Jupyter Notebooks
+# Ipython notebook checkpoints
# Visual studio code local settings
diff --git a/doc/make.bat b/doc/make.bat
index 5c169485edb..d5a0a904a40 100644
--- a/doc/make.bat
+++ b/doc/make.bat
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ set SOURCEDIR=source
set BUILDDIR=_build
if "%1" == "" goto help
+if "%1" == "clean" goto clean
+if "%1" == "html" goto html
if "%1" == "pdf" goto pdf
@@ -32,11 +34,37 @@ goto end
+rmdir /s /q %SOURCEDIR%\%BUILDDIR%
+for /d /r %SOURCEDIR% %%d in (_autosummary) do @if exist "%%d" rmdir /s /q "%%d"
+goto end
+goto build-examples-py
+cd "%BUILDDIR%\html\examples"
+for /d %%D in (*) do (
+Echo Processing examples folder... %%D
+cd %%D
+for %%f in (*.ipynb) do (
+ jupytext --to py "%%f"
+cd ../
+goto end
cd "%BUILDDIR%\latex"
for %%f in (*.tex) do (
pdflatex "%%f" --interaction=nonstopmode)
+if NOT EXIST pyaedt.pdf (
+ Echo "no pdf generated!"
+ exit /b 1)
+Echo "pdf generated!"
+goto end
diff --git a/doc/source/API/Application.rst b/doc/source/API/Application.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 87ccb2a90b4..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/API/Application.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-Application and solvers
-The PyAEDT API includes classes for different applications available in Ansys Electronics Desktop (AEDT).
-You must initialize AEDT to get access to all PyAEDT modules and methods.
-.. image:: ../Resources/aedt_2.png
- :width: 800
- :alt: Ansys Electronics Desktop (AEDT) is a platform that enables true electronics system design.
-Available PyAEDT apps are:
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- pyaedt.desktop.Desktop
- pyaedt.hfss.Hfss
- pyaedt.q3d.Q3d
- pyaedt.q3d.Q2d
- pyaedt.maxwell.Maxwell2d
- pyaedt.maxwell.Maxwell3d
- pyaedt.icepak.Icepak
- pyaedt.hfss3dlayout.Hfss3dLayout
- pyaedt.mechanical.Mechanical
- pyaedt.rmxprt.Rmxprt
- pyaedt.circuit.Circuit
- pyaedt.maxwellcircuit.MaxwellCircuit
- pyaedt.emit.Emit
- pyaedt.twinbuilder.TwinBuilder
-All other classes and methods are inherited into the app class.
-AEDT, which is also referred to as the desktop app, is implicitly launched in any PyAEDT app.
-Before accessing a PyAEDT app, the desktop app must be launched and initialized.
-The desktop app can be explicitly or implicitly initialized as in the following examples.
-Example with ``Desktop`` class explicit initialization:
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import launch_desktop, Circuit
- d = launch_desktop(specified_version="2023.1",
- non_graphical=False,
- new_desktop_session=True,
- close_on_exit=True,
- student_version=False):
- circuit = Circuit()
- ...
- # Any error here will be caught by Desktop.
- ...
- d.release_desktop()
-Example with ``Desktop`` class implicit initialization:
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Circuit
- circuit = Circuit(specified_version="2023.1",
- non_graphical=False,
- new_desktop_session=True,
- close_on_exit=True,
- student_version=False):
- circuit = Circuit()
- ...
- # Any error here will be caught by Desktop.
- ...
- circuit.release_desktop()
diff --git a/doc/source/API/Boundaries.rst b/doc/source/API/Boundaries.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index a222340181f..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/API/Boundaries.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-Boundary objects
-This section lists classes for creating and editing
-boundaries in the 3D tools. These objects are returned by
-app methods and can be used to edit or delete a boundary condition.
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.modules.Boundary
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- NativeComponentObject
- BoundaryObject
- BoundaryObject3dLayout
- FarFieldSetup
- Matrix
- BoundaryObject3dLayout
- Sources
- Excitations
-Example without ``Native Component Object``:
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Icepak
- ipk = Icepak()
- component_name = "RadioBoard1"
- native_comp = self.aedtapp.create_ipk_3dcomponent_pcb(
- component_name, link_data, solution_freq, resolution, custom_x_resolution=400, custom_y_resolution=500
- )
- # native_comp is a NativeComponentObject
- ...
- ipk.release_desktop()
diff --git a/doc/source/API/CableModeling.rst b/doc/source/API/CableModeling.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 8166b35acca..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/API/CableModeling.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-Cable modeling
-The ``Cable Modeling`` module includes several methods to work
-with the Cable Modeling HFSS Beta feature:
-* ``create_cable`` to create all available types of cables: bundle, straight wire and twisted pair.
-* ``update_cable_properties`` to update all cables properties for all cable types.
-* ``update_shielding`` to update only the shielding jacket type for bundle cable.
-* ``remove_cables`` to remove cables.
-* ``add_cable_to_bundle`` to add a cable or a list of cables to a bundle.
-* ``create_clock_source`` to create a clock source.
-* ``update_clock_source`` to update a clock source.
-* ``remove_source`` to remove a source.
-* ``remove_all_sources`` to remove all sources.
-* ``create_pwl_source`` to create a pwl source.
-* ``create_pwl_source_from_file`` to create a pwl source from file.
-* ``update_pwl_source`` to update a pwl source.
-* ``create_cable_harness`` to create a cable harness.
-They are accessible through:
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.modules
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- CableModeling.Cable
-Cable bundle creation example:
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Hfss
- from pyaedt.generic.DataHandlers import json_to_dict
- from pyaedt.modules.CableModeling import Cable
- hfss = Hfss(projectname=project_path, specified_version="2023.1",
- non_graphical=False, new_desktop_session=True,
- close_on_exit=True, student_version=False)
- # This call returns a dictionary out of the JSON file
- cable_props = json_to_dict(json_path)
- # This example shows how to manually change from script the cable properties
- cable_props["Add_Cable"] = "True"
- cable_props["Cable_prop"]["CableType"] = "bundle"
- cable_props["Cable_prop"]["IsJacketTypeInsulation"] = "True"
- cable_props["CableManager"]["Definitions"]["CableBundle"]["BundleParams"]["InsulationJacketParams"][
- "InsThickness"
- ] = "3.66mm"
- cable_props["CableManager"]["Definitions"]["CableBundle"]["BundleParams"]["InsulationJacketParams"][
- "JacketMaterial"
- ] = "pec"
- cable_props["CableManager"]["Definitions"]["CableBundle"]["BundleParams"]["InsulationJacketParams"][
- "InnerDiameter"
- ] = "2.88mm"
- cable_props["CableManager"]["Definitions"]["CableBundle"]["BundleAttribs"]["Name"] = "Bundle_Cable_Insulation"
- # This call returns the Cable class
- cable = Cable(hfss, cable_props)
- # This call creates the cable bundle
- cable.create_cable()
-Clock source creation example:
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Hfss
- from pyaedt.generic.DataHandlers import json_to_dict
- from pyaedt.modules.CableModeling import Cable
- hfss = Hfss(projectname=project_path, specified_version="2023.1",
- non_graphical=False, new_desktop_session=True,
- close_on_exit=True, student_version=False)
- # This call returns a dictionary out of the JSON file
- cable_props = json_to_dict(json_path)
- # This example shows how to manually change from script the clock source properties
- cable_props["Add_Cable"] = "False"
- cable_props["Update_Cable"] = "False"
- cable_props["Add_CablesToBundle"] = "False"
- cable_props["Remove_Cable"] = "False"
- cable_props["Add_Source"] = "True"
- cable_props["Source_prop"]["AddClockSource"] = "True"
- cable_props["CableManager"]["TDSources"]["ClockSourceDef"]["ClockSignalParams"]["Period"] = "40us"
- cable_props["CableManager"]["TDSources"]["ClockSourceDef"]["ClockSignalParams"]["LowPulseVal"] = "0.1V"
- cable_props["CableManager"]["TDSources"]["ClockSourceDef"]["ClockSignalParams"]["HighPulseVal"] = "2V"
- cable_props["CableManager"]["TDSources"]["ClockSourceDef"]["ClockSignalParams"]["Risetime"] = "5us"
- cable_props["CableManager"]["TDSources"]["ClockSourceDef"]["ClockSignalParams"]["Falltime"] = "10us"
- cable_props["CableManager"]["TDSources"]["ClockSourceDef"]["ClockSignalParams"]["PulseWidth"] = "23us"
- cable_props["CableManager"]["TDSources"]["ClockSourceDef"]["TDSourceAttribs"]["Name"] = "clock_test_1"
- # This call returns the Cable class
- cable = Cable(hfss, cable_props)
- # This call creates the clock source
- cable.create_clock_source()
-Cable harness creation example:
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Hfss
- from pyaedt.generic.DataHandlers import json_to_dict
- from pyaedt.modules.CableModeling import Cable
- hfss = Hfss(projectname=project_path, specified_version="2023.1",
- non_graphical=False, new_desktop_session=True,
- close_on_exit=True, student_version=False)
- # This call returns a dictionary out of the JSON file
- cable_props = json_to_dict(json_path)
- # This example shows how to manually change from script the cable harness properties
- cable_props["Add_Cable"] = "False"
- cable_props["Update_Cable"] = "False"
- cable_props["Add_CablesToBundle"] = "False"
- cable_props["Remove_Cable"] = "False"
- cable_props["Add_Source"] = "False"
- cable_props["Update_Source"] = "False"
- cable_props["Remove_Source"] = "False"
- cable_props["Add_CableHarness"] = "True"
- cable_props["CableHarness_prop"]["Name"] = "cable_harness_test"
- cable_props["CableHarness_prop"]["Bundle"] = "New_updated_name_cable_bundle_insulation"
- cable_props["CableHarness_prop"]["TwistAngleAlongRoute"] = "20deg"
- cable_props["CableHarness_prop"]["Polyline"] = "Polyline1"
- cable_props["CableHarness_prop"]["AutoOrient"] = "False"
- cable_props["CableHarness_prop"]["XAxis"] = "Undefined"
- cable_props["CableHarness_prop"]["XAxisOrigin"] = ["0mm", "0mm", "0mm"]
- cable_props["CableHarness_prop"]["XAxisEnd"] = ["0mm", "0mm", "0mm"]
- cable_props["CableHarness_prop"]["ReverseYAxisDirection"] = "True"
- cable_props["CableHarness_prop"]["CableTerminationsToInclude"][0]["CableName"] = "straight_wire_cable"
- cable_props["CableHarness_prop"]["CableTerminationsToInclude"][1]["CableName"] = "straight_wire_cable1"
- cable_props["CableHarness_prop"]["CableTerminationsToInclude"][2]["CableName"] = "straight_wire_cable2"
- # This call returns the Cable class
- cable = Cable(hfss, cable_props)
- # This call creates the cable harness
- cable.create_cable_harness()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/source/API/Configuration.rst b/doc/source/API/Configuration.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index b6284a959c5..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/API/Configuration.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-Configuration files
-This module contains all methods to export project settings to a JSON file
-and import and apply settings to a new design. Currently the configuration
-cover the following apps:
-* Q2D and Q3D Extractor
-* Maxwell
-* Icepak
-* Mechanical
-The sections covered are:
-* Variables
-* Mesh operations
-* Setup and optimetrics
-* Material properties
-* Object properties
-* Boundaries and excitations
-When a boundary is attached to a face, the tool tries to match it with a
-FaceByPosition on the same object name on the target design. If, for any
-reason, this face position has changed or the object name in the target design has changed,
-the boundary fails to apply.
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.generic.configurations
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- Configurations
- ConfigurationsOptions
- ImportResults
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Hfss
- app = Hfss(project_name="original_project", specified_version="2023.1",
- non_graphical=False, new_desktop_session=True,
- close_on_exit=True, student_version=False)
- conf_file = self.aedtapp.configurations.export_config()
- app2 = Hfss(projec_name='newproject')
- app2.modeler.import_3d_cad(file_path)
- out = app2.configurations.import_config(conf_file)
- app2.configurations.results.global_import_success
- ...
diff --git a/doc/source/API/Constants.rst b/doc/source/API/Constants.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index b905b125b64..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/API/Constants.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-This section lists constants that are commonly used in PyAEDT.
-Example of constants usage:
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import constants
- ipk = Icepak()
- # Use of AXIS Constant
- cylinder = ipk.modeler.create_cylinder(constants.AXIS.X, [0,0,0],10,3)
- # Use of PLANE Constant
- ipk.modeler.split(cylinder, constants.PLANE.YZ, sides="Both")
- ...
- ipk.release_desktop()
-.. automodule:: pyaedt.generic.constants
- :members:
diff --git a/doc/source/API/DesktopMessenger.rst b/doc/source/API/DesktopMessenger.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d960814d03..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/API/DesktopMessenger.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-This section lists modules for creating and editing
-PyAEDT log files.
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.aedt_logger
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- AedtLogger
- AppFilter
diff --git a/doc/source/API/MaterialManagement.rst b/doc/source/API/MaterialManagement.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 90cdc55479f..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/API/MaterialManagement.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-Material and stackup
-This section lists material and stackup modules.
-These classes cannot be used directly but can be accessed through an app.
-Material management
-This section describes all material-related classes and methods.
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.modules
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- MaterialLib.Materials
- Material.Material
- Material.SurfaceMaterial
- Material.MatProperties
- Material.SurfMatProperties
- Material.MatProperty
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Hfss
- app = Hfss(specified_version="2023.1",
- non_graphical=False, new_desktop_session=True,
- close_on_exit=True, student_version=False)
- # This call returns the Materials class
- my_materials = app.materials
- # This call returns the Material class
- copper = my_materials["copper"]
- # This property is from the MatProperty class
- copper.conductivity
- ...
-Stackup management
-This section describes all layer-related classes and methods used in HFSS 3D Layout (and indirectly in Circuit).
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.modules
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- LayerStackup.Layers
- LayerStackup.Layer
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/source/API/Mesh.rst b/doc/source/API/Mesh.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b1a362ac43..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/API/Mesh.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-Mesh operations
-The ``Mesh`` module includes these classes:
-* ``Mesh`` for HFSS, Maxwell 2D, Maxwell 3D, Q2D Extractor, and Q3D Extractor
-* ``IcepakMesh`` for Icepak
-* ``Mesh3d`` for HFSS 3D Layout
-They are accessible through the mesh property:
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.modules
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- Mesh.Mesh
- MeshIcepak.IcepakMesh
- Mesh3DLayout.Mesh3d
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Maxwell3d
- app = Maxwell3d(specified_version="2023.1",
- non_graphical=False, new_desktop_session=True,
- close_on_exit=True, student_version=False)
- # This call returns the Mesh class
- my_mesh = app.mesh
- # This call executes a Mesh method and creates an object to control the mesh operation
- mesh_operation_object = my_mesh.assign_surface_mesh("MyBox", 2)
- ...
diff --git a/doc/source/API/MultiPartComponent.rst b/doc/source/API/MultiPartComponent.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index e8e192c4aa3..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/API/MultiPartComponent.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-Multi-part components
-This section lists classes for creating and editing multi-part components in the 3D tools.
-This consists of a set of one or more 3D component objects, linked together and parametrized
-to allow movements.
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.modeler.advanced_cad
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- actors.Person
- actors.Vehicle
- actors.Bird
- actors.Radar
- parts.Part
- parts.Antenna
- multiparts.MultiPartComponent
- multiparts.Environment
- multiparts.Actor
diff --git a/doc/source/API/Optimetrics.rst b/doc/source/API/Optimetrics.rst
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/doc/source/API/Optimetrics.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-This module contains all properties and methods needed to create
-optimetrics setups.
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Hfss
- app = Hfss(specified_version="2023.1",
- non_graphical=False, new_desktop_session=True,
- close_on_exit=True, student_version=False)
- # returns the ParametericsSetups Class
- app.parametrics
- # returns the OptimizationSetups Class
- app.optimizations
- # adds an optimization and returns Setup class with all settings and methods
- sweep3 = hfss.opti_optimization.add_optimization(calculation="dB(S(1,1))", calculation_value="2.5GHz")
- ...
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.modules.DesignXPloration
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- ParametricSetups
- OptimizationSetups
- SetupParam
- SetupOpti
diff --git a/doc/source/API/Post.rst b/doc/source/API/Post.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 22cc06f0075..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/API/Post.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-This section lists modules for creating and editing
-plots in AEDT. They are accessible through the ``post`` property.
-.. note::
- Some capabilities of the ``AdvancedPostProcessing`` module require Python 3 and
- installations of the `numpy `_,
- `matplotlib `_, and `pyvista `_
- packages.
-.. note::
- Some functionalities are available only when AEDT is running
- in graphical mode.
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.modules
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- AdvancedPostProcessing.PostProcessor
- solutions.SolutionData
- solutions.FieldPlot
- solutions.FfdSolutionData
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Hfss
- app = Hfss(specified_version="2023.1",
- non_graphical=False, new_desktop_session=True,
- close_on_exit=True, student_version=False)
- # This call returns the PostProcessor class
- post = app.post
- # This call returns a FieldPlot object
- plotf = post.create_fieldplot_volume(object_list, quantityname, setup_name, intrinsic_dict)
- # This call returns a SolutionData object
- my_data = post.get_solution_data(expressions=trace_names)
- # This call returns a new standard report object and creates one or multiple reports from it.
- standard_report = post.reports_by_category.standard("db(S(1,1))")
- standard_report.create()
- sols = standard_report.get_solution_data()
- ...
-AEDT report management
-AEDT provides great flexibility in reports.
-PyAEDT has classes for manipulating any report property.
-.. note::
- Some functionalities are available only when AEDT is running
- in graphical mode.
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.modules
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- report_templates.Trace
- report_templates.LimitLine
- report_templates.Standard
- report_templates.Fields
- report_templates.NearField
- report_templates.FarField
- report_templates.EyeDiagram
- report_templates.Emission
- report_templates.Spectral
-Plot fields and data outside AEDT
-PyAEDT supports external report capabilities available with installed third-party
-packages like `numpy `_,
-`pandas `_, `matplotlib `_,
-and `pyvista `_.
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.modules
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- solutions.SolutionData
- solutions.FieldPlot
- solutions.FfdSolutionData
- AdvancedPostProcessing.ModelPlotter
-Icepak monitors
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.modules.monitor_icepak
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- FaceMonitor
- PointMonitor
- Monitor
diff --git a/doc/source/API/Primitive_Objects.rst b/doc/source/API/Primitive_Objects.rst
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/doc/source/API/Primitive_Objects.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-This section lists the core AEDT Modeler primitives that are supported both in 2D and 3D solvers (HFSS, Maxwell,
-Icepak, Q3D, and Mechanical):
-* Primitives
-* Objects
-They are accessible through the ``modeler.objects`` property:
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Hfss
- app = Hfss(specified_version="2023.1",
- non_graphical=False, new_desktop_session=True,
- close_on_exit=True, student_version=False)
- # This call return the Modeler3D class
- modeler = app.modeler
- # This call returns a Primitives3D object
- primitives = modeler
- # This call return an Object3d object
- my_box = primitives.create_box([0,0,0],[10,10,10])
- my_box = primitives.objects[my_box.id]
- # This call return a FacePrimitive object list
- my_box.faces
- # This call returns an EdgePrimitive object list
- my_box.edges
- my_box.faces[0].edges
- # This call returns a VertexPrimitive object list
- my_box.vertices
- my_box.faces[0].vertices
- my_box.faces[0].edges[0].vertices
- ...
-The following classes define objects properties for 3D and 2D Solvers (excluding HFSS 3D Layout).
-They contain all getters and setters to simplify object manipulation.
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.modeler
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- cad.object3d.Object3d
- cad.elements3d.FacePrimitive
- cad.elements3d.EdgePrimitive
- cad.elements3d.VertexPrimitive
- cad.polylines.PolylineSegment
- cad.polylines.Polyline
- cad.component_array.ComponentArray
- cad.components_3d.UserDefinedComponent
- cad.elements3d.Point
- cad.elements3d.Plane
- cad.elements3d.HistoryProps
- cad.elements3d.BinaryTreeNode
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Hfss
- app = Hfss(specified_version="2023.1",
- non_graphical=False, new_desktop_session=True,
- close_on_exit=True, student_version=False)
- # This call returns the Modeler3D class
- modeler = app.modeler
- # This call returns a Primitives3D object
- primitives = modeler
- # This call returns an Object3d object
- my_box = primitives.create_box([0,0,0],[10,10,10])
- # Getter and setter
- my_box.material_name
- my_box.material_name = "copper"
- my_box.faces[0].center
- ...
-Coordinate systems and geometry operators
-This module contains all properties and methods needed to edit a
-coordinate system and a set of useful geometry operators.
-The ``CoordinateSystem`` class is accessible through the ``create_coordinate_system``
-method or the ``coordinate_systems`` list. The ``GeometryOperators`` class can be
-imported and used because it is made by static methods.
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.modeler
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- cad.Modeler.CoordinateSystem
- geometry_operators.GeometryOperators
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Hfss
- app = Hfss(specified_version="2023.1",
- non_graphical=False, new_desktop_session=True,
- close_on_exit=True, student_version=False)
- # This call returns the CoordinateSystem object list
- cs = app.modeler.coordinate_systems
- # This call returns a CoordinateSystem object
- new_cs = app.modeler.create_coordinate_system()
- ...
-Advanced modeler operations
-PyAEDT includes some advanced modeler tools like ``MultiPartComponent`` for 3D component
-management and ``Stackup3D`` for parametric creation of 3D modeler stackups.
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 2
- MultiPartComponent
- Stackup3D
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/source/API/Primitives2D.rst b/doc/source/API/Primitives2D.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index c41e3c5d1d0..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/API/Primitives2D.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-2D modeler
-This section lists the core AEDT Modeler modules for 2D and 3D solvers (Maxwell 2D, 2D Extractor).
-They are accessible through the ``modeler`` property:
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Maxwell2d
- app = Maxwell2d(specified_version="2023.1",
- non_graphical=False, new_desktop_session=True,
- close_on_exit=True, student_version=False)
- # This call return the Modeler2D class
- modeler = app.modeler
- ...
-The ``Modeler`` module contains all properties and methods needed to edit a
-modeler, including all primitives methods and properties:
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.modeler
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- modeler2d.Modeler2D
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Maxwell2d
- app = Maxwell2d(specified_version="2023.1",
- non_graphical=False, new_desktop_session=True,
- close_on_exit=True, student_version=False)
- # This call returns the NexximComponents class
- origin = [0,0,0]
- dimensions = [10,5,20]
- #Material and name are not mandatory fields
- box_object = app.modeler.primivites.create_rectangle([15, 20, 0], [5, 5], matname="aluminum")
- ...
diff --git a/doc/source/API/Primitives3D.rst b/doc/source/API/Primitives3D.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 186fe639076..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/API/Primitives3D.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-3D modeler
-This section lists the core AEDT Modeler modules with 3D solvers (HFSS, Maxwell,
-Icepak, Q3D, and Mechanical):
-* Modeler
-* Primitives
-* Objects
-They are accessible through the ``modeler`` property:
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Hfss
- app = Hfss(specified_version="2023.1",
- non_graphical=False, new_desktop_session=True,
- close_on_exit=True, student_version=False)
- # This call return the Modeler3D class
- modeler = app.modeler
- # This call returns a Primitives3D object
- primitives = modeler
- # This call return an Object3d object
- my_box = primitives.create_box([0,0,0],[10,10,10])
- my_box = primitives.objects[my_box.id]
- # This call return a FacePrimitive object list
- my_box.faces
- # This call returns an EdgePrimitive object list
- my_box.edges
- my_box.faces[0].edges
- # This call returns a VertexPrimitive object list
- my_box.vertices
- my_box.faces[0].vertices
- my_box.faces[0].edges[0].vertices
- ...
-The ``Modeler`` module contains all properties and methods needed to edit a
-modeler, including all primitives methods and properties for HFSS, Maxwell 3D, Q3D Extractor, and Icepak:
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.modeler
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- modeler3d.Modeler3D
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Circuit
- app = Hfss(specified_version="2023.1",
- non_graphical=False, new_desktop_session=True,
- close_on_exit=True, student_version=False)
- # This call returns the NexximComponents class
- origin = [0,0,0]
- dimensions = [10,5,20]
- #Material and name are not mandatory fields
- box_object = app.modeler.primivites.create_box(origin, dimensions, name="mybox", matname="copper")
- ...
diff --git a/doc/source/API/Primitives3DLayout.rst b/doc/source/API/Primitives3DLayout.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index c9bb0807cf3..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/API/Primitives3DLayout.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-Modeler in HFSS 3D Layout
-This section lists the core AEDT Modeler modules available in HFSS 3D Layout:
-* Modeler
-* Primitives
-* Objects
-They are accessible through the ``modeler`` module and ``modeler.objects`` property:
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Hfss3dLayout
- hfss = Hfss3dLayout()
- my_modeler = hfss.modeler
- ...
-The ``Modeler`` module contains all properties and methods needed to edit a
-modeler, including all primitives methods and properties:
-* ``Modeler3DLayout`` for HFSS 3D Layout
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.modeler
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- modelerpcb.Modeler3DLayout
-Objects in HFSS 3D Layout
-The following classes define the object properties for HFSS 3D Layout.
-They contain all getters and setters to simplify object manipulation.
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.modeler.pcb
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- object3dlayout.Components3DLayout
- object3dlayout.Nets3DLayout
- object3dlayout.Pins3DLayout
- object3dlayout.Line3dLayout
- object3dlayout.Polygons3DLayout
- object3dlayout.Circle3dLayout
- object3dlayout.Rect3dLayout
- object3dlayout.Points3dLayout
- object3dlayout.Padstack
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Hfss3dLayout
- app = Hfss3dLayout(specified_version="2023.1",
- non_graphical=False, new_desktop_session=True,
- close_on_exit=True, student_version=False)
- # This call returns the Modeler3DLayout class
- modeler = app.modeler
- # This call returns a Primitives3D object
- primitives = modeler
- # This call returns an Object3d object
- my_rect = primitives.create_rectangle([0,0,0],[10,10])
- # Getter and setter
- my_rect.material_name
- ...
diff --git a/doc/source/API/PrimitivesCircuit.rst b/doc/source/API/PrimitivesCircuit.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index c6c8d185bc1..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/API/PrimitivesCircuit.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-Modeler and components Circuit
-This section lists the core AEDT Modeler modules:
-* Modeler
-* Primitives
-* Objects
-They are accessible through the ``modeler`` module and ``modeler.objects`` property:
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import TwinBuilder
- app = TwinBuilder(specified_version="2023.1",
- non_graphical=False, new_desktop_session=True,
- close_on_exit=True, student_version=False)
- # This call returns the Modeler class
- modeler = app.modeler
- ...
-The ``Modeler`` module contains all properties and methods needed to edit a
-modeler, including all primitives methods and properties:
-* ``ModelerNexxim`` for Circuit
-* ``ModelerTwinBuilder`` for Twin Builder
-* ``ModelerEmit`` for EMIT
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.modeler
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- schematic.ModelerNexxim
- schematic.ModelerTwinBuilder
- schematic.ModelerEmit
- schematic.ModelerMaxwellCircuit
-Schematic in Circuit
-The following classes define the object properties for Circuit components.
-They contain all getters and setters to simplify object manipulation.
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.modeler.circuits.PrimitivesNexxim
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- NexximComponents
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Circuit
- app = Circuit(specified_version="2023.1",
- non_graphical=False, new_desktop_session=True,
- close_on_exit=True, student_version=False)
- # This call returns a Schematic object
- schematic = modeler.schematic
- # This call returns an Object3d object
- my_res = schematic.create_resistor("R1", 50)
-Objects in Circuit
-The following classes define the object properties for Circuit.
-They contain all getters and setters to simplify object manipulation.
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.modeler.circuits
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- object3dcircuit.CircuitComponent
- object3dcircuit.CircuitPins
- object3dcircuit.Wire
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Circuit
- app = Circuit(specified_version="2023.1",
- non_graphical=False, new_desktop_session=True,
- close_on_exit=True, student_version=False)
- # This call returns the Modeler class
- modeler = app.modeler
- # This call returns a Schematic object
- schematic = modeler.schematic
- # This call returns an Object3d object
- my_res = schematic.create_resistor("R1", 50)
- # Getter and setter
- my_res.location
- my_res.parameters["R"]=100
- ...
-Schematic in EMIT
-The following classes define the object properties for EMIT components.
-They contain all getters and setters to simplify object manipulation.
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.modeler.circuits.PrimitivesEmit
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- EmitComponents
-Schematic in Twin Builder
-The following classes define the object properties for Twin Builder components.
-They contain all getters and setters to simplify object manipulation.
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.modeler.circuits.PrimitivesTwinBuilder
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- TwinBuilderComponents
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import TwinBuilder
- app = TwinBuilder(specified_version="2023.1",
- non_graphical=False, new_desktop_session=True,
- close_on_exit=True, student_version=False)
- # This call returns the Modeler class
- modeler = app.modeler
- # This call returns a Schematic object
- schematic = modeler.schematic
- # This call returns an Object3d object
- my_res = schematic.create_resistor("R1", 50)
- # Getter and setter
- my_res.location
- my_res.parameters["R"]=100
- ...
-Schematic in Maxwell Circuit
-The following classes define the object properties for Maxwell Circuit components.
-They contain all getters and setters to simplify object manipulation.
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.modeler.circuits.PrimitivesMaxwellCircuit
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- MaxwellCircuitComponents
diff --git a/doc/source/API/Setup.rst b/doc/source/API/Setup.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index c2dc1654f24..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/API/Setup.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-This section lists setup modules:
-* ``Setup`` for HFSS, Maxwell 2D, Maxwell 3D, Q2D Extractor, and Q3D Extractor
-* ``Setup3DLayout`` for HFSS 3D Layout
-* ``SetupCircuit`` for Circuit and Twin Builder
-The ``Setup`` object is accessible through the ``create_setup`` method and ``setups`` object list.
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.modules.SolveSetup
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- SetupHFSS
- SetupHFSSAuto
- SetupSBR
- SetupQ3D
- SetupMaxwell
- Setup
- Setup3DLayout
- SetupCircuit
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Hfss
- app = Hfss(specified_version="2023.1",
- non_graphical=False, new_desktop_session=True,
- close_on_exit=True, student_version=False)
- # This call returns the Setup class
- my_setup = app.setups[0]
- # This call returns a Setup object
- setup = app.create_setup("MySetup")
- ...
-Sweep classes
-This section lists sweep classes and their default values:
-* ``SweepHFSS`` for HFSS
-* ``SweepHFSS3DLayout`` for HFSS 3D Layout
-* ``SweepMatrix`` for Q3D and 2D Extractor
-The ``Setup`` object is accessible through the methods available for sweep creation.
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.modules.SolveSweeps
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- SweepHFSS
- SweepHFSS3DLayout
- SweepMatrix
diff --git a/doc/source/API/SetupTemplates.rst b/doc/source/API/SetupTemplates.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index ece5d77edb1..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/API/SetupTemplates.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Setup templates
-This section lists all setup templates with their default values and keys.
-You can edit a setup after it is created. Here is an example:
-.. code:: python
- Launch AEDT 2023 R1 in non-graphical mode
- from pyaedt import Hfss
- hfss = Hfss()
- # Any property of this setup can be found on this page.
- setup = hfss.create_setup()
- setup.props["AdaptMultipleFreqs"] = True
- setup.update()
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 2
- SetupTemplatesHFSS
- SetupTemplates3DLayout
- SetupTemplatesMaxwell
- SetupTemplatesQ3D
- SetupTemplatesIcepak
- SetupTemplatesMechanical
- SetupTemplatesCircuit
- SetupTemplatesTwinBuilder
- SetupTemplatesRmxprt
diff --git a/doc/source/API/SetupTemplates3DLayout.rst b/doc/source/API/SetupTemplates3DLayout.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index ec9befa3850..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/API/SetupTemplates3DLayout.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-HFSS 3D Layout and arguments
-This section lists all setup templates with their default values and keys available in HFSS 3D Layout.
-You can edit a setup after it is created. Here is an example:
-.. code:: python
- Launch AEDT 2023 R1 in non-graphical mode
- from pyaedt import Hfss
- hfss = Hfss()
- # Any property of this setup can be found on this page.
- setup = hfss.create_setup()
- setup.props["AdaptMultipleFreqs"] = True
- setup.update()
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.HFSS3DLayout
diff --git a/doc/source/API/SetupTemplatesCircuit.rst b/doc/source/API/SetupTemplatesCircuit.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fe1df1a41c..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/API/SetupTemplatesCircuit.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-Circuit templates and arguments
-This section lists all setup templates with their default values and keys available in Circuit.
-You can edit a setup after it is created. Here is an example:
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Hfss
- hfss = Hfss()
- # Any property of this setup can be found on this page.
- setup = hfss.create_setup()
- setup.props["AdaptMultipleFreqs"] = True
- setup.update()
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.NexximLNA
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.NexximDC
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.NexximTransient
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.NexximQuickEye
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.NexximVerifEye
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.NexximAMI
diff --git a/doc/source/API/SetupTemplatesHFSS.rst b/doc/source/API/SetupTemplatesHFSS.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index ef5ede84f66..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/API/SetupTemplatesHFSS.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-HFSS templates and arguments
-This section lists all setup templates with their default values and keys available in HFSS.
-You can edit a setup after it is created. Here is an example:
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Hfss
- hfss = Hfss()
- # Any property of this setup can be found on this page.
- setup = hfss.create_setup()
- setup.props["AdaptMultipleFreqs"] = True
- setup.update()
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.HFSSDrivenAuto
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.HFSSDrivenDefault
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.HFSSDrivenDefault
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.HFSSTransient
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.HFSSSBR
diff --git a/doc/source/API/SetupTemplatesIcepak.rst b/doc/source/API/SetupTemplatesIcepak.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d3c46980c8..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/API/SetupTemplatesIcepak.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-Icepak templates and arguments
-This section lists all setup templates with their default values and keys available in Icepak.
-Note that Icepak parameters contain spaces. To use them as arguments of the ``"create_setup"`` method, these
-same parameters have to be used without spaces.
-You can edit a setup after it is created. Here is an example:
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Icepak
- app = Icepak()
- # Any property of this setup can be found on this page.
- setup = app.create_setup(MaxIterations=5)
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.TransientFlowOnly
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.TransientTemperatureOnly
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.TransientTemperatureAndFlow
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.SteadyFlowOnly
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.SteadyTemperatureOnly
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.SteadyTemperatureAndFlow
diff --git a/doc/source/API/SetupTemplatesMaxwell.rst b/doc/source/API/SetupTemplatesMaxwell.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 6531ca1c2e9..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/API/SetupTemplatesMaxwell.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-Maxwell templates and arguments
-This section lists all setup templates with their default values and keys available in Maxwell 2D and 3D.
-You can edit a setup after it is created. Here is an example:
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Maxwell3d
- Maxwell3d = Maxwell3d ()
- # Any property of this setup can be found on this page.
- setup = Maxwell3d.create_setup ()
- setup.props["MaximumPasses"] = 5
- setup.update ()
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.MaxwellTransient
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.Magnetostatic
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.Electrostatic
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.EddyCurrent
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.ElectricTransient
diff --git a/doc/source/API/SetupTemplatesMechanical.rst b/doc/source/API/SetupTemplatesMechanical.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index c636fd2676e..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/API/SetupTemplatesMechanical.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-Mechanical templates and arguments
-This section lists all setup templates with their default values and keys available in Mechanical.
-You can edit a setup after it is created. Here is an example:
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Mechanical
- app = Mechanical()
- # Any property of this setup can be found on this page.
- setup = app.create_setup(MaxModes=6)
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.MechTerm
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.MechModal
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.MechStructural
diff --git a/doc/source/API/SetupTemplatesQ3D.rst b/doc/source/API/SetupTemplatesQ3D.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index c7221a64e3b..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/API/SetupTemplatesQ3D.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-Q3D templates and arguments
-This section lists all setup templates with their default values and keys available in Q3D and 2D Extractor.
-Note that to use nested parameters, you can set a parameter using the "__" separator as shown in the following example.
-You can edit a setup after it is created. Here is an example:
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Q3d
- app = Q3d()
- # Any property of this setup can be found on this page.
- setup = app.create_setup(AC__MaxPasses=6)
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.Matrix
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.Close
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.Open
diff --git a/doc/source/API/SetupTemplatesRmxprt.rst b/doc/source/API/SetupTemplatesRmxprt.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 47224efea47..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/API/SetupTemplatesRmxprt.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-RMXprt templates and arguments
-This section lists all setup templates with their default values and keys available in RMXprt.
-You can edit a setup after it is created. Here is an example:
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Hfss
- hfss = Hfss()
- # Any property of this setup can be found on this page.
- setup = hfss.create_setup()
- setup.props["AdaptMultipleFreqs"] = True
- setup.update()
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.GRM
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.DFIG
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.TPIM
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.TPSM
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.BLDC
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.ASSM
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.PMDC
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.SRM
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.LSSM
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.UNIM
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.DCM
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.CPSM
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.NSSM
diff --git a/doc/source/API/SetupTemplatesTwinBuilder.rst b/doc/source/API/SetupTemplatesTwinBuilder.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 220bf097168..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/API/SetupTemplatesTwinBuilder.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-Twin Builder templates and arguments
-This section lists all setup templates with their default values and keys available in Twin Builder.
-You can edit a setup after it is created. Here is an example:
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Hfss
- hfss = Hfss()
- # Any property of this setup can be found on this page.
- setup = hfss.create_setup()
- setup.props["AdaptMultipleFreqs"] = True
- setup.update()
-.. pprint:: pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates.TR
diff --git a/doc/source/API/Stackup3D.rst b/doc/source/API/Stackup3D.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 178a80dbaed..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/API/Stackup3D.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-Stackup 3D components
-This section lists ``stackup_3d`` classes for creating and editing a stackup and objects in the 3D tools.
-This consists of a set of one or more parametrized layer objects and placing lines, patches, polygons,
-and vias.
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.modeler.advanced_cad
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- stackup_3d.Stackup3D
- stackup_3d.Layer3D
- stackup_3d.Padstack
- stackup_3d.PadstackLayer
- stackup_3d.Patch
- stackup_3d.Trace
- stackup_3d.Polygon
- stackup_3d.NamedVariable
diff --git a/doc/source/API/Variables.rst b/doc/source/API/Variables.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 8915d342f3a..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/API/Variables.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-This module provides all functionalities for creating and editing
-design and project variables in the 3D tools.
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Hfss
- app = Hfss(specified_version="2023.1",
- non_graphical=False, new_desktop_session=True,
- close_on_exit=True, student_version=False)
- # This call returns the VariableManager class
- variable_manager = self.aedtapp._variable_manager
- # Set and get a variable
- app["w"] = "10mm"
- a = app["w"]
- ...
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.application.Variables
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- VariableManager
- Variable
- DataSet
- CSVDataset
diff --git a/doc/source/API/index.rst b/doc/source/API/index.rst
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/doc/source/API/index.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-This section describes PyAEDT core classes, methods, and functions
-for AEDT apps and modules. Use the search feature or click links
-to view API documentation.
-The Ansys Electronics Desktop (AEDT) is a platform that enables true electronics system design.
-`AEDT `_ provides access to the Ansys gold-standard
-electro-magnetics simulation solutions such as Ansys HFSS,
-Ansys Maxwell, Ansys Q3D Extractor, Ansys Siwave, and Ansys Icepak using electrical CAD (ECAD) and
-Mechanical CAD (MCAD) workflows.
-In addition, it includes direct links to the complete Ansys portfolio of thermal, fluid,
-and Mechanical solvers for comprehensive multiphysics analysis.
-Tight integration among these solutions provides unprecedented ease of use for setup and
-faster resolution of complex simulations for design and optimization.
-.. image:: ../Resources/aedt_2.png
- :width: 800
- :alt: AEDT Applications
- :target: https://www.ansys.com/products/electronics
-The PyAEDT API includes classes for apps and modules. You must initialize the
-PyAEDT app to get access to all modules and methods. Available apps are:
-- `HFSS `_
-- `HFSS 3D Layout `_
-- `Maxwell 3D `_
-- `Maxwell 2D `_
-- `Maxwell Circuit `_
-- `Q3D `_
-- `Q2D Extractor `_
-- `Icepak `_
-- `Mechanical `_
-- RMXprt
-- Circuit
-- `TwinBuilder `_
-All other classes and methods are inherited into the app class.
-The desktop app is implicitly launched in any of the other applications.
-Before accessing a PyAEDT app, the desktop app has to be launched and initialized.
-The desktop app can be explicitly or implicitly initialized as shown in the following examples.
-Example with ``Desktop`` class explicit initialization:
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import launch_desktop, Circuit
- d = launch_desktop(specified_version="2023.1",
- non_graphical=False,
- new_desktop_session=True,
- close_on_exit=True,
- student_version=False):
- circuit = Circuit()
- ...
- # Any error here should be caught by the desktop app.
- ...
- d.release_desktop()
-Example with ``Desktop`` class implicit initialization:
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Circuit
- circuit = Circuit(specified_version="2023.1",
- non_graphical=False,
- new_desktop_session=True,
- close_on_exit=True,
- student_version=False):
- circuit = Circuit()
- ...
- # Any error here should be caught by the desktop app.
- ...
- circuit.release_desktop()
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 2
- Application
- MaterialManagement
- Primitives3D
- Primitives2D
- Primitive_Objects
- Primitives3DLayout
- PrimitivesCircuit
- Boundaries
- Mesh
- Setup
- Post
- DesktopMessenger
- Optimetrics
- Variables
- Constants
- Configuration
- SetupTemplates
- CableModeling
diff --git a/doc/source/EDBAPI/ComponentsEdb.rst b/doc/source/EDBAPI/ComponentsEdb.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 97a173f77d3..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/EDBAPI/ComponentsEdb.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-This section contains API references for component management.
-The main component object is called directly from main application using the property ``components``.
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Edb
- edb = Edb(myedb, edbversion="2023.1")
- pins =edb.components.get_pin_from_component("U2A5")
- ...
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.edb_core.components
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- Components
-Instances and definitions
-These classes are the containers of data management for components reference designator and definitions.
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.components_data
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- EDBComponent
- EDBComponentDef
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Edb
- edb = Edb(myedb, edbversion="2023.1")
- comp = edb.components["C1"]
- comp.is_enabled = True
- part = edb.components.definitions["AAA111"]
- ...
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/source/EDBAPI/CoreEdb.rst b/doc/source/EDBAPI/CoreEdb.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ab464e1be6..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/EDBAPI/CoreEdb.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-EDB manager
-An AEDB database is a folder that contains the database representing any part of a PCB.
-It can be opened and edited using the ``Edb`` class.
-.. image:: ../Resources/3dlayout_1.png
- :width: 800
- :alt: HFSS 3D Layout is the tool used to visualize EDB content.
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- pyaedt.edb.Edb
- pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.variables.Variable
- pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.edbvalue.EdbValue
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Edb
- # this call returns the Edb class initialized on 2023 R1
- edb = Edb(myedb, edbversion="2023.1")
- ...
-EDB modules
-This section lists the core EDB modules for reading and writing information
-to AEDB files.
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.edb_core
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- hfss.EdbHfss
- siwave.EdbSiwave
- materials.Materials
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.edbvalue
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- EdbValue
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Edb
- edb = Edb(myedb, edbversion="2023.1")
- # this call returns the EdbHfss Class
- comp = edb.hfss
- # this call returns the Components Class
- comp = edb.components
- # this call returns the EdbSiwave Class
- comp = edb.siwave
- # this call returns the EdbPadstacks Class
- comp = edb.padstacks
- # this call returns the Stackup Class
- comp = edb.stackup
- # this call returns the Materials Class
- comp = edb.materials
- # this call returns the EdbNets Class
- comp = edb.nets
- ...
diff --git a/doc/source/EDBAPI/LayerData.rst b/doc/source/EDBAPI/LayerData.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 622bca08acf..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/EDBAPI/LayerData.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-Stackup & layers
-These classes are the containers of the layer and stackup manager of the EDB API.
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Edb
- edb = Edb(myedb, edbversion="2023.1")
- # this call returns the EDBLayers class
- layer = edb.stackup.stackup_layers
- # this call returns the EDBLayer class
- layer = edb.stackup["TOP"]
- ...
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.edb_core.stackup
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- Stackup
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.layer_data
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- LayerEdbClass
diff --git a/doc/source/EDBAPI/NetsEdb.rst b/doc/source/EDBAPI/NetsEdb.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 52df7f43633..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/EDBAPI/NetsEdb.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-This section contains API references for net management.
-The main component object is called directly from main application using the property ``nets``.
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Edb
- edb = Edb(myedb, edbversion="2023.1")
- edb.nets.plot(None,None)
- ...
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.edb_core.nets
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- EdbNets
-Net properties
-The following class is the container of data management for nets, extended nets and differential pairs.
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.nets_data
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- EDBNetsData
- EDBNetClassData
- EDBExtendedNetData
- EDBDifferentialPairData
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Edb
- edb = Edb(myedb, edbversion="2023.1")
- edb.nets["M_MA<6>"].delete()
- edb.net_classes
- edb.differential_pairs
- edb.extended_nets
- ...
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/source/EDBAPI/PadstackEdb.rst b/doc/source/EDBAPI/PadstackEdb.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 9eac145f723..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/EDBAPI/PadstackEdb.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-vias and padstacks
-This section contains API references for padstack management.
-The main padstack object is called directly from main application using the property ``padstacks``.
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Edb
- edb = Edb(myedb, edbversion="2023.1")
- edb.padstacks.create_padstack(
- padstackname="SVIA", holediam="$via_hole_size", antipaddiam="$antipaddiam", paddiam="$paddiam"
- )
- ...
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.edb_core.padstack
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- EdbPadstacks
-Instances and definitions
-These classes are the containers of data management for padstacks instances and padstack definitions.
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.padstacks_data
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- EDBPadProperties
- EDBPadstack
- EDBPadstackInstance
diff --git a/doc/source/EDBAPI/PortsEdb.rst b/doc/source/EDBAPI/PortsEdb.rst
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--- a/doc/source/EDBAPI/PortsEdb.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-These classes are the containers of ports methods of the EDB for both HFSS and Siwave.
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Edb
- edb = Edb(myedb, edbversion="2023.1")
- # this call returns the EDB excitations dictionary
- edb.ports
- ...
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.ports
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- GapPort
- WavePort
diff --git a/doc/source/EDBAPI/PrimitivesEdb.rst b/doc/source/EDBAPI/PrimitivesEdb.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 26b73de557c..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/EDBAPI/PrimitivesEdb.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-Modeler & primitives
-These classes are the containers of primitives and all relative methods.
-Primitives are planes, lines, rectangles, and circles.
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Edb
- edb = Edb(myedb, edbversion="2023.1")
- top_layer_obj = edb.modeler.create_rectangle("TOP", net_name="gnd",
- lower_left_point=plane_lw_pt,
- upper_right_point=plane_up_pt)
- ...
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.edb_core.layout
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- EdbLayout
-Primitives properties
-These classes are the containers of data management for primitives and arcs.
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.primitives_data
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- EDBPrimitives
- EDBArcs
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Edb
- edb = Edb(myedb, edbversion="2023.1")
- polygon = edbapp.modeler.polygons[0]
- polygon.is_void
- poly2 = polygon.clone()
- ...
diff --git a/doc/source/EDBAPI/SiWave.rst b/doc/source/EDBAPI/SiWave.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index db813f29cb5..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/EDBAPI/SiWave.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-Siwave manager
-`Siwave `_ is a specialized tool
-for power integrity, signal integrity, and EMI analysis of IC packages and PCB. This tool
-solves power delivery systems and high-speed channels in electronic devices. It can be
-accessed from PyAEDT in Windows only. All setups can be implemented through EDB API.
-.. image:: ../Resources/siwave.png
- :width: 800
- :alt: Siwave
- :target: https://www.ansys.com/products/electronics/ansys-siwave
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- siwave.Siwave
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt.siwave import Siwave
- # this call returns the Edb class initialized on 2023 R1
- siwave = Siwave(specified_version="2023.1")
- siwave.open_project("pyproject.siw")
- siwave.export_element_data("mydata.txt")
- siwave.close_project()
- ...
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/source/EDBAPI/SimulationConfigurationEdb.rst b/doc/source/EDBAPI/SimulationConfigurationEdb.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 5895facc85f..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/EDBAPI/SimulationConfigurationEdb.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-Simulation configuration
-These classes are the containers of simulation configuration constructors for the EDB.
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.simulation_configuration
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- SimulationConfiguration
- SimulationConfigurationDc
- SimulationConfigurationAc
- SimulationConfigurationBatch
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Edb
- edbapp = Edb(myedb, edbversion="2023.1")
- sim_setup = edbapp.new_simulation_configuration()
- sim_setup.solver_type = sim_setup.SOLVER_TYPE.SiwaveSYZ
- sim_setup.batch_solve_settings.cutout_subdesign_expansion = 0.01
- sim_setup.batch_solve_settings.do_cutout_subdesign = True
- sim_setup.use_default_cutout = False
- sim_setup.batch_solve_settings.signal_nets = ["PCIE0_RX0_P", "PCIE0_RX0_N", "PCIE0_TX0_P_C", "PCIE0_TX0_N_C",
- "PCIE0_TX0_P", "PCIE0_TX0_N"]
- sim_setup.batch_solve_settings.components = ["U2A5", "J2L1"]
- sim_setup.batch_solve_settings.power_nets = ["GND"]
- sim_setup.ac_settings.start_freq = "100Hz"
- sim_setup.ac_settings.stop_freq = "6GHz"
- sim_setup.ac_settings.step_freq = "10MHz"
- sim_setup.export_json(os.path.join(project_path, "configuration.json"))
- edbapp.build_simulation_project(sim_setup)
- ...
diff --git a/doc/source/EDBAPI/SimulationEdb.rst b/doc/source/EDBAPI/SimulationEdb.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 48d3d97158a..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/EDBAPI/SimulationEdb.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-Simulation setups
-These classes are the containers of ``setup`` classes in EDB for both HFSS and Siwave.
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Edb
- edb = Edb(myedb, edbversion="2023.1")
- # this call create a setup and returns the object
- setup = edb.create_hfss_setup("my_setup")
- setup.set_solution_single_frequency()
- setup.hfss_solver_settings.enhanced_low_freq_accuracy = True
- setup.hfss_solver_settings.order_basis = "first"
- setup.adaptive_settings.add_adaptive_frequency_data("5GHz", 8, "0.01")
- ...
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
- hfss_simulation_setup_data.HfssSimulationSetup
- hfss_simulation_setup_data.EdbFrequencySweep
- hfss_simulation_setup_data.DcrSettings
- hfss_simulation_setup_data.CurveApproxSettings
- hfss_simulation_setup_data.AdvancedMeshSettings
- hfss_simulation_setup_data.ViaSettings
- hfss_simulation_setup_data.DefeatureSettings
- hfss_simulation_setup_data.AdaptiveSettings
- hfss_simulation_setup_data.AdaptiveFrequencyData
- hfss_simulation_setup_data.HfssSolverSettings
- hfss_simulation_setup_data.HfssPortSettings
- hfss_simulation_setup_data.MeshOperationLength
- hfss_simulation_setup_data.MeshOperationSkinDepth
- siwave_simulation_setup_data.SiwaveSYZSimulationSetup
- siwave_simulation_setup_data.SiwaveDCSimulationSetup
diff --git a/doc/source/EDBAPI/SourcesEdb.rst b/doc/source/EDBAPI/SourcesEdb.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 59302352af3..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/EDBAPI/SourcesEdb.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-Sources and excitations
-These classes are the containers of sources methods of the EDB for both HFSS and Siwave.
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Edb
- edb = Edb(myedb, edbversion="2023.1")
- # this call returns the EDB excitations dictionary
- edb.excitations
- ...
-.. currentmodule:: pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.sources
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary
- :nosignatures:
diff --git a/doc/source/EDBAPI/index.rst b/doc/source/EDBAPI/index.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 14e1abb5707..00000000000
--- a/doc/source/EDBAPI/index.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-This section describes PyAEDT EDB classes, methods, and functions
-for EDB apps and modules. Use the search feature or click links
-to view API documentation.
-The PyAEDT EDB API includes classes for apps and modules. You must initialize the
-EDB class to get access to all modules and methods.
-All other classes and methods are inherited into the app class.
-If EDB is launched within the ``HfssdLayout`` class, EDB is accessible in read-only mode.
-.. image:: ../Resources/edb_intro.png
- :width: 800
- :alt: EDB Applications
- :target: https://www.ansys.com/applications/pcbs-ics-ic-packages
-.. code:: python
- from pyaedt import Edb
- edb = Edb("my_project.aedb", edbversion="2023.1")
- edb.core_components.components["R1"].r_value = 40
- edb.close_edb()
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 2
- CoreEdb
- LayerData
- PrimitivesEdb
- ComponentsEdb
- NetsEdb
- PadstackEdb
- SourcesEdb
- SimulationEdb
- SimulationConfigurationEdb
- SiWave
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/source/User_guide/pyaedt_file_data/project.rst b/doc/source/User_guide/pyaedt_file_data/project.rst
index d9b965f0de1..9f716d74373 100644
--- a/doc/source/User_guide/pyaedt_file_data/project.rst
+++ b/doc/source/User_guide/pyaedt_file_data/project.rst
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ File structure examples:
:download:`HFSS 3D Layout Example <../../Resources/hfss3dlayout_project_example.json>`
-.. code-block:: json
+.. code-block::
"general": {
diff --git a/doc/source/_static/custom.css b/doc/source/_static/css/custom.css
similarity index 100%
rename from doc/source/_static/custom.css
rename to doc/source/_static/css/custom.css
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ * The 'friendly' style from Pygments CSS style. Directly taken from:
+ * https://github.com/richleland/pygments-css
+ * License is 'UNLICENSE.txt'.
+ */
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+.highlight .nb { color: #007020 !important; } /* Name.Builtin */
+.highlight .nc { color: #0e84b5 !important; font-weight: bold !important; } /* Name.Class */
+.highlight .no { color: #60add5 !important; } /* Name.Constant */
+.highlight .nd { color: #555555 !important; font-weight: bold !important; } /* Name.Decorator */
+.highlight .ni { color: #d55537 !important; font-weight: bold !important; } /* Name.Entity */
+.highlight .ne { color: #007020 !important; } /* Name.Exception */
+.highlight .nf { color: #06287e !important; } /* Name.Function */
+.highlight .nl { color: #002070 !important; font-weight: bold !important; } /* Name.Label */
+.highlight .nn { color: #0e84b5 !important; font-weight: bold !important; } /* Name.Namespace */
+.highlight .nt { color: #062873 !important; font-weight: bold !important; } /* Name.Tag */
+.highlight .nv { color: #bb60d5 !important; } /* Name.Variable */
+.highlight .ow { color: #007020 !important; font-weight: bold !important; } /* Operator.Word */
+.highlight .w { color: #bbbbbb !important; } /* Text.Whitespace */
+.highlight .mb { color: #40a070 !important; } /* Literal.Number.Bin */
+.highlight .mf { color: #40a070 !important; } /* Literal.Number.Float */
+.highlight .mh { color: #40a070 !important; } /* Literal.Number.Hex */
+.highlight .mi { color: #40a070 !important; } /* Literal.Number.Integer */
+.highlight .mo { color: #40a070 !important; } /* Literal.Number.Oct */
+.highlight .sa { color: #4070a0 !important; } /* Literal.String.Affix */
+.highlight .sb { color: #4070a0 !important; } /* Literal.String.Backtick */
+.highlight .sc { color: #4070a0 !important; } /* Literal.String.Char */
+.highlight .dl { color: #4070a0 !important; } /* Literal.String.Delimiter */
+.highlight .sd { color: #4070a0 !important; font-style: italic !important; } /* Literal.String.Doc */
+.highlight .s2 { color: #4070a0 !important; } /* Literal.String.Double */
+.highlight .se { color: #4070a0 !important; font-weight: bold !important; } /* Literal.String.Escape */
+.highlight .sh { color: #4070a0 !important; } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */
+.highlight .si { color: #70a0d0 !important; font-style: italic !important; } /* Literal.String.Interpol */
+.highlight .sx { color: #c65d09 !important; } /* Literal.String.Other */
+.highlight .sr { color: #235388 !important; } /* Literal.String.Regex */
+.highlight .s1 { color: #4070a0 !important; } /* Literal.String.Single */
+.highlight .ss { color: #517918 !important; } /* Literal.String.Symbol */
+.highlight .bp { color: #007020 !important; } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */
+.highlight .fm { color: #06287e !important; } /* Name.Function.Magic */
+.highlight .vc { color: #bb60d5 !important; } /* Name.Variable.Class */
+.highlight .vg { color: #bb60d5 !important; } /* Name.Variable.Global */
+.highlight .vi { color: #bb60d5 !important; } /* Name.Variable.Instance */
+.highlight .vm { color: #bb60d5 !important; } /* Name.Variable.Magic */
+.highlight .il { color: #40a070 !important; } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */
diff --git a/doc/source/_static/diff_via.png b/doc/source/_static/thumbnails/diff_via.png
similarity index 100%
rename from doc/source/_static/diff_via.png
rename to doc/source/_static/thumbnails/diff_via.png
diff --git a/doc/source/conf.py b/doc/source/conf.py
index a072c1cf724..d9f3a523d89 100644
--- a/doc/source/conf.py
+++ b/doc/source/conf.py
@@ -3,14 +3,16 @@
# -- Project information -----------------------------------------------------
import datetime
import os
+import re
import pathlib
import sys
import warnings
+from sphinx.util import logging
import pyvista
import numpy as np
import json
-from sphinx_gallery.sorting import FileNameSortKey
+# from sphinx_gallery.sorting import FileNameSortKey
from ansys_sphinx_theme import (ansys_favicon,
get_version_match, pyansys_logo_black,
@@ -42,6 +44,11 @@ def visit_desc_content(self, node: Element) -> None:
# <----------------- End of sphinx pdf builder override---------------->
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent / "examples"
+EXAMPLES_DIRECTORY = path.resolve()
class PrettyPrintDirective(Directive):
"""Renders a constant using ``pprint.pformat`` and inserts into the document."""
required_arguments = 1
@@ -60,6 +67,18 @@ def run(self):
addnodes.desc_content('', literal)
+# Sphinx event hooks
+def directory_size(directory_path):
+ """Compute the size (in mega bytes) of a directory."""
+ res = 0
+ for path, _, files in os.walk(directory_path):
+ for f in files:
+ fp = os.path.join(path, f)
+ res += os.stat(fp).st_size
+ # Convert in mega bytes
+ res /= 1e6
+ return res
def autodoc_skip_member(app, what, name, obj, skip, options):
@@ -70,18 +89,160 @@ def autodoc_skip_member(app, what, name, obj, skip, options):
return True if (skip or exclude or exclude2) else None # Can interfere with subsequent skip functions.
# return True if exclude else None
def remove_doctree(app, exception):
"""Remove the .doctree directory created during the documentation build.
- shutil.rmtree(app.doctreedir)
+ size = directory_size(app.doctreedir)
+ logger.info(f"Removing doctree {app.doctreedir} ({size} MB).")
+ shutil.rmtree(app.doctreedir, ignore_errors=True)
+ logger.info(f"Doctree removed.")
+def copy_examples(app):
+ """Copy directory examples (root directory) files into the doc/source/examples directory.
+ """
+ DESTINATION_DIRECTORY = pathlib.Path(app.srcdir, "examples").resolve()
+ logger.info(f"Copying examples from {EXAMPLES_DIRECTORY} to {DESTINATION_DIRECTORY}.")
+ if os.path.exists(DESTINATION_DIRECTORY):
+ size = directory_size(DESTINATION_DIRECTORY)
+ logger.info(f"Directory {DESTINATION_DIRECTORY} ({size} MB) already exist, removing it.")
+ logger.info(f"Directory removed.")
+ logger.info(f"Copy performed")
+def remove_examples(app, exception):
+ """Remove the doc/source/examples directory created during the documentation build.
+ """
+ DESTINATION_DIRECTORY = pathlib.Path(app.srcdir) / "examples"
+ size = directory_size(DESTINATION_DIRECTORY)
+ logger.info(f"Removing directory {DESTINATION_DIRECTORY} ({size} MB).")
+ shutil.rmtree(DESTINATION_DIRECTORY, ignore_errors=True)
+ logger.info(f"Directory removed.")
+def add_ipython_time(app, docname, source):
+ """Add '# %%time' to every code cell in an example Python script.
+ """
+ # Get the full path to the document
+ docpath = os.path.join(app.srcdir, docname)
+ # Check if this is a .py example file
+ if not os.path.exists(docpath + '.py') or not docname.startswith("examples"):
+ return
+ logger.info(f"Adding '# %%time' to file {docname}.py")
+ lines = source[0].split("\n")
+ modified_lines = []
+ in_code_cell = False
+ in_code_cell_plus = False
+ for line in lines:
+ stripped_line = line.strip()
+ # Detect the start of a new code cell
+ if stripped_line.startswith('# +'):
+ in_code_cell = True
+ in_code_cell_plus = True
+ modified_lines.append(line)
+ modified_lines.append('# %%time')
+ # Detect the end of a code cell
+ elif stripped_line.startswith('# -'):
+ in_code_cell = False
+ in_code_cell_plus = False
+ modified_lines.append(line)
+ # Detect already being in a code cell
+ elif in_code_cell and in_code_cell_plus:
+ modified_lines.append(line)
+ elif in_code_cell and not in_code_cell_plus:
+ # Detect being out of a code cell
+ if stripped_line == "":
+ in_code_cell = False
+ modified_lines.append(line)
+ elif not in_code_cell:
+ # Detect the start of a new code cell
+ if not stripped_line.startswith("# ") and stripped_line not in ("", "#"):
+ in_code_cell = True
+ modified_lines.append('# %%time')
+ modified_lines.append(line)
+ # Detect already being out of a code cell
+ else:
+ modified_lines.append(line)
+ else:
+ raise Exception("not handled")
+ # Update the source
+ source[0] = "\n".join(modified_lines)
+ # logger.info(source[0])
+def adjust_image_path(app, docname, source):
+ """Adjust the HTML label used to insert images in the examples.
+ The following path makes the examples in the root directory work:
+ #
+ However, examples fail when used through the documentation build because
+ reaching the associated path should be "../../_static/diff_via.png".
+ Indeed, the directory ``_static`` is automatically copied into the output directory
+ ``_build/html/_static``.
+ """
+ # Get the full path to the document
+ docpath = os.path.join(app.srcdir, docname)
+ # Check if this is a PY example file
+ if not os.path.exists(docpath + '.py') or not docname.startswith("examples"):
+ return
+ logger.info(f"Changing HTML image path in '{docname}.py' file.")
+ source[0] = source[0].replace('../../doc/source/_static', '../../_static')
+def remove_ipython_time_from_html(app, pagename, templatename, context, doctree):
+ """Remove '# %%time' from examples generated HTML files.
+ """
+ if pagename.startswith("examples") and not pagename.endswith("/index"):
+ logger.info(f"Removing '# %%time' from file {pagename}")
+ pattern = r'%%time<\/span>\n'
+ context['body'] = re.sub(pattern, '', context['body'])
+def check_example_error(app, pagename, templatename, context, doctree):
+ """Log an error if the execution of an example as a notebook triggered an error.
+ Since the documentation build might not stop if the execution of a notebook triggered
+ an error, we use a flag to log that an error is spotted in the html page context.
+ """
+ # Check if the HTML contains an error message
+ if pagename.startswith("examples") and not pagename.endswith("/index"):
+ if any(map(lambda msg: msg in context['body'], ['UsageError', 'NameError'])):
+ logger.error(f"An error was detected in file {pagename}")
+ app.builder.config.html_context['build_error'] = True
+def check_build_finished_without_error(app, exception):
+ """Check that no error is detected along the documentation build process."""
+ if app.builder.config.html_context.get('build_error', False):
+ raise Exception('Build failed due to error in html-page-context')
+def check_pandoc_installed(app):
+ """Ensure that pandoc is installed
+ """
+ import pypandoc
+ try:
+ pandoc_path = pypandoc.get_pandoc_path()
+ pandoc_dir = os.path.dirname(pandoc_path)
+ if pandoc_dir not in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
+ os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + pandoc_dir
+ except OSError:
+ logger.error("Pandoc was not found, please add it to your path or install pypandoc-binary")
def setup(app):
app.add_directive('pprint', PrettyPrintDirective)
app.connect('autodoc-skip-member', autodoc_skip_member)
+ app.connect('builder-inited', copy_examples)
+ app.connect("builder-inited", check_pandoc_installed)
+ app.connect('source-read', add_ipython_time)
+ app.connect('source-read', adjust_image_path)
+ app.connect('html-page-context', remove_ipython_time_from_html)
+ app.connect('html-page-context', check_example_error)
+ app.connect('build-finished', remove_examples)
app.connect('build-finished', remove_doctree)
+ app.connect('build-finished', check_build_finished_without_error)
local_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
module_path = pathlib.Path(local_path)
@@ -120,6 +281,9 @@ def setup(app):
# extensions coming with Sphinx_PyAEDT (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
# ones.
extensions = [
+ "sphinx.ext.graphviz",
+ "sphinx.ext.mathjax",
+ "sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram",
@@ -129,14 +293,16 @@ def setup(app):
+ "nbsphinx",
- "sphinx.ext.graphviz",
- "sphinx.ext.mathjax",
- "sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram",
+ # "myst_parser"
+# MathJax config
+# myst_update_mathjax = False
# Intersphinx mapping
intersphinx_mapping = {
"python": ("https://docs.python.org/3.11", None),
@@ -212,7 +378,7 @@ def setup(app):
# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
# This pattern also affects html_static_path and html_extra_path.
-exclude_patterns = ["_build", "sphinx_boogergreen_theme_1", "Thumbs.db", ".DS_Store", "*.txt"]
+exclude_patterns = ["_build", "sphinx_boogergreen_theme_1", "Thumbs.db", ".DS_Store", "*.txt", "conf.py", "Resources/PyAEDTInstallerFromDesktop.py"]
inheritance_graph_attrs = dict(rankdir="RL", size='"8.0, 10.0"', fontsize=14, ratio="compress")
inheritance_node_attrs = dict(shape="ellipse", fontsize=14, height=0.75, color="dodgerblue1", style="filled")
@@ -236,6 +402,22 @@ def setup(app):
# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use.
pygments_style = "sphinx"
+# Execute notebooks before convertion
+nbsphinx_execute = "always"
+# Allow errors to help debug.
+nbsphinx_allow_errors = False
+# Sphinx gallery customization
+nbsphinx_thumbnails = {
+ "examples/00-EDB/00_EDB_Create_VIA": "_static/thumbnails/diff_via.png",
+nbsphinx_custom_formats = {
+ # ".py": ["jupytext.reads", {"fmt": "", "cell_metadata_filter": "ExecuteTime"}],
+ ".py": ["jupytext.reads", {"fmt": ""}],
# Manage errors
@@ -267,33 +449,33 @@ def setup(app):
# necessary for pyvista when building the sphinx gallery
- if config["run_examples"]:
- extensions.append("sphinx_gallery.gen_gallery")
- sphinx_gallery_conf = {
- # convert rst to md for ipynb
- "pypandoc": True,
- # path to your examples scripts
- "examples_dirs": ["../../examples/"],
- # path where to save gallery generated examples
- "gallery_dirs": ["examples"],
- # Pattern to search for examples files
- "filename_pattern": r"\.py",
- # Remove the "Download all examples" button from the top level gallery
- "download_all_examples": False,
- # Sort gallery examples by file name instead of number of lines (default)
- "within_subsection_order": FileNameSortKey,
- # directory where function granular galleries are stored
- "backreferences_dir": None,
- # Modules for which function level galleries are created. In
- "doc_module": "ansys-pyaedt",
- "image_scrapers": ("pyvista", "matplotlib"),
- "ignore_pattern": "flycheck*",
- "thumbnail_size": (350, 350),
- # 'first_notebook_cell': ("%matplotlib inline\n"
- # "from pyvista import set_plot_theme\n"
- # "set_plot_theme('document')"),
- }
+ # if config["run_examples"]:
+ # extensions.append("sphinx_gallery.gen_gallery")
+ # sphinx_gallery_conf = {
+ # # convert rst to md for ipynb
+ # "pypandoc": True,
+ # # path to your examples scripts
+ # "examples_dirs": ["../../examples/"],
+ # # path where to save gallery generated examples
+ # "gallery_dirs": ["examples"],
+ # # Pattern to search for examples files
+ # "filename_pattern": r"\.py",
+ # # Remove the "Download all examples" button from the top level gallery
+ # "download_all_examples": False,
+ # # Sort gallery examples by file name instead of number of lines (default)
+ # "within_subsection_order": FileNameSortKey,
+ # # directory where function granular galleries are stored
+ # "backreferences_dir": None,
+ # # Modules for which function level galleries are created. In
+ # "doc_module": "ansys-pyaedt",
+ # "image_scrapers": ("pyvista", "matplotlib"),
+ # "ignore_pattern": "flycheck*",
+ # "thumbnail_size": (350, 350),
+ # # 'first_notebook_cell': ("%matplotlib inline\n"
+ # # "from pyvista import set_plot_theme\n"
+ # # "set_plot_theme('document')"),
+ # }
jinja_contexts = {
"main_toctree": {
@@ -362,7 +544,8 @@ def setup(app):
# These paths are either relative to html_static_path
# or fully qualified paths (eg. https://...)
html_css_files = [
- 'custom.css',
+ 'css/custom.css',
+ 'css/highlight.css',
diff --git a/doc/source/index.rst b/doc/source/index.rst
index 2627b82d9df..ab37db21d1c 100644
--- a/doc/source/index.rst
+++ b/doc/source/index.rst
@@ -18,28 +18,6 @@ enabling straightforward and efficient automation in your workflow.
New to PyAEDT? This section provides the information that you need to get started with PyAEDT.
- .. grid-item-card:: User guide :fa:`book-open-reader`
- :link: User_guide/index
- :link-type: doc
- This section provides in-depth information on PyAEDT key concepts.
-.. grid:: 2
- .. grid-item-card:: AEDT API reference :fa:`book-bookmark`
- :link: API/index
- :link-type: doc
- This section contains descriptions of the functions and modules included in PyAEDT.
- It describes how the methods work and the parameter that can be used.
- .. grid-item-card:: EDB API reference :fa:`book-bookmark`
- :link: EDBAPI/index.
- :link-type: doc
- Contains descriptions of the functions and modules included in PyEDB.
- It describes how the methods work and the parameter that can be used.
.. jinja:: main_toctree
.. grid:: 2
@@ -64,10 +42,7 @@ enabling straightforward and efficient automation in your workflow.
.. toctree::
- Getting_started/index
- API/index
- EDBAPI/index
{% if run_examples %}
{% endif %}
diff --git a/examples/00-EDB/00_EDB_Create_VIA.py b/examples/00-EDB/00_EDB_Create_VIA.py
index 4ddbb65ba5d..71421ff955b 100644
--- a/examples/00-EDB/00_EDB_Create_VIA.py
+++ b/examples/00-EDB/00_EDB_Create_VIA.py
@@ -1,63 +1,45 @@
-EDB: geometry creation
-This example shows how you can use EDB to create a layout.
-# Final expected project
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # EDB: geometry creation
+# This example shows how you can use EDB to create a layout.
+# ## Final expected project
-# .. image:: ../../_static/diff_via.png
-# :width: 600
-# :alt: Differential Vias.
-# Import EDB layout object
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Import EDB layout object
# Import the EDB layout object and initialize it on version 2023 R2.
+# +
import time
import os
import pyaedt
+import tempfile
-start = time.time()
-aedb_path = os.path.join(pyaedt.generate_unique_folder_name(), pyaedt.generate_unique_name("pcb") + ".aedb")
+temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".ansys")
+aedb_path = os.path.join(temp_dir.name, "create_via.aedb")
edb = pyaedt.Edb(edbpath=aedb_path, edbversion="2023.2")
+# -
-# Add stackup layers
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Add stackup layers
# Add stackup layers.
-# A stackup can be created layer by layer or imported from a csv file or xml file.
+# A stackup can be created layer by layer or imported from a CSV file or XML file.
edb.stackup.add_layer("Diel", "GND", layer_type="dielectric", thickness="0.1mm", material="FR4_epoxy")
edb.stackup.add_layer("TOP", "Diel", thickness="0.05mm")
-# Create signal net and ground planes
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create signal net and ground planes
# Create a signal net and ground planes.
-points = [
- [0.0, 0],
- [100e-3, 0.0],
+points = [[0.0, 0], [100e-3, 0.0]]
edb.modeler.create_trace(points, "TOP", width=1e-3)
points = [[0.0, 1e-3], [0.0, 10e-3], [100e-3, 10e-3], [100e-3, 1e-3], [0.0, 1e-3]]
edb.modeler.create_polygon(points, "TOP")
points = [[0.0, -1e-3], [0.0, -10e-3], [100e-3, -10e-3], [100e-3, -1e-3], [0.0, -1e-3]]
edb.modeler.create_polygon(points, "TOP")
-# Create vias with parametric positions
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create vias with parametric positions
# Create vias with parametric positions.
@@ -71,27 +53,24 @@
edb.padstacks.place([45e-3, -5e-3], "MyVia")
-# Geometry Plot
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Generate geometry plot
edb.nets.plot(None, color_by_net=True)
-# Stackup Plot
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Generate stackup plot
-# Save and close EDB
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Save and close EDB
# Save and close EDB.
if edb:
print("EDB saved correctly to {}. You can import in AEDT.".format(aedb_path))
-end = time.time() - start
+# ### Clean up temporary directory
+# The following command removes the project and the temporary directory. If you'd like to save this project, save it to a folder of your choice prior to running the following cell.
diff --git a/examples/00-EDB/01_edb_example.py b/examples/00-EDB/01_edb_example.py
index 62c016f2c29..0df5a65c8ea 100644
--- a/examples/00-EDB/01_edb_example.py
+++ b/examples/00-EDB/01_edb_example.py
@@ -1,127 +1,153 @@
-EDB: Siwave analysis from EDB setup
-This example shows how you can use EDB to interact with a layout.
+# # EDB: SIwave DC-IR Analysis
+# This example demonstrates the use of EDB to interact with a PCB
+# layout and run DC-IR analysis in SIwave.
# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Perform required imports.
+# +
import os
import time
import pyaedt
+import tempfile
-temp_folder = pyaedt.generate_unique_folder_name()
-targetfile = pyaedt.downloads.download_file('edb/ANSYS-HSD_V1.aedb', destination=temp_folder)
+temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".ansys")
+targetfile = pyaedt.downloads.download_file('edb/ANSYS-HSD_V1.aedb',
+ destination=temp_dir.name)
siwave_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(targetfile), "ANSYS-HSD_V1.siw")
aedt_file = targetfile[:-4] + "aedt"
+# -
+# ## Launch Ansys Electronics Database (EDB)
+# Instantiate an instance of the `pyaedt.Edb` class
+# using EDB 2023 R2 and SI units.
-# Launch EDB
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
-# Launch the :class:`pyaedt.Edb` class, using EDB 2023 R2 and SI units.
edb_version = "2023.2"
if os.path.exists(aedt_file):
edb = pyaedt.Edb(edbpath=targetfile, edbversion=edb_version)
-# Compute nets and components
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Computes nets and components.
-# There are queries for nets, stackups, layers, components, and geometries.
+# ## Identify nets and components
+# The ``Edb.nets.netlist`` and ``Edb.components.components`` properties contain information
+# about all of the nets and components. The following cell uses this information to print the number of nets and
+# components.
print("Nets {}".format(len(edb.nets.netlist)))
start = time.time()
print("Components {}".format(len(edb.components.components.keys())))
print("elapsed time = ", time.time() - start)
-# Get pin position
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Get the position for a specific pin.
-# The next section shows how to get all pins for a specific component and
-# the positions of each of them.
-# Each pin is a list of ``[X, Y]`` coordinate positions.
+# ## Identify pin positions
+# This code shows how to obtain all pins for a specific component and
+# print the ``[x, y]`` position of each pin.
pins = edb.components["U2"].pins
+count = 0
for pin in edb.components["U2"].pins.values():
- print(pin.position)
-# Get all nets connected to a component
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Get all nets connected to a specific component.
-# Compute rats
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Computes rats.
+ if count < 10: # Only print the first 10 pin coordinates.
+ print(pin.position)
+ elif count == 10:
+ print("...and many more.")
+ else:
+ pass
+ count += 1
+# Get all nets connected to a specific component. Print
+# the pin and the name of the net that it is connected to.
+connections = edb.components.get_component_net_connection_info("U2")
+n_print = 0 # Counter to limit the number of printed lines.
+print_max = 15
+for m in range(len(connections["pin_name"])):
+ ref_des = connections["refdes"][m]
+ pin_name = connections["pin_name"][m]
+ net_name = connections["net_name"][m]
+ if net_name != "" and (n_print < print_max):
+ print("{}, pin {} -> net \"{}\"".format(ref_des, pin_name, net_name))
+ n_print += 1
+ elif n_print == print_max:
+ print("...and many more.")
+ n_print += 1
+# Compute rats.
rats = edb.components.get_rats()
-# Get all DC-connected net lists through inductance
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Get all DC-connected net lists through inductance.
-# The inputs needed are ground net lists. The returned list contains all nets
-# connected to a ground through an inductor.
+# ## Identify connected nets
+# The ``get_dcconnected_net_list()`` method retrieves a list of
+# all DC-connected power nets. Each group of connected nets is returned
+# as a [set](https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/datastructures.html#sets).
+# The first argument to the method is the list of ground nets, which are
+# not considered in the search for connected nets.
dc_connected_net_list = edb.nets.get_dcconnected_net_list(GROUND_NETS)
+for pnets in dc_connected_net_list:
+ print(pnets)
-# Get power tree based on a specific net
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Get the power tree based on a specific net.
+# ## Power Tree
+# The power tree provides connectivity through all components from the VRM to
+# the device.
VRM = "U1"
powertree_df, component_list_columns, net_group = edb.nets.get_powertree(OUTPUT_NET, GROUND_NETS)
-for el in powertree_df:
- print(el)
-# Delete all RLCs with only one pin
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Delete all RLCs with only one pin. This method provides a useful way of
-# removing components not needed in the simulation.
+# Print some information about the power tree.
+print_columns = ["refdes", "pin_name", "component_partname"]
+ncol = [component_list_columns.index(c) for c in print_columns]
+# This prints the header. Replace "pin_name" with "pin" to
+# make the header align with the values.
+# +
+print("\t".join(print_columns).replace("pin_name", "pin"))
+for el in powertree_df:
+ s = ""
+ count = 0
+ for e in el:
+ if count in ncol:
+ s += "{}\t".format(e)
+ count += 1
+ s.rstrip()
+ print(s)
+# -
+# ## Remove unused components
+# Delete all RLC components that are connected with only one pin.
+# The ``Edb.components.delete_single_pin_rlc()`` method
+# provides a useful way to
+# remove components that are not needed for the simulation.
-# Delete components
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Delete manually one or more components.
+# You can also remove unused components explicitly by name.
-# Delete nets
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Delete manually one or more nets.
+# Nets can also be removed explicitly.
-# Get stackup limits
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Get the stackup limits (top and bottom layers and elevations).
+# Print the top and bottom elevation of the stackup obtained using
+# the ``Edb.stackup.limits()`` method.
+s = "Top layer name: \"{top}\", Elevation: {top_el:.2f} "
+s += "mm\nBottom layer name: \"{bot}\", Elevation: {bot_el:2f} mm"
+top, top_el, bot, bot_el = edb.stackup.limits()
+print(s.format(top = top, top_el = top_el*1E3, bot = bot, bot_el = bot_el*1E3))
-# Create voltage source and Siwave DCIR analysis
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set up for SIwave DCIR analysis
# Create a voltage source and then set up a DCIR analysis.
edb.siwave.create_voltage_source_on_net("U1", "AVCC_1V3", "U1", "GND", 1.3, 0, "V1")
@@ -131,41 +157,41 @@
setup.set_dc_slider = 0
setup.add_source_terminal_to_ground("V1", 1)
-# Save modifications
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Save modifications.
+# ## Solve
+# Save the modifications and run the analysis in SIwave.
edb.nets.plot(None, "1_Top",plot_components_on_top=True)
siw_file = edb.solve_siwave()
-# Export Siwave Reports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Export all DC Reports quantities.
+# ## Export results
+# Export all quantities calculated from the DC-IR analysis. The following method runs SIwave in batch mode from
+# the command line. Results are written to the edb folder.
outputs = edb.export_siwave_dc_results(siw_file, setup.name, )
-# Close EDB
-# ~~~~~~~~~
# Close EDB. After EDB is closed, it can be opened by AEDT.
-# Postprocess in Siwave
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Open Siwave and generate a report. This works on Window only.
+# ## View Layout in SIwave
+# The SIwave user interface can be visualized and manipulated
+# using the SIwave user interface. This command works on Window OS only.
-# from pyaedt import Siwave
-# siwave = Siwave("2023.2")
+# +
+# siwave = pyaedt.Siwave("2023.2")
# siwave.open_project(siwave_file)
# report_file = os.path.join(temp_folder,'Ansys.htm')
# siwave.export_siwave_report("myDCIR_4", report_file)
# siwave.close_project()
# siwave.quit_application()
+# -
+# Clean up the temporary files and directory.
diff --git a/examples/00-EDB/02_edb_to_ipc2581.py b/examples/00-EDB/02_edb_to_ipc2581.py
index f5733929697..230dd25815e 100644
--- a/examples/00-EDB/02_edb_to_ipc2581.py
+++ b/examples/00-EDB/02_edb_to_ipc2581.py
@@ -1,53 +1,36 @@
-EDB: IPC2581 export
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to export an IPC2581 file.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # EDB: IPC2581 export
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to export an IPC2581 file.
# Perform required imports, which includes importing a section.
import os
import pyaedt
+import tempfile
-# Download file
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Download the AEDB file and copy it in the temporary folder.
-temp_folder = pyaedt.generate_unique_folder_name()
-targetfile = pyaedt.downloads.download_file('edb/ANSYS-HSD_V1.aedb', destination=temp_folder)
-ipc2581_file = os.path.join(temp_folder, "Ansys_Hsd.xml")
+temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".ansys")
+targetfile = pyaedt.downloads.download_file('edb/ANSYS-HSD_V1.aedb',
+ destination=temp_dir.name)
+ipc2581_file_name = os.path.join(temp_dir.name, "Ansys_Hsd.xml")
-# Launch EDB
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
-# Launch the :class:`pyaedt.Edb` class, using EDB 2023 R2 and SI units.
+# ## Launch EDB
+# Launch the `pyaedt.Edb` class, using EDB 2023.
+# > Note that length dimensions passed to EDB are in SI units.
edb = pyaedt.Edb(edbpath=targetfile, edbversion="2023.2")
-# Parametrize net
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Parametrize a net.
+# Parametrize the width of a trace.
"A0_N", parameter_name=pyaedt.generate_unique_name("Par"), variable_value="0.4321mm"
-# Cutout
-# ~~~~~~
-# Create a cutout.
+# Create a cutout and plot it.
signal_list = []
for net in edb.nets.netlist:
if "PCIe" in net:
@@ -61,25 +44,17 @@
-# Plot cutout
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Plot cutout before exporting to IPC2581 file.
edb.nets.plot(None, None, color_by_net=True)
-# Create IPC2581 file
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Create the IPC2581 file.
+# Export the EDB to an IPC2581 file.
-edb.export_to_ipc2581(ipc2581_file, "inch")
-print("IPC2581 File has been saved to {}".format(ipc2581_file))
+edb.export_to_ipc2581(ipc2581_file_name, "inch")
+print("IPC2581 File has been saved to {}".format(ipc2581_file_name))
# Close EDB
-# ~~~~~~~~~
-# Close EDB.
+# Clean up the temporary directory
diff --git a/examples/00-EDB/03_5G_antenna_example.py b/examples/00-EDB/03_5G_antenna_example.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d490fccef5..00000000000
--- a/examples/00-EDB/03_5G_antenna_example.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
-EDB: 5G linear array antenna
-This example shows how you can use HFSS 3D Layout to create and solve a 5G linear array antenna.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Perform required imports.
-import tempfile
-import pyaedt
-import os
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Set non-graphical mode. The default is ``False``.
-non_graphical = False
-class Patch:
- def __init__(self, width=0.0, height=0.0, position=0.0):
- self.width = width
- self.height = height
- self.position = position
- @property
- def points(self):
- return [
- [self.position, -self.height / 2],
- [self.position + self.width, -self.height / 2],
- [self.position + self.width, self.height / 2],
- [self.position, self.height / 2],
- ]
-class Line:
- def __init__(self, length=0.0, width=0.0, position=0.0):
- self.length = length
- self.width = width
- self.position = position
- @property
- def points(self):
- return [
- [self.position, -self.width / 2],
- [self.position + self.length, -self.width / 2],
- [self.position + self.length, self.width / 2],
- [self.position, self.width / 2],
- ]
-class LinearArray:
- def __init__(self, nb_patch=1, array_length=10e-3, array_width=5e-3):
- self.nbpatch = nb_patch
- self.length = array_length
- self.width = array_width
- @property
- def points(self):
- return [
- [-1e-3, -self.width / 2 - 1e-3],
- [self.length + 1e-3, -self.width / 2 - 1e-3],
- [self.length + 1e-3, self.width / 2 + 1e-3],
- [-1e-3, self.width / 2 + 1e-3],
- ]
-tmpfold = tempfile.gettempdir()
-aedb_path = os.path.join(tmpfold, pyaedt.generate_unique_name("pcb") + ".aedb")
-edb = pyaedt.Edb(edbpath=aedb_path, edbversion="2023.2")
-# Add stackup layers
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Add the stackup layers.
-if edb:
- edb.stackup.add_layer("Virt_GND")
- edb.stackup.add_layer("Gap", "Virt_GND", layer_type="dielectric", thickness="0.05mm", material="Air")
- edb.stackup.add_layer("GND", "Gap")
- edb.stackup.add_layer("Substrat", "GND", layer_type="dielectric", thickness="0.5mm", material="Duroid (tm)")
- edb.stackup.add_layer("TOP", "Substrat")
-# Create linear array
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Create the first patch of the linear array.
-first_patch = Patch(width=1.4e-3, height=1.2e-3, position=0.0)
-edb.modeler.create_polygon(first_patch.points, "TOP", net_name="Array_antenna")
-# First line
-first_line = Line(length=2.4e-3, width=0.3e-3, position=first_patch.width)
-edb.modeler.create_polygon(first_line.points, "TOP", net_name="Array_antenna")
-# Patch linear array
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Patch the linear array.
-patch = Patch(width=2.29e-3, height=3.3e-3)
-line = Line(length=1.9e-3, width=0.2e-3)
-linear_array = LinearArray(nb_patch=8, array_width=patch.height)
-current_patch = 1
-current_position = first_line.position + first_line.length
-while current_patch <= linear_array.nbpatch:
- patch.position = current_position
- edb.modeler.create_polygon(patch.points, "TOP", net_name="Array_antenna")
- current_position += patch.width
- if current_patch < linear_array.nbpatch:
- line.position = current_position
- edb.modeler.create_polygon(line.points, "TOP", net_name="Array_antenna")
- current_position += line.length
- current_patch += 1
-linear_array.length = current_position
-# Add ground
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
-# Add a ground.
-edb.modeler.create_polygon(linear_array.points, "GND", net_name="GND")
-# Add connector pin
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Add a central connector pin.
-edb.padstacks.create(padstackname="Connector_pin", holediam="100um", paddiam="0", antipaddiam="200um")
-con_pin = edb.padstacks.place(
- [first_patch.width / 4, 0],
- "Connector_pin",
- net_name="Array_antenna",
- fromlayer="TOP",
- tolayer="GND",
- via_name="coax",
-# Add connector ground
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Add a connector ground.
-edb.modeler.create_polygon(first_patch.points, "Virt_GND", net_name="GND")
-edb.padstacks.create("gnd_via", "100um", "0", "0")
-con_ref1 = edb.padstacks.place(
- [first_patch.points[0][0] + 0.2e-3, first_patch.points[0][1] + 0.2e-3],
- "gnd_via",
- fromlayer="GND",
- tolayer="Virt_GND",
- net_name="GND",
-con_ref2 = edb.padstacks.place(
- [first_patch.points[1][0] - 0.2e-3, first_patch.points[1][1] + 0.2e-3],
- "gnd_via",
- fromlayer="GND",
- tolayer="Virt_GND",
- net_name="GND",
-con_ref3 = edb.padstacks.place(
- [first_patch.points[2][0] - 0.2e-3, first_patch.points[2][1] - 0.2e-3],
- "gnd_via",
- fromlayer="GND",
- tolayer="Virt_GND",
- net_name="GND",
-con_ref4 = edb.padstacks.place(
- [first_patch.points[3][0] + 0.2e-3, first_patch.points[3][1] - 0.2e-3],
- "gnd_via",
- fromlayer="GND",
- tolayer="Virt_GND",
- net_name="GND",
-# Add excitation port
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Add an excitation port.
-edb.padstacks.set_solderball(con_pin, "Virt_GND", isTopPlaced=False, ballDiam=0.1e-3)
-port_name = edb.padstacks.create_coax_port(con_pin)
-# Plot geometry
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Plot the geometry.
-# Save and close Edb instance prior to opening it in Electronics Desktop.
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Save EDB.
-print("EDB saved correctly to {}. You can import in AEDT.".format(aedb_path))
-# Launch HFSS 3D Layout and open EDB
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Launch HFSS 3D Layout and open EDB.
-h3d = pyaedt.Hfss3dLayout(projectname=aedb_path, specified_version="2023.2", new_desktop_session=True,
- non_graphical=non_graphical)
-# Plot geometry
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Plot the geometry. The EDB methods are also accessible from the ``Hfss3dlayout`` class.
-# Create setup and sweeps
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Getters and setters facilitate the settings on the nested property dictionary.
-# Previously, you had to use these commands:
-# - ``setup.props["AdaptiveSettings"]["SingleFrequencyDataList"]["AdaptiveFrequencyData"]["AdaptiveFrequency"] = "20GHz"``
-# - ``setup.props["AdaptiveSettings"]["SingleFrequencyDataList"]["AdaptiveFrequencyData"]["MaxPasses"] = 4``
-# You can now use the simpler approach that follows.
-setup = h3d.create_setup()
-setup["AdaptiveFrequency"] = "20GHz"
-setup["AdaptiveSettings/SingleFrequencyDataList/AdaptiveFrequencyData/MaxPasses"] = 4
- setupname=setup.name,
- unit="GHz",
- freqstart=20,
- freqstop=50,
- num_of_freq_points=1001,
- sweepname="sweep1",
- sweep_type="Interpolating",
- interpolation_tol_percent=1,
- interpolation_max_solutions=255,
- save_fields=False,
- use_q3d_for_dc=False,
-# Solve setup and create report
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Solve the project and create a report.
-h3d.post.create_report(["db(S({0},{1}))".format(port_name, port_name)])
-# Plot results outside AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Plot results using Matplotlib.
-solution = h3d.post.get_solution_data(["S({0},{1})".format(port_name, port_name)])
-# Close AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
-# After the simulation completes, you can close AEDT or release it using the
-# :func:`pyaedt.Desktop.release_desktop` method.
-# All methods provide for saving the project before closing AEDT.
diff --git a/examples/00-EDB/03_5G_antenna_example_parametrics.py b/examples/00-EDB/03_5G_antenna_example_parametrics.py
index 771b745f6b8..692f7539c6d 100644
--- a/examples/00-EDB/03_5G_antenna_example_parametrics.py
+++ b/examples/00-EDB/03_5G_antenna_example_parametrics.py
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
-EDB: Layout Components
-This example shows how you can use EDB to create a layout component parametrics and use it in HFSS 3D.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # EDB: Layout Components
+# This example shows how you can use EDB to create a parametric component using
+# 3D Layout and use it in HFSS 3D.
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports, which includes importing the ``Hfss3dlayout`` object
# and initializing it on version 2023 R2.
@@ -14,22 +12,16 @@
import pyaedt
import os
# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Set non-graphical mode. The default is ``False``.
non_graphical = False
-# Creating data classes
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create data classes
# Data classes are useful to do calculations and store variables.
-# We create 3 Data classes for Patch, Line and Array
+# There are three data classes: ``Patch``, ``Line``, and ``Array``.
+# +
class Patch:
def __init__(self, width=0.0, height=0.0, position=0.0):
self.width = width
@@ -76,24 +68,17 @@ def points(self):
["{}+1e-3".format(self.length), "{}/2+1e-3".format(self.width)],
[-1e-3, "{}/2+1e-3".format(self.width)],
+# -
-# Launch EDB
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch EDB
# PyAEDT.Edb allows to open existing Edb project or create a new empty project.
+temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".ansys")
+aedb_path = os.path.join(temp_dir.name, "linear_array.aedb")
+edb = pyaedt.Edb(edbpath=aedb_path, edbversion="2023.2") # Create an instance of the Edb class.
-tmpfold = tempfile.gettempdir()
-aedb_path = os.path.join(tmpfold, pyaedt.generate_unique_name("pcb") + ".aedb")
-edb = pyaedt.Edb(edbpath=aedb_path, edbversion="2023.2")
# Add stackup layers
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Add the stackup layers.
edb.stackup.add_layer("Gap", "Virt_GND", layer_type="dielectric", thickness="0.05mm", material="Air")
@@ -101,31 +86,29 @@ def points(self):
edb.stackup.add_layer("Substrat", "GND", layer_type="dielectric", thickness="0.5mm", material="Duroid (tm)")
edb.stackup.add_layer("TOP", "Substrat")
-# Create linear array
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Create the first patch of the linear array.
+# Create the the first patch and feed line using the ``Patch``, ``Line``classes defined above.
+# Define parameters:
+# +
edb["w1"] = 1.4e-3
edb["h1"] = 1.2e-3
edb["initial_position"] = 0.0
edb["l1"] = 2.4e-3
edb["trace_w"] = 0.3e-3
first_patch = Patch(width="w1", height="h1", position="initial_position")
edb.modeler.create_polygon(first_patch.points, "TOP", net_name="Array_antenna")
+# -
# First line
first_line = Line(length="l1", width="trace_w", position=first_patch.width)
edb.modeler.create_polygon(first_line.points, "TOP", net_name="Array_antenna")
-# Patch linear array
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Patch the linear array.
+# Now use the ``LinearArray`` class to create the array.
+# +
edb["w2"] = 2.29e-3
edb["h2"] = 3.3e-3
edb["l2"] = 1.9e-3
@@ -149,20 +132,13 @@ def points(self):
current_patch += 1
linear_array.length = current_position
+# -
-# Add ground
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
-# Add a ground.
+# Add the ground conductor.
edb.modeler.create_polygon(linear_array.points, "GND", net_name="GND")
-# Add connector pin
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Add a central connector pin.
+# Add the connector pin to use to assign the port.
edb.padstacks.create(padstackname="Connector_pin", holediam="100um", paddiam="0", antipaddiam="200um")
con_pin = edb.padstacks.place(
@@ -174,12 +150,8 @@ def points(self):
-# Add connector ground
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Add a connector ground.
edb.modeler.create_polygon(first_patch.points, "Virt_GND", net_name="GND")
edb.padstacks.create("gnd_via", "100um", "0", "0")
edb["via_spacing"] = 0.2e-3
@@ -212,168 +184,139 @@ def points(self):
-# Add excitation port
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Add an excitation port.
+# Define the port.
edb.padstacks.set_solderball(con_pin, "Virt_GND", isTopPlaced=False, ballDiam=0.1e-3)
port_name = edb.padstacks.create_coax_port(con_pin)
-# Plot geometry
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Plot the geometry.
+# Display the model using the ``Edb.nets.plot()`` method.
-# Save and close Edb instance prior to opening it in Electronics Desktop.
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Save EDB.
+# The EDB is complete. Now close the EDB and import it into HFSS as a "Layout Component".
print("EDB saved correctly to {}. You can import in AEDT.".format(aedb_path))
+# ## 3D component in HFSS
+# First create an instance of the ``pyaedt.Hfss`` class. If you set
+# > ``non_graphical = False
+# then AEDT user interface will be visible after the following cell is executed. It is now possible
+# to monitor the progress in the UI as each of the following cells is executed. All commands can be run
+# without the UI by chaning the value of ``non_graphical``.
-# Launch HFSS 3D
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Launch HFSS 3D.
+h3d = pyaedt.Hfss(projectname="Demo_3DComp",
+ designname="Linear_Array",
+ specified_version="2023.2",
+ new_desktop_session=True,
+ non_graphical=non_graphical,
+ close_on_exit=True,
+ solution_type="Terminal")
-h3d = pyaedt.Hfss(specified_version="2023.2", new_desktop_session=True, close_on_exit=True, solution_type="Terminal")
+# Set units to ``mm``.
-# Add the layout component
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Hfss allows user to add Layout components (aedb) or 3D Components into a 3D Design
-# and benefit of different functionalities like parametrization, mesh fusion and others.
+h3d.modeler.model_units = "mm"
+# ## Import the EDB as a 3D component
+# One or more layout components can be imported into HFSS. The combination of layout data and 3D CAD data helps streamline
+# model creation and setup.
component = h3d.modeler.insert_layout_component(aedb_path, parameter_mapping=True)
-# Edit Parameters
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# If a layout component is parametric, parameters can be exposed and changed in HFSS
+# ## Expose the component parameters
+# If a layout component is parametric, you can expose and change parameters in HFSS
+# +
w1_name = "{}_{}".format("w1", h3d.modeler.user_defined_component_names[0])
h3d[w1_name]= 0.0015
-# Boundaries
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
-# To run the simulation we need an airbox to which apply radiation boundaries.
-# We don't need to create ports because are embedded in layout component.
+# -
+# ### Radiation Boundary Assignment
+# The 3D domain includes the air volume surrounding the antenna. This antenna will be simulted from 20 GHz - 50 GHz.
+# A "radiation boundary" will be assigned to the outer boundaries of the domain.
+# This boundary should be roughly one quarter wavelength away from the radiating strucure:
+# $$ \lambda/4 = \frac{c_0}{4 f} \approx 2.8mm $$
+# +
-h3d.modeler.create_air_region(130,400,1000, 130,400,300)
+h3d.modeler.create_air_region(2.8, 2.8, 2.8, 2.8, 2.8, 2.8, is_percentage=False)
+# -
-# Create setup and sweeps
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Getters and setters facilitate the settings on the nested property dictionary.
-# - ``setup.props['Frequency']="20GHz"``
-# You can now use the simpler approach that follows.
+# ### Set up analysis
+# The finite element mesh is adapted iteratively. The maximum number of adaptive passes is set using the ``MaximumPasses`` property. This model converges such that the $S_{11}$ is independent of the mesh. The default accuracy setting is:
+# $$ \max(|\Delta S|) < 0.02 $$
setup = h3d.create_setup()
-setup.props['MaximumPasses'] = 2
+setup.props['MaximumPasses'] = 10
+# Specify properties of the frequency sweep:
-sweep1 = setup.add_sweep()
+sweep1 = setup.add_sweep(sweepname="20GHz_to_50GHz")
-# Solve setup and create report
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Solve the project and create a report.
+# Solve the project
-# Plot results outside AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Plot results outside AEDT
# Plot results using Matplotlib.
trace = h3d.get_traces_for_plot()
solution = h3d.post.get_solution_data(trace[0])
+# ## Plot far fields in AEDT
+# Plot radiation patterns in AEDT.
-# Plot Far Fields in AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Plot Radiation patterns in AEDT.
+# +
variations = {}
variations["Freq"] = ["20GHz"]
variations["Theta"] = ["All"]
variations["Phi"] = ["All"]
h3d.insert_infinite_sphere( name="3D")
new_report = h3d.post.reports_by_category.far_field("db(RealizedGainTotal)", h3d.nominal_adaptive, "3D")
new_report.variations = variations
new_report.primary_sweep = "Theta"
+# -
-# Plot Far Fields in AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Plot Radiation patterns in AEDT.
+# ## Plot far fields in AEDT
+# Plot radiation patterns in AEDT
new_report.report_type = "3D Polar Plot"
new_report.secondary_sweep = "Phi"
-# Plot Far Fields outside AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Plot Radiation patterns outside AEDT.
+# ## Plot far fields outside AEDT
+# Plot radiation patterns outside AEDT
solutions_custom = new_report.get_solution_data()
-# Plot E Field on nets and layers
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Plot E Field on nets and layers in AEDT.
+# ## Plot E Field on nets and layers
+# Plot E Field on nets and layers in AEDT
@@ -382,17 +325,17 @@ def points(self):
-# Close AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
-# After the simulation completes, you can close AEDT or release it using the
+# ## Close AEDT
+# After the simulation completes, the application can be released from the
# :func:`pyaedt.Desktop.release_desktop` method.
# All methods provide for saving the project before closing AEDT.
-h3d.save_project(os.path.join(tmpfold, "test_layout.aedt"))
+h3d.save_project(os.path.join(temp_dir, "test_layout.aedt"))
+# ### Clean up the temporary directory
+# The following command removes the project and the temporary directory. If you'd like to save this project, save it to a folder of your choice prior to running the following cell.
diff --git a/examples/00-EDB/04_edb_parametrized_design.py b/examples/00-EDB/04_edb_parametrized_design.py
index abc2ed53286..29394147992 100644
--- a/examples/00-EDB/04_edb_parametrized_design.py
+++ b/examples/00-EDB/04_edb_parametrized_design.py
@@ -1,39 +1,34 @@
-EDB: fully parametrized design
-This example shows how you can use HFSS 3D Layout to create and solve a parametric design.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Perform required imports, which includes importing the ``Hfss3dlayout`` object
-# and initializing it on version 2023 R2.
+# # EDB: fully parametrized design
+# This example shows how to use the EDB interface along with HFSS 3D Layout to create and solve a
+# parameterized layout. The layout shows a differential via transition on a printed circuit board with
+# back-to-back microstrip to stripline transitions. The model is fully parameterized to enable investigation of
+# the transition performance on the many degrees of freedom.
+# The resulting model is shown below
import pyaedt
import os
+import tempfile
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Set non-graphical mode. The default is ``False``.
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
+# Set non-graphical mode. The default is ``False``, which opens
+# the AEDT UI.
non_graphical = False
-# Launch EDB
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
# Launch EDB.
-aedb_path = os.path.join(pyaedt.generate_unique_folder_name(), pyaedt.generate_unique_name("pcb") + ".aedb")
+temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".ansys")
+aedb_path = os.path.join(temp_dir.name, "pcb.aedb")
edb = pyaedt.Edb(edbpath=aedb_path, edbversion="2023.2")
-# Define parameters
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Define the parameters.
+# +
params = {"$ms_width": "0.4mm",
"$sl_width": "0.2mm",
"$ms_spacing": "0.2mm",
@@ -42,7 +37,7 @@
"$via_diam": "0.3mm",
"$pad_diam": "0.6mm",
"$anti_pad_diam": "0.7mm",
- "$pcb_len": "30mm",
+ "$pcb_len": "15mm",
"$pcb_w": "5mm",
"$x_size": "1.2mm",
"$y_size": "1mm",
@@ -50,13 +45,10 @@
for par_name in params:
edb.add_project_variable(par_name, params[par_name])
+# -
-# Define stackup layers
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Define the stackup layers from bottom to top.
layers = [{"name": "bottom", "layer_type": "signal", "thickness": "35um", "material": "copper"},
{"name": "diel_3", "layer_type": "dielectric", "thickness": "275um", "material": "FR4_epoxy"},
{"name": "sig_2", "layer_type": "signal", "thickness": "35um", "material": "copper"},
@@ -65,18 +57,17 @@
{"name": "diel_1", "layer_type": "dielectric", "thickness": "275um", "material": "FR4_epoxy"},
{"name": "top", "layer_type": "signal", "thickness": "35um", "material": "copper"}]
+# Create the EDB stackup.
+# Define the bottom layer
-# Create EDB stackup.
-# Bottom layer
prev = None
for layer in layers:
- edb.stackup.add_layer(layer["name"], base_layer=prev, layer_type=layer["layer_type"], thickness=layer["thickness"],
- material=layer["material"])
+ edb.stackup.add_layer(layer["name"], base_layer=prev,
+ layer_type=layer["layer_type"],
+ thickness=layer["thickness"],
+ material=layer["material"])
prev = layer["name"]
-# Create padstack for signal via
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Create a parametrized padstack for the signal via.
signal_via_padstack = "automated_via"
@@ -93,18 +84,12 @@
-# Assign net names
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# # Assign net names. There are only two signal nets.
+# Assign net names. There are only two signal nets.
net_p = "p"
net_n = "n"
-# Place signal vias
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Place signal vias.
+# Place the signal vias.
position=["$pcb_len/3", "($ms_width+$ms_spacing+$via_spacing)/2"],
@@ -139,11 +124,9 @@
-# ###############################################################################
-# Draw parametrized traces
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Draw parametrized traces.
-# Trace the width and the routing (Microstrip-Stripline-Microstrip).
+# ## Draw parametrized traces
+# Trace width and the routing (Microstrip-Stripline-Microstrip).
# Applies to both p and n nets.
width = ["$ms_width", "$sl_width", "$ms_width"] # Trace width, n and p
@@ -192,10 +175,8 @@
["$pcb_len", "-($ms_width + $ms_spacing)/2"],
-# ###############################################################################
-# Add traces to EDB
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Add traces to EDB.
+# Add traces to the EDB.
trace_p = []
trace_n = []
@@ -203,10 +184,7 @@
trace_p.append(edb.modeler.create_trace(points_p[n], route_layer[n], width[n], net_p, "Flat", "Flat"))
trace_n.append(edb.modeler.create_trace(points_n[n], route_layer[n], width[n], net_n, "Flat", "Flat"))
-# Create wave ports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Create wave ports:
+# Create the wave ports
edb.hfss.create_differential_wave_port(trace_p[0].id, ["0.0", "($ms_width+$ms_spacing)/2"],
trace_n[0].id, ["0.0", "-($ms_width+$ms_spacing)/2"],
@@ -215,10 +193,7 @@
trace_n[2].id, ["$pcb_len", "-($ms_width + $ms_spacing)/2"],
-# Draw ground polygons
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Draw ground polygons.
+# Draw a conducting rectangle on the the ground layers.
gnd_poly = [[0.0, "-$pcb_w/2"],
["$pcb_len", "-$pcb_w/2"],
@@ -228,6 +203,7 @@
# Void in ground for traces on the signal routing layer
+# +
void_poly = [["$pcb_len/3", "-($ms_width+$ms_spacing+$via_spacing+$anti_pad_diam)/2-$via_spacing/2"],
["$pcb_len/3 + $via_spacing", "-($ms_width+$ms_spacing+$via_spacing+$anti_pad_diam)/2-$via_spacing/2"],
["$pcb_len/3 + 2*$via_spacing",
@@ -246,9 +222,11 @@
["$pcb_len/3", "($ms_width+$ms_spacing+$via_spacing+$anti_pad_diam)/2"]]
void_shape = edb.modeler.Shape("polygon", points=void_poly)
+# -
-# Add ground layers
+# Add ground conductors.
+# +
for layer in layers[:-1:2]:
# add void if the layer is the signal routing layer.
@@ -258,37 +236,27 @@
+# -
-# Plot EDB
-# ~~~~~~~~
-# Plot EDB.
+# Plot the layout.
-# Save EDB
-# ~~~~~~~~
-# Save EDB.
+# Save the EDB.
-# Open EDB in AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Open EDB in AEDT.
+# Open the project in HFSS 3D Layout.
h3d = pyaedt.Hfss3dLayout(projectname=aedb_path, specified_version="2023.2",
non_graphical=non_graphical, new_desktop_session=True)
-# Add HFSS simulation setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # Add HFSS simulation setup
# Add HFSS simulation setup.
+# +
setup = h3d.create_setup()
setup.props["AdaptiveSettings"]["SingleFrequencyDataList"]["AdaptiveFrequencyData"]["MaxPasses"] = 3
@@ -305,38 +273,29 @@
+# -
+# Define the differential pairs to used to calculate differential and common mode
+# s-parameters.
-# Set Differential Pairs.
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Define the differential pairs to be used in the postprocessing.
h3d.set_differential_pair(diff_name="In", positive_terminal="wave_port_1:T1", negative_terminal="wave_port_1:T2")
h3d.set_differential_pair(diff_name="Out", positive_terminal="wave_port_2:T1", negative_terminal="wave_port_2:T2")
-# Start HFSS solver
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Start the HFSS solver by uncommenting the ``h3d.analyze()`` command.
+# Solve the project.
-# Generate Plot
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Generate the plot of differential pairs.
+# Plot the results and shut down AEDT.
solutions = h3d.post.get_solution_data(["dB(S(In,In))", "dB(S(In,Out))"], context="Differential Pairs")
# Note that the ground nets are only connected to each other due
# to the wave ports. The problem with poor grounding can be seen in the
-# S-parameters. Try to modify this script to add ground vias and eliminate
-# the resonance.
+# S-parameters. This example can be downloaded as a Jupyter Notebook, so
+# you can modify it. Try changing parameters or adding ground vias to improve performance.
+# The final cell cleans up the temporary directory, removing all files.
diff --git a/examples/00-EDB/05_Plot_nets.py b/examples/00-EDB/05_Plot_nets.py
index 19a909f51cb..45519aa3af4 100644
--- a/examples/00-EDB/05_Plot_nets.py
+++ b/examples/00-EDB/05_Plot_nets.py
@@ -1,65 +1,59 @@
-EDB: plot nets with Matplotlib
-This example shows how you can use the ``Edb`` class to plot a net or a layout.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # EDB: plot nets with Matplotlib
+# This example shows how to use the ``Edb`` class to view nets, layers and
+# via geometry directly in Python. The methods demonstrated in this example
+# rely on
+# [matplotlib](https://matplotlib.org/cheatsheets/_images/cheatsheets-1.png).
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports, which includes importing a section.
import os
import pyaedt
+import tempfile
-# Download file
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Download the AEDT file and copy it into the temporary folder.
-temp_folder = pyaedt.generate_unique_folder_name()
+# Download the EDB and copy it into the temporary folder.
-targetfolder = pyaedt.downloads.download_file('edb/ANSYS-HSD_V1.aedb', destination=temp_folder)
+temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".ansys")
+targetfolder = pyaedt.downloads.download_file('edb/ANSYS-HSD_V1.aedb',
+ destination=temp_dir.name)
-# Launch EDB
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
-# Launch the :class:`pyaedt.Edb` class, using EDB 2023 R2 and SI units.
+# Create an instance of the Electronics Database usig the
+# `pyaedt.Edb` class.
+# > Note that units are SI.
edb = pyaedt.Edb(edbpath=targetfolder, edbversion="2023.2")
-# Plot custom set of nets colored by layer
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Plot a custom set of nets colored by layer (default).
+# Display the nets on a layer. You can display the net geometry directly in Python using ``matplotlib`` from
+# the ``pyaedt.Edb`` class.
-# Plot custom set of nets colored by nets
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Plot a custom set of nets colored by nets.
+# You can view multiple nets by passing a list containing the net
+# names to the ``plot()`` method.
edb.nets.plot(["GND", "GND_DP", "AVCC_1V3"], color_by_net=True)
-# Plot all nets on a layer colored by nets
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Plot all nets on a layer colored by nets
+# You can display all copper on a single layer by passing ``None``
+# as the first argument. The second argument is a list
+# of layers to plot. In this case, only one
+# layer is to be displayed.
-edb.nets.plot(None, ["1_Top"], color_by_net=True, plot_components_on_top=True)
+edb.nets.plot(None, ["1_Top"], color_by_net=True,
+ plot_components_on_top=True)
-# Plot stackup and some padstack definition
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Plot all nets on a layer colored by nets
+# Display a side view of the layers and padstack geometry using the
+# ``Edb.stackup.plot()`` method.
-edb.stackup.plot(scale_elevation=False,plot_definitions=["c100hn140", "c35"])
+ plot_definitions=["c100hn140", "c35"])
-# Close EDB
-# ~~~~~~~~~
-# Close EDB.
+# Close the EDB.
+# Remove all files and the temporary directory.
diff --git a/examples/00-EDB/06_Advanced_EDB.py b/examples/00-EDB/06_Advanced_EDB.py
index b0cfab95b74..d6d22a58918 100644
--- a/examples/00-EDB/06_Advanced_EDB.py
+++ b/examples/00-EDB/06_Advanced_EDB.py
@@ -1,49 +1,39 @@
-EDB: parametric via creation
-This example shows how you can use EDB to create a layout.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Perform required imports.
+# # EDB: parametric via creation
+# This example shows how you can use EDB to create a layout.
+# First import the required Python packages.
import os
import numpy as np
import pyaedt
+import tempfile
+# Create the EDB project.
-aedb_path = os.path.join(pyaedt.generate_unique_folder_name(), pyaedt.generate_unique_name("via_opt") + ".aedb")
+temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".ansys")
+aedb_path = os.path.join(temp_dir.name, "parametric_via.aedb")
-# Create stackup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create stackup
# The ``StackupSimple`` class creates a stackup based on few inputs. This stackup
# is used later.
+# Define a function to create the ground conductor.
-# Create ground plane
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Create a ground plane on specific layers.
-def _create_ground_planes(edb, layers):
+def create_ground_planes(edb, layers):
plane = edb.modeler.Shape("rectangle", pointA=["-3mm", "-3mm"], pointB=["3mm", "3mm"])
for i in layers:
edb.modeler.create_polygon(plane, i, net_name="GND")
-# Create EDB
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
-# Create EDB. If the path doesn't exist, PyAEDT automatically generates a new AEDB folder.
+# ## Create the EDB
+# Create the EDB instance. If the path doesn't exist, PyAEDT automatically generates a new AEDB folder.
edb = pyaedt.Edb(edbpath=aedb_path, edbversion="2023.2")
-# Create stackup layers
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Create stackup layers.
+# Insert the stackup layers.
layout_count = 12
diel_material_name = "FR4_epoxy"
@@ -60,13 +50,13 @@ def _create_ground_planes(edb, layers):
soldermask_thickness=soldermask_thickness, dielectric_thickness=diel_thickness,
+# ## Define parameters
+# Define parameters to allow changes in the model dimesons. Parameters preceeded by
+# the ``$`` character have project-wide scope.
+# Without the ``$`` prefix, the parameter scope is limited to the design.
-# Create variables
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Create all variables. If a variable has a ``$`` prefix, it is a project variable.
-# Otherwise, is a design variable.
+# +
giva_angle_rad = gvia_angle / 180 * np.pi
edb["$via_hole_size"] = "0.3mm"
@@ -75,12 +65,11 @@ def _create_ground_planes(edb, layers):
edb.add_design_variable("via_pitch", "1mm", is_parameter=True)
edb.add_design_variable("trace_in_width", "0.2mm", is_parameter=True)
edb.add_design_variable("trace_out_width", "0.1mm", is_parameter=True)
+# -
-# Create definitions
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Create two definitions, one for the ground and one for the signal. The definitions
-# are parametric.
+# ## Define padstacks
+# Create two padstck definitions, one for the ground via and one for the signal via.
@@ -91,19 +80,13 @@ def _create_ground_planes(edb, layers):
edb.padstacks.create(padstackname="GVIA", holediam="0.3mm", antipaddiam="0.7mm", paddiam="0.5mm")
-# Place padstack for signal
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Place the padstack for the signal.
+# Place the signal via.
edb.padstacks.place([0, 0], "SVIA", net_name="RF")
-# Place padstack for ground
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Place the padstack for the ground. A loop iterates and places multiple ground
-# vias on different positions.
+# Place the ground vias.
+# +
gvia_num_side = gvia_num / 2
if gvia_num_side % 2:
@@ -130,12 +113,11 @@ def _create_ground_planes(edb, layers):
edb.padstacks.place([xloc + "*-1", yloc], "GVIA", net_name="GND")
edb.padstacks.place([xloc + "*-1", yloc + "*-1"], "GVIA", net_name="GND")
+# -
-# Generate traces
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Generate and place parametric traces.
+# Draw the traces
+# +
[[0, 0], [0, "-3mm"]], layer_name=trace_in_layer, net_name="RF", width="trace_in_width", start_cap_style="Flat", end_cap_style="Flat"
@@ -148,32 +130,25 @@ def _create_ground_planes(edb, layers):
+# -
-# Generate ground layers
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Generate and place ground layers.
+# Draw ground conductors
ground_layers = [i for i in edb.stackup.signal_layers.keys()]
-_create_ground_planes(edb=edb, layers=ground_layers)
+create_ground_planes(edb=edb, layers=ground_layers)
-# Plot Layout
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Generate and plot the layout.
+# Display the layout
-#edb.nets.plot(layers=["TOP", "L10"])
edb.stackup.plot(plot_definitions=["GVIA", "SVIA"])
-# Save EDB and close
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Save EDB and close.
+# Save EDB and close the EDB.
print("aedb Saved in {}".format(aedb_path))
+# Clean up the temporary directory.
diff --git a/examples/00-EDB/08_CPWG.py b/examples/00-EDB/08_CPWG.py
index a6401426767..46f40d6067c 100644
--- a/examples/00-EDB/08_CPWG.py
+++ b/examples/00-EDB/08_CPWG.py
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
-EDB: fully parametrized CPWG design
-This example shows how you can use HFSS 3D Layout to create a parametric design
-for a CPWG (coplanar waveguide with ground).
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # EDB: fully parametrized CPWG design
+# This example shows how you can use HFSS 3D Layout to create a parametric design
+# for a CPWG (coplanar waveguide with ground).
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports. Importing the ``Hfss3dlayout`` object initializes it
# on version 2023 R2.
@@ -15,26 +13,20 @@
import os
import numpy as np
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode. The default is ``False``.
non_graphical = False
-# Launch EDB
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
-# Launch EDB.
+# ## Launch EDB
aedb_path = os.path.join(pyaedt.generate_unique_folder_name(), pyaedt.generate_unique_name("pcb") + ".aedb")
edbapp = pyaedt.Edb(edbpath=aedb_path, edbversion="2023.2")
-# Define parameters
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Define parameters.
+# ## Define parameters
params = {"$ms_width": "0.4mm",
"$ms_clearance": "0.3mm",
@@ -43,19 +35,15 @@
for par_name in params:
edbapp.add_project_variable(par_name, params[par_name])
-# Create stackup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Create a symmetric stackup.
+# ## Create s symmetric stackup
-# Draw planes
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Draw planes.
+# ## Draw planes
+# +
plane_lw_pt = ["0mm", "-3mm"]
plane_up_pt = ["$ms_length", "3mm"]
@@ -67,11 +55,9 @@
layer_dict = {"TOP": top_layer_obj,
"BOTTOM": bot_layer_obj}
+# -
-# Draw trace
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
-# Draw a trace.
+# ## Draw a trace
trace_path = [["0", "0"], ["$ms_length", "0"]]
@@ -82,10 +68,7 @@
-# Create trace to plane clearance
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Create a trace to the plane clearance.
+# ## Create a trace to plane clearance
poly_void = edbapp.modeler.create_trace(trace_path, layer_name="TOP", net_name="gnd",
width="{}+2*{}".format("$ms_width", "$ms_clearance"),
@@ -93,11 +76,9 @@
edbapp.modeler.add_void(layer_dict["TOP"], poly_void)
-# Create ground via padstack and place ground stitching vias
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Create a ground via padstack and place ground stitching vias.
+# ## Create a ground via padstack and place ground stitching vias
+# +
@@ -109,43 +90,29 @@
for i in np.arange(1, 20):
edbapp.padstacks.place([str(i) + "mm", yloc_u], "GVIA", net_name="GND")
edbapp.padstacks.place([str(i) + "mm", yloc_l], "GVIA", net_name="GND")
+# -
-# Save and close EDB
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Save and close EDB.
+# ## Save and close EDB
-# Open EDB in AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Open EDB in AEDT.
+# ## Open EDB in AEDT
h3d = pyaedt.Hfss3dLayout(projectname=aedb_path, specified_version="2023.2",
non_graphical=non_graphical, new_desktop_session=True)
-# Create wave ports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Create wave ports.
+# ## Create wave ports
h3d.create_edge_port("line_3", 0, iswave=True, wave_vertical_extension=10, wave_horizontal_extension=10)
h3d.create_edge_port("line_3", 2, iswave=True, wave_vertical_extension=10, wave_horizontal_extension=10)
-# Edit airbox extents
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Edit airbox extents.
+# ## Edit airbox extents
-# Create setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Create an HFSS simulation setup.
+# ## Create setup
setup = h3d.create_setup()
@@ -165,25 +132,27 @@
-# Plot layout
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Plot layout
+# ## Plot layout
+# +
h3d.modeler.edb.nets.plot(None, None, color_by_net=True)
cp_name = h3d.modeler.clip_plane()
+# -
+# ## Start HFSS solver
-# Start HFSS solver
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Start the HFSS solver by uncommenting the ``h3d.analyze()`` command.
+# +
+# h3d.analyze()
+# -
+# ## Save AEDT
-# Save AEDT
+# +
aedt_path = aedb_path.replace(".aedb", ".aedt")
h3d.logger.info("Your AEDT project is saved to {}".format(aedt_path))
solutions = h3d.get_touchstone_data()[0]
@@ -191,7 +160,8 @@
h3d.post.create_fieldplot_cutplane(cp_name, "Mag_E", h3d.nominal_adaptive, intrinsincDict={"Freq":"3GHz", "Phase":"0deg"})
+# -
-# Release AEDT.
+# ## Release AEDT
diff --git a/examples/00-EDB/09_Configuration.py b/examples/00-EDB/09_Configuration.py
index 9d095755ff6..9a07d3ca74e 100644
--- a/examples/00-EDB/09_Configuration.py
+++ b/examples/00-EDB/09_Configuration.py
@@ -1,50 +1,42 @@
-EDB: Pin to Pin project
-This example shows how you can create a project using a BOM file and configuration files.
-run anlasyis and get results.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Perform required imports. Importing the ``Hfss3dlayout`` object initializes it
+# # EDB: Pin to Pin project
+# This example demonstrates the use of the Electronics
+# Database (EDB) interface to create a layout using the BOM and
+# a configuration file.
+# ## Perform required imports
+# The ``Hfss3dlayout`` class provides an interface to
+# the 3D Layout editor in AEDT.
# on version 2023 R2.
import os
import pyaedt
+import tempfile
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Set non-graphical mode. The default is ``True``.
-non_graphical = True
-# Download file
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Download the AEDB file and copy it in the temporary folder.
+# Download the AEDB file and copy it to a temporary folder.
+temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".ansys")
+target_aedb = pyaedt.downloads.download_file('edb/ANSYS-HSD_V1.aedb',
+ destination=temp_dir.name)
+print("Project folder is", target_aedb)
-project_path = pyaedt.generate_unique_folder_name()
-target_aedb = pyaedt.downloads.download_file('edb/ANSYS-HSD_V1.aedb', destination=project_path)
-print("Project folder will be", target_aedb)
-# Launch EDB
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
-# Launch the :class:`pyaedt.Edb` class, using EDB 2023 R2 and SI units.
+# ## Launch EDB
+# Launch the ``pyaedt.Edb`` class using EDB 2023 R2. Length units are SI.
edbapp = pyaedt.Edb(target_aedb, edbversion="2023.2")
-# Import Definitions
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# A definitions file is a json containing, for each part name the model associated.
-# Model can be RLC, Sparameter or Spice.
-# Once imported the definition is applied to the board.
-# In this example the json file is stored for convenience in aedb folder and has the following format:
+# ## Import definitions
+# The definition file uses the [json](https://www.json.org/json-en.html) to
+# map layout part numbers to their corresponding models.
+# The model may be an RLC, S-parameter, or
+# [SPICE](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SPICE) model definition.
+# Once imported, the definition is applied to the components in the layout.
+# In this example, the JSON file is in the ``*.aedb`` folder and has the following format:
+# ``` json
# {
# "SParameterModel": {
# "GRM32_DC0V_25degC_series": "./GRM32_DC0V_25degC_series.s2p"
@@ -73,23 +65,32 @@
# }
# }
# }
+# ```
+# The ``Edb.components.import_definitions()`` method imports the component definitions that map electrical models to the components in the simulation model.
-edbapp.components.import_definition(os.path.join(target_aedb, "1_comp_definition.json"))
+ "1_comp_definition.json"))
-# Import BOM
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
-# This step imports a BOM file in CSV format. The BOM contains the
-# reference designator, part name, component type, and default value.
-# Components not in the BOM are deactivated.
-# In this example the csv file is stored for convenience in aedb folder.
+# ## Import BOM
+# The bill of materials (BOM) file provides the list of all components
+# by reference designator, part name, component type, and nominal value.
+# Components that are not contained in the BOM are deactivated in the
+# simulation model.
+# This example saves the CSV file in the ``aedb`` folder.
+# ```
# +------------+-----------------------+-----------+------------+
# | RefDes | Part name | Type | Value |
# +============+=======================+===========+============+
# | C380 | CAPC1005X55X25LL05T10 | Capacitor | 11nF |
# +------------+-----------------------+-----------+------------+
+# ```
+# Having red the informaton in the BOM and definitions file, electrical models can be
+# assigned to all of the components in the simulation model.
edbapp.components.import_bom(os.path.join(target_aedb, "0_bom.csv"),
@@ -97,38 +98,33 @@
-# Check Component Values
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Verify a Component
# Component property allows to access all components instances and their property with getters and setters.
comp = edbapp.components["C1"]
comp.model_type, comp.value
-# Check Component Definition
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Check component definition
# When an s-parameter model is associated to a component it will be available in nport_comp_definition property.
-# Save Edb
-# ~~~~~~~~
-# Configure Setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# This step allows to define the project. It includes:
-# - Definition of nets to be included into the cutout,
-# - Cutout details,
-# - Components on which to create the ports,
-# - Simulation settings.
+# ## Configure the simulation setup
+# This step enables the following:
+# - Definition of the nets to include in the cutout region
+# - Cutout details
+# - Components to create the ports on
+# - Simulation settings
+# The ``Edb.new_simulaton_configuration()`` method returns an instance
+# of the [``SimulationConfiguration``](https://aedt.docs.pyansys.com/version/stable/EDBAPI/SimulationConfigurationEdb.html) class.
+# +
sim_setup = edbapp.new_simulation_configuration()
sim_setup.solver_type = sim_setup.SOLVER_TYPE.SiwaveSYZ
sim_setup.batch_solve_settings.cutout_subdesign_expansion = 0.003
@@ -146,57 +142,66 @@
sim_setup.ac_settings.start_freq = "100Hz"
sim_setup.ac_settings.stop_freq = "6GHz"
sim_setup.ac_settings.step_freq = "10MHz"
+# -
-# Run Setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~
-# This step allows to create the cutout and apply all settings.
+# ## Implement the setup
+# The cutout and all other simulation settings are applied to the simulation model.
-sim_setup.export_json(os.path.join(project_path, "configuration.json"))
+sim_setup.export_json(os.path.join(temp_dir.name, "configuration.json"))
-# Plot Cutout
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Plot cutout once finished.
+# ## Display the cutout
+# Plot cutout once finished. The model is ready to simulate.
-# Save and Close EDB
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Edb will be saved and closed in order to be opened by Hfss 3D Layout and solved.
+# ## Save and close EDB
+# EDB is saved and re-opened in HFSS
+# 3D Layout, where the HFSS simulation can be run.
-# Open Aedt
-# ~~~~~~~~~
-# Project folder aedb will be opened in AEDT Hfss3DLayout and loaded.
-h3d = pyaedt.Hfss3dLayout(specified_version="2023.2", projectname=target_aedb, non_graphical=non_graphical, new_desktop_session=True)
+# ## Open Electronics Desktop
+# The EDB is opened in AEDT Hfss3DLayout.
+# Set ``non_graphical=True`` to run the simulation in non-graphical mode.
+h3d = pyaedt.Hfss3dLayout(specified_version="2023.2",
+ projectname=target_aedb,
+ non_graphical=False,
+ new_desktop_session=False)
+# ## Analyze
+# This project is ready to solve. Executing the following cell runs the HFSS simulation on the layout.
-# Analyze
-# ~~~~~~~
-# Project will be solved.
-# Get Results
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
-# S Parameter data will be loaded at the end of simulation.
+# ## View results
+# S-parameter data is loaded at the end of simulation.
solutions = h3d.post.get_solution_data()
-# Plot Results
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Plot S Parameter data.
+# ## Plot results
+# Plot S-Parameter data.
solutions.plot(solutions.expressions, "db20")
-# Save and Close AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Hfss3dLayout is saved and closed.
+# ## Save and close AEDT
+# HFSS 3D Layout is saved and closed.
+# Clean up the temporary directory. All files and the temporary project
+# folder will be deleted in the next step.
diff --git a/examples/00-EDB/10_GDS_workflow.py b/examples/00-EDB/10_GDS_workflow.py
index 091e289c5e7..7215dc6fdd7 100644
--- a/examples/00-EDB/10_GDS_workflow.py
+++ b/examples/00-EDB/10_GDS_workflow.py
@@ -1,13 +1,9 @@
-EDB: Edit Control File and import gds
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to import a gds from an IC file.
+# # EDB: Edit Control File and import gds
+# This example demonstrates how to import a gds layout for subsequent
+# simulation with HFSS.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Perform required imports, which includes importing a section.
+# Perform imports.
import os
import tempfile
@@ -15,22 +11,32 @@
import shutil
from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.control_file import ControlFile
-# Download file
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Download the AEDB file and copy it in the temporary folder.
-temppath = tempfile.gettempdir()
-local_path = pyaedt.downloads.download_file('gds')
-c_file_in = os.path.join(
- local_path, "sky130_fictitious_dtc_example_control_no_map.xml"
-c_map = os.path.join(local_path, "dummy_layermap.map")
-gds_in = os.path.join(local_path, "sky130_fictitious_dtc_example.gds")
-gds_out = os.path.join(temppath, "example.gds")
+# ## Fetch Example Data
+# Download the EDB folder and copy it to a temporary folder.
+# The following files are used in this example:
+# - _sky130_fictious_dtc_exmple_contol_no_map.xml_
+# defines physical information such
+# as material properties, stackup layers, and boundary conditions.
+# - _dummy_layermap.map_
+# maps properties to stackup layers.
+# +
+temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".ansys")
+control_fn = "sky130_fictitious_dtc_example_control_no_map.xml"
+gds_fn = "sky130_fictitious_dtc_example.gds"
+layer_map = "dummy_layermap.map"
+local_path = pyaedt.downloads.download_file('gds', destination=temp_dir.name)
+c_file_in = os.path.join(local_path, control_fn)
+c_map = os.path.join(local_path, layer_map)
+gds_in = os.path.join(local_path, gds_fn)
+gds_out = os.path.join(temp_dir, "gds_out.gds")
shutil.copy2(gds_in,gds_out )
-# Control file
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# -
+# ## Control file
# A Control file is an xml file which purpose if to provide additional
# information during import phase. It can include, materials, stackup, setup, boundaries and settings.
# In this example we will import an existing xml, integrate it with a layer mapping file of gds
@@ -38,18 +44,17 @@
c = ControlFile(c_file_in, layer_map=c_map)
+# ## Set up simulation
+# This code sets up a simulation with HFSS and adds a frequency sweep.
-# Simulation setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Here we setup simulation with HFSS and add a frequency sweep.
setup = c.setups.add_setup("Setup1", "1GHz")
setup.add_sweep("Sweep1", "0.01GHz", "5GHz", "0.1GHz")
-# Additional stackup settings
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# After import user can change stackup settings and add/remove layers or materials.
+# ## Provide additional stackup settings
+# After import, you can change the stackup settings and add or remove layers or materials.
c.stackup.units = "um"
c.stackup.dielectrics_base_elevation = -100
c.stackup.metal_layer_snapping_tolerance = "10nm"
@@ -57,14 +62,13 @@
via.create_via_group = True
via.snap_via_group = True
-# Boundaries settings
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Define boundary settings
# Boundaries can include ports, components and boundary extent.
c.boundaries.units = "um"
-c.boundaries.add_port("P1", x1=223.7, y1=222.6, layer1="Metal6", x2=223.7, y2=100, layer2="Metal6")
+c.boundaries.add_port("P1", x1=223.7, y1=222.6, layer1="Metal6",
+ x2=223.7, y2=100, layer2="Metal6")
comp = c.components.add_component("B1", "BGA", "IC", "Flip chip", "Cylinder")
comp.solder_diameter = "65um"
@@ -74,31 +78,35 @@
comp.add_pin("4", "81.28", "214.6", "met2")
c.import_options.import_dummy_nets = True
-# Write xml
-# ~~~~~~~~~
-# After all settings are ready we can write xml.
+# ## Write XML file
+# After all settings are ready, you can write an XML file.
-c.write_xml(os.path.join(temppath, "output.xml"))
+c.write_xml(os.path.join(temp_dir.name, "output.xml"))
-# Open Edb
-# ~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Open EDB
# Import the gds and open the edb.
+# +
from pyaedt import Edb
-edb = Edb(gds_out, edbversion="2023.2", technology_file=os.path.join(temppath, "output.xml"))
+edb = Edb(gds_out, edbversion="2023.2",
+ technology_file=os.path.join(temp_dir.name, "output.xml"))
+# -
+# ## Plot stackup
+# Plot the stackup.
-# Plot Stackup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Stackup plot.
-# Close Edb
-# ~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Close EDB
# Close the project.
\ No newline at end of file
+# Clean up the temporary folder.
diff --git a/examples/00-EDB/11_post_layout_parameterization.py b/examples/00-EDB/11_post_layout_parameterization.py
index 4925a6e4217..34a019edc82 100644
--- a/examples/00-EDB/11_post_layout_parameterization.py
+++ b/examples/00-EDB/11_post_layout_parameterization.py
@@ -1,44 +1,39 @@
-EDB: post-layout parameterization
-This example shows you how to parameterize the signal net in post-layout.
-# Define input parameters
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # EDB: post-layout parameterization
+# This example shows you how to parameterize the signal net in post-layout.
+# Define input parameters.
signal_net_name = "DDR4_ALERT3"
-coplanar_plane_net_name = "1V0" # Specify coplanar plane net name for adding clearance
-layers = ["16_Bottom"] # Specify layers to be parameterized
+coplanar_plane_net_name = "1V0" # Specify name of coplanar plane net for adding clearance
+layers = ["16_Bottom"] # Specify layers to parameterize
+# Perform required imports.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
import os
import tempfile
import pyaedt
-from pyaedt import downloads
-from pyaedt import Edb
+temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".ansys")
+# Download and open example layout file in edb format.
-temppath = pyaedt.generate_unique_folder_name()
+edb_path = pyaedt.downloads.download_file('edb/ANSYS-HSD_V1.aedb',
+ destination=temp_dir.name)
+edb = pyaedt.Edb(edb_path, edbversion="2023.2")
-# Download and open example layout file in edb format
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-edb_fpath = pyaedt.downloads.download_file('edb/ANSYS-HSD_V1.aedb',destination=temppath)
-appedb = Edb(edb_fpath, edbversion="2023.2")
+# ## Create cutout
+# The ``Edb.cutout()`` method takes a list of
+# signal nets as the first argument and a list of
+# reference nets as the second argument.
-# Cutout
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-appedb.cutout([signal_net_name], [coplanar_plane_net_name, "GND"],
+edb.cutout([signal_net_name], [coplanar_plane_net_name, "GND"],
-# Get all trace segments from the signal net
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-net = appedb.nets[signal_net_name]
+# Retrieve the path segments from the signal net.
+net = edb.nets[signal_net_name]
trace_segments = []
for p in net.primitives:
if p.layer_name not in layers:
@@ -47,47 +42,47 @@
-# Create and assign delta w variable per layer
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Create and assign delta w variable per layer.
for p in trace_segments:
vname = f"{p.net_name}_{p.layer_name}_dw"
- if vname not in appedb.variables:
- appedb[vname] = "0mm"
+ if vname not in edb.variables:
+ edb[vname] = "0mm"
new_w = f"{p.width}+{vname}"
p.width = new_w
-# Delete existing clearance
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Delete existing clearance.
for p in trace_segments:
- for g in appedb.modeler.get_polygons_by_layer(p.layer_name, coplanar_plane_net_name):
+ for g in edb.modeler.get_polygons_by_layer(p.layer_name,
+ coplanar_plane_net_name):
for v in g.voids:
if p.is_intersecting(v):
-# Create and assign clearance variable per layer
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Create and assign the clearance variable for each layer.
for p in trace_segments:
clr = f"{p.net_name}_{p.layer_name}_clr"
- if clr not in appedb.variables:
- appedb[clr] = "0.5mm"
+ if clr not in edb.variables:
+ edb[clr] = "0.5mm"
path = p.get_center_line()
- for g in appedb.modeler.get_polygons_by_layer(p.layer_name, coplanar_plane_net_name):
- void = appedb.modeler.create_trace(path, p.layer_name, f"{p.width}+{clr}*2")
+ for g in edb.modeler.get_polygons_by_layer(p.layer_name,
+ coplanar_plane_net_name):
+ void = edb.modeler.create_trace(path, p.layer_name, f"{p.width}+{clr}*2")
-# Plot
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-appedb.nets.plot(layers=layers[0], size=2000)
+# Visualize the layout.
+edb.nets.plot(layers=layers[0], size=2000)
+# Save the AEDB file and close EDB.
+save_edb_path = os.path.join(temp_dir.name, "post_layout_parameterization.aedb")
+print("Edb is saved to ", save_edb_path)
-# Save and close Edb
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Clean up the temporary folder.
-save_edb_fpath = os.path.join(temppath, pyaedt.generate_unique_name("post_layout_parameterization") + ".aedb")
-print("Edb is saved to ", save_edb_fpath)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/00-EDB/12_edb_sma_connector_on_board.py b/examples/00-EDB/12_edb_sma_connector_on_board.py
index ee73e020f51..e590988f7bc 100644
--- a/examples/00-EDB/12_edb_sma_connector_on_board.py
+++ b/examples/00-EDB/12_edb_sma_connector_on_board.py
@@ -1,49 +1,46 @@
-EDB: geometry creation
-This example shows how to
-1, Create a parameterized PCB layout design.
-2, Place 3D component on PCB.
-3, Create HFSS setup and frequency sweep with a mesh operation.
-4, Create return loss plot
+# # EDB: geometry creation
-# Final expected project
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# This example shows how to
+# 1. Create a parameterized PCB with an SMA connector footprint for a single-ended
+# SMA connector launch footprint..
+# 2. Place 3D component on PCB.
+# 3. Create HFSS setup and frequency sweep with a mesh operation.
+# 4. Create return loss plot
+# ## See the finished project
-# .. image:: ../../_static/edb_example_12_sma_connector_on_board.png
-# :width: 600
-# :alt: Differential Vias.
-# Create parameterized PCB
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Initialize an empty EDB layout object on version 2023 R2.
+# ## Create a parameterized PCB
+# Import dependencies.
import os
import numpy as np
import pyaedt
+import tempfile
+# Create the EDB.
+# +
ansys_version = "2023.2"
+temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".ansys")
+working_folder = temp_dir.name
-aedb_path = os.path.join(pyaedt.generate_unique_folder_name(), pyaedt.generate_unique_name("pcb") + ".aedb")
+aedb_path = os.path.join(working_folder, "pcb.aedb")
edb = pyaedt.Edb(edbpath=aedb_path, edbversion=ansys_version)
-print("EDB is located at {}".format(aedb_path))
+print("AEDB file is located in {}".format(aedb_path))
+# -
-# Create FR4 material
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Add the FR4 dielectric for the PCB.
edb.materials.add_dielectric_material("ANSYS_FR4", 3.5, 0.005)
-# Create stackup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# A stackup can be created by importing from a csv/xml file or adding layer by layer.
+# ## Create Stackup
+# While this code explicitly defines the stackup, you can import it
+# from a from a CSV or XML file using the
+# ``Edb.stackup.import_stackup()`` method.
edb.add_design_variable("$DIEL_T", "0.15mm")
@@ -58,23 +55,22 @@
edb.stackup.add_layer("D1", "GND", layer_type="dielectric", thickness="$DIEL_T", material="ANSYS_FR4")
edb.stackup.add_layer("TOP", "Diel", thickness="0.05mm")
-# Create ground planes
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Create ground conductors.
+# +
edb.add_design_variable("PCB_W", "20mm")
edb.add_design_variable("PCB_L", "20mm")
gnd_dict = {}
for layer_name in edb.stackup.signal_layers.keys():
gnd_dict[layer_name] = edb.modeler.create_rectangle(layer_name, "GND", [0, "PCB_W/-2"], ["PCB_L", "PCB_W/2"])
+# -
-# Create signal net
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create signal net
# Create signal net on layer 3, and add clearance to the ground plane.
+# +
edb.add_design_variable("SIG_L", "10mm")
edb.add_design_variable("SIG_W", "0.1mm")
edb.add_design_variable("SIG_C", "0.3mm")
@@ -85,114 +81,116 @@
signal_path = (["5mm", 0], ["PCB_L", 0])
clr = edb.modeler.create_trace(signal_path, "L3", "SIG_C*2+SIG_W", "SIG", "Flat", "Flat")
+# -
-# Create signal vias
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Create via padstack definition. Place the signal vias.
+# ## Place signal vias
+# Create the via padstack definition and place the signal vias.
edb.add_design_variable("SG_VIA_D", "1mm")
edb.add_design_variable("$VIA_AP_D", "1.2mm")
edb.padstacks.create("ANSYS_VIA", "0.3mm", "0.5mm", "$VIA_AP_D")
edb.padstacks.place(["5mm", 0], "ANSYS_VIA", "SIG")
-# Create ground vias around signal via
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Create ground vias around the SMA
+# connector launch footprint. The vias
+# are placed around the circumference
+# of the launch from 35 degrees to 325
+# degrees.
-for i in np.arange(30, 331, 30):
+for i in np.arange(30, 326, 35):
px = np.cos(i / 180 * np.pi)
py = np.sin(i / 180 * np.pi)
edb.padstacks.place(["{}*{}+5mm".format("SG_VIA_D", px), "{}*{}".format("SG_VIA_D", py)], "ANSYS_VIA", "GND")
-# Create ground vias along signal trace
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Create ground vias along the signal trace.
for i in np.arange(2e-3, edb.variables["SIG_L"].value - 2e-3, 2e-3):
edb.padstacks.place(["{}+5mm".format(i), "1mm"], "ANSYS_VIA", "GND")
edb.padstacks.place(["{}+5mm".format(i), "-1mm"], "ANSYS_VIA", "GND")
-# Create a wave port at the end of the signal trace
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Create a wave port at the end of the signal trace.
signal_trace.create_edge_port("port_1", "End", "Wave", horizontal_extent_factor=10)
-# Set hfss options
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set up HFSS simulation
+# The ``max_num_passes`` argument sets an upper limit on the
+# number of adaptive passes for mesh refinement.
+# For broadband applications when the simulation results may be used
+# to generate a SPICE model, the outer domain boundary can be
+# located roughly $$ d=\lambda/8 $$ from the internal structures
+# in the model.
+# +
+extend_domain = 3E11/5E9/8.0 # Quarter wavelength at 4 GHz.
edb.design_options.antipads_always_on = True
-edb.hfss.hfss_extent_info.air_box_horizontal_extent = 0.01
-edb.hfss.hfss_extent_info.air_box_positive_vertical_extent = 2
-edb.hfss.hfss_extent_info.air_box_negative_vertical_extent = 2
-# Create setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+edb.hfss.hfss_extent_info.air_box_horizontal_extent = extend_domain
+edb.hfss.hfss_extent_info.air_box_positive_vertical_extent = extend_domain
+edb.hfss.hfss_extent_info.air_box_negative_vertical_extent = extend_domain
setup = edb.create_hfss_setup("Setup1")
-setup.set_solution_single_frequency("5GHz", max_num_passes=2, max_delta_s="0.01")
+setup.set_solution_single_frequency("5GHz", max_num_passes=8, max_delta_s="0.02")
setup.hfss_solver_settings.order_basis = "first"
+# -
+# Add a mesh operation to the setup.
-# Add mesh operation to setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
edb.setups["Setup1"].add_length_mesh_operation({"SIG": ["L3"]}, "m1", max_length="0.1mm")
-# Add frequency sweep to setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Add a frequency sweep to setup.
+# When the simulation results are to
+# be used for transient SPICE analysis, you should
+# use the following strategy:
+# - DC point
+# - Logarithmic sweep from 1 kHz to 100 MHz
+# - Linear scale for higher frequencies.
["linear count", "0", "1KHz", 1],
- ["log scale", "1KHz", "0.1GHz", 10],
+ ["log scale", "1KHz", "100MHz", 10],
["linear scale", "0.1GHz", "5GHz", "0.1GHz"],
-# Save and close EDB
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Save and close EDB.
-# Launch Hfss3dLayout
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Launch HFSS 3D Layout.
h3d = pyaedt.Hfss3dLayout(aedb_path, specified_version=ansys_version, new_desktop_session=True)
-# Place 3D component
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-component3d = pyaedt.downloads.download_file("component_3d", "SMA_RF_SURFACE_MOUNT.a3dcomp",)
+# Place a 3D component.
+full_comp_name = pyaedt.downloads.download_file("component_3d",
+ filename="SMA_RF_SURFACE_MOUNT.a3dcomp",
+ destination=working_folder)
comp = h3d.modeler.place_3d_component(
- component_path=component3d, number_of_terminals=1, placement_layer="TOP", component_name="my_connector",
+ component_path=full_comp_name, number_of_terminals=1,
+ placement_layer="TOP", component_name="my_connector",
pos_x="5mm", pos_y=0.000)
-# Analysis
-# ~~~~~~~~
+# ## Run simulation
-# Create return loss plot
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Visualize the return loss.
h3d.post.create_report("dB(S(port_1, port_1))")
-# Save and close the project
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Save and close the project.
print("Project is saved to {}".format(h3d.project_path))
h3d.release_desktop(True, True)
+# ## Clean up the temporary folder.
diff --git a/examples/00-EDB/13_edb_create_component.py b/examples/00-EDB/13_edb_create_component.py
index 9c3571e4e7a..7f7c6916a81 100644
--- a/examples/00-EDB/13_edb_create_component.py
+++ b/examples/00-EDB/13_edb_create_component.py
@@ -1,44 +1,43 @@
-EDB: geometry creation
-This example shows how to
-1, Create a layout layer stackup.
-2, Create Padstack definition.
-3, Place padstack instances at given location.
-4, Create primitives, polygon and trace.
-5, Create component from pins.
-6, Create HFSS simulation setup and excitation ports.
+# # EDB: Layout Creation and Setup
-# Final expected project
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# This example demonstrates how to to
-# .. image:: ../../_static/connector_example.png
-# :width: 600
-# :alt: Connector from Vias.
+# 1. Create a layout layer stackup.
+# 2. Define padstacks.
+# 3. Place padstack instances in the layout where the connectors are located.
+# 4. Create primitives such as polygons and traces.
+# 5. Create "components" from the padstack definitions using "pins".
+# >The "component" in EDB acts as a placeholder to enable automatic
+# >placement of electrical models, or
+# >as in this example to assign ports. In many
+# >cases the EDB is imported from a 3rd party layout, in which case the
+# >concept of a "component" as a placeholder is needed to map
+# >models to the components on the PCB for later use in the
+# >simulation.
+# 7. Create the HFSS simulation setup and assign ports where the connectors are located.
+# ## View PCB trace model
+# Here is an image of the model that is created in this example.
+# The rectangular sheets at each end of the PCB enable placement of ports where the connectors are located.
-# Create connector component from pad-stack
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Initialize an empty EDB layout object on version 2023 R2.
+# Initialize the EDB layout object.
import os
import pyaedt
+import tempfile
from pyaedt import Edb
-aedb_path = os.path.join(pyaedt.generate_unique_folder_name(),
- pyaedt.generate_unique_name("component_example") + ".aedb")
+temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".ansys")
+aedb_path = os.path.join(temp_dir.name, "component_example.aedb")
edb = Edb(edbpath=aedb_path, edbversion="2023.2")
print("EDB is located at {}".format(aedb_path))
# Initialize variables
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
layout_count = 12
diel_material_name = "FR4_epoxy"
@@ -52,18 +51,14 @@
connector_size = 2e-3
conectors_position = [[0, 0], [10e-3, 0]]
-# Create stackup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Create the stackup
edb.stackup.create_symmetric_stackup(layer_count=layout_count, inner_layer_thickness=cond_thickness_inner,
soldermask_thickness=soldermask_thickness, dielectric_thickness=diel_thickness,
# Create ground planes
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ground_layers = [layer_name for layer_name in edb.stackup.signal_layers.keys() if layer_name not in
[trace_in_layer, trace_out_layer]]
@@ -71,9 +66,13 @@
for i in ground_layers:
edb.modeler.create_polygon(plane_shape, i, net_name="VSS")
-# Add design variables
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ### Add design parameters
+# Parameters that are preceeded by a _"$"_ character have project-wide scope.
+# Therefore, the padstack **definition** and hence all instances of that padstack rely on the parameters.
+# Parameters such as _"trace_in_width"_ and _"trace_out_width"_ have local scope and
+# are only used in in the design.
edb.add_design_variable("$via_hole_size", "0.3mm")
edb.add_design_variable("$antipaddiam", "0.7mm")
@@ -81,16 +80,14 @@
edb.add_design_variable("trace_in_width", "0.2mm", is_parameter=True)
edb.add_design_variable("trace_out_width", "0.1mm", is_parameter=True)
-# Create padstack definition
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ### Create the connector component
+# The component definition is used to place the connector on the PCB. First define the padstacks.
edb.padstacks.create_padstack(padstackname="Via", holediam="$via_hole_size", antipaddiam="$antipaddiam",
-# Create connector 1
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Create the first connector
component1_pins = [edb.padstacks.place_padstack(conectors_position[0], "Via", net_name="VDD", fromlayer=trace_in_layer,
@@ -107,9 +104,7 @@
conectors_position[0][1] + connector_size / 2],
"Via", net_name="VSS")]
-# Create connector 2
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Create the second connector
component2_pins = [
edb.padstacks.place_padstack(conectors_position[-1], "Via", net_name="VDD", fromlayer=trace_in_layer,
@@ -127,23 +122,20 @@
conectors_position[1][1] + connector_size / 2],
"Via", net_name="VSS")]
-# Create layout pins
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ### Define pins
+# Pins are fist defined to allow a component to subsequently connect to the remainder
+# of the model. In this case, ports are assigned at the connector instances using the pins.
for padstack_instance in list(edb.padstacks.instances.values()):
padstack_instance.is_pin = True
-# create component from pins
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Create components from the pins
edb.components.create(component1_pins, 'connector_1')
edb.components.create(component2_pins, 'connector_2')
-# Creating ports and adding simulation setup using SimulationConfiguration class
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Create ports on the pins and insert a simulation setup using the ``SimulationConfiguration`` class.
sim_setup = edb.new_simulation_configuration()
sim_setup.solver_type = sim_setup.SOLVER_TYPE.Hfss3dLayout
@@ -157,14 +149,31 @@
sim_setup.ac_settings.step_freq = "1GHz"
-# Save EDB and open in AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Save the EDB and open it in the 3D Layout editor. If ``non_graphical==False``,
+# there may be a delay while AEDT starts.
h3d = pyaedt.Hfss3dLayout(specified_version="2023.2",
- non_graphical=False,
+ non_graphical=False, # Set non_graphical = False to launch AEDT in graphical mode.
-h3d.release_desktop(False, False)
+# ### Release the application from the Python kernel
+# It is important to release the application from the Python kernel after
+# execution of the script. The default behavior of the ``release_desktop()`` method closes all open
+# projects and closes the application.
+# If you want to conintue working on the project in graphical mode
+# after script execution, call the following method with both arguments set to ``False``.
+h3d.release_desktop(close_projects=True, close_desktop=True)
+# ### Clean up the temporary directory
+# The following command cleans up the temporary directory, thereby removing all
+# project files. If you'd like to save this project, save it to a folder of your choice
+# prior to running the following cell.
diff --git a/examples/00-EDB/14_edb_create_parametrized_design.py b/examples/00-EDB/14_edb_create_parametrized_design.py
index d4cf224f299..0e5b7740711 100644
--- a/examples/00-EDB/14_edb_create_parametrized_design.py
+++ b/examples/00-EDB/14_edb_create_parametrized_design.py
@@ -1,40 +1,39 @@
-EDB: parameterized design
-This example shows how to
-1, Create an HFSS simulation project using SimulationConfiguration class.
-2, Create automatically parametrized design.
+# # EDB: parameterized design
+# This example shows how to
+# 1. Set up an HFSS project using SimulationConfiguration class.
+# 2. Create automatically parametrized design.
+# This image shows the layout created in this example:
-# Final expected project
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# .. image:: ../../_static/parametrized_design.png
-# :width: 600
-# :alt: Fully automated parametrization.
-# Create HFSS simulatio project
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Load an existing EDB folder.
+# Import dependencies.
import os
import pyaedt
+import tempfile
+# Create an instance of a pyaedt.Edb object.
-project_path = pyaedt.generate_unique_folder_name()
-target_aedb = pyaedt.downloads.download_file('edb/ANSYS-HSD_V1.aedb', destination=project_path)
-print("Project folder will be", target_aedb)
+# +
+temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".ansys")
+target_aedb = pyaedt.downloads.download_file('edb/ANSYS-HSD_V1.aedb', destination=temp_dir.name)
+print("Project is located in ", target_aedb)
aedt_version = "2023.2"
edb = pyaedt.Edb(edbpath=target_aedb, edbversion=aedt_version)
-print("EDB is located at {}".format(target_aedb))
+print("AEDB file is located in {}".format(target_aedb))
+# -
-# Create SimulationConfiguration object and define simulation parameters
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ### Prepare the layout for the simulation
+# The ``new_simulation_configuration()`` method creates an instance of
+# the ``SimulationConfiguration`` class. This class helps define all preprocessing steps
+# required to set up the PCB for simulation. After the simulation configuration has been defined,
+# they are applied to the EDB using the ``Edb.build_simulation()`` method.
simulation_configuration = edb.new_simulation_configuration()
simulation_configuration.signal_nets = ["PCIe_Gen4_RX0_P", "PCIe_Gen4_RX0_N",
@@ -46,24 +45,57 @@
simulation_configuration.stop_freq = "20GHz"
simulation_configuration.step_freq = "10MHz"
-# Build simulation project
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Now apply the simulation setup to the EDB.
-# Generated design parameters
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ### Parameterize
+# The layout can automatically be set up to enable parametric studies. For example, the
+# impact of antipad diameter or trace width on signal integrity performance may be invested parametrically.
edb.auto_parametrize_design(layers=True, materials=True, via_holes=True, pads=True, antipads=True, traces=True)
-# Open project in AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Open project in AEDT
+# All manipulations thus far have been executed using the EDB API, which provides fast, streamlined processing of
+# layout data in non-graphical mode. The layout and simulation setup can be visualized by opening it using the
+# 3D Layout editor in AEDT.
+# Note that there may be some delay while AEDT is being launched.
+hfss = pyaedt.Hfss3dLayout(projectname=target_aedb,
+ specified_version=aedt_version,
+ non_graphical=False,
+ new_desktop_session=True)
+# The following cell can be used to ensure that the design is valid for simulation.
+validation_info = hfss.validate_full_design()
+is_ready_to_simulate = True
+# +
+for s in validation_info[0]:
+ if "error" in s:
+ print(s)
+ is_ready_to_simulate = False
+if is_ready_to_simulate:
+ print("The model is ready for simulation.")
+ print("There are errors in the model that must be fixed.")
+# -
+# ### Release the application from the Python kernel
+# It is important to release the application from the Python kernel after
+# execution of the script. The default behavior of the ``release_desktop()`` method closes all open
+# projects and closes the application.
+# If you want to continue working on the project in graphical mode
+# after script execution, call the following method with both arguments set to ``False``.
-# Uncomment the following line to open the design in HFSS 3D Layout
-# hfss = pyaedt.Hfss3dLayout(projectname=target_aedb, specified_version=aedt_version, new_desktop_session=True)
-# hfss.release_desktop()
+hfss.release_desktop(close_projects=True, close_desktop=True)
+temp_dir.cleanup() # Remove the temporary folder and files. All data will be removd!
diff --git a/examples/00-EDB/15_ac_analysis.py b/examples/00-EDB/15_ac_analysis.py
index 557d2554cd2..4b65f352459 100644
--- a/examples/00-EDB/15_ac_analysis.py
+++ b/examples/00-EDB/15_ac_analysis.py
@@ -1,51 +1,50 @@
-EDB: SYZ analysis
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to set up SYZ analysis on Serdes channel.
-The input is the name of the differential nets. The positive net is PCIe_Gen4_TX3_CAP_P.
-The negative net is PCIe_Gen4_TX3_CAP_N. The code will place ports on driver and
-receiver components.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # EDB: Network Analysis in SIwave
+# This example shows how to use PyAEDT to set up SYZ analysis on a
+# [serdes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SerDes) channel.
+# The signal input is applied differetially. The positive net is _"PCIe_Gen4_TX3_CAP_P"_.
+# The negative net is _"PCIe_Gen4_TX3_CAP_N"_. In this example, ports are placed on the
+# driver and
+# receiver components.
+# ### Perform required imports
# Perform required imports, which includes importing a section.
import time
import pyaedt
+import tempfile
-# Download file
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ### Download file
# Download the AEDB file and copy it in the temporary folder.
-temp_folder = pyaedt.generate_unique_folder_name()
-targetfile = pyaedt.downloads.download_file('edb/ANSYS-HSD_V1.aedb', destination=temp_folder)
+# +
+temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".ansys")
+edb_full_path = pyaedt.downloads.download_file('edb/ANSYS-HSD_V1.aedb', destination=temp_dir.name)
+# -
-# Configure EDB
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Launch the :class:`pyaedt.Edb` class, using EDB 2023 R2.
+# ### Configure EDB
+# Create an instance of the ``pyaedt.Edb`` class.
-edbapp = pyaedt.Edb(edbpath=targetfile, edbversion="2023.2")
+edbapp = pyaedt.Edb(edbpath=edb_full_path, edbversion="2023.2")
-# Generate extended nets
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# An extended net is a connection between two nets that are usually connected
-# through a passive component like a resistor or capacitor.
+# ### Generate extended nets
+# An extended net consists of two nets that are connected
+# through a passive component such as a resistor or capacitor.
-edbapp.extended_nets.auto_identify_signal(resistor_below=10, inductor_below=1, capacitor_above=1e-9)
+all_nets = edbapp.extended_nets.auto_identify_signal(resistor_below=10,
+ inductor_below=1,
+ capacitor_above=1e-9)
-# Review extended net properties
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Review extended net properties.
+# Review the properties of extended nets.
+# +
diff_p = edbapp.nets["PCIe_Gen4_TX3_CAP_P"]
diff_n = edbapp.nets["PCIe_Gen4_TX3_CAP_N"]
@@ -59,12 +58,11 @@
rlc_n = list(diff_n.extended_net.rlc.keys())
print(comp_p, rlc_p, comp_n, rlc_n, sep="\n")
+# -
-# Prepare input data for port creation
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Prepare input data for port creation.
+# +
ports = []
for net_name, net_obj in diff_p.extended_net.nets.items():
for comp_name, comp_obj in net_obj.components.items():
@@ -81,10 +79,10 @@
print(*ports, sep="\n")
+# -
-# Create ports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ### Create ports
# Solder balls are generated automatically. The default port type is coax port.
for d in ports:
@@ -96,22 +94,16 @@
-# Cutout
-# ~~~~~~
-# Delete all irrelevant nets.
+# ### Cutout
+# Retain only relevant parts of the layout.
nets = []
edbapp.cutout(signal_list=nets, reference_list=["GND"], extent_type="Bounding")
-# Create SYZ analysis setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Create SIwave SYZ setup.
+# Set up the model for network analysis in SIwave.
setup = edbapp.create_siwave_syz_setup("setup1")
@@ -120,48 +112,45 @@
["linear scale", "0.1GHz", "10GHz", "0.1GHz"],
-# Save and close AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Close AEDT.
+# Save and close the EDB.
-# Launch Hfss3dLayout
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# To do SYZ analysis, you must launch HFSS 3D Layout and import EDB into it.
+# ### Launch Hfss3dLayout
+# The HFSS 3D Layout user inteface in AEDT is used to import the EDB and
+# run the analysis. AEDT 3D Layout can be used to view the model
+# if it is launched in graphical mode.
-h3d = pyaedt.Hfss3dLayout(targetfile, specified_version="2023.2", new_desktop_session=True)
+h3d = pyaedt.Hfss3dLayout(edb_full_path,
+ specified_version="2023.2",
+ non_graphical=False, # Set to true for non-graphical mode.
+ new_desktop_session=True)
-# Set differential pair
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Set differential pair.
+# Define the differential pair.
-h3d.set_differential_pair(positive_terminal="U1_PCIe_Gen4_TX3_CAP_P", negative_terminal="U1_PCIe_Gen4_TX3_CAP_N", diff_name="PAIR_U1")
-h3d.set_differential_pair(positive_terminal="X1_PCIe_Gen4_TX3_P", negative_terminal="X1_PCIe_Gen4_TX3_N", diff_name="PAIR_X1")
+ negative_terminal="U1_PCIe_Gen4_TX3_CAP_N",
+ diff_name="PAIR_U1")
+ negative_terminal="X1_PCIe_Gen4_TX3_N",
+ diff_name="PAIR_X1")
-# Solve and plot results
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Solve and plot the results.
-# Create report outside AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Create a report.
+# Visualze the results.
h3d.post.create_report("dB(S(PAIR_U1,PAIR_U1))", context="Differential Pairs")
-# Close AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
# Close AEDT.
print("Project is saved to {}".format(h3d.project_path))
h3d.release_desktop(True, True)
+# The following cell cleans up the temporary directory and removes all project data.
diff --git a/examples/00-EDB/Readme.txt b/examples/00-EDB/Readme.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c7104afa4d1..00000000000
--- a/examples/00-EDB/Readme.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-EDB examples
-These examples use EDB (Electronics Database) with PyAEDT.
-EDB is a powerful API that allows to control PCB data efficently.
-You can either use EDB standalone or embedded in HFSS 3D Layout in AEDT.
diff --git a/doc/source/_static/connector_example.png b/examples/00-EDB/_static/connector_example.png
similarity index 100%
rename from doc/source/_static/connector_example.png
rename to examples/00-EDB/_static/connector_example.png
diff --git a/examples/00-EDB/_static/diff_via.png b/examples/00-EDB/_static/diff_via.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d444d1ccbe6
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/00-EDB/_static/diff_via.png differ
diff --git a/doc/source/_static/edb_example_12_sma_connector_on_board.png b/examples/00-EDB/_static/edb_example_12_sma_connector_on_board.png
similarity index 100%
rename from doc/source/_static/edb_example_12_sma_connector_on_board.png
rename to examples/00-EDB/_static/edb_example_12_sma_connector_on_board.png
diff --git a/doc/source/_static/parametrized_design.png b/examples/00-EDB/_static/parameterized_design.png
similarity index 100%
rename from doc/source/_static/parametrized_design.png
rename to examples/00-EDB/_static/parameterized_design.png
diff --git a/examples/00-EDB/_static/pcb_transition_parameterized.png b/examples/00-EDB/_static/pcb_transition_parameterized.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f75d4a2e673
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/00-EDB/_static/pcb_transition_parameterized.png differ
diff --git a/examples/00-EDB/index.rst b/examples/00-EDB/index.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b989ef9ede4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/00-EDB/index.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+.. _ref_examples_gallery:
+EDB examples
+These examples use EDB (Electronics Database) with PyAEDT.
+EDB is a flexible API that provides efficient control of PCB data.
+The EDB can be used standalone or in combination with the
+electronics desktop user interface.
+.. nbgallery::
+ 00_EDB_Create_VIA.py
+ 01_edb_example.py
+ 02_edb_to_ipc2581.py
+ 03_5G_antenna_example_parametrics.py
+ 04_edb_parametrized_design.py
+ 05_Plot_nets.py
+ 06_Advanced_EDB.py
+ 09_Configuration.py
+ 10_GDS_workflow.py
+ 11_post_layout_parameterization.py
+ 12_edb_sma_connector_on_board.py
+ 13_edb_create_component.py
+ 14_edb_create_parametrized_design.py
+ 15_ac_analysis.py
diff --git a/examples/01-HFSS3DLayout/Dcir_in_3DLayout.py b/examples/01-HFSS3DLayout/Dcir_in_3DLayout.py
index d780f782671..061218cd7d9 100644
--- a/examples/01-HFSS3DLayout/Dcir_in_3DLayout.py
+++ b/examples/01-HFSS3DLayout/Dcir_in_3DLayout.py
@@ -1,30 +1,24 @@
-HFSS 3D Layout: SIwave DCIR analysis in HFSS 3D Layout
-This example shows how you can use configure HFSS 3D Layout for SIwave DCIR
+# # HFSS 3D Layout: SIwave DCIR analysis in HFSS 3D Layout
+# This example shows how to configure a model using the 3D Layout
+# interface for SIwave DC-IR analysis.
import os
import tempfile
import pyaedt
-# Configure EDB for DCIR analysis
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Copy example into temporary folder
-temp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()
-dst_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, pyaedt.generate_unique_name("pyaedt_dcir"))
+temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".ansys")
+dst_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir.name, "pyaedt_dcir")
local_path = pyaedt.downloads.download_aedb(dst_dir)
# Load example board into EDB
edbversion = "2023.2"
appedb = pyaedt.Edb(local_path, edbversion=edbversion)
# Create pin group on VRM positive pins
gnd_name = "GND"
@@ -33,7 +27,6 @@
# Create pin group on VRM negative pins
@@ -41,8 +34,8 @@
# Create voltage source between VRM positive and negative pin groups
@@ -50,7 +43,6 @@
# Create pin group on sink component positive pins
@@ -58,7 +50,6 @@
# Create pin group on sink component negative pins
@@ -66,8 +57,8 @@
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Create place current source between sink component positive and negative pin groups
+# Create place current source between sink component positive and negative pin groups.
@@ -75,61 +66,50 @@
# Add SIwave DCIR analysis
-# Save and close EDB
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Save and close EDB.
-# Analysis DCIR in AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Launch AEDT and import the configured EDB and analysis DCIR
desktop = pyaedt.Desktop(edbversion, non_graphical=False, new_desktop_session=True)
hfss3dl = pyaedt.Hfss3dLayout(local_path)
-# Get element data
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Get loop resistance
loop_resistance = hfss3dl.get_dcir_element_data_loop_resistance(setup_name="my_setup")
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Get current source
current_source = hfss3dl.get_dcir_element_data_current_source(setup_name="my_setup")
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Get via information
via = hfss3dl.get_dcir_element_data_via(setup_name="my_setup")
+# Get voltage from the DC-IR solution data.
-# Get voltage
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Get voltage from dcir solution data
voltage = hfss3dl.get_dcir_solution_data(
print({expression: voltage.data_magnitude(expression) for expression in voltage.expressions})
-# Close AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Close AEDT
+# Clean up the temporary directory.
diff --git a/examples/01-HFSS3DLayout/EDB_in_3DLayout.py b/examples/01-HFSS3DLayout/EDB_in_3DLayout.py
index 48e973b8e9a..9c9c36bda97 100644
--- a/examples/01-HFSS3DLayout/EDB_in_3DLayout.py
+++ b/examples/01-HFSS3DLayout/EDB_in_3DLayout.py
@@ -1,103 +1,76 @@
-HFSS 3D Layout: PCB and EDB in 3D layout
-This example shows how you can use HFSS 3D Layout combined with EDB to
-interact with a 3D layout.
+# # HFSS 3D Layout: PCB and EDB in 3D layout
+# This example shows how you can use HFSS 3D Layout combined with EDB to
+# interact with a 3D layout.
import os
import tempfile
import pyaedt
-tmpfold = tempfile.gettempdir()
-temp_folder = os.path.join(tmpfold, pyaedt.generate_unique_name("Example"))
-if not os.path.exists(temp_folder):
- os.makedirs(temp_folder)
+temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffx=".ansys")
+project_folder = os.path.join(temp_dir.name, "Example")
+if not os.path.exists(project_folder):
+ os.makedirs(project_folder)
-# Copy example into temporary folder
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Copy an example into the temporary folder.
+# Copy an example into the temporary project folder.
targetfile = pyaedt.downloads.download_aedb()
aedt_file = targetfile[:-12] + "aedt"
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Set non-graphical mode.
-# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
+# Set ``non_graphical`` to ``True`` in order to run in non-graphical mode.
+# The example is currently set up to run in graphical mode.
non_graphical = False
NewThread = True
-# Launch AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Launch AEDT 2022R2 in graphical mode using SI units.
+# Launch AEDT 2023R2 in graphical mode. Units are SI.
desktopVersion = "2023.2"
-# Initialize AEDT and launch HFSS 3D Layout
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Initialize AEDT and launch HFSS 3D Layout
# Initialize AEDT and launch HFSS 3D Layout.
-# The ``h3d`` object contains the :class:`pyaedt.Edb` class query methods.
+# The ``h3d`` object contains the `pyaedt.Edb` class query methods.
d = pyaedt.launch_desktop(desktopVersion, non_graphical, NewThread)
if os.path.exists(aedt_file):
h3d = pyaedt.Hfss3dLayout(targetfile)
-h3d.save_project(os.path.join(temp_folder, "edb_demo.aedt"))
+h3d.save_project(os.path.join(project_folder, "edb_demo.aedt"))
-# Print boundaries
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Print boundaries
# Print boundaries from the ``setups`` object.
-# Hide all nets
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Hide all nets.
-# Show only two nets
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Show only two specified nets.
h3d.modeler.change_net_visibility(["A0_GPIO", "A0_MUX"], visible=True)
edb = h3d.modeler.edb
edb.nets.plot(["A0_GPIO", "A0_MUX"])
-# Show all layers
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Show all layers.
for layer in h3d.modeler.layers.all_signal_layers:
layer.is_visible = True
-# Change layer color
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Change the layer color.
layer = h3d.modeler.layers.layers[h3d.modeler.layers.layer_id("TOP")]
layer.set_layer_color(0, 255, 0)
-# Disable component visibility
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Disable component visibility for ``"TOP"`` and ``"BOTTOM"``.
-# The :func:`pyaedt.modules.LayerStackup.Layer.update_stackup_layer` method
+# ## Disable component visibility
+# Disable component visibility for ``"TOP"`` and ``"BOTTOM"`` layers.
+# The `pyaedt.modules.LayerStackup.Layer.update_stackup_layer` method
# applies modifications to the layout.
top = h3d.modeler.layers.layers[h3d.modeler.layers.layer_id("TOP")]
@@ -106,19 +79,21 @@
bot = h3d.modeler.layers.layers[h3d.modeler.layers.layer_id("BOTTOM")]
bot.is_visible_component = False
-# Fit all
-# ~~~~~~~
+# ## Display the Layout
# Fit all so that you can visualize all.
-# Close AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Close AEDT
# After the simulation completes, you can close AEDT or release it using the
-# :func:`pyaedt.Desktop.release_desktop` method.
+# `pyaedt.Desktop.release_desktop` method.
# All methods provide for saving the project before closing.
+# Clean up the temporary directory and remove all files.
diff --git a/examples/01-HFSS3DLayout/HFSS3DLayout_Via.py b/examples/01-HFSS3DLayout/HFSS3DLayout_Via.py
index e769c1a26b6..c0d8f9e5c52 100644
--- a/examples/01-HFSS3DLayout/HFSS3DLayout_Via.py
+++ b/examples/01-HFSS3DLayout/HFSS3DLayout_Via.py
@@ -1,35 +1,23 @@
-HFSS 3D Layout: parametric via analysis
-This example shows how you can use HFSS 3D Layout to create and solve a
-parametric via analysis.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # HFSS 3D Layout: parametric via analysis
+# This example shows how you can use HFSS 3D Layout to create and solve a
# Perform required imports.
import pyaedt
import os
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
non_graphical = True
-# Launch AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
# Launch AEDT 2023 R2 in graphical mode.
h3d = pyaedt.Hfss3dLayout(specified_version="2023.2", new_desktop_session=True, non_graphical=non_graphical)
-# Set up variables
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Set up all parametric variables to use in the layout.
h3d["viatotrace"] = "5mm"
@@ -38,27 +26,18 @@
h3d["sp"] = "0.5mm"
h3d["len"] = "50mm"
-# Add stackup layers
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Add stackup layers.
h3d.modeler.layers.add_layer(layername="GND", layertype="signal", thickness="0", isnegative=True)
h3d.modeler.layers.add_layer(layername="diel", layertype="dielectric", thickness="0.2mm", material="FR4_epoxy")
h3d.modeler.layers.add_layer(layername="TOP", layertype="signal", thickness="0.035mm", elevation="0.2mm")
-# Create signal net and ground planes
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Create a signal net and ground planes.
h3d.modeler.create_line(layername="TOP", center_line_list=[[0, 0], ["len", 0]], lw="w1", netname="microstrip", name="microstrip")
h3d.modeler.create_rectangle(layername="TOP", origin=[0, "-w1/2-sp"], dimensions=["len", "-w1/2-sp-20mm"])
h3d.modeler.create_rectangle(layername="TOP", origin=[0, "w1/2+sp"], dimensions=["len", "w1/2+sp+20mm"])
-# Create vias
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
# Create vias with parametric positions.
h3d.modeler.create_via(x="viatovia", y="-viatotrace", name="via1")
@@ -68,17 +47,11 @@
h3d.modeler.create_via(x="3*viatovia", y="-viatotrace")
h3d.modeler.create_via(x="3*viatovia", y="viatotrace")
-# Create circuit ports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Create circuit ports.
h3d.create_edge_port("microstrip", 0)
h3d.create_edge_port("microstrip", 2)
-# Create setup and sweep
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Create a setup and a sweep.
setup = h3d.create_setup()
@@ -96,30 +69,25 @@
-# Solve and plot results
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Solve and plot the results.
traces = h3d.get_traces_for_plot(first_element_filter="Port1")
h3d.post.create_report(traces, variations=h3d.available_variations.nominal_w_values_dict)
-# Create report outside AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Create a report using Matplotlib.
+# Display the results using [Matplotlib](https://matplotlib.org/stable/users/getting_started/).
+# +
traces = h3d.get_traces_for_plot(first_element_filter="Port1", category="S")
solutions = h3d.post.get_solution_data(expressions=traces)
+# -
-# Close AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Close AEDT
# After the simulation completes, you can close AEDT or release it using the
-# :func:`pyaedt.Desktop.release_desktop` method.
+# `pyaedt.Desktop.release_desktop` method.
# All methods provide for saving the project before closing.
diff --git a/examples/01-HFSS3DLayout/Hfss3DComponent.py b/examples/01-HFSS3DLayout/Hfss3DComponent.py
index 2fcf13eaa54..0d532c83c9f 100644
--- a/examples/01-HFSS3DLayout/Hfss3DComponent.py
+++ b/examples/01-HFSS3DLayout/Hfss3DComponent.py
@@ -1,22 +1,16 @@
-HFSS: 3D Components
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to place 3D Components in Hfss and in Hfss 3D Layout.
+# # HFSS: 3D Components
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to place 3D Components in Hfss and in Hfss 3D Layout.
import os
import pyaedt
+import tempfile
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
non_graphical = False
-# Common Properties
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Set common properties.
trace_width = 0.6
@@ -28,39 +22,35 @@
desktop_version = "2023.2"
new_session = True
-# 3D Component Definition
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# File to be used in the example
+# ## 3D Component Definition
+# Download the 3D component file.
component3d = pyaedt.downloads.download_file("component_3d", "SMA_RF_Jack.a3dcomp",)
-# Hfss Example
-# ------------
+# ## Hfss Example
# This example will create a stackup in Hfss place a 3d component, build a ground plane, a trace,
# create excitation and solve it in Hfss.
-# Launch Hfss
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
# Launch HFSS application
-hfss = pyaedt.Hfss(new_desktop_session=True, specified_version="2023.2", non_graphical=non_graphical)
+temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".ansys")
+projectname = os.path.join("component_demo.aedt")
+hfss = pyaedt.Hfss(projectname=projectname,
+ new_desktop_session=True,
+ specified_version=desktop_version,
+ non_graphical=non_graphical)
hfss.solution_type = "Terminal"
-# Insert 3d Component
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# To insert a 3d component we need to read parameters and then import in Hfss.
comp_param = hfss.get_components3d_vars(component3d)
hfss.modeler.insert_3d_component(component3d, comp_param)
-# Add a new Stackup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Define the Stackup
# Pyaedt has a Stackup class which allows to parametrize stacked structures.
stackup = hfss.add_stackup_3d()
@@ -68,9 +58,6 @@
d1 = stackup.add_dielectric_layer("D1", thickness=diel_height)
g1 = stackup.add_ground_layer("G1", thickness=sig_height)
-# Define stackup extensions
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Define stackup elevation and size. Defines also the stackup origin.
stackup.start_position = "-131mil"
@@ -79,9 +66,8 @@
stackup.dielectric_y_position = "-dielectric_width/2"
stackup.dielectric_x_position = "-dielectric_length/4"
-# Padstack Definition
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Padstack Definition
# Padstacks are needed to create a clearance around 3d component since
# intersections are not allowed. There will be 1 padstack for Gnd and 1 for pin.
@@ -104,9 +90,8 @@
p2.padstacks_by_layer["L1"].pad_radius = 0.3048
p2.add_via(0, 0)
-# Trace Definition
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Trace Definition
# The trace will connect the pin to the port on layer L1.
t1 = s1.add_trace(trace_width, trace_length)
@@ -115,19 +100,17 @@
dimension_list=["15*" + t1.width.name, "-3*" + stackup.thickness.name])
p1 = hfss.wave_port(signal=rect1, reference="G1", name="P1")
-# Set Simulation Boundaries
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set Simulation Boundaries
# Define regione and simulation boundaries.
-region = hfss.modeler.create_region([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100])
+region = hfss.modeler.create_region([100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100])
sheets = [i for i in region.faces]
-# Create Setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create Setup
# Iterations will be reduced to reduce simulation time.
setup1 = hfss.create_setup()
@@ -135,48 +118,42 @@
setup1.props["Frequency"] = freq
setup1.props["MaximumPasses"] = max_steps
-# Solve Setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Solve Setup
# Save the project first and then solve the setup.
-# Plot results
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Plot results
# Plot the results when analysis is completed.
traces = hfss.get_traces_for_plot(category="S")
solutions = hfss.post.get_solution_data(traces)
solutions.plot(traces, math_formula="db20")
-# Hfss 3D Layout Example
-# ----------------------
+# ## Hfss 3D Layout Example
# Previous example will be repeated this time in Hfss 3d Layout.
# Small differences are expected in layout but results should be similar.
-# Launch Hfss3dLayout
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch Hfss3dLayout
# Launch HFSS3dLayout application
h3d = pyaedt.Hfss3dLayout()
-# Add stackup layers
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Add stackup layers
# Add stackup layers.
l1 = h3d.modeler.layers.add_layer("L1", "signal", thickness=sig_height)
h3d.modeler.layers.add_layer("diel", "dielectric", thickness=diel_height, material="FR4_epoxy")
h3d.modeler.layers.add_layer("G1", "signal", thickness=sig_height, isnegative=True)
-# Place 3d Component
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Place 3d Component
# Place a 3d component by specifying the .a3dcomp file path.
comp = h3d.modeler.place_3d_component(
@@ -184,9 +161,8 @@
pos_x=0.000, pos_y=0.000
-# Create signal net and ground planes
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create signal net and ground planes
# Create a signal net and ground planes.
h3d["len"] = str(trace_length) + "mm"
@@ -194,16 +170,12 @@
line = h3d.modeler.create_line("L1", [[0, 0], ["len", 0]], lw="w1", netname="microstrip", name="microstrip")
h3d.create_edge_port(line, h3d.modeler[line].top_edge_x, iswave=True, wave_horizontal_extension=15, )
# Create void on Ground plane for pin
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Create a void.
h3d.modeler.create_circle("G1", 0, 0, 0.5)
-# Create Setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create Setup
# Iterations will be reduced to reduce simulation time.
h3d.set_meshing_settings(mesh_method="PhiPlus", enable_intersections_check=False)
@@ -214,15 +186,11 @@
setup1.props["AdaptiveSettings"]["SingleFrequencyDataList"]["AdaptiveFrequencyData"]["AdaptiveFrequency"] = freq
setup1.props["AdaptiveSettings"]["SingleFrequencyDataList"]["AdaptiveFrequencyData"]["MaxPasses"] = max_steps
# Solve Setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
# Plot results
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
traces = h3d.get_traces_for_plot(category="S")
solutions = h3d.post.get_solution_data(traces)
@@ -230,3 +198,5 @@
+temp_dir.cleanup() # Remove project folder and files.
diff --git a/examples/01-HFSS3DLayout/Readme.txt b/examples/01-HFSS3DLayout/index.rst
similarity index 63%
rename from examples/01-HFSS3DLayout/Readme.txt
rename to examples/01-HFSS3DLayout/index.rst
index daf9b1637e8..6e8a78a1346 100644
--- a/examples/01-HFSS3DLayout/Readme.txt
+++ b/examples/01-HFSS3DLayout/index.rst
@@ -2,3 +2,10 @@ HFSS 3D Layout examples
These examples use PyAEDT to show some end-to-end workflows for HFSS 3D Layout.
It includes model generation, setup, meshing, and post-processing.
+.. nbgallery::
+ Dcir_in_3DLayout.py
+ EDB_in_3DLayout.py
+ Hfss3DComponent.py
+ HFSS3DLayout_Via.py
diff --git a/examples/01-Modeling-Setup/Configurations.py b/examples/01-Modeling-Setup/Configurations.py
index 473b1ec9f16..7f8ef5b9b23 100644
--- a/examples/01-Modeling-Setup/Configurations.py
+++ b/examples/01-Modeling-Setup/Configurations.py
@@ -1,77 +1,68 @@
-General: configuration files
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to export configuration files and re-use
-them to import in a new project. A configuration file is supported by these applications:
-* 2D Extractor and Q3D Extractor
-* Maxwell
-* Icepak (in AEDT)
-* Mechanical (in AEDT)
-The following sections are covered:
-* Variables
-* Mesh operations (except Icepak)
-* Setup and optimetrics
-* Material properties
-* Object properties
-* Boundaries and excitations
-When a boundary is attached to a face, the tool tries to match it with a
-``FaceByPosition`` on the same object name on the target design. If, for
-any reason, this face position has changed or the object name in the target
-design has changed, the boundary fails to apply.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Perform required imports from PyAEDT.
+# # General: configuration files
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to export configuration files and re-use
+# them to import in a new project. A configuration file is supported by these applications:
+# * HFSS
+# * 2D Extractor and Q3D Extractor
+# * Maxwell
+# * Icepak (in AEDT)
+# * Mechanical (in AEDT)
+# The following sections are covered:
+# * Variables
+# * Mesh operations (except Icepak)
+# * Setup and optimetrics
+# * Material properties
+# * Object properties
+# * Boundaries and excitations
+# When a boundary is attached to a face, the tool tries to match it with a
+# ``FaceByPosition`` on the same object name on the target design. If, for
+# any reason, this face position has changed or the object name in the target
+# design has changed, the boundary fails to apply.
+# ## Perform required imports
import os
import pyaedt
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Set non-graphical mode.
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
non_graphical = False
-# Open project
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Open project
# Download the project, open it, and save it to the temporary folder.
+# +
project_full_name = pyaedt.downloads.download_icepak(pyaedt.generate_unique_folder_name(folder_name="Graphic_Card"))
ipk = pyaedt.Icepak(projectname=project_full_name, specified_version="2023.2",
new_desktop_session=True, non_graphical=non_graphical)
+# -
-# Create source blocks
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create source blocks
# Create a source block on the CPU and memories.
ipk.create_source_block(object_name="CPU", input_power="25W")
ipk.create_source_block(object_name=["MEMORY1", "MEMORY1_1"], input_power="5W")
-# Assign boundaries
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Assign boundaries
# Assign the opening and grille.
region = ipk.modeler["Region"]
ipk.assign_grille(air_faces=region.top_face_x.id, free_area_ratio=0.8)
-# Create setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create setup
# Create the setup. Properties can be set up from the ``setup`` object
# with getters and setters. They don't have to perfectly match the property
# syntax.
@@ -83,9 +74,8 @@
setup1["Solver Type Temperature"] = "flex"
-# Export project to step file
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Export project to step file
# Export the current project to the step file.
filename = ipk.design_name
@@ -93,36 +83,31 @@
ipk.export_3d_model(file_name=filename, file_path=ipk.working_directory, file_format=".step", object_list=[],
-# Export configuration files
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Export configuration files
# Export the configuration files. You can optionally disable the export and
# import sections. Supported formats are json and toml files
conf_file = ipk.configurations.export_config(os.path.join(ipk.working_directory, "config.toml"))
-# Create project
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create project
# Create an Icepak project and import the step.
app = pyaedt.Icepak(projectname="new_proj_Ipk")
-# Import and apply configuration file
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Import and apply configuration file
# Import and apply the configuration file. You can apply all or part of the
# JSON file that you import using options in the ``configurations`` object.
out = app.configurations.import_config(conf_file)
-# Close project
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Close project
# Close the project.
diff --git a/examples/01-Modeling-Setup/HFSS_CoordinateSystem.py b/examples/01-Modeling-Setup/HFSS_CoordinateSystem.py
index 29bb7e6abaf..072c633b9df 100644
--- a/examples/01-Modeling-Setup/HFSS_CoordinateSystem.py
+++ b/examples/01-Modeling-Setup/HFSS_CoordinateSystem.py
@@ -1,51 +1,42 @@
-General: coordinate system creation
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create and modify coordinate systems in the modeler.
+# # General: coordinate system creation
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create and modify coordinate systems in the modeler.
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Perform required imports
-import os
import pyaedt
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
non_graphical = False
-# Launch AEDT in graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch AEDT in graphical mode
# Launch AEDT 2023 R2 in graphical mode.
d = pyaedt.launch_desktop(specified_version="2023.2", non_graphical=non_graphical, new_desktop_session=True)
-# Insert HFSS design
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Insert HFSS design
# Insert an HFSS design with the default name.
hfss = pyaedt.Hfss(projectname=pyaedt.generate_unique_project_name(folder_name="CoordSysDemo"))
-# Create coordinate system
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create coordinate system
# The coordinate system is centered on the global origin and has the axis
# aligned to the global coordinate system. The new coordinate system is
# saved in the object ``cs1``.
cs1 = hfss.modeler.create_coordinate_system()
-# Modify coordinate system
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Modify coordinate system
# The ``cs1`` object exposes properties and methods to manipulate the
# coordinate system. The origin can be changed.
@@ -60,16 +51,14 @@
cs1.props["YAxisYvec"] = ypoint[1]
cs1.props["YAxisZvec"] = ypoint[2]
-# Rename coordinate system
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Rename coordinate system
# Rename the coordinate system.
-# Change coordinate system mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Change coordinate system mode
# Use the ``change_cs_mode`` method to change the mode. Options are ``0``
# for axis/position, ``1`` for Euler angle ZXZ, and ``2`` for Euler angle ZYZ.
# Here ``1`` sets Euler angle ZXZ as the mode.
@@ -77,20 +66,19 @@
# In the new mode, these properties can be edited
cs1.props["Phi"] = "10deg"
cs1.props["Theta"] = "22deg"
cs1.props["Psi"] = "30deg"
-# Delete coordinate system
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Delete coordinate system
# Delete the coordinate system.
-# Create coordinate system by defining axes
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create coordinate system by defining axes
# Create a coordinate system by defining the axes. During creation, you can
# specify all coordinate system properties.
@@ -98,34 +86,30 @@
name="CS2", origin=[1, 2, 3.5], mode="axis", x_pointing=[1, 0, 1], y_pointing=[0, -1, 0]
-# Create coordinate system by defining Euler angles
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create coordinate system by defining Euler angles
# Create a coordinate system by defining Euler angles.
cs3 = hfss.modeler.create_coordinate_system(name="CS3", origin=[2, 2, 2], mode="zyz", phi=10, theta=20, psi=30)
-# Create coordinate system by defining view
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create coordinate system by defining view
# Create a coordinate system by defining the view. Options are ``"iso"``,
# ``"XY"``, ``"XZ"``, and ``"XY"``. Here ``"iso"`` is specified.
# The axes are set automatically.
cs4 = hfss.modeler.create_coordinate_system(name="CS4", origin=[1, 0, 0], reference_cs="CS3", mode="view", view="iso")
-# Create coordinate system by defining axis and angle rotation
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create coordinate system by defining axis and angle rotation
# Create a coordinate system by defining the axis and angle rotation. When you
# specify the axis and angle rotation, this data is automatically translated
# to Euler angles.
cs5 = hfss.modeler.create_coordinate_system(name="CS5", mode="axisrotation", u=[1, 0, 0], theta=123)
-# Create face coordinate system
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create face coordinate system
# Face coordinate systems are bound to an object face.
# First create a box and then define the face coordinate system on one of its
# faces. To create the reference face for the face coordinate system, you must
@@ -137,9 +121,8 @@
face=face, origin=face.edges[0], axis_position=face.edges[1], name="FCS1"
-# Create face coordinate system centered on face
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create face coordinate system centered on face
# Create a face coordinate system centered on the face with the X axis pointing
# to the edge vertex.
@@ -147,9 +130,8 @@
face=face, origin=face, axis_position=face.edges[0].vertices[0], name="FCS2"
-# Swap X and Y axes of face coordinate system
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Swap X and Y axes of face coordinate system
# Swap the X axis and Y axis of the face coordinate system. The X axis is the
# pointing ``axis_position`` by default. You can optionally select the Y axis.
@@ -158,9 +140,9 @@
# Axis can also be changed after coordinate system creation
fcs3.props["WhichAxis"] = "X"
-# Apply a rotation around Z axis
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Apply a rotation around Z axis
# Apply a rotation around the Z axis. The Z axis of a face coordinate system
# is always orthogonal to the face. A rotation can be applied at definition.
# Rotation is expressed in degrees.
@@ -170,9 +152,8 @@
# Rotation can also be changed after coordinate system creation
fcs4.props["ZRotationAngle"] = "3deg"
-# Apply offset to X and Y axes of face coordinate system
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Apply offset to X and Y axes of face coordinate system
# Apply an offset to the X axis and Y axis of a face coordinate system.
# The offset is in respect to the face coordinate system itself.
@@ -184,9 +165,8 @@
fcs5.props["XOffset"] = "0.2mm"
fcs5.props["YOffset"] = "0.1mm"
-# Create coordinate system relative to face coordinate system
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create coordinate system relative to face coordinate system
# Create a coordinate system relative to a face coordinate system. Coordinate
# systems and face coordinate systems interact with each other.
@@ -196,9 +176,8 @@
name="CS_FCS", origin=[0, 0, 0], reference_cs=fcs6.name, mode="view", view="iso"
-# Create object coordinate system
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create object coordinate system
# Create object coordinate system with origin on face
obj_cs = hfss.modeler.create_object_coordinate_system(
@@ -206,9 +185,8 @@
-# Create object coordinate system
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create object coordinate system
# Create object coordinate system with origin on edge
obj_cs_1 = hfss.modeler.create_object_coordinate_system(
@@ -216,9 +194,8 @@
-# Create object coordinate system
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create object coordinate system
# Create object coordinate system with origin specified on point
obj_cs_2 = hfss.modeler.create_object_coordinate_system(
@@ -227,9 +204,8 @@
new_obj_cs_2 = hfss.modeler.duplicate_coordinate_system_to_global(obj_cs_2)
-# Create object coordinate system
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create object coordinate system
# Create object coordinate system with origin on vertex
obj_cs_3 = hfss.modeler.create_object_coordinate_system(
@@ -238,27 +214,24 @@
obj_cs_3.props["MoveToEnd"] = False
-# Get all coordinate systems
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Get ## all coordinate systems
# Get all coordinate systems.
css = hfss.modeler.coordinate_systems
names = [i.name for i in css]
-# Select coordinate system
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Select coordinate system
# Select an existing coordinate system.
css = hfss.modeler.coordinate_systems
cs_selected = css[0]
-# Get point coordinate under another coordinate system
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Get point coordinate under another coordinate system
# Get a point coordinate under another coordinate system. A point coordinate
# can be translated in respect to any coordinate system.
@@ -268,11 +241,10 @@
p2 = hfss.modeler.global_to_cs(p, "CS5")
print("CS5 :", p2)
-# Close AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Close AEDT
# After the simulaton completes, you can close AEDT or release it using the
-# :func:`pyaedt.Desktop.release_desktop` method.
+# `pyaedt.Desktop.release_desktop` method.
# All methods provide for saving the project before closing.
diff --git a/examples/01-Modeling-Setup/Optimetrics.py b/examples/01-Modeling-Setup/Optimetrics.py
index 6d30d4c5d74..e87b46ca409 100644
--- a/examples/01-Modeling-Setup/Optimetrics.py
+++ b/examples/01-Modeling-Setup/Optimetrics.py
@@ -1,29 +1,25 @@
-General: optimetrics setup
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a project in HFSS and create all optimetrics setups.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # General: optimetrics setup
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a project in HFSS and create all optimetrics setups.
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports.
import pyaedt
import os
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
non_graphical = False
-# Initialize object and create variables
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Initialize object and create variables
# Initialize the ``Hfss`` object and create two needed design variables,
# ``w1`` and ``w2``.
@@ -31,12 +27,12 @@
hfss["w1"] = "1mm"
hfss["w2"] = "100mm"
-# Create waveguide with sheets on it
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create waveguide with sheets on it
# Create one of the standard waveguide structures and parametrize it.
# You can also create rectangles of waveguide openings and assign ports later.
+# +
wg1, p1, p2 = hfss.modeler.create_waveguide(
[0, 0, 0],
@@ -50,18 +46,15 @@
model.show_grid = False
model.plot(os.path.join(hfss.working_directory, "Image.jpg"))
+# -
-# Create wave ports on sheets
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Create two wave ports on the sheets.
hfss.wave_port(p1, integration_line=hfss.AxisDir.ZPos, name="1")
hfss.wave_port(p2, integration_line=hfss.AxisDir.ZPos, name="2")
-# Create setup and frequency sweep
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create setup and frequency sweep
# Create a setup and a frequency sweep to use as the base for optimetrics
# setups.
@@ -70,11 +63,10 @@
setupname=setup.name, unit="GHz", freqstart=1, freqstop=5, step_size=0.1, sweepname="Sweep1", save_fields=True
-# Optimetrics analysis
-# ----------------------
-# Create parametrics analysis
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Optimetrics analysis
+# ### Parametric Analysis
# Create a simple optimetrics parametrics analysis with output calculations.
sweep = hfss.parametrics.add("w2", 90, 200, 5)
@@ -82,18 +74,12 @@
sweep.add_calculation(calculation="dB(S(1,1))", ranges={"Freq": "2.5GHz"})
sweep.add_calculation(calculation="dB(S(1,1))", ranges={"Freq": "2.6GHz"})
-# Create sensitivity analysis
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Create an optimetrics sensitivity analysis with output calculations.
sweep2 = hfss.optimizations.add(calculation="dB(S(1,1))", ranges={"Freq": "2.5GHz"}, optim_type="Sensitivity")
sweep2.add_variation("w1", 0.1, 3, 0.5)
sweep2.add_calculation(calculation="dB(S(1,1))", ranges={"Freq": "2.6GHz"})
-# Create optimization based on goals and calculations
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Create an optimization analysis based on goals and calculations.
sweep3 = hfss.optimizations.add(calculation="dB(S(1,1))", ranges={"Freq": "2.5GHz"})
@@ -106,25 +92,18 @@
-# Create DX optimization based on a goal and calculation
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Create a DX (DesignXplorer) optimization based on a goal and a calculation.
sweep4 = hfss.optimizations.add(calculation="dB(S(1,1))", ranges={"Freq": "2.5GHz"}, optim_type="DesignExplorer")
sweep4.add_goal(calculation="dB(S(1,1))", ranges={"Freq": "2.6GHz"})
-# Create DOE based on a goal and calculation
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create DOE based on a goal and calculation
# Create a DOE (Design of Experiments) based on a goal and a calculation.
sweep5 = hfss.optimizations.add(calculation="dB(S(1,1))", ranges={"Freq": "2.5GHz"}, optim_type="DXDOE")
-# Create DOE based on a goal and calculation
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Create a DOE based on a goal and a calculation.
+# ## Create DOE based on a goal and calculation
region = hfss.modeler.create_region()
@@ -136,9 +115,8 @@
-# Close AEDT
-# ----------
+# ## Close AEDT
# After the simulaton completes, you can close AEDT or release it using the
# :func:`pyaedt.Desktop.release_desktop` method.
# All methods provide for saving the project before closing.
diff --git a/examples/01-Modeling-Setup/Polyline_Primitives.py b/examples/01-Modeling-Setup/Polyline_Primitives.py
index c3c3a35c984..3894be107c3 100644
--- a/examples/01-Modeling-Setup/Polyline_Primitives.py
+++ b/examples/01-Modeling-Setup/Polyline_Primitives.py
@@ -1,27 +1,24 @@
-General: polyline creation
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create and manipulate polylines.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # General: polyline creation
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create and manipulate polylines.
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports.
import os
import pyaedt
# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
non_graphical = False
-# Create Maxwell 3D object
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create Maxwell 3D object
# Create a :class:`pyaedt.maxwell.Maxwell3d` object and set the unit type to ``"mm"``.
M3D = pyaedt.Maxwell3d(solution_type="Transient", designname="test_polyline_3D", specified_version="2023.2",
@@ -29,30 +26,27 @@
M3D.modeler.model_units = "mm"
prim3D = M3D.modeler
-# Define variables
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Define variables
# Define two design variables as parameters for the polyline objects.
M3D["p1"] = "100mm"
M3D["p2"] = "71mm"
-# Input data
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Input data
# Input data. All data for the polyline functions can be entered as either floating point
# values or strings. Floating point values are assumed to be in model units
# (``M3D.modeler.model_units``).
test_points = [["0mm", "p1", "0mm"], ["-p1", "0mm", "0mm"], ["-p1/2", "-p1/2", "0mm"], ["0mm", "0mm", "0mm"]]
-# Polyline primitives
-# -------------------
+# ## Polyline primitives
# The following examples are for creating polyline primitives.
-# Create line primitive
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create line primitive
# Create a line primitive. The basic polyline command takes a list of positions
# (``[X, Y, Z]`` coordinates) and creates a polyline object with one or more
# segments. The supported segment types are ``Line``, ``Arc`` (3 points),
@@ -64,9 +58,8 @@
print("Segment types : {}".format([s.type for s in P.segment_types]))
print("primitive id = {}".format(P.id))
-# Create arc primitive
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create arc primitive
# Create an arc primitive. The parameter ``position_list`` must contain at
# least three position values. The first three position values are used.
@@ -74,9 +67,8 @@
print("Created object with id {} and name {}.".format(P.id, prim3D.objects[P.id].name))
-# Create spline primitive
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create spline primitive
# Create a spline primitive. Defining the segment using a ``PolylineSegment``
# object allows you to provide additional input parameters for the spine, such
# as the number of points (in this case 4). The parameter ``position_list``
@@ -86,9 +78,8 @@
position_list=test_points, segment_type=prim3D.polyline_segment("Spline", num_points=4), name="PL03_spline_4pt"
-# Create center-point arc primitive
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create center-point arc primitive
# Create a center-point arc primitive. A center-point arc segment is defined
# by a starting point, a center point, and an angle of rotation around the
# center point. The rotation occurs in a plane parallel to the XY, YZ, or ZX
@@ -106,7 +97,6 @@
# Here ``start_point`` and ``center_point`` have the same values for the Y and
# Z coordinates, so the plane or rotation could be either XY or ZX.
# For these special cases when the rotation plane is ambiguous, you can specify
@@ -125,9 +115,8 @@
-# Compound polylines
-# ------------------
+# ## Compound polylines
# You can use a list of points in a single command to create a multi-segment
# polyline.
@@ -136,34 +125,30 @@
P = prim3D.create_polyline(position_list=test_points, name="PL06_segmented_compound_line")
# You can specify the segment type with the parameter ``segment_type``.
# In this case, you must specify that the four input points in ``position_list``
# are to be connected as a line segment followed by a 3-point arc segment.
P = prim3D.create_polyline(position_list=test_points, segment_type=["Line", "Arc"], name="PL05_compound_line_arc")
# The parameter ``close_surface`` ensures that the polyline starting point and
# ending point are the same. If necessary, you can add an additional line
# segment to achieve this.
P = prim3D.create_polyline(position_list=test_points, close_surface=True, name="PL07_segmented_compound_line_closed")
# The parameter ``cover_surface=True`` also performs the modeler command
# ``cover_surface``. Note that specifying ``cover_surface=True`` automatically
# results in the polyline being closed.
P = prim3D.create_polyline(position_list=test_points, cover_surface=True, name="SPL01_segmented_compound_line")
-# Compound lines
-# --------------
+# ## Compound lines
# The following examples are for inserting compound lines.
-# Insert line segment
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ### Insert line segment
# Insert a line segment starting at vertex 1 ``["100mm", "0mm", "0mm"]``
# of an existing polyline and ending at some new point ``["90mm", "20mm", "0mm"].``
# By numerical comparison of the starting point with the existing vertices of the
@@ -177,9 +162,8 @@
P.insert_segment(position_list=[insert_point, p2])
-# Insert compound line with insert curve
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ### Insert compound line with insert curve
# Insert a compound line starting a line segment at vertex 1 ``["100mm", "0mm", "0mm"]``
# of an existing polyline and end at some new point ``["90mm", "20mm", "0mm"]``.
# By numerical comparison of the starting point, it is determined automatically
@@ -193,9 +177,8 @@
P.insert_segment(position_list=[start_point, insert_point1, insert_point2], segment="Arc")
-# Insert compound line at end of a center-point arc
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Insert compound line at end of a center-point arc
# Insert a compound line at the end of a center-point arc (``type="AngularArc"``).
# This is a special case.
@@ -211,7 +194,6 @@
segment_type=prim3D.polyline_segment(type="AngularArc", arc_angle=arc_angle_1, arc_center=arc_center_1),
# Step 2: Insert a line segment at the end of the arc with a specified end point.
start_of_line_segment = P.end_point
@@ -219,7 +201,6 @@
P.insert_segment(position_list=[start_of_line_segment, end_of_line_segment])
# Step 3: Append a center-point arc segment to the line object.
arc_angle_2 = "39.716deg"
@@ -230,7 +211,6 @@
segment=prim3D.polyline_segment(type="AngularArc", arc_center=arc_center_2, arc_angle=arc_angle_2),
# You can use the compound polyline definition to complete all three steps in
# a single step.
@@ -244,9 +224,8 @@
-# Insert two 3-point arcs forming a circle and covered
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Insert two 3-point arcs forming a circle and covered
# Insert two 3-point arcs forming a circle and covered.
# Note that the last point of the second arc segment is not defined in
# the position list.
@@ -260,7 +239,6 @@
# Here is an example of a complex polyline where the number of points is
# insufficient to populate the requested segments. This results in an
# ``IndexError`` that PyAEDT catches silently. The return value of the command
@@ -283,7 +261,6 @@
return_value = prim3D.create_polyline(MDL_points, segment_type=MDL_segments, name="MDL_Polyline")
assert return_value # triggers an error at the application error
# Here is an example that provides more points than the segment list requires.
# This is valid usage. The remaining points are ignored.
@@ -291,9 +268,8 @@
P = prim3D.create_polyline(MDL_points, segment_type=MDL_segments, name="MDL_Polyline")
-# Save project
-# ------------
+# ## Save project
# Save the project.
project_dir = r"C:\temp"
diff --git a/examples/01-Modeling-Setup/Readme.txt b/examples/01-Modeling-Setup/index.rst
similarity index 58%
rename from examples/01-Modeling-Setup/Readme.txt
rename to examples/01-Modeling-Setup/index.rst
index d9417436357..1cecf178867 100644
--- a/examples/01-Modeling-Setup/Readme.txt
+++ b/examples/01-Modeling-Setup/index.rst
@@ -2,3 +2,10 @@ General model and setup examples
These examples use PyAEDT to show some general model and simulation
setup features inside AEDT.
+.. nbgallery::
+ Configurations.py
+ HFSS_CoordinateSystem.py
+ Optimetrics.py
+ Polyline_Primitives.py
diff --git a/examples/02-HFSS/Advanced_Far_Field.py.back b/examples/02-HFSS/Advanced_Far_Field.py.back
deleted file mode 100644
index ab372e63618..00000000000
--- a/examples/02-HFSS/Advanced_Far_Field.py.back
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-HFSS: advanced far field postprocessing
-This example shows how you can use advanced postprocessing functions to create plots
-using Matplotlib without opening the HFSS user interface.
-This examples runs only on Windows using CPython.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Perform required imports.
-import os
-import time
-import pyaedt
-from pyaedt.generic.general_methods import remove_project_lock
-project_name = pyaedt.downloads.download_antenna_array()
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Set non-graphical mode.
-# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
-non_graphical = False
-# Import modules for postprocessing
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Import modules for postprocessing.
-import numpy as np
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-# Launch AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Launch AEDT 2023 R1 in non-graphical mode.
-desktopVersion = "2023.1"
-NewThread = True
-desktop = pyaedt.launch_desktop(specified_version=desktopVersion,
- non_graphical=non_graphical,
- new_desktop_session=NewThread
- )
-# Open HFSS project
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Open the HFSS project. ``Hfss`` class allows to initialize a new project or
-# open an existing project and point to a design name.
-hfss = pyaedt.Hfss(projectname=project_name,
- designname="4X4_MultiCell_CA-Array")
-# Solve HFSS project
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Solves the HFSS project.
-# The solution time is computed.
-# Get efields data from solution
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Gets efields data from the solution.
-start = time.time()
-ff_data = hfss.post.get_efields_data(ff_setup="3D")
-end = time.time() - start
-print("Postprocessing Time", end)
-# Calculate far field values
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Use Matplotlib to read the solution generated in ``ff_data``. Process
-# the field based on Phi and Theta and generate a plot.
-def ff_calc(x=0, y=0, qty="rETotal", dB=True):
- array_size = [4, 4]
- loc_offset = 2 # if array index is not starting at [1,1]
- xphase = float(y)
- yphase = float(x)
- array_shape = (array_size[0], array_size[1])
- weight = np.zeros(array_shape, dtype=complex)
- mag = np.ones(array_shape, dtype="object")
- port_names_arranged = np.chararray(array_shape)
- all_ports = ff_data.keys()
- w_dict = {}
- # calculate weights based off of progressive phase shift
- for m in range(array_shape[0]):
- for n in range(array_shape[1]):
- mag_val = mag[m][n]
- ang = np.radians(xphase * m) + np.radians(yphase * n)
- weight[m][n] = np.sqrt(mag_val) * np.exp(1j * ang)
- current_index_str = "[" + str(m + 1 + loc_offset) + "," + str(n + 1 + loc_offset) + "]"
- port_name = [y for y in all_ports if current_index_str in y]
- w_dict[port_name[0]] = weight[m][n]
- length_of_ff_data = len(ff_data[port_name[0]][2])
- array_shape = (len(w_dict), length_of_ff_data)
- rEtheta_fields = np.zeros(array_shape, dtype=complex)
- rEphi_fields = np.zeros(array_shape, dtype=complex)
- w = np.zeros((1, array_shape[0]), dtype=complex)
- # create port mapping
- for n, port in enumerate(ff_data.keys()):
- re_theta = ff_data[port][2]
- re_phi = ff_data[port][3]
- re_theta = re_theta * w_dict[port]
- w[0][n] = w_dict[port]
- re_phi = re_phi * w_dict[port]
- rEtheta_fields[n] = re_theta
- rEphi_fields[n] = re_phi
- theta_range = ff_data[port][0]
- phi_range = ff_data[port][1]
- theta = [int(np.min(theta_range)), int(np.max(theta_range)), np.size(theta_range)]
- phi = [int(np.min(phi_range)), int(np.max(phi_range)), np.size(phi_range)]
- Ntheta = len(theta_range)
- Nphi = len(phi_range)
- rEtheta_fields = np.dot(w, rEtheta_fields)
- rEtheta_fields = np.reshape(rEtheta_fields, (Ntheta, Nphi))
- rEphi_fields = np.dot(w, rEphi_fields)
- rEphi_fields = np.reshape(rEphi_fields, (Ntheta, Nphi))
- all_qtys = {}
- all_qtys["rEPhi"] = rEphi_fields
- all_qtys["rETheta"] = rEtheta_fields
- all_qtys["rETotal"] = np.sqrt(np.power(np.abs(rEphi_fields), 2) + np.power(np.abs(rEtheta_fields), 2))
- pin = np.sum(w)
- print(str(pin))
- real_gain = 2 * np.pi * np.abs(np.power(all_qtys["rETotal"], 2)) / pin / 377
- all_qtys["RealizedGain"] = real_gain
- if dB:
- if "Gain" in qty:
- qty_to_plot = 10 * np.log10(np.abs(all_qtys[qty]))
- else:
- qty_to_plot = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(all_qtys[qty]))
- qty_str = qty + " (dB)"
- else:
- qty_to_plot = np.abs(all_qtys[qty])
- qty_str = qty + " (mag)"
- plt.figure(figsize=(25, 15))
- plt.title(qty_str)
- plt.xlabel("Theta (degree)")
- plt.ylabel("Phi (degree)")
- plt.imshow(qty_to_plot, cmap="jet")
- plt.colorbar()
- np.max(qty_to_plot)
-# Create plot and interact with it
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Create the plot and interact with it.
-# interact(ff_calc, x=widgets.FloatSlider(value=0, min=-180, max=180, step=1),
-# y=widgets.FloatSlider(value=0, min=-180, max=180, step=1))
-vals = hfss.post.get_far_field_data(setup_sweep_name=hfss.nominal_sweep,
- expression="RealizedGainTotal",
- domain="Elevation"
- )
-# Generate polar plot
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Generate a polar plot.
-vals.plot(math_formula="db20", is_polar=True)
-# Generate scalar plot
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Generate a scalar plot.
-vals.plot(math_formula="db20", is_polar=False)
-# Generate plot using Phi as primary sweep
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Generate the plot using Phi as the primary sweep.
-vals3d = hfss.post.get_far_field_data(setup_sweep_name=hfss.nominal_sweep,
- expression="RealizedGainTotal",
- domain="Infinite Sphere1"
- )
-# Close HFSS project and AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Close the HFSS project and release AEDT.
-# hfss.close_project()
diff --git a/examples/02-HFSS/Array.py b/examples/02-HFSS/Array.py
index ae3e31b95ce..a183d775d17 100644
--- a/examples/02-HFSS/Array.py
+++ b/examples/02-HFSS/Array.py
@@ -1,37 +1,34 @@
-HFSS: component antenna array
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create an example using a 3D component file. It sets up
-the analysis, solves it, and uses postprocessing functions to create plots using Matplotlib and
-PyVista without opening the HFSS user interface. This examples runs only on Windows using CPython.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # HFSS: component antenna array
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create an example using a 3D component file. It sets up
+# the analysis, solves it, and uses postprocessing functions to create plots using Matplotlib and
+# PyVista without opening the HFSS user interface. This examples runs only on Windows using CPython.
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports.
import os
import pyaedt
from pyaedt.modules.solutions import FfdSolutionData
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
non_graphical = False
-# Download 3D component
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Download 3D component
# Download the 3D component that is needed to run the example.
example_path = pyaedt.downloads.download_3dcomponent()
-# Launch HFSS and save project
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch HFSS and save project
# Launch HFSS and save the project.
project_name = pyaedt.generate_unique_project_name(project_name="array")
hfss = pyaedt.Hfss(projectname=project_name,
@@ -41,9 +38,8 @@
print("Project name " + project_name)
-# Read array definition from JSON file
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Read array definition from JSON file
# Read the array definition from a JSON file. A JSON file
# can contain all information needed to import and set up a
# full array in HFSS.
@@ -57,9 +53,8 @@
dict_in["cells"][(3, 3)] = {"name": "Circ_Patch_5GHz1"}
array = hfss.add_3d_component_array_from_json(dict_in)
-# Modify cells
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Modify cells
# Make center element passive and rotate corner elements.
array.cells[1][1].is_active = False
@@ -68,9 +63,8 @@
array.cells[2][0].rotation = 90
array.cells[2][2].rotation = 90
-# Set up simulation
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set up simulation
# Set up a simulation and analyze it.
setup = hfss.create_setup()
@@ -79,27 +73,24 @@
-# Get far field data
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Get far field data
# Get far field data. After the simulation completes, the far
# field data is generated port by port and stored in a data class.
ffdata = hfss.get_antenna_ffd_solution_data(sphere_name="Infinite Sphere1", setup_name=hfss.nominal_adaptive,
-# Generate contour plot
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Generate contour plot
# Generate a contour plot. You can define the Theta scan
# and Phi scan.
title='Contour at {}Hz'.format(ffdata.frequency))
-# Release AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Release AEDT
# Release AEDT.
# Far field post-processing can be performed without AEDT because the data is stored.
@@ -109,25 +100,22 @@
-# Load far field data
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Load far field data
# Load far field data stored.
ffdata = FfdSolutionData(frequencies=frequencies[0], eep_files=eep_file[0])
-# Generate contour plot
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Generate contour plot
# Generate a contour plot. You can define the Theta scan
# and Phi scan.
title='Contour at {}Hz'.format(ffdata.frequency))
-# Generate 2D cutout plots
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Generate 2D cutout plots
# Generate 2D cutout plots. You can define the Theta scan
# and Phi scan.
@@ -141,9 +129,8 @@
-# Generate 3D polar plots in Matplotlib
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Generate 3D polar plots in Matplotlib
# Generate 3D polar plots in Matplotlib. You can define
# the Theta scan and Phi scan.
diff --git a/examples/02-HFSS/Create_3d_Component_and_use_it.py b/examples/02-HFSS/Create_3d_Component_and_use_it.py
index 34958943383..c73af2cc590 100644
--- a/examples/02-HFSS/Create_3d_Component_and_use_it.py
+++ b/examples/02-HFSS/Create_3d_Component_and_use_it.py
@@ -1,83 +1,82 @@
-Create a 3D Component and reuse it
-Summary of the workflow
-1. Create an antenna using PyAEDT and HFSS 3D Modeler (same can be done with EDB and HFSS 3D Layout)
-2. Store the object as a 3D Component on the disk
-3. Reuse the 3D component in another project
-4. Parametrize and optimize target design
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # Create a 3D Component and reuse it
+# Summary of the workflow
+# 1. Create an antenna using PyAEDT and HFSS 3D Modeler (same can be done with EDB and HFSS 3D Layout)
+# 2. Store the object as a 3D Component on the disk
+# 3. Reuse the 3D component in another project
+# 4. Parametrize and optimize target design
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports.
import os
import tempfile
from pyaedt import Hfss
from pyaedt.generic.general_methods import generate_unique_name
-# Launch HFSS 2023.2
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch HFSS 2023.2
# PyAEDT can initialize a new session of Electronics Desktop or connect to an existing one.
# Once Desktop is connected, a new HFSS session is started and a design is created.
hfss = Hfss(specified_version="2023.2", new_desktop_session=True, close_on_exit=True)
-# Variables
-# ~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Variables
# PyAEDT can create and store all variables available in AEDT (Design, Project, Post Processing)
hfss["thick"] = "0.1mm"
hfss["width"] = "1mm"
-# Modeler
-# ~~~~~~~~
+# ## Modeler
# PyAEDT supports all modeler functionalities available in the Desktop.
# Objects can be created, deleted and modified using all available boolean operations.
# History is also fully accessible to PyAEDT.
-substrate = hfss.modeler.create_box(["-width","-width","-thick"],["2*width","2*width", "thick"], matname="FR4_epoxy", name="sub")
+# +
+substrate = hfss.modeler.create_box(["-width","-width","-thick"],["2*width","2*width", "thick"],
+ matname="FR4_epoxy", name="sub")
-patch = hfss.modeler.create_rectangle("XY",["-width/2","-width/2","0mm"],["width","width"], name="patch1")
+patch = hfss.modeler.create_rectangle("XY",["-width/2","-width/2","0mm"],["width","width"],
+ name="patch1")
-via1 = hfss.modeler.create_cylinder(2, ["-width/8","-width/4","-thick"],"0.01mm", "thick", matname="copper", name="via_inner")
+via1 = hfss.modeler.create_cylinder(2, ["-width/8","-width/4","-thick"],"0.01mm", "thick",
+ matname="copper", name="via_inner")
-via_outer = hfss.modeler.create_cylinder(2, ["-width/8","-width/4","-thick"],"0.025mm", "thick", matname="Teflon_based", name="via_teflon")
+via_outer = hfss.modeler.create_cylinder(2, ["-width/8","-width/4","-thick"],"0.025mm", "thick",
+ matname="Teflon_based", name="via_teflon")
+# -
-# Boundaries
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Boundaries
# Most of HFSS boundaries and excitations are already available in PyAEDT.
# User can assign easily a boundary to a face or to an object by taking benefits of
# Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) available in PyAEDT.
-# Advanced Modeler functions
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Thanks to Python capabilities a lot of additional functionalities have been added to the Modeler of PyAEDT.
-# in this example there is a property to retrieve automatically top and bottom faces of an objects.
+# ## Advanced Modeler functions
+# Thanks to Python capabilities a lot of additional functionalities have been added to the modeler of PyAEDT.
+# In this example there is a property to retrieve automatically top and bottom faces of an objects.
+# +
side_face = [i for i in via_outer.faces if i.id not in [via_outer.top_face_z.id, via_outer.bottom_face_z.id]]
+# -
-# Create Wave Port
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create Wave Port
# Wave port can be assigned to a sheet or to a face of an object.
hfss.wave_port(via_outer.bottom_face_z, name="P1", )
-# Create 3D Component
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create 3D Component
# Once the model is ready a 3D Component can be created.
# Multiple options are available to partially select objects, cs, boundaries and mesh operations.
# Furthermore, encrypted 3d comp can be created too.
@@ -85,52 +84,43 @@
component_path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), generate_unique_name("component_test")+".aedbcomp")
hfss.modeler.create_3dcomponent(component_path, "patch_antenna")
-# Multiple project management
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Multiple project management
# PyAEDT allows to control multiple projects, design and solution type at the same time.
hfss2 = Hfss(projectname="new_project", designname="new_design")
-# Insert of 3d component
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Insert of 3d component
# The 3d component can be inserted without any additional info.
# All needed info will be read from the file itself.
-# 3D Component Parameters
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## 3D Component Parameters
# All 3d Component parameters are available and can be parametrized.
hfss2["p_thick"] = "1mm"
-# Multiple 3d Components
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Multiple 3d Components
# There is no limit to the number of 3D components that can be added on the same design.
# They can be the same or linked to different files.
hfss2.modeler.create_coordinate_system(origin=[20, 20, 10], name="Second_antenna")
ant2 = hfss2.modeler.insert_3d_component(component_path, targetCS="Second_antenna")
-# Move components
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Move components
# The component can be moved by changing is position or moving the relative coordinate system.
hfss2.modeler.coordinate_systems[0].origin = [10, 10, 3]
-# Boundaries
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Boundaries
# Most of HFSS boundaries and excitations are already available in PyAEDT.
# User can assign easily a boundary to a face or to an object by taking benefits of
@@ -142,22 +132,19 @@
# All setup parameters can be edited.
setup1 = hfss2.create_setup()
optim = hfss2.parametrics.add("p_thick", "0.2mm", "1.5mm", step=14)
-# Save project
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Save project
# Save the project.
hfss2.plot(show=False, export_path=os.path.join(hfss.working_directory, "Image.jpg"), plot_air_objects=True)
-# Close AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Close AEDT
# After the simulation completes, you can close AEDT or release it using the
-# :func:`pyaedt.Desktop.release_desktop` method.
+# `pyaedt.Desktop.release_desktop` method.
# All methods provide for saving the project before closing AEDT.
hfss2.save_project(os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), generate_unique_name("parametrized")+".aedt"))
diff --git a/examples/02-HFSS/Flex_CPWG.py b/examples/02-HFSS/Flex_CPWG.py
index 65b473766da..51c2ea830f0 100644
--- a/examples/02-HFSS/Flex_CPWG.py
+++ b/examples/02-HFSS/Flex_CPWG.py
@@ -1,29 +1,24 @@
-HFSS: flex cable CPWG
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a flex cable CPWG (coplanar waveguide with ground).
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # HFSS: flex cable CPWG
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a flex cable CPWG (coplanar waveguide with ground).
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports.
import os
from math import radians, sin, cos, sqrt
import pyaedt
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
non_graphical = False
-# Launch AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch AEDT
# Launch AEDT 2023 R2 in graphical mode.
hfss = pyaedt.Hfss(specified_version="2023.2",
@@ -36,11 +31,11 @@
hfss.modeler.model_units = "mil"
-# Create variables
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create variables
# Create input variables for creating the flex cable CPWG.
+# +
total_length = 300
theta = 120
r = 100
@@ -51,14 +46,14 @@
gnd_thickness = 2
xt = (total_length - r * radians(theta)) / 2
+# -
-# Create bend
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create bend
# Create the bend. The ``create_bending`` method creates a list of points for
# the bend based on the curvature radius and extension.
+# +
def create_bending(radius, extension=0):
position_list = [(-xt, 0, -radius), (0, 0, -radius)]
@@ -73,11 +68,10 @@ def create_bending(radius, extension=0):
position_list[-1] = (x, y, z)
return position_list
+# -
-# Draw signal line
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Draw signal line
# Draw a signal line to create a bent signal wire.
position_list = create_bending(r, 1)
@@ -89,11 +83,11 @@ def create_bending(radius, extension=0):
-# Draw ground line
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Draw ground line
# Draw a ground line to create two bent ground wires.
+# +
gnd_r = [(x, spacing + width / 2 + gnd_width / 2, z) for x, y, z in position_list]
gnd_l = [(x, -y, z) for x, y, z in gnd_r]
@@ -104,12 +98,13 @@ def create_bending(radius, extension=0):
x.color = (255, 0, 0)
+# -
-# Draw dielectric
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Draw dielectric
# Draw a dielectric to create a dielectric cable.
+# +
position_list = create_bending(r + (height + gnd_thickness) / 2)
fr4 = hfss.modeler.create_polyline(
@@ -119,12 +114,13 @@ def create_bending(radius, extension=0):
xsection_height=width + 2 * spacing + 2 * gnd_width,
+# -
-# Create bottom metals
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create bottom metals
# Create the bottom metals.
+# +
position_list = create_bending(r + height + gnd_thickness, 1)
bot = hfss.modeler.create_polyline(
@@ -134,12 +130,13 @@ def create_bending(radius, extension=0):
xsection_height=width + 2 * spacing + 2 * gnd_width,
+# -
-# Create port interfaces
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create port interfaces
# Create port interfaces (PEC enclosures).
+# +
port_faces = []
for face, blockname in zip([fr4.top_face_z, fr4.bottom_face_x], ["b1", "b2"]):
xc, yc, zc = face.center
@@ -162,10 +159,10 @@ def create_bending(radius, extension=0):
i.subtract([port_block], True)
+# -
-# Create boundary condition
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create boundary condition
# Creates a Perfect E boundary condition.
boundary = []
@@ -174,19 +171,19 @@ def create_bending(radius, extension=0):
-# Create ports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create ports
# Creates ports.
+# +
for s, port_name in zip(port_faces, ["1", "2"]):
reference = [i.name for i in gnd_objs + boundary + [bot]] + ["b1", "b2"]
hfss.wave_port(s.id, name=port_name, reference=reference)
+# -
-# Create setup and sweep
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create setup and sweep
# Create the setup and sweep.
setup = hfss.create_setup("setup1")
@@ -204,9 +201,8 @@ def create_bending(radius, extension=0):
-# Plot model
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Plot model
# Plot the model.
my_plot = hfss.plot(show=False, plot_air_objects=False)
@@ -216,9 +212,8 @@ def create_bending(radius, extension=0):
os.path.join(hfss.working_directory, "Image.jpg"),
-# Analyze and release
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Analyze and release
# Uncomment the ``hfss.analyze`` command if you want to analyze the
# model and release AEDT.
diff --git a/examples/02-HFSS/HFSS_Choke.py b/examples/02-HFSS/HFSS_Choke.py
index d6501bc473c..db2c2c54a20 100644
--- a/examples/02-HFSS/HFSS_Choke.py
+++ b/examples/02-HFSS/HFSS_Choke.py
@@ -1,30 +1,28 @@
-HFSS: choke
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a choke setup in HFSS.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # HFSS: choke
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a choke setup in HFSS.
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports.
+# +
import json
import os
import pyaedt
project_name = pyaedt.generate_unique_project_name(project_name="choke")
+# -
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
non_graphical = False
-# Launch HFSS
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch HFSS
# Launches HFSS 2023 R2 in graphical mode.
hfss = pyaedt.Hfss(projectname=project_name,
@@ -33,9 +31,8 @@
-# Rules and information of use
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Rules and information of use
# The dictionary values contain the different parameter values of the core and
# the windings that compose the choke. You must not change the main structure of
# the dictionary. The dictionary has many primary keys, including
@@ -43,7 +40,7 @@
# dictionaries as values. The keys of these dictionaries are secondary keys
# of the dictionary values, such as ``"1"``, ``"2"``, ``"3"``, ``"4"``, and
# ``"Simple"``.
# You must not modify the primary or secondary keys. You can modify only their values.
# You must not change the data types for these keys. For the dictionaries from
# ``"Number of Windings"`` through ``"Wire Section"``, values must be Boolean. Only
@@ -98,20 +95,17 @@
"Inner Winding": {"Turns": 4, "Coil Pit(deg)": 0.1, "Occupation(%)": 0},
-# Convert dictionary to JSON file
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Convert dictionary to JSON file
# Convert a dictionary to a JSON file. You must supply the path of the
# JSON file as an argument.
json_path = os.path.join(hfss.working_directory, "choke_example.json")
with open(json_path, "w") as outfile:
json.dump(values, outfile)
-# Verify parameters of JSON file
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Verify parameters of JSON file
# Verify parameters of the JSON file. The ``check_choke_values`` method takes
# the JSON file path as an argument and does the following:
@@ -121,10 +115,9 @@
dictionary_values = hfss.modeler.check_choke_values(json_path, create_another_file=False)
-# Create choke
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Create the choke. The ``create_choke`` method takes the JSON file path as an
+# ## Create choke
+# Create the choke. The ``Hfss.modeler.create_choke()`` method takes the JSON file path as an
# argument.
list_object = hfss.modeler.create_choke(json_path)
@@ -133,9 +126,8 @@
first_winding_list = list_object[2]
second_winding_list = list_object[3]
-# Create ground
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create ground
# Create a ground.
ground_radius = 1.2 * dictionary_values[1]["Outer Winding"]["Outer Radius"]
@@ -143,9 +135,8 @@
ground = hfss.modeler.create_circle("XY", ground_position, ground_radius, name="GND", matname="copper")
coat = hfss.assign_coating(ground, isinfgnd=True)
-# Create lumped ports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create lumped ports
# Create lumped ports.
port_position_list = [
@@ -163,9 +154,8 @@
-# Create mesh
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create mesh
# Create the mesh.
cylinder_height = 2.5 * dictionary_values[1]["Outer Winding"]["Height"]
@@ -176,17 +166,15 @@
hfss.mesh.assign_length_mesh([mesh_operation_cylinder], maxlength=15, maxel=None, meshop_name="choke_mesh")
-# Create boundaries
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create boundaries
# Create the boundaries. A region with openings is needed to run the analysis.
region = hfss.modeler.create_region(pad_percent=1000)
-# Create setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create setup
# Create a setup with a sweep to run the simulation. Depending on your machine's
# computing power, the simulation can take some time to run.
@@ -204,20 +192,18 @@
-# Save project
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Save project
# Save the project.
hfss.plot(show=False, export_path=os.path.join(hfss.working_directory, "Image.jpg"), plot_air_objects=True)
-# Close AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Close AEDT
# After the simulation completes, you can close AEDT or release it using the
-# :func:`pyaedt.Desktop.release_desktop` method.
+# `pyaedt.Desktop.release_desktop` method.
# All methods provide for saving the project before closing.
diff --git a/examples/02-HFSS/HFSS_Dipole.py b/examples/02-HFSS/HFSS_Dipole.py
index 4b104b92e67..cb05bebec8d 100644
--- a/examples/02-HFSS/HFSS_Dipole.py
+++ b/examples/02-HFSS/HFSS_Dipole.py
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
-HFSS: dipole antenna
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a dipole antenna in HFSS and postprocess results.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # HFSS: dipole antenna
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a dipole antenna in HFSS
+# and postprocess results.
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports.
import os
@@ -14,38 +12,33 @@
project_name = pyaedt.generate_unique_project_name(project_name="dipole")
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode. `
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
non_graphical = False
-# Launch AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch AEDT
# Launch AEDT 2023 R2 in graphical mode.
d = pyaedt.launch_desktop("2023.2", non_graphical=non_graphical, new_desktop_session=True)
-# Launch HFSS
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch HFSS
# Launch HFSS 2023 R2 in graphical mode.
hfss = pyaedt.Hfss(projectname=project_name, solution_type="Modal")
-# Define variable
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Define variable
# Define a variable for the dipole length.
hfss["l_dipole"] = "13.5cm"
-# Get 3D component from system library
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Get 3D component from system library
# Get a 3D component from the ``syslib`` directory. For this example to run
# correctly, you must get all geometry parameters of the 3D component or, in
# case of an encrypted 3D component, create a dictionary of the parameters.
@@ -55,16 +48,14 @@
geometryparams["dipole_length"] = "l_dipole"
hfss.modeler.insert_3d_component(compfile, geometryparams)
-# Create boundaries
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create boundaries
# Create boundaries. A region with openings is needed to run the analysis.
-# Plot model
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Plot model
# Plot the model.
my_plot = hfss.plot(show=False, plot_air_objects=False)
@@ -75,9 +66,8 @@
os.path.join(hfss.working_directory, "Image.jpg"),
-# Create setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create setup
# Create a setup with a sweep to run the simulation.
setup = hfss.create_setup("MySetup")
@@ -96,16 +86,14 @@
-# Save and run simulation
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Save and run simulation
# Save and run the simulation.
-# Create scattering plot and far fields report
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create scattering plot and far fields report
# Create a scattering plot and a far fields report.
@@ -122,9 +110,8 @@
report_category="Far Fields",
-# Create far fields report using report objects
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create far fields report using report objects
# Create a far fields report using the ``report_by_category.far field`` method,
# which gives you more freedom.
@@ -133,9 +120,8 @@
new_report.primary_sweep = "Theta"
-# Generate multiple plots
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Generate multiple plots
# Generate multiple plots using the object ``new_report``. This code generates
# 2D and 3D polar plots.
@@ -143,18 +129,16 @@
new_report.secondary_sweep = "Phi"
-# Get solution data
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Get solution data
# Get solution data using the object ``new_report``` and postprocess or plot the
# data outside AEDT.
solution_data = new_report.get_solution_data()
-# Generate far field plot
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Generate far field plot
# Generate a far field plot by creating a postprocessing variable and assigning
# it to a new coordinate system. You can use the ``post`` prefix to create a
# postprocessing variable directly from a setter, or you can use the ``set_variable``
@@ -165,9 +149,8 @@
hfss.modeler.create_coordinate_system(origin=["post_x", "y_post", 0], name="CS_Post")
hfss.insert_infinite_sphere(custom_coordinate_system="CS_Post", name="Sphere_Custom")
-# Get solution data
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Get solution data
# Get solution data. You can use this code to generate the same plot outside AEDT.
new_report = hfss.post.reports_by_category.far_field("GainTotal", hfss.nominal_adaptive, "3D")
@@ -175,33 +158,29 @@
new_report.far_field_sphere = "3D"
solutions = new_report.get_solution_data()
-# Generate 3D plot using Matplotlib
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Generate 3D plot using Matplotlib
# Generate a 3D plot using Matplotlib.
-# Generate 3D far fields plot using Matplotlib
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Generate 3D far fields plot using Matplotlib
# Generate a far fields plot using Matplotlib.
new_report.far_field_sphere = "Sphere_Custom"
solutions_custom = new_report.get_solution_data()
-# Generate 2D plot using Matplotlib
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Generate 2D plot using Matplotlib
# Generate a 2D plot using Matplotlib where you specify whether it is a polar
# plot or a rectangular plot.
solutions.plot(math_formula="db20", is_polar=True)
-# Get far field data
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Get far field data
# Get far field data. After the simulation completes, the far
# field data is generated port by port and stored in a data class, , user can use this data
# once AEDT is released.
@@ -209,9 +188,8 @@
ffdata = hfss.get_antenna_ffd_solution_data(sphere_name="Sphere_Custom", setup_name=hfss.nominal_adaptive,
-# Generate 2D cutout plot
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Generate 2D cutout plot
# Generate 2D cutout plot. You can define the Theta scan
# and Phi scan.
@@ -221,9 +199,8 @@
-# Close AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Close AEDT
# After the simulation completes, you can close AEDT or release it using the
# :func:`pyaedt.Desktop.release_desktop` method.
# All methods provide for saving the project before closing.
diff --git a/examples/02-HFSS/HFSS_FSS_unitcell.py b/examples/02-HFSS/HFSS_FSS_unitcell.py
index 772b7dcf05c..2530d8648c6 100644
--- a/examples/02-HFSS/HFSS_FSS_unitcell.py
+++ b/examples/02-HFSS/HFSS_FSS_unitcell.py
@@ -1,71 +1,66 @@
-HFSS: FSS Unitcell Simulation
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a FSS unitcell simulations in HFSS and postprocess results.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # HFSS: FSS Unitcell Simulation
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a FSS unitcell simulations in HFSS and postprocess results.
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports.
+# +
import os
import pyaedt
project_name = pyaedt.generate_unique_project_name(project_name="FSS")
+# -
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode. `
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
non_graphical = False
-# Launch AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch AEDT
# Launch AEDT 2023 R2 in graphical mode.
d = pyaedt.launch_desktop("2023.2", non_graphical=non_graphical, new_desktop_session=True)
-# Launch HFSS
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch HFSS
# Launch HFSS 2023 R2 in graphical mode.
hfss = pyaedt.Hfss(projectname=project_name, solution_type="Modal")
-# Define variable
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Define variable
# Define a variable for the 3D-component.
hfss["patch_dim"] = "10mm"
-# Insert 3D component from system library
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Insert 3D component from system library
# Download the 3D component from the example data and insert the 3D Component.
+# +
unitcell_3d_component_path = pyaedt.downloads.download_FSS_3dcomponent()
unitcell_path = os.path.join(unitcell_3d_component_path, "FSS_unitcell_23R2.a3dcomp")
comp = hfss.modeler.insert_3d_component(unitcell_path)
+# -
-# Assign design parameter to 3D Component parameter
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Assign design parameter to 3D Component parameter
# Assign parameter.
component_name = hfss.modeler.user_defined_component_names
comp.parameters["a"] = "patch_dim"
-# Create air region
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create air region
# Create an open region along +Z direction for unitcell analysis.
+# +
bounding_dimensions = hfss.modeler.get_bounding_dimension()
periodicity_x = bounding_dimensions[0]
@@ -77,17 +72,16 @@
[x_min, y_min, z_min, x_max, y_max, z_max] = region.bounding_box
+# -
-# Assign Lattice pair boundary
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Assign Lattice pair boundary
# Assigning lattice pair boundary automatically detected.
-# Assign Floquet port excitation along +Z direction
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Assign Floquet port excitation along +Z direction
# Assign Floquet port.
id_z_pos = region.top_face_z
@@ -95,9 +89,8 @@
portname='port_z_max', deembed_dist=10 * bounding_dimensions[2])
-# Create setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create setup
# Create a setup with a sweep to run the simulation.
setup = hfss.create_setup("MySetup")
@@ -115,11 +108,11 @@
-# Create S-parameter report using report objects
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create S-parameter report using report objects
# Create S-parameter reports using create report.
+# +
all_quantities = hfss.post.available_report_quantities()
str_mag = []
str_ang = []
@@ -140,17 +133,16 @@
+# -
-# Save and run simulation
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Save and run simulation
# Save and run the simulation. Uncomment the line following line to run the analysis.
# hfss.analyze()
-# Close AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Close AEDT
# After the simulation completes, you can close AEDT or release it using the
# :func:`pyaedt.Desktop.release_desktop` method.
# All methods provide for saving the project before closing.
diff --git a/examples/02-HFSS/HFSS_Spiral.py b/examples/02-HFSS/HFSS_Spiral.py
index 5b5dc42099c..af9c1dff297 100644
--- a/examples/02-HFSS/HFSS_Spiral.py
+++ b/examples/02-HFSS/HFSS_Spiral.py
@@ -1,30 +1,27 @@
-HFSS: spiral inductor
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a spiral inductor, solve it, and plot results.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # HFSS: spiral inductor
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a spiral inductor, solve it, and plot results.
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports.
+# +
import os
import pyaedt
project_name = pyaedt.generate_unique_project_name(project_name="spiral")
+# -
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
non_graphical = False
-# Launch HFSS
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch HFSS
# Launch HFSS 2023 R2 in non-graphical mode and change the
# units to microns.
@@ -32,9 +29,8 @@
hfss.modeler.model_units = "um"
p = hfss.modeler
-# Define variables
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Define variables
# Define input variables. You can use the values that follow or edit
# them.
@@ -47,9 +43,8 @@
gap = 3
hfss["Tsub"] = "6" + hfss.modeler.model_units
-# Standardize polyline
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Standardize polyline
# Standardize the polyline using the ``create_line`` method to fix
# the width, thickness, and material.
@@ -57,9 +52,8 @@ def create_line(pts):
p.create_polyline(pts, xsection_type="Rectangle", xsection_width=width, xsection_height=thickness, matname="copper")
-# Create spiral inductor
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create spiral inductor
# Create the spiral inductor. This spiral inductor is not
# parametric, but you could parametrize it later.
@@ -75,9 +69,8 @@ def create_line(pts):
-# Center return path
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Center return path
# Center the return path.
x0, y0, z0 = ind.points[0]
@@ -87,9 +80,8 @@ def create_line(pts):
[width, width, gap + thickness],
-# Create port 1
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create port 1
# Create port 1.
@@ -99,9 +91,8 @@ def create_line(pts):
hfss.lumped_port(signal="port1", integration_line=pyaedt.constants.AXIS.Z)
-# Create port 2
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create port 2
# Create port 2.
create_line([(x1 + width / 2, y1, 0), (x1 - 5, y1, 0)])
@@ -110,11 +101,11 @@ def create_line(pts):
hfss.lumped_port(signal="port2", integration_line=pyaedt.constants.AXIS.Z)
-# Create silicon substrate and ground plane
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create silicon substrate and ground plane
# Create the silicon substrate and the ground plane.
+# +
p.create_box([x1 - 20, x1 - 20, "-Tsub-{}{}/2".format(thickness, hfss.modeler.model_units)],
[-2 * x1 + 40, -2 * x1 + 40, "Tsub"],
@@ -122,12 +113,13 @@ def create_line(pts):
p.create_box([x1 - 20, x1 - 20, "-Tsub-{}{}/2".format(thickness, hfss.modeler.model_units)],
[-2 * x1 + 40, -2 * x1 + 40, -0.1],
+# -
-# Assign airbox and radiation
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Assign airbox and radiation
# Assign the airbox and the radiation.
+# +
box = p.create_box(
[x1 - 20, x1 - 20, "-Tsub-{}{}/2 - 0.1{}".format(thickness, hfss.modeler.model_units, hfss.modeler.model_units)],
[-2 * x1 + 40, -2 * x1 + 40, 100],
@@ -136,25 +128,23 @@ def create_line(pts):
+# -
-# Assign material override
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Assign material override
# Assign a material override so that the validation check does
# not fail.
-# Plot model
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Plot model
# Plot the model.
hfss.plot(show=False, export_path=os.path.join(hfss.working_directory, "Image.jpg"), plot_air_objects=False)
-# Create setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create setup
# Create the setup and define a frequency sweep to solve the project.
setup1 = hfss.create_setup(setupname="setup1")
@@ -164,38 +154,34 @@ def create_line(pts):
-# Get report data
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Get report data
# Get report data and use the following formulas to calculate
# the inductance and quality factor.
L_formula = "1e9*im(1/Y(1,1))/(2*pi*freq)"
Q_formula = "im(Y(1,1))/re(Y(1,1))"
-# Create output variable
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create output variable
# Create output variable
hfss.create_output_variable("L", L_formula, solution="setup1 : LastAdaptive")
-# Plot calculated values in Matplotlib
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Plot calculated values in Matplotlib
# Plot the calculated values in Matplotlib.
data = hfss.post.get_solution_data([L_formula, Q_formula])
data.plot(curves=[L_formula, Q_formula], math_formula="re", xlabel="Freq", ylabel="L and Q")
-# Export results to csv file
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Export results to csv file
# Export results to csv file
-# Save project and close AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Save project and close AEDT
# Save the project and close AEDT.
diff --git a/examples/02-HFSS/HFSS_eigenmode.py b/examples/02-HFSS/HFSS_eigenmode.py
index 93d5e6bb671..443e490b1a1 100644
--- a/examples/02-HFSS/HFSS_eigenmode.py
+++ b/examples/02-HFSS/HFSS_eigenmode.py
@@ -1,34 +1,30 @@
-HFSS: Eigenmode filter
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to automate the eigenmode solver in HFSS.
-Eigenmode analysis can be applied to open, radiating structures
-using an absorbing boundary condition. This type of analysis is useful for
-determining the resonant frequency of a geometry or an antenna and can be used to refine
-the mesh at the resonance, even when the resonant frequency of the antenna is not known.
-The challenge posed by this method is to identify and filter the non-physical modes
-resulting from reflection from boundaries of the main domain.
-Because the Eigenmode solver sorts by frequency and does not filter on the
-quality factor, these virtual modes are present when the eigenmode approach is
-applied to nominally open structures.
-When looking for resonant modes over a wide frequency range for nominally
-enclosed structures, several iterations may be required because the minimum frequency
-is determined manually and simulations re-run until the complete frequency range is covered
-and all important physical modes are calculated.
-The following script finds the physical modes of a model in a wide frequency range by automating the solution setup.
-During each simulation, a user-defined number of modes is simulated, and the modes with a Q higher than a user- defined value are filtered.
-The next simulation automatically continues to find modes having a frequency higher than the last mode of the previous analysis.
-This continues until the maximum frequency in the desired range is achieved.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # HFSS: Eigenmode filter
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to automate the eigenmode solver in HFSS.
+# Eigenmode analysis can be applied to open, radiating structures
+# using an absorbing boundary condition. This type of analysis is useful for
+# determining the resonant frequency of a geometry or an antenna and can be used to refine
+# the mesh at the resonance, even when the resonant frequency of the antenna is not known.
+# The challenge posed by this method is to identify and filter the non-physical modes
+# resulting from reflection from boundaries of the main domain.
+# Because the Eigenmode solver sorts by frequency and does not filter on the
+# quality factor, these virtual modes are present when the eigenmode approach is
+# applied to nominally open structures.
+# When looking for resonant modes over a wide frequency range for nominally
+# enclosed structures, several iterations may be required because the minimum frequency
+# is determined manually and simulations re-run until the complete frequency range is covered
+# and all important physical modes are calculated.
+# The following script finds the physical modes of a model in a wide frequency range by automating the solution setup.
+# During each simulation, a user-defined number of modes is simulated, and the modes with a Q higher than a user- defined value are filtered.
+# The next simulation automatically continues to find modes having a frequency higher than the last mode of the previous analysis.
+# This continues until the maximum frequency in the desired range is achieved.
+# ## Perform required imports
# Run through each cell. This cell imports the required packages.
-import sys
import os
import pyaedt
@@ -37,38 +33,33 @@
temp_folder = pyaedt.generate_unique_folder_name()
project_path = pyaedt.downloads.download_file("eigenmode", "emi_PCB_house.aedt", temp_folder)
-# Launch AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch AEDT
# Launch AEDT 2023 R2 in graphical mode.
desktop_version = "2023.2"
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
non_graphical = False
-# Launch AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch AEDT
# Launch AEDT 2023 R2 in graphical mode.
d = pyaedt.launch_desktop(desktop_version, non_graphical=non_graphical, new_desktop_session=True)
-# Launch HFSS
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch HFSS
# Launch HFSS 2023 R2 in graphical mode.
hfss = pyaedt.Hfss(projectname=project_path, non_graphical=non_graphical)
-# Input parameters for eigenmode solver
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Input parameters for eigenmode solver
# The geometry and material should be already set. The analyses are generated by the code.
# Number of modes during each analysis, max allowed number is 20.
# Entering a number higher than 10 might need long simulation time as the
@@ -76,6 +67,7 @@
# of interest. ``fmax`` is the highest frequency of interest.
# ``limit`` is the parameter limit that determines which modes are ignored.
+# +
num_modes = 6
fmin = 1
fmax = 2
@@ -84,15 +76,15 @@
limit = 10
resonance = {}
+# -
-# Find the modes
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Find the modes
# The following cell is a function. If called, it creates an eigenmode setup and solves it.
# After the solve, each mode, along with its corresponding real frequency and quality factor,
# are saved for further processing.
+# +
def find_resonance():
# setup creation
next_min_freq = str(next_fmin) + " GHz"
@@ -123,15 +115,15 @@ def find_resonance():
return data
+# -
-# Automate eigenmode solution
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Automate eigenmode solution
# Running the next cell calls the resonance function and saves only those modes with a Q higher than the defined
# limit. The ``find_resonance`` function is called until the complete frequency range is covered.
# When the automation ends, the physical modes in the whole frequency range are reported.
+# +
while next_fmin < fmax:
output = find_resonance()
next_fmin = output[len(output) - 1][1] / 1e9
@@ -144,18 +136,17 @@ def find_resonance():
resonance_frequencies = [f"{resonance[i][1] / 1e9:.5} GHz" for i in resonance]
+# -
-# Save project
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Save project
# Save the project.
hfss.plot(show=False, export_path=os.path.join(hfss.working_directory, "Image.jpg"), plot_air_objects=False)
-# Save project and close AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Save project and close AEDT
# Save the project and close AEDT.
diff --git a/examples/02-HFSS/Probe_Fed_Patch.py b/examples/02-HFSS/Probe_Fed_Patch.py
index 13b377d7c7d..3ed10cd890c 100644
--- a/examples/02-HFSS/Probe_Fed_Patch.py
+++ b/examples/02-HFSS/Probe_Fed_Patch.py
@@ -1,26 +1,20 @@
-HFSS: Probe-fed patch antenna
-This example shows how to use the ``Stackup3D`` class
-to create and analyze a patch antenna in HFSS.
-Note that the HFSS 3D Layout interface may offer advantages for
-laminate structures such as the patch antenna.
+# # HFSS: Probe-fed patch antenna
+# This example shows how to use the ``Stackup3D`` class
+# to create and analyze a patch antenna in HFSS.
+# Note that the HFSS 3D Layout interface may offer advantages for
+# laminate structures such as the patch antenna.
-# Perform imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Perform imports
import os
import pyaedt
import tempfile
from pyaedt.modeler.advanced_cad.stackup_3d import Stackup3D
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode. ``"PYAEDT_NON_GRAPHICAL"`` is set to ``False``
# to create this documentation.
@@ -34,9 +28,8 @@
length_units = "mm"
freq_units = "GHz"
-# Create temporary working folder
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create temporary working folder
# Use tempfile to create a temporary working folder. Project data
# is deleted after this example is run.
@@ -51,11 +44,9 @@
project_folder = tmpdir.name
proj_name = os.path.join(project_folder, "antenna")
-# Launch HFSS
-# -----------
+# ## Launch HFSS
+# +
hfss = pyaedt.Hfss(projectname=proj_name,
@@ -63,13 +54,14 @@
hfss.modeler.model_units = length_units
+# -
-# Create patch
-# ------------
-# Create the patch.
+# ## Create patch
+# Create the patch.
+# +
stackup = Stackup3D(hfss)
ground = stackup.add_ground_layer("ground", material="copper", thickness=0.035, fill_material="air")
dielectric = stackup.add_dielectric_layer("dielectric", thickness="0.5" + length_units, material="Duroid (tm)")
@@ -95,19 +87,18 @@
+# -
-# Plot S11
-# ---------
+# ## Plot S11
plot_data = hfss.get_traces_for_plot()
report = hfss.post.create_report(plot_data)
solution = report.get_solution_data()
plt = solution.plot(solution.expressions)
-# Release AEDT
-# ------------
+# ## Release AEDT
# Release AEDT and clean up temporary folders and files.
diff --git a/examples/02-HFSS/Readme.txt b/examples/02-HFSS/Readme.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f03c21f896..00000000000
--- a/examples/02-HFSS/Readme.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-HFSS examples
-These examples use PyAEDT to show some end-to-end workflows for HFSS 3D.
-This includes model generation, setup, meshing, and postprocessing.
diff --git a/examples/02-HFSS/Waveguide_Filter.py b/examples/02-HFSS/Waveguide_Filter.py
index 9624c0f21c3..a082b2ca2c1 100644
--- a/examples/02-HFSS/Waveguide_Filter.py
+++ b/examples/02-HFSS/Waveguide_Filter.py
@@ -1,16 +1,12 @@
-HFSS: Inductive Iris waveguide filter
-This example shows how to build and analyze a 4-pole
-X-Band waveguide filter using inductive irises.
+# # HFSS: Inductive Iris waveguide filter
+# This example shows how to build and analyze a 4-pole
+# X-Band waveguide filter using inductive irises.
-# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_path = 'Resources/wgf.png'
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports.
@@ -19,15 +15,10 @@
import pyaedt
from pyaedt import general_methods
-# Launch Ansys Electronics Desktop (AEDT)
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch Ansys Electronics Desktop (AEDT)
-# Define parameters and values for waveguide iris filter
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ### Define parameters and values for waveguide iris filter
# l: Length of the cavity from the mid-point of one iris
# to the midpoint of the next iris.
# w: Width of the iris opening.
@@ -35,6 +26,7 @@
# b: Short dimension of the waveguide cross-section.
# t: Metal thickness of the iris insert.
+# +
wgparams = {'l': [0.7428, 0.82188],
'w': [0.50013, 0.3642, 0.3458],
'a': 0.4,
@@ -44,10 +36,9 @@
non_graphical = False
new_thread = True
+# -
-# Save the project and results in the TEMP folder
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ### Save the project and results in the TEMP folder
project_folder = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "waveguide_example")
if not os.path.exists(project_folder):
@@ -55,6 +46,7 @@
project_name = os.path.join(project_folder, general_methods.generate_unique_name("wgf", n=2))
# Instantiate the HFSS application
hfss = pyaedt.Hfss(projectname=project_name + '.aedt',
@@ -66,10 +58,9 @@
var_mapping = dict() # Used by parse_expr to parse expressions.
-# Initialize design parameters in HFSS.
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ### Initialize design parameters in HFSS.
+# +
hfss.modeler.model_units = "in" # Set to inches
for key in wgparams:
if type(wgparams[key]) in [int, float]:
@@ -89,11 +80,10 @@
zstart = "l1/2 - t/2" # Odd number of cavities, even number of irises.
is_even = False
+# -
-# Draw parametric waveguide filter
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ### Draw parametric waveguide filter
# Define a function to place each iris at the correct longitudinal (z) position,
# Loop from the largest index (interior of the filter) to 1, which is the first
# iris nearest the waveguide ports.
@@ -109,12 +99,11 @@ def place_iris(zpos, dz, n):
iris.append(iris[0].mirror([0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], duplicate=True))
return iris
-# Place irises
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ### Place irises
# Place the irises from inner (highest integer) to outer.
+# +
for count in reversed(range(1, len(wgparams['w']) + 1)):
if count < len(wgparams['w']): # Update zpos
zpos = zpos + "".join([" + l" + str(count) + " + "])[:-3]
@@ -126,10 +115,10 @@ def place_iris(zpos, dz, n):
iris = place_iris(zpos, "t", count)
if not is_even:
iris = place_iris("-(" + zpos + ")", "-t", count)
+# -
-# Draw full waveguide with ports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ### Draw full waveguide with ports
# Use ``hfss.variable_manager`` which acts like a dict() to return an instance of
# the ``pyaedt.application.Variables.VariableManager`` class for any variable.
# The ``VariableManager`` instance takes the HFSS variable name as a key.
@@ -147,21 +136,19 @@ def place_iris(zpos, dz, n):
hfss.modeler.create_box(["-b/2", "-a/2", "wg_z_start"], ["b", "a", "wg_length"],
name="waveguide", matname="vacuum")
-# Draw the whole waveguide.
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ### Draw the whole waveguide.
# wg_z is the total length of the waveguide, including port extension.
# Note that the ``.evaluated_value`` provides access to the numerical value of
# ``wg_z_start`` which is an expression in HFSS.
wg_z = [wg_z_start.evaluated_value, hfss.value_with_units(wg_z_start.numeric_value + wg_length.numeric_value, "in")]
-# Assign wave ports to the end faces of the waveguid
+# Assign wave ports to the end faces of the waveguide
# and define the calibration lines to ensure self-consistent
# polarization between wave ports.
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# +
count = 0
ports = []
for n, z in enumerate(wg_z):
@@ -170,15 +157,16 @@ def place_iris(zpos, dz, n):
u_end = [0, hfss.variable_manager["u_end"].evaluated_value, z]
ports.append(hfss.wave_port(face_id, integration_line=[u_start, u_end], name="P" + str(n + 1), renormalize=False))
+# -
-# Insert the mesh adaptation setup using refinement at two frequencies.
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ### Insert the mesh adaptation setup using refinement at two frequencies.
# This approach is useful for resonant structures as the coarse initial
# mesh impacts the resonant frequency and hence, the field propagation through the
# filter. Adaptation at multiple frequencies helps to ensure that energy propagates
# through the resonant structure while the mesh is refined.
+# +
setup = hfss.create_setup("Setup1", setuptype="HFSSDriven",
MultipleAdaptiveFreqsSetup=['9.8GHz', '10.2GHz'],
@@ -190,31 +178,31 @@ def place_iris(zpos, dz, n):
+# -
# Solve the project with two tasks.
# Each frequency point is solved simultaneously.
-# Generate S-Parameter Plots
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ### Generate S-Parameter Plots
# The following commands fetch solution data from HFSS for plotting directly
# from the Python interpreter.
# Caution: The syntax for expressions must be identical to that used
# in HFSS.
+# +
traces_to_plot = hfss.get_traces_for_plot(second_element_filter="P1*")
report = hfss.post.create_report(traces_to_plot) # Creates a report in HFSS
solution = report.get_solution_data()
plt = solution.plot(solution.expressions) # Matplotlib axes object.
+# -
-# Generate E field plot
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ### Generate E field plot
# The following command generates a field plot in HFSS and uses PyVista
# to plot the field in Jupyter.
@@ -226,9 +214,8 @@ def place_iris(zpos, dz, n):
-# Save and close the desktop
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ### Save and close the desktop
# The following command saves the project to a file and closes the desktop.
diff --git a/doc/source/Resources/wgf.png b/examples/02-HFSS/_static/wgf.png
similarity index 100%
rename from doc/source/Resources/wgf.png
rename to examples/02-HFSS/_static/wgf.png
diff --git a/examples/02-HFSS/index.rst b/examples/02-HFSS/index.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..75907a9834a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/02-HFSS/index.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+HFSS examples
+These examples use PyAEDT to show some end-to-end workflows for HFSS 3D.
+This includes model generation, setup, meshing, and postprocessing.
+.. nbgallery::
+ Array.py
+ Create_3d_Component_and_use_it.py
+ Flex_CPWG.py
+ HFSS_Choke.py
+ HFSS_Dipole.py
+ HFSS_eigenmode.py
+ HFSS_FSS_unitcell.py
+ HFSS_Spiral.py
+ Probe_Fed_Patch.py
+ Waveguide_Filter.py
diff --git a/examples/02-SBR+/SBR_City_Import.py b/examples/02-SBR+/SBR_City_Import.py
index 88b66b020a1..fdc9912da79 100644
--- a/examples/02-SBR+/SBR_City_Import.py
+++ b/examples/02-SBR+/SBR_City_Import.py
@@ -1,29 +1,25 @@
-SBR+: Import Geometry from Maps
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create an HFSS SBR+ project from an
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # SBR+: Import Geometry from Maps
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create an HFSS SBR+ project from an
+# OpenStreeMaps.
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports and set up the local path to the PyAEDT
# directory path.
import os
from pyaedt import Hfss
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
non_graphical = False
-# Define designs
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Define designs
# Define two designs, one source and one target.
# Each design is connected to a different object.
@@ -35,15 +31,13 @@
-# Define Location to import
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Define Location to import
# Define latitude and longitude to import.
ansys_home = [40.273726, -80.168269]
-# Generate map and import
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Generate map and import
# Assign boundaries.
@@ -52,9 +46,8 @@
-# Plot model
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Plot model
# Plot the model.
plot_obj = app.plot(show=False, plot_air_objects=True)
@@ -65,9 +58,8 @@
plot_obj.bounding_box = False
plot_obj.plot(os.path.join(app.working_directory, "Source.jpg"))
-# Release AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Release AEDT
# Release AEDT and close the example.
diff --git a/examples/02-SBR+/SBR_Doppler_Example.py b/examples/02-SBR+/SBR_Doppler_Example.py
index 07a015299d6..d208ae73e73 100644
--- a/examples/02-SBR+/SBR_Doppler_Example.py
+++ b/examples/02-SBR+/SBR_Doppler_Example.py
@@ -1,20 +1,17 @@
-SBR+: doppler setup
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a multipart scenario in HFSS SBR+
-and set up a doppler analysis.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # SBR+: doppler setup
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a multipart scenario in HFSS SBR+
+# and set up a doppler analysis.
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports.
import os
import pyaedt
-# Launch AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch AEDT
# Launch AEDT.
aedt_version = "2023.2"
@@ -22,17 +19,15 @@
designname = "doppler"
library_path = pyaedt.downloads.download_multiparts()
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
non_graphical = False
-# Download and open project
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Download and open project
# Download and open the project.
project_name = pyaedt.generate_unique_project_name(project_name="doppler")
@@ -49,17 +44,15 @@
-# Save project and rename design
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Save project and rename design
# Save the project to the temporary folder and rename the design.
-# Set up library paths
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set up library paths
# Set up library paths to 3D components.
actor_lib = os.path.join(library_path, "actor_library")
@@ -71,17 +64,15 @@
bike_folder = os.path.join(actor_lib, "bike1")
bird_folder = os.path.join(actor_lib, "bird1")
-# Define environment
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Define environment
# Define the background environment.
road1 = app.modeler.add_environment(env_folder=env_folder, environment_name="Bari")
prim = app.modeler
-# Place actors
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Place actors
# Place actors in the environment. This code places persons, birds, bikes, and cars
# in the environment.
@@ -108,9 +99,8 @@
actor_folder=bird_folder, speed=1.0, global_offset=[6, 2, 3], yaw=-60, pitch=10, actor_name="Eagle"
-# Place radar
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Place radar
# Place radar on the car. The radar is created relative to the car's coordinate
# system.
@@ -122,9 +112,8 @@
-# Create setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create setup
# Create setup and validate it. The ``create_sbr_pulse_doppler_setup`` method
# creates a setup and a parametric sweep on the time variable with a
# duration of two seconds. The step is computed automatically from CPI.
@@ -133,16 +122,14 @@
-# Plot model
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Plot model
# Plot the model.
app.plot(show=False, export_path=os.path.join(app.working_directory, "Image.jpg"), plot_air_objects=True)
-# Solve and release AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Solve and release AEDT
# Solve and release AEDT. To solve, uncomment the ``app.analyze_setup`` command
# to activate the simulation.
diff --git a/examples/02-SBR+/SBR_Example.py b/examples/02-SBR+/SBR_Example.py
index 4616973cd06..1ee324ab159 100644
--- a/examples/02-SBR+/SBR_Example.py
+++ b/examples/02-SBR+/SBR_Example.py
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
-SBR+: HFSS to SBR+ coupling
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create an HFSS SBR+ project from an
-HFSS antenna and run a simulation.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # SBR+: HFSS to SBR+ coupling
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create an HFSS SBR+ project from an
+# HFSS antenna and run a simulation.
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports and set up the local path to the path for the PyAEDT
# directory.
@@ -15,20 +13,19 @@
project_full_name = pyaedt.downloads.download_sbr(pyaedt.generate_unique_project_name(project_name="sbr_freq"))
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
non_graphical = False
-# Define designs
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Define designs
# Define two designs, one source and one target, with each design connected to
# a different object.
+# +
target = pyaedt.Hfss(
@@ -42,33 +39,30 @@
+# -
-# Define linked antenna
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Define linked antenna
# Define a linked antenna. This is HFSS far field applied to HFSS SBR+.
target.create_sbr_linked_antenna(source, target_cs="feederPosition", fieldtype="farfield")
-# Assign boundaries
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Assign boundaries
# Assign boundaries.
target.assign_perfecte_to_sheets(["Reflector", "Subreflector"])
target.mesh.assign_curvilinear_elements(["Reflector", "Subreflector"])
-# Plot model
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Plot model
# Plot the model
source.plot(show=False, export_path=os.path.join(target.working_directory, "Source.jpg"), plot_air_objects=True)
target.plot(show=False, export_path=os.path.join(target.working_directory, "Target.jpg"), plot_air_objects=False)
-# Create setup and solve
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create setup and solve
# Create a setup and solve it.
setup1 = target.create_setup()
@@ -80,9 +74,8 @@
setup1["RangeStart"] = "10GHz"
-# Plot results
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Plot results
# Plot results.
variations = target.available_variations.nominal_w_values_dict
@@ -98,9 +91,8 @@
report_category="Far Fields",
-# Plot results outside AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Plot results outside AEDT
# Plot results using Matplotlib.
solution = target.post.get_solution_data(
@@ -113,9 +105,8 @@
-# Release AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Release AEDT
# Release AEDT and close the example.
diff --git a/examples/02-SBR+/SBR_Time_Plot.py b/examples/02-SBR+/SBR_Time_Plot.py
index c227f3ee99f..780555c4e69 100644
--- a/examples/02-SBR+/SBR_Time_Plot.py
+++ b/examples/02-SBR+/SBR_Time_Plot.py
@@ -1,40 +1,36 @@
-SBR+: HFSS to SBR+ time animation
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create an SBR+ time animation
-and save it to a GIF file. This example works only on CPython.
-# Perform required imports.
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # SBR+: HFSS to SBR+ time animation
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create an SBR+ time animation
+# and save it to a GIF file. This example works only on CPython.
+# ## Perform required imports.
# Perform required imports.
import os
from pyaedt import Hfss, downloads
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
non_graphical = False
-# Launch AEDT and load project
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch AEDT and load project
# Launch AEDT and load the project.
+# +
project_file = downloads.download_sbr_time()
hfss = Hfss(projectname=project_file, specified_version="2023.2", non_graphical=non_graphical, new_desktop_session=True)
+# -
-# Get solution data
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Get solution data
# Get solution data. After simulation is performed, you can load solutions
# in the ``solution_data`` object.
@@ -43,27 +39,25 @@
report_category="Near Fields")
-# Compute IFFT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Compute IFFT
# Compute IFFT (Inverse Fast Fourier Transform).
t_matrix = solution_data.ifft("NearE", window=True)
-# Export IFFT to CSV file
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Export IFFT to CSV file
# Export IFFT to a CSV file.
frames_list_file = solution_data.ifft_to_file(coord_system_center=[-0.15, 0, 0], db_val=True,
csv_dir=os.path.join(hfss.working_directory, "csv"))
-# Plot scene
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Plot scene
# Plot the scene to create the time plot animation
+# +
output_gif_path=os.path.join(hfss.working_directory, "animation.gif"),
@@ -71,3 +65,4 @@
show=False, view="xy", zoom=1)
+# -
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/02-SBR+/Readme.txt b/examples/02-SBR+/index.rst
similarity index 61%
rename from examples/02-SBR+/Readme.txt
rename to examples/02-SBR+/index.rst
index edb3b62f744..d6a3be8fdc9 100644
--- a/examples/02-SBR+/Readme.txt
+++ b/examples/02-SBR+/index.rst
@@ -2,3 +2,10 @@ SBR+ examples
These examples use PyAEDT to show some end-to-end workflows for HFSS SBR+.
This includes model generation, setup, meshing, and postprocessing.
+.. nbgallery::
+ SBR_City_Import.py
+ SBR_Doppler_Example.py
+ SBR_Example.py
+ SBR_Time_Plot.py
diff --git a/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell2D_DCConduction.py b/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell2D_DCConduction.py
index 7b461b51ea3..4f1ab90b276 100644
--- a/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell2D_DCConduction.py
+++ b/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell2D_DCConduction.py
@@ -1,19 +1,15 @@
-Maxwell 2D: resistance calculation
-This example uses PyAEDT to set up a resistance calculation
-and solve it using the Maxwell 2D DCConduction solver.
-Keywords: DXF import, material sweep, expression cache
-import os.path
+# # Maxwell 2D: resistance calculation
-import pyaedt
+# This example uses PyAEDT to set up a resistance calculation
+# and solve it using the Maxwell 2D DCConduction solver.
+# Keywords: DXF import, material sweep, expression cache
+import os.path
+import pyaedt
from pyaedt.generic.pdf import AnsysReport
-# Launch AEDT and Maxwell 2D
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch AEDT and Maxwell 2D
# Launch AEDT and Maxwell 2D after first setting up the project and design names,
# the solver, and the version. The following code also creates an instance of the
# ``Maxwell2d`` class named ``m2d``.
@@ -27,34 +23,33 @@
-# Create results folder
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create results folder
# Create results folder.
results_folder = os.path.join(m2d.working_directory, "M2D_DC_Conduction")
if not os.path.exists(results_folder):
-# Import geometry as a DXF file
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Import geometry as a DXF file
# You can test importing a DXF or a Parasolid file by commenting/uncommenting
# the following lines.
# Importing DXF files only works in graphical mode.
+# +
# DXFPath = pyaedt.downloads.download_file("dxf", "Ansys_logo_2D.dxf")
# dxf_layers = m2d.get_dxf_layers(DXFPath)
# m2d.import_dxf(DXFPath, dxf_layers, scale=1E-05)
ParasolidPath = pyaedt.downloads.download_file("x_t", "Ansys_logo_2D.x_t")
+# -
-# Define variables
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Define variables
# Define conductor thickness in z-direction, material array with 4 materials,
-# and MaterialIndex referring to the material array
+# and MaterialIndex referring to the material array.
m2d["MaterialThickness"] = "5mm"
m2d["ConductorMaterial"] = "[\"Copper\", \"Aluminum\", \"silver\", \"gold\"]"
@@ -62,41 +57,35 @@
m2d["MaterialIndex"] = str(MaterialIndex)
no_materials = 4
-# Assign materials
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Assign materials
# Voltage ports will be defined as perfect electric conductor (pec), conductor
-# gets the material defined by the 0th entry of the material array
+# gets the material defined by the 0th entry of the material array.
m2d.assign_material(["ANSYS_LOGO_2D_1", "ANSYS_LOGO_2D_2"], "pec")
m2d.modeler["ANSYS_LOGO_2D_3"].material_name = "ConductorMaterial[MaterialIndex]"
-# Assign voltages
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# 1V and 0V
+# ## Assign voltages
+# 1V and 0V.
m2d.assign_voltage(["ANSYS_LOGO_2D_1"], amplitude=1, name="1V")
m2d.assign_voltage(["ANSYS_LOGO_2D_2"], amplitude=0, name="0V")
-# Setup conductance calculation
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# 1V is the source, 0V ground
+# ## Setup conductance calculation
+# 1V is the source, 0V ground.
m2d.assign_matrix(sources=['1V'], group_sources=['0V'], matrix_name="Matrix1")
-# Assign mesh operation
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# 3mm on the conductor
+# ## Assign mesh operation
+# 3mm on the .
m2d.mesh.assign_length_mesh(["ANSYS_LOGO_2D_3"], meshop_name="conductor", maxlength=3, maxel=None)
-# Create simulation setup and enable expression cache
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create simulation setup and enable expression cache
# Create simulation setup with minimum 4 adaptive passes to ensure convergence.
# Enable expression cache to observe the convergence.
@@ -109,9 +98,8 @@
-# Create parametric sweep
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create parametric sweep
# Create parametric sweep to sweep all the entries in the material array.
# Save fields and mesh and use the mesh for all the materials.
@@ -123,11 +111,11 @@
param_sweep["SolveWithCopiedMeshOnly"] = True
-# Create resistance report
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Create R. vs. material report
+# ## Create resistance report
+# Create R. vs. material report.
+# +
variations = {"MaterialIndex": ["All"], "MaterialThickness": ["Nominal"]}
report = m2d.post.create_report(
@@ -148,20 +136,19 @@
for i in range(len(d.primary_sweep_values)):
material_index_vs_resistance.append([str(d.primary_sweep_values[i]), str(resistence[i])])
colors.append([None, None])
+# -
-# Field overlay
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Plot electric field and current density on the conductor surface
+# ## Field overlay
+# Plot electric field and current density on the conductor surface.
conductor_surface = m2d.modeler["ANSYS_LOGO_2D_3"].faces
plot1 = m2d.post.create_fieldplot_surface(conductor_surface, "Mag_E", plot_name="Electric Field")
plot2 = m2d.post.create_fieldplot_surface(conductor_surface, "Mag_J", plot_name="Current Density")
-# Field overlay
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Plot electric field using pyvista and saving to an image
+# ## Field overlay
+# Plot electric field using pyvista and saving to an image.
py_vista_plot = m2d.post.plot_field("Mag_E", conductor_surface, plot_cad_objs=False, show=False)
py_vista_plot.isometric_view = False
@@ -172,9 +159,8 @@
py_vista_plot.azimuth_angle = 0
py_vista_plot.plot(os.path.join(results_folder, "mag_E.jpg"))
-# Field animation
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Field animation
# Plot current density vs the Material index.
animated = m2d.post.plot_animated_field(
@@ -195,16 +181,14 @@
animated.azimuth_angle = 0
-# Export model picture
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Export model picture
# Export model picture.
model_picture = m2d.post.export_model_picture()
-# Generate PDF report
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Generate PDF report
# Generate a PDF report with output of simulation.
pdf_report = AnsysReport(project_name=m2d.project_name, design_name=m2d.design_name, version="2023.2")
@@ -233,7 +217,6 @@
pdf_report.save_pdf(results_folder, "AEDT_Results.pdf")
-# Release desktop
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Release desktop
diff --git a/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell2D_Electrostatic.py b/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell2D_Electrostatic.py
index df21b3763f8..0f1f391dce5 100644
--- a/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell2D_Electrostatic.py
+++ b/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell2D_Electrostatic.py
@@ -1,45 +1,39 @@
-Maxwell 2D Electrostatic analysis
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a Maxwell 2D electrostatic analysis.
-It shows how to create the geometry, load material properties from an Excel file and
-set up the mesh settings. Moreover, it focuses on post-processing operations, in particular how to
-plot field line traces, relevant for an electrostatic analysis.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # Maxwell 2D Electrostatic analysis
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a Maxwell 2D electrostatic analysis.
+# It shows how to create the geometry, load material properties from an Excel file and
+# set up the mesh settings. Moreover, it focuses on post-processing operations, in particular how to
+# plot field line traces, relevant for an electrostatic analysis.
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports.
import pyaedt
-# Initialize Maxwell 2D
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Initialize Maxwell 2D
# Initialize Maxwell 2D, providing the version, path to the project, and the design
# name and type.
desktopVersion = '2023.2'
sName = 'MySetupAuto'
sType = 'Electrostatic'
dName = 'Design1'
pName = pyaedt.generate_unique_project_name()
non_graphical = False
-# Download .xlsx file
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Download .xlsx file
# Set local temporary folder to export the .xlsx file to.
file_name_xlsx = pyaedt.downloads.download_file("field_line_traces", "my_copper.xlsx")
-# Initialize dictionaries
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Initialize dictionaries
# Initialize dictionaries that contain all the definitions for the design variables.
+# +
geom_params_circle = {
'circle_x0': '-10mm',
'circle_y0': '0mm',
@@ -56,10 +50,10 @@
'r_dx': '-1mm',
'r_dy': '-10mm'
+# -
-# Launch Maxwell 2D
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch Maxwell 2D
# Launch Maxwell 2D and save the project.
M2D = pyaedt.Maxwell2d(projectname=pName,
@@ -70,18 +64,16 @@
-# Create object to access 2D modeler
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create object to access 2D modeler
# Create the object ``mod2D`` to access the 2D modeler easily.
mod2D = M2D.modeler
mod2D.model_units = "mm"
-# Define variables from dictionaries
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Define variables from dictionaries
# Define design variables from the created dictionaries.
for k, v in geom_params_circle.items():
@@ -89,19 +81,18 @@
for k, v in geom_params_rectangle.items():
M2D[k] = v
-# Read materials from .xslx file
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Read materials from .xslx file
# Read materials from .xslx file into and set into design.
mats = M2D.materials.import_materials_from_excel(file_name_xlsx)
-# Create design geometries
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create design geometries
# Create rectangle and a circle and assign the material read from the .xlsx file.
# Create two new polylines and a region.
+# +
rect = mod2D.create_rectangle(position=['r_x0', 'r_y0', 'r_z0'],
dimension_list=['r_dx', 'r_dy', 0],
name='Ground', matname=mats[0])
@@ -119,25 +110,23 @@
poly2_id = mod2D.create_polyline(position_list=poly2_points, name='Poly2')
mod2D.split([poly1_id, poly2_id], 'YZ', sides='NegativeOnly')
mod2D.create_region([20, 100, 20, 100])
+# -
-# Define excitations
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Define excitations
# Assign voltage excitations to rectangle and circle.
M2D.assign_voltage(rect.id, amplitude=0, name='Ground')
M2D.assign_voltage(circle.id, amplitude=50e6, name='50kV')
-# Create initial mesh settings
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create initial mesh settings
# Assign a surface mesh to the rectangle.
M2D.mesh.assign_surface_mesh_manual(names=['Ground'], surf_dev=0.001)
-# Create, validate and analyze the setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create, validate and analyze the setup
# Create, update, validate and analyze the setup.
setup = M2D.create_setup(setupname=sName)
@@ -146,9 +135,8 @@
-# Evaluate the E Field tangential component
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Evaluate the E Field tangential component
# Evaluate the E Field tangential component along the given polylines.
# Add these operations to the Named Expression list in Field Calculator.
@@ -165,9 +153,8 @@
fields.AddNamedExpression("e_tan_poly2", "Fields")
-# Create Field Line Traces Plot
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create Field Line Traces Plot
# Create Field Line Traces Plot specifying as seeding faces
# the ground, the electrode and the region
# and as ``In surface objects`` only the region.
@@ -176,9 +163,8 @@
-# Update Field Line Traces Plot
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Update Field Line Traces Plot
# Update field line traces plot.
# Update seeding points number, line style and line width.
@@ -187,9 +173,8 @@
plot.LineWidth = 3
-# Save project and close AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Save project and close AEDT
# Save the project and close AEDT.
diff --git a/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell2D_NissanLeaf.py b/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell2D_NissanLeaf.py
index 96500ab1226..84c38f9698c 100644
--- a/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell2D_NissanLeaf.py
+++ b/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell2D_NissanLeaf.py
@@ -1,13 +1,10 @@
-Maxwell 2D: PM synchronous motor transient analysis
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a Maxwell 2D transient analysis for
-an interior permanent magnet electric motor.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # Maxwell 2D: PM synchronous motor transient analysis
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a Maxwell 2D transient analysis for
+# an interior permanent magnet electric motor.
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports.
from math import sqrt as mysqrt
@@ -16,29 +13,24 @@
import os
import pyaedt
-# Initialize Maxwell 2D
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Initialize Maxwell 2D
# Initialize Maxwell 2D, providing the version, path to the project, and the design
# name and type.
desktopVersion = "2023.2"
sName = "MySetupAuto"
sType = "TransientXY"
pName = pyaedt.generate_unique_project_name()
dName = "Sinusoidal"
-# Initialize dictionaries
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Initialize dictionaries
# Initialize dictionaries that contain all the definitions for the design
# variables and output variables.
-# Initialize definitions for stator, rotor, and shaft
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Initialize definitions for stator, rotor, and shaft
# Initialize geometry parameter definitions for the stator, rotor, and shaft.
# The naming refers to RMxprt primitives.
@@ -54,9 +46,8 @@
"SlotType": "3"
-# Initialize definitions for stator windings
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Initialize definitions for stator windings
# Initialize geometry parameter definitions for the stator windings. The naming
# refers to RMxprt primitives.
@@ -74,9 +65,8 @@
"Coil_Edge_Long": "15.37828521mm"
-# Initialize definitions for model setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Initialize definitions for model setup
# Initialize geometry parameter definitions for the model setup.
mod_params = {
@@ -92,9 +82,8 @@
"Section_Angle": "360deg/SymmetryFactor"
-# Initialize definitions for operational machine
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Initialize definitions for operational machine
# Initialize geometry parameter definitions for the operational machine. This
# identifies the operating point for the transient setup.
@@ -110,18 +99,16 @@
"Theta_i": "135deg"
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode. ``"PYAEDT_NON_GRAPHICAL"`` is needed to
# generate documentation only.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
non_graphical = False
-# Launch Maxwell 2D
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch Maxwell 2D
# Launch Maxwell 2D and save the project.
M2D = pyaedt.Maxwell2d(projectname=pName,
@@ -132,18 +119,16 @@
-# Create object to access 2D modeler
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create object to access 2D modeler
# Create the object ``mod2D`` to access the 2D modeler easily.
mod2D = M2D.modeler
mod2D.model_units = "mm"
-# Define variables from dictionaries
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Define variables from dictionaries
# Define design variables from the created dictionaries.
for k, v in geom_params.items():
@@ -155,17 +140,15 @@
for k, v in oper_params.items():
M2D[k] = v
-# Define path for non-linear material properties
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Define path for non-linear material properties
# Define the path for non-linear material properties.
# Materials are stored in text files.
filename_lam, filename_PM = pyaedt.downloads.download_leaf()
-# Create first material
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create first material
# Create the material ``"Copper (Annealed)_65C"``.
mat_coils = M2D.materials.add_material("Copper (Annealed)_65C")
@@ -173,9 +156,8 @@
mat_coils.conductivity = "49288048.9198"
mat_coils.permeability = "1"
-# Create second material
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create second material
# Create the material ``"Arnold_Magnetics_N30UH_80C"``.
# The BH curve is read from a tabbed CSV file, and a list (``BH_List_PM``)
# is created. This list is passed to the ``mat_PM.permeability.value``
@@ -194,9 +176,8 @@
BH_List_PM.append([float(row[0]), float(row[1])])
mat_PM.permeability.value = BH_List_PM
-# Create third material
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create third material
# Create the laminated material ``30DH_20C_smooth``.
# This material has a BH curve and a core loss model,
# which is set to electrical steel.
@@ -219,13 +200,13 @@
BH_List_lam.append([float(row[0]), float(row[1])])
mat_lam.permeability.value = BH_List_lam
-# Create geometry for stator
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create geometry for stator
# Create the geometry for the stator. It is created via
# the RMxprt user-defined primitive. A list of lists is
# created with the proper UDP parameters.
+# +
udp_par_list_stator = [["DiaGap", "DiaGap"], ["DiaYoke", "DiaStatorYoke"], ["Length", "Stator_Lam_Length"],
["Skew", "StatorSkewAngle"], ["Slots", "SlotNumber"], ["SlotType", "SlotType"],
["Hs0", "1.2mm"], ["Hs01", "0mm"], ["Hs1", "0.4834227384999mm"],
@@ -240,10 +221,10 @@
stator_id = mod2D.create_udp(udp_dll_name="RMxprt/VentSlotCore.dll",
udp_parameters_list=udp_par_list_stator, upd_library='syslib',
name='my_stator') # name not taken
+# -
-# Assign properties to stator
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Assign properties to stator
# Assign properties to the stator. The following code assigns
# the material, name, color, and ``solve_inside`` properties.
@@ -252,10 +233,8 @@
stator_id.color = (0, 0, 255) # rgb
stator_id.solve_inside = True # to be reassigned: M2D.assign material puts False if not dielectric
-# Create geometry for PMs
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create geometry for PMs
# Create the geometry for the PMs (permanent magnets). In Maxwell 2D, you assign
# magnetization via the coordinate system. Because each PM needs to have a coordinate
# system in the face center, auxiliary functions are created. Here, you use the auxiliary
@@ -265,10 +244,8 @@
def find_elements(lst1, lst2):
return [lst1[i] for i in lst2]
-# Find largest elements in list
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Find largest elements in list
# Use the auxiliary function ``find_n_largest (input_len_list, n_largest_edges)``
# to find the ``n`` largest elements in the list ``input_len_list``.
@@ -282,15 +259,14 @@ def find_n_largest(input_len_list, n_largest_edges):
tmp[tmp.index(copied[-n])] = 0 # index can only get the first occurrence that solves the problem
return index_list
-# Create coordinate system for PMs
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create coordinate system for PMs
# Create the coordinate system for the PMs. The inputs are the object name, coordinate
# system name, and inner or outer magnetization. Find the two longest edges of the magnets
# and get the midpoint of the outer edge. You must have this point to create the face
# coordinate systems in case of outer magnetization.
+# +
def create_cs_magnets(pm_id, cs_name, point_direction):
pm_face_id = mod2D.get_object_faces(pm_id.name)[0] # works with name only
pm_edges = mod2D.get_object_edges(pm_id.name) # gets the edges of the PM object
@@ -313,11 +289,10 @@ def create_cs_magnets(pm_id, cs_name, point_direction):
axis="X", name=cs_name)
pm_id.part_coordinate_system = cs_name
+# -
-# Create outer and inner PMs
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create outer and inner PMs
# Create the outer and inner PMs and assign color to them.
IM1_points = [[56.70957112, 3.104886585, 0], [40.25081875, 16.67243502, 0], [38.59701538, 14.66621111, 0],
@@ -331,26 +306,23 @@ def create_cs_magnets(pm_id, cs_name, point_direction):
OPM1_id.color = (0, 128, 64)
-# Create coordinate system for PMs in face center
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create coordinate system for PMs in face center
# Create the coordinate system for PMs in the face center.
create_cs_magnets(IPM1_id, 'CS_' + IPM1_id.name, 'outer')
create_cs_magnets(OPM1_id, 'CS_' + OPM1_id.name, 'outer')
-# Duplicate and mirror PMs
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Duplicate and mirror PMs
# Duplicate and mirror the PMs along with the local coordinate system.
mod2D.duplicate_and_mirror([IPM1_id, OPM1_id], position=[0, 0, 0],
vector=["cos((360deg/SymmetryFactor/2)+90deg)", "sin((360deg/SymmetryFactor/2)+90deg)", 0])
id_PMs = mod2D.get_objects_w_string("PM", case_sensitive=True)
-# Create coils
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create coils
# Create the coils.
coil_id = mod2D.create_rectangle(position=['DiaRotorLam/2+Airgap+Coil_SetBack', '-Coil_Edge_Short/2', 0],
@@ -362,9 +334,8 @@ def create_cs_magnets(pm_id, cs_name, point_direction):
id_coils = mod2D.get_objects_w_string("Coil", case_sensitive=True)
-# Create shaft and region
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create shaft and region
# Create the shaft and region.
region_id = mod2D.create_circle(position=[0, 0, 0], radius='DiaOuter/2',
@@ -372,9 +343,8 @@ def create_cs_magnets(pm_id, cs_name, point_direction):
shaft_id = mod2D.create_circle(position=[0, 0, 0], radius='DiaShaft/2',
num_sides='SegAngle', is_covered=True, name='Shaft')
-# Create bands
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create bands
# Create the inner band, band, and outer band.
bandIN_id = mod2D.create_circle(position=[0, 0, 0], radius='(DiaGap - (1.5 * Airgap))/2',
@@ -384,29 +354,27 @@ def create_cs_magnets(pm_id, cs_name, point_direction):
bandOUT_id = mod2D.create_circle(position=[0, 0, 0], radius='(DiaGap - (0.5 * Airgap))/2',
num_sides='mapping_angle', is_covered=True, name='Outer_Band')
-# Assign motion setup to object
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Assign motion setup to object
# Assign a motion setup to a ``Band`` object named ``RotatingBand_mid``.
M2D.assign_rotate_motion(band_object='Band', coordinate_system="Global", axis="Z", positive_movement=True,
start_position="InitialPositionMD", angular_velocity="MachineRPM")
-# Create list of vacuum objects
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create list of vacuum objects
# Create a list of vacuum objects and assign color.
vacuum_obj_id = [shaft_id, region_id, bandIN_id, bandMID_id, bandOUT_id] # put shaft first
for item in vacuum_obj_id:
item.color = (128, 255, 255)
-# Create rotor
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create rotor
# Create the rotor. Holes are specific to the lamination.
# Allocated PMs are created.
+# +
rotor_id = mod2D.create_circle(position=[0, 0, 0], radius='DiaRotorLam/2',
num_sides=0, name="Rotor", matname="30DH_20C_smooth")
rotor_id.color = (0, 128, 255)
@@ -434,13 +402,14 @@ def create_cs_magnets(pm_id, cs_name, point_direction):
id_holes = mod2D.get_objects_w_string("slot_", case_sensitive=True)
M2D.modeler.subtract(rotor_id, id_holes, keep_originals=True)
+# -
-# Create section of machine
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create section of machine
# Create a section of the machine. This allows you to take
# advantage of symmetries.
+# +
object_list = [stator_id, rotor_id] + vacuum_obj_id
mod2D.create_coordinate_system(origin=[0, 0, 0],
@@ -453,10 +422,10 @@ def create_cs_magnets(pm_id, cs_name, point_direction):
mod2D.split(object_list, "ZX", sides="NegativeOnly")
mod2D.split(object_list, "ZX", sides="PositiveOnly")
+# -
-# Create boundary conditions
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create boundary conditions
# Create independent and dependent boundary conditions.
# Edges for assignment are picked by position.
# The points for edge picking are in the airgap.
@@ -472,9 +441,8 @@ def create_cs_magnets(pm_id, cs_name, point_direction):
-# Assign vector potential
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Assign vector potential
# Assign a vector potential of ``0`` to the second position.
pos_2 = "(DiaOuter/2)"
@@ -483,18 +451,16 @@ def create_cs_magnets(pm_id, cs_name, point_direction):
M2D.assign_vector_potential(id_bc_az, vectorvalue=0, bound_name="VectorPotentialZero")
-# Create excitations
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create excitations
# Create excitations, defining phase currents for the windings.
PhA_current = "IPeak * cos(2*pi*ElectricFrequency*time+Theta_i)"
PhB_current = "IPeak * cos(2*pi * ElectricFrequency*time - 120deg+Theta_i)"
PhC_current = "IPeak * cos(2*pi * ElectricFrequency*time - 240deg+Theta_i)"
-# Define windings in phase A
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Define windings in phase A
# Define windings in phase A.
M2D.assign_coil(input_object=["Coil"], conductor_number=6, polarity="Positive", name="CT_Ph1_P2_C1_Go")
@@ -503,9 +469,8 @@ def create_cs_magnets(pm_id, cs_name, point_direction):
current_value=PhA_current, parallel_branches=1, name="Phase_A")
M2D.add_winding_coils(windingname="Phase_A", coil_names=["CT_Ph1_P2_C1_Go", "CT_Ph1_P2_C1_Ret"])
-# Define windings in phase B
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Define windings in phase B
# Define windings in phase B.
M2D.assign_coil(input_object="Coil_3", conductor_number=6, polarity="Positive", name="CT_Ph3_P1_C2_Go")
@@ -515,9 +480,8 @@ def create_cs_magnets(pm_id, cs_name, point_direction):
M2D.add_winding_coils(windingname="Phase_B", coil_names=["CT_Ph3_P1_C2_Go", "CT_Ph3_P1_C1_Go"])
-# Define windings in phase C
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Define windings in phase C
# Define windings in phase C.
M2D.assign_coil(input_object="Coil_1", conductor_number=6, polarity="Negative", name="CT_Ph2_P2_C2_Ret")
@@ -527,65 +491,58 @@ def create_cs_magnets(pm_id, cs_name, point_direction):
M2D.add_winding_coils(windingname="Phase_C", coil_names=["CT_Ph2_P2_C2_Ret", "CT_Ph2_P2_C1_Ret"])
-# Assign total current on PMs
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Assign total current on PMs
# Assign a total current of ``0`` on the PMs.
PM_list = id_PMs
for item in PM_list:
M2D.assign_current(item, amplitude=0, solid=True, name=item + "_I0")
-# Create mesh operations
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create mesh operations
# Create the mesh operations.
M2D.mesh.assign_length_mesh(id_coils, isinside=True, maxlength=3, maxel=None, meshop_name="coils")
M2D.mesh.assign_length_mesh(stator_id, isinside=True, maxlength=3, maxel=None, meshop_name="stator")
M2D.mesh.assign_length_mesh(rotor_id, isinside=True, maxlength=3, maxel=None, meshop_name="rotor")
-# Turn on eddy effects
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Turn on eddy effects
# Turn on eddy effects.
# M2D.eddy_effects_on(eddy_effects_list,activate_eddy_effects=True, activate_displacement_current=False)
-# Turn on core loss
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Turn on core loss
# Turn on core loss.
core_loss_list = ['Rotor', 'Stator']
M2D.set_core_losses(core_loss_list, value=True)
-# Compute transient inductance
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Compute transient inductance
# Compute the transient inductance.
M2D.change_inductance_computation(compute_transient_inductance=True, incremental_matrix=False)
-# Set model depth
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set model depth
# Set the model depth.
M2D.model_depth = "Magnetic_Axial_Length"
-# Set symmetry factor
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set symmetry factor
# Set the symmetry factor.
-# Create setup and validate
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create setup and validate
# Create the setup and validate it.
+# +
setup = M2D.create_setup(setupname=sName)
setup.props["StopTime"] = "StopTime"
setup.props["TimeStep"] = "TimeStep"
@@ -598,10 +555,10 @@ def create_cs_magnets(pm_id, cs_name, point_direction):
model = M2D.plot(show=False)
model.plot(os.path.join(M2D.working_directory, "Image.jpg"))
+# -
-# Initialize definitions for output variables
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Initialize definitions for output variables
# Initialize the definitions for the output variables.
# These will be used later to generate reports.
@@ -646,25 +603,23 @@ def create_cs_magnets(pm_id, cs_name, point_direction):
"U_q": "-2/3*(U_A*sin0 + U_B*sin1 + U_C*sin2)"
-# Create output variables for postprocessing
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create output variables for postprocessing
# Create output variables for postprocessing.
for k, v in output_vars.items():
M2D.create_output_variable(k, v)
-# Initialize definition for postprocessing plots
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Initialize definition for postprocessing plots
# Initialize the definition for postprocessing plots.
post_params = {
"Moving1.Torque": "TorquePlots"
-# Initialize definition for postprocessing multiplots
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Initialize definition for postprocessing multiplots
# Initialize the definition for postprocessing multiplots.
post_params_multiplot = { # reports
@@ -686,9 +641,8 @@ def create_cs_magnets(pm_id, cs_name, point_direction):
("SolidLoss", "SolidLoss(IPM1)", "SolidLoss(IPM1_1)", "SolidLoss(OPM1)", "SolidLoss(OPM1_1)"): "SolidLoss"
-# Create report
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create report
# Create a report.
for k, v in post_params.items():
@@ -697,29 +651,27 @@ def create_cs_magnets(pm_id, cs_name, point_direction):
report_category=None, plot_type="Rectangular Plot", context=None, subdesign_id=None,
polyline_points=1001, plotname=v)
-# Create multiplot report
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create multiplot report
# Create a multiplot report.
+# +
# for k, v in post_params_multiplot.items():
# M2D.post.create_report(expressions=list(k), setup_sweep_name="", domain="Sweep", variations=None,
# primary_sweep_variable="Time", secondary_sweep_variable=None,
# report_category=None, plot_type="Rectangular Plot", context=None, subdesign_id=None,
# polyline_points=1001, plotname=v)
+# -
-# Analyze and save project
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Analyze and save project
# Analyze and save the project.
M2D.analyze_setup(sName, use_auto_settings=False)
-# Create flux lines plot on region
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create flux lines plot on region
# Create a flux lines plot on a region. The ``object_list`` is
# formerly created when the section is applied.
@@ -730,16 +682,14 @@ def create_cs_magnets(pm_id, cs_name, point_direction):
"Time": M2D.variable_manager.variables["StopTime"].evaluated_value},
-# Export a field plot to an image file
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Export a field plot to an image file
# Export the flux lines plot to an image file using Python PyVista.
M2D.post.plot_field_from_fieldplot(plot1.name, show=False)
-# Get solution data
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Get solution data
# Get a simulation result from a solved setup and cast it in a ``SolutionData`` object.
# Plot the desired expression by using Matplotlib plot().
@@ -747,26 +697,23 @@ def create_cs_magnets(pm_id, cs_name, point_direction):
-# Retrieve the data magnitude of an expression
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Retrieve the data magnitude of an expression
# List of shaft torque points and compute average.
mag = solutions.data_magnitude()
avg = sum(mag) / len(mag)
-# Export a report to a file
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Export a report to a file
# Export a 2D Plot data to a .csv file.
-# Close AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Close AEDT
# Close AEDT.
diff --git a/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell2D_Transient.py b/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell2D_Transient.py
index c65c9b89ab8..520b725d6c1 100644
--- a/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell2D_Transient.py
+++ b/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell2D_Transient.py
@@ -1,81 +1,71 @@
-Maxwell 2D: transient winding analysis
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a project in Maxwell 2D
-and run a transient simulation. It runs only on Windows using CPython.
-The following libraries are required for the advanced postprocessing features
-used in this example:
-- `Matplotlib `_
-- `Numpty `_
-- `PyVista `_
-Install these libraries with:
-.. code::
- pip install numpy pyvista matplotlib
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # Maxwell 2D: transient winding analysis
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a project in Maxwell 2D
+# and run a transient simulation. It runs only on Windows using CPython.
+# The following libraries are required for the advanced postprocessing features
+# used in this example:
+# - `Matplotlib `_
+# - `Numpty `_
+# - `PyVista `_
+# Install these libraries with:
+# ```console
+# pip install numpy pyvista matplotlib
+# ```
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports.
import os
import pyaedt
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
non_graphical = False
-# Insert Maxwell 2D design and save project
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Insert Maxwell 2D design and save project
# Insert a Maxwell 2D design and save the project.
maxwell_2d = pyaedt.Maxwell2d(solution_type="TransientXY", specified_version="2023.2", non_graphical=non_graphical,
new_desktop_session=True, projectname=pyaedt.generate_unique_project_name())
-# Create rectangle and duplicate it
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create rectangle and duplicate it
# Create a rectangle and duplicate it.
rect1 = maxwell_2d.modeler.create_rectangle([0, 0, 0], [10, 20], name="winding", matname="copper")
added = rect1.duplicate_along_line([14, 0, 0])
rect2 = maxwell_2d.modeler[added[0]]
-# Create air region
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create air region
# Create an air region.
region = maxwell_2d.modeler.create_region([100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100])
-# Assign windings and balloon
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Assign windings and balloon
# Assigns windings to the sheets and a balloon to the air region.
maxwell_2d.assign_winding([rect1.name, rect2.name], name="PHA")
-# Plot model
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Plot model
# Plot the model.
maxwell_2d.plot(show=False, export_path=os.path.join(maxwell_2d.working_directory, "Image.jpg"), plot_air_objects=True)
-# Create setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create setup
# Create the transient setup.
setup = maxwell_2d.create_setup()
@@ -86,27 +76,25 @@
setup.props["Steps From"] = "0s"
setup.props["Steps To"] = "0.002s"
-# Create rectangular plot
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create rectangular plot
# Create a rectangular plot.
"InputCurrent(PHA)", domain="Time", primary_sweep_variable="Time", plotname="Winding Plot 1"
-# Solve model
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Solve model
# Solve the model.
-# Create output and plot using PyVista
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create output and plot using PyVista
# Create the output and plot it using PyVista.
+# +
cutlist = ["Global:XY"]
face_lists = rect1.faces
face_lists += rect2.faces
@@ -129,21 +117,21 @@
animatedGif.roll_angle = 0
animatedGif.elevation_angle = 0
animatedGif.azimuth_angle = 0
# Set off_screen to False to visualize the animation.
# animatedGif.off_screen = False
+# -
-# Generate plot outside of AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Generate plot outside of AEDT
# Generate the same plot outside AEDT.
solutions = maxwell_2d.post.get_solution_data("InputCurrent(PHA)", primary_sweep_variable="Time")
-# Close AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Close AEDT
# Close AEDT.
diff --git a/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell3DTeam7.py b/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell3DTeam7.py
index 8ffd1d989b6..a90e183bb2d 100644
--- a/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell3DTeam7.py
+++ b/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell3DTeam7.py
@@ -4,9 +4,8 @@
This example uses PyAEDT to set up the TEAM 7 problem for an asymmetric
conductor with a hole and solve it using the Maxwell 3D Eddy Current solver.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports.
from pyaedt import Maxwell3d
@@ -15,20 +14,19 @@
import csv
import os
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
non_graphical = False
-# Launch AEDT and Maxwell 3D
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch AEDT and Maxwell 3D
# Launch AEDT and Maxwell 3D. The following code sets up the project and design names, the solver, and
# the version. It also creates an instance of the ``Maxwell3d`` class named ``M3D``.
+# +
Project_Name = "COMPUMAG"
Design_Name = "TEAM 7 Asymmetric Conductor"
Solver = "EddyCurrent"
@@ -45,15 +43,16 @@
M3D.modeler.model_units = "mm"
modeler = M3D.modeler
Plot = M3D.odesign.GetModule("ReportSetup")
+# -
-# Add Maxwell 3D setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Add Maxwell 3D setup
# Add a Maxwell 3D setup with frequency points at DC, 50 Hz, and 200Hz.
# Otherwise, the default PyAEDT setup values are used. To approximate a DC field in the
# Eddy Current solver, use a low frequency value. Second-order shape functions improve
# the smoothness of the induced currents in the plate.
+# +
dc_freq = 0.1
stop_freq = 50
@@ -63,10 +62,10 @@
Setup.add_eddy_current_sweep("LinearStep", dc_freq, stop_freq, stop_freq - dc_freq, clear=True)
Setup.props["UseHighOrderShapeFunc"] = True
Setup.props["PercentError"] = 0.4
+# -
-# Define coil dimensions
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Define coil dimensions
# Define coil dimensions as shown on the TEAM7 drawing of the coil.
coil_external = 150 + 25 + 25
@@ -85,29 +84,27 @@
dim3 = dim2 + np.sqrt(((coil_r1 + (coil_r2 - coil_r1) / 2) ** 2) / 2)
# Use coordinates to draw a polyline along which to sweep the coil cross sections.
P1 = [dim1, -dim2, 0]
P2 = [dim1, dim2, 0]
P3 = [dim3, dim3, 0]
P4 = [dim2, dim1, 0]
-# Create coordinate system for positioning coil
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create coordinate system for positioning coil
# Create a coordinate system for positioning the coil.
M3D.modeler.create_coordinate_system(origin=coil_centre, mode="view", view="XY", name="Coil_CS")
-# Create polyline
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create polyline
# Create a polyline. One quarter of the coil is modeled by sweeping a 2D sheet along a polyline.
test = M3D.modeler.create_polyline(position_list=[P1, P2, P3, P4], segment_type=["Line", "Arc"], name="Coil")
test.set_crosssection_properties(type="Rectangle", width=coil_thk, height=coil_height)
-# Duplicate and unite polyline to create full coil
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Duplicate and unite polyline to create full coil
# Duplicate and unit the polyline to create a full coil.
@@ -117,26 +114,24 @@
-# Assign material and if solution is allowed inside coil
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Assign material and if solution is allowed inside coil
# Assign the material ``Cooper`` from the Maxwell internal library to the coil and
# allow a solution inside the coil.
M3D.assign_material("Coil", "Copper")
-# Create terminal
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create terminal
# Create a terminal for the coil from a cross section that is split and one half deleted.
M3D.modeler.section("Coil", "YZ")
-# Add variable for coil excitation
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Add variable for coil excitation
# Add a design variable for coil excitation. The NB units here are AmpereTurns.
Coil_Excitation = 2742
@@ -144,17 +139,15 @@
M3D.assign_current("Coil_Section1", amplitude="Coil_Excitation", solid=False)
-# Add a material
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Add a material
# Add a material named ``team3_aluminium``.
mat = M3D.materials.add_material("team7_aluminium")
mat.conductivity = 3.526e7
-# Model aluminium plate with a hole
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Model aluminium plate with a hole
# Model the aluminium plate with a hole by subtracting two rectangular cuboids.
plate = M3D.modeler.create_box(position=[0, 0, 0], dimensions_list=[294, 294, 19], name="Plate",
@@ -163,16 +156,14 @@
hole = M3D.modeler.create_box(position=[18, 18, 0], dimensions_list=[108, 108, 19], name="Hole")
M3D.modeler.subtract("Plate", ["Hole"], keep_originals=False)
-# Draw a background region
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Draw a background region
# Draw a background region that uses the default properties for an air region.
M3D.modeler.create_air_region(x_pos=100, y_pos=100, z_pos=100, x_neg=100, y_neg=100, z_neg=100)
-# Adjust eddy effects for plate and coil
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Adjust eddy effects for plate and coil
# Adjust the eddy effects for the plate and coil by turning off displacement currents
# for all parts. The setting for eddy effect is ignored for the stranded conductor type
# used in the coil.
@@ -182,9 +173,8 @@
-# Create expression for Z component of B in Gauss
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create expression for Z component of B in Gauss
# Create an expression for the Z component of B in Gauss using the fields calculator.
Fields = M3D.odesign.GetModule("FieldsReporter")
@@ -197,12 +187,12 @@
Fields.AddNamedExpression("Bz", "Fields")
-# Draw two lines along which to plot Bz
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Draw two lines along which to plot Bz
# Draw two lines along which to plot Bz. The following code also adds a small cylinder
# to refine the mesh locally around each line.
+# +
lines = ["Line_A1_B1", "Line_A2_B2"]
mesh_diameter = "2mm"
@@ -215,19 +205,19 @@
polyline2 = modeler.create_polyline(position_list=line_points_2, name=lines[1])
polyline2_mesh = modeler.create_polyline(position_list=line_points_2, name=lines[1] + "mesh")
polyline2_mesh.set_crosssection_properties(type="Circle", width=mesh_diameter)
+# -
-# Plot model
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Plot model
# Plot the model.
M3D.plot(show=False, export_path=os.path.join(M3D.working_directory, "Image.jpg"), plot_air_objects=False)
# Published measurement results are included with this script via the list below.
# Test results are used to create text files for import into a rectangular plot
# and to overlay simulation results.
+# +
project_dir = M3D.working_directory
dataset = [
"Bz A1_B1 000 0",
@@ -344,12 +334,14 @@
[-1.35, -0.71, -0.81, -0.67, 0.15, 1.39, 2.67, 3.00, 4.01, 3.80, 4.00, 3.02, 2.20, 2.78, 1.58, 1.37, 0.93],
+# -
# Dataset details are used to encode test parameters in the text files.
# For example, ``Bz A1_B1 050 0`` is the Z component of flux density ``B``
# along line ``A1_B1`` at 50 Hz and 0 deg. These text files are created
# and saved in the default project directory.
+# +
print("project_dir", project_dir)
dataset_range = range(int(0), len(dataset), int(1))
line_length_range = range(int(0), len(line_length), int(1))
@@ -364,9 +356,10 @@
writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=",")
-# Create rectangular plots
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# -
+# ## Create rectangular plots
# Create rectangular plots, using text file encoding to control their formatting. Create
# the DC plot separately because it needs a different frequency and phase than the other plots.
@@ -404,8 +397,8 @@
-# Import test data into correct plot and overlay with simulation results
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Import test data into correct plot and overlay with simulation results
# Import test data into the correct plot and overlay it with the simulation results.
if item == 0:
@@ -414,9 +407,8 @@
Plot.ImportIntoReport(plotname, project_dir + "\\" + str(dataset[item - 1]) + ".csv")
Plot.ImportIntoReport(plotname, project_dir + "\\" + str(dataset[item]) + ".csv")
-# Create plots of induced current and flux density on surface of plate
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create plots of induced current and flux density on surface of plate
# Create two plots of the induced current (``Mag_J``) and the flux density (``Mag_B``) on the
# surface of the plate.
@@ -425,17 +417,15 @@
M3D.post.create_fieldplot_surface(surflist, "Mag_J", intrinsincDict=intrinsic_dict, plot_name="Mag_J")
M3D.post.create_fieldplot_surface(surflist, "Mag_B", intrinsincDict=intrinsic_dict, plot_name="Mag_B")
-# Save project and solve
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Save project and solve
# Save the project and solve it.
-# Release AEDT from PyAEDT scripting
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Release AEDT from PyAEDT scripting
# Release AEDT from PyAEDT scripting. If you wanted to leave AEDT and the project open
# after running the above script, in the following command, you would set ``(False, False)``.
diff --git a/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell3D_Choke.py b/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell3D_Choke.py
index d21690b8d1e..8a4b14ea1aa 100644
--- a/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell3D_Choke.py
+++ b/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell3D_Choke.py
@@ -1,29 +1,25 @@
-Maxwell 3D: choke setup
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a choke setup in Maxwell 3D.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # Maxwell 3D: choke setup
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a choke setup in Maxwell 3D.
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports.
import json
import os
import pyaedt
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can define ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
non_graphical = False
version = "2023.2"
-# Launch Maxwell3D
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch Maxwell3D
# Launch Maxwell 3D 2023 R2 in graphical mode.
m3d = pyaedt.Maxwell3d(projectname=pyaedt.generate_unique_project_name(),
@@ -33,9 +29,8 @@
-# Rules and information of use
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Rules and information of use
# The dictionary values containing the different parameters of the core and
# the windings that compose the choke. You must not change the main structure of
# the dictionary. The dictionary has many primary keys, including
@@ -98,20 +93,20 @@
"Inner Winding": {"Turns": 10, "Coil Pit(deg)": 4, "Occupation(%)": 0},
-# Convert dictionary to JSON file
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Convert dictionary to JSON file
# Covert a dictionary to a JSON file. PyAEDT methods ask for the path of the
# JSON file as an argument. You can convert a dictionary to a JSON file.
+# +
json_path = os.path.join(m3d.working_directory, "choke_example.json")
with open(json_path, "w") as outfile:
json.dump(values, outfile)
+# -
-# Verify parameters of JSON file
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Verify parameters of JSON file
# Verify parameters of the JSON file. The ``check_choke_values`` method takes
# the JSON file path as an argument and does the following:
@@ -121,9 +116,8 @@
dictionary_values = m3d.modeler.check_choke_values(json_path, create_another_file=False)
-# Create choke
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create choke
# Create the choke. The ``create_choke`` method takes the JSON file path as an
# argument.
@@ -134,9 +128,8 @@
second_winding_list = list_object[3]
third_winding_list = list_object[4]
-# Assign excitations
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Assign excitations
# Assign excitations.
first_winding_faces = m3d.modeler.get_object_faces(first_winding_list[0].name)
@@ -149,16 +142,14 @@
m3d.assign_current([third_winding_faces[-1]], amplitude=1000, phase="240deg", swap_direction=False, name="phase_3_in")
m3d.assign_current([third_winding_faces[-2]], amplitude=1000, phase="240deg", swap_direction=True, name="phase_3_out")
-# Assign matrix
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Assign matrix
# Assign the matrix.
m3d.assign_matrix(["phase_1_in", "phase_2_in", "phase_3_in"], matrix_name="current_matrix")
-# Create mesh operation
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create mesh operation
# Create the mesh operation.
mesh = m3d.mesh
@@ -175,16 +166,14 @@
-# Create boundaries
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create boundaries
# Create the boundaries. A region with openings is needed to run the analysis.
region = m3d.modeler.create_air_region(x_pos=100, y_pos=100, z_pos=100, x_neg=100, y_neg=100, z_neg=0)
-# Create setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create setup
# Create a setup with a sweep to run the simulation. Depending on your machine's
# computing power, the simulation can take some time to run.
@@ -196,18 +185,16 @@
setup.props["HasSweepSetup"] = True
setup.add_eddy_current_sweep(range_type="LinearCount", start=100, end=1000, count=12, units="kHz", clear=True)
-# Save project
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Save project
# Save the project.
m3d.plot(show=False, export_path=os.path.join(m3d.working_directory, "Image.jpg"), plot_air_objects=True)
-# Close AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Close AEDT
# After the simulation completes, you can close AEDT or release it using the
# :func:`pyaedt.Desktop.release_desktop` method.
# All methods provide for saving the project before closing.
diff --git a/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell3D_Segmentation.py b/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell3D_Segmentation.py
index e012e6b4e18..7fa569492a8 100644
--- a/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell3D_Segmentation.py
+++ b/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell3D_Segmentation.py
@@ -4,33 +4,30 @@
This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to segment magnets of an electric motor.
The method is valid and usable for any object the user would like to segment.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports.
from pyaedt import downloads
from pyaedt import generate_unique_folder_name
from pyaedt import Maxwell3d
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
non_graphical = False
-# Download .aedt file example
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Download .aedt file example
# Set local temporary folder to export the .aedt file to.
temp_folder = generate_unique_folder_name()
aedt_file = downloads.download_file("object_segmentation", "Motor3D_obj_segments.aedt", temp_folder)
-# Launch Maxwell 3D
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch Maxwell 3D
# Launch Maxwell 3D.
m3d = Maxwell3d(projectname=aedt_file,
@@ -38,16 +35,14 @@
-# Create object to access 3D modeler
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create object to access 3D modeler
# Create the object ``mod3D`` to access the 3D modeler easily.
modeler = m3d.modeler
-# Segment first magnet by specifying the number of segments
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Segment first magnet by specifying the number of segments
# Select first magnet to segment by specifying the number of segments.
# The method accepts in input either the list of magnets names to segment or
# magnets ids or the magnet object :class:`pyaedt.modeler.cad.object3d.Object3d`.
@@ -59,9 +54,8 @@
object_name = "PM_I1"
sheets_1 = modeler.objects_segmentation(object_name, segments_number=segments_number, apply_mesh_sheets=True)
-# Segment second magnet by specifying the number of segments
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Segment second magnet by specifying the number of segments
# Select second magnet to segment by specifying the number of segments.
# In this specific case we give as input the id of the magnet.
@@ -70,9 +64,8 @@
magnet_id = [obj.id for obj in modeler.object_list if obj.name == object_name][0]
sheets_2 = modeler.objects_segmentation(magnet_id, segments_number=segments_number, apply_mesh_sheets=True)
-# Segment third magnet by specifying the segmentation thickness
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Segment third magnet by specifying the segmentation thickness
# Select third magnet to segment by specifying the segmentation thickness.
# In this specific case we give as input the magnet object of type :class:`pyaedt.modeler.cad.object3d.Object3d`.
@@ -81,9 +74,8 @@
magnet = [obj for obj in modeler.object_list if obj.name == object_name][0]
sheets_3 = modeler.objects_segmentation(magnet, segmentation_thickness=segmentation_thickness, apply_mesh_sheets=True)
-# Segment fourth magnet by specifying the number of segments
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Segment fourth magnet by specifying the number of segments
# Select fourth magnet to segment by specifying the number of segments.
# In this specific case we give as input the name of the magnet and we disable the mesh sheets.
@@ -91,9 +83,8 @@
segments_number = 10
sheets_4 = modeler.objects_segmentation(object_name, segments_number=segments_number)
-# Save project and close AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Save project and close AEDT
# Save the project and close AEDT.
diff --git a/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell3D_Team3_bath_plate.py b/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell3D_Team3_bath_plate.py
index d93025e6f78..919f42bb8e7 100644
--- a/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell3D_Team3_bath_plate.py
+++ b/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell3D_Team3_bath_plate.py
@@ -4,29 +4,27 @@
This example uses PyAEDT to set up the TEAM 3 bath plate problem and
solve it using the Maxwell 3D Eddy Current solver.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports.
import os
import pyaedt
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
non_graphical = False
-# Launch AEDT and Maxwell 3D
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch AEDT and Maxwell 3D
# Launch AEDT and Maxwell 3D after first setting up the project and design names,
# the solver, and the version. The following code also creates an instance of the
# ``Maxwell3d`` class named ``M3D``.
+# +
project_name = "COMPUMAG"
design_name = "TEAM 3 Bath Plate"
Solver = "EddyCurrent"
@@ -42,34 +40,31 @@
uom = m3d.modeler.model_units = "mm"
modeler = m3d.modeler
+# -
-# Add variable
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Add variable
# Add a design variable named ``Coil_Position`` that you use later to adjust the
# position of the coil.
Coil_Position = -20
m3d["Coil_Position"] = str(Coil_Position) + uom # Creates a design variable in Maxwell
-# Add material
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Add material
# Add a material named ``team3_aluminium`` for the ladder plate.
mat = m3d.materials.add_material("team3_aluminium")
mat.conductivity = 32780000
-# Draw background region
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Draw background region
# Draw a background region that uses the default properties for an air region.
m3d.modeler.create_air_region(x_pos=100, y_pos=100, z_pos=100, x_neg=100, y_neg=100, z_neg=100)
-# Draw ladder plate and assign material
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Draw ladder plate and assign material
# Draw a ladder plate and assign it the newly created material ``team3_aluminium``.
m3d.modeler.create_box(position=[-30, -55, 0], dimensions_list=[60, 110, -6.35], name="LadderPlate",
@@ -78,16 +73,14 @@
m3d.modeler.create_box(position=[-20, 5, 0], dimensions_list=[40, 30, -6.35], name="CutoutTool2")
m3d.modeler.subtract("LadderPlate", ["CutoutTool1", "CutoutTool2"], keep_originals=False)
-# Add mesh refinement to ladder plate
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Add mesh refinement to ladder plate
# Add a mesh refinement to the ladder plate.
m3d.mesh.assign_length_mesh("LadderPlate", maxlength=3, maxel=None, meshop_name="Ladder_Mesh")
-# Draw search coil and assign excitation
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Draw search coil and assign excitation
# Draw a search coil and assign it a ``stranded`` current excitation.
# The stranded type forces the current density to be constant in the coil.
@@ -103,9 +96,8 @@
m3d.assign_current(object_list=["SearchCoil_Section1"], amplitude=1260, solid=False, name="SearchCoil_Excitation")
-# Draw a line for plotting Bz
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Draw a line for plotting Bz
# Draw a line for plotting Bz later. Bz is the Z component of the flux
# density. The following code also adds a small diameter cylinder to refine the
# mesh locally around the line.
@@ -115,16 +107,14 @@
P2 = modeler.create_polyline(position_list=Line_Points, name="Line_AB_MeshRefinement")
P2.set_crosssection_properties(type="Circle", width="0.5mm")
-# Plot model
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Plot model
# Plot the model.
m3d.plot(show=False, export_path=os.path.join(m3d.working_directory, "Image.jpg"), plot_air_objects=False)
-# Add Maxwell 3D setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Add Maxwell 3D setup
# Add a Maxwell 3D setup with frequency points at 50 Hz and 200 Hz.
Setup = m3d.create_setup(setupname="Setup1")
@@ -132,18 +122,16 @@
Setup.props["HasSweepSetup"] = True
Setup.add_eddy_current_sweep(range_type="LinearStep", start=50, end=200, count=150, clear=True)
-# Adjust eddy effects
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Adjust eddy effects
# Adjust eddy effects for the ladder plate and the search coil. The setting for
# eddy effect is ignored for the stranded conductor type used in the search coil.
m3d.eddy_effects_on(["LadderPlate"], activate_eddy_effects=True, activate_displacement_current=True)
m3d.eddy_effects_on(["SearchCoil"], activate_eddy_effects=False, activate_displacement_current=True)
-# Add linear parametric sweep
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Add linear parametric sweep
# Add a linear parametric sweep for the two coil positions.
sweepname = "CoilSweep"
@@ -152,15 +140,14 @@
param["CopyMesh"] = False
param["SolveWithCopiedMeshOnly"] = True
-# Solve parametric sweep
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Solve parametric sweep
# Solve the parametric sweep directly so that results of all variations are available.
-# Create expression for Bz
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create expression for Bz
# Create an expression for Bz using the fields calculator.
Fields = m3d.odesign.GetModule("FieldsReporter")
@@ -171,11 +158,11 @@
Fields.AddNamedExpression("Bz", "Fields")
-# Plot mag(Bz) as a function of frequency
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Plot mag(Bz) as a function of frequency
# Plot mag(Bz) as a function of frequency for both coil positions.
+# +
variations = {"Distance": ["All"], "Freq": ["All"], "Phase": ["0deg"], "Coil_Position": ["-20mm"]}
@@ -195,12 +182,13 @@
plotname="mag(Bz) Along 'Line_AB' Coil",
+# -
-# Generate plot outside of AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Generate plot outside of AEDT
# Generate the same plot outside AEDT.
+# +
variations = {"Distance": ["All"], "Freq": ["All"], "Phase": ["0deg"], "Coil_Position": ["All"]}
solutions = m3d.post.get_solution_data(
@@ -210,35 +198,32 @@
+# -
-# Set up sweep value and plot solution
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set up sweep value and plot solution
# Set up a sweep value and plot the solution.
solutions.active_variation["Coil_Position"] = -0.02
-# Change sweep value and plot solution
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Change sweep value and plot solution
# Change the sweep value and plot the solution again.
solutions.active_variation["Coil_Position"] = 0
-# Plot induced current density on surface of ladder plate
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Plot induced current density on surface of ladder plate
# Plot the induced current density, ``"Mag_J"``, on the surface of the ladder plate.
surflist = modeler.get_object_faces("LadderPlate")
intrinsic_dict = {"Freq": "50Hz", "Phase": "0deg"}
m3d.post.create_fieldplot_surface(surflist, "Mag_J", intrinsincDict=intrinsic_dict, plot_name="Mag_J")
-# Release AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Release AEDT
# Release AEDT from the script engine, leaving both AEDT and the project open.
m3d.release_desktop(True, True)
diff --git a/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell_Control_Program.py b/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell_Control_Program.py
index 182bccaf34c..20b66d45e27 100644
--- a/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell_Control_Program.py
+++ b/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell_Control_Program.py
@@ -1,40 +1,35 @@
-Enabling Control Program in a Maxwell 2D Project
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to enable control program in a Maxwell 2D project.
-It shows how to create the geometry, load material properties from an Excel file and
-set up the mesh settings. Moreover, it focuses on post-processing operations, in particular how to
-plot field line traces, relevant for an electrostatic analysis.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # Enabling Control Program in a Maxwell 2D Project
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to enable control program in a Maxwell 2D project.
+# It shows how to create the geometry, load material properties from an Excel file and
+# set up the mesh settings. Moreover, it focuses on post-processing operations, in particular how to
+# plot field line traces, relevant for an electrostatic analysis.
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports.
from pyaedt import downloads
from pyaedt import generate_unique_folder_name
from pyaedt import Maxwell2d
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
non_graphical = False
-# Download .aedt file example
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Download .aedt file example
# Set local temporary folder to export the .aedt file to.
temp_folder = generate_unique_folder_name()
aedt_file = downloads.download_file("maxwell_ctrl_prg", "ControlProgramDemo.aedt", temp_folder)
ctrl_prg_file = downloads.download_file("maxwell_ctrl_prg", "timestep_only.py", temp_folder)
-# Launch Maxwell 2D
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch Maxwell 2D
# Launch Maxwell 2D.
m2d = Maxwell2d(projectname=aedt_file,
@@ -42,46 +37,40 @@
-# Set active design
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set active design
# Set active design.
m2d.set_active_design("1 time step control")
-# Get design setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Get design setup
# Get design setup to enable the control program to.
setup = m2d.setups[0]
-# Enable control program
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Enable control program
# Enable control program by giving the path to the file.
-# Analyze setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Analyze setup
# Analyze setup.
-# Plot results
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Plot results
# Plot Solved Results.
sols = m2d.post.get_solution_data("FluxLinkage(Winding1)",variations={"Time":["All"]}, primary_sweep_variable="Time")
-# Save project and close AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Save project and close AEDT
# Save the project and close AEDT.
diff --git a/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell_Magnet.py b/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell_Magnet.py
index 5a5abc53db4..7dc9c562265 100644
--- a/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell_Magnet.py
+++ b/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell_Magnet.py
@@ -1,29 +1,25 @@
-Maxwell 3D: magnet DC analysis
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a Maxwell DC analysis,
-compute mass center, and move coordinate systems.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # Maxwell 3D: magnet DC analysis
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a Maxwell DC analysis,
+# compute mass center, and move coordinate systems.
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports.
from pyaedt import Maxwell3d
from pyaedt import generate_unique_project_name
import os
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
non_graphical = False
-# Launch AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch AEDT
# Launch AEDT 2023 R2 in graphical mode.
m3d = Maxwell3d(projectname=generate_unique_project_name(),
@@ -31,45 +27,39 @@
-# Set up Maxwell solution
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set up Maxwell solution
# Set up the Maxwell solution to DC.
m3d.solution_type = m3d.SOLUTIONS.Maxwell3d.ElectroDCConduction
-# Create magnet
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create magnet
# Create a magnet.
magnet = m3d.modeler.create_box(position=[7, 4, 22], dimensions_list=[10, 5, 30], name="Magnet", matname="copper")
-# Create setup and assign voltage
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create setup and assign voltage
# Create the setup and assign a voltage.
m3d.assign_voltage(magnet.faces, 0)
-# Plot model
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Plot model
# Plot the model.
m3d.plot(show=False, export_path=os.path.join(m3d.working_directory, "Image.jpg"), plot_air_objects=True)
-# Solve setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Solve setup
# Solve the setup.
-# Compute mass center
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Compute mass center
# Compute mass center using the fields calculator.
@@ -86,36 +76,32 @@
m3d.post.ofieldsreporter.AddNamedExpression("CM_Z", "Fields")
-# Get mass center
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Get mass center
# Get mass center using the fields calculator.
xval = m3d.post.get_scalar_field_value("CM_X", None)
yval = m3d.post.get_scalar_field_value("CM_Y", None)
zval = m3d.post.get_scalar_field_value("CM_Z", None)
-# Create variables
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create variables
# Create variables with mass center values.
m3d[magnet.name + "x"] = str(xval * 1e3) + "mm"
m3d[magnet.name + "y"] = str(yval * 1e3) + "mm"
m3d[magnet.name + "z"] = str(zval * 1e3) + "mm"
-# Create coordinate system
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create coordinate system
# Create a parametric coordinate system.
cs1 = m3d.modeler.create_coordinate_system(
[magnet.name + "x", magnet.name + "y", magnet.name + "z"], reference_cs="Global", name=magnet.name + "CS"
-# Save and close
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Save and close
# Save the project and close AEDT.
diff --git a/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell_Transformer_Coreloss.py b/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell_Transformer_Coreloss.py
index cab8575bbf2..9bff16e7a26 100644
--- a/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell_Transformer_Coreloss.py
+++ b/examples/03-Maxwell/Maxwell_Transformer_Coreloss.py
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
-Maxwell 3D: Transformer
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to set core loss given a set
-of Power-Volume [kw/m^3] curves at different frequencies.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # Maxwell 3D: Transformer
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to set core loss given a set
+# of Power-Volume [kw/m^3] curves at different frequencies.
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports.
from pyaedt import downloads
@@ -15,11 +13,11 @@
from pyaedt.generic.constants import unit_converter
from pyaedt.generic.general_methods import read_csv_pandas
-# Download .aedt file example
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Download .aedt file example
# Set local temporary folder to export the .aedt file to.
+# +
temp_folder = generate_unique_folder_name()
aedt_file = downloads.download_file("core_loss_transformer", "Ex2-PlanarTransformer_2023R2.aedtz", temp_folder)
freq_curve_csv_25kHz = downloads.download_file("core_loss_transformer", "mf3_25kHz.csv", temp_folder)
@@ -47,10 +45,10 @@
data = read_csv_pandas(filename=freq_curve_csv_1MHz)
curves_csv_1MHz = list(zip(data[data.columns[0]],
+# -
-# Launch AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch AEDT
# Launch AEDT 2023 R2 in graphical mode.
m3d = Maxwell3d(projectname=aedt_file,
@@ -59,9 +57,8 @@
-# Set core loss at frequencies
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set core loss at frequencies
# Create a new material, create a dictionary of Power-Volume [kw/m^3] points for a set of frequencies
# retrieved from datasheet provided by supplier and finally set Power-Ferrite core loss model.
@@ -82,9 +79,8 @@
coefficients = m3d.materials[mat.name].get_core_loss_coefficients(points_list_at_freq=pv,
-# Save project and close AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Save project and close AEDT
# Save the project and close AEDT.
diff --git a/examples/03-Maxwell/Readme.txt b/examples/03-Maxwell/Readme.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6eb8131b407..00000000000
--- a/examples/03-Maxwell/Readme.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Maxwell examples
-These examples use PyAEDT to show some end-to-end workflows for Maxwell 2D and
-Maxwell 3D. This includes model generation, setup, meshing, and postprocessing.
-Examples cover different Maxwell solution types (Eddy Current, Magnetostatic,
-and Transient).
diff --git a/examples/03-Maxwell/index.rst b/examples/03-Maxwell/index.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3c3f7263280
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/03-Maxwell/index.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Maxwell examples
+These examples use PyAEDT to show some end-to-end workflows for Maxwell 2D and
+Maxwell 3D. This includes model generation, setup, meshing, and postprocessing.
+Examples cover different Maxwell solution types (Eddy Current, Magnetostatic,
+and Transient).
+.. nbgallery::
+ Maxwell2D_DCConduction.py
+ Maxwell2D_Electrostatic.py
+ Maxwell2D_NissanLeaf.py
+ Maxwell2D_Transient.py
+ Maxwell3DTeam7.py
+ Maxwell3D_Choke.py
+ Maxwell3D_Segmentation.py
+ Maxwell3D_Team3_bath_plate.py
+ Maxwell_Control_Program.py
+ Maxwell_Magnet.py
+ Maxwell_Transformer_Coreloss.py
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/04-Icepak/Icepak_3DComponents_Example.py b/examples/04-Icepak/Icepak_3DComponents_Example.py
index 586fbfac7ec..2edc1771aa0 100644
--- a/examples/04-Icepak/Icepak_3DComponents_Example.py
+++ b/examples/04-Icepak/Icepak_3DComponents_Example.py
@@ -1,13 +1,10 @@
-Icepak: thermal analysis with 3D components
-This example shows how to create a thermal analysis of an electronic package by taking advantage of 3D components and
-features added by PyAEDT.
-# Import PyAEDT and download files
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # Icepak: thermal analysis with 3D components
+# This example shows how to create a thermal analysis of an electronic package by
+# taking advantage of 3D components and features added by PyAEDT.
+# ## Import PyAEDT and download files
# Perform import of required classes from the ``pyaedt`` package and import the ``os`` package.
from pyaedt import Icepak, generate_unique_folder_name, downloads, settings
@@ -18,24 +15,21 @@
temp_folder = generate_unique_folder_name()
package_temp_name, qfp_temp_name = downloads.download_icepak_3d_component(temp_folder)
-# Set AEDT version
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set AEDT version
# Set AEDT version.
aedt_version = "2023.2"
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
non_graphical = False
-# Create heatsink
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create heatsink
# Open a new project in non-graphical mode.
ipk = Icepak(projectname=os.path.join(temp_folder, "Heatsink.aedt"),
@@ -49,6 +43,7 @@
# Definition of heatsink with boxes
hs_base = ipk.modeler.create_box(position=[0, 0, 0], dimensions_list=[37.5, 37.5, 2], name="HS_Base")
hs_base.material_name = "Al-Extruded"
hs_fin = ipk.modeler.create_box(position=[0, 0, 2], dimensions_list=[37.5, 1, 18], name="HS_Fin1")
@@ -58,6 +53,7 @@
ipk.plot(show=False, export_path=os.path.join(temp_folder, "Heatsink.jpg"))
# Definition of a mesh region. First a non-model box is created, then the mesh region is assigned
mesh_box = ipk.modeler.create_box(position=[-2, -2, -3], dimensions_list=[41.5, 41.5, 24])
mesh_box.model = False
mesh_region = ipk.mesh.assign_mesh_region([mesh_box.name])
@@ -71,6 +67,8 @@
# Assignment of monitor objects.
+# +
hs_fin5_object = ipk.modeler.get_object_from_name("HS_Fin1_5")
point_monitor_position = [0.5 * (hs_base.bounding_box[i] + hs_base.bounding_box[i + 3]) for i in range(2)] + [
hs_fin5_object.bounding_box[-1]] # average x,y, top z
@@ -79,9 +77,11 @@
ipk.monitor.assign_face_monitor(hs_base.bottom_face_z.id, monitor_quantity="Temperature", monitor_name="Bottom")
ipk.monitor.assign_point_monitor_in_object("HS_Fin1_5", monitor_quantity="Temperature", monitor_name="Fin5Center")
+# -
# Export the heatsink 3D component and close project. auxiliary_dict is set to true in order to export the
# monitor objects along with the .a3dcomp file.
os.mkdir(os.path.join(temp_folder, "componentLibrary"))
os.path.join(temp_folder, "componentLibrary", "Heatsink.a3dcomp"),
@@ -90,14 +90,15 @@
-# Create QFP
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create QFP
# Download and open a project containing a QPF.
ipk = Icepak(projectname=qfp_temp_name)
ipk.plot(show=False, export_path=os.path.join(temp_folder, "QFP2.jpg"))
# Create dataset for power dissipation.
x_datalist = [45, 53, 60, 70]
y_datalist = [0.5, 3, 6, 9]
@@ -114,6 +115,7 @@
# Assign source power condition to the die.
@@ -121,6 +123,7 @@
# Assign thickness to the die attach surface.
@@ -130,11 +133,13 @@
# Assign monitor objects.
ipk.monitor.assign_point_monitor_in_object("QFP2_die", monitor_quantity="Temperature", monitor_name="DieCenter")
ipk.monitor.assign_surface_monitor("Die_Attach", monitor_quantity="Temperature", monitor_name="DieAttach")
# Export the QFP 3D component and close project. Here the auxiliary dictionary allows exporting not only the monitor
# objects but also the dataset used for the power source assignment.
os.path.join(temp_folder, "componentLibrary", "QFP.a3dcomp"),
@@ -143,9 +148,8 @@
ipk.release_desktop(False, False)
-# Create electronic package
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create electronic package
# Download and open a project containing the electronic package.
ipk = Icepak(projectname=package_temp_name,
@@ -155,6 +159,8 @@
# The heatsink and the QFP are missing. They can be inserted as 3d components. The auxiliary files are needed since
# the aim is to import also monitor objects and datasets. Also, a coordinate system is created for the heatsink so
# that it is placed on top of the AGP.
+# +
agp = ipk.modeler.get_object_from_name("AGP_IDF")
cs = ipk.modeler.create_coordinate_system(
origin=[agp.bounding_box[0], agp.bounding_box[1], agp.bounding_box[-1]],
@@ -171,8 +177,10 @@
comp_file=os.path.join(temp_folder, "componentLibrary", "QFP.a3dcomp"),
targetCS="Global", auxiliary_dict=True)
ipk.plot(show=False, export_path=os.path.join(temp_folder, "electronic_package.jpg"))
+# -
# Create a coordinate system at the xmin, ymin, zmin of the model
bounding_box = ipk.modeler.get_model_bounding_box()
cs_pcb_assembly = ipk.modeler.create_coordinate_system(
origin=[bounding_box[0], bounding_box[1], bounding_box[2]],
@@ -185,6 +193,8 @@
# Export of the whole assembly as 3d component and close project. First, a flattening is needed because nested 3d
# components are not natively supported. Then it is possible to export the whole package as 3d component. Here the
# auxiliary dictionary is needed to export monitor objects, datasets and native components.
+# +
component_file=os.path.join(temp_folder, "componentLibrary", "PCBAssembly.a3dcomp"),
@@ -194,9 +204,8 @@
-# Release AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Release AEDT
# Release AEDT.
ipk.release_desktop(True, True)
diff --git a/examples/04-Icepak/Icepak_CSV_Import.py b/examples/04-Icepak/Icepak_CSV_Import.py
index 064fbda03c1..d4e63393025 100644
--- a/examples/04-Icepak/Icepak_CSV_Import.py
+++ b/examples/04-Icepak/Icepak_CSV_Import.py
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
-Icepak: Creating blocks and assigning materials and power
-This example shows how to create different types of blocks and assign power and material to them using
-a *.csv input file
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # Icepak: Creating blocks and assigning materials and power
+# This example shows how to create different types of blocks and assign power and material to them using
+# a *.csv input file
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports including the operating system, regular expression, csv, Ansys PyAEDT
# and its boundary objects.
@@ -17,19 +15,18 @@
import pyaedt
from pyaedt.modules.Boundary import BoundaryObject
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
non_graphical = False
-# Download and open project
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Download and open project
# Download the project, open it, and save it to the temporary folder.
+# +
temp_folder = pyaedt.generate_unique_folder_name()
ipk = pyaedt.Icepak(projectname=os.path.join(temp_folder, "Icepak_CSV_Import.aedt"),
@@ -39,13 +36,14 @@
+# -
# Create the PCB as a simple block.
board = ipk.modeler.create_box([-30.48, -27.305, 0], [146.685, 71.755, 0.4064], "board_outline", matname="FR-4_Ref")
-# Blocks creation with a CSV file
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Blocks creation with a CSV file
# The CSV file lists the name of blocks, their type and material properties.
# Block types (solid, network, hollow), block name, block starting and end points, solid material, and power are listed.
# Hollow and network blocks do not need the material name.
@@ -54,15 +52,15 @@
# The following image does not show the entire rows and data and only serves as a sample.
-# .. image:: ../../_static/CSV_Import.png
-# :width: 400
-# :alt: CSV Screenshot.
# In this step the code will loop over the csv file lines and creates the blocks.
# It will create solid blocks and assign BCs.
# Every row of the csv has information of a particular block.
+# +
filename = pyaedt.downloads.download_file('icepak', 'blocks-list.csv', destination=temp_folder)
with open(filename, 'r') as csv_file:
@@ -102,9 +100,8 @@
-# Release AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Release AEDT
# Release AEDT.
ipk.release_desktop(True, True)
diff --git a/examples/04-Icepak/Icepak_ECAD_Import.py b/examples/04-Icepak/Icepak_ECAD_Import.py
index 2d72c16c356..8f45b17bf1a 100644
--- a/examples/04-Icepak/Icepak_ECAD_Import.py
+++ b/examples/04-Icepak/Icepak_ECAD_Import.py
@@ -1,41 +1,34 @@
-Icepak: Importing a PCB and its components via IDF and EDB
-This example shows how to import a PCB and its components using IDF files (*.ldb/*.bdf).
-The *.emn/*.emp combination can also be used in a similar way.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Perform required imports including the operating system, Ansys PyAEDT packages.
+# # Icepak: Importing a PCB and its components via IDF and EDB
+# This example shows how to import a PCB and its components using IDF files (*.ldb/*.bdf).
+# The *.emn/*.emp combination can also be used in a similar way.
+# ## Perform required imports
+# Perform required imports including the operating system, Ansys PyAEDT packages.
# Generic Python packages
import os
# PyAEDT Packages
import pyaedt
-from pyaedt import Icepak
-from pyaedt import Desktop
from pyaedt import Hfss3dLayout
-from pyaedt.modules.Boundary import BoundaryObject
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
non_graphical = False
-# Download and open project
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Download and open project
# Download the project, open it, and save it to the temporary folder.
+# +
temp_folder = pyaedt.generate_unique_folder_name()
ipk = pyaedt.Icepak(projectname=os.path.join(temp_folder, "Icepak_ECAD_Import.aedt"),
@@ -44,30 +37,23 @@
-ipk.autosave_disable() # Saves the project
+# -
-# Import the IDF files
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Sample *.bdf and *.ldf files are presented here.
-# .. image:: ../../_static/bdf.png
-# :width: 400
-# :alt: BDF image.
+# ## Import the IDF files
+# Sample *.bdf and *.ldf files are presented here.
-# .. image:: ../../_static/ldf.png
-# :width: 400
-# :alt: LDF image.
# Imports the idf files with several filtering options including caps, resistors, inductors, power, size, ...
# There are also options for the PCB creation (number o flayers, copper percentages, layer sizes).
# In this example, the default values are used for the PCB.
# The imported PCB here will be deleted later and replaced by a PCB that has the trace information for higher accuracy.
+# +
def_path = pyaedt.downloads.download_file('icepak/Icepak_ECAD_Import/A1_uprev.aedb','edb.def',temp_folder)
board_path = pyaedt.downloads.download_file('icepak/Icepak_ECAD_Import/','A1.bdf',temp_folder)
library_path = pyaedt.downloads.download_file('icepak/Icepak_ECAD_Import/','A1.ldf',temp_folder)
@@ -84,47 +70,46 @@
model_board_as_rect=False, model_device_as_rect=True,
cutoff_height='5mm', component_lib='')
-# Fit to scale, save the project
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Fit to scale, save the project
ipk.modeler.fit_all() # scales to fit all objects in AEDT
ipk.save_project() # saves the project
-# Add an HFSS 3D Layout design with the layout information of the PCB
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-Layout_name = 'A1_uprev' # 3D layout name available for import, the extension of .aedb should not be listed here
-hfss3dLO = Hfss3dLayout('Icepak_ECAD_Import', 'PCB_temp') # adding a dummy HFSS 3D layout to the current project
-#edb_full_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), Layout_name+'.aedb\edb.def') # path to the EDB file
-hfss3dLO.import_edb(def_path) # importing the EDB file
-hfss3dLO.save_project() # save the new project so files are stored in the path
+# ## Add an HFSS 3D Layout design with the layout information of the PCB
-ipk.delete_design(name='PCB_temp', fallback_design=None) # deleting the dummy layout from the original project
+# 3D layout name available for import, the extension of .aedb should not be listed here
+Layout_name = 'A1_uprev'
+# Adding a dummy HFSS 3D layout to the current project
+hfss3dLO = Hfss3dLayout('Icepak_ECAD_Import', 'PCB_temp')
+# Importing the EDB file
+# Save the new project so files are stored in the path
+# Deleting the dummy layout from the original project
+ipk.delete_design(name='PCB_temp', fallback_design=None)
# This part creates a 3D component PCB in Icepak from the imported EDB file
# 1 watt is assigned to the PCB as power input
+# +
component_name = "PCB_ECAD"
odb_path = os.path.join(temp_folder, 'icepak/Icepak_ECAD_Import/'+Layout_name+'.aedt')
component_name, odb_path, Layout_name, resolution=2, extenttype="Polygon", outlinepolygon='poly_0',
custom_x_resolution=None, custom_y_resolution=None, power_in=1)
+# -
-# Delete PCB objects
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Delete PCB objects
# Delete the PCB object from IDF import.
ipk.modeler.delete_objects_containing("IDF_BoardOutline", False)
-# Compute power budget
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Compute power budget
# Creates a setup to be able to calculate the power
@@ -132,9 +117,8 @@
power_budget, total = ipk.post.power_budget("W")
-# Release AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Release AEDT
# Release AEDT.
ipk.release_desktop(True, True)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/04-Icepak/Icepak_Example.py b/examples/04-Icepak/Icepak_Example.py
index f66fe1f7501..a559680a3fb 100644
--- a/examples/04-Icepak/Icepak_Example.py
+++ b/examples/04-Icepak/Icepak_Example.py
@@ -1,30 +1,27 @@
-Icepak: graphic card thermal analysis
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a graphic card setup in Icepak and postprocess results.
-The example file is an Icepak project with a model that is already created and has materials assigned.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # Icepak: graphic card thermal analysis
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a graphic card setup in Icepak and postprocess results.
+# The example file is an Icepak project with a model that is already created and has materials assigned.
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports.
import os
import pyaedt
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
non_graphical = False
-# Download and open project
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Download and open project
# Download the project, open it, and save it to the temporary folder.
+# +
temp_folder = pyaedt.generate_unique_folder_name()
project_temp_name = pyaedt.downloads.download_icepak(temp_folder)
@@ -35,34 +32,31 @@
+# -
-# Plot model
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Plot model
# Plot the model.
ipk.plot(show=False, export_path=os.path.join(temp_folder, "Graphics_card.jpg"), plot_air_objects=False)
-# Create source blocks
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create source blocks
# Create source blocks on the CPU and memories.
ipk.create_source_block("CPU", "25W")
ipk.create_source_block(["MEMORY1", "MEMORY1_1"], "5W")
-# Assign openings and grille
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Assign openings and grille
# Assign openings and a grille.
region = ipk.modeler["Region"]
ipk.assign_grille(air_faces=region.top_face_x.id, free_area_ratio=0.8)
-# Assign mesh regions
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Assign mesh regions
# Assign a mesh region to the heat sink and CPU.
mesh_region = ipk.mesh.assign_mesh_region(objectlist=["HEAT_SINK", "CPU"])
@@ -73,9 +67,8 @@
mesh_region.MaxLevels = "2"
-# Assign point monitor
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Assign point monitor
# Assign a point monitor and set it up.
ipk.assign_point_monitor(point_position=["-35mm", "3.6mm", "-86mm"], monitor_name="TemperatureMonitor1")
@@ -87,11 +80,11 @@
setup1.props["Linear Solver Type - Temperature"] = "flex"
-# Solve project and postprocess
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Solve project and postprocess
# Solve the project and plot temperatures.
+# +
quantity_name = "SurfTemperature"
surflist = [i.id for i in ipk.modeler["CPU"].faces]
surflist += [i.id for i in ipk.modeler["MEMORY1"].faces]
@@ -100,12 +93,11 @@
plot5 = ipk.post.create_fieldplot_surface(surflist, "SurfTemperature")
+# -
-# Release AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Release AEDT
# Release AEDT.
ipk.release_desktop(True, True)
diff --git a/examples/04-Icepak/Sherlock_Example.py b/examples/04-Icepak/Sherlock_Example.py
index 3c7ac08b0b1..0e9f0a57d23 100644
--- a/examples/04-Icepak/Sherlock_Example.py
+++ b/examples/04-Icepak/Sherlock_Example.py
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
-Icepak: setup from Sherlock inputs
-This example shows how you can create an Icepak project from Sherlock
-files (STEP and CSV) and an AEDB board.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # Icepak: setup from Sherlock inputs
+# This example shows how you can create an Icepak project from Sherlock
+# files (STEP and CSV) and an AEDB board.
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports and set paths.
import time
@@ -15,20 +13,19 @@
import datetime
# Set paths
project_folder = pyaedt.generate_unique_folder_name()
input_dir = pyaedt.downloads.download_sherlock(destination=project_folder)
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` value either to ``True`` or ``False``.
non_graphical = False
-# Define variables
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Define variables
# Define input variables. The following code creates all input variables that are needed
# to run this example.
@@ -40,11 +37,11 @@
stackup_thickness = 2.11836
outline_polygon_name = "poly_14188"
-# Launch AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch AEDT
# Launch AEDT 2023 R2 in graphical mode.
+# +
d = pyaedt.launch_desktop(specified_version="2023.2", non_graphical=non_graphical, new_desktop_session=True)
start = time.time()
@@ -53,120 +50,107 @@
validation = os.path.join(project_folder, "validation.log")
file_path = os.path.join(input_dir, component_step)
project_name = os.path.join(project_folder, component_step[:-3] + "aedt")
+# -
-# Create Icepak project
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create Icepak project
# Create an Icepak project.
ipk = pyaedt.Icepak(project_name)
-# Delete region to speed up import
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Delete region to speed up import
# Delete the region and disable autosave to speed up the import.
component_name = "from_ODB"
-# Import PCB from AEDB file
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Import PCB from AEDB file
# Import a PCB from an AEDB file.
odb_path = os.path.join(input_dir, aedt_odb_project)
ipk.create_pcb_from_3dlayout(component_name=component_name, project_name=odb_path, design_name=aedt_odb_design_name,
-# Create offset coordinate system
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create offset coordinate system
# Create an offset coordinate system to match ODB++ with the
# Sherlock STEP file.
ipk.modeler.create_coordinate_system(origin=[0, 0, stackup_thickness / 2], mode="view", view="XY")
-# Import CAD file
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Import CAD file
# Import a CAD file.
ipk.modeler.import_3d_cad(file_path, refresh_all_ids=False)
-# Save CAD file
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Save CAD file
# Save the CAD file and refresh the properties from the parsing of the AEDT file.
-# Plot model
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Plot model
# Plot the model.
ipk.plot(show=False, export_path=os.path.join(project_folder, "Sherlock_Example.jpg"), plot_air_objects=False)
-# Delete PCB objects
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Delete PCB objects
# Delete the PCB objects.
ipk.modeler.delete_objects_containing("pcb", False)
-# Create region
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create region
# Create an air region.
ipk.modeler.create_air_region(*[20, 20, 300, 20, 20, 300])
-# Assign materials
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Assign materials
# Assign materials from Sherlock file.
ipk.assignmaterial_from_sherlock_files(component_list, material_list)
-# Delete objects with no material assignments
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Delete objects with no material assignments
# Delete objects with no materials assignments.
no_material_objs = ipk.modeler.get_objects_by_material("")
-# Assign power to component blocks
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Assign power to component blocks
# Assign power to component blocks.
all_objects = ipk.modeler.object_names
-# Assign power blocks
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Assign power blocks
# Assign power blocks from the Sherlock file.
total_power = ipk.assign_block_from_sherlock_file(csv_name=component_list)
-# Plot model
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Plot model
# Plot the model again now that materials are assigned.
ipk.plot(show=False, export_path=os.path.join(project_folder, "Sherlock_Example.jpg"), plot_air_objects=False)
-# Set up boundaries
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set up boundaries
# Set up boundaries.
# Mesh settings that is tailored for PCB
# Max iterations is set to 20 for quick demonstration, please increase to at least 100 for better accuracy.
+# +
ipk.globalMeshSettings(3, gap_min_elements='1', noOgrids=True, MLM_en=True,
MLM_Type='2D', edge_min_elements='2', object='Region')
@@ -177,56 +161,51 @@
setup1.props["Secondary Gradient"] = True
setup1.props["Convergence Criteria - Max Iterations"] = 10
+# -
-# Create point monitor
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create point monitor
point1 = ipk.assign_point_monitor(ipk.modeler["COMP_U10"].top_face_z.center, monitor_name="Point1")
line = ipk.modeler.create_polyline([ipk.modeler["COMP_U10"].top_face_z.vertices[0].position, ipk.modeler["COMP_U10"].top_face_z.vertices[2].position], non_model=True)
ipk.post.create_report(expressions="Point1.Temperature", primary_sweep_variable="X")
-# Check for intersections
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Check for intersections
# Check for intersections using validation and fix them by
# assigning priorities.
-# Compute power budget
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Compute power budget
power_budget, total = ipk.post.power_budget("W" )
-# Analyze the model
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Analyze the model
ipk.analyze(num_cores=4, num_tasks=4)
-# Get solution data and plots
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Get solution data and plots
plot1 = ipk.post.create_fieldplot_surface(ipk.modeler["COMP_U10"].faces, "SurfTemperature")
ipk.post.plot_field("SurfPressure",ipk.modeler["COMP_U10"].faces,export_path=ipk.working_directory, show=False)
-# Save project and release AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Save project and release AEDT
# Save the project and release AEDT.
+# +
end = time.time() - start
print("Elapsed time: {}".format(datetime.timedelta(seconds=end)))
print("Project Saved in {} ".format(ipk.project_file))
+# -
diff --git a/examples/04-Icepak/_static/CSV_Import.png b/examples/04-Icepak/_static/CSV_Import.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b73cd592054
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/04-Icepak/_static/CSV_Import.png differ
diff --git a/examples/04-Icepak/_static/bdf.png b/examples/04-Icepak/_static/bdf.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ad9a532a3f8
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/04-Icepak/_static/bdf.png differ
diff --git a/examples/04-Icepak/_static/ldf.png b/examples/04-Icepak/_static/ldf.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..43646374ead
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/04-Icepak/_static/ldf.png differ
diff --git a/examples/04-Icepak/Readme.txt b/examples/04-Icepak/index.rst
similarity index 53%
rename from examples/04-Icepak/Readme.txt
rename to examples/04-Icepak/index.rst
index f7bc280fad1..8cffba8a873 100644
--- a/examples/04-Icepak/Readme.txt
+++ b/examples/04-Icepak/index.rst
@@ -3,3 +3,10 @@ Icepak examples
These examples use PyAEDT to show end-to-end workflows for Icepak. This includes
schematic generation, setup, and thermal postprocessing.
+.. nbgallery::
+ Icepak_3DComponents_Example.py
+ Icepak_CSV_Import.py
+ Icepak_ECAD_Import.py
+ Icepak_Example.py
+ Sherlock_Example.py
diff --git a/examples/05-Q3D/Q2D_Armoured_Cable.py b/examples/05-Q3D/Q2D_Armoured_Cable.py
index 27583bd977f..1222bdbaa6d 100644
--- a/examples/05-Q3D/Q2D_Armoured_Cable.py
+++ b/examples/05-Q3D/Q2D_Armoured_Cable.py
@@ -1,25 +1,21 @@
-Q2D: Cable parameter identification
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to perform these tasks:
+# # Q2D: Cable parameter identification
- - Create a Q2D design using the Modeler primitives and importing part of the geometry.
- - Set up the entire simulation.
- - Link the solution to a Simplorer design.
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to perform these tasks:
+# - Create a Q2D design using the Modeler primitives and importing part of the geometry.
+# - Set up the entire simulation.
+# - Link the solution to a Simplorer design.
+# For cable information, see `4 Core Armoured Power Cable `_
- For cable information, see `4 Core Armoured Power Cable `_
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Perform required imports
import pyaedt
import math
-# Initialize core strand dimensions and positions
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Initialize core strand dimensions and positions
# Initialize cable sizing - radii in mm.
c_strand_radius = 2.575
@@ -28,9 +24,8 @@
core_xlpe_ins_thickness = 0.5
core_xy_coord = math.ceil(3 * c_strand_radius + 2 * core_xlpe_ins_thickness)
-# Initialize filling and sheath dimensions
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Initialize filling and sheath dimensions
# Initialize radii of further structures incrementally adding thicknesses.
filling_radius = 1.4142 * (core_xy_coord + 3 * c_strand_radius + core_xlpe_ins_thickness + 0.5)
@@ -39,18 +34,16 @@
armour_radius = inner_sheath_radius + armour_thickness
outer_sheath_radius = armour_radius + 2
-# Initialize armature strand dimensions
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Initialize armature strand dimensions
# Initialize radii.
armour_centre_pos = inner_sheath_radius + armour_thickness / 2.0
arm_strand_rad = armour_thickness / 2.0 - 0.2
n_arm_strands = 30
-# Initialize dictionaries
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Initialize dictionaries
# Initialize dictionaries that contain all the definitions for the design
# variables and output variables.
@@ -72,9 +65,8 @@
"n_arm_strands": str(n_arm_strands)
-# Initialize Q2D
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Initialize Q2D
# Initialize Q2D, providing the version, path to the project, and the design
# name and type.
@@ -86,9 +78,8 @@
tb_design_name = 'CableSystem'
q2d = pyaedt.Q2d(projectname=project_name, designname=q2d_design_name, specified_version=desktop_version)
-# Define variables from dictionaries
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Define variables from dictionaries
# Define design variables from the created dictionaries.
for k, v in core_params.items():
@@ -98,18 +89,16 @@
for k, v in armour_params.items():
q2d[k] = v
-# Create object to access 2D modeler
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create object to access 2D modeler
# Create the ``mod2D`` object to access the 2D modeler easily.
mod2D = q2d.modeler
mod2D.model_units = "mm"
-# Initialize required material properties
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Initialize required material properties
# Cable insulators require the definition of specific materials since they are not included in the Sys Library.
# Plastic, PE (cross-linked, wire, and cable grade)
@@ -118,15 +107,16 @@
mat_pe_cable_grade.permittivity = "2.09762"
mat_pe_cable_grade.dielectric_loss_tangent = "0.000264575"
# Plastic, PP (10% carbon fiber)
mat_pp = q2d.materials.add_material("plastic_pp_carbon_fiber")
mat_pp.conductivity = "0.0003161"
-# Create geometry for core strands, filling, and XLPE insulation
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create geometry for core strands, filling, and XLPE insulation
+# +
mod2D.create_coordinate_system(['c_strand_xy_coord', 'c_strand_xy_coord', '0mm'], name='CS_c_strand_1')
c1_id = mod2D.create_circle(['0mm', '0mm', '0mm'], 'c_strand_radius', name='c_strand_1', matname='copper')
@@ -146,42 +136,33 @@
all_obj_names = q2d.get_all_conductors_names() + q2d.get_all_dielectrics_names()
mod2D.duplicate_around_axis(all_obj_names, cs_axis="Z", angle=360 / cable_n_cores, nclones=4)
cond_names = q2d.get_all_conductors_names()
+# +
-# Create geometry for filling object
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create geometry for filling object
filling_id = mod2D.create_circle(['0mm', '0mm', '0mm'], 'filling_radius', name='Filling',
filling_id.color = (255, 255, 180)
-# Create geometry for inner sheath object
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create geometry for inner sheath object
inner_sheath_id = mod2D.create_circle(['0mm', '0mm', '0mm'], 'inner_sheath_radius', name='InnerSheath',
matname='PVC plastic')
inner_sheath_id.color = (0, 0, 0)
-# Create geometry for armature fill
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create geometry for armature fill
arm_fill_id = mod2D.create_circle(['0mm', '0mm', '0mm'], 'armour_radius', name='ArmourFilling',
arm_fill_id.color = (255, 255, 255)
-# Create geometry for outer sheath
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create geometry for outer sheath
outer_sheath_id = mod2D.create_circle(['0mm', '0mm', '0mm'], 'outer_sheath_radius', name='OuterSheath',
matname='PVC plastic')
outer_sheath_id.color = (0, 0, 0)
-# Create geometry for armature steel strands
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create geometry for armature steel strands
arm_strand_1_id = mod2D.create_circle(['0mm', 'armour_centre_pos', '0mm'], '1.1mm', name='arm_strand_1',
@@ -189,16 +170,12 @@
arm_strand_1_id.duplicate_around_axis('Z', '360deg/n_arm_strands', nclones='n_arm_strands')
arm_strand_names = mod2D.get_objects_w_string('arm_strand')
-# Create region
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create region
region = q2d.modeler.create_region([500, 500, 500, 500, 0, 0])
region.material_name = "vacuum"
-# Assign conductors and reference ground
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Assign conductors and reference ground
obj = [q2d.modeler.get_object_from_name(i) for i in cond_names]
[q2d.assign_single_conductor(name='C1' + str(obj.index(i) + 1), target_objects=i, conductor_type='SignalLine') for i
@@ -207,18 +184,14 @@
q2d.assign_single_conductor(name="gnd", target_objects=obj, conductor_type="ReferenceGround")
-# Assign design settings
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Assign design settings
lumped_length = "100m"
q2d_des_settings = q2d.design_settings()
q2d_des_settings['LumpedLength'] = lumped_length
-# Insert setup and frequency sweep
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Insert setup and frequency sweep
q2d_setup = q2d.create_setup(setupname=setup_name)
q2d_sweep = q2d_setup.add_sweep(sweepname=sweep_name)
@@ -229,21 +202,15 @@
q2d_sweep.props["RangeSamples"] = 1
-# Analyze setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Analyze setup
# q2d.analyze(setup_name=setup_name)
-# Add a Simplorer/Twin Builder design and the Q3D dynamic component
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Add a Simplorer/Twin Builder design and the Q3D dynamic component
tb = pyaedt.TwinBuilder(designname=tb_design_name)
-# Add a Q3D dynamic component
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Add a Q3D dynamic component
@@ -252,9 +219,7 @@
-# Save project and release desktop
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Save project and release desktop
tb.release_desktop(True, True)
diff --git a/examples/05-Q3D/Q2D_Example_CPWG.py b/examples/05-Q3D/Q2D_Example_CPWG.py
index c7f12e637f8..d5a6d5eb4c1 100644
--- a/examples/05-Q3D/Q2D_Example_CPWG.py
+++ b/examples/05-Q3D/Q2D_Example_CPWG.py
@@ -1,28 +1,25 @@
-2D Extractor: CPWG analysis
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a CPWG (coplanar waveguide with ground) design
-in 2D Extractor and run a simulation.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # 2D Extractor: CPWG analysis
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a CPWG (coplanar waveguide with ground) design
+# in 2D Extractor and run a simulation.
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports.
import os
import pyaedt
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
non_graphical = False
desktop_version = "2023.2"
-# Launch AEDT and 2D Extractor
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch AEDT and 2D Extractor
# Launch AEDT 2023 R2 in graphical mode and launch 2D Extractor. This example
# uses SI units.
@@ -32,11 +29,11 @@
-# Define variables
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Define variables
# Define variables.
+# +
e_factor = "e_factor"
sig_bot_w = "sig_bot_w"
co_gnd_w = "gnd_w"
@@ -60,10 +57,10 @@
sig_top_w = "({1}-{0}*2)".format(delta_w_half, sig_bot_w)
co_gnd_top_w = "({1}-{0}*2)".format(delta_w_half, co_gnd_w)
model_w = "{}*2+{}*2+{}".format(co_gnd_w, clearance, sig_bot_w)
+# -
-# Create primitives
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create primitives
# Create primitives and define the layer heights.
layer_1_lh = 0
@@ -71,9 +68,8 @@
layer_2_lh = layer_1_uh + "+" + d_h
layer_2_uh = layer_2_lh + "+" + cond_h
-# Create signal
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create signal
# Create a signal.
base_line_obj = q.modeler.create_polyline(position_list=[[0, layer_2_lh, 0], [sig_bot_w, layer_2_lh, 0]], name="signal")
@@ -82,11 +78,11 @@
q.modeler.connect([base_line_obj, top_line_obj])
q.modeler.move(objid=[base_line_obj], vector=["{}+{}".format(co_gnd_w, clearance), 0, 0])
-# Create coplanar ground
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create coplanar ground
# Create a coplanar ground.
+# +
base_line_obj = q.modeler.create_polyline(position_list=[[0, layer_2_lh, 0], [co_gnd_w, layer_2_lh, 0]],
top_line_obj = q.modeler.create_polyline(position_list=[[0, layer_2_uh, 0], [co_gnd_top_w, layer_2_uh, 0]])
@@ -99,28 +95,27 @@
q.modeler.move(objid=[top_line_obj], vector=[delta_w_half, 0, 0])
q.modeler.connect([base_line_obj, top_line_obj])
q.modeler.move(objid=[base_line_obj], vector=["{}+{}*2+{}".format(co_gnd_w, clearance, sig_bot_w), 0, 0])
+# -
-# Create reference ground plane
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create reference ground plane
# Create a reference ground plane.
q.modeler.create_rectangle(position=[0, layer_1_lh, 0], dimension_list=[model_w, cond_h], name="ref_gnd")
-# Create dielectric
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create dielectric
# Create a dielectric.
position=[0, layer_1_uh, 0], dimension_list=[model_w, d_h], name="Dielectric", matname="FR4_epoxy"
-# Create conformal coating
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create conformal coating
# Create a conformal coating.
+# +
sm_obj_list = []
ids = [1,2,3]
if desktop_version >= "2023.1":
@@ -149,10 +144,10 @@
sm_obj.material_name = "SolderMask"
sm_obj.color = (0, 150, 100)
sm_obj.name = "solder_mask"
+# -
-# Assign conductor
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Assign conductor
# Assign a conductor to the signal.
obj = q.modeler.get_object_from_name("signal")
@@ -160,9 +155,8 @@
name=obj.name, target_objects=[obj], conductor_type="SignalLine", solve_option="SolveOnBoundary", unit="mm"
-# Create reference ground
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create reference ground
# Create a reference ground.
obj = [q.modeler.get_object_from_name(i) for i in ["co_gnd_left", "co_gnd_right", "ref_gnd"]]
@@ -170,19 +164,18 @@
name="gnd", target_objects=obj, conductor_type="ReferenceGround", solve_option="SolveOnBoundary", unit="mm"
-# Assign Huray model on signal
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Assign Huray model on signal
# Assign the Huray model on the signal.
obj = q.modeler.get_object_from_name("signal")
q.assign_huray_finitecond_to_edges(obj.edges, radius="0.5um", ratio=3, name="b_" + obj.name)
-# Create setup, analyze, and plot
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create setup, analyze, and plot
# Create the setup, analyze it, and plot solution data.
+# +
setup = q.create_setup(setupname="new_setup")
sweep = setup.add_sweep(sweepname="sweep1", sweeptype="Discrete")
@@ -200,10 +193,10 @@
a = q.post.get_solution_data(expressions="Z0(signal,signal)", context="Original")
+# -
-# Save project and close AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Save project and close AEDT
# Save the project and close AEDT.
home = os.path.expanduser("~")
diff --git a/examples/05-Q3D/Q2D_Example_Stripline.py b/examples/05-Q3D/Q2D_Example_Stripline.py
index a36df6f8956..19f289b7600 100644
--- a/examples/05-Q3D/Q2D_Example_Stripline.py
+++ b/examples/05-Q3D/Q2D_Example_Stripline.py
@@ -1,29 +1,25 @@
-2D Extractor: stripline analysis
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a differential stripline design in
-2D Extractor and run a simulation.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # 2D Extractor: stripline analysis
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a differential stripline design in
+# 2D Extractor and run a simulation.
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports.
import os
import pyaedt
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
non_graphical = False
project_path = pyaedt.generate_unique_project_name()
-# Launch AEDT and 2D Extractor
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch AEDT and 2D Extractor
# Launch AEDT 2023 R2 in graphical mode and launch 2D Extractor. This example
# uses SI units.
@@ -34,11 +30,11 @@
-# Define variables
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Define variables
# Define variables.
+# +
e_factor = "e_factor"
sig_w = "sig_bot_w"
sig_gap = "sig_gap"
@@ -65,10 +61,10 @@
sig_top_w = "({1}-{0}*2)".format(delta_w_half, sig_w)
co_gnd_top_w = "({1}-{0}*2)".format(delta_w_half, co_gnd_w)
model_w = "{}*2+{}*2+{}*2+{}".format(co_gnd_w, clearance, sig_w, sig_gap)
+# -
-# Create primitives
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create primitives
# Create primitives and define the layer heights.
layer_1_lh = 0
@@ -78,9 +74,8 @@
layer_3_lh = layer_2_uh + "+" + pp_h
layer_3_uh = layer_3_lh + "+" + cond_h
-# Create positive signal
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create positive signal
# Create a positive signal.
base_line_obj = q.modeler.create_polyline([[0, layer_2_lh, 0], [sig_w, layer_2_lh, 0]], name="signal_p")
@@ -89,8 +84,8 @@
q.modeler.connect([base_line_obj, top_line_obj])
q.modeler.move([base_line_obj], ["{}+{}".format(co_gnd_w, clearance), 0, 0])
-# Create negative signal
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create negative signal
# Create a negative signal.
base_line_obj = q.modeler.create_polyline(position_list=[[0, layer_2_lh, 0], [sig_w, layer_2_lh, 0]], name="signal_n")
@@ -99,11 +94,11 @@
q.modeler.connect([base_line_obj, top_line_obj])
q.modeler.move(objid=[base_line_obj], vector=["{}+{}+{}+{}".format(co_gnd_w, clearance, sig_w, sig_gap), 0, 0])
-# Create coplanar ground
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create coplanar ground
# Create a coplanar ground.
+# +
base_line_obj = q.modeler.create_polyline(position_list=[[0, layer_2_lh, 0], [co_gnd_w, layer_2_lh, 0]],
top_line_obj = q.modeler.create_polyline(position_list=[[0, layer_2_uh, 0], [co_gnd_top_w, layer_2_uh, 0]])
@@ -117,18 +112,17 @@
q.modeler.connect([base_line_obj, top_line_obj])
vector=["{}+{}*2+{}*2+{}".format(co_gnd_w, clearance, sig_w, sig_gap), 0, 0])
+# -
-# Create reference ground plane
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create reference ground plane
# Create a reference ground plane.
q.modeler.create_rectangle(position=[0, layer_1_lh, 0], dimension_list=[model_w, cond_h], name="ref_gnd_u")
q.modeler.create_rectangle(position=[0, layer_3_lh, 0], dimension_list=[model_w, cond_h], name="ref_gnd_l")
-# Create dielectric
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create dielectric
# Create a dielectric.
@@ -141,11 +135,11 @@
position=[0, layer_2_lh, 0], dimension_list=[model_w, cond_h], name="Filling", matname="FR4_epoxy"
-# Assign conductors
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Assign conductors
# Assign conductors to the signal.
+# +
obj = q.modeler.get_object_from_name("signal_p")
name=obj.name, target_objects=[obj], conductor_type="SignalLine", solve_option="SolveOnBoundary", unit="mm"
@@ -155,10 +149,10 @@
name=obj.name, target_objects=[obj], conductor_type="SignalLine", solve_option="SolveOnBoundary", unit="mm"
+# -
-# Create reference ground
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create reference ground
# Create a reference ground.
obj = [q.modeler.get_object_from_name(i) for i in ["co_gnd_left", "co_gnd_right", "ref_gnd_u", "ref_gnd_l"]]
@@ -166,34 +160,35 @@
name="gnd", target_objects=obj, conductor_type="ReferenceGround", solve_option="SolveOnBoundary", unit="mm"
-# Assign Huray model on signals
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Assign Huray model on signals
# Assign the Huray model on the signals.
+# +
obj = q.modeler.get_object_from_name("signal_p")
q.assign_huray_finitecond_to_edges(obj.edges, radius="0.5um", ratio=3, name="b_" + obj.name)
obj = q.modeler.get_object_from_name("signal_n")
q.assign_huray_finitecond_to_edges(obj.edges, radius="0.5um", ratio=3, name="b_" + obj.name)
+# -
-# Define differential pair
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Define differential pair
# Define the differential pair.
matrix = q.insert_reduced_matrix(operation_name=q.MATRIXOPERATIONS.DiffPair, source_names=["signal_p", "signal_n"],
-# Create setup, analyze, and plot
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create setup, analyze, and plot
# Create a setup, analyze, and plot solution data.
# Create a setup.
setup = q.create_setup(setupname="new_setup")
# Add a sweep.
sweep = setup.add_sweep(sweepname="sweep1", sweeptype="Discrete")
sweep.props["RangeType"] = "LinearStep"
sweep.props["RangeStart"] = "1GHz"
@@ -205,21 +200,23 @@
# Analyze the nominal design and plot characteristic impedance.
plot_sources = matrix.get_sources_for_plot(category="Z0")
a = q.post.get_solution_data(expressions=plot_sources, context=matrix.name)
a.plot(snapshot_path=os.path.join(q.working_directory, "plot.jpg")) # Save plot as jpg
# Add a parametric sweep and analyze.
parametric = q.parametrics.add(sweep_var="sig_bot_w", start_point=75, end_point=100, step=5,
parametric.add_variation(sweep_var="sig_gap", start_point="100um", end_point="200um", step=5,
-# Save project and release AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Save project and release AEDT
# Save the project and release AEDT.
diff --git a/examples/05-Q3D/Q3D_DC_IR.py b/examples/05-Q3D/Q3D_DC_IR.py
index 976279b53c4..6af3dddbd3d 100644
--- a/examples/05-Q3D/Q3D_DC_IR.py
+++ b/examples/05-Q3D/Q3D_DC_IR.py
@@ -1,22 +1,19 @@
-Q3D Extractor: PCB DCIR analysis
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a design in
-Q3D Extractor and run a DC IR Drop simulation starting from an EDB Project.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # Q3D Extractor: PCB DCIR analysis
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a design in
+# Q3D Extractor and run a DC IR Drop simulation starting from an EDB Project.
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports.
import os
import pyaedt
-# Set up project files and path
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set up project files and path
# Download needed project file and set up temporary project directory.
project_dir = pyaedt.generate_unique_folder_name()
aedb_project = pyaedt.downloads.download_file('edb/ANSYS-HSD_V1.aedb', destination=project_dir)
coil = pyaedt.downloads.download_file('inductance_3d_component', 'air_coil.a3dcomp')
@@ -25,12 +22,11 @@
output_edb = os.path.join(project_dir, project_name + '.aedb')
output_q3d = os.path.join(project_dir, project_name + '_q3d.aedt')
-# Open EDB
-# ~~~~~~~~
+# ## Open EDB
# Open the EDB project and create a cutout on the selected nets
# before exporting to Q3D.
edb = pyaedt.Edb(aedb_project, edbversion="2023.2")
edb.cutout(["1.2V_AVDLL_PLL", "1.2V_AVDDL", "1.2V_DVDDL", "NetR106_1"],
@@ -38,10 +34,8 @@
-# Identify pin positions
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Identify pin positions
# Identify [x,y] pin locations on the components to define where to assign sources
# and sinks for Q3D.
@@ -50,11 +44,11 @@
pin_u9_2 = [i for i in edb.components["U9"].pins.values() if i.net_name == "1.2V_DVDDL"]
pin_u11_r106 = [i for i in edb.components["U11"].pins.values() if i.net_name == "NetR106_1"]
-# Append Z Positions
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Append Z Positions
# Compute Q3D 3D position. The factor 1000 converts from "meters" to "mm".
+# +
location_u11_scl = [i * 1000 for i in pin_u11_scl[0].position]
location_u11_scl.append(edb.components["U11"].upper_elevation * 1000)
@@ -66,12 +60,13 @@
location_u11_r106 = [i * 1000 for i in pin_u11_r106[0].position]
location_u11_r106.append(edb.components["U11"].upper_elevation * 1000)
+# -
-# Identify pin positions for 3D components
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Identify pin positions for 3D components
# Identify the pin positions where 3D components of passives are to be added.
+# +
location_l2_1 = [i * 1000 for i in edb.components["L2"].pins["1"].position]
location_l2_1.append(edb.components["L2"].upper_elevation * 1000)
location_l4_1 = [i * 1000 for i in edb.components["L4"].pins["1"].position]
@@ -79,43 +74,41 @@
location_r106_1 = [i * 1000 for i in edb.components["R106"].pins["1"].position]
location_r106_1.append(edb.components["R106"].upper_elevation * 1000)
+# -
-# Save and close EDB
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Save and close EDB
# Save and close EDB. Then, open EDT in HFSS 3D Layout to generate the 3D model.
+# +
h3d = pyaedt.Hfss3dLayout(output_edb, specified_version="2023.2", non_graphical=False, new_desktop_session=True)
+# -
-# Export to Q3D
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Export to Q3D
# Create a dummy setup and export the layout in Q3D.
# The ``keep_net_name`` parameter reassigns Q3D net names from HFSS 3D Layout.
setup = h3d.create_setup()
setup.export_to_q3d(output_q3d, keep_net_name=True)
-# Open Q3D
-# ~~~~~~~~
+# ## Open Q3D
# Launch the newly created q3d project.
q3d = pyaedt.Q3d(output_q3d)
-# Insert inductors
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Insert inductors
# Create new coordinate systems and place 3D component inductors.
+# +
q3d.modeler.create_coordinate_system(location_l2_1, name="L2")
comp = q3d.modeler.insert_3d_component(coil, targetCS="L2")
comp.rotate(q3d.AXIS.Z, -90)
@@ -135,12 +128,13 @@
comp3.rotate(q3d.AXIS.Z, -90)
+# -
-# Delete dielectrics
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Delete dielectrics
# Delete all dielectric objects since not needed in DC analysis.
+# +
@@ -150,13 +144,14 @@
objs_copper_names = [i.name for i in objs_copper]
q3d.plot(show=False,objects=objs_copper_names, plot_as_separate_objects=False,
export_path=os.path.join(q3d.working_directory, "Q3D.jpg"), plot_air_objects=False)
+# -
-# Assign source and sink
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Use previously calculated positions to identify faces,
-# select the net "1_Top" and
+# ## Assign source and sink
+# Use previously calculated positions to identify faces, select the net "1_Top" and
# assign sources and sinks on nets.
+# +
sink_f = q3d.modeler.create_circle(q3d.PLANE.XY, location_u11_scl, 0.1)
source_f1 = q3d.modeler.create_circle(q3d.PLANE.XY, location_u9_1_scl, 0.1)
source_f2 = q3d.modeler.create_circle(q3d.PLANE.XY, location_u9_2_scl, 0.1)
@@ -177,10 +172,10 @@
q3d.edit_sources(dcrl={"{}:{}".format(source1.props["Net"], source1.name): "-1.0A",
"{}:{}".format(source2.props["Net"], source2.name): "-1.0A",
"{}:{}".format(source2.props["Net"], source3.name): "-1.0A"})
+# -
-# Create setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create setup
# Create a setup and a frequency sweep from DC to 2GHz.
# Analyze project.
@@ -192,9 +187,8 @@
-# Field Calculator
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Field Calculator
# We will create a named expression using field calculator.
drop_name = "Vdrop3_3"
@@ -205,11 +199,11 @@
q3d.ofieldsreporter.AddNamedExpression(drop_name, "DC R/L Fields")
-# Phi plot
-# ~~~~~~~~
+# ## Phi plot
# Compute ACL solutions and plot them.
+# +
plot1 = q3d.post.create_fieldplot_surface(q3d.modeler.get_objects_by_material("copper"), quantityName=drop_name,
intrinsincDict={"Freq": "1GHz"})
@@ -223,14 +217,15 @@
+# -
-# Computing Voltage on Source Circles
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Computing Voltage on Source Circles
# Using Field Calculator we can compute the voltage on source circles and get the value
# using get_solution_data method.
+# +
curves = []
for source_circle, source_bound in zip(sources_objs, sources_bounds):
source_sheet_name = source_circle.name
@@ -243,7 +238,6 @@
q3d.ofieldsreporter.AddNamedExpression("V{}".format(source_bound.name), "DC R/L Fields")
data = q3d.post.get_solution_data(
@@ -252,12 +246,12 @@
for curve in curves:
+# -
-# Close AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Close AEDT
# After the simulation completes, you can close AEDT or release it using the
# ``release_desktop`` method. All methods provide for saving projects before closing.
diff --git a/examples/05-Q3D/Q3D_Example.py b/examples/05-Q3D/Q3D_Example.py
index 2bf882c57f0..cee6f9398ab 100644
--- a/examples/05-Q3D/Q3D_Example.py
+++ b/examples/05-Q3D/Q3D_Example.py
@@ -1,28 +1,24 @@
-Q3D Extractor: busbar analysis
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a busbar design in
-Q3D Extractor and run a simulation.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # Q3D Extractor: busbar analysis
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a busbar design in
+# Q3D Extractor and run a simulation.
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports.
import os
import pyaedt
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
non_graphical = False
-# Set debugger mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set debugger mode
# PyAEDT allows to enable a debug logger which logs all methods called and argument passed.
# This example shows how to enable it.
@@ -30,10 +26,8 @@
pyaedt.settings.enable_debug_methods_argument_logger = True
pyaedt.settings.enable_debug_internal_methods_logger = False
-# Launch AEDT and Q3D Extractor
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch AEDT and Q3D Extractor
# Launch AEDT 2023 R2 in graphical mode and launch Q3D Extractor. This example uses SI units.
q = pyaedt.Q3d(projectname=pyaedt.generate_unique_project_name(),
@@ -41,11 +35,11 @@
-# Create primitives
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create primitives
# Create polylines for three busbars and a box for the substrate.
+# +
b1 = q.modeler.create_polyline(
[[0, 0, 0], [-100, 0, 0]],
@@ -81,13 +75,14 @@
q.modeler["substrate"].transparency = 0.8
q.plot(show=False, export_path=os.path.join(q.working_directory, "Q3D.jpg"), plot_air_objects=False)
+# -
-# Set up boundaries
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set up boundaries
# Identify nets and assign sources and sinks to all nets.
# There is a source and sink for each busbar.
+# +
q.source("Bar1", axisdir=q.AxisDir.XPos, name="Source1")
@@ -98,10 +93,10 @@
q.source("Bar3", axisdir=q.AxisDir.XPos, name="Source3")
bar3_sink = q.sink("Bar3", axisdir=q.AxisDir.YPos)
bar3_sink.name = "Sink3"
+# -
-# Print information
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Print information
# Use the different methods available to print net and terminal information.
@@ -112,9 +107,8 @@
-# Create setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create setup
# Create a setup for Q3D Extractor and add a sweep that defines the adaptive
# frequency value.
@@ -125,9 +119,8 @@
sw1.props["RangeStep"] = "5MHz"
-# Get curves to plot
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Get curves to plot
# Get the curves to plot. The following code simplifies the way to get curves.
data_plot_self = q.matrices[0].get_sources_for_plot(get_self_terms=True, get_mutual_terms=False)
@@ -135,25 +128,22 @@
-# Create rectangular plot
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create rectangular plot
# Create a rectangular plot and a data table.
q.post.create_report(expressions=data_plot_mutual, context="Original", plot_type="Data Table")
-# Solve setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Solve setup
# Solve the setup.
-# Get report data
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Get report data
# Get the report data into a data structure that allows you to manipulate it.
a = q.post.get_solution_data(expressions=data_plot_self, context="Original")
@@ -161,11 +151,11 @@
-# Close AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Close AEDT
# After the simulation completes, you can close AEDT or release it using the
# ``release_desktop`` method. All methods provide for saving projects before closing.
pyaedt.settings.enable_debug_logger = False
pyaedt.settings.enable_debug_methods_argument_logger = False
q.release_desktop(close_projects=True, close_desktop=True)
diff --git a/examples/05-Q3D/Q3D_from_EDB.py b/examples/05-Q3D/Q3D_from_EDB.py
index a104684b832..fe4c8d8b3a8 100644
--- a/examples/05-Q3D/Q3D_from_EDB.py
+++ b/examples/05-Q3D/Q3D_from_EDB.py
@@ -1,43 +1,40 @@
-Q3D Extractor: PCB analysis
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a design in
-Q3D Extractor and run a simulation starting from an EDB Project.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # Q3D Extractor: PCB analysis
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a design in
+# Q3D Extractor and run a simulation starting from an EDB Project.
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports.
import os
import pyaedt
-# Setup project files and path
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Setup project files and path
# Download of needed project file and setup of temporary project directory.
+# +
project_dir = pyaedt.generate_unique_folder_name()
aedb_project = pyaedt.downloads.download_file('edb/ANSYS-HSD_V1.aedb',destination=project_dir)
project_name = pyaedt.generate_unique_name("HSD")
output_edb = os.path.join(project_dir, project_name + '.aedb')
output_q3d = os.path.join(project_dir, project_name + '_q3d.aedt')
+# -
-# Open EDB
-# ~~~~~~~~
+# ## Open EDB
# Open the edb project and created a cutout on the selected nets
# before exporting to Q3D.
edb = pyaedt.Edb(aedb_project, edbversion="2023.2")
edb.cutout(["CLOCK_I2C_SCL", "CLOCK_I2C_SDA"], ["GND"], output_aedb_path=output_edb,
use_pyaedt_extent_computing=True, )
-# Identify pins position
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Identify pins position
# Identify [x,y] pin locations on the components to define where to assign sources
# and sinks for Q3D and append Z elevation.
@@ -47,11 +44,11 @@
pin_u1_sda = [i for i in edb.components["U1"].pins.values() if i.net_name == "CLOCK_I2C_SDA"]
-# Append Z Positions
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Append Z Positions
# Note: The factor 100 converts from "meters" to "mm"
+# +
location_u13_scl = [i * 1000 for i in pin_u13_scl[0].position]
location_u13_scl.append(edb.components["U13"].upper_elevation * 1000)
@@ -63,45 +60,41 @@
location_u1_sda = [i * 1000 for i in pin_u1_sda[0].position]
location_u1_sda.append(edb.components["U1"].upper_elevation * 1000)
+# -
-# Save and close Edb
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Save and close Edb
# Save, close Edb and open it in Hfss 3D Layout to generate the 3D model.
+# +
h3d = pyaedt.Hfss3dLayout(output_edb, specified_version="2023.2", non_graphical=True, new_desktop_session=True)
+# -
-# Export to Q3D
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Export to Q3D
# Create a dummy setup and export the layout in Q3D.
# keep_net_name will reassign Q3D nets names from Hfss 3D Layout.
setup = h3d.create_setup()
setup.export_to_q3d(output_q3d, keep_net_name=True)
-# Open Q3D
-# ~~~~~~~~
+# ## Open Q3D
# Launch the newly created q3d project and plot it.
q3d = pyaedt.Q3d(output_q3d)
q3d.plot(show=False, objects=["CLOCK_I2C_SCL", "CLOCK_I2C_SDA"],
export_path=os.path.join(q3d.working_directory, "Q3D.jpg"), plot_air_objects=False)
-# Assign Source and Sink
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Assign Source and Sink
# Use previously calculated position to identify faces and
# assign sources and sinks on nets.
f1 = q3d.modeler.get_faceid_from_position(location_u13_scl, obj_name="CLOCK_I2C_SCL")
q3d.source(f1, net_name="CLOCK_I2C_SCL")
f1 = q3d.modeler.get_faceid_from_position(location_u13_sda, obj_name="CLOCK_I2C_SDA")
@@ -111,9 +104,8 @@
f1 = q3d.modeler.get_faceid_from_position(location_u1_sda, obj_name="CLOCK_I2C_SDA")
q3d.sink(f1, net_name="CLOCK_I2C_SDA")
-# Create Setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create Setup
# Create a setup and a frequency sweep from DC to 2GHz.
# Analyze project.
@@ -124,27 +116,25 @@
sweep.add_subrange("LinearStep", 0, end=2, count=0.05, unit="GHz", save_single_fields=False, clear=True)
-# ACL Report
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## ACL Report
# Compute ACL solutions and plot them.
traces_acl = q3d.post.available_report_quantities(quantities_category="ACL Matrix")
solution = q3d.post.get_solution_data(traces_acl)
-# ACR Report
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## ACR Report
# Compute ACR solutions and plot them.
traces_acr = q3d.post.available_report_quantities(quantities_category="ACR Matrix")
solution2 = q3d.post.get_solution_data(traces_acr)
-# Close AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Close AEDT
# After the simulation completes, you can close AEDT or release it using the
# ``release_desktop`` method. All methods provide for saving projects before closing.
diff --git a/examples/05-Q3D/Readme.txt b/examples/05-Q3D/index.rst
similarity index 61%
rename from examples/05-Q3D/Readme.txt
rename to examples/05-Q3D/index.rst
index 1d4f3398872..d49937f7529 100644
--- a/examples/05-Q3D/Readme.txt
+++ b/examples/05-Q3D/index.rst
@@ -3,3 +3,11 @@
These examples use PyAEDT to show some end-to-end workflows for 2D Extractor and
Q3D Extractor. This includes model generation, setup, and thermal postprocessing.
+.. nbgallery::
+ Q2D_Armoured_Cable.py
+ Q2D_Example_CPWG.py
+ Q2D_Example_Stripline.py
+ Q3D_DC_IR.py
+ Q3D_Example.py
+ Q3D_from_EDB.py
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/06-Multiphysics/Hfss_Icepak_Coupling.py b/examples/06-Multiphysics/Hfss_Icepak_Coupling.py
index 3d392b39d61..79c943db216 100644
--- a/examples/06-Multiphysics/Hfss_Icepak_Coupling.py
+++ b/examples/06-Multiphysics/Hfss_Icepak_Coupling.py
@@ -1,73 +1,62 @@
-Multiphysics: HFSS-Icepak multiphysics analysis
-This example shows how you can create a project from scratch in HFSS and Icepak (linked to HFSS).
-This includes creating a setup, solving it, and creating postprocessing outputs.
-To provide the advanced postprocessing features needed for this example, the ``numpy``,
-``matplotlib``, and ``pyvista`` packages must be installed on the machine.
-This examples runs only on Windows using CPython.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # Multiphysics: HFSS-Icepak multiphysics analysis
+# This example shows how you can create a project from scratch in HFSS and Icepak (linked to HFSS).
+# This includes creating a setup, solving it, and creating postprocessing outputs.
+# To provide the advanced postprocessing features needed for this example, the ``numpy``,
+# ``matplotlib``, and ``pyvista`` packages must be installed on the machine.
+# This examples runs only on Windows using CPython.
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports.
import os
import pyaedt
from pyaedt.generic.pdf import AnsysReport
+import tempfile
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Setup
# Set non-graphical mode.
-# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
+# Set ``non_graphical`` to ``False`` if the AEDT user interface should
+# be started when HFSS and Icepak are accessed.
+temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".ansys")
non_graphical = False
desktopVersion = "2023.2"
-# Open project
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Open the project.
-NewThread = True
-project_file = pyaedt.generate_unique_project_name()
-# Launch AEDT and initialize HFSS
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch AEDT and initialize HFSS
# Launch AEDT and initialize HFSS. If there is an active HFSS design, the ``aedtapp``
# object is linked to it. Otherwise, a new design is created.
-aedtapp = pyaedt.Hfss(projectname=project_file,
+aedtapp = pyaedt.Hfss(projectname=os.path.join(temp_dir.name, "Icepak_HFSS_Coupling"),
+ designname="RF",
- new_desktop_session=NewThread
+ new_desktop_session=True
-# Initialize variable settings
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Initialize variable settings. You can initialize a variable simply by creating
-# it as a list object. If you enter the prefix ``$``, the variable is created for
-# the project. Otherwise, the variable is created for the design.
+# ## Parameters
+# Parameters can be instantiated by defining them as a key used for the application
+# instance as demonstrated below. The prefix ``$`` is used to define
+# project-wide scope for the parameter. Otherwise the parameter scope is limited the current design.
-aedtapp["$coax_dimension"] = "100mm"
+aedtapp["$coax_dimension"] = "100mm" # Project-wide scope.
udp = aedtapp.modeler.Position(0, 0, 0)
-aedtapp["inner"] = "3mm"
+aedtapp["inner"] = "3mm" # Local "Design" scope.
-# Create coaxial and cylinders
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create coaxial and cylinders
# Create a coaxial and three cylinders. You can apply parameters
-# directly using the :func:`pyaedt.modeler.Primitives3D.Primitives3D.create_cylinder`
+# directly using the `pyaedt.modeler.Primitives3D.Primitives3D.create_cylinder`
# method. You can assign a material directly to the object creation action.
-# Optionally, you can assign a material using the :func:`assign_material` method.
+# Optionally, you can assign a material using the `assign_material` method.
-# TODO: How does this work when two truesurfaces are defined?
+# TODO: How does this work when two true surfaces are defined?
o1 = aedtapp.modeler.create_cylinder(cs_axis=aedtapp.PLANE.ZX, position=udp, radius="inner", height="$coax_dimension",
numSides=0, name="inner")
o2 = aedtapp.modeler.create_cylinder(cs_axis=aedtapp.PLANE.ZX, position=udp, radius=8, height="$coax_dimension",
@@ -75,9 +64,8 @@
o3 = aedtapp.modeler.create_cylinder(cs_axis=aedtapp.PLANE.ZX, position=udp, radius=10, height="$coax_dimension",
numSides=0, name="outer")
-# Assign colors
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Assign colors
# Assign colors to each primitive.
o1.color = (255, 0, 0)
@@ -86,49 +74,50 @@
o3.transparency = 0.8
-# Assign materials
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Assign materials
# Assign materials. You can assign materials either directly when creating the primitive,
# which was done for ``id2``, or after the object is created.
o1.material_name = "Copper"
o3.material_name = "Copper"
-# Perform modeler operations
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Perform modeler operations
# Perform modeler operations. You can subtract, add, and perform other operations
# using either the object ID or object name.
aedtapp.modeler.subtract(o3, o2, True)
aedtapp.modeler.subtract(o2, o1, True)
-# Perform mesh operations
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Perform mesh operations. Most mesh operations are available.
-# After a mesh is created, you can access a mesh operation to
-# edit or review parameter values.
+# ## Assign Mesh Operations
+# Most mesh operations are accessible using the ``mesh`` property
+# which is an instance of the ``pyaedt.modules.MeshIcepak.IcepakMesh`` class.
+# This example demonstrates the use of several common mesh
+# operatons.
aedtapp.mesh.assign_model_resolution(names=[o1.name, o3.name], defeature_length=None)
aedtapp.mesh.assign_length_mesh(names=o2.faces, isinside=False, maxlength=1, maxel=2000)
-# Create excitations
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Create excitations. The ``create_wave_port_between_objects`` method automatically
-# identifies the closest faces on a predefined direction and creates a sheet to cover
-# the faces. It also assigns a port to this face. If ``add_pec_cap=True``, the method
-# creates a PEC cap.
+# ## Create HFSS Sources
+# The RF power dissipated in the HFSS model will act as the thermal
+# source for in Icepak. The ``create_wave_port_between_objects`` method
+# s used to assign the RF ports that inject RF power into the HFSS
+# model. If the parameter ``add_pec_cap=True``, then the method
+# creates a perfectly conducting (lossless) cap covering the port.
+# +
@@ -138,10 +127,10 @@
port_names = aedtapp.get_all_sources()
+# -
-# Create setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## HFSS Simulation Setup
# Create a setup. A setup is created with default values. After its creation,
# you can change values and update the setup. The ``update`` method returns a Boolean
# value.
@@ -152,55 +141,69 @@
setup.props["BasisOrder"] = 2
setup.props["MaximumPasses"] = 1
-# Create sweep
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Create a sweep. A sweep is created with default values.
+# ## HFSS Frequency Sweep
+# The frequency sweep defines the RF frequency range over which the RF power is
+# injected into the structure.
sweepname = aedtapp.create_linear_count_sweep(setupname="MySetup", unit="GHz", freqstart=0.8, freqstop=1.2,
num_of_freq_points=401, sweep_type="Interpolating")
-# Create Icepak model
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Create an Icepak model. After an HFSS setup is ready, link this model to an Icepak
-# project and run a coupled physics analysis. The :func:`FieldAnalysis3D.copy_solid_bodies_from`
-# method imports a model from HFSS with all material settings.
+# ## Create Icepak model
+# After an HFSS setup has been defined, the model can be lnked to an Icepak
+# design and the coupled physics analysis can be run. The `FieldAnalysis3D.copy_solid_bodies_from()`
+# method imports a model from HFSS into Icepak including all material definitions.
-ipkapp = pyaedt.Icepak()
+ipkapp = pyaedt.Icepak(designname="CalcTemp")
-# Link sources to EM losses
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Link sources to the EM losses.
+# ## Link RF Thermal Source
+# The RF loss in HFSS will be used as the thermal source in Icepak.
surfaceobj = ["inner", "outer"]
-ipkapp.assign_em_losses(designname=aedtapp.design_name, setupname="MySetup", sweepname="LastAdaptive",
- map_frequency="1GHz", surface_objects=surfaceobj, paramlist=["$coax_dimension", "inner"])
+ipkapp.assign_em_losses(designname=aedtapp.design_name, setupname="MySetup",
+ sweepname="LastAdaptive",
+ map_frequency="1GHz",
+ surface_objects=surfaceobj,
+ paramlist=["$coax_dimension", "inner"])
-# Edit gravity setting
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Edit the gravity setting if necessary because it is important for a fluid analysis.
+# ## Assign the Direction of Gravity
+# Set the direction of gravity for convection in Icepak. Gravity drives a temperature gradient
+# due to the dependence of gas density on temperature.
-# Set up Icepak project
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Set up the Icepak project. When you create a setup, default settings are applied.
-# When you need to change a property of the setup, you can use the ``props``
-# command to pass the correct value to the property. The ``update`` function
+# ## Set up the Icepak Project
+# The initial solution setup applies default values that can subsequently
+# be modified as shown here.
+# The ``props`` property enables access to all solution settings.
+# The ``update`` function
# applies the settings to the setup. The setup creation process is identical
# for all tools.
setup_ipk = ipkapp.create_setup("SetupIPK")
setup_ipk.props["Convergence Criteria - Max Iterations"] = 3
-# Edit or review mesh parameters
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ### Icepak Solution Properteis
+# The setup properties are accessible through the ``props`` property as
+# an ordered dict. The ``keys()`` method can be used to retrieve all settings for
+# the setup.
+# Find propertes that contain the string ``"Convergence"`` and print the default values.
+conv_props = [k for k in setup_ipk.props.keys() if "Convergence" in k]
+print("Here are some default setup properties:")
+for p in conv_props:
+ print("\"" + p + "\" -> " + str(setup_ipk.props[p]))
+# ### Edit or Review Mesh Parameters
# Edit or review the mesh parameters. After a mesh is created, you can access
# a mesh operation to edit or review parameter values.
@@ -209,43 +212,44 @@
airfaces = ipkapp.modeler.get_object_faces(airbox)
-# Close and open projects
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Close and open projects
# Close and open the projects to ensure that the HFSS - Icepak coupling works
# correctly in AEDT versions 2019 R3 through 2021 R1. Closing and opening projects
# can be helpful when performing operations on multiple projects.
+project_filename = aedtapp.project_file # Save the project file name.
-aedtapp = pyaedt.Hfss(project_file)
+aedtapp = pyaedt.Hfss(project_filename)
ipkapp = pyaedt.Icepak()
ipkapp.solution_type = ipkapp.SOLUTIONS.Icepak.SteadyTemperatureAndFlow
-# Solve Icepak project
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Solve the Icepak project and the HFSS sweep.
+# ## Solve the Project
+# Solve the Icepak and HFSS models.
-setup1 = ipkapp.analyze_setup("SetupIPK")
+ipkapp.setups[0].analyze() # Run the Icepak analysis.
+aedtapp.setups[0].analyze() # Run the HFSS analysis.
-# Generate field plots and export
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ### Plot and Export Results
# Generate field plots on the HFSS project and export them as images.
+# +
cutlist = [pyaedt.constants.GLOBALCS.XY, pyaedt.constants.GLOBALCS.ZX, pyaedt.constants.GLOBALCS.YZ]
vollist = [o2.name]
-setup_name = "MySetup : LastAdaptive"
-quantity_name = "ComplexMag_E"
+quantity_name1 = "ComplexMag_E"
quantity_name2 = "ComplexMag_H"
-intrinsic = {"Freq": "1GHz", "Phase": "0deg"}
+intrinsic = {"Freq": aedtapp.setups[0].props["Frequency"],
+ "Phase": "0deg"}
surflist = aedtapp.modeler.get_object_faces("outer")
-plot1 = aedtapp.post.create_fieldplot_surface(surflist, quantity_name2, setup_name, intrinsic)
+plot1 = aedtapp.post.create_fieldplot_surface(surflist, quantity_name2,
+ setup_name=aedtapp.nominal_adaptive,
+ intrinsicDict=intrinsic)
results_folder = os.path.join(aedtapp.working_directory, "Coaxial_Results_NG")
if not os.path.exists(results_folder):
@@ -261,27 +265,28 @@
+# -
-# Generate animation from field plots
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Generate animation from field plots
# Generate an animation from field plots using PyVista.
+# +
import time
start = time.time()
cutlist = ["Global:XY"]
-phases = [str(i * 5) + "deg" for i in range(18)]
+phase_values = [str(i * 5) + "deg" for i in range(18)]
animated = aedtapp.post.plot_animated_field(
- intrinsics={"Freq": "1GHz", "Phase": "0deg"},
+ intrinsics=intrinsic,
- variation_list=phases,
+ variation_list=phase_values,
@@ -295,13 +300,14 @@
endtime = time.time() - start
print("Total Time", endtime)
+# -
-# Create Icepak plots and export
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create Icepak plots and export
# Create Icepak plots and export them as images using the same functions that
# were used early. Only the quantity is different.
+# +
quantity_name = "Temperature"
setup_name = ipkapp.existing_analysis_sweeps[0]
intrinsic = ""
@@ -309,10 +315,10 @@
plot5 = ipkapp.post.create_fieldplot_surface(surflist, "SurfTemperature")
+# -
-# Generate plots outside of AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Generate plots outside of AEDT
# Generate plots outside of AEDT using Matplotlib and NumPy.
trace_names = aedtapp.get_traces_for_plot(category="S")
@@ -325,9 +331,8 @@
title="Scattering Chart",
snapshot_path=os.path.join(results_folder, "Touchstone_from_matplotlib.jpg"))
-# Generate pdf report
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Generate pdf report
# Generate a pdf report with output of simultion.
report = AnsysReport(project_name=aedtapp.project_name, design_name=aedtapp.design_name, version=desktopVersion)
@@ -348,9 +353,11 @@
# report.add_image(os.path.join(results_folder, plot5.name+".jpg"), "Coaxial Cable Temperatures")
report.save_pdf(results_folder, "AEDT_Results.pdf")
-# Close project and release AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Close project and release AEDT
# Close the project and release AEDT.
+temp_dir.cleanup() # Clean up temporary directory and delete project files.
diff --git a/examples/06-Multiphysics/Hfss_Mechanical.py b/examples/06-Multiphysics/Hfss_Mechanical.py
index ad4ecfa32ce..ac473c01505 100644
--- a/examples/06-Multiphysics/Hfss_Mechanical.py
+++ b/examples/06-Multiphysics/Hfss_Mechanical.py
@@ -1,36 +1,30 @@
-Multiphysics: HFSS-Mechanical multiphysics analysis
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a multiphysics workflow that
-includes Circuit, HFSS, and Mechanical.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # Multiphysics: HFSS-Mechanical multiphysics analysis
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a multiphysics workflow that
+# includes Circuit, HFSS, and Mechanical.
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports.
import os
import pyaedt
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
non_graphical = False
-# Download and open project
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Download and open project
# Download and open the project. Save it to the temporary folder.
project_temp_name = pyaedt.downloads.download_via_wizard(pyaedt.generate_unique_folder_name())
-# Start HFSS
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Start HFSS
# Start HFSS and initialize the PyAEDT object.
version = "2023.2"
@@ -39,17 +33,15 @@
pin_names = hfss.excitations
-# Start Circuit
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Start Circuit
# Start Circuit and add the HFSS dynamic link component to it.
circuit = pyaedt.Circuit()
hfss_comp = circuit.modeler.schematic.add_subcircuit_dynamic_link(hfss)
-# Set up dynamic link options
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set up dynamic link options
# Set up dynamic link options. The argument for the ``set_sim_option_on_hfss_subcircuit``
# method can be the component name, component ID, or component object.
@@ -58,12 +50,12 @@
hfss_setup_name = hfss.setups[0].name + " : " + hfss.setups[0].sweeps[0].name
circuit.modeler.schematic.set_sim_solution_on_hfss_subcircuit(hfss_comp.composed_name, hfss_setup_name)
-# Create ports and excitations
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create ports and excitations
# Create ports and excitations. Find component pin locations and create interface
# ports on them. Define the voltage source on the input port.
+# +
name="Excitation_1", location=[hfss_comp.pins[0].location[0], hfss_comp.pins[0].location[1]]
@@ -83,10 +75,10 @@
source = circuit.assign_voltage_sinusoidal_excitation_to_ports(ports_list)
source.ac_magnitude = voltage
source.phase = phase
+# -
-# Create setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create setup
# Create a setup.
setup_name = "MySetup"
@@ -98,9 +90,8 @@
sweep_list = ["LINC", str(bw_start) + unit, str(bw_stop) + unit, str(n_points)]
LNA_setup.props["SweepDefinition"]["Data"] = " ".join(sweep_list)
-# Solve and push excitations
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Solve and push excitations
# Solve the circuit and push excitations to the HFSS model to calculate the
# correct value of losses.
@@ -108,18 +99,16 @@
circuit.push_excitations(instance_name="S1", setup_name=setup_name)
-# Start Mechanical
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Start Mechanical
# Start Mechanical and copy bodies from the HFSS project.
mech = pyaedt.Mechanical()
-# Get losses from HFSS and assign convection to Mechanical
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Get losses from HFSS and assign convection to Mechanical
# Get losses from HFSS and assign the convection to Mechanical.
@@ -134,16 +123,14 @@
mech.assign_uniform_convection(objects_list=[mech.modeler[el].top_face_y, mech.modeler[el].bottom_face_y],
-# Plot model
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Plot model
# Plot the model.
mech.plot(show=False, export_path=os.path.join(mech.working_directory, "Mech.jpg"), plot_air_objects=False)
-# Solve and plot thermal results
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Solve and plot thermal results
# Solve and plot the thermal results.
@@ -154,9 +141,8 @@
mech.post.create_fieldplot_surface(objlist=surfaces, quantityName="Temperature")
-# Release AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Release AEDT
# Release AEDT.
mech.release_desktop(True, True)
diff --git a/examples/06-Multiphysics/MRI.py b/examples/06-Multiphysics/MRI.py
index 47b94a38bcf..3f7243bf330 100644
--- a/examples/06-Multiphysics/MRI.py
+++ b/examples/06-Multiphysics/MRI.py
@@ -1,49 +1,44 @@
-Multiphysics: HFSS-Mechanical MRI analysis
-The goal of this workshop is to use a coil tuned to 63.8 MHz to determine the temperature
-rise in a gel phantom near an implant given a background SAR of 1 W/kg.
-Steps to follow
-Step 1: Simulate coil loaded by empty phantom:
-Scale input to coil ports to produce desired background SAR of 1 W/kg at location that will later contain the implant.
-Step 2: Simulate coil loaded by phantom containing implant in proper location:
-View SAR in tissue surrounding implant.
-Step 3: Thermal simulation:
-Link HFSS to transient thermal solver to find temperature rise in tissue near implant vs. time.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # Multiphysics: HFSS-Mechanical MRI analysis
+# The goal of this workshop is to use a coil tuned to 63.8 MHz to determine the temperature
+# rise in a gel phantom near an implant given a background SAR of 1 W/kg.
+# Steps to follow
+# Step 1: Simulate coil loaded by empty phantom:
+# Scale input to coil ports to produce desired background SAR of 1 W/kg at location that will later contain the implant.
+# Step 2: Simulate coil loaded by phantom containing implant in proper location:
+# View SAR in tissue surrounding implant.
+# Step 3: Thermal simulation:
+# Link HFSS to transient thermal solver to find temperature rise in tissue near implant vs. time.
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports.
-import os.path
+import os.path
from pyaedt import Hfss, Mechanical, Icepak, downloads
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode. `
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
non_graphical = False
-# Project load
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Project load
# Open the ANSYS Electronics Desktop 2018.2
# Open project background_SAR.aedt
# Project contains phantom and airbox
# Phantom consists of two objects: phantom and implant_box
# Separate objects are used to selectively assign mesh operations
# Material properties defined in this project already contain #electrical and thermal properties.
project_path = downloads.download_file(directory="mri")
hfss = Hfss(os.path.join(project_path, "background_SAR.aedt"), specified_version="2023.2", non_graphical=non_graphical,
-# Insert 3D component
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Insert 3D component
# The MRI Coil is saved as a separate 3D Component
# ‒ 3D Components store geometry (including parameters),
# material properties, boundary conditions, mesh assignments,
@@ -52,14 +47,14 @@
hfss.modeler.insert_3d_component(os.path.join(project_path, "coil.a3dcomp"))
-# Expression Cache
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Expression Cache
# On the expression cache tab, define additional convergence criteria for self impedance of the four coil
# ports
# ‒ Set each of these convergence criteria to 2.5 ohm
# For this demo number of passes is limited to 2 to reduce simulation time.
+# +
im_traces = hfss.get_traces_for_plot(get_mutual_terms=False, category="im(Z", first_element_filter="Coil1_p*")
@@ -71,6 +66,7 @@
hfss.setups[0].props["MaximumPasses"] = 2
+# -
# Edit Sources
diff --git a/examples/06-Multiphysics/Readme.txt b/examples/06-Multiphysics/index.rst
similarity index 74%
rename from examples/06-Multiphysics/Readme.txt
rename to examples/06-Multiphysics/index.rst
index d35019b7dbd..3feeb59f7f0 100644
--- a/examples/06-Multiphysics/Readme.txt
+++ b/examples/06-Multiphysics/index.rst
@@ -3,3 +3,9 @@ Multiphysics examples
These examples use PyAEDT to create some multiphysics workflows. They might use
an electromagnetic tool like HFSS or Maxwell and a thermal or structural tool
like Icepak or Mechanical.
+.. nbgallery::
+ Hfss_Icepak_Coupling.py
+ Hfss_Mechanical.py
+ MRI.py
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/07-Circuit/Circuit_AMI.py b/examples/07-Circuit/Circuit_AMI.py
index 21045388daa..f21c20851d6 100644
--- a/examples/07-Circuit/Circuit_AMI.py
+++ b/examples/07-Circuit/Circuit_AMI.py
@@ -1,36 +1,42 @@
-Circuit: AMI PostProcessing
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to perform advanced postprocessing of AMI simulations.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Perform required imports and set the local path to the path for PyAEDT.
+# # Circuit: AMI PostProcessing
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to perform advanced postprocessing of AMI simulations.
-# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_path = 'Resources/spectrum_plot.png'
+# ## Perform required imports
+# Perform required imports and set the local path to the path for PyAEDT.
import os
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pyaedt
-# Set local path to path for PyAEDT
-temp_folder = pyaedt.generate_unique_folder_name()
-project_path = pyaedt.downloads.download_file("ami", "ami_usb.aedtz", temp_folder)
-# Launch AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
+import tempfile
+# ## Download Example Data
+# The ``download_file()`` method retrieves example
+# data from the PyAnsys _example-data_ repository.
+# - The fist argument is the folder name where
+# the example files are located in the GitHub repository.
+# - The 2nd argument is the file to retrieve.
+# - The 3rd argument is the desination folder.
+# Files are placed in the destination folder.
+temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".ansys")
+project_path = pyaedt.downloads.download_file("ami", "ami_usb.aedtz", temp_dir.name)
+# ## Launch AEDT
# Launch AEDT 2023 R2 in graphical mode. This example uses SI units.
desktopVersion = "2023.2"
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
# The Boolean parameter ``new_thread`` defines whether to create a new instance
@@ -39,27 +45,24 @@
non_graphical = False
NewThread = True
-# Launch AEDT with Circuit and enable Pandas as the output format
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch AEDT with Circuit and enable Pandas as the output format
# All outputs obtained with the `get_solution_data` method will have the Pandas format.
-# Launch AEDT with Circuit. The :class:`pyaedt.Desktop` class initializes AEDT
+# Launch AEDT with Circuit. The `pyaedt.Desktop` class initializes AEDT
# and starts the specified version in the specified mode.
pyaedt.settings.enable_pandas_output = True
cir = pyaedt.Circuit(projectname=os.path.join(project_path), non_graphical=non_graphical,
specified_version=desktopVersion, new_desktop_session=NewThread)
-# Solve AMI setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Solve AMI setup
# Solve the transient setup.
-# Get AMI report
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Get AMI report
# Get AMI report data
plot_name = "WaveAfterProbe"
@@ -71,17 +74,18 @@
original_data_sweep = original_data.primary_sweep_values
-# Plot data
-# ~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Plot data
# Create a plot based on solution data.
fig = original_data.plot()
-# Sample WaveAfterProbe waveform using receiver clock
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Extract waveform at specific clock time plus half unit interval
+# ## Extract Wave Form
+# Use the _WaveAfterProbe_ plot type to extract the
+# waveform using an AMI receiver clock probe.
+# The signal is extracted at a specific clock
+# flank with addiional half unit interval.
probe_name = "b_input_43"
source_name = "b_output4_42"
@@ -89,16 +93,17 @@
setup_name = "AMIAnalysis"
ignore_bits = 100
unit_interval = 0.1e-9
-sample_waveform = cir.post.sample_ami_waveform(setupname=setup_name, probe_name=probe_name, source_name=source_name,
+sample_waveform = cir.post.sample_ami_waveform(setupname=setup_name, probe_name=probe_name,
+ source_name=source_name,
unit_interval=unit_interval, ignore_bits=ignore_bits,
-# Plot waveform and samples
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Plot waveform and samples
# Create the plot from a start time to stop time in seconds
+# +
tstop = 55e-9
tstart = 50e-9
scale_time = pyaedt.constants.unit_converter(1, unit_system="Time", input_units="s",
@@ -139,10 +144,10 @@
+# -
-# Plot Slicer Scatter
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Plot Slicer Scatter
# Create the plot from a start time to stop time in seconds
fig, ax2 = plt.subplots()
@@ -152,9 +157,8 @@
-# Plot scatter histogram
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Plot scatter histogram
# Create the plot from a start time to stop time in seconds.
fig, ax4 = plt.subplots()
@@ -164,9 +168,8 @@
-# Get Transient report
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Get Transient report
# Get Transient report data
plot_name = "V(b_input_43.int_ami_rx.eye_probe.out)"
@@ -175,11 +178,11 @@
setup_sweep_name="NexximTransient", domain="Time",
-# Sample waveform using a user-defined clock
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Sample waveform using a user-defined clock
# Extract waveform at specific clock time plus half unit interval.
+# +
original_data.enable_pandas_output = False
original_data_value = original_data.data_real()
original_data_sweep = original_data.primary_sweep_values
@@ -196,12 +199,13 @@
+# -
-# Plot waveform and samples
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Plot waveform and samples
# Create the plot from a start time to stop time in seconds.
+# +
tstop = 40.0e-9
tstart = 25.0e-9
scale_time = pyaedt.constants.unit_converter(1, unit_system="Time", input_units="s",
@@ -247,10 +251,10 @@
+# -
-# Plot slicer scatter
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Plot slicer scatter
# Create the plot from a start time to stop time in seconds.
sample_waveform_array = np.array(sample_waveform)
@@ -261,11 +265,12 @@
-# Save project and close AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Save project and close AEDT
# Save the project and close AEDT.
print("Project Saved in {}".format(cir.project_path))
+temp_dir.cleanup() # Remove project folder and temporary files.
diff --git a/examples/07-Circuit/Circuit_Example.py b/examples/07-Circuit/Circuit_Example.py
index 673c091f8b0..d817ad21fba 100644
--- a/examples/07-Circuit/Circuit_Example.py
+++ b/examples/07-Circuit/Circuit_Example.py
@@ -1,108 +1,107 @@
-Circuit: schematic creation and analysis
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a circuit design
-and run a Nexxim time-domain simulation.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # Circuit: schematic creation and analysis
+# This example shows how to build a circuit schematic
+# and run a transient circuit simulation.
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports.
-# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_path = 'Resources/circuit.png'
import pyaedt
+import tempfile
+import os
-# Launch AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch AEDT
# Launch AEDT 2023 R2 in graphical mode. This example uses SI units.
-desktop_version = "2023.2"
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
# The Boolean parameter ``new_thread`` defines whether to create a new instance
# of AEDT or try to connect to an existing instance of it.
-non_graphical = False
-new_thread = True
-# Launch AEDT and Circuit
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch AEDT and Circuit
# Launch AEDT and Circuit. The :class:`pyaedt.Desktop` class initializes AEDT and
# starts the specified version in the specified mode.
+# +
+desktop_version = "2023.2"
+non_graphical = False
+new_thread = True
+temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".ansys")
desktop = pyaedt.launch_desktop(desktop_version, non_graphical, new_thread)
-aedt_app = pyaedt.Circuit(projectname=pyaedt.generate_unique_project_name())
+aedt_app = pyaedt.Circuit(projectname=os.path.join(temp_dir.name, "CircuitExample"),
+ designname="Simple")
aedt_app.modeler.schematic.schematic_units = "mil"
-# Create circuit setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Create and customize an LNA (linear network analysis) setup.
+# -
+# ## Create circuit setup
+# Create and customize an linear network analysis (LNA) setup.
setup1 = aedt_app.create_setup("MyLNA")
setup1.props["SweepDefinition"]["Data"] = "LINC 0GHz 4GHz 10001"
-# Create components
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Create components, such as an inductor, resistor, and capacitor.
+# ## Place Components
+# Place components such as an inductor, resistor, and capacitor. The ``location`` argument
+# provides the ``[x, y]`` coordinates to place the component.
inductor = aedt_app.modeler.schematic.create_inductor(compname="L1", value=1e-9, location=[0, 0])
resistor = aedt_app.modeler.schematic.create_resistor(compname="R1", value=50, location=[500, 0])
capacitor = aedt_app.modeler.schematic.create_capacitor(compname="C1", value=1e-12, location=[1000, 0])
-# Get all pins
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Get all pins of a specified component.
-pins_resistor = resistor.pins
-# Create port and ground
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Create a port and a ground, which are needed for the circuit analysis.
-port = aedt_app.modeler.components.create_interface_port(name="myport", location=[-200, 0] )
+# ## Get all pins
+# The component pins are instances of the class
+# ``pyaedt.modeler.circuits.objct3dcircuit.CircuitPins`` class and
+# provide access to the
+# pin location, net connectivity and the method ``connect_to_component()`` which
+# can be used to connect components in the schematic
+# as will be demonstrated in
+# this example.
+# ## Place a Port and Ground
+# Place a port and a ground in the schematic.
+port = aedt_app.modeler.components.create_interface_port(name="myport", location=[-300, 50] )
gnd = aedt_app.modeler.components.create_gnd(location=[1200, -100])
-# Connect components
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Connect components with wires.
+# ## Connect components
+# Connect components with wires in the schematic. The ``connect_to_component()``
+# method is used to create connections between pins.
port.pins[0].connect_to_component(component_pin=inductor.pins[0], use_wire=True)
inductor.pins[1].connect_to_component(component_pin=resistor.pins[1], use_wire=True)
resistor.pins[0].connect_to_component(component_pin=capacitor.pins[0], use_wire=True)
capacitor.pins[1].connect_to_component(component_pin=gnd.pins[0], use_wire=True)
-# Create transient setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create transient setup
# Create a transient setup.
setup2 = aedt_app.create_setup(setupname="MyTransient", setuptype=aedt_app.SETUPS.NexximTransient)
setup2.props["TransientData"] = ["0.01ns", "200ns"]
setup3 = aedt_app.create_setup(setupname="MyDC", setuptype=aedt_app.SETUPS.NexximDC)
-# Solve transient setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Solve transient setup
# Solve the transient setup.
-# Create report
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Create a report that plots solution data.
+# ## Create report
+# Display the scattering parameters.
solutions = aedt_app.post.get_solution_data(
@@ -111,18 +110,18 @@
real, imag = solutions.full_matrix_real_imag
-# Plot data
-# ~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Plot data
# Create a plot based on solution data.
fig = solutions.plot()
-# Close AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Close AEDT
# After the simulation completes, you can close AEDT or release it using the
# :func:`pyaedt.Desktop.force_close_desktop` method.
# All methods provide for saving the project before closing.
+temp_dir.cleanup() # Remove project data and temporary working directory.
diff --git a/examples/07-Circuit/Circuit_Siwave_Multizones.py b/examples/07-Circuit/Circuit_Siwave_Multizones.py
index 25dc68945bf..fb9968a2c14 100644
--- a/examples/07-Circuit/Circuit_Siwave_Multizones.py
+++ b/examples/07-Circuit/Circuit_Siwave_Multizones.py
@@ -1,110 +1,101 @@
-Circuit: Simulate multi-zones layout with Siwave
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT simulate multi-zones with Siwave.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # Circuit: Simulate multi-zones layout with Siwave
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT simulate multi-zones with Siwave.
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports, which includes importing a section.
from pyaedt import Edb, Circuit
import os.path
import pyaedt
+import tempfile
-# Download file
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Download file
# Download the AEDB file and copy it in the temporary folder.
-temp_folder = pyaedt.generate_unique_folder_name()
-edb_file = pyaedt.downloads.download_file(destination=temp_folder, directory="edb/siwave_multi_zones.aedb")
-working_directory = os.path.join(temp_folder, "workdir")
+temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".ansys")
+edb_file = pyaedt.downloads.download_file(destination=temp_dir.name, directory="edb/siwave_multi_zones.aedb")
aedt_file = os.path.splitext(edb_file)[0] + ".aedt"
-circuit_project_file = os.path.join(working_directory, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(edb_file))[0] +
- "multizone_clipped_circuit.aedt")
+circuit_project_file = os.path.join(temp_dir.name, "multizone_clipped_circuit.aedt")
-# AEDT version
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## AEDT version
# Sets the Aedt version to 2023 R2.
edb_version = "2023.2"
-# Ground net
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Ground net
# Common reference net used across all sub-designs, Mandatory for this work flow.
common_reference_net = "GND"
-# Project load
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Project load
# Load initial Edb file, checking if aedt file exists and remove to allow Edb loading.
if os.path.isfile(aedt_file):
edb = Edb(edbversion=edb_version, edbpath=edb_file)
-# Project zones
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Project zones
# Copy project zone into sub project.
edb_zones = edb.copy_zones(working_directory=working_directory)
-# Split zones
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Split zones
# Clip sub-designs along with corresponding zone definition
# and create port of clipped signal traces.
defined_ports, project_connexions = edb.cutout_multizone_layout(edb_zones, common_reference_net)
-# Circuit
-# ~~~~~~~
+# ## Circuit
# Create circuit design, import all sub-project as EM model and connect all corresponding pins in circuit.
circuit = Circuit(specified_version=edb_version, projectname=circuit_project_file)
edb_zones_dict=edb_zones, ports=defined_ports,
-# Setup
-# ~~~~~
-# Add Nexxim LNA simulation setup.
+# ## Setup
+# Add Nexxim LNA simulation setup.
circuit_setup= circuit.create_setup("Pyedt_LNA")
-# Frequency sweep
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Frequency sweep
# Add frequency sweep from 0GHt to 20GHz with 10NHz frequency step.
circuit_setup.props["SweepDefinition"]["Data"] = "LIN {} {} {}".format("0GHz", "20GHz", "10MHz")
-# Start simulation
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Start simulation
# Analyze all siwave projects and solves the circuit.
# Define differential pairs
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
circuit.set_differential_pair(diff_name="U0", positive_terminal="U0.via_38.B2B_SIGP",
circuit.set_differential_pair(diff_name="U1", positive_terminal="U1.via_32.B2B_SIGP",
# Plot results
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
circuit.post.create_report(expressions=["dB(S(U0,U0))", "dB(S(U1,U0))"], context="Differential Pairs")
-# Release AEDT desktop
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
\ No newline at end of file
+# ## Release AEDT desktop
+temp_dir.cleanup() # Remove the temporary working folder and all project files
diff --git a/examples/07-Circuit/Circuit_Subcircuit_Example.py b/examples/07-Circuit/Circuit_Subcircuit_Example.py
index ed2cffd087e..61ae277b748 100644
--- a/examples/07-Circuit/Circuit_Subcircuit_Example.py
+++ b/examples/07-Circuit/Circuit_Subcircuit_Example.py
@@ -1,41 +1,38 @@
-Circuit: schematic subcircuit management
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to add a subcircuit to a circuit design.
-It pushes down the child subcircuit and pops up to the parent design.
-# Perform required import
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # Circuit: schematic subcircuit management
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to add a subcircuit to a circuit design.
+# It pushes down the child subcircuit and pops up to the parent design.
+# ## Perform required import
# Perform the required import.
import os
import pyaedt
+import tempfile
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
-non_graphical = False
-# Launch AEDT with Circuit
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch AEDT with Circuit
# Launch AEDT 2023 R2 in graphical mode with Circuit.
-circuit = pyaedt.Circuit(projectname=pyaedt.generate_unique_project_name(),
- specified_version="2023.2",
- non_graphical=non_graphical,
- new_desktop_session=True
- )
+non_graphical = False
+temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".ansys")
+circuit = pyaedt.Circuit(projectname=os.path.join(temp_dir.name, "SubcircuitExample"),
+ designname="SimpleExample",
+ specified_version="2023.2",
+ non_graphical=non_graphical,
+ new_desktop_session=True
+ )
circuit.modeler.schematic_units = "mil"
-# Add subcircuit
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Add subcircuit
# Add a new subcircuit to the previously created circuit design, creating a
# child circuit. Push this child circuit down into the child subcircuit.
@@ -43,9 +40,8 @@
subcircuit_name = subcircuit.composed_name
-# Parametrize subcircuit
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Parametrize subcircuit
# Parametrize the subcircuit and add a resistor, inductor, and a capacitor with
# the parameter values in the following code example. Connect them in series
# and then use the ``pop_up`` # method to get back to the parent design.
@@ -62,9 +58,10 @@
-# Release AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Release AEDT
# Release AEDT.
circuit.release_desktop(True, True)
+temp_dir.cleanup() # Clean up temporary folder and remove project data.
diff --git a/examples/07-Circuit/Circuit_Transient.py b/examples/07-Circuit/Circuit_Transient.py
index 4f1f1fa994c..b2d8bc0c3fd 100644
--- a/examples/07-Circuit/Circuit_Transient.py
+++ b/examples/07-Circuit/Circuit_Transient.py
@@ -1,75 +1,69 @@
-Circuit: transient analysis and eye plot
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a circuit design,
-run a Nexxim time-domain simulation, and create an eye diagram.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # Circuit: transient analysis and eye plot
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a circuit design,
+# run a Nexxim time-domain simulation, and create an eye diagram.
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports.
import os
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pyaedt
+import tempfile
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode, ``"PYAEDT_NON_GRAPHICAL"`` is needed to generate
# documentation only.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
-non_graphical = False
-# Launch AEDT with Circuit
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch AEDT with Circuit
# Launch AEDT 2023 R2 in graphical mode with Circuit.
-cir = pyaedt.Circuit(projectname=pyaedt.generate_unique_project_name(),
+non_graphical = False
+temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".ansys")
+cir = pyaedt.Circuit(projectname=os.path.join(temp_dir.name, "CktTransient"),
+ designname="Circuit Examples",
-# Read IBIS file
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Read IBIS file
# Read an IBIS file and place a buffer in the schematic.
ibis = cir.get_ibis_model_from_file(os.path.join(cir.desktop_install_dir, 'buflib', 'IBIS', 'u26a_800.ibs'))
ibs = ibis.buffers["DQ_u26a_800"].insert(0, 0)
-# Place ideal transmission line
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Place ideal transmission line
# Place an ideal transmission line in the schematic and parametrize it.
tr1 = cir.modeler.components.components_catalog["Ideal Distributed:TRLK_NX"].place("tr1")
tr1.parameters["P"] = "50mm"
-# Create resistor and ground
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create resistor and ground
# Create a resistor and ground in the schematic.
res = cir.modeler.components.create_resistor(compname="R1", value="1Meg")
gnd1 = cir.modeler.components.create_gnd()
-# Connect elements
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Connect elements
# Connect elements in the schematic.
-# Place probe
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Place probe
# Place a probe and rename it to ``Vout``.
pr1 = cir.modeler.components.components_catalog["Probes:VPROBE"].place("vout")
@@ -79,21 +73,19 @@
pr2.parameters["Name"] = "Vin"
-# Create setup and analyze
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create setup and analyze
# Create a transient analysis setup and analyze it.
trans_setup = cir.create_setup(setupname="TransientRun", setuptype="NexximTransient")
trans_setup.props["TransientData"] = ["0.01ns", "200ns"]
-# Create report outside AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Create a report outside AEDT using the ``get_solution_data`` method. This
-# method allows you to get solution data and plot it outside AEDT without needing
-# a UI.
+# ## View Results
+# Create a report using the ``get_solution_data()`` method. This
+# method allows you to view and post-process results using Python packages.
+# The ``solutions.plot()`` method uses Matplotlib.
report = cir.post.create_report("V(Vout)", domain="Time")
if not non_graphical:
@@ -101,9 +93,8 @@
solutions = cir.post.get_solution_data(domain="Time")
-# Create report inside AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create a Report in AEDT
# Create a report inside AEDT using the ``new_report`` object. This object is
# fully customizable and usable with most of the reports available in AEDT.
# The standard report is the main one used in Circuit and Twin Builder.
@@ -126,9 +117,8 @@
sol = new_report.get_solution_data()
-# Create eye diagram inside AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create Eye Diagram in AEDT
# Create an eye diagram inside AEDT using the ``new_eye`` object.
new_eye = cir.post.reports_by_category.eye_diagram("V(Vout)")
@@ -136,12 +126,12 @@
new_eye.time_stop = "100ns"
-# Create eye diagram outside AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create eye diagram outside AEDT
# Create the same eye diagram outside AEDT using Matplotlib and the
-# ``get_solution_data`` method.
+# ``get_solution_data()`` method.
+# +
unit_interval = 1
offset = 0.25
tstop = 200
@@ -167,10 +157,13 @@
cellsv = np.append(cellsv, bn)
plt.plot(cellst.T, cellsv.T, zorder=0)
+# -
-# Release AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Release AEDT
# Release AEDT.
+temp_dir.cleanup() # Clean up temporary working folder and project files.
diff --git a/examples/07-Circuit/Create_Netlist.py b/examples/07-Circuit/Create_Netlist.py
index e71a1de0778..93e97f0df08 100644
--- a/examples/07-Circuit/Create_Netlist.py
+++ b/examples/07-Circuit/Create_Netlist.py
@@ -1,70 +1,61 @@
-Circuit: netlist to schematic import
-This example shows how you can import netlist data into a circuit design.
-HSPICE files are fully supported. Mentor files are partially supported.
+# # Circuit: netlist to schematic import
+# This example shows how you can import netlist data into a circuit design.
+# HSPICE files are fully supported. Mentor files are partially supported.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports and set paths.
import os
import pyaedt
+import tempfile
-netlist = pyaedt.downloads.download_netlist()
-project_name = pyaedt.generate_unique_project_name()
+temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".ansys")
+netlist = pyaedt.downloads.download_netlist(destination=temp_dir.name)
-# Launch AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch AEDT
# Launch AEDT 2023 R2 in graphical mode. This example uses SI units.
-desktopVersion = "2023.2"
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
# The Boolean parameter ``NewThread`` defines whether to create a new instance
# of AEDT or try to connect to an existing instance of it.
+desktopVersion = "2023.2"
non_graphical = False
NewThread = True
-# Launch AEDT with Circuit
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Launch AEDT with Circuit. The :class:`pyaedt.Desktop` class initializes AEDT
+# ## Launch AEDT with Circuit
+# Launch AEDT with Circuit. The `pyaedt.Desktop` class initializes AEDT
# and starts it on the specified version in the specified graphical mode.
desktop = pyaedt.launch_desktop(desktopVersion, non_graphical, NewThread)
-aedtapp = pyaedt.Circuit(projectname=project_name)
+aedtapp = pyaedt.Circuit(projectname=os.path.join(temp_dir.name, "NetlistExample"))
-# Define variable
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Define a design variable by using a ``$`` prefix.
+# ## Define a Parameter
+# Specify the voltage as a parameter.
aedtapp["Voltage"] = "5"
-# Create schematic from netlist file
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create schematic from netlist file
# Create a schematic from a netlist file. The ``create_schematic_from_netlist``
# method reads the netlist file and parses it. All components are parsed
# but only these categories are mapped: R, L, C, Q, U, J, V, and I.
-# Close project and release AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Close project and release AEDT
# After adding any other desired functionalities, close the project and release
+temp_dir.cleanup() # Clean up temporary directory and project data.
diff --git a/examples/07-Circuit/Readme.txt b/examples/07-Circuit/Readme.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 85222d203e1..00000000000
--- a/examples/07-Circuit/Readme.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Circuit examples
-These examples use PyAEDT to show some end-to-end workflows for Circuit.
-This includes schematic generation, setup, and postprocessing.
diff --git a/examples/07-Circuit/Reports.py b/examples/07-Circuit/Reports.py
index d4995032595..39349a9b17c 100644
--- a/examples/07-Circuit/Reports.py
+++ b/examples/07-Circuit/Reports.py
@@ -5,28 +5,30 @@
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports and set the local path to the path for PyAEDT.
import os
from IPython.display import Image
import pyaedt
+import tempfile
# Set local path to path for PyAEDT
-temp_folder = pyaedt.generate_unique_folder_name()
-project_path = pyaedt.downloads.download_custom_reports(destination=temp_folder)
+temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".ansys")
+project_path = pyaedt.downloads.download_custom_reports(destination=temp_dir.name)
-# Launch AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch AEDT
# Launch AEDT 2023 R2 in graphical mode. This example uses SI units.
desktopVersion = "2023.2"
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
# The Boolean parameter ``new_thread`` defines whether to create a new instance
@@ -36,12 +38,12 @@
NewThread = True
-# Launch AEDT with Circuit
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch AEDT with Circuit
# Launch AEDT with Circuit. The :class:`pyaedt.Desktop` class initializes AEDT
# and starts the specified version in the specified mode.
-cir = pyaedt.Circuit(projectname=os.path.join(project_path, 'CISPR25_Radiated_Emissions_Example23R1.aedtz'),
+cir = pyaedt.Circuit(projectname=os.path.join(temp_dir.name, 'CISPR25_Radiated_Emissions_Example23R1.aedtz'),
@@ -49,8 +51,8 @@
-# Create spectrum report
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create spectrum report
# Create a spectrum report. You can use a JSON file to create a simple setup
# or a fully customized one. The following code creates a simple setup and changes
# the JSON file to customize it. In a spectrum report, you can add limitilines and
@@ -62,22 +64,21 @@
-# Create spectrum report
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create spectrum report
# Every aspect of the report can be customized.
report1_full = cir.post.create_report_from_configuration(os.path.join(project_path,'Spectrum_CISPR_Custom.json'))
out = cir.post.export_report_to_jpg(cir.working_directory, report1_full.plot_name)
-# Create transient report
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create transient report
# Create a transient report. You can read and modify the JSON file
# before running the script. The following code modifies the traces
# before generating the report. You can create custom reports in non-graphical
# mode in AEDT 2023 R2 and later.
props = pyaedt.general_methods.read_json(os.path.join(project_path, 'Transient_CISPR_Custom.json'))
report2 = cir.post.create_report_from_configuration(input_dict=props, solution_name="NexximTransient")
@@ -85,8 +86,8 @@
-# Create transient report
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create transient report
# Property dictionary can be customized in any aspect and new report can be created easily.
# In this example the curve name is customized.
@@ -97,8 +98,8 @@
-# Create eye diagram
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create eye diagram
# Create an eye diagram. If the JSON file contains an eye mask, you can create
# an eye diagram and fully customize it.
@@ -107,8 +108,8 @@
-# Create eye diagram
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create eye diagram
# You can create custom reports in
# non-graphical mode in AEDT 2023 R2 and later.
@@ -118,13 +119,17 @@
# This is how the spectrum looks like
-# .. image:: Resources/spectrum_plot.png
-# Save project and close AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Save project and close AEDT
# Save the project and close AEDT.
print("Project Saved in {}".format(cir.project_path))
+temp_dir.cleanup() # Clean up project folder and remove files.
diff --git a/examples/07-Circuit/Touchstone_Management.py b/examples/07-Circuit/Touchstone_Management.py
index 6a192e1249f..7458eab9c1d 100644
--- a/examples/07-Circuit/Touchstone_Management.py
+++ b/examples/07-Circuit/Touchstone_Management.py
@@ -9,46 +9,41 @@
This example runs only on Windows using CPython.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports and set the local path to the path for PyAEDT.
from pyaedt import downloads
example_path = downloads.download_touchstone()
-# Import libraries and Touchstone file
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Import libraries and Touchstone file
# Import Matplotlib, NumPy, and the Touchstone file.
from pyaedt.generic.touchstone_parser import read_touchstone
-# Read Touchstone file
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Read Touchstone file
# Read the Touchstone file.
data = read_touchstone(example_path)
-# Get curve plot
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Get curve plot
# Get the curve plot by category. The following code shows how to plot lists of the return losses,
# insertion losses, fext, and next based on a few inputs and port names.
data.plot_fext_xtalk_losses(tx_prefix="U1", rx_prefix="U7")
-# Get curve worst cases
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Get curve worst cases
# Get curve worst cases.
worst_rl, global_mean = data.get_worst_curve(
diff --git a/doc/source/Resources/circuit.png b/examples/07-Circuit/_static/circuit.png
similarity index 100%
rename from doc/source/Resources/circuit.png
rename to examples/07-Circuit/_static/circuit.png
diff --git a/doc/source/Resources/spectrum_plot.png b/examples/07-Circuit/_static/spectrum_plot.png
similarity index 100%
rename from doc/source/Resources/spectrum_plot.png
rename to examples/07-Circuit/_static/spectrum_plot.png
diff --git a/examples/07-Circuit/index.rst b/examples/07-Circuit/index.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5cedc20bae8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/07-Circuit/index.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Circuit examples
+These examples use PyAEDT to show some end-to-end workflows for Circuit.
+This includes schematic generation, setup, and postprocessing.
+.. nbgallery::
+ Circuit_AMI.py
+ Circuit_Example.py
+ Circuit_Siwave_Multizones.py
+ Circuit_Subcircuit_Example.py
+ Circuit_Transient.py
+ Create_Netlist.py
+ Reports.py
+ Touchstone_Management.py
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/07-EMIT/ComputeInterferenceType.py b/examples/07-EMIT/ComputeInterferenceType.py
index dfe37528795..568af83ab44 100644
--- a/examples/07-EMIT/ComputeInterferenceType.py
+++ b/examples/07-EMIT/ComputeInterferenceType.py
@@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
-EMIT: Classify interference type
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to load an existing AEDT
-project with an EMIT design and analyze the results to classify the
-worst-case interference.
+# # EMIT: Classify Interference Type
+# This example shows how to load an existing AEDT EMIT
+# design and analyze the results to classify the
+# worst-case interference.
+# +
# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Perform required imports.
import sys
from pyaedt.emit_core.emit_constants import InterfererType, ResultType, TxRxMode
from pyaedt import Emit
@@ -16,8 +14,16 @@
import os
import pyaedt.generic.constants as consts
import subprocess
+# -
+# ## Python Dependencies
+# The followig cell can be run to make sure the ``plotly`` package is installed
+# in the current Python environment. If ``plotly`` is installed there is no need
+# to run this cell.
-# Check to see which Python libraries have been installed
+# +
+# Check to see which Python packages have been installed
reqs = subprocess.check_output([sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'freeze'])
installed_packages = [r.decode().split('==')[0] for r in reqs.split()]
@@ -25,7 +31,8 @@
def install(package):
subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', package])
-# Install plotly library (if needed) to display legend and scenario matrix results (internet connection needed)
+# Install plotly (if needed) to display legend and
+# scenario matrix results (internet connection needed)
required_packages = ['plotly']
for package in required_packages:
if package not in installed_packages:
@@ -33,34 +40,33 @@ def install(package):
# Import plotly library
import plotly.graph_objects as go
+# -
-# Define colors for tables
-table_colors = {"green":'#7d73ca', "yellow":'#d359a2', "orange": '#ff6361', "red": '#ffa600', "white": '#ffffff'}
-header_color = 'grey'
+# Check that EMIT version 2023.2 or greater is installed.
-# Check for if emit version is compatible
desktop_version = "2023.2"
if desktop_version <= "2023.1":
print("Warning: this example requires AEDT 2023.2 or later.")
-# Launch AEDT with EMIT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch AEDT with EMIT
# Launch AEDT with EMIT. The ``Desktop`` class initializes AEDT and starts it
# on the specified version and in the specified graphical mode.
non_graphical = False
new_thread = True
-desktop = pyaedt.launch_desktop(desktop_version, non_graphical=non_graphical, new_desktop_session=new_thread)
+desktop = pyaedt.launch_desktop(desktop_version, non_graphical=non_graphical,
+ new_desktop_session=new_thread)
path_to_desktop_project = pyaedt.downloads.download_file("emit", "interference.aedtz")
emitapp = Emit(non_graphical=False, new_desktop_session=False, projectname=path_to_desktop_project)
-# Get all the radios in the project
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Get a List of Transmitters
# Get lists of all transmitters and receivers in the project.
rev = emitapp.results.analyze()
tx_interferer = InterfererType().TRANSMITTERS
rx_radios = rev.get_receiver_names()
@@ -72,9 +78,8 @@ def install(package):
-# Classify the interference
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Classify the interference
# Iterate over all the transmitters and receivers and compute the power
# at the input to each receiver due to each of the transmitters. Computes
# which, if any, type of interference occurred.
@@ -83,9 +88,8 @@ def install(package):
all_colors, power_matrix = rev.interference_type_classification(domain, use_filter = False, filter_list = [])
-# Save project and close AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Save project and close AEDT
# After the simulation completes, you can close AEDT or release it using the
# :func:`pyaedt.Desktop.force_close_desktop` method.
# All methods provide for saving the project before closing.
@@ -93,14 +97,19 @@ def install(package):
-# Create a scenario matrix view
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create a scenario matrix view
# Create a scenario matrix view with the transmitters defined across the top
# and receivers down the left-most column. The power at the input to each
# receiver is shown in each cell of the matrix and color-coded based on the
# interference type.
+# Set up colors to visualize results in a table.
+table_colors = {"green":'#7d73ca', "yellow":'#d359a2', "orange": '#ff6361', "red": '#ffa600', "white": '#ffffff'}
+header_color = 'grey'
def create_scenario_view(emis, colors, tx_radios, rx_radios):
"""Create a scenario matrix-like table with the higher received
power for each Tx-Rx radio combination. The colors
@@ -145,9 +154,8 @@ def create_scenario_view(emis, colors, tx_radios, rx_radios):
-# Generate a legend
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Generate a legend
# Define the interference types and colors used to display the results of
# the analysis.
@@ -183,9 +191,10 @@ def create_legend_table():
width = 600
if os.getenv("PYAEDT_DOC_GENERATION", "False") != "1":
# Create a scenario view for all the interference types
create_scenario_view(power_matrix, all_colors, tx_radios, rx_radios)
# Create a legend for the interference types
- create_legend_table()
\ No newline at end of file
+ create_legend_table()
diff --git a/examples/07-EMIT/ComputeProtectionLevels.py b/examples/07-EMIT/ComputeProtectionLevels.py
index 84a8ac45379..a0938ceb2cc 100644
--- a/examples/07-EMIT/ComputeProtectionLevels.py
+++ b/examples/07-EMIT/ComputeProtectionLevels.py
@@ -1,17 +1,12 @@
-EMIT: Compute receiver protection levels
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to open an AEDT project with
-an EMIT design and analyze the results to determine if the received
-power at the input to each receiver exceeds the specified protection
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Perform required imports.
+# # EMIT: Compute receiver protection levels
+# This example shows how to open an AEDT project with
+# an EMIT design and analyze the results to determine if the received
+# power at the input to each receiver exceeds the specified protection
+# levels.
-# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_path = "Resources/emit_protection_levels.png"
+# Perform required imports
import os
import sys
import subprocess
@@ -19,7 +14,14 @@
from pyaedt import Emit
from pyaedt.emit_core.emit_constants import TxRxMode, ResultType, InterfererType
-# Check to see which Python libraries have been installed
+# ## Python Dependencies
+# The followig cell can be run to make sure the ``plotly`` package is installed
+# in the current Python environment. If ``plotly`` is installed there is no need
+# to run this cell.
+# +
+# Check to see which Python packages have been installed
reqs = subprocess.check_output([sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'freeze'])
installed_packages = [r.decode().split('==')[0] for r in reqs.split()]
@@ -35,10 +37,10 @@ def install(package):
# Import required modules
import plotly.graph_objects as go
+# -
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode. ``"PYAEDT_NON_GRAPHICAL"``` is needed to generate
# documentation only.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
@@ -49,22 +51,21 @@ def install(package):
new_thread = True
desktop_version = "2023.2"
-# Launch AEDT with EMIT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch AEDT with EMIT
# Launch AEDT with EMIT. The ``Desktop`` class initializes AEDT and starts it
# on the specified version and in the specified graphical mode.
+# Check that the correct version of EMIT is installed.
if desktop_version <= "2023.1":
print("Warning: this example requires AEDT 2023.2 or later.")
d = pyaedt.launch_desktop(desktop_version, non_graphical, new_thread)
emitapp = Emit(pyaedt.generate_unique_project_name())
-# Specify the protection levels
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Specify the protection levels
# The protection levels are specified in dBm.
# If the damage threshold is exceeded, permanent damage to the receiver front
# end may occur.
@@ -74,6 +75,7 @@ def install(package):
# Exceeding the desense threshold reduces the signal-to-noise ratio and can
# reduce the maximum range, maximum bandwidth, and/or the overall link quality.
+# +
header_color = 'grey'
damage_threshold = 30
overload_threshold = -4
@@ -81,40 +83,45 @@ def install(package):
desense_threshold = -104
protection_levels = [damage_threshold, overload_threshold, intermod_threshold, desense_threshold]
+# -
-# Create and connect EMIT components
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create and connect EMIT components
# Set up the scenario with radios connected to antennas.
bluetooth, blue_ant = emitapp.modeler.components.create_radio_antenna("Bluetooth Low Energy (LE)", "Bluetooth")
gps, gps_ant = emitapp.modeler.components.create_radio_antenna("GPS Receiver", "GPS")
wifi, wifi_ant = emitapp.modeler.components.create_radio_antenna("WiFi - 802.11-2012", "WiFi")
-# Configure the radios
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Configure the radios
# Enable the HR-DSSS bands for the Wi-Fi radio and set the power level
# for all transmit bands to -20 dBm.
+# +
bands = wifi.bands()
for band in bands:
if "HR-DSSS" in band.node_name:
if "Ch 1-13" in band.node_name:
# Reduce the bluetooth transmit power
bands = bluetooth.bands()
for band in bands:
+# -
def get_radio_node(radio_name):
"""Get the radio node that matches the
- given radio name.
- Arguments:
- radio_name: String name of the radio.
- Returns: Instance of the radio.
+ given radio name.
+ Arguments:
+ radio_name: String name of the radio.
+ Returns: Instance of the radio.
if gps.name == radio_name:
radio = gps
@@ -132,16 +139,14 @@ def get_radio_node(radio_name):
-# Load the results set
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Load the results set
# Create a results revision and load it for analysis.
rev = emitapp.results.analyze()
-# Generate a legend
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Generate a legend
# Define the thresholds and colors used to display the results of
# the protection level analysis.
@@ -177,9 +182,8 @@ def create_legend_table():
-# Create a scenario matrix view
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create a scenario matrix view
# Create a scenario matrix view with the transmitters defined across the top
# and receivers down the left-most column. The power at the input to each
# receiver is shown in each cell of the matrix and color-coded based on the
@@ -221,22 +225,22 @@ def create_scenario_view(emis, colors, tx_radios, rx_radios):
-# Get all the radios in the project
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Get all the radios in the project
# Get lists of all transmitters and receivers in the project.
if os.getenv("PYAEDT_DOC_GENERATION", "False") != "1":
rev = emitapp.results.current_revision
rx_radios = rev.get_receiver_names()
tx_radios = rev.get_interferer_names(InterfererType.TRANSMITTERS)
domain = emitapp.results.interaction_domain()
-# Classify the results
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Classify the results
# Iterate over all the transmitters and receivers and compute the power
# at the input to each receiver due to each of the transmitters. Computes
# which, if any, protection levels are exceeded by these power levels.
if os.getenv("PYAEDT_DOC_GENERATION", "False") != "1":
@@ -249,11 +253,10 @@ def create_scenario_view(emis, colors, tx_radios, rx_radios):
# Create a legend for the protection levels
-# Save project and close AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Save project and close AEDT
# After the simulation completes, you can close AEDT or release it using the
-# :func:`pyaedt.Desktop.force_close_desktop` method.
+# `pyaedt.Desktop.force_close_desktop` method.
# All methods provide for saving the project before closing.
diff --git a/examples/07-EMIT/EMIT_Example.py b/examples/07-EMIT/EMIT_Example.py
index 3de88c6148e..1b83b4199de 100644
--- a/examples/07-EMIT/EMIT_Example.py
+++ b/examples/07-EMIT/EMIT_Example.py
@@ -1,24 +1,22 @@
-EMIT: antenna
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a project in EMIT for
-the simulation of an antenna.
-# Perform required inputs
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Perform required imports.
+# # EMIT: Antenna
+# This example shows how to create a project in EMIT for
+# the simulation of an antenna using HFSS.
+# ## Perform required inputs
-# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_path = "Resources/emit_simple_cosite.png"
+# Perform required imports.
import os
import pyaedt
+import tempfile
from pyaedt.emit_core.emit_constants import TxRxMode, ResultType
-# Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
# The ``NewThread`` Boolean variable defines whether to create a new instance
@@ -29,19 +27,19 @@
desktop_version = "2023.2"
-# Launch AEDT with EMIT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Launch AEDT with EMIT. The ``Desktop`` class initializes AEDT and starts it
-# on the specified version and in the specified graphical mode.
+# ## Launch AEDT with EMIT
+# Launch AEDT with EMIT. The ``launch_desktop()`` method initializes AEDT
+# using the specified version. The 2nd argument can be set to ``True`` to
+# run AEDT in non-graphical mode.
+temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".ansys")
d = pyaedt.launch_desktop(desktop_version, non_graphical, NewThread)
-aedtapp = pyaedt.Emit(pyaedt.generate_unique_project_name())
+aedtapp = pyaedt.Emit(os.path.join(temp_dir.name, "antenna_cosite"))
-# Create and connect EMIT components
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create and connect EMIT components
# Create three radios and connect an antenna to each one.
rad1 = aedtapp.modeler.components.create_component("New Radio")
@@ -49,20 +47,25 @@
if rad1 and ant1:
-# Convenience method to create a radio and antenna connected together
+# ## Place Antenna Radio Pairs
+# The method ``create_radio_antenna()`` places radio/antenna pair. The first
+# argument is the type of radio. The 2nd argumnt is the name that
+# will be assigned to the radio.
rad2, ant2 = aedtapp.modeler.components.create_radio_antenna("GPS Receiver")
rad3, ant3 = aedtapp.modeler.components.create_radio_antenna("Bluetooth Low Energy (LE)", "Bluetooth")
-# Define coupling among RF systems
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Define the coupling among the RF systems. This portion of the EMIT API is not
-# yet implemented.
+# ## Define the RF Environment
+# The next step in this workflow is to specify the RF coupling among antennas.
+# This functionality yet to be implemented in the API, but can be entered from the UI.
-# Run EMIT simulation
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Run EMIT simulation
# Run the EMIT simulation.
# This part of the example requires Ansys AEDT 2023 R2.
@@ -80,12 +83,16 @@
emi = worst.get_value(ResultType.EMI)
print("Worst case interference is: {} dB".format(emi))
-# Save project and close AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Save project and close AEDT
# After the simulation completes, you can close AEDT or release it using the
-# :func:`pyaedt.Desktop.force_close_desktop` method.
+# `pyaedt.Desktop.force_close_desktop` method.
# All methods provide for saving the project before closing.
aedtapp.release_desktop(close_projects=True, close_desktop=True)
+# Clean up the temporary directory and remove the project files located
+# in ``temp_dir.name``.
diff --git a/examples/07-EMIT/EMIT_HFSS_Example.py b/examples/07-EMIT/EMIT_HFSS_Example.py
index 840d5b96f56..a4726ee1671 100644
--- a/examples/07-EMIT/EMIT_HFSS_Example.py
+++ b/examples/07-EMIT/EMIT_HFSS_Example.py
@@ -1,116 +1,104 @@
-EMIT: HFSS to EMIT coupling
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to open an AEDT project with
-an HFSS design, create an EMIT design in the project, and link the HFSS design
-as a coupling link in the EMIT design.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Perform required imports.
+# # EMIT: HFSS to EMIT coupling
+# This example
+# demonstrates how link an HFSS design
+# to EMIT and model RF interference among various components.
-# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_path = "Resources/emit_hfss.png"
+# > **Note:** This example uses the ``Cell Phone RFI Desense``
+# > project that is available with the AEDT installation in the
+# > folder ``\Examples\EMIT\``
-import os
+# ## Perform required imports
+# Perform required imports.
-# Import required modules
+import os
import pyaedt
-from pyaedt.generic.filesystem import Scratch
+import tempfile
from pyaedt.emit_core.emit_constants import TxRxMode, ResultType
+import shutil
-## Set non-graphical mode
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set non-graphical mode
# Set non-graphical mode.
# You can set ``non_graphical`` either to ``True`` or ``False``.
# The Boolean parameter ``new_thread`` defines whether to create a new instance
# of AEDT or try to connect to an existing instance of it.
-# The following code uses AEDT 2023 R2.
non_graphical = False
NewThread = True
desktop_version = "2023.2"
-scratch_path = pyaedt.generate_unique_folder_name()
-# Launch AEDT with EMIT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch AEDT with EMIT
# Launch AEDT with EMIT. The ``Desktop`` class initializes AEDT and starts it
# on the specified version and in the specified graphical mode.
+# A temporary working directory is created using ``tempfile``.
d = pyaedt.launch_desktop(desktop_version, non_graphical, NewThread)
+temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".ansys")
+# ## Copy Example Files
+# Copy the ``Cell Phone RFT Defense`` example data from the
+# installed examples folder to the temporary working
+# directory.
+# > **Note:** The HFSS design from the installed example
+# > used to model the RF environment
+# > has been pre-solved. Hence, the results folder is copied and
+# > the RF interference between transcievers is calculated in EMIT using
+# > results from the linked HFSS design.
+# The following lambda functions help create file and folder
+# names when copying data from the Examples folder.
-temp_folder = os.path.join(scratch_path, ("EmitHFSSExample"))
-if not os.path.exists(temp_folder):
- os.mkdir(temp_folder)
+file_name = lambda s: s + ".aedt"
+results_name = lambda s: s + ".aedtresults"
+pdf_name = lambda s: s + " Example.pdf"
-example_name = "Cell Phone RFI Desense"
-example_aedt = example_name + ".aedt"
-example_results = example_name + ".aedtresults"
-example_lock = example_aedt + ".lock"
-example_pdf_file = example_name + " Example.pdf"
+# Build the names of the source files for this example.
+example = "Cell Phone RFI Desense"
example_dir = os.path.join(d.install_path, "Examples\\EMIT")
-example_project = os.path.join(example_dir, example_aedt)
-example_results_folder = os.path.join(example_dir, example_results)
-example_pdf = os.path.join(example_dir, example_pdf_file)
-# If the ``Cell Phone RFT Defense`` example is not
-# in the installation directory, exit from this example.
-if not os.path.exists(example_project):
- msg = """
- Cell phone RFT Desense example file is not in the
- Examples/EMIT directory under the EDT installation. You cannot run this example.
- """
- print(msg)
- d.release_desktop(True, True)
- exit()
-my_project = os.path.join(temp_folder, example_aedt)
-my_results_folder = os.path.join(temp_folder, example_results)
-my_project_lock = os.path.join(temp_folder, example_lock)
-my_project_pdf = os.path.join(temp_folder, example_pdf_file)
-if os.path.exists(my_project):
- os.remove(my_project)
-if os.path.exists(my_project_lock):
- os.remove(my_project_lock)
-with Scratch(scratch_path) as local_scratch:
- local_scratch.copyfile(example_project, my_project)
- local_scratch.copyfolder(example_results_folder, my_results_folder)
- if os.path.exists(example_pdf):
- local_scratch.copyfile(example_pdf, my_project_pdf)
-aedtapp = pyaedt.Emit(my_project)
-# Create and connect EMIT components
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+example_project = os.path.join(example_dir, file_name(example))
+example_results_folder = os.path.join(example_dir, results_name(example))
+example_pdf = os.path.join(example_dir, pdf_name(example))
+# Copy the files to the temporary working directory.
+project_name = shutil.copyfile(example_project,
+ os.path.join(temp_dir.name, file_name(example)))
+results_folder = shutil.copytree(example_results_folder,
+ os.path.join(temp_dir.name, results_name(example)))
+project_pdf = shutil.copyfile(example_pdf,
+ os.path.join(temp_dir.name, pdf_name(example)))
+# Open the project in the working directory.
+aedtapp = pyaedt.Emit(project_name)
+# ## Create and connect EMIT components
# Create two radios with antennas connected to each one.
rad1, ant1 = aedtapp.modeler.components.create_radio_antenna("Bluetooth Low Energy (LE)")
rad2, ant2 = aedtapp.modeler.components.create_radio_antenna("Bluetooth Low Energy (LE)")
-# Define coupling among RF systems
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Define coupling among RF systems
# Define coupling among the RF systems.
for link in aedtapp.couplings.linkable_design_names:
+ print("linked \"" + link + "\".")
for link in aedtapp.couplings.coupling_names:
+ print("linked \"" + link + "\".")
-# Run EMIT simulation
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Calculate RF Interference
# Run the EMIT simulation. This portion of the EMIT API is not yet implemented.
# This part of the example requires Ansys AEDT 2023 R2.
@@ -128,12 +116,13 @@
emi = worst.get_value(ResultType.EMI)
print("Worst case interference is: {} dB".format(emi))
-# Save project and close AEDT
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Save and Close the Project
# After the simulation completes, you can close AEDT or release it using the
-# :func:`pyaedt.Desktop.force_close_desktop` method.
+# `pyaedt.Desktop.force_close_desktop` method.
# All methods provide for saving the project before closing.
aedtapp.release_desktop(close_projects=True, close_desktop=True)
+temp_dir.cleanup() # Remove temporary project files.
diff --git a/examples/07-EMIT/_static/coupling.png b/examples/07-EMIT/_static/coupling.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..865600ccd78
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/07-EMIT/_static/coupling.png differ
diff --git a/doc/source/Resources/emit_hfss.png b/examples/07-EMIT/_static/emit_hfss.png
similarity index 100%
rename from doc/source/Resources/emit_hfss.png
rename to examples/07-EMIT/_static/emit_hfss.png
diff --git a/doc/source/Resources/emit_simple_cosite.png b/examples/07-EMIT/_static/emit_simple_cosite.png
similarity index 100%
rename from doc/source/Resources/emit_simple_cosite.png
rename to examples/07-EMIT/_static/emit_simple_cosite.png
diff --git a/examples/07-EMIT/Readme.txt b/examples/07-EMIT/index.rst
similarity index 52%
rename from examples/07-EMIT/Readme.txt
rename to examples/07-EMIT/index.rst
index 35b36f1cd11..0453065f357 100644
--- a/examples/07-EMIT/Readme.txt
+++ b/examples/07-EMIT/index.rst
@@ -3,3 +3,10 @@ EMIT examples
These examples use PyAEDT to show some end-to-end workflows for EMIT.
This includes schematic generation, setup, and postprocessing.
+.. nbgallery::
+ ComputeInterferenceType.py
+ ComputeProtectionLevels.py
+ EMIT_Example.py
+ EMIT_HFSS_Example.py
+ interference_gui.py
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/07-EMIT/interference_gui.py b/examples/07-EMIT/interference_gui.py
index cea3dfd1165..5ca3cb4a977 100644
--- a/examples/07-EMIT/interference_gui.py
+++ b/examples/07-EMIT/interference_gui.py
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
-EMIT: Classify interference type GUI
-This example uses a GUI to open an AEDT project with
-an EMIT design and analyze the results to classify the
-worst-case interference.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # EMIT: Classify interference type GUI
+# This example uses a GUI to open an AEDT project with
+# an EMIT design and analyze the results to classify the
+# worst-case interference.
+# > **Note:** This example requires EMIT Version 2023.2 or newer.
# Perform required imports.
import sys
@@ -19,40 +17,45 @@
import subprocess
import pyaedt.generic.constants as consts
-# Check that emit is a compatible version
-emitapp_desktop_version = "2023.2"
-if emitapp_desktop_version < "2023.2":
- print("Must have v2023.2 or later")
- sys.exit()
+# Check to see which Python libraries have been installed.
+# PySide6 and openpyxl will be installed if they are not found. An internet connection
+# is required to install missing packages.
-# Check to see which Python libraries have been installed
+# +
reqs = subprocess.check_output([sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'freeze'])
installed_packages = [r.decode().split('==')[0] for r in reqs.split()]
-# Install required packages if they are not installed
def install(package):
subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', package])
-# Install required libraries for GUI and Excel exporting (internet connection needed)
required_packages = ['PySide6', 'openpyxl']
for package in required_packages:
if package not in installed_packages:
+# -
# Import PySide6 and openpyxl libraries
from PySide6 import QtWidgets, QtUiTools, QtGui, QtCore
from openpyxl.styles import PatternFill
import openpyxl
+# +
# Uncomment if there are Qt plugin errors
# import PySide6
# dirname = os.path.dirname(PySide6.__file__)
# plugin_path = os.path.join(dirname, 'plugins', 'platforms')
# os.environ['QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH'] = plugin_path
+# -
# Launch EMIT
+# +
non_graphical = False
new_thread = True
+emitapp_desktop_version = "2023.2"
desktop = pyaedt.launch_desktop(emitapp_desktop_version, non_graphical, new_thread)
# Add emitapi to system path
@@ -64,6 +67,11 @@ def install(package):
# Define .ui file for GUI
ui_file = pyaedt.downloads.download_file("emit", "interference_gui.ui")
Ui_MainWindow, _ = QtUiTools.loadUiType(ui_file)
+# -
+# ### Create a simpl QT UI
+# Build a simple UI using QT.
class DoubleDelegate(QtWidgets.QStyledItemDelegate):
def __init__(self, decimals, values, max_power, min_power):
@@ -104,25 +112,24 @@ def __init__(self):
- ###############################################################################
- # Setup widgets
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # Define all widgets from the UI file, connect the widgets to functions, define
- # table colors, and format table settings.
- def setup_widgets(self):
+# ## Setup widgets
+# Define all widgets from the UI file, connect the widgets to functions, define
+# table colors, and format table settings.
+ def setup_widgets(self):
# Widget definitions for file selection/tab management
self.file_select_btn = self.findChild(QtWidgets.QToolButton, "file_select_btn")
self.file_path_box = self.findChild(QtWidgets.QLineEdit, "file_path_box")
self.design_name_dropdown = self.findChild(QtWidgets.QComboBox, "design_name_dropdown")
self.tab_widget = self.findChild(QtWidgets.QTabWidget, "tab_widget")
# Widget definitions for protection level classification
self.protection_results_btn = self.findChild(QtWidgets.QPushButton, "protection_results_btn")
self.protection_matrix = self.findChild(QtWidgets.QTableWidget, "protection_matrix")
self.protection_legend_table = self.findChild(QtWidgets.QTableWidget, "protection_legend_table")
self.damage_check = self.findChild(QtWidgets.QCheckBox, "damage_check")
self.overload_check = self.findChild(QtWidgets.QCheckBox, "overload_check")
self.intermodulation_check = self.findChild(QtWidgets.QCheckBox, "intermodulation_check")
@@ -131,7 +138,7 @@ def setup_widgets(self):
self.radio_specific_levels = self.findChild(QtWidgets.QCheckBox, "radio_specific_levels")
self.radio_dropdown = self.findChild(QtWidgets.QComboBox, "radio_dropdown")
self.protection_save_img_btn = self.findChild(QtWidgets.QPushButton, 'protection_save_img_btn')
# warning label
self.warning_label = self.findChild(QtWidgets.QLabel, "warnings")
myFont = QtGui.QFont()
@@ -139,7 +146,7 @@ def setup_widgets(self):
# Setup for protection level buttons and table
@@ -162,18 +169,18 @@ def setup_widgets(self):
# Widget definitions for interference type
self.interference_results_btn = self.findChild(QtWidgets.QPushButton, "interference_results_btn")
self.interference_matrix = self.findChild(QtWidgets.QTableWidget, "interference_matrix")
self.interference_legend_table = self.findChild(QtWidgets.QTableWidget, "interference_legend_table")
# set the items read only
for i in range(0, self.interference_legend_table.rowCount()):
item = self.interference_legend_table.item(i, 0)
self.interference_legend_table.setItem(i, 0, item)
self.in_in_check = self.findChild(QtWidgets.QCheckBox, "in_in_check")
self.in_out_check = self.findChild(QtWidgets.QCheckBox, "in_out_check")
self.out_in_check = self.findChild(QtWidgets.QCheckBox, "out_in_check")
@@ -195,7 +202,7 @@ def setup_widgets(self):
# Color definition dictionary and previous project/design names
self.color_dict = {"green": [QtGui.QColor(125, 115, 202),'#7d73ca'],
"yellow":[QtGui.QColor(211, 89, 162), '#d359a2'],
@@ -204,49 +211,49 @@ def setup_widgets(self):
"white": [QtGui.QColor("white"),'#ffffff']}
self.previous_design = ''
self.previous_project = ''
# Set the legend tables to strech resize mode
header = self.protection_legend_table.horizontalHeader()
v_header = self.protection_legend_table.verticalHeader()
header.setSectionResizeMode(0, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeMode.Stretch)
v_header.setSectionResizeMode(0, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeMode.Stretch)
v_header.setSectionResizeMode(1, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeMode.Stretch)
v_header.setSectionResizeMode(2, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeMode.Stretch)
v_header.setSectionResizeMode(3, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeMode.Stretch)
header = self.interference_legend_table.horizontalHeader()
v_header = self.interference_legend_table.verticalHeader()
header.setSectionResizeMode(0, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeMode.Stretch)
v_header.setSectionResizeMode(0, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeMode.Stretch)
v_header.setSectionResizeMode(1, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeMode.Stretch)
v_header.setSectionResizeMode(2, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeMode.Stretch)
v_header.setSectionResizeMode(3, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeMode.Stretch)
# Input validation for protection level legend table
self.delegate = DoubleDelegate(decimals=2, values=values,
max_power=1000, min_power=-200)
self.protection_legend_table.setItemDelegateForColumn(0, self.delegate)
- ###############################################################################
- # Open file dialog and select project
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # Open the file dialog for project selection and populate the design dropdown
- # with all EMIT designs in the project.
+# ### Open File Dialog
+# Open the file dialog for project selection and populate the design dropdown
+# with all EMIT designs in the project.
def open_file_dialog(self):
fname, _filter = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Select EMIT Project", "", "Ansys Electronics Desktop Files (*.aedt)", )
if fname:
# Close previous project and open specified one
if self.emitapp is not None:
self.emitapp = None
desktop_proj = desktop.load_project(self.file_path_box.text())
# check for an empty project (i.e. no designs)
if isinstance(desktop_proj, bool):
@@ -257,7 +264,7 @@ def open_file_dialog(self):
"one EMIT design. See AEDT log for more information.")
x = msg.exec()
# Check if project is already open
if desktop_proj.lock_file == None:
msg = QtWidgets.QMessageBox()
@@ -276,7 +283,7 @@ def open_file_dialog(self):
design_type = desktop.design_type(desktop_proj.project_name, d)
if design_type == "EMIT":
# add warning if no EMIT design
# Note: this should never happen since loading a project without an EMIT design
# should add a blank EMIT design
@@ -285,20 +292,20 @@ def open_file_dialog(self):
self.warning_label.setText("Warning: The project must contain at least one EMIT design.")
self.populating_dropdown = True
self.populating_dropdown = False
self.emitapp = get_pyaedt_app(desktop_proj.project_name, emit_designs[0])
# check for at least 2 radios
radios = self.emitapp.modeler.components.get_radios()
if len(radios) < 2:
self.warning_label.setText("Warning: The selected design must contain at least two radios.")
if self.radio_specific_levels.isEnabled():
@@ -306,15 +313,14 @@ def open_file_dialog(self):
self.protection_levels = {}
values = [float(self.protection_legend_table.item(row, 0).text()) for row in range(self.protection_legend_table.rowCount())]
self.protection_levels['Global'] = values
- ###############################################################################
- # Change design selection
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # Refresh the warning messages when the selected design changes
+# ### Change design selection
+# Refresh the warning messages when the selected design changes
def design_dropdown_changed(self):
if self.populating_dropdown:
@@ -332,11 +338,10 @@ def design_dropdown_changed(self):
# clear the table if the design is changed
- ###############################################################################
- # Enable radio specific protection levels
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # Activate radio selection dropdown and initialize dictionary to store protection levels
- # when the radio-specific level dropdown is checked.
+# ### Enable radio specific protection levels
+# Activate radio selection dropdown and initialize dictionary to store protection levels
+# when the radio-specific level dropdown is checked.
def radio_specific(self):
@@ -354,11 +359,11 @@ def radio_specific(self):
values = [float(self.protection_legend_table.item(row, 0).text()) for row in range(self.protection_legend_table.rowCount())]
self.protection_levels['Global'] = values
self.global_protection_level = not self.radio_specific_levels.isChecked()
- ###############################################################################
- # Update legend table
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # Update shown legend table values when the radio dropdown value changes.
+# ### Update legend table
+# Update shown legend table values when the radio dropdown value changes.
def radio_dropdown_changed(self):
if self.radio_dropdown.isEnabled():
@@ -372,11 +377,10 @@ def radio_dropdown_changed(self):
- ###############################################################################
- # Save legend table values
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # Save inputted radio protection level threshold values every time one is changed
- # in the legend table.
+# ### Save legend table values
+# Save inputted radio protection level threshold values every time one is changed
+# in the legend table.
def table_changed(self):
if self.changing == False:
@@ -389,10 +393,9 @@ def table_changed(self):
self.protection_levels[index] = values
- ###############################################################################
- # Save scenario matrix to as PNG file
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # Save the scenario matrix table as a PNG file.
+# ### Save scenario matrix to as PNG file
+# Save the scenario matrix table as a PNG file.
def save_image(self):
if self.tab_widget.currentIndex() == 0:
@@ -406,10 +409,9 @@ def save_image(self):
- ###############################################################################
- # Save scenario matrix to Excel file
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # Write the scenario matrix results to an Excel file with color coding.
+# ### Save scenario matrix to Excel file
+# Write the scenario matrix results to an Excel file with color coding.
def save_results_excel(self):
defaultName = ""
@@ -439,10 +441,9 @@ def save_results_excel(self):
fill_type = "solid")
- ###############################################################################
- # Run interference type simulation
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # Run interference type simulation and classify results.
+# ### Run interference type simulation
+# Run interference type simulation and classify results.
def interference_results(self):
# Initialize filter check marks and expected filter results
@@ -479,11 +480,12 @@ def interference_results(self):
if self.tx_radios is None or self.rx_radios is None:
- # Classify the interference
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # Iterate over all the transmitters and receivers and compute the power
- # at the input to each receiver due to each of the transmitters. Compute
- # which, if any, type of interference occurred.
+# ### Classify the interference
+# Iterate over all the transmitters and receivers and compute the power
+# at the input to each receiver due to each of the transmitters. Compute
+# which, if any, type of interference occurred.
domain = self.emitapp.results.interaction_domain()
self.all_colors, self.power_matrix = self.rev.interference_type_classification(domain, use_filter = True, filter_list = filter)
@@ -491,11 +493,10 @@ def interference_results(self):
- ###############################################################################
- # Run protection level simulation
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # Run protection level simulation and classify results accroding to inputted
- # threshold levels.
+# ### Run protection level simulation
+# Run protection level simulation and classify results accroding to inputted
+# threshold levels.
def protection_results(self):
# Initialize filter check marks and expected filter results
@@ -538,12 +539,11 @@ def protection_results(self):
filter_list = filter)
- ###############################################################################
- # Populate the scenario matrix
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # Create a scenario matrix view with the transmitters defined across the top
- # and receivers down the left-most column.
+# ### Populate the scenario matrix
+# Create a scenario matrix view with the transmitters defined across the top
+# and receivers down the left-most column.
def populate_table(self):
if self.tab_widget.currentIndex() == 0:
@@ -591,10 +591,10 @@ def clear_table(self):
- ###############################################################################
- # GUI closing event
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # Close AEDT if the GUI is closed.
+# ### GUI closing event
+# Close AEDT if the GUI is closed.
def closeEvent(self, event):
msg = QtWidgets.QMessageBox()
msg.setWindowTitle("Closing GUI")
@@ -606,9 +606,8 @@ def closeEvent(self, event):
desktop.release_desktop(True, True)
-# Run GUI
-# ~~~~~~~
+# ### Run GUI
# Launch the GUI. If you want to run the GUI, uncomment the ``window.show()`` and
# ``app.exec_()`` method calls.
diff --git a/examples/07-TwinBuilder/01-RC_Circuit_Example.py b/examples/07-TwinBuilder/01-RC_Circuit_Example.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 42b842b459a..00000000000
--- a/examples/07-TwinBuilder/01-RC_Circuit_Example.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-Twin Builder: RC circuit design anaysis
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a Twin Builder design
-and run a Twin Builder time-domain simulation.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Perform required imports.
-import pyaedt
-# Select version and set launch options
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Select the Twin Builder version and set the launch options. The following code
-# launches Twin Builder 2023 R2 in graphical mode.
-# You can change the Boolean parameter ``non_graphical`` to ``True`` to launch
-# Twin Builder in non-graphical mode. You can also change the Boolean parameter
-# ``new_thread`` to ``False`` to launch Twin Builder in an existing AEDT session
-# if one is running.
-desktop_version = "2023.2"
-non_graphical = False
-new_thread = True
-# Launch Twin Builder
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Launch Twin Builder using an implicit declaration and add a new design with
-# a default setup.
-tb = pyaedt.TwinBuilder(projectname=pyaedt.generate_unique_project_name(),
- specified_version=desktop_version,
- non_graphical=non_graphical,
- new_desktop_session=new_thread
- )
-tb.modeler.schematic_units = "mil"
-# Create components for RC circuit
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Create components for an RC circuit driven by a pulse voltage source.
-# Create components, such as a voltage source, resistor, and capacitor.
-source = tb.modeler.schematic.create_voltage_source("E1", "EPULSE", 10, 10, [0, 0])
-resistor = tb.modeler.schematic.create_resistor("R1", 10000, [1000, 1000], 90)
-capacitor = tb.modeler.schematic.create_capacitor("C1", 1e-6, [2000, 0])
-# Create ground
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Create a ground, which is needed for an analog analysis.
-gnd = tb.modeler.components.create_gnd([0, -1000])
-# Connect components
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Connects components with pins.
-# Parametrize transient setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Parametrize the default transient setup by setting the end time.
-# Solve transient setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Solve the transient setup.
-# Get report data and plot using Matplotlib
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Get report data and plot it using Matplotlib. The following code gets and plots
-# the values for the voltage on the pulse voltage source and the values for the
-# voltage on the capacitor in the RC circuit.
-E_Value = "E1.V"
-C_Value = "C1.V"
-x = tb.post.get_solution_data([E_Value, C_Value], "TR", "Time")
-x.plot([E_Value, C_Value], xlabel="Time", ylabel="Capacitor Voltage vs Input Pulse")
-# Close Twin Builder
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# After the simulation completes, you can close Twin Builder or release it.
-# All methods provide for saving the project before closing.
diff --git a/examples/07-TwinBuilder/02-Wiring_A_Rectifier.py b/examples/07-TwinBuilder/02-Wiring_A_Rectifier.py
index bd7b1b45469..f226aea4aec 100644
--- a/examples/07-TwinBuilder/02-Wiring_A_Rectifier.py
+++ b/examples/07-TwinBuilder/02-Wiring_A_Rectifier.py
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-Twin Builder: wiring a rectifier with a capacitor filter
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a Twin Builder design
-and run a Twin Builder time-domain simulation.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # Twin Builder: wiring a rectifier with a capacitor filter
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a Twin Builder design
+# and run a Twin Builder time-domain simulation.
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports.
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pyaedt
+import tempfile
+import os
-# Select version and set launch options
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Select version and set launch options
# Select the Twin Builder version and set the launch options. The following code
# launches Twin Builder 2023 R2 in graphical mode.
@@ -28,74 +28,75 @@
desktop_version = "2023.2"
non_graphical = False
new_thread = True
+temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".ansys")
-# Launch Twin Builder
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch Twin Builder
# Launch Twin Builder using an implicit declaration and add a new design with
# a default setup.
-tb = pyaedt.TwinBuilder(projectname=pyaedt.generate_unique_project_name(),
+tb = pyaedt.TwinBuilder(projectname=os.path.join(temp_dir.name, "TB_Rectifier_Demo"),
-# Create components for bridge rectifier
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Create components for a bridge rectifier with a capacitor filter.
-# Define the grid distance for ease in calculations.
+# ## Create components for bridge rectifier
+# Place components for a bridge rectifier and a capacitor filter in the schematic editor.
+# Specify the grid spacing to use for placement
+# of components in the schematic editor. Components are placed using the named
+# argument ``location`` as a list of ``[x, y]`` values in mm.
G = 0.00254
-# Create an AC sinosoidal source component.
+# Create an AC sinosoidal voltage source.
-source = tb.modeler.schematic.create_voltage_source("V_AC", "ESINE", 100, 50, [-1 * G, 0])
+source = tb.modeler.schematic.create_voltage_source("V_AC", "ESINE", 100, 50, location=[-1 * G, 0])
-# Create the four diodes of the bridge rectifier.
+# Place the four diodes of the bridge rectifier. The named argument ``angle`` is the rotation angle
+# of the component in radians.
diode1 = tb.modeler.schematic.create_diode(compname="D1", location=[10 * G, 6 * G], angle=3 * math.pi / 2)
diode2 = tb.modeler.schematic.create_diode(compname="D2", location=[20 * G, 6 * G], angle=3 * math.pi / 2)
diode3 = tb.modeler.schematic.create_diode(compname="D3", location=[10 * G, -4 * G], angle=3 * math.pi / 2)
diode4 = tb.modeler.schematic.create_diode(compname="D4", location=[20 * G, -4 * G], angle=3 * math.pi / 2)
-# Create a capacitor filter.
+# Place a capacitor filter.
capacitor = tb.modeler.schematic.create_capacitor(compname="C_FILTER", value=1e-6, location=[29 * G, -10 * G])
-# Create a load resistor.
+# Place a load resistor.
resistor = tb.modeler.schematic.create_resistor(compname="RL", value=100000, location=[39 * G, -10 * G])
-# Create a ground.
+# Place the ground component.
gnd = tb.modeler.components.create_gnd(location=[5 * G, -16 * G])
-# Connect components
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Connect components
# Connect components with wires.
-# Wire the diode bridge.
+# Connect the diode pins to create the bridge.
tb.modeler.schematic.create_wire(points_array=[diode1.pins[0].location, diode3.pins[0].location])
tb.modeler.schematic.create_wire(points_array=[diode2.pins[1].location, diode4.pins[1].location])
tb.modeler.schematic.create_wire(points_array=[diode1.pins[1].location, diode2.pins[0].location])
tb.modeler.schematic.create_wire(points_array=[diode3.pins[1].location, diode4.pins[0].location])
-# Wire the AC source.
+# Connect the voltage source to the bridge.
tb.modeler.schematic.create_wire(points_array=[source.pins[1].location, [0, 10 * G], [15 * G, 10 * G], [15 * G, 5 * G]])
tb.modeler.schematic.create_wire(points_array=[source.pins[0].location, [0, -10 * G], [15 * G, -10 * G], [15 * G, -5 * G]])
-# Wire the filter capacitor and load resistor.
+# Connect the filter capacitor and load resistor.
tb.modeler.schematic.create_wire(points_array=[resistor.pins[0].location, [40 * G, 0], [22 * G, 0]])
tb.modeler.schematic.create_wire(points_array=[capacitor.pins[0].location, [30 * G, 0]])
-# Wire the ground.
+# Add the ground connection.
tb.modeler.schematic.create_wire(points_array=[resistor.pins[1].location, [40 * G, -15 * G], gnd.pins[0].location])
tb.modeler.schematic.create_wire(points_array=[capacitor.pins[1].location, [30 * G, -15 * G]])
@@ -104,45 +105,48 @@
# Zoom to fit the schematic
-# Parametrize transient setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Parametrize the default transient setup by setting the end time.
+# The circuit schematic will now be visible in the Twin Builder schematic editor and should look like
+# the image shown at the beginning of the example.
+# ## Run the Simulation
+# Update the total time to be simulated and run the analysis
-# Solve transient setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Solve the transient setup.
-# Get report data and plot using Matplotlib
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Get report data and plot using Matplotlib
# Get report data and plot it using Matplotlib. The following code gets and plots
# the values for the voltage on the pulse voltage source and the values for the
# voltage on the capacitor in the RC circuit.
-E_Value = "V_AC.V"
-x = tb.post.get_solution_data(E_Value, "TR", "Time")
-plt.plot(x.intrinsics["Time"], x.data_real(E_Value))
-R_Value = "RL.V"
-x = tb.post.get_solution_data(R_Value, "TR", "Time")
-plt.plot(x.intrinsics["Time"], x.data_real(R_Value))
+src_name = source.InstanceName + ".V"
+x = tb.post.get_solution_data(src_name, tb.analysis_setup, "Time")
+plt.plot(x.intrinsics["Time"], x.data_real(src_name))
+plt.ylabel("AC Voltage")
+r_voltage = resistor.InstanceName + ".V"
+x = tb.post.get_solution_data(r_voltage, tb.analysis_setup, "Time")
+plt.plot(x.intrinsics["Time"], x.data_real(r_voltage))
plt.ylabel("AC to DC Conversion using Rectifier")
-# Close Twin Builder
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Close Twin Builder
# After the simulation is completed, you can close Twin Builder or release it.
# All methods provide for saving the project before closing.
+# ## Cleanup
+# Remove the project and temporary folder. The project files can be retrieved from the
+# temporary directory, ``temp_dir.name``, prior to executing the following cell, if desired.
+temp_dir.cleanup() # Cleans up all files and removes the project directory.
diff --git a/examples/07-TwinBuilder/03-Dynamic_ROM_Creation_And_Visualization.py b/examples/07-TwinBuilder/03-Dynamic_ROM_Creation_And_Visualization.py
index 979bae7e9a8..840de7802e3 100644
--- a/examples/07-TwinBuilder/03-Dynamic_ROM_Creation_And_Visualization.py
+++ b/examples/07-TwinBuilder/03-Dynamic_ROM_Creation_And_Visualization.py
@@ -1,17 +1,14 @@
-Twin Builder: dynamic ROM creation and simulation (2023 R2 beta)
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a dynamic ROM in Twin Builder
-and run a Twin Builder time-domain simulation.
-.. note::
- This example uses functionality only available in Twin Builder 2023 R2 and later.
- For 2023 R2, the build date must be 8/7/2022 or later.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # Twin Builder: Dynamic ROM
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a dynamic ROM in Twin Builder
+# and run a Twin Builder time-domain simulation.
+# > **Note:** This example uses functionality only available in Twin
+# > Builder 2023 R2 and later.
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports.
import os
@@ -22,9 +19,9 @@
from pyaedt import generate_unique_folder_name
from pyaedt import downloads
from pyaedt import settings
-# Select version and set launch options
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Select version and set launch options
# Select the Twin Builder version and set launch options. The following code
# launches Twin Builder 2023 R2 in graphical mode.
@@ -37,9 +34,8 @@
non_graphical = False
new_thread = True
-# Set up input data
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Set up input data
# Define needed file name
source_snapshot_data_zipfilename = "Ex1_Mechanical_DynamicRom.zip"
@@ -60,17 +56,25 @@
shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(source_data_folder ,source_build_conf_file), os.path.join(data_folder,source_build_conf_file))
-# Launch Twin Builder and build ROM component
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch Twin Builder and build ROM component
# Launch Twin Builder using an implicit declaration and add a new design with
# a default setup for building the dynamic ROM component.
tb = TwinBuilder(projectname=generate_unique_project_name(),specified_version=desktop_version, non_graphical=non_graphical, new_desktop_session=new_thread)
-# Switch the current desktop configuration and the schematic environment to "Twin Builder".
-# The Dynamic ROM feature is only available with a twin builder license.
-# This and the restoring section at the end are not needed if the desktop is already configured as "Twin Builder".
+# ## Desktop Configuration
+# > **Note:** Only run following cell if AEDT is not configured to run _"Twin Builder"_.
+# >
+# > The following cell configures Electronics Desktop (AEDT) and the schematic editor
+# > to use the _"Twin Builder"_ confguration.
+# > The dynamic ROM feature is only available with a Twin Builder license.
+# > A cell at the end of this example restores the AEDT configuration. If your
+# > environment is set up
+# > to use the _"Twin Builder"_ configuration, you do not need to run these sections.
+# >
current_desktop_config = tb._odesktop.GetDesktopConfiguration()
current_schematic_environment = tb._odesktop.GetSchematicEnvironment()
tb._odesktop.SetDesktopConfiguration("Twin Builder")
@@ -95,11 +99,10 @@
rom_manager.CreateROMComponent(dynamic_rom_path.replace('\\', '/'),'dynarom')
-# Create schematic
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create schematic
# Place components to create a schematic.
# Define the grid distance for ease in calculations
G = 0.00254
@@ -121,26 +124,23 @@
# Zoom to fit the schematic
-# Parametrize transient setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Parametrize transient setup
# Parametrize the default transient setup by setting the end time.
-# Solve transient setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Solve transient setup
# Solve the transient setup.
-# Get report data and plot using Matplotlib
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Get report data and plot using Matplotlib
# Get report data and plot it using Matplotlib. The following code gets and plots
# the values for the voltage on the pulse voltage source and the values for the
# output of the dynamic ROM.
@@ -159,9 +159,8 @@
-# Close Twin Builder
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Close Twin Builder
# After the simulation is completed, you can close Twin Builder or release it.
# All methods provide for saving the project before closing.
diff --git a/examples/07-TwinBuilder/04-Static_ROM_Creation_And_Visualization.py b/examples/07-TwinBuilder/04-Static_ROM_Creation_And_Visualization.py
index 10f78cc11a6..ab069e77ee1 100644
--- a/examples/07-TwinBuilder/04-Static_ROM_Creation_And_Visualization.py
+++ b/examples/07-TwinBuilder/04-Static_ROM_Creation_And_Visualization.py
@@ -1,17 +1,13 @@
-Twin Builder: static ROM creation and simulation (2023 R2 beta)
-This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a static ROM in Twin Builder
-and run a Twin Builder time-domain simulation.
-.. note::
- This example uses functionality only available in Twin Builder 2023 R2 and later.
- For 2023 R2, the build date must be 8/7/2022 or later.
-# Perform required imports
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# # Twin Builder: Static ROM
+# This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a static ROM in Twin Builder
+# and run a Twin Builder time-domain simulation.
+# > **Note:** This example uses functionality only
+# > available in Twin Builder 2023 R2 and later.
+# ## Perform required imports
# Perform required imports.
import os
@@ -24,9 +20,8 @@
from pyaedt import downloads
from pyaedt import settings
-# Select version and set launch options
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Select version and set launch options
# Select the Twin Builder version and set launch options. The following code
# launches Twin Builder 2023 R2 in graphical mode.
@@ -38,23 +33,26 @@
desktop_version = "2023.2"
non_graphical = False
new_thread = True
-# Set up input data
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# Define needed file name
+# ## Set up input data
+# The following files will be downloaded along with the
+# other project data used to run this example.
source_snapshot_data_zipfilename = "Ex1_Fluent_StaticRom.zip"
source_build_conf_file = "SROMbuild.conf"
source_props_conf_file = "SROM_props.conf"
-# Download data from example_data repository
+# ## Download Example Data
+# The following cell downloads the required files needed to run this example and extracts them in a local folder ``"Ex04"``
+# +
source_data_folder = downloads.download_twin_builder_data(source_snapshot_data_zipfilename, True)
source_data_folder = downloads.download_twin_builder_data(source_build_conf_file, True)
source_data_folder = downloads.download_twin_builder_data(source_props_conf_file, True)
-# Uncomment the following line for local testing
-# source_data_folder = "D:\\Scratch\\TempStatic"
+# Target folder to extract project files.
data_folder = os.path.join(source_data_folder, "Ex04")
# Unzip training data and config file
@@ -63,24 +61,33 @@
os.path.join(data_folder, source_build_conf_file))
shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(source_data_folder, source_props_conf_file),
os.path.join(data_folder, source_props_conf_file))
+# -
-# Launch Twin Builder and build ROM component
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Launch Twin Builder and build ROM component
# Launch Twin Builder using an implicit declaration and add a new design with
# a default setup for building the static ROM component.
tb = TwinBuilder(projectname=generate_unique_project_name(), specified_version=desktop_version,
non_graphical=non_graphical, new_desktop_session=new_thread)
-# Switch the current desktop configuration and the schematic environment to "Twin Builder".
-# The Static ROM feature is only available with a twin builder license.
-# This and the restoring section at the end are not needed if the desktop is already configured as "Twin Builder".
+# ## Desktop Configuration
+# > **Note:** Only run following cell if AEDT is not configured to run _"Twin Builder"_.
+# >
+# > The following cell configures Electronics Desktop (AEDT) and the schematic editor
+# > to use the _"Twin Builder"_ confguration.
+# > The Static ROM feature is only available with a Twin Builder license.
+# > A cell at the end of this example restores the AEDT configuration. If your
+# > environment is set up
+# > to use the _"Twin Builder"_ configuration, you do not need to run these sections._
current_desktop_config = tb._odesktop.GetDesktopConfiguration()
current_schematic_environment = tb._odesktop.GetSchematicEnvironment()
tb._odesktop.SetDesktopConfiguration("Twin Builder")
+# +
# Get the static ROM builder object
rom_manager = tb._odesign.GetROMManager()
static_rom_builder = rom_manager.GetStaticROMBuilder()
@@ -98,12 +105,13 @@
# Create the ROM component definition in Twin Builder
rom_manager.CreateROMComponent(static_rom_path.replace('\\', '/'), 'staticrom')
+# -
-# Create schematic
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Create schematic
# Place components to create a schematic.
+# +
# Define the grid distance for ease in calculations
G = 0.00254
@@ -113,6 +121,7 @@
# Place two excitation sources
source1 = tb.modeler.schematic.create_periodic_waveform_source(None, "SINE", 2.5, 0.01, 0, 7.5, 0, [20 * G, 29 * G])
source2 = tb.modeler.schematic.create_periodic_waveform_source(None, "SINE", 50, 0.02, 0, 450, 0, [20 * G, 25 * G])
+# -
# Connect components with wires
@@ -128,29 +137,28 @@
# Zoom to fit the schematic
-# Parametrize transient setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Parametrize transient setup
# Parametrize the default transient setup by setting the end time.
-# Solve transient setup
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Solve transient setup
# Solve the transient setup. Skipping in case of documentation build.
if os.getenv("PYAEDT_DOC_GENERATION", "False") != "1":
-# Get report data and plot using Matplotlib
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Get report data and plot using Matplotlib
# Get report data and plot it using Matplotlib. The following code gets and plots
# the values for the voltage on the pulse voltage source and the values for the
# output of the dynamic ROM.
if os.getenv("PYAEDT_DOC_GENERATION", "False") != "1":
e_value = "ROM1.outfield_mode_1"
x = tb.post.get_solution_data(e_value, "TR", "Time")
@@ -166,9 +174,8 @@
-# Close Twin Builder
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# ## Close Twin Builder
# After the simulation is completed, you can close Twin Builder or release it.
# All methods provide for saving the project before closing.
diff --git a/examples/07-TwinBuilder/Readme.txt b/examples/07-TwinBuilder/index.rst
similarity index 56%
rename from examples/07-TwinBuilder/Readme.txt
rename to examples/07-TwinBuilder/index.rst
index df697376902..b511feabf0c 100644
--- a/examples/07-TwinBuilder/Readme.txt
+++ b/examples/07-TwinBuilder/index.rst
@@ -2,3 +2,9 @@ Twin Builder examples
These examples use PyAEDT to show some end-to-end workflows for Twin Builder.
This includes schematic generation, setup, and postprocessing.
+.. nbgallery::
+ 02-Wiring_A_Rectifier.py
+ 03-Dynamic_ROM_Creation_And_Visualization.py
+ 04-Static_ROM_Creation_And_Visualization.py
diff --git a/examples/Readme.txt b/examples/index.rst
similarity index 77%
rename from examples/Readme.txt
rename to examples/index.rst
index 088894ba498..c67716ec568 100644
--- a/examples/Readme.txt
+++ b/examples/index.rst
@@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
-.. _ref_example_gallery:
+.. _ref_examples:
+.. toctree::
+ :hidden:
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ 00-EDB/index
diff --git a/pyaedt/modeler/circuits/object3dcircuit.py b/pyaedt/modeler/circuits/object3dcircuit.py
index a0843748611..cfad89c47e6 100644
--- a/pyaedt/modeler/circuits/object3dcircuit.py
+++ b/pyaedt/modeler/circuits/object3dcircuit.py
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ def connect_to_component(self, component_pin, page_name=None, use_wire=False, wi
- component_pin : :class:`pyaedt.modeler.circuits.PrimitivesNexxim.CircuitPins`
+ component_pin : :class:`pyaedt.modeler.circuits.objct3dcircuit.CircuitPins`
Component pin to attach.
page_name : str, optional
Page port name. The default value is ``None``, in which case
@@ -145,7 +145,8 @@ def connect_to_component(self, component_pin, page_name=None, use_wire=False, wi
use_wire : bool, optional
Whether to use wires or a page port to connect the pins.
The default is ``False``, in which case a page port is used. Note
- that if wires are used but not well placed, shorts can result.
+ that if wires are used but not well-placed, unintentional
+ short-circuits may result.
wire_name : str, optional
Wire name used only when user_wire is ``True``. Default value is ``""``.
clearance_units : int, optional
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index 05deddd2c00..1e44176a074 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -65,10 +65,12 @@ tests = [
"scikit-learn==1.3.1; python_version > '3.7'",
- "scikit-rf==0.31.0",
+ "scikit-rf",
+ "jsonschema",
doc = [
- "ansys-sphinx-theme==0.13.1",
+ "ansys-sphinx-theme==0.12.2",
+ "pydata-sphinx-theme==0.14.4",
"ipython==8.13.0; python_version < '3.9'",
@@ -80,6 +82,7 @@ doc = [
"matplotlib==3.7.3; python_version == '3.8'",
"matplotlib==3.8.0; python_version > '3.8'",
+ "jupytext==1.16.0",
"numpydoc==1.5.0; python_version == '3.7'",
"numpydoc==1.6.0; python_version > '3.7'",
@@ -96,7 +99,6 @@ doc = [
- "sphinx-gallery==0.14.0",
"sphinxcontrib-websupport==1.2.4; python_version <= '3.9'",
"sphinxcontrib-websupport==1.2.5; python_version <= '3.7'",
@@ -146,6 +148,9 @@ all = [
+ci = [
+ "pypandoc-binary",
name = "pyaedt"
@@ -214,4 +219,4 @@ exclude = [
'\.Modeler3D\.create_choke$', # bad RT05
'\._unittest', # missing docstring for tests
'HistoryProps.', # bad RT05 because of the base class named OrderedDict
\ No newline at end of file