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Anstro Pleuton's Coding Style Guidelines

There is a lot of things here, mostly because I unnecessarily aim for perfection. No pressure to follow every single one of them, but you can keep them in mind.

The guidelines starts with a basic general generic regular simple coding style that everyone may have used at some point and slowly transitions to the Anstro Pleuton's way of programming, where each previous guidelines are applied to the proceeding guidelines.

Naming Conventions

A few things in common

  • Don't abbreviate names that are public APIs. Acronyms are allowed in any case.
  • Don't use single letter names unless it is index of the for loop or is related to Mathematics. Let's get to specific naming conventions:

Naming Variables

Use snake_case, and try to keep them short yet descriptive.

int users_count;

Naming Constants

Same rules as Naming Variables's.

const int max_users;

Naming Classes

Same rules as Naming Variables's, but prefer keeping them small.

class user
    // ...

Naming Enumerators

Same rules as Naming Classes's.

enum user_type
    // ...

Naming Functions

Same rules as Naming Variables's.

user create_user(...);

Naming Namespaces

Same rules as Naming Classes's, except prefer keeping it even more short. An acronym should be good, but abbreviations are also allowed.

namespace nsp
    // ...

Naming Template Parameters

Same rules as Naming Classes's.

Naming Files

Same rules as Naming Variables's. Also, use specificity-first style for naming files with multiple words, like animated_icon_texture.gif instead of texture_icon_animated.gif.

$ tree
├── res
│   ├── nirovan_logo.png
│   ├── nirovan_logo_dark.png
│   └── nirovan_logo_light.png
└── include
    └── alce_library.hpp
    └── plons_library.hpp


You may be better off using Uncrustify with the provided config uncrustify.cfg to format your code. If you don't have access to Uncrustify for whatever reason and would like to manually format the code, here it is:


Use 4 spaces for indentation, not tabs. And, do not indent namespace contents.

namespace nsp
int value;

void set_value()
    value = 21;

Brace Style

Use Allman style braces for code (control flow, function, lambda, etc.).

void function()
    // Code

    // or
    if (condition)
        // Code

And K&R style braces for declarations (classes, structures, enum, namespace, etc.).

class user_details {
    // Declarations


The average Joe style, except put space in between braces too.

int user_id = rand() % 255;

Line Limit

Limit lines to not exceed 80 characters. Why so old? Am I still running a computer with a terminal that is 80 characters long? No. I use split screen and only have 1920x1080 resolution monitor. Still, why? I use split view to edit files side-by-side, or at least view from one file and write in other.

Function Wrap

Split the function parameters if the function signature is exceeding 80 characters.

std::string get_users_in_details(
    bool username,
    bool password,
    bool registration_date,
    bool last_login_date,
    bool raw_details
    // ...


Self-explanatory, I hope.

Single-line Comments

Place single-line comment (//) above or after the code.

// It is named this way for a very particular reason
int yet_another_user_variable;

int user_2; // Not so much for this one

Multi-line Comments

Use multi-line comments (/**/) with one space before asterisk and two space after it.

 *  Don't use it for single line message and inside code though

Documentation Comments

Use Doxygen-style comments for documentation.

 *  @brief  Function description.
 *  @param  a  First parameter.
 *  @param  b  Second parameter.
 *  @return  Return description.


Use periods to end the sentence in a document comment, and not in regular comment.

 *  This comment ends with a period.

// This comment does not end with a period though

Use two space in comment after ., ! and ? punctuations.

 *  This is a sentence.  This is another sentence after period!  Is this a
 *  life-long question?  And the end.

File Comment

Have a documentation comment on the first line of the file describing the file. header.hpp:

 *  @author  Your Name ([email protected])
 *  @brief   This is a header file.
 *  @copyright  Copyright (C) 2024 I own this code to death
 *  Detailed description.
 *  License info.
 *  Credits.

Coding Standards

The style part ends there, now comes the standard/functionality part.


  • Use this for initializing types that have literals (i.e., int, std::string, etc.):
data_type variable_name = <value>;
  • Use this if the type has a constructor with parameters:
data_type variable_name(<parameters>);
  • Use this if the constructor accepts initializer list:
data_type variable_name = { <list> };

Range-based Loops

Use auto & for range-based for loops.

for (auto &value : values) { /* code */ }

Variable Declaration

Use auto for declaring variables which is initialized from an expression. But do not use it for fundamental types (int, float, etc., including aliases like std::size_t or std::uint64_t).

auto users = get_inactive_users();

Function Definition

Use auto as return type to automatically deduce type, or use trailing function declaration if automatic return type deduction is inapplicable (i.e., is not an in-line function).

auto get_active_users()
    return get_filtered_users(filter::active);

[[nodiscard]], inline and constexpr Functions

Use [[nodiscard]] attribute for almost all functions, except for the ones whose return value can freely be ignored. Use inline and constexpr together for a function whose definition is inside a header file.

[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr auto add(int a, int b) -> int
    return a + b;


Always use reference capture for lambda.

auto lambda = [&]() { /* code */ };

Static Functions

Mark a function static if it is defined in a source file with no declaration in header file. This will make the function private to that source file.

static inline constexpr auto helper() -> void;

Use struct instead of class

I don't like data hiding. I truly believe that user should have complete access to the memory that they have initialized. I want to provide much flexibility, not restrict them. Note: I will still be calling them "Class" rather than "Structure".

struct {
    // YEAH everything public!

Class Organization

When writing a class, Organize members in this order:

  • Data members
  • Constructors
  • Destructor
  • Function members
  • Friend operators (Operators declared as friend)
  • Modifying operators (Operators not declared as friend and does modify members)
  • Conversion operators
struct password {

    // Data members
    std::string content;
    bool raw;

    // Constructors
    password() = default;
    password(std::string content, bool raw) : content(content), raw(raw) {};

    // Member functions
    [[nodiscard]] inline constexpr auto cook() // Inline function
        raw = false;
        return cook(content);

    auto cook_deeply() -> std::string; // Can't be inline

    // Friend operators
    [[nodiscard]] friend inline constexpr auto operator+(
        const password &a,
        const password &b
        return password(a.content + b.content, a.raw || b.raw);

    // Modifying operators
    inline constexpr auto operator+=(const password &other) -> password &
        *this = *this + other;
        return *this;

    // Conversion operators
    [[nodiscard]] inline constexpr operator std::string()
        return content;

    [[nodiscard]] inline constexpr operator bool()
        return raw;


Prefer making a type aggregate unless you really need constructors.


Include a max member in enumerators intended for use as indexes, and an unknown member intended to serve as uninitialized/default.

Enum Classes

Always use enum class instead of enum for better type safety, with the only exception being when the enum is inside of a struct.

Enum to String

Always create an overload of to_string for every enum class to enable convenient text formatting of the enum values, enhancing readability and usability in code.

enum class enumerator {
    // ...

[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr auto to_string(enumerator enumerator)
    using namespace std::string_literals;
    switch (enumerator)
        case enumerator::unknown: return "unknown"s;
        case enumerator::member_1: return "member_1"s;
        case enumerator::member_2: return "member_2"s;
        // ...
        case enumerator::max: return "max"s;
    return ""s;


Prefer using defined concepts over typename for template parameters.

template<std::contiguous_iterator iter>
// stuff