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93 lines (77 loc) · 4.57 KB

File metadata and controls

93 lines (77 loc) · 4.57 KB


Alcelin is a collection of utils for Anstro Pleuton's programs. This library contains several commonly used program artifacts in a simplified functions for ease of use.


This library is subdivided into sections:

  • Container Utilities contains several utilities for container types (i.e., std::vector, std::array, etc. or custom compatible container types) which includes appending elements (combining), filtering elements out, etc. And several operators for these operations.
  • Custom Containers contains boundless version of standard library containers, in which you can access elements without having to worry about bounds check.
  • String Manipulators contains several utilities for std::string (or std::string_view as parameters) which includes converting containers to string, word-wrap, trimming string, converting to lower case, etc. And several operators from Container Utilities applied to string types.
  • ANSI Escape Codes contains easy handlers for manipulation output using decorator ANSI Escape Codes.
  • Argument Parser is removed.
  • File Utilities contains file utilities such as function to read all the file contents, and other utilities ability to convert any trivially copyable type from and to vector of bytes (sd_chunk) and read/write to file/generic streams.
  • Properties. Yes, properties. The similar one from C#. Properties allow you to define function that return a value when a variable is being observed (used its value), or a function that sets a value when a variable is assigned to or operated on.

Removed Sections

  • Argument Parser contains functionality to parse Command Line Arguments and structures to define options (or switches if you are old and use Microsoft Windows) to easily validate arguments.
    • This is removed from Alcelin, and is now available in Optrone.



  • Know to program in C++
  • Know to program in C++23 (optional, recommended)
  • Know to use third party C++ libraries
  • Know to use CMake


If you are not Anstro Pleuton, which you probably are, here is a quick and rough guide to use my library:

  1. Setup:
    • Clone this repository.
    git clone
    cd alcelin
  2. Initialize dependencies:
    • Clone/update dependencies
    git submodule update --init --recursive
  3. Build the library:
    • Make build folder:
    mkdir build
    cd build
    • Build the project:
    cmake ..
    cmake --build .
  4. Install (optional, Unix/-like only)
    sudo cmake --install .
    Note: To uninstall, use sudo cmake --build . --target uninstall.
  5. If you are using CMake, you can use find_package/add_subdirectory or FetchContent_Declare/FetchContent_MakeAvailable, or manually set include and build as include directories and link build/libalcelin.a.


Assuming you are in root directory of this project and built the project in build directory, generate documentation using:

cd build

The documentation is generated as a web-pages. Open the file build/docs/html/index.html to read the documentations.

firefox docs/html/index.html


  • Review all CMake files
  • Refactor tests to be less repetitive
  • Refactor examples to be more structured


Refer to the Changelog for info about changes in each version.


Check out Guidelines before you submit your code! Make sure to create a branch with one task with the name of the category of your task (i.e., "features/", "bugfix/", etc.) your task before you change the code.


Thanks to jothepro for the stylesheet Doxygen Awesome for Doxygen.

Thanks to Nuno Pinheiro (can't find link) for the background Elarun. But I did find a KDE store link to the background image. I think you could consider that. If KDE developers are here, I would appreciate your help to find a proper link to the author.

Thanks to GLFW for some code in CMake.


This project is licensed under the terms of MIT License, see License.

Junk folder?

That folder is where I put my useless features. Don't use them please.