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Presented using Slides
- Open Source enthousiast for all my career
- Works for Red Hat since 2011
- Works in Open Source and JBoss ecosystem since 2005
- Started with JBoss AS 3.25 👴👴👴
- Passionate about Linux and Automation (since 2011)
- started with Puppet, feel in love with Ansible
- since 2019 leading an initiative to integrate Red Hat Runtimes into Ansible
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- If you know what Shadowrun is, you might know me for something else...
- We saw how to install Wildfly in fully automated fashion using Ansible.
- What is Ansible?
- An Open Source, python based and crossplatform automation solution
- No code, but YAML descriptor:
- name: "An Ansible playbook to setup SSHd"
hosts: localhost
sshd_pkg_name: openssh-server
- name: "Ensure {{ sshd_pkg_name }} is installed"
name: "{{ sshd_pkg_name }}"
state: present
- name: "Ensure service is running"
name: sshd
state: running
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- Now, we have an automation infrastructure that will keep our deployment in the proprer state
- Let's leverage this to implements remediation using Event-Driven Ansible (EDA)
- one
- two
- three
Let's write a simple rulebook to leverage Event Driven Ansible (EDA) to automatically restart Wildfly if it's no longer running...
(simple use case, but we do need to start somewhere...)
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- Restarting Wildfly if it's down is nice, but we can do far more than that.
- Historically, Java apps were sometimes plagued by out of memory errors, that required a restart
- Let's implement a remediation strategy, using EDA, for this common problem
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- An app has a bug leading to leave some db connection idled
- The bug has not yet been identified (or the fix is not released)
- An easy fix is to flush the idle db pool when the problem is detected
- Let's implement that remediation strategy with EDA
- An app can be broken and when it is, it has to be removed
- And unregister from the web balancer (not in the demo)
- Wildfly state must check after app removal
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