diff --git a/docs/app/src/tutorials.js b/docs/app/src/tutorials.js
index 09df4138fc96..855c76b24198 100644
--- a/docs/app/src/tutorials.js
+++ b/docs/app/src/tutorials.js
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ angular.module('tutorials', [])
'step_00', 'step_01', 'step_02', 'step_03', 'step_04',
'step_05', 'step_06', 'step_07', 'step_08', 'step_09',
'step_10', 'step_11', 'step_12', 'step_13', 'step_14',
- 'the_end'
+ 'step_15', 'the_end'
return {
scope: {},
diff --git a/docs/content/tutorial/step_14.ngdoc b/docs/content/tutorial/step_14.ngdoc
index 378b6f0ffbfe..115a754b5684 100644
--- a/docs/content/tutorial/step_14.ngdoc
+++ b/docs/content/tutorial/step_14.ngdoc
@@ -549,8 +549,8 @@ if the animation was canceled or not. Use this function to do any necessary clea
Our application is now much more pleasant to use, thanks to the smooth transitions between pages
and UI states.
-There you have it! We have created a web application in a relatively short amount of time. In the
-{@link the_end closing notes} we will cover where to go from here.
+We are ready for
+{@link step_15 step 15} to learn how to fix the accessibility (_a11y_) issues of the application.
+In this step, we will learn how to fix the accessibility issues in the application.
+* We will fix some issues in the templates.
+* We will use the [protractor-accessibility-plugin](protractor-a11y-plugin) to review the accessibility of our application when we run our e2e tests.
+## Why accessibility matters
+A website or application accessible allows the users with different preferences and abilitities,
+to consume the content in a way that suits their needs.
+* [Creating an accessible web - Access iQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47n0wEcm6JU)
+* [Web Accessibility](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEM9Fn9aOG8)
+* [Google Accessibility course](https://webaccessibility.withgoogle.com/course)
+* [Accessibility in AngularJS and Beyond](http://marcysutton.com/slides/fluent2015/)
+* [Introduction to Web Accessibility](https://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/accessibility.php)
+* [Notes On Client-Rendered Accessibility](https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2015/05/client-rendered-accessibility/)
+* [Apps For All: Coding Accessible Web Applications](https://shop.smashingmagazine.com/products/apps-for-all)
+## About WAI-ARIA
+WAI-ARIA (_the Accessible Rich Internet Applications Suite_) is a standard set of attributes used
+to fill accessibility support gaps in custom HTML elements and SVG.
+AngularJS has a module called {@link ngAria ngAria} to help developers to add some WAI-ARIA attributes easily in your application.
+## Main accessibility issues in the application
+If you make a review of the accessibility of the application you will find some issues:
+* Lack of information about the current results when the user interacts with the filters.
+* Lack of labels elements in the search and order filters in the Phone list.
+* Lack of headers elements to help the user to navigate throw the content of the page.
+* In the Phone detail, the user can't access via keyboard over the thumbnails images.
+In the next sections we are going to show you, how to fix some of these issues
+to make the application accessible.
+To help us, we can use the [protractor-a11y-plugin] plugin to check
+potential issues in the application.
+This plugin [runs an audit](https://github.com/GoogleChrome/accessibility-developer-tools/wiki/Audit-Rules) locally by injecting the Dev Tools script into WebDriver pages, and it can diagnose issues including missing labels, incorrect ARIA attributes and color contrast. This is a great starting point if you can't send source code over the wire through an API.
+## How to inform the user that _something_ is happening
+Today, is very common to find applications or webpages where the user make some interaction
+with an element and obtains and inmediate reply to the action.
+The problem is that in most of the cases this action is only reported in a way that you need to see it in your screen but if a user is navigating with a screenreader like [JAWS](http://www.freedomscientific.com/Products/Blindness/JAWS), [NVDA](http://www.nvaccess.org/) or [ChromeVox](http://www.chromevox.com/), this information never won't be accessible.
+When the user is searching or filtering mobiles in the application, the list updates automatically.
+It is mandatory that user knows, in some way, the result after the search or order action.
+To fix this, we add two directives to inform the user how many items are now in the list
+after search or order them. This directive will fill an element in our page
+to tell the user how many elements are after the action.
+ ...
+The new element is a _live region_. It means that every time this region is updated,
+it will inform the user about its content.
+In order to update the information correctly, it is neccesary to add a [_`debounce`_](https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngModelOptions) option
+to the model.
+Please note that now the inputs are associated with theirs labels using `label` elements.
+The directives are based on an idea of [Marcy Sutton](http://marcysutton.com/slides/fluent2015/) about how to add accessibility in the AngularJS applications.
+[You can learn more about directives, following the AngularJS guide](https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/directive).
+## Using the keyboard
+The current detail of a phone prevents a user to use a keyboard to navigate for over each thumbnail
+image. It is very important due to accessibility that all the actions and information
+are available via keyboard too. For example, lightboxes, carousels, slides, etc.
+_Tip_: Try to navigate over the application using only the _TAB_ key.
+You will discover that some actions can't be accessed nor the focus on some elements.
+ ...
+ ...
+To fix this issue, we add a `button` element, wrapping the image to allow
+the user to access the content via keyboard.
+Why we are using a `button` element instead of an `a` element?
+Because it does not navigate to a new page or resource.
+## How to run the e2e tests using the Protractor accessibility plugin
+Once we install the plugin, every time we run the e2e tests,
+Protractor will review the accessibility of your application.
+### Dependencies
+To install the [protractor-a11y-plugin], we can add the plugin into the `devDependencies` section
+in the `package.json` file,
+ "devDependencies": {
+ "bower": "^1.7.7",
+ "http-server": "^0.9.0",
+ "jasmine-core": "^2.4.1",
+ "karma": "^0.13.22",
+ "karma-chrome-launcher": "^0.2.3",
+ "karma-firefox-launcher": "^0.1.7",
+ "karma-jasmine": "^0.3.8",
+ "protractor": "^3.2.2",
+ "protractor-accessibility-plugin": "^0.1.1",
+ "shelljs": "^0.6.0"
+ }
+Now, we must tell bower to download and install these dependencies.
+npm install
+ **Note:** If you have bower installed globally, you can run `bower install`, but for this project
+ we have preconfigured `npm install` to run bower for us.
+ **Warning:** If a new version of Angular has been released since you last ran `npm install`, then
+ you may have a problem with the `bower install` due to a conflict between the versions of
+ angular.js that need to be installed. If you run into this issue, simply delete your
+ `app/bower_components` directory and then run `npm install`.
+Once the plugin is installed, we have to modify the `protractor.conf.js` file to inform Protractor
+to use this plugin too.
+ plugins: [{
+ chromeA11YDevTools: {
+ treatWarningsAsFailures: true
+ },
+ package: 'protractor-accessibility-plugin'
+ }]
+# Summary
+Our application is now accessible, thanks to these small changes.
+There you have it! We have created a web application in a relatively short amount of time. In the
+{@link the_end closing notes} we will cover where to go from here.