+ `
+export class LoadingComponent implements OnInit {
+ loading: boolean;
+ constructor(private loadingService: LoadingService) {}
+ ngOnInit() {
+ this.loadingService.loading$.subscribe(loading => {
+ console.log(loading);
+ this.loading = loading;
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/public/docs/_examples/rxjs/ts/app/loading.service.ts b/public/docs/_examples/rxjs/ts/app/loading.service.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..82e84aeb7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/docs/_examples/rxjs/ts/app/loading.service.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';
+import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
+import { Router, Event, RoutesRecognized, NavigationStart } from '@angular/router';
+import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
+export class LoadingService {
+ loading$: Observable;
+ constructor(private router: Router) {
+ this.loading$ = this.router.events.map((event: Event) => {
+ if ( event instanceof NavigationStart || event instanceof RoutesRecognized) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ // return false for NavigationEnd, NavigationError and NavigationCancel events
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/public/docs/_examples/rxjs/ts/app/main.ts b/public/docs/_examples/rxjs/ts/app/main.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..961a226688
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/docs/_examples/rxjs/ts/app/main.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+// #docregion
+import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
+import { AppModule } from './app.module';
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+++ b/public/docs/_examples/rxjs/ts/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ RxJS Observables
+ loading...
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index 0000000000..d85bc59fe3
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+++ b/public/docs/_examples/rxjs/ts/plnkr.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "description": "RxJS",
+ "files":[
+ "!**/*.d.ts",
+ "!**/*.js",
+ "!**/*.[0-9].*"
+ ],
+ "tags": ["rxjs", "observable"]
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+block includes
+ include ../_util-fns
+ **Observables** provided by the Reactive Extensions for Javascript (RxJS) library provide applications with an extensive API
+ for handling asynchronous and event-based values produced over time.
+ An application is made up of many different streams of information. Whether it be user input into
+ a form, navigating from one route another, making an HTTP request to fetch some data, updating the application view with
+ new data as its received, or many other examples, each of these events happen over time. Observables provide a interface to
+ handle the many different sources of events and help to transform these events as they flow throughout an application.
+ This guide will serve as an introductory chapter to Observables, common uses cases for Observables in an Angular application
+ and how Observables are used and provided by the Angular framework.
+ ## Table of Contents
+ * [The Observable](#definition "")
+ * [Observables and Promises](#promises "")
+ * [Observable Lifecycle](#lifecycle "")
+ * [Observer](#lifecycle "")
+ * [Subscriptions](#subscriptions "")
+ * [Creating Observables](#creating "")
+ * [Operators](#transforming "")
+ * [Error Handling](#error-handling "")
+ * [Framework APIs](#apis "")
+ * [Impact on Change Detection](#change-detection "")
+ * [Further Reading](#reading "")
+ The Observable: a function at its core
+ An Observable, simply put, is a specific type of function with a specific purpose. Its a function that accepts an `Observer` to produce values and
+ returns a function for cancellation. It represents an action that can be performed. This action may be performed right now, or at some point
+ in the future.
+ An action can be anything, from simply "return a constant" to "make an HTTP request". Here’s a simple "action" function that increments a counter
+ and returns the new value.
+ // Example of simple counter
+ The same functionality can be produced with an Observable. Observables don't return values directly, as they can be produced synchronously asynchronously.
+ An Observer is used by an Observable to consume its produced values.
+ // Example of observable counter
+ There is a key difference between these two examples. In the first counter example, the results of the action were produced when the function was called.
+ In the Observable counter, the Observable was created, with the [Observer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Observer_pattern) to produce values and the value incremented but the action hasn't been performed yet.
+ It represents an action we've defined, but it hasn't been executed.
+ // Example of subscribing to observable counter
+ Observable streams are **cold** or **lazy** by nature, meaning that until you invoke them, they will not produce
+ any values. Invoking an Observable is done using the `subscribe` method, which makes the Observable **hot** and calls the observer's method to produce
+ values. The `subscribe` function also returns an object with an `unsubscribe` from an Observable and no longer receive the values it produces.
+ // Example of unsubscribing
+ Managing the lifecycle of an Observable will be discussed later in the chapter.
+ Observables and Promises: More different than alike
+ RxJS and Observables have been around for a long time, and they aren't the first concept of handling asynchronous events. Before Observables became more prevalent,
+ the `Promise` was the primary way of handling asynchronous events. Promises and Observables share some similarities as they both handle asynchronous events,
+ both implement a function to handle execution and error handling, but they are more different then alike.
+ Promises
+ * Produce a one-time value
+ * Can be composed
+ * Are always resolved/rejected asynchronously
+ * Are always multicast to multiple receivers
+ Observables
+ * Produce a number of values over time
+ * Can be composed
+ * Resolve synchronously/asynchronously
+ * Multicast when needed
+ The strength of Observables is producing and handling values over time, which is something a Promise wasn't designed to do. Observables also provide mechanisms
+ for easy cancellation, retrying upon failure and transformations. Observables include a rich library of operators, along with the extensibility to provide a more powerful
+ tool to handle the various streams of events in an application. So does this mean Promises are no longer needed? Absolutely not. Promises will continue to serve a purpose as the right tool for the job in some situations.
+ The good news is Observables support conversion to a Promise for instances where a one-off value needs to be produced without managing the lifecycle
+ of an Observable.
+ Observable Anatomy: Next, Error, and Complete
+ Even though an Observable is a function that performs an action, it has a lifecycle. An Observable has 3 types of notifications it produces through its
+ lifetime: `next`, `error`, and `complete`.
+ The `next` is called whenever the observable produces a new value, notifying the Observer
+ that some value was produced. The `next` Observables may produce a single value, or multiple values over time. These values can be a number, string, object
+ Let's modify the HeroesReadyComponent to produce two values when subscribed.
+ // Example of Observable that produces 2 values
+ When click the `increment` button this time and subscribes to the Observable, the counter will be incremented twice and produce two values.
+ Whenever an Observable produces an error, it uses the `error` event. An error event can only happen once during the invocation of an Observable action.
+ // Example of Observable that errors
+ The Observable notifies its Observer through that an error has occurred.
+ Observables can also notify observers of completion. A completion event signals that no more values will be produced by the Observable. Like the error event,
+ a completion event can only happen once.
+ // Example of Observable that produces values, then completes
+ Observer: The Observable's Consumer
+ An Observer is provided to an Observable to consume its values produced. An observer provides callbacks for the notification types produced by an Observable: `next`,
+ `error`, and `complete`.
+ An Observer is provided to an Observable through the `subscribe` method in 2 ways
+ * As a single object containing 3 callbacks for each notification.
+ * As 3 arguments in the subscribe method for each notification
+ // Example of single object and logging out each notification
+ // Example of 3 arguments to subscribe method
+ Subscription: Maintaining of resources
+ As mentioned earlier, an Observable is not invoked until its `subscribed` to. This starts the execution of the Observable to produce values or events to an Observer.
+ This subscription is an allocation of resources for the action performed by the Observable. Naturally, you want to clean up resources used by the Observable when
+ finished with its execution. Each time an Observable is subscribed, it returns a `Subscription`. The `Subscription` is an object that handles the resources provided
+ by the Observable, along with the `unsubscribe`. The `unsubscribe` method provided by the `Subscription` disposes of the resources allocated by the Observable.
+ // Example of unsubscribing
+ As a general rule and good practice, resources that are allocated and used must be cleaned up, and the Observable subscription is no different. Angular provides
+ APIs that manage Observable lifecycles without the need to unsubscribe, but for those Observables you create, cleanup of resources is a must to protect against
+ memory leaks and other unwanted side effects.
+ // Example of unsubscribe in ngOnDestroy
+ In this example, only one subscription is used and disposed of. Managing multiple subscriptions using the `unsubscribe` method
+ has the potential to get unwieldy. You'll learn about different ways to to end subscriptions of multiple Observables later in the chapter.
+ // Example of unsubscribe using a Subject
+ Operators: Observable functions
+ The Observable prototype contains many `operators`, which are methods that perform an operation. Operators are **pure functions**
+ that are stateless. Stateless operators are less error-prone as they are provided an Observable, in which an operation is performed on,
+ and return a new Observable, without modifying the original Observable. The Observable prototype comes with a minimal set of operators by default,
+ with a large set of operators that can be added. Operators are also used to (create Observable instances) from existing events.
+ There are different ways to access the operators provided by RxJS: By patching the Observable prototype or by importing the operator functions directly.
+ Each operator only needs to be patched on the prototype once, but where you choose to patch the Observable requires consideration. We'll examine a
+ few options below:
+ // Example of importing entire rxjs/Rx library
+ By importing `rxjs/Rx`, the **entire** set of RxJS operators are added to the Observable prototype. In most cases, you will only use a subset of
+ the available operators and adding the entire set increases the overall bundle size of your application. This is
+ only recommended for sample apps, and in testing environments.
+ // Example of patching the Observable prototype
+ Since minimizing bundle size is a recommended practice, you should only import the operators you need, where you need them.
+ This approach includes importing operators multiple times in different files, but safeguards against using operators
+ without having patched the Observable prototype first. Since feature areas can be loaded lazily, this also allows you the benefit
+ of keeping certain operators in separate bundles and only loaded them when needed.
+ // Example of importing operators directly
+ // Note about tree-shaking when pat
+ NOTE: Operators patched onto the Observable prototype that are unused will not be tree-shaken.
+ Operators can also be directly imported and used without patching the Observable prototype. This is the
+ recommended option for third-party libraries, staying with the approach to only import what you need. It
+ is also more suited for tree-shaking when bundling your Angular application.
+ * Pure functions
+ Subscribe
+ Produce Values
+ Unsubscribe
+ Complete
+ Observer
+ - Provided to an Observable
+ - Next, Error, Complete callbacks
+ - Next to produce values
+ - Error when errors occur
+ - Complete when observable completes
+ Subscription
+ - Function to release resources allocated to Observable
+ - Returns object with unsubscribe to clean up
+ - ngOnDestroy vs takeUntil
+ Creating Observables
+ - From events
+ - From a Promise
+ - From multiple observables
+ - Example: Create observable from input on blur event
+ Subject
+ - Is an Observable
+ - Keeps an internal list of subscribers
+ - Multicasting to multiple receivers
+ - Observable unicast to one receiver for execution
+ - Example: Counter using a subject
+ BehaviorSubject
+ - Is an Observable
+ - Keeps a memory of the current value
+ - Each subscriber gets the same value
+ - Example: EventAggregator Service
+ Operators
+ - Stateless
+ - Pure
+ - Less error prone
+ - Chainable
+ - Fluent
+ - Import all vs Direct Import vs Observable patch
+ RxJS in Angular Framework
+ - Uses Observables internally
+ - Only uses what's needed
+ - Imports operators
+ - Exposes Reactive APIs
+ - Async Pipe
+ - Reactive Forms
+ - HTTP
+ - Router
+ - Example: Hero Search Typeahead
+ * Provide simple definition of what an Observable is.
+ * Talk about the predecessor to Observables - The Promise
+ * Why Observables are more prevalent.
+ * Also support conversion to a promise.
+ Creating Observables
+ cold/hot
+ subscribe - next/error/complete
+ unsubscribe
+ * Observable
+ * Subject
+ * BehaviorSubject
+ Handling Lifecycle
+ Subscription
+ takeUntil
+ Operators: Transforming Observables
+ Import entire lib/Import where used/rxjs-extensions file
+ Observable patch prototype vs direct import
+ - chaining
+ - tree shaking
+ Creation Operators
+ * fromEvent
+ * of
+ Transforming Operators
+ * map
+ * (flat)mergeMap
+ * switchMap
+ * toPromise
+ * share
+ Filtering operators
+ * distinctUntilChanged
+ * filter
+ * debounceTime
+ Utility operators
+ * do
+ * delay
+ Error Handling
+ * catch
+ * retry
+ Sharing data
+ * Event Aggregator service
+ * share value between all subscribers
+ Observables within Angular
+ Only makes use of minimal set
+ Framework APIs
+ * Outputs (Event Emitter)
+ * Forms (Reactive Forms)
+ * valueChanges
+ * distinctUntilChanged
+ * debounceTime
+ * Async Pipe (Handles template subscriptions)
+ * switchMap
+ * Router (Parameters, Events)
+ * loaded
+ * Http (All request methods)
+ * toPromise
+ * catch
+ * retry
+ Impact on Change Detection
+ * Use with Inputs
+ * Change detection triggered
+ * OnPush ChangeDetectionStrategy
+ Further Reading
+ * Official Docs