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angela edited this page Oct 3, 2020 · 4 revisions

Hiccups During Install / Encountered Bugs

Different environments open up opportunities for "bugs" or things that simply need to be tended to, in order for Resgen to do it's thing.

(Note that none of these are directly related to Resgen, but are environment-specific, such as running out-of-date components)

These are some "bugs" ran into during initial testing:


..OpenSSL version is out of date..

Your OS is plausibly out of date. Run any pending updates offered by Apple.

If the message persists after upgrading, target the OpenSSL application for updates. In Terminal, run the following:

brew upgrade openssl

Then, clear out any old versions, with:

brew cleanup openssl

Cross-Platform Issues

..Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "nokogiri"..

Your Ruby or Ruby Gems version is probably out of date. Try running any pending updates on your operating system. Failing that, the following should help:

  • Delete Gemfile.lock if it exists
  • Run bundle update inside the Resgen directory from your Terminal

Error still persists? Try:

gem install nokogiri

inside the Resgen directory from your Terminal

Last resort options

Under most circumstances, you won't need to go this far, but the options are here, in case you have a unique case. Debian / Ubuntu-based systems:

sudo apt-get install build-essential patch ruby-dev zlib1g-dev liblzma-dev

CentOS / RHEL systems:

sudo yum install -y gcc ruby-devel zlib-devel
sudo yum install -y rubygem-nokogiri


gem update --system
xcode-select --install
gem install nokogiri

Clean Slate

To reset your installation:

  • Remomove the applied/ folder
  • Remove the finished_resume/ folder
  • Open config.yml and remove the entire block (including):
# auto-generated values by resgen - delete everything below to reset your installation:
  • Delete Gemfile.lock
  • In your terminal, in the resgen directory, run: bundle clean (read the warning!)

Still having issues? Please open an issue

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