Lambda Calculus just has variables, functions, and function applications. It is a "dynamic" language without static types.
λx. x y z
Types can help distinguish terms and their intended purpose. Each type is a simple name or an arrow.
1 : Integer
f : Integer -> Integer
System F adds the ability for objects to be parameterized with quantified type variables. In LSTS type variables are represented with lowercase identifiers.
Some : a -> Maybe<a>
System F<: adds the ability for objects to become subtypes (<:) of a hierarchical type system.
In standard notation this might look something like this:
type X implies Y;
(x : X) <: Y # yes
In plural notation the subtyping relations can often be expanded to clarify a bit more of what is going on.
(x : X+Y) <: Y # yes
Specialization adds the ability to pun (overload) functions onto the same identifier. Then, when applied, punned functions are "narrowed as necessary" to decide which function to apply.
Nominal Types can be associated with logical properties. When a Type carries a proposition, in order to soundly fulfill that proposition two things need to be independently proven:
- The term carries the proposition's name (for example
) - The name is only given to terms that satisfy the proposition's semantic conditions (
lists are sorted)
Condition 1 is already working in the type system, however condition 2 will require some significant work. This feature is a prerequisite for fully certified builds.
Many novel type systems can be expressed as Phi Types. The term "Phi Type" comes from the more widely recognized Phi Functions in Single Static Assignment form. A Phi Function is used to merge variables coming from two separate parent code paths. A Phi Type is similarly used to merge types coming from two separate parent code paths.
Phi types can also have state transitions decorated onto the inference graph.
For example the fclose function will cause a state transition from FileState::Open
to FileState::Closed