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single_demo_grasp module

The single_demo_grasp module contains the SingleDemoGraspLearner class, which inherits from the abstract class LearnerRL.

Class SingleDemoGraspLearner

Bases: engine.learners.LearnerRL

The SingleDemoGraspLearner class is a wrapper class based on Detectron2 implementation of Keypoint-rcnn keypoint architecture. This module is used to train a keypoint detection module which its predictions are utilized to extract planar grasp poses that are translated to 6D grasp pose. A demonstration is then provided as an example in the projects directory.

The SingleDemoGraspLearner class has the following public methods:

SingleDemoGraspLearner constructor

Constructor parameters:

  • lr: float, default=8e-4
    Specifies the learning rate to be used during training.
  • iters: int, default=1000
    Specifies the number of steps the training should run for.
  • batch_size: int, default=512
    Specifies the batch size during training for network's ROI_HEADS per image.
  • img_per_step: int, default=2
    Training images per step per GPU.
  • data_directory: str, default=None
    Specifies a path where the learner class stores saves checkpoints for each object.
  • device: {'cpu', 'cuda'}, default='cuda'
    Specifies the device to be used.
  • object_name: str, default=None
    Name of the object to be used. It should be specified correctly as it is used to find the path to the augmented dataset.
  • num_classes: int, default=1
    Number of classes depending on how many objects are used for training.
  • num_workers: int, default=2
    number of data loading workers
  • threshold: float, default=8e-1
    Specifies the threshold to filter out outputs of inference based on prediction score.

Train the agent on the environment. This method does not accept any parameters as they are automatically set duting learner initialization.


SingleDemoGraspLearner.infer(self, img_data):

Runs inference on a single image frame.


  • img_data:
    Path to save the model, including the filename., path)

Saves the model in the path provided.


  • path: str
    Path to save the model, including the filename.


SingleDemoGraspLearner.load(self, path_to_model)

Loads a model from the path provided.


  • path_to_model: str
    Path of the model to be loaded., path, verbose, object_name)

Loads a model from the path provided.


  • path: str, default=None
    Path for downloading content.
  • object_name: str, default=None
    Name of the object to download its corresponding pretrained model and data.

Workspace Setup

In order to run the demo, Webots simulator is required.

  • download Webots 2021b for your platform from here and install it
  • install webots-ros, where ROS_DISTRO must be either melodic or noetic
$ sudo apt-get install ros-ROS_DISTRO-webots-ros
  • set the environment variable below, by pointing to the location where Webots was installed. In ubuntu you can do so by executing the following command in a terminal:
$ export WEBOTS_HOME=/usr/local/webots

From the OpenDR folder, the workspace can be setup by installing the compilation and runtime dependencies:

$ make install_compilation_dependencies
$ make install_runtime_dependencies

after installing dependencies, the user must source the workspace in the shell in order to detect the packages:

$ source projects/control/single_demo_grasp/simulation_ws/devel/setup.bash


Three different nodes must be launched consecutively in order to properly run the grasping pipeline:

  1. first, the simulation environment must be loaded. open a new terminal and run the following commands:
1. $ cd path/to/opendr/home # change accordingly
2. $ source bin/setup.bash
3. $ source projects/control/single_demo_grasp/simulation_ws/devel/setup.bash
4. $ export WEBOTS_HOME=/usr/local/webots
5. $ roslaunch single_demo_grasping_demo panda_sim.launch
  1. secondly, open a second terminal and run camera stream node that runs inference on images from camera:
1. $ cd path/to/opendr/home # change accordingly
2. $ source bin/setup.bash
3. $ source projects/control/single_demo_grasp/simulation_ws/devel/setup.bash
4. $ roslaunch single_demo_grasping_demo camera_stream_inference.launch
  1. finally, open a third terminal and run commander node to control the robot step by step:
1. $ cd path/to/opendr/home # change accordingly
2. $ source bin/setup.bash
3. $ source projects/control/single_demo_grasp/simulation_ws/devel/setup.bash
4. $ roslaunch single_demo_grasping_demo panda_sim_control.launch


You can find an example on how to use the learner class to run inference and see the result in the following directory:

$ cd projects/control/single_demo_grasp/simulation_ws/src/single_demo_grasping_demo/inference/

simply run:

1. $ cd path/to/opendr/home # change accordingly
2. $ source bin/setup.bash
3. $ source projects/control/single_demo_grasp/simulation_ws/devel/setup.bash
4. $ cd projects/control/single_demo_grasp/simulation_ws/src/single_demo_grasping_demo/inference/
5. $ ./