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gem module

The gem module contains the GemLearner class, which inherits from the abstract class Learner.

Class GemLearner

Bases: engine.learners.Learner

The GemLearner class is a multimodal wrapper inspired by DETR [1] object detection algorithm based on the original DETR implementation. The fusion methodologies employed in GemLearner are explained in GEM article [2]. It can be used to perform object detection on images (inference) and train GEM object detection models.

The GemLearner class has the following public methods:

GemLearner constructor

GemLearner(self, model_config_path, dataset_config_path, iters, lr, batch_size, optimizer, backbone, checkpoint_after_iter, checkpoint_load_iter, temp_path, device, threshold, num_classes, panoptic_segmentation)

Constructor parameters:

  • model_config_path: str, default="OpenDR/src/perception/object_detection_2d/gem/algorithm/config/model_config.yaml" Specifies the path to the config file that contains the additional parameters from the original DETR implementation.
  • dataset_config_path: str, default="OpenDR/src/perception/object_detection_2d/gem/algorithm/config/dataset_config.yaml" The dataset folder structure e.g., image folders and annotation files location are defined here.
  • iters: int, default=10 Specifies the number of epochs the training should run for.
  • lr: float, default=1e-4 Specifies the initial learning rate to be used during training.
  • batch_size: int, default=1 Specifies number of images to be bundled up in a batch during training. This heavily affects memory usage, adjust according to your system.
  • optimizer: {'sgd', 'adam', 'adamw'}, default='adamw' Specifies the type of optimizer that is used during training.
  • backbone: {'resnet50'}, default='resnet50' Specifies the backbone architecture. Currently only supports 'resnet50'.
  • checkpoint_after_iter: int, default=0 Specifies per how many training iterations a checkpoint should be saved. If it is set to 0 no checkpoints will be saved.
  • checkpoint_load_iter: int, default=0 Specifies which checkpoint should be loaded. If it is set to 0, no checkpoints will be loaded.
  • temp_path: str, default='temp' Specifies a path where the algorithm looks for pretrained backbone weights, the checkpoints are saved along with the logging files.
  • device: {'cpu', 'cuda'}, default='cuda' Specifies the device to be used.
  • threshold: float, default=0.7 Specifies the threshold for object detection inference. An object is detected if the confidence of the output is higher than the specified threshold.
  • num_classes: int, default=91 Specifies the number of classes of the model. The default is 91, since this is the number of classes in the COCO dataset, but modifying the num_classes allows the user to train on its own dataset. It is also possible to use pretrained DETR models with the specified num_classes, since the head of the pretrained model with be modified appropriately. An example below demonstrates this. In this way, a model that was pretrained on the coco dataset can be finetuned to another dataset. Training on other datasets than COCO can be done by defining dataset folder structure details in dataset_config.yaml and using corresponding num_classes.
  • panoptic_segmentation: bool, default=False Specifies whether the model returns, next to bounding boxes, segmentations of objects. Currently this feature is not supported in GEM., m1_train_edataset, m2_train_edataset, annotations_folder, m1_train_annotations_file, m2_train_annotations_file, m1_train_images_folder, m2_train_images_folder, out_dir, trial_dir, logging_path, silent, verbose, m1_val_edataset, m2_val_edataset, m1_val_annotations_file, m2_val_annotations_file, m1_val_images_folder, m2_val_images_folder)

This method is used for training the algorithm on a train dataset and validating on a val dataset. Returns a dictionary containing stats regarding the last evaluation ran.


  • m1_train_edataset: object, default=None Object that holds the training dataset. Can be of type ExternalDataset or a custom dataset inheriting from DatasetIterator. If None, ExternalDataset type is assigned automatically.
  • m2_train_edataset: object, default=None Same as m1_train_edataset.
  • annotations_folder : str, default=None Foldername of the annotations json file. This folder may only be provided in the dataset_config.yaml file.
  • m1_train_annotations_file : str, default=None Filename of the train annotations json file. This file may only be provided in the dataset_config.yaml file.
  • m2_train_annotations_file : str, default=None Same as m1_train_annotations_file.
  • m1_train_images_folder : str, default=None Name of the folder that contains the train dataset images. This folder may only be provided in the dataset_config.yaml file. Note that this is a folder (or a nested-folder) name, not a path.
  • m2_train_images_folder : str, default=None Same as m1_train_images_folder.
  • out_dir: str, default='outputs' Output root folder to save the outputs of training sessions initiated by fit function.
  • trial_dir: str, default='trial' Each training session checkpoints are saved in here. If the folder already exists, a new folder is created with current date and time appended to the name of the existing one for the new training trial.
  • logging_path : str, default='' Path to save Tensorboard log files. If set to None or '', Tensorboard logging is disabled.
  • silent : bool, default=False If True, all printing of training progress reports and other information to STDOUT are disabled.
  • verbose : bool, default=True Enables the maximum verbosity.
  • m1_val_edataset: object, default=None Object that holds the training dataset. Can be of type ExternalDataset or a custom dataset inheriting from DatasetIterator. If None, ExternalDataset type is assigned automatically.
  • m2_val_edataset: object, default=None Same as m1_val_edataset.
  • m1_val_annotations_file : str, default=None Filename of the train annotations json file. This file may only be provided in the dataset_config.yaml file.
  • m2_val_annotations_file : str, default=None Same as m1_val_annotations_file.
  • m1_val_images_folder : str, default=None Name of the folder that contains the train dataset images. This folder may only be provided in the dataset_config.yaml file. Note that this is a folder (or a nested-folder) name, not a path.
  • m2_val_images_folder : str, default=None Same as m1_val_images_folder.


GemLearner.eval(self, m1_edataset, m2_edataset, m1_images_folder, m2_images_folder, annotations_folder, m1_annotations_file, m2_annotations_file, verbose)

This method is used to evaluate a trained model on an evaluation dataset. Returns a dictionary containing stats regarding evaluation.


  • m1_edataset : object, default=None ExternalDataset class object or DatasetIterator class object. Object that holds the evaluation dataset. If None, ExternalDataset type is assigned automatically.
  • m2_edataset : object, default=None Same as m1_edataset.
  • m1_images_folder : str, default='m1_val2017' Folder name that contains the dataset images. This folder may only be provided in the dataset_config.yaml file. Note that this is a folder (or a nested-folder) name, not a path.
  • m2_images_folder : str, default='m2_val2017' Same as m1_images_folder.
  • annotations_folder : str, default='Annotations' Folder name of the annotations json file. This folder may only be provided in the dataset_config.yaml file.
  • m1_annotations_file : str, default='m1_instances_val2017.json' Filename of the annotations json file. This file may only be provided in the dataset_config.yaml file.
  • m2_annotations_file : str, default='m2_instances_val2017.json' Same as m1_annotations_file.
  • verbose : bool, default=True Enables the maximum verbosity.


GemLearner.infer(self, m1_image, m2_image)

This method is used to perform object detection on an image. Returns an object, which contains bounding boxes that are described by the left-top corner and its width and height, or returns an empty list if no detections were made. Also returns the weights of the two modalities.


  • m1_image : object Image of type class or np.array. Image to run inference on.
  • m2_image : object Same as m1_image., path, verbose)

This method is used to save a trained model. Provided with the path, it creates the "name" directory, if it does not already exist. Inside this folder, the model is saved as "name.pth" and the metadata file as "name".json. If the directory already exists, the "name.pth" and "name".json files are overwritten.


  • path: str Path to save the model, including the filename.
  • verbose: bool, default=False Enables the maximum verbosity.


GemLearner.load(self, path, verbose)

This method is used to load a previously saved model from its saved folder. Loads the model from inside the directory of the path provided, using the metadata.json file included.


  • path: str Path of the model to be loaded.
  • verbose: bool, default=False Enables maximum verbosity, path, mode, verbose)

Download utility for downloading pretrained models and test data.


  • path : str, default=None Determines the path to the location where the downloaded files will be stored.
  • mode : str, default='pretrained_gem' Determines the files that will be downloaded. Valid values are: "weights_detr", "pretrained_detr", "pretrained_gem", "test_data_l515" and "test_data_sample_images". In case of "weights_detr", the weigths for single modal DETR with resnet50 backbone are downloaded. In case of "pretrained_detr", the weigths for single modal pretrained DETR with resnet50 backbone are downloaded. In case of "pretrained_gem", the weights from 'gem_scavg_e294_mAP0983_rn50_l515_7cls.pth' (backbone: 'resnet50', fusion_method: 'scalar averaged', trained on RGB-Infrared l515_dataset are downloaded. In case of "test_data_l515", the RGB-Infrared l515 dataset is downloaded from the OpenDR server. In case of "test_data_sample images", two sample images for testing the infer function are downloaded.
  • verbose : bool, default=False Enables the maximum verbosity.

Demo and Tutorial

An inference demo and tutorial are available.


  • Training example: The details of multimodal training and evaluation dataset should be described in the dataset_config.yaml file. The batch_size argument should be adjusted according to available memory.
from opendr.perception.object_detection_2d import GemLearner

learner = GemLearner(iters=1, batch_size=1, num_classes=7)

To load pretrained weights from single modal DETR trained on COCO dataset and save after the training is finished:

from opendr.perception.object_detection_2d.gem.gem_learner import GemLearner

learner = GemLearner(iters=1, batch_size=1, num_classes=7)'pretrained_detr')'./saved_models/trained_model')
  • Inference and result drawing example on the sample images can be downloaded from OpenDR server, similar to single modal inference in detr_demo colab. This example shows how to perform inference on sample images and draw the resulting bounding boxes using a gem model that is pretrained on the RGB-Infrared l515 datset.
from opendr.perception.object_detection_2d import GemLearner
from opendr.perception.object_detection_2d.gem.algorithm.util.draw import draw
from import Image
import cv2

# First we initialize the learner
learner = GemLearner(num_classes=7, device='cuda')
# Next, we download a pretrained model'pretrained_gem')
# And some sample images'test_data_sample_images')
# We now read the sample images
m1_img ='temp/sample_images/rgb/2021_04_22_21_35_47_852516.jpg')
m2_img ='temp/sample_images/aligned_infra/2021_04_22_21_35_47_852516.jpg')
# Perform inference
bounding_box_list, w_sensor1, _ = learner.infer(m1_img, m2_img)
# Visualize the detections
# The blue/green bar shows the weights of the two modalities
# Fully blue means relying purely on the first modality
# Fully green means relying purely on the second modality
cv2.imshow('Detections', draw(m1_img.opencv(), bounding_box_list, w_sensor1))


[1] Carion N., Massa F., Synnaeve G., Usunier N., Kirillov A., Zagoruyko S. (2020) End-to-End Object Detection with Transformers. In: Vedaldi A., Bischof H., Brox T., Frahm JM. (eds) Computer Vision – ECCV 2020. ECCV 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12346. Springer, Cham. doi, arXiv.

[2] Mazhar, O., Babuska, R., & Kober, J. (2021). GEM: Glare or Gloom, I Can Still See You - End-to-End Multi-Modal Object Detection. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 6(4), 6321-6328. doi, arXiv.