diff --git a/+adi/+AD3552R/Base.m b/+adi/+AD3552R/Base.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2604a01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/+adi/+AD3552R/Base.m
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+classdef (Abstract) Base < ...
+ adi.common.RxTx & ...
+ matlabshared.libiio.base & ...
+ adi.common.Attribute
+ % adi.AD3552R.Tx Transmit data to the AD3552R high speed DAC
+ % The adi.AD3552R.Tx System object is a signal source that can send
+ % complex data from the AD3552R.
+ %
+ % tx = adi.AD3552R.Tx;
+ % tx = adi.AD3552R.Tx('uri','');
+ %
+ % AD3552R Datasheet
+ %
+ % See also adi.CN0585.Tx
+ properties (Nontunable)
+ % SamplesPerFrame Samples Per Frame
+ % Number of samples per frame, specified as an even positive
+ % integer from 2 to 16,777,216. Using values less than 3660 can
+ % yield poor performance.
+ SamplesPerFrame = 2 ^ 15;
+ end
+ properties (Nontunable, Hidden)
+ Timeout = Inf;
+ kernelBuffersCount = 2;
+ dataTypeStr = 'uint16';
+ end
+ properties (Abstract, Hidden, Constant)
+ Type
+ end
+ properties (Hidden, Constant)
+ ComplexData = false;
+ end
+ properties
+ % InputSource
+ % Lists all the available input sources of the DAC.
+ % Options are: 'adc_input', 'dma_input', 'ramp_input'.
+ % Example: InputSource = 'dma_input';
+ InputSource = 'dma_input';
+ end
+ properties
+ % OutputRange
+ % Lists all the available voltage ranges of the output signal.
+ % Options are: '0/2.5V', '0/5V', '0/10V', '-5/+5V', '-10/+10V'.
+ % Example: OutputRange = '-10/+10V';
+ OutputRange = '-10/+10V';
+ end
+ properties
+ InputSourceSet = matlab.system.StringSet({...
+ 'adc_input', 'dma_input', 'ramp_input'})
+ OutputRangeSet = matlab.system.StringSet({...
+ '0/2.5V', '0/5V', '0/10V', '-5/+5V', '-10/+10V'})
+ end
+ methods
+ %% Constructor
+ function obj = Base(varargin)
+ % Returns the matlabshared.libiio.base object
+ coder.allowpcode('plain');
+ obj = obj@matlabshared.libiio.base(varargin{:});
+ end
+ % Check SamplesPerFrame
+ function set.SamplesPerFrame(obj, value)
+ validateattributes(value, {'double', 'single'}, ...
+ {'real', 'positive', 'scalar', 'finite', 'nonnan', 'nonempty', 'integer', '>', 0, '<', 2 ^ 20 + 1}, ...
+ '', 'SamplesPerFrame');
+ obj.SamplesPerFrame = value;
+ end
+ % Set/Get Input Source
+ function result = get.InputSource(obj)
+ result = obj.InputSource;
+ end
+ function set.InputSource(obj, value)
+ obj.InputSource = value;
+ end
+ % Set/Get Output Range
+ function result = get.OutputRange(obj)
+ result = obj.OutputRange;
+ end
+ function set.OutputRange(obj, value)
+ obj.OutputRange = value;
+ end
+ end
+ %% API Functions
+ methods (Hidden, Access = protected)
+ function icon = getIconImpl(obj)
+ icon = sprintf(['AD3552R', obj.Type]);
+ end
+ end
+ %% External Dependency Methods
+ methods (Hidden, Static)
+ function tf = isSupportedContext(bldCfg)
+ tf = matlabshared.libiio.ExternalDependency.isSupportedContext(bldCfg);
+ end
+ function updateBuildInfo(buildInfo, bldCfg)
+ % Call the matlabshared.libiio.method first
+ matlabshared.libiio.ExternalDependency.updateBuildInfo(buildInfo, bldCfg);
+ end
+ function bName = getDescriptiveName(~)
+ bName = 'AD3552R';
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/+adi/+AD3552R/Tx.m b/+adi/+AD3552R/Tx.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..10e62d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/+adi/+AD3552R/Tx.m
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+classdef Tx < adi.common.Tx & adi.AD3552R.Base
+ % adi.AD3552R.Tx Transmit data to the AD3552R high speed DAC
+ % The adi.AD3552R.Tx System object is a signal source that can send
+ % complex data from the AD3552R.
+ %
+ % tx = adi.AD3552R.Tx;
+ % tx = adi.AD3552R.Tx('uri','');
+ %
+ % AD3552R Datasheet
+ %
+ % See also adi.CN0585.Tx
+ properties (Constant)
+ % SamplingRate Sampling Rate
+ % Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar
+ % in samples per second. This value is constant.
+ SamplingRate = 15e6;
+ end
+ properties (Hidden, Nontunable, Access = protected)
+ isOutput = true;
+ end
+ properties (Nontunable, Hidden, Constant)
+ Type = 'Tx';
+ end
+ properties (Nontunable, Hidden)
+ devName = 'axi-ad3552r';
+ phyDevName = 'axi-ad3552r';
+ channel_names = {'voltage0', 'voltage1'};
+ end
+ properties
+ % StreamStatus
+ % Describes the status of the data streaming.
+ % Options are: 'start_stream_synced', 'start_stream', 'stop_stream'.
+ % Example: StreamStatus = 'stop_stream';
+ StreamStatus = 'stop_stream';
+ end
+ properties (Hidden, Constant)
+ StreamStatusSet = matlab.system.StringSet({ ...
+ 'start_stream_synced', 'start_stream', 'stop_stream'})
+ end
+ methods
+ %% Constructor
+ function obj = Tx(varargin)
+ % Returns the matlabshared.libiio.base object
+ coder.allowpcode('plain');
+ obj = obj@adi.AD3552R.Base(varargin{:});
+ end
+ %% Start or stop stream transfer
+ function set.StreamStatus(obj, value)
+ if obj.ConnectedToDevice
+ obj.setDeviceAttributeRAW('stream_status', value);
+ else
+ error(['StreamStatus cannot be set before initialization, ']);
+ end
+ obj.StreamStatus = value;
+ end
+ end
+ %% External Dependency Methods
+ methods (Hidden, Static)
+ function tf = isSupportedContext(bldCfg)
+ tf = matlabshared.libiio.ExternalDependency.isSupportedContext(bldCfg);
+ end
+ function updateBuildInfo(buildInfo, bldCfg)
+ % Call the matlabshared.libiio.method first
+ matlabshared.libiio.ExternalDependency.updateBuildInfo(buildInfo, bldCfg);
+ end
+ function bName = getDescriptiveName(~)
+ bName = 'AD3552R';
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/+adi/+CN0585/Base.m b/+adi/+CN0585/Base.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3edc2f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/+adi/+CN0585/Base.m
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+classdef (Abstract, Hidden = true) Base < ...
+ adi.common.RxTx & ...
+ adi.common.Attribute & ...
+ matlabshared.libiio.base
+ %adi.CN0585.Base Class
+ % This class contains shared parameters and methods between TX and RX
+ % classes
+ properties (Hidden)
+ iioOneBitADCDAC;
+ HDLSystemID
+ end
+ methods
+ %% Constructor
+ function obj = Base(varargin)
+ coder.allowpcode('plain');
+ obj = obj@matlabshared.libiio.base(varargin{:});
+ end
+ function result = CheckMathWorksCore(obj)
+ result = contains(obj.HDLSystemID, "matlab");
+ end
+ end
+ %% API Functions
+ methods (Hidden, Access = protected)
+ function setupInit(obj)
+ obj.iioOneBitADCDAC = getDev(obj, 'one-bit-adc-dac');
+ obj.setAttributeBool('voltage0', 'raw', boolean(1), true, obj.iioOneBitADCDAC);
+ obj.setAttributeBool('voltage1', 'raw', boolean(1), true, obj.iioOneBitADCDAC);
+ obj.setAttributeBool('voltage2', 'raw', boolean(1), true, obj.iioOneBitADCDAC);
+ obj.setAttributeBool('voltage3', 'raw', boolean(1), true, obj.iioOneBitADCDAC);
+ obj.setAttributeBool('voltage4', 'raw', boolean(1), true, obj.iioOneBitADCDAC);
+ obj.setAttributeBool('voltage5', 'raw', boolean(1), true, obj.iioOneBitADCDAC);
+ obj.setAttributeBool('voltage6', 'raw', boolean(1), true, obj.iioOneBitADCDAC);
+ obj.setAttributeBool('voltage7', 'raw', boolean(1), true, obj.iioOneBitADCDAC);
+ obj.setAttributeBool('voltage8', 'raw', boolean(1), true, obj.iioOneBitADCDAC);
+ obj.setAttributeBool('voltage9', 'raw', boolean(1), true, obj.iioOneBitADCDAC);
+ obj.HDLSystemID = obj.iio_context_get_attr_value(obj.iioCtx, 'hdl_system_id');
+ obj.setDeviceAttributeRAW('input_source', obj.InputSource);
+ obj.setDeviceAttributeRAW('output_range', obj.OutputRange);
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/+adi/+CN0585/Rx.m b/+adi/+CN0585/Rx.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c9c8449
--- /dev/null
+++ b/+adi/+CN0585/Rx.m
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+classdef Rx < adi.LTC2387.Rx
+ % adi.CN0585.Rx Receive data from the LTC2387 evaluation platform
+ %
+ % rx = adi.CN0585.Rx;
+ % rx = adi.CN0585.Rx('uri','');
+ %
+ % User Guide
+ %
+ % See also adi.LTC2387.Rx
+ methods
+ %% Constructor
+ function obj = Rx(varargin)
+ % Returns the matlabshared.libiio.base object
+ coder.allowpcode('plain');
+ obj = obj@adi.LTC2387.Rx(varargin{:});
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/+adi/+CN0585/Tx0.m b/+adi/+CN0585/Tx0.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..50bc2c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/+adi/+CN0585/Tx0.m
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+classdef Tx0 < adi.AD3552R.Tx & adi.CN0585.Base
+ % adi.CN0585.Tx Transmit data from the AD3552R evaluation platform
+ %
+ % tx0 = adi.CN0585.Tx0;
+ % tx0 = adi.CN0585.Tx0('uri','');
+ %
+ % User Guide
+ %
+ % See also adi.AD3552R.Tx0
+ methods
+ %% Constructor
+ function obj = Tx0(varargin)
+ % Returns the matlabshared.libiio.base object
+ coder.allowpcode('plain');
+ obj = obj@adi.AD3552R.Tx(varargin{:});
+ obj.devName = 'axi-ad3552r-0';
+ obj.phyDevName = 'axi-ad3552r-0';
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/+adi/+CN0585/Tx1.m b/+adi/+CN0585/Tx1.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..352d5e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/+adi/+CN0585/Tx1.m
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+classdef Tx1 < adi.AD3552R.Tx & adi.CN0585.Base
+ % adi.CN0585.Tx Transmit data from the AD3552R evaluation platform
+ %
+ % tx1 = adi.CN0585.Tx1;
+ % tx1 = adi.CN0585.Tx1('uri','');
+ %
+ % User Guide
+ %
+ % See also adi.AD3552R.Tx1
+ methods
+ %% Constructor
+ function obj = Tx1(varargin)
+ % Returns the matlabshared.libiio.base object
+ coder.allowpcode('plain');
+ obj = obj@adi.AD3552R.Tx(varargin{:});
+ obj.devName = 'axi-ad3552r-1';
+ obj.phyDevName = 'axi-ad3552r-1';
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/+adi/+LTC2387/Base.m b/+adi/+LTC2387/Base.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cd1badb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/+adi/+LTC2387/Base.m
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+classdef (Abstract) Base < ...
+ adi.common.RxTx & ...
+ adi.common.Attribute & ...
+ matlabshared.libiio.base
+ %LTC2387 Base Class
+ properties (Nontunable)
+ %SamplesPerFrame Samples Per Frame
+ % Number of samples per frame, specified as an even positive
+ % integer from 2 to 16,777,216. Using values less than 3660 can
+ % yield poor performance.
+ SamplesPerFrame = 2^15;
+ end
+ properties(Nontunable, Hidden)
+ Timeout = Inf;
+ kernelBuffersCount = 2;
+ dataTypeStr = 'int64';
+ end
+ properties (Abstract, Hidden, Constant)
+ Type
+ end
+ properties (Hidden, Constant)
+ ComplexData = false;
+ end
+ methods
+ %% Constructor
+ function obj = Base(varargin)
+ % Returns the matlabshared.libiio.base object
+ coder.allowpcode('plain');
+ obj = obj@matlabshared.libiio.base(varargin{:});
+ end
+ % Check SamplesPerFrame
+ function set.SamplesPerFrame(obj, value)
+ validateattributes( value, { 'double','single' }, ...
+ { 'real', 'positive','scalar', 'finite', 'nonnan', 'nonempty','integer','>',0,'<',2^20+1}, ...
+ '', 'SamplesPerFrame');
+ obj.SamplesPerFrame = value;
+ end
+ end
+ %% API Functions
+ methods (Hidden, Access = protected)
+ function icon = getIconImpl(obj)
+ icon = sprintf(['LTC2387 ',obj.Type]);
+ end
+ end
+ %% External Dependency Methods
+ methods (Hidden, Static)
+ function tf = isSupportedContext(bldCfg)
+ tf = matlabshared.libiio.ExternalDependency.isSupportedContext(bldCfg);
+ end
+ function updateBuildInfo(buildInfo, bldCfg)
+ % Call the matlabshared.libiio.method first
+ matlabshared.libiio.ExternalDependency.updateBuildInfo(buildInfo, bldCfg);
+ end
+ function bName = getDescriptiveName(~)
+ bName = 'LTC2387';
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/+adi/+LTC2387/Rx.m b/+adi/+LTC2387/Rx.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0b1c6d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/+adi/+LTC2387/Rx.m
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+classdef Rx < adi.common.Rx & adi.LTC2387.Base & adi.common.Attribute
+ % adi.LTC2387.Rx Receive data from the LTC2387 high speed ADC
+ % The adi.LTC2387.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive
+ % complex data from the LTC2387.
+ %
+ % rx = adi.LTC2387.Rx;
+ % rx = adi.LTC2387.Rx('uri','');
+ %
+ % LTC2387 Datasheet
+ %
+ % See also adi.CN0585.Rx
+ properties (Dependent)
+ %SamplingRate Sampling Rate
+ % Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar
+ % in samples per second. This value is constant
+ SamplingRate
+ end
+ properties (Hidden, Nontunable, Access = protected)
+ isOutput = false;
+ end
+ properties(Nontunable, Hidden, Constant)
+ Type = 'Rx';
+ end
+ properties (Nontunable, Hidden)
+ devName = 'ltc2387';
+ phyDevName = 'ltc2387';
+ channel_names = {'voltage0','voltage1','voltage2','voltage3'};
+ end
+ methods
+ %% Constructor
+ function obj = Rx(varargin)
+ % Returns the matlabshared.libiio.base object
+ coder.allowpcode('plain');
+ obj = obj@adi.LTC2387.Base(varargin{:});
+ end
+ function value = get.SamplingRate(obj)
+ if obj.ConnectedToDevice
+ value= obj.getAttributeLongLong('voltage0','sampling_frequency',false);
+ else
+ value = NaN;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ %% API Functions
+ methods (Hidden, Access = protected)
+ function setupInit(~)
+ %unused
+ end
+ end
+ %% External Dependency Methods
+ methods (Hidden, Static)
+ function tf = isSupportedContext(bldCfg)
+ tf = matlabshared.libiio.ExternalDependency.isSupportedContext(bldCfg);
+ end
+ function updateBuildInfo(buildInfo, bldCfg)
+ % Call the matlabshared.libiio.method first
+ matlabshared.libiio.ExternalDependency.updateBuildInfo(buildInfo, bldCfg);
+ end
+ function bName = getDescriptiveName(~)
+ bName = 'LTC2387';
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/+adi/Contents.m b/+adi/Contents.m
index 735aea5..dfdc479 100644
--- a/+adi/Contents.m
+++ b/+adi/Contents.m
@@ -14,3 +14,10 @@
% AD4858 - ADC
% AD2S1210 - Resolver-to-Digital Converter
% AD4020 - ADC
+% AD43552R - DAC
+% LTC2387 - DAC
+% Boards and Platforms
+% -----------------------
+% CN0585 - FMC development board for precision data acquisition
diff --git a/+adi/Version.m b/+adi/Version.m
index cffb464..f749edb 100644
--- a/+adi/Version.m
+++ b/+adi/Version.m
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
% Version
% BSP Version information
properties (Constant)
- MATLAB = 'R2021b'
+ Vivado = '2022.2'
+ MATLAB = 'R2022a'
Release = '21.2.1'
AppName = 'Analog Devices, Inc. Precision Toolbox'
ToolboxName = 'PrecisionToolbox'
diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
index 12bf1fc..73fe3bc 100644
--- a/.gitmodules
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
[submodule "+adi/+common"]
path = +adi/+common
url = https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/ToolboxCommon.git
+ branch = master
+[submodule "CI/scripts"]
+ path = CI/scripts
+ url = https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/ToolboxCI.git
+ branch = master
diff --git a/CI/doc/SysObjsProps.m b/CI/doc/SysObjsProps.m
index c088b24..6983493 100644
--- a/CI/doc/SysObjsProps.m
+++ b/CI/doc/SysObjsProps.m
@@ -9,3 +9,4 @@
% * AD7768
% * AD2S1210
% * AD4020
+% * CN0585 and
diff --git a/CI/doc/genhtml.m b/CI/doc/genhtml.m
index 77043be..cad2ec3 100644
--- a/CI/doc/genhtml.m
+++ b/CI/doc/genhtml.m
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
mfiledir = '..\..\+adi\';
docdir = '..\..\doc\';
-parts = {'AD4630','AD4030','AD463x','AD7768','AD4858','AD2S1210','AD4020'};
+parts = {'AD4630','AD4030','AD463x','AD7768','AD4858','AD2S1210','AD4020','CN0585'};
trx_files = {'Rx','Base','Tx'};
for ii = 1:numel(parts)
for jj = 1:numel(trx_files)
diff --git a/CI/gen_doc/docs/assets/rd_cn0585.svg b/CI/gen_doc/docs/assets/rd_cn0585.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b00ccdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CI/gen_doc/docs/assets/rd_cn0585.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
diff --git a/CI/gen_doc/docs/gen_hdl_refdesigns.py b/CI/gen_doc/docs/gen_hdl_refdesigns.py
index 74f8c07..45e991b 100644
--- a/CI/gen_doc/docs/gen_hdl_refdesigns.py
+++ b/CI/gen_doc/docs/gen_hdl_refdesigns.py
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ def update_hdl_refdesigns():
objs[obj]["rd_image"] = "ad9361"
elif objs[obj]["name"] in ["adrv9002"]:
objs[obj]["rd_image"] = "adrv9001"
+ elif objs[obj]["name"] in ["cn0585"]:
+ objs[obj]["rd_image"] = "cn0585"
objs[obj]["rd_image"] = "jesd"
diff --git a/CI/gen_doc/docs/gen_rd_svg.py b/CI/gen_doc/docs/gen_rd_svg.py
index 8cb6f6b..3c833be 100644
--- a/CI/gen_doc/docs/gen_rd_svg.py
+++ b/CI/gen_doc/docs/gen_rd_svg.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import os
def gen_rd_svg():
- refs = ["rd_ad9361","rd_adrv9001","rd_jesd"]
+ refs = ["rd_ad9361","rd_adrv9001","rd_cn0585","rd_jesd"]
css_out = ""
for ref in refs:
@@ -10,8 +10,10 @@ def gen_rd_svg():
svg = f.read()
selectable_boxes = {
+ "AXIAD3552RBox": {"link": "https://wiki.analog.com/resources/fpga/docs/axi_ad3552r"},
"AXIAD9361Box": {"link": "https://wiki.analog.com/resources/fpga/docs/axi_ad9361"},
"AXIADRV9002Box": {"link": "https://wiki.analog.com/resources/eval/user-guides/adrv9002/axi_adrv9002"},
+ "AXILTC2387Box": {"link": "https://wiki.analog.com/resources/fpga/docs/axi_ltc2387"},
"TxDMAEngineBox": {"link": "https://wiki.analog.com/resources/fpga/docs/axi_dmac"},
"TxUPACKBox": {"link": "https://wiki.analog.com/resources/fpga/docs/util_upack"},
"TxFIFOBox": {"link": "https://wiki.analog.com/resources/fpga/docs/util_rfifo"},
diff --git a/CI/gen_doc/docs/gen_sysobj_doc.m b/CI/gen_doc/docs/gen_sysobj_doc.m
index f4e0c29..1256284 100644
--- a/CI/gen_doc/docs/gen_sysobj_doc.m
+++ b/CI/gen_doc/docs/gen_sysobj_doc.m
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
, {'AD4858', {'Rx'}}...
, {'AD2S1210', {'Rx'}}...
, {'AD4020', {'Rx'}}...
+ , {'CN0585', {'Rx','Tx'}}...
@@ -24,9 +25,9 @@
for jj = 1:numel(rootClasses{ii}{2})
part = rootClasses{ii}{1};
tmp = rootClasses{ii}{2};
- trx_file = tmp{jj};
+ pcx_file = tmp{jj};
all_props = [];
- dotmfilename = strcat(mfiledir, '.', part, '.', trx_file);
+ dotmfilename = strcat(mfiledir, '.', part, '.', pcx_file);
props = unique(properties(dotmfilename));
for prop = 1:length(props)
diff --git a/CI/gen_doc/requirements_doc.txt b/CI/gen_doc/requirements_doc.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..060c0f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CI/gen_doc/requirements_doc.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/CI/scripts b/CI/scripts
new file mode 160000
index 0000000..c1489a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CI/scripts
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit c1489a3cf2781045900cb29e68a7b7c896200366
diff --git a/CI/scripts/Docker b/CI/scripts/Docker
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c95c6f..0000000
--- a/CI/scripts/Docker
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-FROM ubuntu:16.04
-MAINTAINER Travis Collins
-RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt update
-RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y libpng-dev libfreetype6-dev libblas-dev liblapack-dev gfortran build-essential xorg
-RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y openjdk-8-jre openjdk-8-jdk libgtk2.0-0 libxss1 libxt6 zip unzip curl wget tar git xvfb
-RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y fakeroot libncurses5-dev libssl-dev ccache dfu-util u-boot-tools device-tree-compiler
-RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y libssl-dev mtools bc python cpio zip unzip rsync file wget
-RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive dpkg --add-architecture i386
-RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y lib32stdc++6
diff --git a/CI/scripts/Makefile b/CI/scripts/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e91c39..0000000
--- a/CI/scripts/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-# Usage:
-# Example
-# make build MLRELEASE=R2018b HDLBRANCH=hdl_2018_r1
-SHELL := /bin/bash
-MLFLAGS := -nodisplay -nodesktop -nosplash
-ifeq ($(MLRELEASE),)
-MLRELEASE := R2021b
-ifeq ($(HDLBRANCH),)
-HDLBRANCH := hdl_2019_r1
-ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
-MLPATH := /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/MATLAB
-MLFLAGS := $(MLFLAGS) -wait
-UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s)
-ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Linux)
-MLPATH := /usr/local/MATLAB
-ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin)
-MLPATH := /Applications
-ifeq ($(BOARD),)
-GITTAG := $(shell git describe --tags HEAD)
- # Uses the HDLBRANCH variable
- bash build_bsp.sh
- cd ../.. ; \
- mkdir deps ; \
- cd deps ; \
- mkdir linux ; \
- cd linux ; \
- wget http://swdownloads.analog.com/cse/travis_builds/master_latest_libad9361-iio-trusty.tar.gz ; \
- tar xvf *.tar.gz ; \
- mv usr/local/lib/* . ; \
- mv usr/local/include ../ ; \
- rm -rf usr ; \
- rm *.tar.gz ; \
- cd .. ; \
- mkdir osx ; \
- cd osx ; \
- wget http://swdownloads.analog.com/cse/travis_builds/master_latest_libad9361-iio-osx_10.12.tar.gz ; \
- tar xvf *.tar.gz ; \
- cd ad9361* ; \
- mv usr/local/lib/ad9361.framework/Versions/Current/ad9361 ../libad9361.dylib ; \
- cd .. ; \
- rm -rf ad9361-*-Darwin ; \
- rm *.tar.gz ; \
- cd .. ; \
- mkdir win ; \
- cd win ; \
- wget "https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/libad9361-iio/releases/download/v0.2/libad9361-0.2-win64.zip" -O lib.zip ; \
- unzip lib.zip ; \
- mv libad9361-win64/* . ; \
- rm -rf libad9361-win64 ; \
- rm *.h ; \
- rm lib.zip
- cd ../.. ; \
- cp *.mltbx test/ ; \
- cp hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/hdlcoder_board_customization.m test/hdlcoder_board_customization_local.m ; \
- sed -i "s/hdlcoder_board_customization/hdlcoder_board_customization_local/g" test/hdlcoder_board_customization_local.m ; \
- ${MLPATH}/$(MLRELEASE)/bin/matlab $(MLFLAGS) -r "cd('test');runInstallerTests('$(BOARD)');"
- cd ../.. ; \
- ${MLPATH}/$(MLRELEASE)/bin/matlab $(MLFLAGS) -r "cd('test');runTests('$(BOARD)');"
- cd ../.. ; \
- ${MLPATH}/$(MLRELEASE)/bin/matlab $(MLFLAGS) -r "addpath(genpath('test'));addpath(genpath('deps'));runHWTests;"
- cd ../.. ; \
- ${MLPATH}/$(MLRELEASE)/bin/matlab $(MLFLAGS) -r "addpath(genpath('test'));addpath(genpath('deps'));hwTestRunner;"
- cd ../.. ; \
- ${MLPATH}/$(MLRELEASE)/bin/matlab $(MLFLAGS) -r "addpath(genpath('hdl'));cd('targeting');addpath(genpath('modem-qpsk'))"
- bash synth_designs.sh $(BOARD)
- bash targeting_designs.sh
- cd ../../trx_examples/streaming/LTE_PA_App/ ; \
- bash genInstaller.sh $(MLPATH) $(MLRELEASE) $(MLFLAGS)
- ${MLPATH}/$(MLRELEASE)/bin/matlab $(MLFLAGS) -r "genTlbx($(INCLUDE_EXAMPLES));exit();"
- ${MLPATH}/$(MLRELEASE)/bin/matlab $(MLFLAGS) -r "linter;exit();"
- ${MLPATH}/$(MLRELEASE)/bin/matlab $(MLFLAGS) -r "cd('../doc');genhtml();exit();"
- cd ../.. ; \
- mkdir zip ; \
- zip -r zip/AnalogDevicesBSP_$(GITTAG).zip deps doc hdl hil_models targeting info.xml LICENSE README.md test/*.log
diff --git a/CI/scripts/Makefile2 b/CI/scripts/Makefile2
deleted file mode 100644
index cc2d2d9..0000000
--- a/CI/scripts/Makefile2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-# Usage:
-# Example
-# make build MLRELEASE=R2018b HDLBRANCH=hdl_2018_r1
-SHELL := /bin/bash
-MLFLAGS := -nodisplay -nodesktop -nosplash
-ifeq ($(MLRELEASE),)
-MLRELEASE := R2021a
-ifeq ($(HDLBRANCH),)
-HDLBRANCH := hdl_2019_r1
-ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
-MLPATH := /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/MATLAB
-MLFLAGS := $(MLFLAGS) -wait
-UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s)
-ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Linux)
-MLPATH := /usr/local/MATLAB
-ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin)
-MLPATH := /Applications
-ifeq ($(BOARD),)
-GITTAG := $(shell git describe --tags HEAD)
- # Uses the HDLBRANCH variable
- bash build_bsp.sh
- cd ../.. ; \
- mkdir deps ; \
- cd deps ; \
- mkdir linux ; \
- cd linux ; \
- wget http://swdownloads.analog.com/cse/travis_builds/master_latest_libad9361-iio-trusty.tar.gz ; \
- tar xvf *.tar.gz ; \
- mv usr/local/lib/* . ; \
- mv usr/local/include ../ ; \
- rm -rf usr ; \
- rm *.tar.gz ; \
- cd .. ; \
- mkdir osx ; \
- cd osx ; \
- wget http://swdownloads.analog.com/cse/travis_builds/master_latest_libad9361-iio-osx_10.12.tar.gz ; \
- tar xvf *.tar.gz ; \
- cd ad9361* ; \
- mv usr/local/lib/ad9361.framework/Versions/Current/ad9361 ../libad9361.dylib ; \
- cd .. ; \
- rm -rf ad9361-*-Darwin ; \
- rm *.tar.gz ; \
- cd .. ; \
- mkdir win ; \
- cd win ; \
- wget "https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/libad9361-iio/releases/download/v0.2/libad9361-0.2-win64.zip" -O lib.zip ; \
- unzip lib.zip ; \
- mv libad9361-win64/* . ; \
- rm -rf libad9361-win64 ; \
- rm *.h ; \
- rm lib.zip
- cd ../.. ; \
- cp *.mltbx test/ ; \
- cp hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/hdlcoder_board_customization.m test/hdlcoder_board_customization_local.m ; \
- sed -i "s/hdlcoder_board_customization/hdlcoder_board_customization_local/g" test/hdlcoder_board_customization_local.m ; \
- ${MLPATH}/$(MLRELEASE)/bin/matlab $(MLFLAGS) -r "cd('test');runInstallerTests('$(BOARD)');"
- cd ../.. ; \
- ${MLPATH}/$(MLRELEASE)/bin/matlab $(MLFLAGS) -r "cd('test');runTests('$(BOARD)');"
- cd ../.. ; \
- ${MLPATH}/$(MLRELEASE)/bin/matlab $(MLFLAGS) -r "cd('test');runAD4130Tests('$(BOARD)');"
- cd ../.. ; \
- ${MLPATH}/$(MLRELEASE)/bin/matlab $(MLFLAGS) -r "addpath(genpath('test'));addpath(genpath('deps'));runHWTests;"
- cd ../.. ; \
- ${MLPATH}/$(MLRELEASE)/bin/matlab $(MLFLAGS) -r "addpath(genpath('test'));addpath(genpath('deps'));hwTestRunner;"
- cd ../.. ; \
- ${MLPATH}/$(MLRELEASE)/bin/matlab $(MLFLAGS) -r "addpath(genpath('hdl'));cd('targeting');addpath(genpath('modem-qpsk'))"
- bash synth_designs.sh $(BOARD)
- bash targeting_designs.sh
- cd ../../trx_examples/streaming/LTE_PA_App/ ; \
- bash genInstaller.sh $(MLPATH) $(MLRELEASE) $(MLFLAGS)
- ${MLPATH}/$(MLRELEASE)/bin/matlab $(MLFLAGS) -r "genTlbx($(INCLUDE_EXAMPLES));exit();"
- ${MLPATH}/$(MLRELEASE)/bin/matlab $(MLFLAGS) -r "linter;exit();"
- ${MLPATH}/$(MLRELEASE)/bin/matlab $(MLFLAGS) -r "cd('../doc');genhtml();exit();"
- cd ../.. ; \
- mkdir zip ; \
- zip -r zip/AnalogDevicesBSP_$(GITTAG).zip deps doc hdl hil_models targeting info.xml LICENSE README.md test/*.log
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CI/scripts/adi_env.tcl b/CI/scripts/adi_env.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e48bd9..0000000
--- a/CI/scripts/adi_env.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# environment related stuff
-set ad_hdl_dir [file normalize [file join [file dirname [info script]] "../.."]]
-if [info exists ::env(ADI_HDL_DIR)] {
- set ad_hdl_dir [file normalize $::env(ADI_HDL_DIR)]
-# This helper pocedure retrieves the value of varible from environment if exists,
-# other case returns the provided default value
-# name - name of the environment variable
-# default_value - returned vale in case environment variable does not exists
-proc get_env_param {name default_value} {
- if [info exists ::env($name)] {
- puts "Getting from environment the parameter: $name=$::env($name) "
- return $::env($name)
- } else {
- return $default_value
- }
diff --git a/CI/scripts/adi_ip.tcl b/CI/scripts/adi_ip.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 301af4e..0000000
--- a/CI/scripts/adi_ip.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,660 +0,0 @@
-source hdl/library/scripts/adi_xilinx_device_info_enc.tcl
-# check tool version
-if {![info exists REQUIRED_VIVADO_VERSION]} {
-if {[info exists ::env(ADI_IGNORE_VERSION_CHECK)]} {
-} elseif {![info exists IGNORE_VERSION_CHECK]} {
-## Add a ttcl file to the project. XDC does not support if statements
-# in constraint definitions, this file can be used to add parameter dependent
-# constraints to the IP.
-# \param[ip_name] - IP name
-# \param[ip_constr_files] - .ttcl file name (full path)
-proc adi_ip_ttcl {ip_name ip_constr_files} {
- set cdir [pwd]
- set m_file ""
- set ip_constr_files_clean ""
- foreach m_file $ip_constr_files {
- file copy -force $m_file $cdir
- set m_file [file tail $m_file]
- lappend ip_constr_files_clean $m_file
- }
- set ip_constr_files $ip_constr_files_clean
- set proj_filegroup [ipx::get_file_groups -of_objects [ipx::current_core] -filter {NAME =~ *synthesis*}]
- set f [ipx::add_file $ip_constr_files $proj_filegroup]
- set_property -dict [list \
- type ttcl \
- ] $f
- ipx::reorder_files -front $ip_constr_files $proj_filegroup
-## Add ttcl file to generate simulation files for System Verilog environments.
-# \param[ip_name] - IP name
-# \param[ip_constr_files] - .ttcl file name (full path)
-proc adi_ip_sim_ttcl {ip_name ip_files} {
- set proj_filegroup [ipx::get_file_groups -of_objects [ipx::current_core] -filter {NAME =~ *simulation*}]
- set f [ipx::add_file $ip_files $proj_filegroup]
- set_property -dict [list \
- type ttcl \
- ] $f
- ipx::reorder_files -front $ip_files $proj_filegroup
-## Add a block design, defined by a tcl source, to the IP.
-# \param[ip_name] - IP name
-# \param[ip_bd_files] - Tcl source file
-proc adi_ip_bd {ip_name ip_bd_files} {
- set proj_filegroup [ipx::get_file_groups xilinx_blockdiagram -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]
- if {$proj_filegroup == {}} {
- set proj_filegroup [ipx::add_file_group -type xilinx_blockdiagram "" [ipx::current_core]]
- }
- foreach file $ip_bd_files {
- set f [ipx::add_file $file $proj_filegroup]
- set_property -dict [list \
- type tclSource \
- ] $f
- }
-## Infers an AXI Streaming interface. Note that the interface has to exist.
-# \param[ip_name] - IP name
-proc adi_ip_infer_streaming_interfaces {ip_name} {
- ipx::infer_bus_interfaces xilinx.com:interface:axis_rtl:1.0 [ipx::current_core]
-## Infers an AXI Memory Mapped interface. Note that the interface has to exist.
-# \param[ip_name] - IP name
-proc adi_ip_infer_mm_interfaces {ip_name} {
- ipx::infer_bus_interfaces xilinx.com:interface:aximm_rtl:1.0 [ipx::current_core]
-## Defines a dependency for a port.
-# \param[port_prefix] - Port prefix, which defines an interface. All ports of an
-# interface must have the same prefix. If it's a single port, the whole name
-# shall be defined.
-# \param[dependency] - Dependency (e.g "PARAMETER_NAME == 1") ??? {spirit:decode(id('MODELPARAM_VALUE.PARAM_NAME')) == CONST}
-# \param[driver_value] - Driver value is optional. It defines the default driver
-# value of the port.
-proc adi_set_ports_dependency {port_prefix dependency {driver_value {}}} {
- foreach port [ipx::get_ports [format "%s%s" $port_prefix "*"]] {
- set_property ENABLEMENT_DEPENDENCY $dependency $port
- if {$driver_value != {}} {
- set_property DRIVER_VALUE $driver_value $port
- }
- }
-## Defines a dependency for a bus.
-# \param[bus] - Name of the bus
-# \param[prefix] - Port prefix, in general same as the name of the bus
-# \param[dependency] - Dependency (e.g "PARAMETER_NAME == 1") ??? {spirit:decode(id('MODELPARAM_VALUE.PARAM_NAME')) == CONST}
-proc adi_set_bus_dependency {bus prefix dependency} {
- set_property ENABLEMENT_DEPENDENCY $dependency [ipx::get_bus_interfaces $bus -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]
- adi_set_ports_dependency $prefix $dependency 0
-## Add a new port map definition to a bus interface.
-# \param[bus] - Name of the bus interface
-# \param[phys] - Physical name of the port
-# \param[logic] - Logic name of the port (defined by the interface)
-proc adi_add_port_map {bus phys logic} {
- set map [ipx::add_port_map $phys $bus]
- set_property "PHYSICAL_NAME" $phys $map
- set_property "LOGICAL_NAME" $logic $map
-## Infers a new bus interface to an IP.
-# \param[bus_name] - Bus name
-# \param[mode] - Interface mode (master/slave)
-# \param[abs_type] - Abstraction type, example: "xilinx.com:interface:axis_rtl:1.0"
-# \param[bus_type] - Bus type, example: "xilinx.com:interface:axis:1.0"
-# \param[port_maps] - Port map
-# Port map example:\n
-# [list \n
-# {"m_axis_ready" "TREADY"}\n
-# {"m_axis_valid" "TVALID"}\n
-# {"m_axis_data" "TDATA"} ]\n
-proc adi_add_bus {bus_name mode abs_type bus_type port_maps} {
- set bus [ipx::add_bus_interface $bus_name [ipx::current_core]]
- set_property "ABSTRACTION_TYPE_VLNV" $abs_type $bus
- set_property "BUS_TYPE_VLNV" $bus_type $bus
- set_property "INTERFACE_MODE" $mode $bus
- foreach port_map $port_maps {
- adi_add_port_map $bus {*}$port_map
- }
-## Add multiple bus interfaces of the same type to an IP.
-# \param[num] - Number of interfaces
-# \param[bus_name_prefix] - Prefix of the name of the interface
-# \param[mode] - Interface mode (master/slave)
-# \param[abs_type] - Abstraction type, example: "xilinx.com:interface:axis_rtl:1.0"
-# \param[bus_type] - Bus type, example: "xilinx.com:interface:axis:1.0"
-# \param[port_maps] - Port map, example: [list \n
-# {"m_axis_ready" "TREADY"}\n
-# {"m_axis_valid" "TVALID"}\n:
-# {"m_axis_data" "TDATA"} ]\n
-# \param[dependency] - Dependency (e.g "PARAMETER_NAME == 1") ??? {spirit:decode(id('MODELPARAM_VALUE.PARAM_NAME')) == CONST}
-proc adi_add_multi_bus {num bus_name_prefix mode abs_type bus_type port_maps dependency} {
- for {set i 0} {$i < $num} {incr i} {
- set bus_name [format "%s%d" $bus_name_prefix $i]
- set bus [ipx::add_bus_interface $bus_name [ipx::current_core]]
- set_property "ABSTRACTION_TYPE_VLNV" $abs_type $bus
- set_property "BUS_TYPE_VLNV" $bus_type $bus
- set_property "INTERFACE_MODE" $mode $bus
- if {$dependency ne ""} {
- set bus_dependency [string map [list "{i}" $i] $dependency]
- set_property ENABLEMENT_DEPENDENCY $bus_dependency $bus
- }
- foreach port_map $port_maps {
- lassign $port_map phys logic width
- set map [ipx::add_port_map $phys $bus]
- set_property "PHYSICAL_NAME" $phys $map
- set_property "LOGICAL_NAME" $logic $map
- set_property "PHYSICAL_RIGHT" [expr $i*$width] $map
- set_property "PHYSICAL_LEFT" [expr ($i+1)*$width-1] $map
- }
- }
-## Assign clock and reset to an interface bus.
-# \param[clock_signal_name] - Clock name
-# \param[bus_inf_name] - Interface bus name. Note: If multiple interfaces uses
-# the same clock, all shall be defined here. (e.g. "s_axis:m_axis")
-# \param[reset_signal_name] - Reset signal name
-# \param[reset_signal_mode] - Reset mode (master/slave)
-proc adi_add_bus_clock {clock_signal_name bus_inf_name {reset_signal_name ""} {reset_signal_mode "slave"}} {
- set bus_inf_name_clean [string map {":" "_"} $bus_inf_name]
- set clock_inf_name [format "%s%s" $bus_inf_name_clean "_signal_clock"]
- set clock_inf [ipx::add_bus_interface $clock_inf_name [ipx::current_core]]
- set_property abstraction_type_vlnv "xilinx.com:signal:clock_rtl:1.0" $clock_inf
- set_property bus_type_vlnv "xilinx.com:signal:clock:1.0" $clock_inf
- set_property display_name $clock_inf_name $clock_inf
- set clock_map [ipx::add_port_map "CLK" $clock_inf]
- set_property physical_name $clock_signal_name $clock_map
- set assoc_busif [ipx::add_bus_parameter "ASSOCIATED_BUSIF" $clock_inf]
- set_property value $bus_inf_name $assoc_busif
- if { $reset_signal_name != "" } {
- set assoc_reset [ipx::add_bus_parameter "ASSOCIATED_RESET" $clock_inf]
- set_property value $reset_signal_name $assoc_reset
- set reset_inf_name [format "%s%s" $bus_inf_name_clean "_signal_reset"]
- set reset_inf [ipx::add_bus_interface $reset_inf_name [ipx::current_core]]
- set_property abstraction_type_vlnv "xilinx.com:signal:reset_rtl:1.0" $reset_inf
- set_property bus_type_vlnv "xilinx.com:signal:reset:1.0" $reset_inf
- set_property display_name $reset_inf_name $reset_inf
- set_property interface_mode $reset_signal_mode $reset_inf
- set reset_map [ipx::add_port_map "RST" $reset_inf]
- set_property physical_name $reset_signal_name $reset_map
- set reset_polarity [ipx::add_bus_parameter "POLARITY" $reset_inf]
- if {[string match {*[Nn]} $reset_signal_name] == 1} {
- set_property value "ACTIVE_LOW" $reset_polarity
- } else {
- set_property value "ACTIVE_HIGH" $reset_polarity
- }
- }
-## Defines an IP as the current IP's dependency.
-# \param[vlnvs] - VLNVs of the instantiated IPs (e.g. "analog.com:user:util_cdc:1.0")
-proc adi_ip_add_core_dependencies {vlnvs} {
- foreach file_group [ipx::get_file_groups * -of_objects [ipx::current_core]] {
- foreach vlnv $vlnvs {
- ipx::add_subcore $vlnv $file_group
- }
- }
-## List of all constraint files
-set ip_constr_files ""
-## Create a project which will be packed as an IP.
-# \param[ip_name] - IP name
-proc adi_ip_create {ip_name} {
- global ad_hdl_dir
- global ad_ghdl_dir
- global ip_constr_files
- set VIVADO_VERSION [version -short]
- if {[string compare $VIVADO_VERSION $REQUIRED_VIVADO_VERSION] != 0} {
- puts -nonewline "CRITICAL WARNING: vivado version mismatch; "
- puts -nonewline "expected $REQUIRED_VIVADO_VERSION, "
- puts -nonewline "got $VIVADO_VERSION.\n"
- }
- create_project $ip_name . -force
- ## Load custom message severity definitions
- source $ad_hdl_dir/projects/scripts/adi_xilinx_msg.tcl
- set ip_constr_files ""
- set lib_dirs $ad_hdl_dir/library
- if {$ad_hdl_dir ne $ad_ghdl_dir} {
- lappend lib_dirs $ad_ghdl_dir/library
- }
- set_property ip_repo_paths $lib_dirs [current_fileset]
- update_ip_catalog
-## Add all source files to the IP's project.
-# \param[ip_name] - The ip name
-# \param[ip_files] - IP files (*.v *.vhd *.xdc)
-proc adi_ip_files {ip_name ip_files} {
- global ip_constr_files
- set cdir [pwd]
- set ip_constr_files ""
- set ip_files_clean ""
- foreach m_file $ip_files {
- file copy -force $m_file $cdir
- set m_file [file tail $m_file]
- puts $m_file
- if {[file extension $m_file] eq ".xdc"} {
- lappend ip_constr_files $m_file
- }
- lappend ip_files_clean $m_file
- }
- set ip_files $ip_files_clean
- set proj_fileset [get_filesets sources_1]
- add_files -norecurse -scan_for_includes -fileset $proj_fileset $ip_files
- add_files -norecurse -copy_to $cdir -force -fileset $proj_fileset $ip_files
- set_property "top" "$ip_name" $proj_fileset
-## Pack the IP and set its proprieties.
-# \param[ip_name] - The ip name
-proc adi_ip_properties_lite {ip_name} {
- global ip_constr_files
- ipx::package_project -root_dir . -vendor analog.com -library user -taxonomy /Analog_Devices
- set_property name $ip_name [ipx::current_core]
- set_property vendor_display_name {Analog Devices} [ipx::current_core]
- set_property company_url {http://www.analog.com} [ipx::current_core]
- set i_families ""
- foreach i_part [get_parts] {
- lappend i_families [get_property FAMILY $i_part]
- }
- set i_families [lsort -unique $i_families]
- set s_families [get_property supported_families [ipx::current_core]]
- foreach i_family $i_families {
- set s_families "$s_families $i_family Production"
- set s_families "$s_families $i_family Beta"
- }
- set_property supported_families $s_families [ipx::current_core]
- ipx::save_core
- ipx::remove_all_bus_interface [ipx::current_core]
- set memory_maps [ipx::get_memory_maps * -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]
- foreach map $memory_maps {
- ipx::remove_memory_map [lindex $map 2] [ipx::current_core ]
- }
- ipx::save_core
- set i_filegroup [ipx::get_file_groups -of_objects [ipx::current_core] -filter {NAME =~ *synthesis*}]
- foreach i_file $ip_constr_files {
- set i_module [file tail $i_file]
- regsub {_constr\.xdc} $i_module {} i_module
- ipx::add_file $i_file $i_filegroup
- ipx::reorder_files -front $i_file $i_filegroup
- set_property SCOPED_TO_REF $i_module [ipx::get_files $i_file -of_objects $i_filegroup]
- }
- ipx::save_core
-## Set AXI interface IP proprieties.
-# \param[ip_name] - The ip name
-proc adi_ip_properties {ip_name} {
- adi_ip_properties_lite $ip_name
- ipx::infer_bus_interface {\
- s_axi_awvalid \
- s_axi_awaddr \
- s_axi_awprot \
- s_axi_awready \
- s_axi_wvalid \
- s_axi_wdata \
- s_axi_wstrb \
- s_axi_wready \
- s_axi_bvalid \
- s_axi_bresp \
- s_axi_bready \
- s_axi_arvalid \
- s_axi_araddr \
- s_axi_arprot \
- s_axi_arready \
- s_axi_rvalid \
- s_axi_rdata \
- s_axi_rresp \
- s_axi_rready} \
- xilinx.com:interface:aximm_rtl:1.0 [ipx::current_core]
- ipx::infer_bus_interface s_axi_aclk xilinx.com:signal:clock_rtl:1.0 [ipx::current_core]
- ipx::infer_bus_interface s_axi_aresetn xilinx.com:signal:reset_rtl:1.0 [ipx::current_core]
- set raddr_width [expr [get_property SIZE_LEFT [ipx::get_ports -nocase true s_axi_araddr -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]] + 1]
- set waddr_width [expr [get_property SIZE_LEFT [ipx::get_ports -nocase true s_axi_awaddr -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]] + 1]
- if {$raddr_width != $waddr_width} {
- puts [format "WARNING: AXI address width mismatch for %s (r=%d, w=%d)" $ip_name $raddr_width, $waddr_width]
- set range 65536
- } else {
- if {$raddr_width >= 16} {
- set range 65536
- } else {
- set range [expr 1 << $raddr_width]
- }
- }
- ipx::add_memory_map {s_axi} [ipx::current_core]
- set_property slave_memory_map_ref {s_axi} [ipx::get_bus_interfaces s_axi -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]
- ipx::add_address_block {axi_lite} [ipx::get_memory_maps s_axi -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]
- set_property range $range [ipx::get_address_blocks axi_lite \
- -of_objects [ipx::get_memory_maps s_axi -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]]
- ipx::associate_bus_interfaces -clock s_axi_aclk -reset s_axi_aresetn [ipx::current_core]
- ipx::save_core
-## Create/overwrite temporary files containing particular build case dependencies.
-# DO NOT USE FOR: axi_dmac/jesd204/axi_clkgen
-proc adi_init_bd_tcl {} {
- global auto_set_param_list
- global auto_set_param_list_overwritable
- set cc [ipx::current_core]
- if { [file exists bd] } {
- file delete -force bd
- }
- file mkdir bd
- set bd_tcl [open "bd/bd.tcl" w]
- puts $bd_tcl "proc init {cellpath otherInfo} {"
- puts $bd_tcl " set ip \[get_bd_cells \$cellpath\]"
- puts $bd_tcl ""
- set auto_set_param ""
- foreach i $auto_set_param_list {
- if { [ipx::get_user_parameters $i -of_objects $cc -quiet] ne "" } {
- append auto_set_param " $i \\\n"
- }
- }
- if { $auto_set_param ne "" } {
- puts $bd_tcl " bd::mark_propagate_only \$ip \" \\"
- regsub "${i} \\\\" $auto_set_param "$i\"" auto_set_param
- puts $bd_tcl $auto_set_param
- }
- set auto_set_overwritable_param ""
- foreach i $auto_set_param_list_overwritable {
- if { [ipx::get_user_parameters $i -of_objects $cc -quiet] ne "" } {
- append auto_set_overwritable_param " $i \\\n"
- }
- }
- if { $auto_set_overwritable_param ne "" } {
- puts $bd_tcl " bd::mark_propagate_override \$ip \" \\"
- regsub "${i} \\\\" $auto_set_overwritable_param "$i\"" auto_set_overwritable_param
- puts $bd_tcl $auto_set_overwritable_param
- }
- puts $bd_tcl " adi_auto_assign_device_spec \$cellpath"
- puts $bd_tcl "}"
- puts $bd_tcl ""
- puts $bd_tcl "# auto set parameters defined in auto_set_param_list (adi_xilinx_device_info_enc.tcl)"
- puts $bd_tcl "proc adi_auto_assign_device_spec {cellpath} {"
- puts $bd_tcl ""
- puts $bd_tcl " set ip \[get_bd_cells \$cellpath\]"
- puts $bd_tcl " set ip_param_list \[list_property \$ip\]"
- puts $bd_tcl " set ip_path \[bd::get_vlnv_dir \[get_property VLNV \$ip\]\]"
- puts $bd_tcl ""
- puts $bd_tcl " set parent_dir \"../\""
- puts $bd_tcl " for {set x 1} {\$x<=4} {incr x} {"
- puts $bd_tcl " set linkname \${ip_path}\${parent_dir}scripts/adi_xilinx_device_info_enc.tcl"
- puts $bd_tcl " if { \[file exists \$linkname\] } {"
- puts $bd_tcl " source \${ip_path}\${parent_dir}/scripts/adi_xilinx_device_info_enc.tcl"
- puts $bd_tcl " break"
- puts $bd_tcl " }"
- puts $bd_tcl " append parent_dir \"../\""
- puts $bd_tcl " }"
- puts $bd_tcl ""
- puts $bd_tcl " # Find predefindes auto assignable parameters"
- puts $bd_tcl " foreach i \$auto_set_param_list {"
- puts $bd_tcl " if { \[lsearch \$ip_param_list \"CONFIG.\$i\"\] > 0 } {"
- puts $bd_tcl " set val \[adi_device_spec \$cellpath \$i\]"
- puts $bd_tcl " set_property CONFIG.\$i \$val \$ip"
- puts $bd_tcl " }"
- puts $bd_tcl " }"
- puts $bd_tcl ""
- puts $bd_tcl " # Find predefindes auto assignable/overwritable parameters"
- puts $bd_tcl " foreach i \$auto_set_param_list_overwritable {"
- puts $bd_tcl " if { \[lsearch \$ip_param_list \"CONFIG.\$i\"\] > 0 } {"
- puts $bd_tcl " set val \[adi_device_spec \$cellpath \$i\]"
- puts $bd_tcl " set_property CONFIG.\$i \$val \$ip"
- puts $bd_tcl " }"
- puts $bd_tcl " }"
- puts $bd_tcl "}"
- puts $bd_tcl ""
- close $bd_tcl
- set proj_fileset [get_filesets sources_1]
- add_files -norecurse -scan_for_includes -fileset $proj_fileset "bd/bd.tcl"
- set local_mk [open "temporary_case_dependencies.mk" w]
- seek $local_mk 0 start
- puts $local_mk "CLEAN_TARGET += bd"
- puts $local_mk "CLEAN_TARGET += temporary_case_dependencies.mk"
- close $local_mk
-## Search after device specific parameters and call the adi_add_device_spec_param
-# process with the result. The list of these parameters are defined in
-# library/scripts/adi_xilinx_device_info_enc.tcl
-proc adi_add_auto_fpga_spec_params {} {
- global auto_set_param_list
- global auto_set_param_list_overwritable
- set cc [ipx::current_core]
- foreach i $auto_set_param_list {
- if { [ipx::get_user_parameters $i -of_objects $cc -quiet] ne ""} {
- adi_add_device_spec_param $i
- }
- }
- foreach i $auto_set_param_list_overwritable {
- if { [ipx::get_user_parameters $i -of_objects $cc -quiet] ne ""} {
- adi_add_device_spec_param $i
- }
- }
-## Generate validation properties for a parameter, using predefined ranges or
-# set of values (the definition of the ranges can be found in
-# library/scripts/adi_xilinx_device_info_enc.tcl).
-# \param[ip_parameter] - name of the HDL parameter
-proc adi_add_device_spec_param {ip_param} {
- set cc [ipx::current_core]
- set list_pointer [string tolower $ip_param]
- set list_pointer [append list_pointer "_list"]
- global $list_pointer
- # set j 1D list from the original list
- foreach i [subst $$list_pointer] {lappend j [lindex $i 0] [lindex $i 1]}
- # set ranges or validation pairs (show x in GUI assign the corresponding y to HDL)
- if { [llength [subst $$list_pointer]] == 2 && [llength $j] == 4} {
- set_property -dict [list \
- "value_validation_type" "range" \
- "value_validation_range_minimum" [lindex [subst $$list_pointer] 0] \
- "value_validation_range_maximum" [lindex [subst $$list_pointer] 1] ] \
- [ipx::get_user_parameters $ip_param -of_objects $cc]
- } else {
- set_property -dict [list \
- "value_validation_type" "pairs" \
- "value_validation_pairs" $j ] \
- [ipx::get_user_parameters $ip_param -of_objects $cc]
- }
- # FPGA info grup
- set info_group_name "FPGA info"
- set info_group [ipgui::get_groupspec -name $info_group_name -component $cc -quiet]
- if { [string trim $info_group] eq "" } {
- set page0 [ipgui::get_pagespec -name "Page 0" -component $cc]
- set info_group [ipgui::add_group -name $info_group_name -component $cc \
- -parent $page0 -display_name $info_group_name]
- }
- set p [ipgui::get_guiparamspec -name $ip_param -component $cc]
- set_property -dict [list "widget" "comboBox" ] $p
- ipgui::move_param -component $cc -order 0 $p -parent $info_group
-## Define a custom interface bus.
-# \param[name] - Interface name
-proc adi_if_define {name} {
- ipx::create_abstraction_definition analog.com interface ${name}_rtl 1.0
- ipx::create_bus_definition analog.com interface $name 1.0
- set_property xml_file_name ${name}_rtl.xml [ipx::current_busabs]
- set_property xml_file_name ${name}.xml [ipx::current_busdef]
- set_property bus_type_vlnv analog.com:interface:${name}:1.0 [ipx::current_busabs]
- ipx::save_abstraction_definition [ipx::current_busabs]
- ipx::save_bus_definition [ipx::current_busdef]
-## Add ports to a custom interface bus.
-# \param[dir] - Port direction
-# \param[width] - Port width
-# \param[name] - Port logical name
-# \param[type] - Type of the port (default "none")
-proc adi_if_ports {dir width name {type none}} {
- ipx::add_bus_abstraction_port $name [ipx::current_busabs]
- set m_intf [ipx::get_bus_abstraction_ports $name -of_objects [ipx::current_busabs]]
- set_property master_presence required $m_intf
- set_property slave_presence required $m_intf
- set_property master_width $width $m_intf
- set_property slave_width $width $m_intf
- set m_dir "in"
- set s_dir "out"
- if {$dir eq "output"} {
- set m_dir "out"
- set s_dir "in"
- }
- set_property master_direction $m_dir $m_intf
- set_property slave_direction $s_dir $m_intf
- if {$type ne "none"} {
- set_property is_${type} true $m_intf
- }
- ipx::save_bus_definition [ipx::current_busdef]
- ipx::save_abstraction_definition [ipx::current_busabs]
-## Infers a new bus interface to an IP.
-# \param[if_name] - Interface bus name
-# \param[mode] - Type of the interface bus (master/slave)
-# \param[name] - Interface bus instance name
-# \param[maps] - Mapping of the physical ports
-proc adi_if_infer_bus {if_name mode name maps} {
- ipx::add_bus_interface $name [ipx::current_core]
- set m_bus_if [ipx::get_bus_interfaces $name -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]
- set_property abstraction_type_vlnv ${if_name}_rtl:1.0 $m_bus_if
- set_property bus_type_vlnv ${if_name}:1.0 $m_bus_if
- set_property interface_mode $mode $m_bus_if
- foreach map $maps {
- set m_maps [regexp -all -inline {\S+} $map]
- lassign $m_maps p_name p_map
- ipx::add_port_map $p_name $m_bus_if
- set_property physical_name $p_map [ipx::get_port_maps $p_name -of_objects $m_bus_if]
- }
diff --git a/CI/scripts/adi_ip_xilinx.tcl b/CI/scripts/adi_ip_xilinx.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 45fdadb..0000000
--- a/CI/scripts/adi_ip_xilinx.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,657 +0,0 @@
-source $ad_hdl_dir/library/scripts/adi_xilinx_device_info_enc.tcl
-# check tool version
-if {![info exists REQUIRED_VIVADO_VERSION]} {
-if {[info exists ::env(ADI_IGNORE_VERSION_CHECK)]} {
-} elseif {![info exists IGNORE_VERSION_CHECK]} {
-## Add a ttcl file to the project. XDC does not support if statements
-# in constraint definitions, this file can be used to add parameter dependent
-# constraints to the IP.
-# \param[ip_name] - IP name
-# \param[ip_constr_files] - .ttcl file name (full path)
-proc adi_ip_ttcl {ip_name ip_constr_files} {
- set cdir [pwd]
- set m_file ""
- set ip_constr_files_clean ""
- foreach m_file $ip_constr_files {
- file copy -force $m_file $cdir
- set m_file [file tail $m_file]
- lappend ip_constr_files_clean $m_file
- }
- set ip_constr_files $ip_constr_files_clean
- set proj_filegroup [ipx::get_file_groups -of_objects [ipx::current_core] -filter {NAME =~ *synthesis*}]
- set f [ipx::add_file $ip_constr_files $proj_filegroup]
- set_property -dict [list \
- type ttcl \
- ] $f
- ipx::reorder_files -front $ip_constr_files $proj_filegroup
-## Add ttcl file to generate simulation files for System Verilog environments.
-# \param[ip_name] - IP name
-# \param[ip_constr_files] - .ttcl file name (full path)
-proc adi_ip_sim_ttcl {ip_name ip_files} {
- set proj_filegroup [ipx::get_file_groups -of_objects [ipx::current_core] -filter {NAME =~ *simulation*}]
- set f [ipx::add_file $ip_files $proj_filegroup]
- set_property -dict [list \
- type ttcl \
- ] $f
- ipx::reorder_files -front $ip_files $proj_filegroup
-## Add a block design, defined by a tcl source, to the IP.
-# \param[ip_name] - IP name
-# \param[ip_bd_files] - Tcl source file
-proc adi_ip_bd {ip_name ip_bd_files} {
- set proj_filegroup [ipx::get_file_groups xilinx_blockdiagram -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]
- if {$proj_filegroup == {}} {
- set proj_filegroup [ipx::add_file_group -type xilinx_blockdiagram "" [ipx::current_core]]
- }
- foreach file $ip_bd_files {
- set f [ipx::add_file $file $proj_filegroup]
- set_property -dict [list \
- type tclSource \
- ] $f
- }
-## Infers an AXI Streaming interface. Note that the interface has to exist.
-# \param[ip_name] - IP name
-proc adi_ip_infer_streaming_interfaces {ip_name} {
- ipx::infer_bus_interfaces xilinx.com:interface:axis_rtl:1.0 [ipx::current_core]
-## Infers an AXI Memory Mapped interface. Note that the interface has to exist.
-# \param[ip_name] - IP name
-proc adi_ip_infer_mm_interfaces {ip_name} {
- ipx::infer_bus_interfaces xilinx.com:interface:aximm_rtl:1.0 [ipx::current_core]
-## Defines a dependency for a port.
-# \param[port_prefix] - Port prefix, which defines an interface. All ports of an
-# interface must have the same prefix. If it's a single port, the whole name
-# shall be defined.
-# \param[dependency] - Dependency (e.g "PARAMETER_NAME == 1") ??? {spirit:decode(id('MODELPARAM_VALUE.PARAM_NAME')) == CONST}
-# \param[driver_value] - Driver value is optional. It defines the default driver
-# value of the port.
-proc adi_set_ports_dependency {port_prefix dependency {driver_value {}}} {
- foreach port [ipx::get_ports [format "%s%s" $port_prefix "*"]] {
- set_property ENABLEMENT_DEPENDENCY $dependency $port
- if {$driver_value != {}} {
- set_property DRIVER_VALUE $driver_value $port
- }
- }
-## Defines a dependency for a bus.
-# \param[bus] - Name of the bus
-# \param[prefix] - Port prefix, in general same as the name of the bus
-# \param[dependency] - Dependency (e.g "PARAMETER_NAME == 1") ??? {spirit:decode(id('MODELPARAM_VALUE.PARAM_NAME')) == CONST}
-proc adi_set_bus_dependency {bus prefix dependency} {
- set_property ENABLEMENT_DEPENDENCY $dependency [ipx::get_bus_interfaces $bus -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]
- adi_set_ports_dependency $prefix $dependency 0
-## Add a new port map definition to a bus interface.
-# \param[bus] - Name of the bus interface
-# \param[phys] - Physical name of the port
-# \param[logic] - Logic name of the port (defined by the interface)
-proc adi_add_port_map {bus phys logic} {
- set map [ipx::add_port_map $phys $bus]
- set_property "PHYSICAL_NAME" $phys $map
- set_property "LOGICAL_NAME" $logic $map
-## Infers a new bus interface to an IP.
-# \param[bus_name] - Bus name
-# \param[mode] - Interface mode (master/slave)
-# \param[abs_type] - Abstraction type, example: "xilinx.com:interface:axis_rtl:1.0"
-# \param[bus_type] - Bus type, example: "xilinx.com:interface:axis:1.0"
-# \param[port_maps] - Port map
-# Port map example:\n
-# [list \n
-# {"m_axis_ready" "TREADY"}\n
-# {"m_axis_valid" "TVALID"}\n
-# {"m_axis_data" "TDATA"} ]\n
-proc adi_add_bus {bus_name mode abs_type bus_type port_maps} {
- set bus [ipx::add_bus_interface $bus_name [ipx::current_core]]
- set_property "ABSTRACTION_TYPE_VLNV" $abs_type $bus
- set_property "BUS_TYPE_VLNV" $bus_type $bus
- set_property "INTERFACE_MODE" $mode $bus
- foreach port_map $port_maps {
- adi_add_port_map $bus {*}$port_map
- }
-## Add multiple bus interfaces of the same type to an IP.
-# \param[num] - Number of interfaces
-# \param[bus_name_prefix] - Prefix of the name of the interface
-# \param[mode] - Interface mode (master/slave)
-# \param[abs_type] - Abstraction type, example: "xilinx.com:interface:axis_rtl:1.0"
-# \param[bus_type] - Bus type, example: "xilinx.com:interface:axis:1.0"
-# \param[port_maps] - Port map, example: [list \n
-# {"m_axis_ready" "TREADY"}\n
-# {"m_axis_valid" "TVALID"}\n:
-# {"m_axis_data" "TDATA"} ]\n
-# \param[dependency] - Dependency (e.g "PARAMETER_NAME == 1") ??? {spirit:decode(id('MODELPARAM_VALUE.PARAM_NAME')) == CONST}
-proc adi_add_multi_bus {num bus_name_prefix mode abs_type bus_type port_maps dependency} {
- for {set i 0} {$i < $num} {incr i} {
- set bus_name [format "%s%d" $bus_name_prefix $i]
- set bus [ipx::add_bus_interface $bus_name [ipx::current_core]]
- set_property "ABSTRACTION_TYPE_VLNV" $abs_type $bus
- set_property "BUS_TYPE_VLNV" $bus_type $bus
- set_property "INTERFACE_MODE" $mode $bus
- if {$dependency ne ""} {
- set bus_dependency [string map [list "{i}" $i] $dependency]
- set_property ENABLEMENT_DEPENDENCY $bus_dependency $bus
- }
- foreach port_map $port_maps {
- lassign $port_map phys logic width width_dep
- set map [ipx::add_port_map $phys $bus]
- set_property "PHYSICAL_NAME" $phys $map
- set_property "LOGICAL_NAME" $logic $map
- set_property "PHYSICAL_RIGHT" [expr $i*$width] $map
- set_property "PHYSICAL_LEFT" [expr ($i+1)*$width-1] $map
- if {$width_dep ne ""} {
- set_property "PHYSICAL_RIGHT_RESOLVE_TYPE" "dependent" $map
- set_property "PHYSICAL_LEFT_RESOLVE_TYPE" "dependent" $map
- set width_dep_r "(($width_dep) * $i)"
- set width_dep_l "(($width_dep) * ($i + 1)-1)"
- set_property "PHYSICAL_RIGHT_DEPENDENCY" $width_dep_r $map
- set_property "PHYSICAL_LEFT_DEPENDENCY" $width_dep_l $map
- }
- }
- }
-## Assign clock and reset to an interface bus.
-# \param[clock_signal_name] - Clock name
-# \param[bus_inf_name] - Interface bus name. Note: If multiple interfaces uses
-# the same clock, all shall be defined here. (e.g. "s_axis:m_axis")
-# \param[reset_signal_name] - Reset signal name
-# \param[reset_signal_mode] - Reset mode (master/slave)
-proc adi_add_bus_clock {clock_signal_name bus_inf_name {reset_signal_name ""} {reset_signal_mode "slave"}} {
- set bus_inf_name_clean [string map {":" "_"} $bus_inf_name]
- set clock_inf_name [format "%s%s" $bus_inf_name_clean "_signal_clock"]
- set clock_inf [ipx::add_bus_interface $clock_inf_name [ipx::current_core]]
- set_property abstraction_type_vlnv "xilinx.com:signal:clock_rtl:1.0" $clock_inf
- set_property bus_type_vlnv "xilinx.com:signal:clock:1.0" $clock_inf
- set_property display_name $clock_inf_name $clock_inf
- set clock_map [ipx::add_port_map "CLK" $clock_inf]
- set_property physical_name $clock_signal_name $clock_map
- set assoc_busif [ipx::add_bus_parameter "ASSOCIATED_BUSIF" $clock_inf]
- set_property value $bus_inf_name $assoc_busif
- if { $reset_signal_name != "" } {
- set assoc_reset [ipx::add_bus_parameter "ASSOCIATED_RESET" $clock_inf]
- set_property value $reset_signal_name $assoc_reset
- set reset_inf_name [format "%s%s" $bus_inf_name_clean "_signal_reset"]
- set reset_inf [ipx::add_bus_interface $reset_inf_name [ipx::current_core]]
- set_property abstraction_type_vlnv "xilinx.com:signal:reset_rtl:1.0" $reset_inf
- set_property bus_type_vlnv "xilinx.com:signal:reset:1.0" $reset_inf
- set_property display_name $reset_inf_name $reset_inf
- set_property interface_mode $reset_signal_mode $reset_inf
- set reset_map [ipx::add_port_map "RST" $reset_inf]
- set_property physical_name $reset_signal_name $reset_map
- set reset_polarity [ipx::add_bus_parameter "POLARITY" $reset_inf]
- if {[string match {*[Nn]} $reset_signal_name] == 1} {
- set_property value "ACTIVE_LOW" $reset_polarity
- } else {
- set_property value "ACTIVE_HIGH" $reset_polarity
- }
- }
-## Defines an IP as the current IP's dependency.
-# \param[vlnvs] - VLNVs of the instantiated IPs (e.g. "analog.com:user:util_cdc:1.0")
-proc adi_ip_add_core_dependencies {vlnvs} {
- foreach file_group [ipx::get_file_groups * -of_objects [ipx::current_core]] {
- foreach vlnv $vlnvs {
- ipx::add_subcore $vlnv $file_group
- }
- }
-## List of all constraint files
-set ip_constr_files ""
-## Create a project which will be packed as an IP.
-# \param[ip_name] - IP name
-proc adi_ip_create {ip_name} {
- global ad_hdl_dir
- global ip_constr_files
- set VIVADO_VERSION [version -short]
- if {[string compare $VIVADO_VERSION $REQUIRED_VIVADO_VERSION] != 0} {
- puts -nonewline "CRITICAL WARNING: vivado version mismatch; "
- puts -nonewline "expected $REQUIRED_VIVADO_VERSION, "
- puts -nonewline "got $VIVADO_VERSION.\n"
- }
- create_project $ip_name . -force
- ## Load custom message severity definitions
- source $ad_hdl_dir/projects/scripts/adi_xilinx_msg.tcl
- set ip_constr_files ""
- set lib_dirs $ad_hdl_dir/library
- set_property ip_repo_paths $lib_dirs [current_fileset]
- update_ip_catalog
-## Add all source files to the IP's project.
-# \param[ip_name] - The ip name
-# \param[ip_files] - IP files (*.v *.vhd *.xdc)
-proc adi_ip_files {ip_name ip_files} {
- global ip_constr_files
- set cdir [pwd]
- set ip_constr_files ""
- set ip_files_clean ""
- foreach m_file $ip_files {
- file copy -force $m_file $cdir
- set m_file [file tail $m_file]
- puts $m_file
- if {[file extension $m_file] eq ".xdc"} {
- lappend ip_constr_files $m_file
- }
- lappend ip_files_clean $m_file
- }
- set ip_files $ip_files_clean
- set proj_fileset [get_filesets sources_1]
- add_files -norecurse -scan_for_includes -fileset $proj_fileset $ip_files
- add_files -norecurse -copy_to $cdir -force -fileset $proj_fileset $ip_files
- set_property "top" "$ip_name" $proj_fileset
-## Pack the IP and set its proprieties.
-# \param[ip_name] - The ip name
-proc adi_ip_properties_lite {ip_name} {
- global ip_constr_files
- ipx::package_project -root_dir . -vendor analog.com -library user -taxonomy /Analog_Devices
- set_property name $ip_name [ipx::current_core]
- set_property vendor_display_name {Analog Devices} [ipx::current_core]
- set_property company_url {http://www.analog.com} [ipx::current_core]
- set i_families ""
- foreach i_part [get_parts] {
- lappend i_families [get_property FAMILY $i_part]
- }
- set i_families [lsort -unique $i_families]
- set s_families [get_property supported_families [ipx::current_core]]
- foreach i_family $i_families {
- set s_families "$s_families $i_family Production"
- set s_families "$s_families $i_family Beta"
- }
- set_property supported_families $s_families [ipx::current_core]
- ipx::save_core [ipx::current_core]
- ipx::remove_all_bus_interface [ipx::current_core]
- set memory_maps [ipx::get_memory_maps * -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]
- foreach map $memory_maps {
- ipx::remove_memory_map [lindex $map 2] [ipx::current_core]
- }
- ipx::update_checksums [ipx::current_core]
- ipx::save_core [ipx::current_core]
-## Set AXI interface IP proprieties.
-# \param[ip_name] - The ip name
-proc adi_ip_properties {ip_name} {
- adi_ip_properties_lite $ip_name
- ipx::infer_bus_interface {\
- s_axi_awvalid \
- s_axi_awaddr \
- s_axi_awprot \
- s_axi_awready \
- s_axi_wvalid \
- s_axi_wdata \
- s_axi_wstrb \
- s_axi_wready \
- s_axi_bvalid \
- s_axi_bresp \
- s_axi_bready \
- s_axi_arvalid \
- s_axi_araddr \
- s_axi_arprot \
- s_axi_arready \
- s_axi_rvalid \
- s_axi_rdata \
- s_axi_rresp \
- s_axi_rready} \
- xilinx.com:interface:aximm_rtl:1.0 [ipx::current_core]
- ipx::infer_bus_interface s_axi_aclk xilinx.com:signal:clock_rtl:1.0 [ipx::current_core]
- ipx::infer_bus_interface s_axi_aresetn xilinx.com:signal:reset_rtl:1.0 [ipx::current_core]
- set raddr_width [expr [get_property SIZE_LEFT [ipx::get_ports -nocase true s_axi_araddr -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]] + 1]
- set waddr_width [expr [get_property SIZE_LEFT [ipx::get_ports -nocase true s_axi_awaddr -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]] + 1]
- if {$raddr_width != $waddr_width} {
- puts [format "WARNING: AXI address width mismatch for %s (r=%d, w=%d)" $ip_name $raddr_width, $waddr_width]
- set range 65536
- } else {
- if {$raddr_width >= 16} {
- set range 65536
- } else {
- set range [expr 1 << $raddr_width]
- }
- }
- ipx::add_memory_map {s_axi} [ipx::current_core]
- set_property slave_memory_map_ref {s_axi} [ipx::get_bus_interfaces s_axi -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]
- ipx::add_address_block {axi_lite} [ipx::get_memory_maps s_axi -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]
- set_property range $range [ipx::get_address_blocks axi_lite \
- -of_objects [ipx::get_memory_maps s_axi -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]]
- ipx::associate_bus_interfaces -clock s_axi_aclk -reset s_axi_aresetn [ipx::current_core]
- ipx::save_core
-## Create/overwrite temporary files containing particular build case dependencies.
-# DO NOT USE FOR: axi_dmac/jesd204/axi_clkgen
-proc adi_init_bd_tcl {} {
- global auto_set_param_list
- global auto_set_param_list_overwritable
- set cc [ipx::current_core]
- if { [file exists bd] } {
- file delete -force bd
- }
- file mkdir bd
- set bd_tcl [open "bd/bd.tcl" w]
- puts $bd_tcl "proc init {cellpath otherInfo} {"
- puts $bd_tcl " set ip \[get_bd_cells \$cellpath\]"
- puts $bd_tcl ""
- set auto_set_param ""
- foreach i $auto_set_param_list {
- if { [ipx::get_user_parameters $i -of_objects $cc -quiet] ne "" } {
- append auto_set_param " $i \\\n"
- }
- }
- if { $auto_set_param ne "" } {
- puts $bd_tcl " bd::mark_propagate_only \$ip \" \\"
- regsub "${i} \\\\" $auto_set_param "$i\"" auto_set_param
- puts $bd_tcl $auto_set_param
- }
- set auto_set_overwritable_param ""
- foreach i $auto_set_param_list_overwritable {
- if { [ipx::get_user_parameters $i -of_objects $cc -quiet] ne "" } {
- append auto_set_overwritable_param " $i \\\n"
- }
- }
- if { $auto_set_overwritable_param ne "" } {
- puts $bd_tcl " bd::mark_propagate_override \$ip \" \\"
- regsub "${i} \\\\" $auto_set_overwritable_param "$i\"" auto_set_overwritable_param
- puts $bd_tcl $auto_set_overwritable_param
- }
- puts $bd_tcl " adi_auto_assign_device_spec \$cellpath"
- puts $bd_tcl "}"
- puts $bd_tcl ""
- puts $bd_tcl "# auto set parameters defined in auto_set_param_list (adi_xilinx_device_info_enc.tcl)"
- puts $bd_tcl "proc adi_auto_assign_device_spec {cellpath} {"
- puts $bd_tcl ""
- puts $bd_tcl " set ip \[get_bd_cells \$cellpath\]"
- puts $bd_tcl " set ip_param_list \[list_property \$ip\]"
- puts $bd_tcl " set ip_path \[bd::get_vlnv_dir \[get_property VLNV \$ip\]\]"
- puts $bd_tcl ""
- puts $bd_tcl " set parent_dir \"../\""
- puts $bd_tcl " for {set x 1} {\$x<=4} {incr x} {"
- puts $bd_tcl " set linkname \${ip_path}\${parent_dir}scripts/adi_xilinx_device_info_enc.tcl"
- puts $bd_tcl " if { \[file exists \$linkname\] } {"
- puts $bd_tcl " source \${ip_path}\${parent_dir}/scripts/adi_xilinx_device_info_enc.tcl"
- puts $bd_tcl " break"
- puts $bd_tcl " }"
- puts $bd_tcl " append parent_dir \"../\""
- puts $bd_tcl " }"
- puts $bd_tcl ""
- puts $bd_tcl " # Find predefindes auto assignable parameters"
- puts $bd_tcl " foreach i \$auto_set_param_list {"
- puts $bd_tcl " if { \[lsearch \$ip_param_list \"CONFIG.\$i\"\] > 0 } {"
- puts $bd_tcl " set val \[adi_device_spec \$cellpath \$i\]"
- puts $bd_tcl " set_property CONFIG.\$i \$val \$ip"
- puts $bd_tcl " }"
- puts $bd_tcl " }"
- puts $bd_tcl ""
- puts $bd_tcl " # Find predefindes auto assignable/overwritable parameters"
- puts $bd_tcl " foreach i \$auto_set_param_list_overwritable {"
- puts $bd_tcl " if { \[lsearch \$ip_param_list \"CONFIG.\$i\"\] > 0 } {"
- puts $bd_tcl " set val \[adi_device_spec \$cellpath \$i\]"
- puts $bd_tcl " set_property CONFIG.\$i \$val \$ip"
- puts $bd_tcl " }"
- puts $bd_tcl " }"
- puts $bd_tcl "}"
- puts $bd_tcl ""
- close $bd_tcl
- set proj_fileset [get_filesets sources_1]
- add_files -norecurse -scan_for_includes -fileset $proj_fileset "bd/bd.tcl"
- set local_mk [open "temporary_case_dependencies.mk" w]
- seek $local_mk 0 start
- puts $local_mk "CLEAN_TARGET += bd"
- puts $local_mk "CLEAN_TARGET += temporary_case_dependencies.mk"
- close $local_mk
-## Search after device specific parameters and call the adi_add_device_spec_param
-# process with the result. The list of these parameters are defined in
-# library/scripts/adi_xilinx_device_info_enc.tcl
-proc adi_add_auto_fpga_spec_params {} {
- global auto_set_param_list
- global auto_set_param_list_overwritable
- set cc [ipx::current_core]
- foreach i $auto_set_param_list {
- if { [ipx::get_user_parameters $i -of_objects $cc -quiet] ne ""} {
- adi_add_device_spec_param $i
- }
- }
- foreach i $auto_set_param_list_overwritable {
- if { [ipx::get_user_parameters $i -of_objects $cc -quiet] ne ""} {
- adi_add_device_spec_param $i
- }
- }
-## Generate validation properties for a parameter, using predefined ranges or
-# set of values (the definition of the ranges can be found in
-# library/scripts/adi_xilinx_device_info_enc.tcl).
-# \param[ip_parameter] - name of the HDL parameter
-proc adi_add_device_spec_param {ip_param} {
- set cc [ipx::current_core]
- set list_pointer [string tolower $ip_param]
- set list_pointer [append list_pointer "_list"]
- global $list_pointer
- # set j 1D list from the original list
- foreach i [subst $$list_pointer] {lappend j [lindex $i 0] [lindex $i 1]}
- # set ranges or validation pairs (show x in GUI assign the corresponding y to HDL)
- if { [llength [subst $$list_pointer]] == 2 && [llength $j] == 4} {
- set_property -dict [list \
- "value_validation_type" "range_long" \
- "value_validation_range_minimum" [lindex [subst $$list_pointer] 0] \
- "value_validation_range_maximum" [lindex [subst $$list_pointer] 1] ] \
- [ipx::get_user_parameters $ip_param -of_objects $cc]
- } else {
- set_property -dict [list \
- "value_validation_type" "pairs" \
- "value_validation_pairs" $j ] \
- [ipx::get_user_parameters $ip_param -of_objects $cc]
- }
- # FPGA info grup
- set info_group_name "FPGA info"
- set info_group [ipgui::get_groupspec -name $info_group_name -component $cc -quiet]
- if { [string trim $info_group] eq "" } {
- set page0 [ipgui::get_pagespec -name "Page 0" -component $cc]
- set info_group [ipgui::add_group -name $info_group_name -component $cc \
- -parent $page0 -display_name $info_group_name]
- }
- set p [ipgui::get_guiparamspec -name $ip_param -component $cc]
- set_property -dict [list "widget" "comboBox" ] $p
- ipgui::move_param -component $cc -order 0 $p -parent $info_group
-## Define a custom interface bus.
-# \param[name] - Interface name
-proc adi_if_define {name} {
- ipx::create_abstraction_definition analog.com interface ${name}_rtl 1.0
- ipx::create_bus_definition analog.com interface $name 1.0
- set_property xml_file_name ${name}_rtl.xml [ipx::current_busabs]
- set_property xml_file_name ${name}.xml [ipx::current_busdef]
- set_property bus_type_vlnv analog.com:interface:${name}:1.0 [ipx::current_busabs]
- ipx::save_abstraction_definition [ipx::current_busabs]
- ipx::save_bus_definition [ipx::current_busdef]
-## Add ports to a custom interface bus.
-# \param[dir] - Port direction
-# \param[width] - Port width
-# \param[name] - Port logical name
-# \param[type] - Type of the port (default "none")
-proc adi_if_ports {dir width name {type none}} {
- ipx::add_bus_abstraction_port $name [ipx::current_busabs]
- set m_intf [ipx::get_bus_abstraction_ports $name -of_objects [ipx::current_busabs]]
- set_property master_presence required $m_intf
- set_property slave_presence required $m_intf
- set_property master_width $width $m_intf
- set_property slave_width $width $m_intf
- set m_dir "in"
- set s_dir "out"
- if {$dir eq "output"} {
- set m_dir "out"
- set s_dir "in"
- }
- set_property master_direction $m_dir $m_intf
- set_property slave_direction $s_dir $m_intf
- if {$type ne "none"} {
- set_property is_${type} true $m_intf
- }
- ipx::save_bus_definition [ipx::current_busdef]
- ipx::save_abstraction_definition [ipx::current_busabs]
-## Infers a new bus interface to an IP.
-# \param[if_name] - Interface bus name
-# \param[mode] - Type of the interface bus (master/slave)
-# \param[name] - Interface bus instance name
-# \param[maps] - Mapping of the physical ports
-proc adi_if_infer_bus {if_name mode name maps} {
- ipx::add_bus_interface $name [ipx::current_core]
- set m_bus_if [ipx::get_bus_interfaces $name -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]
- set_property abstraction_type_vlnv ${if_name}_rtl:1.0 $m_bus_if
- set_property bus_type_vlnv ${if_name}:1.0 $m_bus_if
- set_property interface_mode $mode $m_bus_if
- foreach map $maps {
- set m_maps [regexp -all -inline {\S+} $map]
- lassign $m_maps p_name p_map
- ipx::add_port_map $p_name $m_bus_if
- set_property physical_name $p_map [ipx::get_port_maps $p_name -of_objects $m_bus_if]
- }
diff --git a/CI/scripts/adi_project.tcl b/CI/scripts/adi_project.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2173764..0000000
--- a/CI/scripts/adi_project.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-variable p_board
-variable p_device
-variable sys_zynq
-variable p_prcfg_init
-variable p_prcfg_list
-variable p_prcfg_status
-if {![info exists REQUIRED_VIVADO_VERSION]} {
-if {[info exists ::env(ADI_IGNORE_VERSION_CHECK)]} {
-} elseif {![info exists IGNORE_VERSION_CHECK]} {
-set p_board "not-applicable"
-set p_device "none"
-set sys_zynq 1
-proc adi_project_xilinx {project_name project_dir update_tcl {mode 0} {parameter_list ""}} {
- global ad_hdl_dir
- global ad_phdl_dir
- global p_board
- global p_device
- global sys_zynq
- if [regexp "_ac701$" $project_name] {
- set p_device "xc7a200tfbg676-2"
- set p_board "xilinx.com:ac701:part0:1.0"
- set sys_zynq 0
- }
- if [regexp "_kc705$" $project_name] {
- set p_device "xc7k325tffg900-2"
- set p_board "xilinx.com:kc705:part0:1.1"
- set sys_zynq 0
- }
- if [regexp "_vc707$" $project_name] {
- set p_device "xc7vx485tffg1761-2"
- set p_board "xilinx.com:vc707:part0:1.1"
- set sys_zynq 0
- }
- if [regexp "_kcu105$" $project_name] {
- set p_device "xcku040-ffva1156-2-e"
- set p_board "xilinx.com:kcu105:part0:1.1"
- set sys_zynq 0
- }
- if [regexp "_zed$" $project_name] {
- set p_device "xc7z020clg484-1"
- set p_board "em.avnet.com:zed:part0:1.3"
- set sys_zynq 1
- }
- if [regexp "_microzed$" $project_name] {
- set p_device "xc7z010clg400-1"
- set p_board "not-applicable"
- set sys_zynq 1
- }
- if [regexp "_zc702$" $project_name] {
- set p_device "xc7z020clg484-1"
- set p_board "xilinx.com:zc702:part0:1.2"
- set sys_zynq 1
- }
- if [regexp "_zc706$" $project_name] {
- set p_device "xc7z045ffg900-2"
- set p_board "xilinx.com:zc706:part0:1.2"
- set sys_zynq 1
- }
- if [regexp "_mitx045$" $project_name] {
- set p_device "xc7z045ffg900-2"
- set p_board "not-applicable"
- set sys_zynq 1
- }
- if [regexp "_zcu102$" $project_name] {
- set p_device "xczu9eg-ffvb1156-2-e"
- set p_board "xilinx.com:zcu102:part0:3.1"
- set sys_zynq 2
- }
- #Added
- set project_name_org $project_name
- set project_name vivado_prj
- set VIVADO_VERSION [version -short]
- if {[string compare $VIVADO_VERSION $REQUIRED_VIVADO_VERSION] != 0} {
- puts -nonewline "CRITICAL WARNING: vivado version mismatch; "
- puts -nonewline "expected $REQUIRED_VIVADO_VERSION, "
- puts -nonewline "got $VIVADO_VERSION.\n"
- }
- #Added
- adi_setup_libs
- if {$mode == 0} {
- set project_system_dir "./$project_name.srcs/sources_1/bd/system"
- #Removed
- #create_project $project_name . -part $p_device -force
- } else {
- set project_system_dir ".srcs/sources_1/bd/system"
- #Removed
- #create_project -in_memory -part $p_device
- }
- if {$mode == 1} {
- file mkdir $project_name.data
- }
- if {$p_board ne "not-applicable"} {
- set_property board_part $p_board [current_project]
- }
- #Removed
- #set lib_dirs $ad_hdl_dir/library
- #if {$ad_hdl_dir ne $ad_phdl_dir} {
- # lappend lib_dirs $ad_phdl_dir/library
- #}
- #set_property ip_repo_paths $lib_dirs [current_fileset]
- #update_ip_catalog
- set_msg_config -id {BD 41-1348} -new_severity info
- set_msg_config -id {BD 41-1343} -new_severity info
- set_msg_config -id {BD 41-1306} -new_severity info
- set_msg_config -id {IP_Flow 19-1687} -new_severity info
- set_msg_config -id {filemgmt 20-1763} -new_severity info
- set_msg_config -severity {CRITICAL WARNING} -quiet -id {BD 41-1276} -new_severity error
- #Added from adi_project_xilinx R2021a
- # Set parameters of the top level file
- # Make the same parameters available to system_bd.tcl
- set proj_params [get_property generic [current_fileset]]
- foreach {param value} $parameter_list {
- lappend proj_params $param=$value
- set ad_project_params($param) $value
- }
- #Added
- create_bd_design "system"
- source $project_dir/system_bd.tcl
- if {$project_name_org != "adrv9361z7035_ccbox_lvds_modem"} {
- source $project_dir/$update_tcl
- }
- set_property generic $proj_params [current_fileset]
- regenerate_bd_layout
- save_bd_design
- validate_bd_design
- set_property synth_checkpoint_mode None [get_files $project_system_dir/system.bd]
- generate_target {synthesis implementation} [get_files $project_system_dir/system.bd]
- make_wrapper -files [get_files $project_system_dir/system.bd] -top
- if {$mode == 0} {
- import_files -force -norecurse -fileset sources_1 $project_system_dir/hdl/system_wrapper.v
- } else {
- write_hwdef -file "$project_name.data/$project_name.hwdef"
- }
-proc adi_setup_libs {} {
- global ad_hdl_dir
- global ad_phdl_dir
- set lib_dirs [get_property ip_repo_paths [current_fileset]]
- lappend lib_dirs $ad_hdl_dir/library
- if {$ad_hdl_dir ne $ad_phdl_dir} {
- lappend lib_dirs $ad_phdl_dir/library
- }
- set_property ip_repo_paths $lib_dirs [current_fileset]
- update_ip_catalog
- adi_add_archive_ip $lib_dirs
-proc adi_add_archive_ip {lib_dirs} {
- global ad_hdl_dir
- global ad_phdl_dir
- foreach libDir $lib_dirs {
- set ipList [glob -nocomplain -directory $libDir *.zip]
- foreach ipCore $ipList {
- catch {update_ip_catalog -add_ip $ipCore -repo_path $libDir}
- file delete -force $ipCore
- }
- }
-proc adi_project_files {project_name project_files} {
- global ad_hdl_dir
- global ad_phdl_dir
- global proj_dir
- #Added
- cd $proj_dir
- add_files -norecurse -fileset sources_1 $project_files
- set_property top system_top [current_fileset]
- #Added
- cd $ad_hdl_dir
-proc adi_project_run {project_name} {
- #Removed
diff --git a/CI/scripts/adi_project_xilinx.tcl b/CI/scripts/adi_project_xilinx.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f49244..0000000
--- a/CI/scripts/adi_project_xilinx.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,435 +0,0 @@
-## Define the supported tool version
-if {![info exists REQUIRED_VIVADO_VERSION]} {
-## Define the ADI_IGNORE_VERSION_CHECK environment variable to skip version check
-if {[info exists ::env(ADI_IGNORE_VERSION_CHECK)]} {
-} elseif {![info exists IGNORE_VERSION_CHECK]} {
-## Define the ADI_USE_OOC_SYNTHESIS environment variable to enable out of context
-# synthesis
-if {[info exists ::env(ADI_USE_OOC_SYNTHESIS)]} {
-} elseif {![info exists ADI_USE_OOC_SYNTHESIS]} {
-## Set to enable incremental compilation
-## Set to enable power optimization
-## Initialize global variables
-set p_board "not-applicable"
-set p_device "none"
-set sys_zynq 1
-set p_prcfg_init ""
-set p_prcfg_list ""
-set p_prcfg_status ""
-## Creates a Xilinx project.
-# \param[project_name] - name of the project
-# \param[mode] - if set non-project mode will be used, otherwise project mode
-# flow, see UG892 for more information
-# \param[parameter_list] - a list of global parameters (parameters of the
-# system_top module)
-# Supported carrier names are: ac701, kc705, vc707, vcu118, kcu105, zed,
-# microzed, zc702, zc706, mitx405, zcu102.
-proc adi_project {project_name {mode 0} {parameter_list {}} } {
- global ad_hdl_dir
- global p_board
- global p_device
- global sys_zynq
- if [regexp "_ac701$" $project_name] {
- set p_device "xc7a200tfbg676-2"
- set p_board "xilinx.com:ac701:part0:1.0"
- set sys_zynq 0
- }
- if [regexp "_kc705$" $project_name] {
- set p_device "xc7k325tffg900-2"
- set p_board "xilinx.com:kc705:part0:1.1"
- set sys_zynq 0
- }
- if [regexp "_vc707$" $project_name] {
- set p_device "xc7vx485tffg1761-2"
- set p_board "xilinx.com:vc707:part0:1.1"
- set sys_zynq 0
- }
- if [regexp "_vcu118$" $project_name] {
- set p_device "xcvu9p-flga2104-2L-e"
- set p_board "xilinx.com:vcu118:part0:2.0"
- set sys_zynq 0
- }
- if [regexp "_kcu105$" $project_name] {
- set p_device "xcku040-ffva1156-2-e"
- set p_board "xilinx.com:kcu105:part0:1.1"
- set sys_zynq 0
- }
- if [regexp "_zed$" $project_name] {
- set p_device "xc7z020clg484-1"
- set p_board "em.avnet.com:zed:part0:1.3"
- set sys_zynq 1
- }
- if [regexp "_coraz7s$" $project_name] {
- set p_device "xc7z007sclg400-1"
- set p_board "not-applicable"
- set sys_zynq 1
- }
- if [regexp "_microzed$" $project_name] {
- set p_device "xc7z010clg400-1"
- set p_board "not-applicable"
- set sys_zynq 1
- }
- if [regexp "_zc702$" $project_name] {
- set p_device "xc7z020clg484-1"
- set p_board "xilinx.com:zc702:part0:1.2"
- set sys_zynq 1
- }
- if [regexp "_zc706$" $project_name] {
- set p_device "xc7z045ffg900-2"
- set p_board "xilinx.com:zc706:part0:1.2"
- set sys_zynq 1
- }
- if [regexp "_mitx045$" $project_name] {
- set p_device "xc7z045ffg900-2"
- set p_board "not-applicable"
- set sys_zynq 1
- }
- if [regexp "_zcu102$" $project_name] {
- set p_device "xczu9eg-ffvb1156-2-e"
- set p_board "xilinx.com:zcu102:part0:3.2"
- set sys_zynq 2
- }
- set VIVADO_VERSION [version -short]
- if {[string compare $VIVADO_VERSION $REQUIRED_VIVADO_VERSION] != 0} {
- puts -nonewline "CRITICAL WARNING: vivado version mismatch; "
- puts -nonewline "expected $REQUIRED_VIVADO_VERSION, "
- puts -nonewline "got $VIVADO_VERSION.\n"
- }
- if {$mode == 0} {
- set project_system_dir "./$project_name.srcs/sources_1/bd/system"
- create_project $project_name . -part $p_device -force
- } else {
- set project_system_dir ".srcs/sources_1/bd/system"
- create_project -in_memory -part $p_device
- }
- if {$mode == 1} {
- file mkdir $project_name.data
- }
- if {$p_board ne "not-applicable"} {
- set_property board_part $p_board [current_project]
- }
- set lib_dirs $ad_hdl_dir/library
- # Set a common IP cache for all projects
- if {$ADI_USE_OOC_SYNTHESIS == 1} {
- if {[file exists $ad_hdl_dir/ipcache] == 0} {
- file mkdir $ad_hdl_dir/ipcache
- }
- config_ip_cache -import_from_project -use_cache_location $ad_hdl_dir/ipcache
- }
- set_property ip_repo_paths $lib_dirs [current_fileset]
- update_ip_catalog
- ## Load custom message severity definitions
- source $ad_hdl_dir/projects/scripts/adi_xilinx_msg.tcl
- ## In Vivado there is a limit for the number of warnings and errors which are
- ## displayed by the tool for a particular error or warning; the default value
- ## of this limit is 100.
- ## Overrides the default limit to 2000.
- set_param messaging.defaultLimit 2000
- # Set parameters of the top level file
- # Make the same parameters available to system_bd.tcl
- set proj_params [get_property generic [current_fileset]]
- foreach {param value} $parameter_list {
- lappend proj_params $param=$value
- set ad_project_params($param) $value
- }
- set_property generic $proj_params [current_fileset]
- create_bd_design "system"
- source system_bd.tcl
- save_bd_design
- validate_bd_design
- if {$ADI_USE_OOC_SYNTHESIS == 1} {
- set_property synth_checkpoint_mode Hierarchical [get_files $project_system_dir/system.bd]
- } else {
- set_property synth_checkpoint_mode None [get_files $project_system_dir/system.bd]
- }
- generate_target {synthesis implementation} [get_files $project_system_dir/system.bd]
- if {$ADI_USE_OOC_SYNTHESIS == 1} {
- export_ip_user_files -of_objects [get_files $project_system_dir/system.bd] -no_script -sync -force -quiet
- create_ip_run [get_files $project_system_dir/system.bd]
- }
- make_wrapper -files [get_files $project_system_dir/system.bd] -top
- if {$mode == 0} {
- import_files -force -norecurse -fileset sources_1 $project_system_dir/hdl/system_wrapper.v
- } else {
- write_hwdef -file "$project_name.data/$project_name.hwdef"
- }
- if {$ADI_USE_INCR_COMP == 1} {
- if {[file exists ./reference.dcp]} {
- set_property incremental_checkpoint ./reference.dcp [get_runs impl_1]
- }
- }
-## Add source files to an exiting project.
-# \param[project_name] - name of the project
-# \param[project_files] - list of project files
-proc adi_project_files {project_name project_files} {
- foreach pfile $project_files {
- if {[string range $pfile [expr 1 + [string last . $pfile]] end] == "xdc"} {
- add_files -norecurse -fileset constrs_1 $pfile
- } else {
- add_files -norecurse -fileset sources_1 $pfile
- }
- }
- # NOTE: top file name is always system_top
- set_property top system_top [current_fileset]
-## Run an existing project (generate bit stream).
-# \param[project_name] - name of the project
-proc adi_project_run {project_name} {
- if {$ADI_USE_OOC_SYNTHESIS == 1} {
- launch_runs -jobs 4 system_*_synth_1 synth_1
- } else {
- launch_runs synth_1
- }
- wait_on_run synth_1
- open_run synth_1
- report_timing_summary -file timing_synth.log
- if {![info exists ::env(ADI_NO_BITSTREAM_COMPRESSION)] && ![info exists ADI_NO_BITSTREAM_COMPRESSION]} {
- set_property BITSTREAM.GENERAL.COMPRESS TRUE [current_design]
- }
- set_property STEPS.POWER_OPT_DESIGN.IS_ENABLED true [get_runs impl_1]
- set_property STEPS.POST_PLACE_POWER_OPT_DESIGN.IS_ENABLED true [get_runs impl_1]
- }
- launch_runs impl_1 -to_step write_bitstream
- wait_on_run impl_1
- open_run impl_1
- report_timing_summary -file timing_impl.log
- if {[info exists ::env(ADI_GENERATE_UTILIZATION)]} {
- set csv_file resource_utilization.csv
- if {[ catch {
- xilinx::designutils::report_failfast -csv -file $csv_file -transpose -no_header -ignore_pr -quiet
- set MMCM [llength [get_cells -hierarchical -filter { PRIMITIVE_TYPE =~ *MMCM* }]]
- set PLL [llength [get_cells -hierarchical -filter { PRIMITIVE_TYPE =~ *PLL* }]]
- set worst_slack_setup [get_property SLACK [get_timing_paths -setup]]
- set worst_slack_hold [get_property SLACK [get_timing_paths -hold]]
- set fileRead [open $csv_file r]
- set lines [split [read $fileRead] "\n"]
- set names_line [lindex $lines end-3]
- set values_line [lindex $lines end-2]
- close $fileRead
- set fileWrite [open $csv_file w]
- puts $fileWrite "$names_line,MMCM*,PLL*,Worst_Setup_Slack,Worst_Hold_Slack"
- puts $fileWrite "$values_line,$MMCM,$PLL,$worst_slack_setup,$worst_slack_hold"
- close $fileWrite
- } issue ] != 0 } {
- puts "GENERATE_REPORTS: tclapp::xilinx::designutils not installed"
- }
- } else {
- puts "GENERATE_REPORTS: Resource utilization files won't be generated because ADI_GENERATE_UTILIZATION env var is not set"
- }
- # Look for undefined clocks which do not show up in the timing summary
- set timing_check [check_timing -override_defaults no_clock -no_header -return_string]
- if {[regexp { (\d+) register} $timing_check -> num_regs]} {
- if {[info exist num_regs]} {
- if {$num_regs > 0} {
- puts "CRITICAL WARNING: There are $num_regs registers with no clocks !!! See no_clock.log for details."
- check_timing -override_defaults no_clock -verbose -file no_clock.log
- }
- }
- } else {
- puts "CRITICAL WARNING: The search for undefined clocks failed !!!"
- }
- file mkdir $project_name.sdk
- if [expr [string match *VIOLATED* $[report_timing_summary -return_string]] == 1] {
- file copy -force $project_name.runs/impl_1/system_top.sysdef $project_name.sdk/system_top_bad_timing.hdf
- return -code error [format "ERROR: Timing Constraints NOT met!"]
- } else {
- file copy -force $project_name.runs/impl_1/system_top.sysdef $project_name.sdk/system_top.hdf
- }
-## Run synthesis on an partial design; use it in Partial Reconfiguration flow.
-# \param[project_name] - project name
-# \param[prcfg_name] - name of the partial design
-# \param[hdl_files] - hdl source of the partial design
-# \param[xdc_files] - XDC constraint source of the partial design
-proc adi_project_synth {project_name prcfg_name hdl_files {xdc_files ""}} {
- global p_device
- set p_prefix "$project_name.data/$project_name"
- if {$prcfg_name eq ""} {
- read_verilog .srcs/sources_1/bd/system/hdl/system_wrapper.v
- read_verilog $hdl_files
- read_xdc $xdc_files
- synth_design -mode default -top system_top -part $p_device > $p_prefix.synth.rds
- write_checkpoint -force $p_prefix.synth.dcp
- close_project
- } else {
- create_project -in_memory -part $p_device
- read_verilog $hdl_files
- synth_design -mode out_of_context -top "prcfg" -part $p_device > $p_prefix.${prcfg_name}_synth.rds
- write_checkpoint -force $p_prefix.${prcfg_name}_synth.dcp
- close_project
- }
-## Run implementation on an partial design; use it in Partial Reconfiguration
-# flow.
-# \param[project_name] - project name
-# \param[prcfg_name] - name of the partial design
-# \param[xdc_files] - XDC constraint source of the partial design
-proc adi_project_impl {project_name prcfg_name {xdc_files ""}} {
- global p_device
- global p_prcfg_init
- global p_prcfg_list
- global p_prcfg_status
- set p_prefix "$project_name.data/$project_name"
- if {$prcfg_name eq "default"} {
- set p_prcfg_status 0
- set p_prcfg_list ""
- set p_prcfg_init "$p_prefix.${prcfg_name}_impl.dcp"
- file mkdir $project_name.sdk
- }
- if {$prcfg_name eq "default"} {
- open_checkpoint $p_prefix.synth.dcp -part $p_device
- read_xdc $xdc_files
- read_checkpoint -cell i_prcfg $p_prefix.${prcfg_name}_synth.dcp
- set_property HD.RECONFIGURABLE 1 [get_cells i_prcfg]
- opt_design > $p_prefix.${prcfg_name}_opt.rds
- write_debug_probes -force $p_prefix.${prcfg_name}_debug_nets.ltx
- place_design > $p_prefix.${prcfg_name}_place.rds
- route_design > $p_prefix.${prcfg_name}_route.rds
- } else {
- open_checkpoint $p_prefix.default_impl_bb.dcp -part $p_device
- lock_design -level routing
- read_checkpoint -cell i_prcfg $p_prefix.${prcfg_name}_synth.dcp
- read_xdc $xdc_files
- opt_design > $p_prefix.${prcfg_name}_opt.rds
- place_design > $p_prefix.${prcfg_name}_place.rds
- route_design > $p_prefix.${prcfg_name}_route.rds
- }
- write_checkpoint -force $p_prefix.${prcfg_name}_impl.dcp
- report_utilization -pblocks pb_prcfg -file $p_prefix.${prcfg_name}_utilization.rpt
- report_timing_summary -file $p_prefix.${prcfg_name}_timing_summary.rpt
- if [expr [get_property SLACK [get_timing_paths]] < 0] {
- set p_prcfg_status 1
- puts "CRITICAL WARNING: Timing Constraints NOT met ($prcfg_name)!"
- }
- write_checkpoint -force -cell i_prcfg $p_prefix.${prcfg_name}_prcfg_impl.dcp
- update_design -cell i_prcfg -black_box
- write_checkpoint -force $p_prefix.${prcfg_name}_impl_bb.dcp
- open_checkpoint $p_prefix.${prcfg_name}_impl.dcp -part $p_device
- write_bitstream -force -bin_file -file $p_prefix.${prcfg_name}.bit
- write_sysdef -hwdef $p_prefix.hwdef -bitfile $p_prefix.${prcfg_name}.bit -file $p_prefix.${prcfg_name}.hdf
- file copy -force $p_prefix.${prcfg_name}.hdf $project_name.sdk/system_top.${prcfg_name}.hdf
- if {$prcfg_name ne "default"} {
- lappend p_prcfg_list "$p_prefix.${prcfg_name}_impl.dcp"
- }
- if {$prcfg_name eq "default"} {
- file copy -force $p_prefix.${prcfg_name}.hdf $project_name.sdk/system_top.hdf
- }
-## Verify an implemented partial reconfiguration design, checks if all the
-# partial design are compatible with the base design.
-# \param[project_name] - project name
-proc adi_project_verify {project_name} {
- # checkpoint for the default design
- global p_prcfg_init
- # list of checkpoints with all the PRs integrated into the default design
- global p_prcfg_list
- global p_prcfg_status
- set p_prefix "$project_name.data/$project_name"
- pr_verify -full_check -initial $p_prcfg_init \
- -additional $p_prcfg_list \
- -file $p_prefix.prcfg_verify.log
- if {$p_prcfg_status == 1} {
- return -code error [format "ERROR: Timing Constraints NOT met!"]
- }
diff --git a/CI/scripts/adi_xilinx_device_info_enc.tcl b/CI/scripts/adi_xilinx_device_info_enc.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index af8b840..0000000
--- a/CI/scripts/adi_xilinx_device_info_enc.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-## ***************************************************************************
-## ***************************************************************************
-## Copyright 2014 - 2018 (c) Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
-## In this HDL repository, there are many different and unique modules, consisting
-## of various HDL (Verilog or VHDL) components. The individual modules are
-## developed independently, and may be accompanied by separate and unique license
-## terms.
-## The user should read each of these license terms, and understand the
-## freedoms and responsibilities that he or she has by using this source/core.
-## This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-## WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
-## Redistribution and use of source or resulting binaries, with or without modification
-## of this file, are permitted under one of the following two license terms:
-## 1. The GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the
-## Free Software Foundation, which can be found in the top level directory
-## of this repository (LICENSE_GPL2), and also online at:
-## OR
-## 2. An ADI specific BSD license, which can be found in the top level directory
-## of this repository (LICENSE_ADIBSD), and also on-line at:
-## https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/hdl/blob/master/LICENSE_ADIBSD
-## This will allow to generate bit files and not release the source code,
-## as long as it attaches to an ADI device.
-## ***************************************************************************
-## ***************************************************************************
-# adi_xilinx_device_info_enc.tcl
-variable auto_set_param_list
-variable auto_set_param_list_overwritable
-variable fpga_series_list
-variable fpga_family_list
-variable speed_grade_list
-variable dev_package_list
-variable xcvr_type_list
-variable fpga_voltage_list
-# Parameter list for automatic assignament
-set auto_set_param_list { \
-set auto_set_param_list_overwritable { \
-# List for automatically assigned parameter values and encoded values
-# The list name must be the parameter name (lowercase), appending "_list" to it
-set fpga_technology_list { \
- { Unknown 0 } \
- { 7series 1 } \
- { ultrascale 2 } \
- { ultrascale+ 3 }}
-set fpga_family_list { \
- { Unknown 0 } \
- { artix 1 } \
- { kintex 2 } \
- { virtex 3 } \
- { zynq 4 }}
-set speed_grade_list { \
- { Unknown 0 } \
- { -1 10 } \
- { -1L 11 } \
- { -1H 12 } \
- { -1HV 13 } \
- { -1LV 14 } \
- { -2 20 } \
- { -2L 21 } \
- { -2LV 22 } \
- { -3 30 }}
-set dev_package_list { \
- { Unknown 0 } \
- { rf 1 } \
- { fl 2 } \
- { ff 3 } \
- { fb 4 } \
- { hc 5 } \
- { fh 6 } \
- { cs 7 } \
- { cp 8 } \
- { ft 9 } \
- { fg 10 } \
- { sb 11 } \
- { rb 12 } \
- { rs 13 } \
- { cl 14 } \
- { sf 15 } \
- { ba 16 } \
- { fa 17 }}
-set xcvr_type_list { \
- { Unknown 0 } \
- { GTXE2 2 } \
- { GTHE3 5 } \
- { GTHE4 8 } \
- { GTYE4 9 } \
-set fpga_voltage_list {0 5000} ;# 0 to 5000mV
-## ***************************************************************************
-proc adi_device_spec {cellpath param} {
- set list_pointer [string tolower $param]
- set list_pointer [append list_pointer "_list"]
- upvar 1 $list_pointer $list_pointer
- set ip [get_bd_cells $cellpath]
- set part [get_property PART [current_project]]
- switch -regexp -- $param {
- switch -regexp -- $part {
- ^xc7 {set series_name 7series}
- ^xczu {set series_name ultrascale+}
- ^xc.u.p {set series_name ultrascale+}
- ^xc.u {set series_name ultrascale }
- default {
- puts "Undefined fpga technology for \"$part\"!"
- exit -1
- }
- }
- return "$series_name"
- }
- set fpga_family [get_property FAMILY $part]
- foreach i $fpga_family_list {
- regexp ^[lindex $i 0] $fpga_family matched
- }
- return "$matched"
- }
- set speed_grade [get_property SPEED $part]
- return "$speed_grade"
- }
- set dev_package [get_property PACKAGE $part]
- foreach i $dev_package_list {
- regexp ^[lindex $i 0] $dev_package matched
- }
- return "$matched"
- }
- set matched ""
- set dev_transcivers "none"
- foreach x [list_property $part] {
- regexp ^GT..._TRANSCEIVERS $x dev_transcivers
- }
- foreach i $xcvr_type_list {
- regexp ^[lindex $i 0] $dev_transcivers matched
- }
- if { $matched eq "" } {
- puts "CRITICAL WARNING: \"$dev_transcivers\" TYPE IS NOT SUPPORTED BY ADI!"
- }
- return "$matched"
- }
- set fpga_voltage [get_property REF_OPERATING_VOLTAGE $part]
- set fpga_voltage [expr int([expr $fpga_voltage * 1000])] ;# // V to mV conversion(integer val)
- return "$fpga_voltage"
- }
- default {
- puts "WARNING: UNDEFINED PARAMETER \"$param\" (adi_device_spec)!"
- }
- }
-## ***************************************************************************
-## ***************************************************************************
diff --git a/CI/scripts/bsp.tmpl b/CI/scripts/bsp.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dac3cf..0000000
--- a/CI/scripts/bsp.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
- Analog Devices, Inc. Precision Toolbox
- Analog Devices, Inc
- Analog Devices, Inc
- Board support package for control and data streaming from Analog Devices Precision products.
- Scripts and tools created by ADI to be used with MATLAB and Simulink with ADI Precision products
-Documentation: https://wiki.analog.com/resources/tools-software/pcx-toolbox
-Support: https://ez.analog.com/
- __REPO-ROOT__/CI/doc/ADI_Logo_AWP_Large.png
- ${PROJECT_ROOT}/Analog Devices Board Support Packages.mltbx
- - Simulink
- - Communications Toolbox
- - DSP System Toolbox
- - Signal Processing Toolbox
- - 1
- - 2
- - 36
- - 24
- - 101
- - 8
- - 14
- - 9.5
- - 9.2
- - 7.0
- - 9.7
- - 3.13
- - 8.1
- - 9.0
- __UUID__
- %
- true
- ${PROJECT_ROOT}/info.xml
- false
- true
- true
- false
- true
- false
- ${PROJECT_ROOT}/info.xml
- ${PROJECT_ROOT}/rfm_examples
- __REPO-ROOT__/AnalogDevicesPrecision.mltbx
- /usr/local/MATLAB/__ML-RELEASE__
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- false
- false
- false
- false
- false
- true
- false
- 4.15.0-34-generic
- false
- true
- glnxa64
- true
diff --git a/CI/scripts/bsp_noexamples.tmpl b/CI/scripts/bsp_noexamples.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 15aac74..0000000
--- a/CI/scripts/bsp_noexamples.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
- Analog Devices, Inc. Transceiver Toolbox
- Travis Collins
- travis.collins@analog.com
- Analog Devices, Inc
- Board support package for HDL targeting and data streaming from Analog Devices transceivers.
- Scripts and tools created by ADI to be used with MATLAB and Simulink with ADI transceivers
-Documentation: https://wiki.analog.com/resources/eval/user-guides/ad-fmcomms2-ebz/software/matlab_bsp
-Support: https://ez.analog.com/
- __REPO-ROOT__/CI/doc/ADI_Logo_AWP_Large.png
- ${PROJECT_ROOT}/AnalogDevicesTransceiverToolbox.mltbx
- - Simulink
- - Communications Toolbox
- - DSP System Toolbox
- - HDL Coder
- - Signal Processing Toolbox
- - Simulink Coder
- - 1
- - 2
- - 36
- - 24
- - 101
- - 8
- - 14
- - 9.5
- - 9.2
- - 7.0
- - 9.7
- - 3.13
- - 8.1
- - 9.0
- __UUID__
- %
- true
- ${PROJECT_ROOT}/info.xml
- false
- true
- true
- false
- true
- false
- ${PROJECT_ROOT}/info.xml
- __REPO-ROOT__/AnalogDevicesTransceiverToolbox.mltbx
- /usr/local/MATLAB/__ML-RELEASE__
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- false
- false
- false
- false
- false
- true
- false
- 4.15.0-34-generic
- false
- true
- glnxa64
- true
diff --git a/CI/scripts/build_bsp.m b/CI/scripts/build_bsp.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 6acdc33..0000000
--- a/CI/scripts/build_bsp.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-%% Move to correct location
-p = mfilename('fullpath');
-p = strsplit(p,'/');
-p = p(1:end-1);
-p = strjoin(p,'/');
-cd ..
-%% Setup HDL repo
-system('git clone --single-branch -b hdl_2018_r1 https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/hdl.git')
-system('source /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2017.4/settings64.sh');
-%% Update adi_ip script to make sure archive are built in a portable way
-copyfile('scripts/adi_ip.tcl', 'hdl/library/scripts/')
-%% Pack all cores
-system('/opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2017.4/bin/vivado -mode batch -source scripts/pack_all_ips.tcl && echo "success" || echo "failed"')
-%% Repack i2s core to include xml files
-cd hdl/library/axi_i2s_adi/
-cd ../../..
-cd hdl/library/util_i2c_mixer/
-cd ../../..
-%% Move all cores
-system('/opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2017.4/bin/vivado -mode batch -source scripts/copy_all_packed_ips.tcl && echo "success" || echo "failed"')
-!cp -r hdl/library/jesd204/*.zip hdl/library/
-!cp -r hdl/library/xilinx/*.zip hdl/library/
-!rm -rf hdl/projects
-!cp -r projects hdl/
-%% Remove unused projects in BSP
-% cd hdl/projects
-% whitelist = {'..','.','scripts','fmcomms5','fmcomms2','common','adrv9361z7035','adrv9364z7020','adrv9009'};
-% files = dir('.');
-% files = {files.name};
-% for file = files
-% if ~ismember(file{:},whitelist)
-% disp(file{:})
-% if isfile(file{:})
-% delete(file{:});
-% elseif isfolder(file{:})
-% rmdir(file{:},'s');
-% end
-% end
-% end
-% cd ../..
-%% Update tcl scripts and additional IP cores (MUX)
-copyfile('scripts/adi_project.tcl', 'hdl/projects/scripts/')
-copyfile('scripts/adi_build.tcl', 'hdl/projects/scripts/')
-copyfile('ip/*.zip', 'hdl/library/')
-%% Cleanup
diff --git a/CI/scripts/build_bsp.sh b/CI/scripts/build_bsp.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a7d1a8..0000000
--- a/CI/scripts/build_bsp.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
-set -x
-if [ -z "${HDLBRANCH}" ]; then
-# Script is designed to run from specific location
-scriptdir=`dirname "$BASH_SOURCE"`
-cd $scriptdir
-cd ..
-# Get HDL
-if [ -d "hdl" ]; then
- rm -rf "hdl"
-for i in {1..5}
- if git clone --single-branch -b $HDLBRANCH https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/hdl.git
- then
- break
- fi
- if [ -d "hdl" ]; then
- break
- fi
-if [ ! -d "hdl" ]; then
- echo "HDL clone failed"
- exit 1
-# Get required vivado version needed for HDL
-if [ -f "hdl/library/scripts/adi_ip.tcl" ]; then
- TARGET="hdl/library/scripts/adi_ip.tcl"
- TARGET="hdl/library/scripts/adi_ip_xilinx.tcl"
-VER=$(awk '/set REQUIRED_VIVADO_VERSION/ {print $3}' $TARGET | sed 's/"//g')
-echo "Required Vivado version ${VER}"
-if [ ${#VER} = 8 ]
-# Setup
-source /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/$VIVADO/settings64.sh
-# Update build scripts and force vivado versions
-cp scripts/adi_ip.tcl hdl/library/scripts/
-VERTMP=$(awk '/set REQUIRED_VIVADO_VERSION/ {print $3}' hdl/library/scripts/adi_ip.tcl | sed 's/"//g')
-grep -rl ${VERTMP} hdl/library/scripts | xargs sed -i -e "s/${VERTMP}/${VIVADOFULL}/g"
-# Update relative paths
-FILES=$(grep -lrnw hdl/projects -e "\.\.\/common" | grep -v Makefile)
-for f in $FILES
- echo "Updating relative paths of: $f"
- DEVICE=$(echo "$f"| cut -d "/" -f 3)
- STR="\$ad_hdl_dir\/projects\/$DEVICE"
- sed -i "s/\.\.\/common/$STR\/common/g" "$f"
-# Rename .prj files since MATLAB ignores then during packaging
-FILES=$(grep -lrn hdl/projects/common -e '.prj' | grep -v Makefile | grep -v .git)
-for f in $FILES
- echo "Updating prj reference in: $f"
- sed -i "s/\.prj/\.mk/g" "$f"
-FILES=$(find hdl/projects/common -name "*.prj")
-for f in $FILES
- DEST="${f::-3}mk"
- echo "Renaming: $f to $DEST"
- mv "$f" "$DEST"
-# Remove intel
-rm -rf hdl/projects/common/intel
-rm -rf hdl/library/intel
-# Remove references to GHDL crap
-wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/analogdevicesinc/hdl/hdl_2018_r2/library/scripts/adi_env.tcl
-mv adi_env.tcl hdl/library/scripts/
-cp scripts/adi_env.tcl hdl/projects/scripts/
-cp scripts/adi_project_xilinx.tcl hdl/projects/scripts/
-cp scripts/adi_ip_xilinx.tcl hdl/library/scripts/
-# Update cores to move relative paths locally
-sed -i 's/add_files/add_files\ -copy_to\ \[pwd\]\ -force/g' hdl/library/jesd204/axi_jesd204_common/axi_jesd204_common_ip.tcl
-# Update new folder names
-sed -i 's/util_cdc/analog_lib.com_user_util_cdc_1.0/g' hdl/projects/common/xilinx/adi_fir_filter_bd.tcl
-sed -i 's/util_fir_int/analog_lib.com_user_util_fir_int_1.0/g' hdl/projects/adrv9009/common/adrv9009_bd.tcl
-sed -i 's/util_fir_int/analog_lib.com_user_util_fir_int_1.0/g' hdl/projects/adrv9371x/common/adrv9371x_bd.tcl
-# Pack IP cores
-echo "Starting IP core packaging"
-#vivado -verbose -mode batch -source scripts/pack_all_ips.tcl > /dev/null 2>&1
-vivado -verbose -mode batch -source scripts/pack_all_ips.tcl > log.txt
-# Repack i2s and i2c cores to include xml files
-cd hdl/library/axi_i2s_adi/
-#unzip analog.com_user_axi_i2s_adi_1.0.zip -d tmp
-unzip analog_lib.com_user_axi_i2s_adi_1.0.zip -d tmp
-#rm analog.com_user_axi_i2s_adi_1.0.zip
-rm analog_lib.com_user_axi_i2s_adi_1.0.zip
-cp *.xml tmp/
-cd tmp
-#zip -r analog.com_user_axi_i2s_adi_1.0.zip *
-zip -r analog_lib.com_user_axi_i2s_adi_1.0.zip *
-#cp analog.com_user_axi_i2s_adi_1.0.zip ../
-cp analog_lib.com_user_axi_i2s_adi_1.0.zip ../
-cd ../../../..
-cd hdl/library/util_i2c_mixer/
-#unzip analog.com_user_util_i2c_mixer_1.0.zip -d tmp/
-unzip analog_lib.com_user_util_i2c_mixer_1.0.zip -d tmp/
-#rm analog.com_user_util_i2c_mixer_1.0.zip
-rm analog_lib.com_user_util_i2c_mixer_1.0.zip
-cp *.xml tmp/
-cd tmp
-#zip -r analog.com_user_util_i2c_mixer_1.0.zip *
-zip -r analog_lib.com_user_util_i2c_mixer_1.0.zip *
-#cp analog.com_user_util_i2c_mixer_1.0.zip ../
-cp analog_lib.com_user_util_i2c_mixer_1.0.zip ../
-cd ../../../..
-# Rename zips so they do not overwrite one another
-cd hdl/library/jesd204
-FILES=$(find . -name "*.zip")
-for f in $FILES
- M=${f:2}
- mv -- "$M" .
-cd ../../..
-#cd hdl/library/jesd204
-#FILES=$(find . -name "*.zip")
-#for f in $FILES
-# echo "Renaming $f"
-# M=${f:2}
-# echo "Repacking $M"
-# FN=${M::-4}
-# unzip $M -d $FN
-# mv -- "$FN" "jesd204_${FN}"
-# cd "jesd204_${FN}"
-# zip -r "jesd204_${FN}.zip" *
-# cd ..
-# mv "jesd204_${FN}/jesd204_${FN}.zip" .
-# rm -rf "jesd204_${FN}"
-# rm $M
-#cd ../../..
-cd hdl/library/xilinx
-FILES=$(find . -name "*.zip")
-for f in $FILES
- M=${f:2}
- mv -- "$M" .
-cd ../../..
-#cd hdl/library/xilinx
-#FILES=$(find . -name "*.zip")
-#for f in $FILES
-# echo "Renaming $f"
-# M=${f:2}
-# echo "Repacking $M"
-# FN=${M::-4}
-# unzip $M -d $FN
-# mv -- "$FN" "xilinx_${FN}"
-# cd "xilinx_${FN}"
-# zip -r "xilinx_${FN}.zip" *
-# cd ..
-# mv "xilinx_${FN}/xilinx_${FN}.zip" .
-# rm -rf "xilinx_${FN}"
-# rm $M
-#cd ../../..
-# Move all cores
-echo "Moving all cores"
-vivado -mode batch -source scripts/copy_all_packed_ips.tcl || true
-cp -r hdl/library/util_pack/*.zip hdl/library/
-cp -r hdl/library/jesd204/*.zip hdl/library/
-cp -r hdl/library/xilinx/*.zip hdl/library/
-cp -r hdl/projects/common common
-cp -r hdl/projects/scripts/adi_board.tcl .
-mv hdl/projects projects_premerge
-# Remove pluto since its manually updated
-rm -rf projects_premerge/pluto
-cp -r projects hdl/
-cp -R projects_premerge/* hdl/projects/
-rm -rf projects_premerge
-cp -R common/* hdl/projects/common/
-rm -rf common
-mv adi_board.tcl hdl/projects/scripts/
-# Update tcl scripts and additional IP cores (MUX)
-cp scripts/adi_project.tcl hdl/projects/scripts/
-cp scripts/adi_build.tcl hdl/projects/scripts/
-cp ip/*.zip hdl/library/
-# Update vivado version in MATLAB API and build script
-cd ..
-echo "SED 1"
-grep -rl ${DEFAULT_V_VERSION} hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices | grep -v MODEM | xargs sed -i "s/${DEFAULT_V_VERSION}/$VIVADO/g"
-cd CI
-echo "SED 2"
-grep -rl ${DEFAULT_V_VERSION} hdl/projects/scripts | xargs sed -i "s/${DEFAULT_V_VERSION}/$VIVADOFULL/g"
-# Remove extra projects
-FILES=$(find hdl/projects)
-for f in $FILES
- if [[ "$f" == 'adrv9009' ]]; then
- continue
- elif [[ "$f" == 'adrv9371x' ]]; then
- continue
- elif [[ "$f" == 'fmcomms2' ]]; then
- continue
- elif [[ "$f" == 'fmcomms5' ]]; then
- continue
- elif [[ "$f" == 'pluto' ]]; then
- continue
- elif [[ "$f" == 'adrv9001' ]]; then
- continue
- elif [[ "$f" == 'adrv9361z7035' ]]; then
- continue
- elif [[ "$f" == 'adrv9364z7020' ]]; then
- continue
- fi
- rm -rf "hdl/projects/$f"
-# Remove git directory move to bsp folder
-rm -fr hdl/.git*
-if [ -d "$TARGET" ]; then
- rm -rf "$TARGET"
-cp -r hdl $TARGET
-# Cleanup
-rm vivado_*
-rm vivado.jou
-rm vivado.log
-rm -rf hdl
diff --git a/CI/scripts/copy_all_packed_ips.tcl b/CI/scripts/copy_all_packed_ips.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index b8132f3..0000000
--- a/CI/scripts/copy_all_packed_ips.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-proc copy_all_packed_ips { DEST_FOLDER } {
- #set WD [pwd]
- #set DEST_FOLDER D:/Work/hdlbsp-master/vendor/AnalogDevices/vivado/library
- set folder_list [glob -types d *]
- foreach dir $folder_list {
- puts "$dir"
- cd $dir
- if {[catch {set files_list [glob *]}]} {
- cd ..
- continue
- }
- foreach file $files_list {
- set idx [string first .zip $file 1]
- if {$idx != -1} {
- file copy -force $file $DEST_FOLDER/$file
- puts $file
- }
- }
- cd ..
- # Don't remove these folders
- if {$dir=="common"} {continue}
- if {$dir=="interfaces"} {continue}
- if {$dir=="prcfg"} {continue}
- if {$dir=="scripts"} {continue}
- if {$dir=="xilinx"} {continue}
- if {$dir=="jesd204"} {continue}
- if {$dir=="spi_engine"} {continue}
- if {$dir=="util_pack"} {continue}
- file delete -force -- $dir
- }
-cd hdl
-# Move main library core zips
-cd library
-set DEST [pwd]
-puts $DEST
-copy_all_packed_ips $DEST
-# Move Xilinx core zips
-cd xilinx
-set DEST [pwd]
-copy_all_packed_ips $DEST
-cd ..
-# Move jesd204 core zips
-cd jesd204
-set DEST [pwd]
-copy_all_packed_ips $DEST
-cd ..
-# Move spi_engine core zips
-cd spi_engine
-set DEST [pwd]
-copy_all_packed_ips $DEST
-# Move util_pack core zips
-cd util_pack
-set DEST [pwd]
-copy_all_packed_ips $DEST
-cd ../../..
diff --git a/CI/scripts/dockermake b/CI/scripts/dockermake
deleted file mode 100644
index 06c9322..0000000
--- a/CI/scripts/dockermake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-docker build . -t matlabci -f CI/scripts/Docker
-docker run --rm -e "INCLUDE_EXAMPLES=$INCLUDE_EXAMPLES" -e "BOARD=$BOARD" -e "LM_LICENSE_FILE=$LM_LICENSE_FILE" -e "XILINXD_LICENSE_FILE=$XILINXD_LICENSE_FILE" -e "MLRELEASE=$MLRELEASE" -e "HDLBRANCH=$HDLBRANCH" -v "$(pwd):/work" -v /mlhsp:/mlhspro:ro -v /usr/local/MATLAB:/usr/local/MATLAB -v /root/.matlab:/root/.matlabro:ro -v /root/.Xilinx:/root/.Xilinxro:ro -v /opt/Xilinx:/opt/Xilinx --mac-address="$ADDR" matlabci /bin/bash -c "cd /work && chmod +x CI/scripts/setupDocker.sh && ./CI/scripts/setupDocker.sh && make -C CI/scripts '$@'"
diff --git a/CI/scripts/genTlbx.m b/CI/scripts/genTlbx.m
deleted file mode 100644
index c95c2fb..0000000
--- a/CI/scripts/genTlbx.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-function genTlbx(examples)
-if nargin==0
- examples = 1;
-version = '21.2.1';
-ml = ver('MATLAB');
-ml = ml.Release(2:end-1);
-uuid = matlab.lang.internal.uuid;
-p = pwd;
-if examples
- fid = fopen('bsp.tmpl','r');
- fid = fopen('bsp_noexamples.tmpl','r');
-f = strrep(f,'__REPO-ROOT__',p);
-f = strrep(f,'__VERSION__',version);
-f = strrep(f,'__ML-RELEASE__',ml);
-f = strrep(f,'__UUID__',uuid);
-fid = fopen('../../bsp.prj','w');
-if examples
- ps = {'doc','examples'};
- ps = {'doc'};
-paths = '';
-for p = ps
- pp = genpath(p{:});
- ppF = pp;
- pp = pp(1:end-1);
- pp = strrep(pp,':','');
- paths = [paths,['',pp,'']]; %#ok
- addpath(ppF);
-projectFile = 'bsp.prj';
-currentVersion = matlab.addons.toolbox.toolboxVersion(projectFile);
-if examples
- outputFile = ['AnalogDevicesPrecisionToolbox_v',currentVersion];
- outputFile = ['AnalogDevicesPrecisionToolbox_noexamples_v',currentVersion];
-if ~usejava('desktop')
- %% Update toolbox paths
- mkdir other
- movefile([outputFile,'.mltbx'], ['other/',outputFile,'.zip']);
- cd other
- unzip([outputFile,'.zip'],'out');
- cd('out')
- cd('metadata');
- fid = fopen('configuration.xml','r');
- f=fread(fid,'*char')';
- fclose(fid);
- s = '';
- sections = strsplit(f,s);
- s1 = sections{1};
- s2 = sections{2};
- newfile = [s1,paths,s,s2];
- fid = fopen('configuration.xml','w');
- fprintf(fid,'%s',newfile);
- fclose(fid);
- %% Repack
- cd('..');
- zip([outputFile,'.zip'], '*');
- movefile([outputFile,'.zip'],['../../',outputFile,'.mltbx']);
- cd('../..');
- rmdir('other','s');
-delete bsp.prj
diff --git a/CI/scripts/genTlbx2.m b/CI/scripts/genTlbx2.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c83292..0000000
--- a/CI/scripts/genTlbx2.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-function genTlbx2(examples)
-if nargin==0
- examples = 0;
-% Lookup versioning info from adi.Version
-cwd = pwd;
-parts = strsplit(mfilename('fullpath'),filesep);
-tbroot = strjoin(parts(1:end-3),filesep);
-v = adi.Version;
-uuid = matlab.lang.internal.uuid;
-p = pwd;
-fid = fopen('bsp.tmpl','r');
-f = strrep(f,'__REPO-ROOT__',p);
-f = strrep(f,'__VERSION__',v.Release);
-f = strrep(f,'__ML-RELEASE__',v.MATLAB);
-f = strrep(f,'__APP-NAME__',v.AppName);
-f = strrep(f,'__EXAMPLES-DIR__',v.ExamplesDir);
-f = strrep(f,'__UUID__',uuid);
-fid = fopen('../../bsp.prj','w');
-if examples
- ps = {'doc',v.ExamplesDir};
- ps = {'doc'};
-if isprop(v,'HasHDL') && v.HasHDL
- ps = [ps(:)',{'hdl'}];
-paths = '';
-for p = ps
- pp = genpath(p{:});
- ppF = pp;
- pp = pp(1:end-1);
- pp = strrep(pp,':','');
- paths = [paths,['',pp,'']]; %#ok
- addpath(ppF);
-projectFile = 'bsp.prj';
-currentVersion = matlab.addons.toolbox.toolboxVersion(projectFile);
-if examples
- outputFile = sprintf('AnalogDevices%s_v%s',v.ToolboxName,currentVersion);
- outputFile = sprintf('AnalogDevices%s_noexamples_v%s',v.ToolboxName,currentVersion);
-if ~usejava('desktop')
- %% Update toolbox paths
- mkdir other
- movefile([outputFile,'.mltbx'], ['other/',outputFile,'.zip']);
- cd other
- unzip([outputFile,'.zip'],'out');
- cd('out')
- cd('metadata');
- fid = fopen('configuration.xml','r');
- f=fread(fid,'*char')';
- fclose(fid);
- s = '';
- sections = strsplit(f,s);
- s1 = sections{1};
- s2 = sections{2};
- newfile = [s1,paths,s,s2];
- fid = fopen('configuration.xml','w');
- fprintf(fid,'%s',newfile);
- fclose(fid);
- %% Repack
- cd('..');
- zip([outputFile,'.zip'], '*');
- movefile([outputFile,'.zip'],['../../',outputFile,'.mltbx']);
- cd('../..');
- rmdir('other','s');
-% delete bsp.prj
diff --git a/CI/scripts/linter.m b/CI/scripts/linter.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a26bff..0000000
--- a/CI/scripts/linter.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-ignoreFolders = {'CI','doc','test'};
-cd ../..
-d = pwd;
-cd ..
-files = dir('**/*.m');
-for file = 1:length(files)
- if contains(files(file).folder,ignoreFolders)
- continue;
- end
- mfile = fullfile(files(file).folder,files(file).name);
- rpt = mlint(mfile);
- if ~isempty(rpt)
- disp(mfile);
- for l = 1:length(rpt)
- disp([num2str(rpt(l).line) ': ' rpt(l).message]);
- end
- end
diff --git a/CI/scripts/pack_all_ips.tcl b/CI/scripts/pack_all_ips.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 271533c..0000000
--- a/CI/scripts/pack_all_ips.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# Create zip of IP cores
-proc pack_ip_core {sub} {
- set folder_list [glob -types d *]
- foreach dir $folder_list {
- puts "$dir"
- cd $dir
- if {[catch {set fp [open ${dir}_ip.tcl r]}]} {
- cd ..
- continue
- }
- close $fp
- set fp [open ${dir}_ip.tcl a+]
- puts -nonewline $fp "ipx::archive_core -verbose {analog_${sub}.com_user_"
- puts -nonewline $fp "$dir"
- puts -nonewline $fp "_1.0.zip} \[ipx::current_core\]"
- close $fp
- source ./${dir}_ip.tcl
- cd ..
- }
-source hdl/library/scripts/adi_ip.tcl
-source hdl/library/scripts/adi_env.tcl
-cd hdl
-# Pack main library cores
-cd library
-pack_ip_core "lib"
-# Pack Xilinx cores
-cd xilinx
-pack_ip_core "xilinx"
-cd ..
-# Pack JESD cores
-cd jesd204
-pack_ip_core "jesd"
-cd ..
-# Pack spi_engine cores
-cd spi_engine
-pack_ip_core "spi_engine"
-cd ..
-# Pack pack cores
-cd util_pack
-pack_ip_core "util_pack"
-cd ..
-cd ../../
diff --git a/CI/scripts/read_ports_json.py b/CI/scripts/read_ports_json.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d6a695..0000000
--- a/CI/scripts/read_ports_json.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-import json
-# open ports.json file and parse
-ports_json_file = 'ports.json'
-with open(ports_json_file) as json_file:
- ports = json.load(json_file)
- tmp_key = "m_name"
- for key0 in ports.keys():
- for key1 in ports[key0]['ports'][0].keys():
- if (key1 == "rx"):
- for ii in range(0, len(ports[key0]['ports'][0][key1])):
- tmp_dict = ports[key0]['ports'][0][key1][ii]
- if (tmp_dict['type'].lower() == "data"):
- if (tmp_dict['input'] == "true"):
- if tmp_key not in tmp_dict:
- tmp_list = tmp_dict['name'].split("_")
- last_ele = tmp_list[-1]
- if (len(last_ele) == 1):
- tmp_dict[tmp_key] = f"{ports[key0]['chip']} ADC Data {last_ele} IN"
- elif (len(last_ele) == 2):
- tmp_dict[tmp_key] = f"{ports[key0]['chip']} ADC Data {last_ele.upper()}"
- elif (tmp_dict['input'] == "false"):
- if tmp_key not in tmp_dict:
- tmp_list = tmp_dict['name'].split("_")
- last_ele = tmp_list[-1]
- tmp_dict[tmp_key] = f"IP Data {last_ele.upper()} OUT"
- elif (tmp_dict['type'].lower() == "valid"):
- if (tmp_dict['input'] == "true"):
- tmp_dict[tmp_key] = f"IP Valid Rx Data IN"
- elif (tmp_dict['input'] == "false"):
- tmp_dict[tmp_key] = f"IP Data Valid OUT"
- ports[key0]['ports'][0][key1][ii] = tmp_dict
- elif (key1 == "tx"):
- for ii in range(0, len(ports[key0]['ports'][0][key1])):
- tmp_dict = ports[key0]['ports'][0][key1][ii]
- if (tmp_dict['type'].lower() == "data"):
- if (tmp_dict['input'] == "false"):
- if tmp_key not in tmp_dict:
- tmp_list = tmp_dict['name'].split("_")
- last_ele = tmp_list[-1]
- if (len(last_ele) == 1):
- tmp_dict[tmp_key] = f"{ports[key0]['chip']} DAC Data {last_ele} OUT"
- elif (len(last_ele) == 2):
- tmp_dict[tmp_key] = f"{ports[key0]['chip']} DAC Data {last_ele.upper()}"
- elif (tmp_dict['input'] == "true"):
- if tmp_key not in tmp_dict:
- tmp_list = tmp_dict['name'].split("_")
- last_ele = tmp_list[-1]
- tmp_dict[tmp_key] = f"IP Data {last_ele.upper()} IN"
- elif (tmp_dict['type'].lower() == "valid"):
- if (tmp_dict['input'] == "true"):
- tmp_dict[tmp_key] = f"IP Valid Tx Data IN"
- elif (tmp_dict['input'] == "false"):
- tmp_dict[tmp_key] = f"IP Load Tx Data OUT"
- ports[key0]['ports'][0][key1][ii] = tmp_dict
-with open(ports_json_file, 'w') as json_file:
- json.dump(ports, json_file, indent = 4)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CI/scripts/rename_common.py b/CI/scripts/rename_common.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 46403c6..0000000
--- a/CI/scripts/rename_common.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import glob
-import pathlib
-new_dir = "+commonrf"
-path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.resolve()
-path = os.path.split(path)
-path = os.path.split(path[0])[0]
-files = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "+adi", "**/*"))
-if len(files) == 0:
- print("No files found")
- print("Did you clone all the submodules?")
- exit(1)
-for file in files:
- if os.path.isdir(file):
- continue
- with open(file, "r") as f:
- content = f.read()
- if "adi.common." in content:
- content = content.replace("adi.common.", f"adi.{new_dir[1:]}.")
- print("Updating:", file)
- with open(file, "w") as f:
- f.write(content)
-src = os.path.join(path, "+adi", "+common")
-dst = os.path.join(path, "+adi", new_dir)
-if os.path.isdir(src):
- print("Renaming:", src, "->", dst)
- os.rename(src, dst)
- print("No +common folder found. Maybe you already renamed it?")
diff --git a/CI/scripts/setupDocker.sh b/CI/scripts/setupDocker.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index eca338c..0000000
--- a/CI/scripts/setupDocker.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# This file is run inside of the docker container
-echo "Copying HSP files"
-cp -r /mlhspro /mlhsp
-echo "Copying .matlab"
-cp -r /root/.matlabro /root/.matlab
-echo "Copying .Xilinx"
-cp -r /root/.Xilinxro /root/.Xilinx
diff --git a/CI/scripts/synth_designs.sh b/CI/scripts/synth_designs.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index e99496d..0000000
--- a/CI/scripts/synth_designs.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-MLFLAGS="-nodisplay -nodesktop -nosplash"
-if [ -z "$MLRELEASE" ]
-cd ../..
-cp hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/hdlcoder_board_customization.m test/hdlcoder_board_customization_local.m
-sed -i "s/hdlcoder_board_customization/hdlcoder_board_customization_local/g" test/hdlcoder_board_customization_local.m
-source /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/settings64.sh
-Xvfb :77 &
-export DISPLAY=:77
-export SWT_GTK3=0
-source /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/settings64.sh
-$MLPATH/$MLRELEASE/bin/matlab $MLFLAGS -r "cd('test');runSynthTests('$BOARD');"
-kill -9 `pidof Xvfb`
diff --git a/CI/scripts/targeting_designs.sh b/CI/scripts/targeting_designs.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index d284fe6..0000000
--- a/CI/scripts/targeting_designs.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-MLFLAGS="-nodisplay -nodesktop -nosplash"
-if [ -z "$MLRELEASE" ]
-if [ -z "$DEMO" ]
- DEMO=""
-echo "Testing demo: $DEMO"
-cd ../..
-source /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/settings64.sh
-Xvfb :77 &
-export DISPLAY=:77
-export SWT_GTK3=0
-source /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/settings64.sh
-$MLPATH/$MLRELEASE/bin/matlab $MLFLAGS -r "addpath(genpath('test'));addpath(genpath('deps'));runDemoTests('$DEMO');"
-kill -9 `pidof Xvfb`
diff --git a/CI/scripts_hdl/matlab_processors.tcl b/CI/scripts_hdl/matlab_processors.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dc47d1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CI/scripts_hdl/matlab_processors.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+proc preprocess_bd {project carrier rxtx} {
+ puts "Preprocessing $project $carrier $rxtx"
+ switch $project {
+ cn0585 {
+ # Disconnect the ADC PACK pins
+ delete_bd_objs [get_bd_nets axi_ltc2387_0_adc_data]
+ delete_bd_objs [get_bd_nets axi_ltc2387_1_adc_data]
+ delete_bd_objs [get_bd_nets axi_ltc2387_2_adc_data]
+ delete_bd_objs [get_bd_nets axi_ltc2387_3_adc_data]
+ set sys_cstring "matlab $rxtx"
+ sysid_gen_sys_init_file $sys_cstring
+ #Disconnect adc_valid
+ delete_bd_objs [get_bd_nets axi_ltc2387_0_adc_valid]
+ # Reconnect the adc_valid in the system
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ltc2387_0/adc_valid] [get_bd_pins axi_ltc2387_dma/fifo_wr_en]
+ if {$rxtx == "rx"} {
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ltc2387_0/adc_data] [get_bd_pins axi_ad3552r_0/data_in_a]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ltc2387_1/adc_data] [get_bd_pins axi_ad3552r_0/data_in_b]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ltc2387_2/adc_data] [get_bd_pins axi_ad3552r_1/data_in_a]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ltc2387_3/adc_data] [get_bd_pins axi_ad3552r_1/data_in_b]
+ }
+ if {$rxtx == "tx"} {
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ltc2387_0/adc_data] [get_bd_pins util_ltc2387_adc_pack/fifo_wr_data_0]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ltc2387_1/adc_data] [get_bd_pins util_ltc2387_adc_pack/fifo_wr_data_1]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ltc2387_2/adc_data] [get_bd_pins util_ltc2387_adc_pack/fifo_wr_data_2]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ltc2387_3/adc_data] [get_bd_pins util_ltc2387_adc_pack/fifo_wr_data_3]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ltc2387_0/adc_valid] [get_bd_pins util_ltc2387_adc_pack/fifo_wr_en]
+ }
+ if {$rxtx == "tx" || $rxtx == "rxtx"} {
+ delete_bd_objs [get_bd_nets axi_ltc2387_0_adc_valid]
+ delete_bd_objs [get_bd_nets axi_ltc2387_1_adc_valid]
+ delete_bd_objs [get_bd_nets axi_ltc2387_2_adc_valid]
+ delete_bd_objs [get_bd_nets axi_ltc2387_3_adc_valid]
+ # Connect dac valids together
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ad3552r_0/valid_in_a] [get_bd_pins axi_ad3552r_0/valid_in_b]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ad3552r_0/valid_in_a] [get_bd_pins axi_ad3552r_1/valid_in_a]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ad3552r_0/valid_in_a] [get_bd_pins axi_ad3552r_1/valid_in_b]
+ }
+ switch $carrier {
+ zed {
+ set_property -dict [list CONFIG.NUM_MI {21}] [get_bd_cells axi_cpu_interconnect]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_cpu_interconnect/M20_ACLK] [get_bd_pins axi_clkgen/clk_0]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_cpu_interconnect/M20_ARESETN] [get_bd_pins sampling_clk_rstgen/peripheral_aresetn]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/CI/scripts/ports.json b/CI/scripts_hdl/ports.json
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 54%
rename from CI/scripts/ports.json
rename to CI/scripts_hdl/ports.json
index 278ae32..51f6fb1
--- a/CI/scripts/ports.json
+++ b/CI/scripts_hdl/ports.json
@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
- "ad7380": {
- "chip": "AD7380",
- "complex": "false",
+ "cn0585": {
+ "chip": "CN0585",
+ "complex": "true",
"fpga": [
- "zcu102"
+ "zed"
"supported_rd": [
- "rx"
+ "rx",
+ "tx",
+ "rx & tx"
"ports": [
@@ -14,165 +16,127 @@
"input": "false",
"width": 1,
- "name": "axi_ad9680_cpack/fifo_wr_en",
- "type": "valid"
- },
- {
- "input": "true",
- "width": 1,
- "name": "axi_ad9680_tpl/adc_valid_0",
- "type": "valid"
- },
- {
- "input": "false",
- "width": 64,
- "name": "axi_ad9680_cpack/fifo_wr_data_0",
- "type": "data"
- },
- {
- "input": "false",
- "width": 64,
- "name": "axi_ad9680_cpack/fifo_wr_data_1",
- "type": "data"
- },
- {
- "input": "true",
- "width": 64,
- "name": "axi_ad9680_tpl/adc_data_0",
- "type": "data"
- },
- {
- "input": "true",
- "width": 64,
- "name": "axi_ad9680_tpl/adc_data_1",
- "type": "data"
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- },
- "ad7768": {
- "chip": "AD7768",
- "complex": "false",
- "fpga": [
- "zcu102"
- ],
- "supported_rd": [
- "rx"
- ],
- "ports": [
- {
- "rx": [
- {
- "input": "false",
- "width": 1,
- "name": "util_mxfe_cpack/fifo_wr_en",
- "type": "valid"
- },
- {
- "input": "true",
- "width": 1,
- "name": "rx_mxfe_tpl_core/adc_valid_0",
+ "name": "util_ltc2387_adc_pack/fifo_wr_en",
"type": "valid"
"input": "false",
"width": 16,
- "name": "util_mxfe_cpack/fifo_wr_data_0",
+ "name": "util_ltc2387_adc_pack/fifo_wr_data_0",
"type": "data"
"input": "false",
"width": 16,
- "name": "util_mxfe_cpack/fifo_wr_data_1",
+ "name": "util_ltc2387_adc_pack/fifo_wr_data_1",
"type": "data"
"input": "false",
"width": 16,
- "name": "util_mxfe_cpack/fifo_wr_data_2",
+ "name": "util_ltc2387_adc_pack/fifo_wr_data_2",
"type": "data"
"input": "false",
"width": 16,
- "name": "util_mxfe_cpack/fifo_wr_data_3",
+ "name": "util_ltc2387_adc_pack/fifo_wr_data_3",
"type": "data"
- "input": "false",
+ "input": "true",
+ "width": 1,
+ "name": "axi_ltc2387_0/adc_valid",
+ "type": "valid"
+ },
+ {
+ "input": "true",
"width": 16,
- "name": "util_mxfe_cpack/fifo_wr_data_4",
+ "name": "axi_ltc2387_0/adc_data",
"type": "data"
- "input": "false",
+ "input": "true",
"width": 16,
- "name": "util_mxfe_cpack/fifo_wr_data_5",
+ "name": "axi_ltc2387_1/adc_data",
"type": "data"
- "input": "false",
+ "input": "true",
"width": 16,
- "name": "util_mxfe_cpack/fifo_wr_data_6",
+ "name": "axi_ltc2387_2/adc_data",
"type": "data"
- "input": "false",
+ "input": "true",
"width": 16,
- "name": "util_mxfe_cpack/fifo_wr_data_7",
+ "name": "axi_ltc2387_3/adc_data",
"type": "data"
- },
- {
+ }
+ ],
+ "tx": [
+ {
"input": "true",
"width": 16,
- "name": "rx_mxfe_tpl_core/adc_data_0",
+ "name": "axi_ltc2387_0/adc_data",
"type": "data"
"input": "true",
"width": 16,
- "name": "rx_mxfe_tpl_core/adc_data_1",
+ "name": "axi_ltc2387_1/adc_data",
"type": "data"
"input": "true",
"width": 16,
- "name": "rx_mxfe_tpl_core/adc_data_2",
+ "name": "axi_ltc2387_2/adc_data",
"type": "data"
"input": "true",
"width": 16,
- "name": "rx_mxfe_tpl_core/adc_data_3",
+ "name": "axi_ltc2387_3/adc_data",
"type": "data"
- {
+ {
"input": "true",
+ "width": 1,
+ "name": "axi_ltc2387_0/adc_valid",
+ "type": "valid"
+ },
+ {
+ "input": "false",
"width": 16,
- "name": "rx_mxfe_tpl_core/adc_data_4",
+ "name": "axi_ad3552r_0/data_in_a",
"type": "data"
- {
- "input": "true",
+ {
+ "input": "false",
"width": 16,
- "name": "rx_mxfe_tpl_core/adc_data_5",
+ "name": "axi_ad3552r_0/data_in_b",
"type": "data"
- "input": "true",
+ "input": "false",
+ "width": 1,
+ "name": "axi_ad3552r_0/valid_in_a",
+ "type": "valid"
+ },
+ {
+ "input": "false",
"width": 16,
- "name": "rx_mxfe_tpl_core/adc_data_6",
+ "name": "axi_ad3552r_1/data_in_a",
"type": "data"
- "input": "true",
+ "input": "false",
"width": 16,
- "name": "rx_mxfe_tpl_core/adc_data_7",
+ "name": "axi_ad3552r_1/data_in_b",
"type": "data"
- ]
- }
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/+cn0585/+zed/hdlcoder_ref_design_customization.m b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/+cn0585/+zed/hdlcoder_ref_design_customization.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a7b638c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/+cn0585/+zed/hdlcoder_ref_design_customization.m
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+function [rd, boardName] = hdlcoder_ref_design_customization
+% Reference design plugin registration file
+% 1. The registration file with this name inside of a board plugin folder
+% will be picked up
+% 2. Any registration file with this name on MATLAB path will also be picked up
+% 3. The registration file returns a cell array pointing to the location of
+% the reference design plugins
+% 4. The registration file also returns its associated board name
+% 5. Reference design plugin must be a package folder accessible from
+% MATLAB path, and contains a reference design definition file
+% Copyright 2013-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.
+rd = {...
+ 'AnalogDevices.cn0585.zed.plugin_rd_rx', ...
+ 'AnalogDevices.cn0585.zed.plugin_rd_tx', ...
+ 'AnalogDevices.cn0585.zed.plugin_rd_rxtx', ...
+ };
+boardName = 'AnalogDevices CN0585 ZED';
diff --git a/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/+cn0585/+zed/plugin_board.m b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/+cn0585/+zed/plugin_board.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..22b5cf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/+cn0585/+zed/plugin_board.m
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+function hP = plugin_board()
+% Zynq Platform PCore
+% Use Plugin API to create board plugin object
+% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.
+% Call the common board definition function
+hP = AnalogDevices.plugin_board('CN0585', 'ZED');
diff --git a/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/+cn0585/+zed/plugin_rd_rx.m b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/+cn0585/+zed/plugin_rd_rx.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..002adf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/+cn0585/+zed/plugin_rd_rx.m
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+function hRD = plugin_rd_rx
+% Reference design definition
+% Call the common reference design definition function
+hRD = AnalogDevices.plugin_rd('cn0585','ZED', 'Rx');
diff --git a/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/+cn0585/+zed/plugin_rd_rxtx.m b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/+cn0585/+zed/plugin_rd_rxtx.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dc334fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/+cn0585/+zed/plugin_rd_rxtx.m
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+function hRD = plugin_rd_rxtx
+% Reference design definition
+% Copyright 2014-2015 The MathWorks, Inc.
+% Call the common reference design definition function
+hRD = AnalogDevices.plugin_rd('cn0585','ZED', 'Rx & Tx');
diff --git a/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/+cn0585/+zed/plugin_rd_tx.m b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/+cn0585/+zed/plugin_rd_tx.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ae6ae98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/+cn0585/+zed/plugin_rd_tx.m
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+function hRD = plugin_rd_tx
+% Reference design definition
+% Copyright 2014-2015 The MathWorks, Inc.
+% Call the common reference design definition function
+hRD = AnalogDevices.plugin_rd('cn0585', 'ZED', 'Tx');
diff --git a/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/+util/ADIZynqSDRAttributeInfo.xml b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/+util/ADIZynqSDRAttributeInfo.xml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7c9a676
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/+util/ADIZynqSDRAttributeInfo.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ Analog Devices Zynq SDR
+ true
+ $(MATLAB_ROOT)/rtw/c/src/ext_mode/common/rtiostream_interface.c
+ $(ARM_CORTEX_A_ROOT_DIR)/src/rtiostream_tcpip.c
+ codertarget.zynq.internal.extmodeHooksADI(hObj,'setupfcn');
+ $(TARGET_ROOT)/src/axi4Lite.c
+ $(TARGET_ROOT)/include
+ codertarget.zynq.internal.onAfterCodeGen
+ codertarget.zynq.internal.onBuildEntryHook
+ codertarget.zynq.internal.onHardwareSelect
diff --git a/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/+util/ADIZynqSDRParameterInfo.xml b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/+util/ADIZynqSDRParameterInfo.xml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5965474
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/+util/ADIZynqSDRParameterInfo.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ Analog Devices Zynq SDR
+ Clocking
+ Build options
diff --git a/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/+util/adizynqsdr.xml b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/+util/adizynqsdr.xml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3df950a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/+util/adizynqsdr.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ Analog Devices Zynq SDR
+ ARM Cortex-A9
+ ARM Cortex-A
+ ARM Compatible->ARM Cortex
+ "$(ARM_CORTEX_A_ROOT_DIR)/ssh_download.bat"
+ "$(MATLAB_ROOT)/toolbox/idelink/foundation/hostapps" root analog $(ADI_ZYNQ_SDR_IPADDRESS) /home/analog/Downloads
+ $(TARGET_ROOT)/registry/parameters/ADIZynqSDRParameterInfo.xml
+ $(TARGET_ROOT)/registry/attributes/ADIZynqSDRAttributeInfo.xml
diff --git a/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/+util/extmodeHooksADI.m b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/+util/extmodeHooksADI.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a600f58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/+util/extmodeHooksADI.m
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+function extmodeHooksADI(hObj,hookpoint)
+% Copyright 2014-2015 The MathWorks, Inc.
+modelName = get(getModel(hObj),'Name');
+modelName = sprintf('%s.elf', modelName);
+data = codertarget.data.getData(hObj);
+h__z = zynq(data.RTOS);
+h__z.IPAddress = getenv('ADI_ZYNQ_SDR_IPADDRESS');
+h__z.Username = 'root';
+h__z.Password = 'analog';
+switch (lower(hookpoint))
+ case 'preconnectfcn',
+ waitForAppToStart(h__z, modelName, 60);
+ case 'setupfcn'
+ checkConnection(h__z);
+ otherwise
diff --git a/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/add_clocks.m b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/add_clocks.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1faebf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/add_clocks.m
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+function add_clocks(hRD,project,design)
+switch lower(project)
+ case 'cn0585'
+ switch(upper(design))
+ case 'RX'
+ hRD.addClockInterface( ...
+ 'ClockConnection', 'axi_clkgen/clk_0', ...
+ 'ResetConnection', 'sampling_clk_rstgen/peripheral_aresetn');
+ case 'TX'
+ hRD.addClockInterface( ...
+ 'ClockConnection', 'axi_clkgen/clk_0', ...
+ 'ResetConnection', 'sampling_clk_rstgen/peripheral_aresetn');
+ case 'RX & TX'
+ hRD.addClockInterface( ...
+ 'ClockConnection', 'axi_clkgen/clk_0', ...
+ 'ResetConnection', 'sampling_clk_rstgen/peripheral_aresetn');
+ otherwise
+ error('Unknown reference design');
+ end
diff --git a/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/add_io.m b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/add_io.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..58f6341
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/add_io.m
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+function add_io(hRD,project,fpga,type)
+% Add AXI4 and AXI4-Lite slave interfaces
+out = AnalogDevices.get_memory_axi_interface_info(fpga,lower(project));
+hRD.addAXI4SlaveInterface( ...
+ 'InterfaceConnection', out.InterfaceConnection, ...
+ 'BaseAddress', out.BaseAddress, ...
+ 'MasterAddressSpace', out.MasterAddressSpace);
+% Add Reference design interfaces
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/add_io_ports.m b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/add_io_ports.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..645e5a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/add_io_ports.m
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+function root = add_io_ports(hRD,project,type,fpga)
+[filepath,~,~] = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'));
+fileName = fullfile(filepath,'ports.json');
+fid = fopen(fileName);
+raw = fread(fid,inf);
+str = char(raw');
+data = jsondecode(str);
+project = erase(project,'-');
+if ~contains(fields(data),project)
+ error(sprintf('No project found in database for %s',project));
+root = getfield(data, project);
+if ~contains(root.supported_rd,type)
+ error(sprintf('No project found in database for %s',project));
+if ~contains(root.fpga,fpga)
+ error(sprintf('No project found in database for %s',fpga));
+if contains(type,'rx')
+ process(hRD, root.ports.rx, 'rx');
+if contains(type,'tx')
+ process(hRD, root.ports.tx, 'tx');
+function process(hRD, rtx, type)
+count = [-1 -1];
+for i = 1:length(rtx)
+ rx = rtx(i);
+ if strcmpi(rx.type,'valid')
+ hRD.addInternalIOInterface( ...
+ 'InterfaceID', rx.m_name, ...
+ 'InterfaceType', inout(rx.input), ...
+ 'PortName', inout_pn(rx.input, type), ...
+ 'PortWidth', rx.width, ...
+ 'InterfaceConnection', rx.name, ...
+ 'IsRequired', false);
+ elseif strcmpi(rx.type,'data')
+ if strcmp(rx.input, 'true')
+ count(1)=count(1)+1;
+ else
+ count(2)=count(2)+1;
+ end
+ hRD.addInternalIOInterface( ...
+ 'InterfaceID', rx.m_name, ...
+ 'InterfaceType', inout(rx.input), ...
+ 'PortName', inout_pn_d(rx.input,count,type), ...
+ 'PortWidth', rx.width, ...
+ 'InterfaceConnection', rx.name, ...
+ 'IsRequired', false);
+ else
+ error(sprintf('Unknown port type %s',rx.type));
+ end
+function out = inout_pn_d(in,count,type)
+if strcmp(in, 'true')
+ out = sprintf('dut_data_in_%d_%s',count(1), type);
+ out = sprintf('dut_data_out_%d_%s',count(2), type);
+function out = inout_pn(in, type)
+ if strcmp(in, 'true')
+ out = sprintf('dut_data_valid_in_%s', type);
+ else
+ out = sprintf('dut_data_valid_out_%s', type);
+ end
+function out = inout(in)
+if strcmp(in, 'true')
+ out = 'IN';
+ out = 'OUT';
diff --git a/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/get_memory_axi_interface_info.m b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/get_memory_axi_interface_info.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fb1328e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/get_memory_axi_interface_info.m
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+function out = get_memory_axi_interface_info(fpga,project)
+switch project
+ case 'cn0585'
+ switch fpga
+ case{'ZED'}
+ InterfaceConnection = 'axi_cpu_interconnect/M20_AXI';
+ BaseAddress = '0x43C00000';
+ MasterAddressSpace = 'sys_ps7/Data';
+ otherwise
+ error(sprintf('Unknown Project FPGA %s/%s',project,fpga)); %#ok<*SPERR>
+ end
+ otherwise
+ error(sprintf('Unknown Project %s',project)); %#ok<*SPERR>
+out = struct('InterfaceConnection', InterfaceConnection, ...
+ 'BaseAddress', BaseAddress, ...
+ 'MasterAddressSpace', MasterAddressSpace);
diff --git a/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/install.m b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/install.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9337a51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/install.m
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+function install(mode)
+% AnalogDevices.install adds/removes AnalogDevices HDL BSPs
+% Copyright 2015 MathWorks, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ if nargin == 0
+ mode = 0;
+ end
+ %% Initialization
+ % Determine where we're operating out of
+ vendorRootDir = fileparts(strtok(mfilename('fullpath'), '+'));
+ % Add/remove the common contents
+ commonRootDir = fullfile(fileparts(fileparts(vendorRootDir)), 'common');
+ olddir = cd(commonRootDir);
+ cleanup = onCleanup(@()cd(olddir));
+ hdlbsp.install(mode);
+ % Add/remove the vendor contents
+ paths = {...
+ fullfile(vendorRootDir),...
+ };
+ hdlbsp.util.vendorInstall(mode,paths);
+ % Copy the Zynq SDR target definition file into the support package
+ source = [];
+ destination = [];
+ zynqRootDir = codertarget.zynq.internal.getSpPkgRootDir;
+ armRootDir = codertarget.arm_cortex_a.internal.getSpPkgRootDir;
+ zynqTargetDir = fullfile(zynqRootDir,'registry/targethardware');
+ source = [source {fullfile(vendorRootDir, '/+AnalogDevices/+util/adizynqsdr.xml')}];
+ destination = [destination {fullfile(zynqTargetDir, 'adizynqsdr.xml')}];
+ zynqTargetDir = fullfile(zynqRootDir,'registry/attributes');
+ source = [source {fullfile(vendorRootDir, '/+AnalogDevices/+util/ADIZynqSDRAttributeInfo.xml')}];
+ destination = [destination {fullfile(zynqTargetDir, 'ADIZynqSDRAttributeInfo.xml')}];
+ zynqTargetDir = fullfile(zynqRootDir,'registry/parameters');
+ source = [source {fullfile(vendorRootDir, '/+AnalogDevices/+util/ADIZynqSDRParameterInfo.xml')}];
+ destination = [destination {fullfile(zynqTargetDir, 'ADIZynqSDRParameterInfo.xml')}];
+ source = [source {fullfile(vendorRootDir, '/+AnalogDevices/+util/extmodeHooksADI.m')}];
+ destination = [destination {fullfile(zynqRootDir, '/+codertarget/+zynq/+internal/extmodeHooksADI.m')}];
+ source = [source {fullfile(armRootDir,'ssh_download.bat')}];
+ destination = [destination {fullfile(zynqRootDir, 'ssh_download.bat')}];
+ if(mode == 0)
+ for i = 1:length(source)
+ copyfile(char(source(:,i)), char(destination(:,i)), 'f');
+ end
+ else
+ for i = 1:length(destination)
+ delete(char(destination(:,i)));
+ end
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/plugin_board.m b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/plugin_board.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7fa2607
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/plugin_board.m
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+function hB = plugin_board(project, board)
+% Use Plugin API to create board plugin object
+if nargin < 2
+ board = "";
+hB = hdlcoder.Board;
+pname = project;
+% Target Board Information
+hB.BoardName = sprintf('AnalogDevices %s', upper(pname));
+if nargin > 1
+ hB.BoardName = sprintf('%s %s', hB.BoardName, upper(board));
+% FPGA Device
+hB.FPGAVendor = 'Xilinx';
+% Determine the device based on the board
+switch lower(project)
+ case {'cn0585'}
+ switch(upper(board))
+ case 'ZED'
+ hB.FPGADevice = sprintf('xc7%s', 'z020');
+ hB.FPGAPackage = 'clg484';
+ hB.FPGASpeed = '-1';
+ hB.FPGAFamily = 'Zynq';
+ end
+% Tool Info
+hB.SupportedTool = {'Xilinx Vivado'};
+% FPGA JTAG chain position
+hB.JTAGChainPosition = 2;
+%% Add interfaces
+% Standard "External Port" interface
diff --git a/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/plugin_rd.m b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/plugin_rd.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b7736a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/plugin_rd.m
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+function hRD = plugin_rd(project, board, design)
+% Reference design definition
+% Copyright 2014-2015 The MathWorks, Inc.
+pname = upper(project);
+ppath = project;
+if strcmpi(project, 'cn0585')
+ ppath = 'cn0585';
+% Construct reference design object
+hRD = hdlcoder.ReferenceDesign('SynthesisTool', 'Xilinx Vivado');
+% Create the reference design for the SOM-only
+% This is the base reference design that other RDs can build upon
+hRD.ReferenceDesignName = sprintf('%s %s (%s)', pname, upper(board), upper(design));
+% Determine the board name based on the design
+hRD.BoardName = sprintf('AnalogDevices %s %s', pname, upper(board));
+% Tool information
+hRD.SupportedToolVersion = {'2022.2'};
+% Get the root directory
+rootDir = fileparts(strtok(mfilename('fullpath'), '+'));
+% Design files are shared
+hRD.SharedRD = true;
+hRD.SharedRDFolder = fullfile(rootDir, 'vivado');
+%% Set top level project pieces
+hRD.addParameter( ...
+ 'ParameterID', 'project', ...
+ 'DisplayName', 'HDL Project Subfolder', ...
+ 'DefaultValue', lower(ppath));
+hRD.addParameter( ...
+ 'ParameterID', 'carrier', ...
+ 'DisplayName', 'HDL Project Carrier', ...
+ 'DefaultValue', lower(board));
+%% Add custom design files
+% add custom Vivado design
+hRD.addCustomVivadoDesign( ...
+ 'CustomBlockDesignTcl', fullfile('projects', 'scripts', 'system_project_rxtx.tcl'), ...
+ 'CustomTopLevelHDL', fullfile('projects', lower(ppath), lower(board), 'system_top.v'));
+hRD.BlockDesignName = 'system';
+% custom constraint files
+hRD.CustomConstraints = {...
+ fullfile('projects', lower(ppath), lower(board), 'system_constr.xdc'), ...
+ fullfile('projects', 'common', lower(board), sprintf('%s_system_constr.xdc', lower(board))), ...
+ };
+% custom source files
+hRD.CustomFiles = {...
+ fullfile('projects')...,
+ fullfile('library')...,
+ fullfile('scripts')...,
+ };
+hRD.addParameter( ...
+ 'ParameterID', 'ref_design', ...
+ 'DisplayName', 'Reference Type', ...
+ 'DefaultValue', lower(strrep(design, ' & ','')));
+hRD.addParameter( ...
+ 'ParameterID', 'fpga_board', ...
+ 'DisplayName', 'FPGA Boad', ...
+ 'DefaultValue', upper(board));
+hRD.addParameter( ...
+ 'ParameterID', 'preprocess', ...
+ 'DisplayName', 'Preprocess', ...
+ 'DefaultValue', 'off');
+hRD.addParameter( ...
+ 'ParameterID', 'postprocess', ...
+ 'DisplayName', 'Postprocess', ...
+ 'DefaultValue', 'off');
+%% Add interfaces
+% add clock interface
+%% Add IO
diff --git a/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/uninstall.m b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/uninstall.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ce1a433
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/uninstall.m
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+function uninstall
+% AnalogDevices.uninstall removes AnalogDevices HDL BSPs
+% Copyright 2015 MathWorks, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ AnalogDevices.install(1);
diff --git a/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/Contents.m b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/Contents.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9aa4ea5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/Contents.m
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+% Precision Toolbox: Analog Devices, Inc
+% Version 21.1.1 (R2021a) 3-Dec-2021
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/hdlcoder_board_customization.m b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/hdlcoder_board_customization.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a83f72a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/hdlcoder_board_customization.m
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+function r = hdlcoder_board_customization
+% Board plugin registration file
+% 1. Any registration file with this name on MATLAB path will be picked up
+% 2. Registration file returns a cell array pointing to the location of
+% the board plugins
+% 3. Board plugin must be a package folder accessible from MATLAB path,
+% and contains a board definition file
+% Copyright 2012-2013 The MathWorks, Inc.
+r = { ...
+ 'AnalogDevices.cn0585.zed.plugin_board' ...,
+ };
+% LocalWords: Zynq ZC
diff --git a/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/vivado/projects/scripts/matlab_processors.tcl b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/vivado/projects/scripts/matlab_processors.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dc47d1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/vivado/projects/scripts/matlab_processors.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+proc preprocess_bd {project carrier rxtx} {
+ puts "Preprocessing $project $carrier $rxtx"
+ switch $project {
+ cn0585 {
+ # Disconnect the ADC PACK pins
+ delete_bd_objs [get_bd_nets axi_ltc2387_0_adc_data]
+ delete_bd_objs [get_bd_nets axi_ltc2387_1_adc_data]
+ delete_bd_objs [get_bd_nets axi_ltc2387_2_adc_data]
+ delete_bd_objs [get_bd_nets axi_ltc2387_3_adc_data]
+ set sys_cstring "matlab $rxtx"
+ sysid_gen_sys_init_file $sys_cstring
+ #Disconnect adc_valid
+ delete_bd_objs [get_bd_nets axi_ltc2387_0_adc_valid]
+ # Reconnect the adc_valid in the system
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ltc2387_0/adc_valid] [get_bd_pins axi_ltc2387_dma/fifo_wr_en]
+ if {$rxtx == "rx"} {
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ltc2387_0/adc_data] [get_bd_pins axi_ad3552r_0/data_in_a]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ltc2387_1/adc_data] [get_bd_pins axi_ad3552r_0/data_in_b]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ltc2387_2/adc_data] [get_bd_pins axi_ad3552r_1/data_in_a]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ltc2387_3/adc_data] [get_bd_pins axi_ad3552r_1/data_in_b]
+ }
+ if {$rxtx == "tx"} {
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ltc2387_0/adc_data] [get_bd_pins util_ltc2387_adc_pack/fifo_wr_data_0]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ltc2387_1/adc_data] [get_bd_pins util_ltc2387_adc_pack/fifo_wr_data_1]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ltc2387_2/adc_data] [get_bd_pins util_ltc2387_adc_pack/fifo_wr_data_2]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ltc2387_3/adc_data] [get_bd_pins util_ltc2387_adc_pack/fifo_wr_data_3]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ltc2387_0/adc_valid] [get_bd_pins util_ltc2387_adc_pack/fifo_wr_en]
+ }
+ if {$rxtx == "tx" || $rxtx == "rxtx"} {
+ delete_bd_objs [get_bd_nets axi_ltc2387_0_adc_valid]
+ delete_bd_objs [get_bd_nets axi_ltc2387_1_adc_valid]
+ delete_bd_objs [get_bd_nets axi_ltc2387_2_adc_valid]
+ delete_bd_objs [get_bd_nets axi_ltc2387_3_adc_valid]
+ # Connect dac valids together
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ad3552r_0/valid_in_a] [get_bd_pins axi_ad3552r_0/valid_in_b]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ad3552r_0/valid_in_a] [get_bd_pins axi_ad3552r_1/valid_in_a]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ad3552r_0/valid_in_a] [get_bd_pins axi_ad3552r_1/valid_in_b]
+ }
+ switch $carrier {
+ zed {
+ set_property -dict [list CONFIG.NUM_MI {21}] [get_bd_cells axi_cpu_interconnect]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_cpu_interconnect/M20_ACLK] [get_bd_pins axi_clkgen/clk_0]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_cpu_interconnect/M20_ARESETN] [get_bd_pins sampling_clk_rstgen/peripheral_aresetn]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/pcx_examples/streaming/cn0585/CN0585_streaming.m b/pcx_examples/streaming/cn0585/CN0585_streaming.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9d9e81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pcx_examples/streaming/cn0585/CN0585_streaming.m
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+% CN0585 Streaming example
+board_ip = 'local_board_ip';
+uri = cat(2, 'ip:', board_ip);
+% Describe the devices
+cn0585_device_rx = adi.CN0585.Rx('uri',uri);
+cn0585_device_tx0 = adi.CN0585.Tx0('uri',uri);
+cn0585_device_tx1 = adi.CN0585.Tx1('uri',uri);
+cn0585_device_tx0.EnableCyclicBuffers = true;
+cn0585_device_tx1.EnableCyclicBuffers = true;
+cn0585_device_rx.BufferTypeConversionEnable = true;
+% Enable the channels to write data to (options are 1, 2 )
+cn0585_device_tx0.EnabledChannels = [1, 2];
+cn0585_device_tx1.EnabledChannels = [1, 2];
+% Enable the channels to read data from (options are 1, 2, 3 ,4 )
+cn0585_device_rx.EnabledChannels = [1, 2, 3, 4];
+% Generate the sinewave signal
+amplitude = 2 ^ 15;
+sampFreq = cn0585_device_tx0.SamplingRate;
+toneFreq = 1e3;
+N = sampFreq / toneFreq;
+x = linspace(-pi, pi, N).';
+sine_wave = amplitude * sin(x);
+% Continuously load data in the buffer and configure the GPIOs state
+% (SetupInit Base file)
+% DAC1 has to be updated and started first and then DAC0 in order to have syncronized data between devices
+cn0585_device_tx1([sine_wave, sine_wave]);
+cn0585_device_tx0([sine_wave, sine_wave]);
+% Stream status available options: "start_stream_synced", "start_stream", "stop_stream"
+cn0585_device_tx1.StreamStatus = 'start_stream';
+cn0585_device_tx0.StreamStatus = 'start_stream';
+% The data will be stored inside "data" variable
+data = cn0585_device_rx();
+title('ADAQ23876 Channels');
+subplot(4, 1, 1);
+plot(data(:, 1));
+ylabel('Channel A');
+subplot(4, 1, 2);
+plot(data(:, 2));
+ylabel('Channel B');
+subplot(4, 1, 3);
+plot(data(:, 3));
+ylabel('Channel C');
+subplot(4, 1, 4);
+plot(data(:, 4));
+ylabel('Channel D');
+xlabel('Number of samples');
+% Release the device
+cn0585_device_tx1.StreamStatus = 'stop_stream';
+cn0585_device_tx0.StreamStatus = 'stop_stream';
diff --git a/pcx_examples/streaming/cn0585/cn0585_axi4_lite_rw_demo/CN0585_streaming_axi4lite_read_write.m b/pcx_examples/streaming/cn0585/cn0585_axi4_lite_rw_demo/CN0585_streaming_axi4lite_read_write.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..935eaa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pcx_examples/streaming/cn0585/cn0585_axi4_lite_rw_demo/CN0585_streaming_axi4lite_read_write.m
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+% CN0585 Streaming example for AXI4 Lite register read/write
+board_ip = 'local_board_ip';
+uri = cat(2, 'ip:', board_ip);
+% Describe the devices
+cn0585_device_rx = adi.CN0585.Rx('uri',uri);
+cn0585_device_tx0 = adi.CN0585.Tx0('uri',uri);
+cn0585_device_tx1 = adi.CN0585.Tx1('uri',uri);
+cn0585_device_tx0.EnableCyclicBuffers = true;
+cn0585_device_tx1.EnableCyclicBuffers = true;
+cn0585_device_rx.BufferTypeConversionEnable = true;
+% Enable the channels to write data to (options are 1, 2)
+cn0585_device_tx0.EnabledChannels = [1, 2];
+cn0585_device_tx1.EnabledChannels = [1, 2];
+% Enable the channels to read data from (options are 1, 2, 3 ,4)
+cn0585_device_rx.EnabledChannels = [1, 2, 3, 4];
+write_reg = soc.libiio.aximm.WriteHost(devName = 'mwipcore0:mmwr-channel0', IPAddress = board_ip); % MathWorks IP Core Write channel
+read_reg = soc.libiio.aximm.WriteHost(devName = 'mwipcore0:mmrd-channel1', IPAddress = board_ip); % MathWorks IP Core Read channel
+% Input source available options: 'adc_input', 'dma_input', 'ramp_input'
+cn0585_device_tx0.InputSource = 'dma_input';
+cn0585_device_tx1.InputSource = 'dma_input';
+% Output range available options: '0/2.5V', '0/5V', '0/10V', '-5/+5V', '-10/+10V'
+cn0585_device_tx0.OutputRange = '-10/+10V';
+cn0585_device_tx1.OutputRange = '-10/+10V';
+% Generate the sinewave signal
+amplitude = 2 ^ 15;
+sampFreq = cn0585_device_tx0.SamplingRate;
+toneFreq = 1e3;
+N = sampFreq / toneFreq;
+x = linspace(-pi, pi, N).';
+sine_wave = amplitude * sin(x);
+% Continuously load data in the buffer and configure the GPIOs state
+% (SetupInit Base file)
+% DAC1 has to be updated and started first and then DAC0 in order to have syncronized data between devices
+cn0585_device_tx1([sine_wave, sine_wave]);
+cn0585_device_tx0([sine_wave, sine_wave]);
+% Stream status available options: "start_stream_synced", "start_stream", "stop_stream"
+cn0585_device_tx1.StreamStatus = 'start_stream';
+cn0585_device_tx0.StreamStatus = 'start_stream';
+% The data will be stored inside "data" variable
+data = cn0585_device_rx();
+if cn0585_device_tx0.CheckMathWorksCore()
+ write_reg.writeReg(hex2dec('100'), 85);
+ write_reg.writeReg(hex2dec('104'), 22);
+ fprintf('Read value from the 0x108 register is: %d \n', read_reg.readReg(hex2dec('108')));
+ fprintf('Read value from the 0x10c register is: %d \n', read_reg.readReg(hex2dec('10c')));
+title('ADAQ23876 Channels');
+subplot(4, 1, 1);
+plot(data(:, 1));
+ylabel('Channel A');
+subplot(4, 1, 2);
+plot(data(:, 2));
+ylabel('Channel B');
+subplot(4, 1, 3);
+plot(data(:, 3));
+ylabel('Channel C');
+subplot(4, 1, 4);
+plot(data(:, 4));
+ylabel('Channel D');
+xlabel('Number of samples');
+% Release the device
+cn0585_device_tx1.StreamStatus = 'stop_stream';
+cn0585_device_tx0.StreamStatus = 'stop_stream';
diff --git a/pcx_examples/streaming/cn0585/cn0585_axi4_lite_rw_demo/cn0585_host_axi4_lite_read_write_example.slx b/pcx_examples/streaming/cn0585/cn0585_axi4_lite_rw_demo/cn0585_host_axi4_lite_read_write_example.slx
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1b130f7
Binary files /dev/null and b/pcx_examples/streaming/cn0585/cn0585_axi4_lite_rw_demo/cn0585_host_axi4_lite_read_write_example.slx differ
diff --git a/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/+AnalogDevicesDemo/+cn0585_axi4_lite_demo/zynq-zed-adv7511-cn0585.dts b/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/+AnalogDevicesDemo/+cn0585_axi4_lite_demo/zynq-zed-adv7511-cn0585.dts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2260bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/+AnalogDevicesDemo/+cn0585_axi4_lite_demo/zynq-zed-adv7511-cn0585.dts
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+#include "zynq-zed.dtsi"
+#include "zynq-zed-adv7511.dtsi"
+/ {
+ clocks {
+ ext_clk: clock@0 {
+ #clock-cells = <0>;
+ compatible = "fixed-clock";
+ clock-frequency = <120000000>;
+ };
+ };
+ one-bit-adc-dac@0 {
+ compatible = "adi,one-bit-adc-dac";
+ #address-cells = <1>;
+ #size-cells = <0>;
+ in-gpios = <&gpio_mux 4 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>,
+ <&gpio_mux 5 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+ out-gpios = <&gpio_mux 3 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>,
+ <&gpio_mux 2 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>,
+ <&gpio_mux 1 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>,
+ <&gpio_mux 0 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>,
+ <&gpio_mux 6 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>,
+ <&gpio_mux 7 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>,
+ <&gpio_mux 11 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>,
+ <&gpio_mux 12 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>,
+ <&gpio_mux 13 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>,
+ <&gpio_mux 14 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+ channel@0 {
+ reg = <0>;
+ label = "GPIO4_VIO";
+ };
+ channel@1 {
+ reg = <1>;
+ label = "GPIO5_VIO";
+ };
+ channel@2 {
+ reg = <2>;
+ label = "GPIO0_VIO";
+ };
+ channel@3 {
+ reg = <3>;
+ label = "GPIO1_VIO";
+ };
+ channel@4 {
+ reg = <4>;
+ label = "GPIO2_VIO";
+ };
+ channel@5 {
+ reg = <5>;
+ label = "GPIO3_VIO";
+ };
+ channel@6 {
+ reg = <6>;
+ label = "GPIO6_VIO";
+ };
+ channel@7 {
+ reg = <7>;
+ label = "GPIO7_VIO";
+ };
+ channel@8 {
+ reg = <8>;
+ label = "PAD_ADC0";
+ };
+ channel@9 {
+ reg = <9>;
+ label = "PAD_ADC1";
+ };
+ channel@10 {
+ reg = <10>;
+ label = "PAD_ADC2";
+ };
+ channel@11 {
+ reg = <11>;
+ label = "PAD_ADC3";
+ };
+ };
+&fpga_axi {
+ axi_pwm_gen: pwm@44B10000 {
+ compatible = "adi,axi-pwmgen";
+ reg = <0x44B10000 0x1000>;
+ label = "ltc2387_if";
+ #pwm-cells = <2>;
+ clocks = <&ext_clk>;
+ };
+ ref_clk: clk@44B00000 {
+ compatible = "adi,axi-clkgen-2.00.a";
+ reg = <0x44B00000 0x10000>;
+ #clock-cells = <0>;
+ clocks = <&clkc 15>, <&clkc 15>;
+ clock-names = "s_axi_aclk", "clkin1";
+ clock-output-names = "ref_clk";
+ };
+ rx_dma: dmac@44A40000 {
+ compatible = "adi,axi-dmac-1.00.a";
+ reg = <0x44A40000 0x1000>;
+ #dma-cells = <1>;
+ interrupts = <0 57 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
+ clocks = <&clkc 15>;
+ adi,channels {
+ #size-cells = <0>;
+ #address-cells = <1>;
+ dma-channel@0 {
+ reg = <0>;
+ adi,source-bus-width = <64>;
+ adi,source-bus-type = <2>;
+ adi,destination-bus-width = <64>;
+ adi,destination-bus-type = <0>;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ ltc2387@0{
+ compatible = "ltc2387-16-x4";
+ pwms = <&axi_pwm_gen 0 0
+ &axi_pwm_gen 1 0>;
+ pwm-names = "cnv", "clk_en";
+ clocks = <&ref_clk>;
+ dmas = <&rx_dma 0>;
+ dma-names = "rx";
+ adi,use-two-lanes;
+ };
+ qspi0: spi@0x44B20000 {
+ #address-cells = <1>;
+ #size-cells = <0>;
+ reg = <0x44B20000 0x1000>;
+ num-cs = <0x2>;
+ compatible = "xlnx,xps-spi-2.00.a";
+ bits-per-word = <16>;
+ fifo-size = <16>;
+ clock-names = "ext_spi_clk", "s_axi_aclk";
+ clocks = <&clkc 15>, <&clkc 15>;
+ interrupt-names = "ip2intc_irpt";
+ interrupt-parent = <&intc>;
+ interrupts = <0 52 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
+ gpio_mux: max7301@0 {
+ compatible = "max7301";
+ reg = <0>;
+ spi-max-frequency = <20000000>;
+ #gpio-cells = <2>;
+ gpio-controller;
+ };
+ };
+ dac0_tx_dma: tx-dmac@0x44D30000 {
+ compatible = "adi,axi-dmac-1.00.a";
+ reg = <0x44D30000 0x10000>;
+ #dma-cells = <1>;
+ interrupt-parent = <&intc>;
+ interrupts = <0 34 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
+ clocks = <&clkc 15>;
+ adi,channels {
+ #size-cells = <0>;
+ #address-cells = <1>;
+ dma-channel@0 {
+ reg = <0>;
+ adi,source-bus-width = <32>;
+ adi,source-bus-type = <0>;
+ adi,destination-bus-width = <32>;
+ adi,destination-bus-type = <1>;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ dac1_tx_dma: tx-dmac@0x44E30000 {
+ compatible = "adi,axi-dmac-1.00.a";
+ reg = <0x44E30000 0x10000>;
+ #dma-cells = <1>;
+ interrupt-parent = <&intc>;
+ interrupts = <0 33 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
+ clocks = <&clkc 15>;
+ adi,channels {
+ #size-cells = <0>;
+ #address-cells = <1>;
+ dma-channel@0 {
+ reg = <0>;
+ adi,source-bus-width = <32>;
+ adi,source-bus-type = <0>;
+ adi,destination-bus-width = <32>;
+ adi,destination-bus-type = <1>;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ axi_ad3552r_0: axi-ad3552r-0@44d04000 {
+ compatible = "adi,axi-ad3552r";
+ reg = <0x44d04000 0x1000>;
+ reset-gpios = <&gpio0 90 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+ clocks = <&ref_clk>;
+ dmas = <&dac0_tx_dma 0>;
+ dma-names = "tx";
+ };
+ axi_ad3552r_1: axi-ad3552r-1@44e04000 {
+ compatible = "adi,axi-ad3552r";
+ reg = <0x44e04000 0x1000>;
+ clocks = <&ref_clk>;
+ dmas = <&dac1_tx_dma 0>;
+ dma-names = "tx";
+ };
+ mwipcore@43c00000 {
+ compatible = "mathworks,mwipcore-v3.00";
+ reg = <0x43C00000 0xfffff>;
+ #address-cells = <1>;
+ #size-cells = <0>;
+ mmwr-channel@0{
+ reg = <0x0>;
+ compatible = "mathworks,mm-write-channel-v1.00";
+ };
+ mmrd-channel@1{
+ reg = <0x1>;
+ compatible = "mathworks,mm-read-channel-v1.00";
+ };
+ };
+ i2c@41620000 {
+ compatible = "xlnx,axi-iic-1.01.b", "xlnx,xps-iic-2.00.a";
+ reg = <0x41620000 0x10000>;
+ interrupt-parent = <&intc>;
+ interrupts = <0 55 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
+ clocks = <&clkc 15>;
+ clock-names = "pclk";
+ #size-cells = <0>;
+ #address-cells = <1>;
+ eeprom@50 {
+ compatible = "at24,24c02";
+ reg = <0x50>;
+ };
+ eeprom2@54 {
+ compatible = "at24,24c02";
+ reg = <0x54>;
+ };
+ ad7291_1@20 {
+ label = "ADC_I2C_1";
+ compatible = "adi,ad7291";
+ reg = <0x20>;
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/+AnalogDevicesDemo/+cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo/+common/add_io.m b/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/+AnalogDevicesDemo/+cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo/+common/add_io.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cd8cdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/+AnalogDevicesDemo/+cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo/+common/add_io.m
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+% function add_io(hRD,project,fpga,type)
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% % Add AXI4 and AXI4-Lite slave interfaces
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% out = AnalogDevices.get_memory_axi_interface_info(fpga,lower(project));
+% hRD.addAXI4SlaveInterface( ...
+% 'InterfaceConnection', out.InterfaceConnection, ...
+% 'BaseAddress', out.BaseAddress, ...
+% 'MasterAddressSpace', out.MasterAddressSpace);
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% % Add Reference design interfaces
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% AnalogDevices.add_io_ports(hRD,lower(project),lower(type),lower(fpga));
+% end
diff --git a/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/+AnalogDevicesDemo/+cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo/+common/hdlcoder_ref_design_customization.m b/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/+AnalogDevicesDemo/+cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo/+common/hdlcoder_ref_design_customization.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31e4cea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/+AnalogDevicesDemo/+cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo/+common/hdlcoder_ref_design_customization.m
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+function [rd,boardName] = hdlcoder_ref_design_customization
+% Reference design plugin registration file
+% 1. The registration file with this name inside of a board plugin folder
+% will be picked up
+% 2. Any registration file with this name on MATLAB path will also be picked up
+% 3. The registration file returns a cell array pointing to the location of
+% the reference design plugins
+% 4. The registration file also returns its associated board name
+% 5. Reference design plugin must be a package folder accessible from
+% MATLAB path, and contains a reference design definition file
+% Copyright 2013-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.
+rd = {...
+ 'AnalogDevicesDemo.cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo.zed.tx.plugin_rd', ...
+ };
+boardName = 'AnalogDevices CN0585 GPIO Control';
diff --git a/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/+AnalogDevicesDemo/+cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo/+common/plugin_board.m b/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/+AnalogDevicesDemo/+cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo/+common/plugin_board.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27d0b67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/+AnalogDevicesDemo/+cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo/+common/plugin_board.m
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+function hB = plugin_board(BoardName)
+% Use Plugin API to create board plugin object
+% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.
+hB = hdlcoder.Board;
+% Target Board Information
+hB.BoardName = sprintf('AnalogDevices CN0585 GPIO Control');
+% FPGA Device
+hB.FPGAVendor = 'Xilinx';
+hB.FPGAFamily = 'Zynq';
+% Determine the device based on the board
+hB.FPGADevice = sprintf('xc7%s', 'z020');
+hB.FPGAPackage = 'clg484';
+hB.FPGASpeed = '-1';
+hB.FPGAFamily = 'Zynq';
+% Tool Info
+hB.SupportedTool = {'Xilinx Vivado'};
+% FPGA JTAG chain position
+hB.JTAGChainPosition = 2;
+%% Add interfaces
+% Standard "External Port" interface
diff --git a/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/+AnalogDevicesDemo/+cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo/+common/plugin_rd.m b/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/+AnalogDevicesDemo/+cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo/+common/plugin_rd.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d277e32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/+AnalogDevicesDemo/+cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo/+common/plugin_rd.m
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+function hRD = plugin_rd(board, design)
+% Reference design definition
+% Copyright 2014-2015 The MathWorks, Inc.
+% pname = upper(project);
+% ppath = project;
+% if strcmpi(project, 'cn0585')
+% ppath = 'cn0585';
+% end
+board = 'zed';
+design = 'Tx';
+hRD = hdlcoder.ReferenceDesign('SynthesisTool', 'Xilinx Vivado');
+% This is the base reference design that other RDs can build upon
+hRD.ReferenceDesignName = sprintf('%s (%s)', upper(board), design);
+% Determine the board name based on the design
+hRD.BoardName = sprintf('AnalogDevices CN0585 GPIO Control');
+% Tool information
+hRD.SupportedToolVersion = {'2023.2'};
+% Get the root directories
+rootDirExample = fileparts(strtok(mfilename('fullpath'), '+'));
+tmp = strsplit(rootDirExample,filesep);
+if isunix
+ rootDir = fullfile(filesep,tmp{1:end-3});
+ rootDir = fullfile(tmp{1:end-3});
+rootDirBSP = fullfile('hdl','vendor','AnalogDevices','vivado');
+% Design files are shared
+hRD.SharedRD = true;
+hRD.SharedRDFolder = rootDir;
+%% Set top level project pieces
+hRD.addParameter( ...
+ 'ParameterID', 'project', ...
+ 'DisplayName', 'HDL Project Subfolder', ...
+ 'DefaultValue', 'cn0585');
+hRD.addParameter( ...
+ 'ParameterID', 'carrier', ...
+ 'DisplayName', 'HDL Project Carrier', ...
+ 'DefaultValue', 'zed');
+%% Add custom design files
+hRD.addCustomVivadoDesign( ...
+ 'CustomBlockDesignTcl', fullfile('pcx_examples', 'targeting', 'cn0585', 'cn0585_hdl', 'system_project_rxtx.tcl'));
+%% Standard reference design pieces
+hRD.BlockDesignName = 'system';
+% custom source files
+hRD.CustomFiles = {...
+ fullfile('projects')...,
+ fullfile('library')...,
+ fullfile('scripts')...,
+ };
+% custom source files
+hRD.CustomFiles = {...
+ fullfile(rootDirBSP, 'scripts')...,
+ fullfile(rootDirBSP, 'library')...,
+ fullfile(rootDirBSP, 'library','xilinx')...,
+ fullfile(rootDirBSP, 'projects','common')...,
+ fullfile(rootDirBSP, 'projects','scripts')...,
+ fullfile(rootDirBSP, 'projects','cn0585')...,
+ fullfile(rootDirBSP, 'projects','cn0585', 'common')...,
+ fullfile(rootDirBSP, 'projects','cn0585', 'zed')...,
+ fullfile('pcx_examples', 'targeting', 'cn0585', 'cn0585_hdl')...,
+ };
+hRD.addParameter( ...
+ 'ParameterID', 'ref_design', ...
+ 'DisplayName', 'Reference Type', ...
+ 'DefaultValue', lower(strrep(design, ' & ','')));
+hRD.addParameter( ...
+ 'ParameterID', 'fpga_board', ...
+ 'DisplayName', 'FPGA Boad', ...
+ 'DefaultValue', upper(board));
+hRD.addParameter( ...
+ 'ParameterID', 'preprocess', ...
+ 'DisplayName', 'Preprocess', ...
+ 'DefaultValue', 'on');
+hRD.addParameter( ...
+ 'ParameterID', 'preprocess_script', ...
+ 'DisplayName', 'Preprocess Script', ...
+ 'DefaultValue', fullfile('pcx_examples', 'targeting', 'cn0585','cn0585_hdl','fh_preprocess.tcl'));
+hRD.addParameter( ...
+ 'ParameterID', 'postprocess', ...
+ 'DisplayName', 'Postprocess', ...
+ 'DefaultValue', 'off');
+%% Add IO
+%% Add interfaces
+% add clock interface
+hRD.addClockInterface( ...
+ 'ClockConnection', 'axi_clkgen/clk_0', ...
+ 'ResetConnection', 'sampling_clk_rstgen/peripheral_aresetn');
diff --git a/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/+AnalogDevicesDemo/+cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo/+zed/+tx/add_tx_io.m b/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/+AnalogDevicesDemo/+cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo/+zed/+tx/add_tx_io.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5c9ae0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/+AnalogDevicesDemo/+cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo/+zed/+tx/add_tx_io.m
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+function add_tx_io(hRD)
+% add AXI4 and AXI4-Lite slave interfaces
+hRD.addAXI4SlaveInterface( ...
+ 'InterfaceConnection', 'axi_cpu_interconnect/M20_AXI', ...
+ 'BaseAddress', '0x43C00000', ...
+ 'MasterAddressSpace', 'sys_ps7/Data');
+% Tx Reference design interfaces
+hRD.addInternalIOInterface( ...
+ 'InterfaceID', 'IP Data 0 IN', ...
+ 'InterfaceType', 'IN', ...
+ 'PortName', 'axi_ltc2387_0_adc_data', ...
+ 'PortWidth', 16, ...
+ 'InterfaceConnection', 'axi_ltc2387_0/adc_data', ...
+ 'IsRequired', false);
+hRD.addInternalIOInterface( ...
+ 'InterfaceID', 'IP Data 1 IN', ...
+ 'InterfaceType', 'IN', ...
+ 'PortName', 'axi_ltc2387_1_adc_data', ...
+ 'PortWidth', 16, ...
+ 'InterfaceConnection', 'axi_ltc2387_1/adc_data', ...
+ 'IsRequired', false);
+hRD.addInternalIOInterface( ...
+ 'InterfaceID', 'IP Data 2 IN', ...
+ 'InterfaceType', 'IN', ...
+ 'PortName', 'axi_ltc2387_2_adc_data', ...
+ 'PortWidth', 16, ...
+ 'InterfaceConnection', 'axi_ltc2387_2/adc_data', ...
+ 'IsRequired', false);
+hRD.addInternalIOInterface( ...
+ 'InterfaceID', 'IP Data 3 IN', ...
+ 'InterfaceType', 'IN', ...
+ 'PortName', 'axi_ltc2387_3_adc_data', ...
+ 'PortWidth', 16, ...
+ 'InterfaceConnection', 'axi_ltc2387_3/adc_data', ...
+ 'IsRequired', false);
+hRD.addInternalIOInterface( ...
+ 'InterfaceID', 'IP Load Tx Data OUT', ...
+ 'InterfaceType', 'OUT', ...
+ 'PortName', 'axi_ad3552r_0_valid_in_a', ...
+ 'PortWidth', 1, ...
+ 'InterfaceConnection', 'axi_ad3552r_0/valid_in_a', ...
+ 'IsRequired', false);
+hRD.addInternalIOInterface( ...
+ 'InterfaceID', 'IP Valid Tx Data IN', ...
+ 'InterfaceType', 'IN', ...
+ 'PortName', 'axi_ltc2387_0_adc_valid', ...
+ 'PortWidth', 1, ...
+ 'InterfaceConnection', 'axi_ltc2387_0/adc_valid', ...
+ 'IsRequired', false);
+hRD.addInternalIOInterface( ...
+ 'InterfaceID', 'CN0585 DAC Data 0 OUT', ...
+ 'InterfaceType', 'OUT', ...
+ 'PortName', 'axi_ad3552r_0_data_in_a', ...
+ 'PortWidth', 16, ...
+ 'InterfaceConnection', 'axi_ad3552r_0/data_in_a', ...
+ 'IsRequired', false);
+hRD.addInternalIOInterface( ...
+ 'InterfaceID', 'CN0585 DAC Data 1 OUT', ...
+ 'InterfaceType', 'OUT', ...
+ 'PortName', 'axi_ad3552r_0_data_in_b', ...
+ 'PortWidth', 16, ...
+ 'InterfaceConnection', 'axi_ad3552r_0/data_in_b', ...
+ 'IsRequired', false);
+hRD.addInternalIOInterface( ...
+ 'InterfaceID', 'CN0585 DAC Data 2 OUT', ...
+ 'InterfaceType', 'OUT', ...
+ 'PortName', 'axi_ad3552r_1_data_in_a', ...
+ 'PortWidth', 16, ...
+ 'InterfaceConnection', 'axi_ad3552r_1/data_in_a', ...
+ 'IsRequired', false);
+hRD.addInternalIOInterface( ...
+ 'InterfaceID', 'CN0585 DAC Data 3 OUT', ...
+ 'InterfaceType', 'OUT', ...
+ 'PortName', 'axi_ad3552r_1_data_in_b', ...
+ 'PortWidth', 16, ...
+ 'InterfaceConnection', 'axi_ad3552r_1/data_in_b', ...
+ 'IsRequired', false);
+hRD.addInternalIOInterface( ...
+ 'InterfaceID', 'GPIO IN SW', ...
+ 'InterfaceType', 'IN', ...
+ 'PortName', 'xlslice_1_Dout', ...
+ 'PortWidth', 8, ...
+ 'InterfaceConnection', 'xlslice_1/Dout', ...
+ 'IsRequired', false);
+hRD.addInternalIOInterface( ...
+ 'InterfaceID', 'GPIO OUT LED', ...
+ 'InterfaceType', 'OUT', ...
+ 'PortName', 'xlconcat_1_In1', ...
+ 'PortWidth', 8, ...
+ 'InterfaceConnection', 'xlconcat_1/In1', ...
+ 'IsRequired', false);
diff --git a/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/+AnalogDevicesDemo/+cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo/+zed/+tx/hdlcoder_ref_design_customization.m b/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/+AnalogDevicesDemo/+cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo/+zed/+tx/hdlcoder_ref_design_customization.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..350b2b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/+AnalogDevicesDemo/+cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo/+zed/+tx/hdlcoder_ref_design_customization.m
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+function [rd, boardName] = hdlcoder_ref_design_customization
+% Reference design plugin registration file
+% 1. The registration file with this name inside of a board plugin folder
+% will be picked up
+% 2. Any registration file with this name on MATLAB path will also be picked up
+% 3. The registration file returns a cell array pointing to the location of
+% the reference design plugins
+% 4. The registration file also returns its associated board name
+% 5. Reference design plugin must be a package folder accessible from
+% MATLAB path, and contains a reference design definition file
+% Copyright 2013-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.
+rd = {...
+ 'AnalogDevicesDemo.cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo.zed.tx.plugin_rd', ...
+ };
+boardName = 'AnalogDevicesDemo cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control AnalogDevies CN0585 GPIO Control (Tx)';
diff --git a/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/+AnalogDevicesDemo/+cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo/+zed/+tx/plugin_board.m b/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/+AnalogDevicesDemo/+cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo/+zed/+tx/plugin_board.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e69678
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/+AnalogDevicesDemo/+cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo/+zed/+tx/plugin_board.m
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+function hP = plugin_board()
+% Zynq Platform PCore
+% Use Plugin API to create board plugin object
+% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.
+% Call the common board definition function
+% hP = AnalogDevicesDemo.cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo.common.plugin_board('AnalogDevies CN0585 GPIO Control ', 'Tx');
+hP = AnalogDevicesDemo.cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo.common.plugin_board('AnalogDevies CN0585 GPIO Control');
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/+AnalogDevicesDemo/+cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo/+zed/+tx/plugin_rd.m b/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/+AnalogDevicesDemo/+cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo/+zed/+tx/plugin_rd.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f381dcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/+AnalogDevicesDemo/+cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo/+zed/+tx/plugin_rd.m
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+function hRD = plugin_rd
+% Reference design definition
+% Copyright 2014-2015 The MathWorks, Inc.
+% Call the common reference design definition function
+hRD = AnalogDevicesDemo.cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo.common.plugin_rd('AnalogDevies CN0585 GPIO Control', 'Tx');
diff --git a/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/+AnalogDevicesDemo/+cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo/hdlworkflow_cn0585_gpio_zed_tx.m b/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/+AnalogDevicesDemo/+cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo/hdlworkflow_cn0585_gpio_zed_tx.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd9e518
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/+AnalogDevicesDemo/+cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo/hdlworkflow_cn0585_gpio_zed_tx.m
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+function out = hdlworkflow_cn0585_gpio_zed_tx(vivado)
+if nargin < 1
+ vivado = '2022.2';
+% HDL Workflow Script
+% Generated with MATLAB 9.8 (R2020a) at 12:56:00 on 24/09/2020
+% This script was generated using the following parameter values:
+% Filename : '/tmp/hsx-add-boot-bin-test/test/hdlworkflow_daq2_zcu102_rx.m'
+% Overwrite : true
+% Comments : true
+% Headers : true
+% DUT : 'testModel_Rx64Tx64/HDL_DUT'
+% To view changes after modifying the workflow, run the following command:
+% >> hWC.export('DUT','testModel_Rx64Tx64/HDL_DUT');
+%% Load the Model
+%% Restore the Model to default HDL parameters
+%% Model HDL Parameters
+%% Set Model 'testModel_Rx64Tx64' HDL parameters
+hdlset_param('testModel_Tx16and8', 'HDLSubsystem', 'testModel_Tx16and8/HDL_DUT');
+hdlset_param('testModel_Tx16and8', 'ReferenceDesign', 'AnalogDevies CN0585 GPIO Control (TX)');
+hdlset_param('testModel_Tx16and8', 'SynthesisTool', 'Xilinx Vivado');
+hdlset_param('testModel_Tx16and8', 'SynthesisToolChipFamily', 'Zynq');
+hdlset_param('testModel_Tx16and8', 'SynthesisToolDeviceName', 'xc7z020-clg484-1');
+hdlset_param('testModel_Tx16and8', 'SynthesisToolPackageName', '');
+hdlset_param('testModel_Tx16and8', 'SynthesisToolSpeedValue', '');
+hdlset_param('testModel_Tx16and8', 'TargetDirectory', 'hdl_prj/hdlsrc');
+hdlset_param('testModel_Tx16and8', 'TargetLanguage', 'Verilog');
+hdlset_param('testModel_Tx16and8', 'TargetPlatform', 'AnalogDevices CN0585 GPIO Control');
+hdlset_param('testModel_Tx16and8', 'Workflow', 'IP Core Generation');
diff --git a/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/+AnalogDevicesDemo/+cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo/testModel_Tx16and8.slx b/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/+AnalogDevicesDemo/+cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo/testModel_Tx16and8.slx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55d8cf3
Binary files /dev/null and b/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/+AnalogDevicesDemo/+cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo/testModel_Tx16and8.slx differ
diff --git a/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/cn0585_hdl/adi_build.tcl b/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/cn0585_hdl/adi_build.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4609ed6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/cn0585_hdl/adi_build.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# Define local variables
+set cdir [pwd]
+set sdk_loc vivado_prj.sdk
+set project_system_dir vivado_prj.srcs/sources_1/bd/system
+set prj_carrier $project$carrier
+set fpga_board_lc [string tolower $fpga_board]
+puts "FPGA Board: $fpga_board_lc"
+# Verify support files exist
+if {![file exists $cdir/projects/common/boot/$fpga_board_lc/u-boot.elf]} {
+ puts "ERROR: Missing u-boot.elf for $fpga_board_lc"
+ return
+# Build the project
+update_compile_order -fileset sources_1
+reset_run impl_1
+reset_run synth_1
+set_property synth_checkpoint_mode Hierarchical [get_files $project_system_dir/system.bd]
+export_ip_user_files -of_objects [get_files $project_system_dir/system.bd] -no_script -sync -force -quiet
+launch_runs synth_1
+wait_on_run synth_1
+launch_runs impl_1 -to_step write_bitstream
+wait_on_run impl_1
+# Export the hdf
+file delete -force $sdk_loc
+file mkdir $sdk_loc
+write_hw_platform -fixed -force -include_bit -file $sdk_loc/system_top.xsa
+# Close the Vivado project
+# Create the BOOT.bin
+puts "Generating BOOT.BIN"
+puts "Please wait, this may take a few minutes."
+file mkdir $cdir/boot
+file copy -force $cdir/vivado_prj.runs/impl_1/system_top.bit $cdir/boot/system_top.bit
+file copy -force $cdir/projects/common/boot/$fpga_board_lc/u-boot.elf $cdir/boot/u-boot.elf
+file copy -force $cdir/projects/common/boot/$fpga_board_lc/zynq.bif $cdir/boot/zynq.bif
+file copy -force $cdir/projects/common/boot/$fpga_board_lc/fsbl.elf $cdir/boot/fsbl.elf
+if {$fpga_board_lc == "zcu102"} {
+ file copy -force $cdir/projects/common/boot/$fpga_board_lc/bl31.elf $cdir/boot/bl31.elf
+ file copy -force $cdir/projects/common/boot/$fpga_board_lc/pmufw.elf $cdir/boot/pmufw.elf
+ cd $cdir/boot
+ exec bootgen -arch zynqmp -image zynq.bif -o BOOT.BIN -w
+} else {
+ cd $cdir/boot
+ exec bootgen -arch zynq -image zynq.bif -o BOOT.BIN -w
+puts "------------------------------------"
+puts "Embedded system build completed."
+puts "You may close this shell."
+puts "------------------------------------"
diff --git a/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/cn0585_hdl/build_bsp.sh b/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/cn0585_hdl/build_bsp.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d8ec41d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/cn0585_hdl/build_bsp.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+set -x
+cd "$(dirname "$0")"
+if [ -z "${HDLBRANCH}" ]; then
+# Script is designed to run from specific location
+scriptdir=`dirname "$BASH_SOURCE"`
+cd $scriptdir
+#cd ..
+# Get HDL
+if [ -d "hdl" ]; then
+ rm -rf "hdl"
+for i in {1..5}
+ if git clone --single-branch -b $HDLBRANCH https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/hdl.git
+ then
+ break
+ fi
+ if [ -d "hdl" ]; then
+ break
+ fi
+if [ ! -d "hdl" ]; then
+ echo "HDL clone failed"
+ exit 1
+# Get required vivado version needed for HDL
+if [ -f "hdl/library/scripts/adi_ip.tcl" ]; then
+ TARGET="hdl/library/scripts/adi_ip.tcl"
+ TARGET="hdl/library/scripts/adi_ip_xilinx.tcl"
+VER=$(awk '/set required_vivado_version/ {print $3}' $TARGET | sed 's/"//g')
+echo "Required Vivado version ${VER}"
+if [ ${#VER} = 8 ]
+# Setup
+#source /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/$VIVADO/settings64.sh
+source /emea/mediadata/opt/Xilinx/Vivado/$VIVADO/settings64.sh
+# Rename .prj files since MATLAB ignores then during packaging
+FILES=$(grep -lrn hdl/projects/common -e '.prj' | grep -v Makefile | grep -v .git)
+for f in $FILES
+ echo "Updating prj reference in: $f"
+ sed -i "s/\.prj/\.mk/g" "$f"
+FILES=$(find hdl/projects/common -name "*.prj")
+for f in $FILES
+ DEST="${f::-3}mk"
+ echo "Renaming: $f to $DEST"
+ mv "$f" "$DEST"
+# Remove git directory move to bsp folder
+rm -fr hdl/.git*
+if [ -d "$TARGET" ]; then
+ rm -rf "$TARGET"
+mv hdl $TARGET
+# Post-process ports.json
+cp ./ports.json ../../../../CI/
+python3 ../../../../CI/scripts/read_ports_json.py
+cp ../../../../CI/ports.json ../../../../hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/+AnalogDevices/
+# Updates
+cp ./matlab_processors.tcl ../../../../hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/vivado/projects/scripts/matlab_processors.tcl
+cp ./system_project_rxtx.tcl ../../../../hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/vivado/projects/scripts/system_project_rxtx.tcl
+cp ./adi_build.tcl ../../../../hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/vivado/projects/scripts/adi_build.tcl
+# Copy boot files
+mkdir ../../../../hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/vivado/projects/common/boot/
+cp -r ../../../../CI/scripts/boot/* ../../../../hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/vivado/projects/common/boot/
+echo 'puts "Skipping"' > ../../../../hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/vivado/library/axi_ad9361/axi_ad9361_delay.tcl
diff --git a/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/cn0585_hdl/fh_preprocess.tcl b/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/cn0585_hdl/fh_preprocess.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38d8bcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/cn0585_hdl/fh_preprocess.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+set ad_hdl_dir [pwd]
+#### Move files
+file rename -force $ad_hdl_dir/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/vivado/scripts $ad_hdl_dir/scripts
+file rename -force $ad_hdl_dir/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/vivado/projects $ad_hdl_dir/projects
+file rename -force $ad_hdl_dir/hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/vivado/library $ad_hdl_dir/library
diff --git a/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/cn0585_hdl/matlab_processors.tcl b/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/cn0585_hdl/matlab_processors.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ece7ad2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/cn0585_hdl/matlab_processors.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+proc preprocess_bd {project carrier rxtx} {
+ puts "Preprocessing $project $carrier $rxtx"
+ switch $project {
+ cn0585 {
+ # Disconnect the ADC PACK pins
+ delete_bd_objs [get_bd_nets axi_ltc2387_0_adc_data]
+ delete_bd_objs [get_bd_nets axi_ltc2387_1_adc_data]
+ delete_bd_objs [get_bd_nets axi_ltc2387_2_adc_data]
+ delete_bd_objs [get_bd_nets axi_ltc2387_3_adc_data]
+ set sys_cstring "matlab $rxtx"
+ sysid_gen_sys_init_file $sys_cstring
+ # Disconnect adc_valid
+ delete_bd_objs [get_bd_nets axi_ltc2387_0_adc_valid]
+ # Reconnect the adc_valid in the system
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ltc2387_0/adc_valid] [get_bd_pins axi_ltc2387_dma/fifo_wr_en]
+ if {$rxtx == "rx"} {
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ltc2387_0/adc_data] [get_bd_pins axi_ad3552r_0/data_in_a]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ltc2387_1/adc_data] [get_bd_pins axi_ad3552r_0/data_in_b]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ltc2387_2/adc_data] [get_bd_pins axi_ad3552r_1/data_in_a]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ltc2387_3/adc_data] [get_bd_pins axi_ad3552r_1/data_in_b]
+ }
+ if {$rxtx == "tx"} {
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ltc2387_0/adc_data] [get_bd_pins util_ltc2387_adc_pack/fifo_wr_data_0]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ltc2387_1/adc_data] [get_bd_pins util_ltc2387_adc_pack/fifo_wr_data_1]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ltc2387_2/adc_data] [get_bd_pins util_ltc2387_adc_pack/fifo_wr_data_2]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ltc2387_3/adc_data] [get_bd_pins util_ltc2387_adc_pack/fifo_wr_data_3]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ltc2387_0/adc_valid] [get_bd_pins util_ltc2387_adc_pack/fifo_wr_en]
+ }
+ if {$rxtx == "tx" || $rxtx == "rxtx"} {
+ delete_bd_objs [get_bd_nets axi_ltc2387_0_adc_valid]
+ delete_bd_objs [get_bd_nets axi_ltc2387_1_adc_valid]
+ delete_bd_objs [get_bd_nets axi_ltc2387_2_adc_valid]
+ delete_bd_objs [get_bd_nets axi_ltc2387_3_adc_valid]
+ # Connect dac valids together
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ad3552r_0/valid_in_a] [get_bd_pins axi_ad3552r_0/valid_in_b]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ad3552r_0/valid_in_a] [get_bd_pins axi_ad3552r_1/valid_in_a]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_ad3552r_0/valid_in_a] [get_bd_pins axi_ad3552r_1/valid_in_b]
+ # Remove the gpio bd connections
+ delete_bd_objs [get_bd_nets gpio_i_1]
+ delete_bd_objs [get_bd_nets sys_ps7_GPIO_O]
+ # Split the input gpios into 3 to separate the switches
+ create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv xilinx.com:ip:xlslice:1.0 xlslice_0
+ set_property -dict [list \
+ CONFIG.DIN_TO {19} \
+ ] [get_bd_cells xlslice_0]
+ create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv xilinx.com:ip:xlslice:1.0 xlslice_1
+ set_property -dict [list \
+ CONFIG.DIN_TO {11} \
+ ] [get_bd_cells xlslice_1]
+ create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv xilinx.com:ip:xlslice:1.0 xlslice_2
+ set_property -dict [list \
+ ] [get_bd_cells xlslice_2]
+ # Reconnect the input gpios
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_ports gpio_i] [get_bd_pins xlslice_0/Din]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_ports gpio_i] [get_bd_pins xlslice_1/Din]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_ports gpio_i] [get_bd_pins xlslice_2/Din]
+ create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv xilinx.com:ip:xlconcat:2.1 xlconcat_0
+ set_property CONFIG.NUM_PORTS {3} [get_bd_cells xlconcat_0]
+ set_property -dict [list \
+ ] [get_bd_cells xlconcat_0]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins xlslice_0/Dout] [get_bd_pins xlconcat_0/In0]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins xlslice_2/Dout] [get_bd_pins xlconcat_0/In2]
+ # Reconnect the input gpios to the ps7
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins sys_ps7/GPIO_I] [get_bd_pins xlconcat_0/dout]
+ # Split the output gpios into 3 to separate the leds
+ create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv xilinx.com:ip:xlslice:1.0 xlslice_3
+ set_property -dict [list \
+ CONFIG.DIN_TO {27} \
+ ] [get_bd_cells xlslice_3]
+ create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv xilinx.com:ip:xlslice:1.0 xlslice_4
+ set_property -dict [list \
+ CONFIG.DIN_TO {19} \
+ ] [get_bd_cells xlslice_4]
+ create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv xilinx.com:ip:xlslice:1.0 xlslice_5
+ set_property -dict [list \
+ ] [get_bd_cells xlslice_5]
+ # Reconnect the output gpios
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins sys_ps7/GPIO_O] [get_bd_pins xlslice_3/Din]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins sys_ps7/GPIO_O] [get_bd_pins xlslice_4/Din]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins sys_ps7/GPIO_O] [get_bd_pins xlslice_5/Din]
+ create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv xilinx.com:ip:xlconcat:2.1 xlconcat_1
+ set_property CONFIG.NUM_PORTS {3} [get_bd_cells xlconcat_1]
+ set_property -dict [list \
+ ] [get_bd_cells xlconcat_1]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins xlslice_3/Dout] [get_bd_pins xlconcat_1/In0]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins xlslice_5/Dout] [get_bd_pins xlconcat_1/In2]
+ # Reconnect the output gpios to the output port
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_ports gpio_o] [get_bd_pins xlconcat_1/Dout]
+ }
+ switch $carrier {
+ zed {
+ set_property -dict [list CONFIG.NUM_MI {21}] [get_bd_cells axi_cpu_interconnect]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_cpu_interconnect/M20_ACLK] [get_bd_pins axi_clkgen/clk_0]
+ connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_cpu_interconnect/M20_ARESETN] [get_bd_pins sampling_clk_rstgen/peripheral_aresetn]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/cn0585_hdl/ports.json b/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/cn0585_hdl/ports.json
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f972fc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/cn0585_hdl/ports.json
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+ "cn0585": {
+ "chip": "CN0585",
+ "complex": "true",
+ "fpga": [
+ "zed"
+ ],
+ "supported_rd": [
+ "rx",
+ "tx",
+ "rx & tx"
+ ],
+ "ports": [
+ {
+ "rx": [
+ {
+ "input": "false",
+ "width": 1,
+ "name": "util_ltc2387_adc_pack/fifo_wr_en",
+ "type": "valid",
+ "m_name": "IP Data Valid OUT"
+ },
+ {
+ "input": "false",
+ "width": 16,
+ "name": "util_ltc2387_adc_pack/fifo_wr_data_0",
+ "type": "data",
+ "m_name": "IP Data 0 OUT"
+ },
+ {
+ "input": "false",
+ "width": 16,
+ "name": "util_ltc2387_adc_pack/fifo_wr_data_1",
+ "type": "data",
+ "m_name": "IP Data 1 OUT"
+ },
+ {
+ "input": "false",
+ "width": 16,
+ "name": "util_ltc2387_adc_pack/fifo_wr_data_2",
+ "type": "data",
+ "m_name": "IP Data 2 OUT"
+ },
+ {
+ "input": "false",
+ "width": 16,
+ "name": "util_ltc2387_adc_pack/fifo_wr_data_3",
+ "type": "data",
+ "m_name": "IP Data 3 OUT"
+ },
+ {
+ "input": "true",
+ "width": 1,
+ "name": "axi_ltc2387_0/adc_valid",
+ "type": "valid",
+ "m_name": "IP Valid Rx Data IN"
+ },
+ {
+ "input": "true",
+ "width": 16,
+ "name": "axi_ltc2387_0/adc_data",
+ "type": "data",
+ "m_name": "CN0585 ADC Data 0 IN"
+ },
+ {
+ "input": "true",
+ "width": 16,
+ "name": "axi_ltc2387_1/adc_data",
+ "type": "data",
+ "m_name": "CN0585 ADC Data 1 IN"
+ },
+ {
+ "input": "true",
+ "width": 16,
+ "name": "axi_ltc2387_2/adc_data",
+ "type": "data",
+ "m_name": "CN0585 ADC Data 2 IN"
+ },
+ {
+ "input": "true",
+ "width": 16,
+ "name": "axi_ltc2387_3/adc_data",
+ "type": "data",
+ "m_name": "CN0585 ADC Data 3 IN"
+ }
+ ],
+ "tx": [
+ {
+ "input": "true",
+ "width": 16,
+ "name": "axi_ltc2387_0/adc_data",
+ "type": "data",
+ "m_name": "IP Data 0 IN"
+ },
+ {
+ "input": "true",
+ "width": 16,
+ "name": "axi_ltc2387_1/adc_data",
+ "type": "data",
+ "m_name": "IP Data 1 IN"
+ },
+ {
+ "input": "true",
+ "width": 16,
+ "name": "axi_ltc2387_2/adc_data",
+ "type": "data",
+ "m_name": "IP Data 2 IN"
+ },
+ {
+ "input": "true",
+ "width": 16,
+ "name": "axi_ltc2387_3/adc_data",
+ "type": "data",
+ "m_name": "IP Data 3 IN"
+ },
+ {
+ "input": "true",
+ "width": 1,
+ "name": "axi_ltc2387_0/adc_valid",
+ "type": "valid",
+ "m_name": "IP Valid Tx Data IN"
+ },
+ {
+ "input": "false",
+ "width": 16,
+ "name": "axi_ad3552r_0/data_in_a",
+ "type": "data",
+ "m_name": "CN0585 DAC Data 0 OUT"
+ },
+ {
+ "input": "false",
+ "width": 16,
+ "name": "axi_ad3552r_0/data_in_b",
+ "type": "data",
+ "m_name": "CN0585 DAC Data 1 OUT"
+ },
+ {
+ "input": "false",
+ "width": 1,
+ "name": "axi_ad3552r_0/valid_in_a",
+ "type": "valid",
+ "m_name": "IP Load Tx Data OUT"
+ },
+ {
+ "input": "false",
+ "width": 16,
+ "name": "axi_ad3552r_1/data_in_a",
+ "type": "data",
+ "m_name": "CN0585 DAC Data 2 OUT"
+ },
+ {
+ "input": "false",
+ "width": 16,
+ "name": "axi_ad3552r_1/data_in_b",
+ "type": "data",
+ "m_name": "CN0585 DAC Data 3 OUT"
+ },
+ {
+ "input": "true",
+ "width": 8,
+ "name": "xlslice_1/Dout",
+ "type": "data",
+ "m_name": "IP Data 4 IN"
+ },
+ {
+ "input": "false",
+ "width": 8,
+ "name": "xlconcat_1/In1",
+ "type": "data",
+ "m_name": "CN0585 DAC Data 4 OUT"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/cn0585_hdl/system_project_rxtx.tcl b/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/cn0585_hdl/system_project_rxtx.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d180513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/cn0585_hdl/system_project_rxtx.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+set start_dir [pwd]
+puts "Starting Precision Toolbox HDL build"
+if {$preprocess == "on"} {
+ source $preprocess_script
+cd projects/$project/$carrier
+source ../../scripts/adi_make.tcl
+adi_make::lib all
+set ::env(ADI_SKIP_SYNTHESIS) 1
+set ::env(SKIP_SYNTHESIS) 1
+set ::env(ADI_MATLAB) 1
+set ::env(MATLAB) 1
+source ./system_project.tcl
+# Update block design to make room for new IP
+source ../../scripts/matlab_processors.tcl
+preprocess_bd $project $carrier $ref_design
+if {$postprocess == "on"} {
+ cd $start_dir
+ source $postprocess_script
+# Back to root
+cd $start_dir
diff --git a/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo/testModel_Tx16and8.slx b/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo/testModel_Tx16and8.slx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55d8cf3
Binary files /dev/null and b/pcx_examples/targeting/cn0585/cn0585_led_sw_gpio_control_demo/testModel_Tx16and8.slx differ
diff --git a/test/BSPTestsBase.m b/test/BSPTestsBase.m
index 09b5c6c..6e4f37f 100644
--- a/test/BSPTestsBase.m
+++ b/test/BSPTestsBase.m
@@ -66,6 +66,11 @@ function CollectLogs(testCase,cfgb)
disp('Found workflow_task_CreateProject... copying');
+ system(join(["find '",testCase.Folder,"' -name 'system_top_timing_summary_routed.rpt' | xargs -I '{}' cp {} ."],''));
+ if exist('system_top_timing_summary_routed.rpt','file')
+ disp('Found system_top_timing_summary_routed... copying');
+ movefile('system_top_timing_summary_routed.rpt',[rdn,'_timing_summary_',cfgb.mode,'.rpt']);
+ end
system(join(["find '",testCase.Folder,"' -name 'workflow_task_BuildFPGABitstream.log' | xargs -I '{}' cp {} ."],''));
if exist('workflow_task_BuildFPGABitstream.log','file')
disp('Found workflow_task_BuildFPGABitstream... copying');
@@ -109,6 +114,15 @@ function CollectLogs(testCase,cfgb)
cfg = [cfg(:)',{cfg1},{cfg2},{cfg3}];
+ mode = 'tx_rx';
+ h2 = str2func([s,'.',variants{k},'.plugin_rd_txrx']);h2 = h2();
+ ReferenceDesignName = h2.ReferenceDesignName;
+ vivado_version = h2.SupportedToolVersion{:};
+ cfg4 = struct('Board',h1,...
+ 'ReferenceDesignName',ReferenceDesignName,...
+ 'vivado_version',vivado_version,'mode',mode);
+ cfg = [cfg(:)',{cfg1},{cfg2},{cfg4}];
@@ -124,7 +138,7 @@ function CollectLogs(testCase,cfgb)
elseif strcmp(s{2},'adrv9361z7035') || ...
- h = str2func([strjoin(s(1:2),'.'),'.common.plugin_board']);
+ h = str2func([strjoin(s(1:2),'.'),'.plugin_board']);
h = str2func([strjoin(s(1:end-1),'.'),'.plugin_board']);
@@ -138,10 +152,16 @@ function CollectLogs(testCase,cfgb)
function setVivadoPath(~,vivado)
- if ispc
- pathname = ['C:\Xilinx\Vivado\',vivado,'\bin\vivado.bat'];
- elseif isunix
- pathname = ['/opt/Xilinx/Vivado/',vivado,'/bin/vivado'];
+ if ~isempty(CUSTOM_VIVADO_PATH)
+ pathname = CUSTOM_VIVADO_PATH;
+ fprintf('Using custom Vivado path: %s\n',pathname);
+ else
+ if ispc
+ pathname = ['C:\Xilinx\Vivado\',vivado,'\bin\vivado.bat'];
+ elseif isunix
+ pathname = ['/emea/mediadata/opt/Xilinx/Vivado/',vivado,'/bin/vivado'];
+ end
assert(exist(pathname,'file')>0,'Correct version of Vivado is unavailable or in a non-standard location');
hdlsetuptoolpath('ToolName', 'Xilinx Vivado', ...
@@ -183,4 +203,4 @@ function testMain(testCase, configs, SynthesizeDesign)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CI/scripts/adi_build.tcl b/test/adi_build.tcl
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 93%
rename from CI/scripts/adi_build.tcl
rename to test/adi_build.tcl
index f85bf7c..d4d155a
--- a/CI/scripts/adi_build.tcl
+++ b/test/adi_build.tcl
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ set sdk_loc vivado_prj.sdk
# Export the hdf
file delete -force $sdk_loc
file mkdir $sdk_loc
-file copy -force vivado_prj.runs/impl_1/system_top.sysdef $sdk_loc/system_top.hdf
+write_hw_platform -fixed -force -include_bit -file $sdk_loc/system_top.xsa
# Close the Vivado project
@@ -52,8 +52,9 @@ if {$fpga_board eq "ZCU102"} {
} else {
puts "pmufw built correctly!"
- exec xsdk -batch -source $cdir/projects/scripts/fsbl_build_zynqmp.tcl
+ set vversion [version -short]
+ exec xsdk -batch -source $cdir/projects/scripts/fsbl_build_zynqmp.tcl $vversion
if {[file exist boot/BOOT.BIN] eq 0} {
puts "ERROR: BOOT.BIN not built"
return -code error 11
diff --git a/test/board_variants.m b/test/board_variants.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dc6e70c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/board_variants.m
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+function r = board_variants
+% Board plugin registration file
+% 1. Any registration file with this name on MATLAB path will be picked up
+% 2. Registration file returns a cell array pointing to the location of
+% the board plugins
+% 3. Board plugin must be a package folder accessible from MATLAB path,
+% and contains a board definition file
+% Copyright 2023 The MathWorks, Inc.
+r = { ...
+ 'AnalogDevices.cn0585.zed.plugin_rd_rx', ...
+ 'AnalogDevices.cn0585.zed.plugin_rd_tx', ...
+ 'AnalogDevices.cn0585.zed.plugin_rd_rxtx', ...
+ };
+% LocalWords: Zynq ZC
diff --git a/test/build_design.m b/test/build_design.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b14c71b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/build_design.m
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+function out = build_design(config,ReferenceDesignName,vivado_version,mode,board_name,SynthesizeDesign,folder)
+%% Restore the Model to default HDL parameters
+%% Set port mapping based on design configuration
+mdl = setportmapping(mode,ReferenceDesignName,board_name);
+%% Model HDL Parameters
+%% Set Model mdl HDL parameters
+hdlset_param(mdl, 'HDLSubsystem', [mdl,'/HDL_DUT']);
+hdlset_param(mdl, 'ReferenceDesign', ReferenceDesignName);
+hdlset_param(mdl, 'SynthesisTool', config.SupportedTool{:});
+hdlset_param(mdl, 'SynthesisToolChipFamily', config.FPGAFamily);
+hdlset_param(mdl, 'SynthesisToolDeviceName', config.FPGADevice);
+hdlset_param(mdl, 'SynthesisToolPackageName', config.FPGAPackage);
+hdlset_param(mdl, 'SynthesisToolSpeedValue', config.FPGASpeed);
+hdlset_param(mdl, 'TargetPlatform', config.BoardName);
+hdlset_param(mdl, 'TargetLanguage', 'Verilog');
+hdlset_param(mdl, 'TargetDirectory', [folder,'\hdlsrc']);
+hdlset_param(mdl, 'Workflow', 'IP Core Generation');
+hdlset_param([mdl,'/HDL_DUT'], 'ProcessorFPGASynchronization', 'Free running');
+%% Workflow Configuration Settings
+% Construct the Workflow Configuration Object with default settings
+hWC = hdlcoder.WorkflowConfig('SynthesisTool','Xilinx Vivado','TargetWorkflow','IP Core Generation');
+% Specify the top level project directory
+hWC.ProjectFolder = folder;
+hWC.ReferenceDesignToolVersion = '2023.2';
+hWC.IgnoreToolVersionMismatch = true;
+hWC.AllowUnsupportedToolVersion = true;
+% Set Workflow tasks to run
+hWC.RunTaskGenerateRTLCodeAndIPCore = true;
+hWC.RunTaskCreateProject = true;
+hWC.RunTaskGenerateSoftwareInterfaceModel = false;
+hWC.RunTaskBuildFPGABitstream = SynthesizeDesign;
+hWC.RunTaskProgramTargetDevice = false;
+% Set properties related to 'RunTaskGenerateRTLCodeAndIPCore' Task
+hWC.IPCoreRepository = '';
+hWC.GenerateIPCoreReport = false;
+% Set properties related to 'RunTaskCreateProject' Task
+hWC.Objective = hdlcoder.Objective.None;
+hWC.AdditionalProjectCreationTclFiles = '';
+hWC.EnableIPCaching = false;
+% Set properties related to 'RunTaskGenerateSoftwareInterfaceModel' Task
+hWC.OperatingSystem = 'Linux';
+% Set properties related to 'RunTaskBuildFPGABitstream' Task
+hWC.RunExternalBuild = false;
+%hWC.TclFileForSynthesisBuild = hdlcoder.BuildOption.Default;
+%hWC.CustomBuildTclFile = '';
+hWC.TclFileForSynthesisBuild = hdlcoder.BuildOption.Custom;
+hWC.CustomBuildTclFile = '../hdl/vendor/AnalogDevices/vivado/projects/scripts/adi_build.tcl';
+% Set properties related to 'RunTaskProgramTargetDevice' Task
+%hWC.ProgrammingMethod = hdlcoder.ProgrammingMethod.Download;
+%hWC.ProgrammingMethod = hdlcoder.ProgrammingMethod.Custom;
+% Validate the Workflow Configuration Object
+%% Run the workflow
+ hdlcoder.runWorkflow([mdl,'/HDL_DUT'], hWC, 'Verbosity', 'on');
+ close_system(mdl, false);
+ bdclose('all');
+ out = [];
+catch ME
+ if SynthesizeDesign && exist([folder,'/vivado_ip_prj/boot/BOOT.BIN'],'file')
+ ME = [];
+ end
+ out = ME;%.identifier
diff --git a/test/runInstallerTests.m b/test/runInstallerTests.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..14825fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/runInstallerTests.m
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+function runInstallerTests(board)
+import matlab.unittest.TestRunner;
+import matlab.unittest.TestSuite;
+import matlab.unittest.plugins.TestReportPlugin;
+import matlab.unittest.plugins.XMLPlugin
+import matlab.unittest.plugins.DiagnosticsValidationPlugin
+import matlab.unittest.parameters.Parameter
+SynthesizeDesign = {false};
+param = Parameter.fromData('SynthesizeDesign',SynthesizeDesign);
+if nargin == 0
+ suite = testsuite({'BSPInstallerTests'});
+ boards = ['*',lower(board),'*'];
+ suite = TestSuite.fromClass(?BSPInstallerTests,'ExternalParameters',param);
+ suite = suite.selectIf('ParameterProperty','configs', 'ParameterName',boards);
+ runner = matlab.unittest.TestRunner.withTextOutput('OutputDetail',1);
+ runner.addPlugin(DiagnosticsValidationPlugin)
+ xmlFile = 'BSPTestResults.xml';
+ plugin = XMLPlugin.producingJUnitFormat(xmlFile);
+ runner.addPlugin(plugin);
+ results = runner.run(suite);
+ t = table(results);
+ disp(t);
+ disp(repmat('#',1,80));
+ for test = results
+ if test.Failed
+ disp(test.Name);
+ end
+ end
+catch e
+ disp(getReport(e,'extended'));
+ bdclose('all');
+ exit(1);
diff --git a/test/runSynthTests.m b/test/runSynthTests.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0fdc67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/runSynthTests.m
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+function runSynthTests(board)
+import matlab.unittest.TestRunner;
+import matlab.unittest.TestSuite;
+import matlab.unittest.plugins.TestReportPlugin;
+import matlab.unittest.plugins.XMLPlugin
+import matlab.unittest.plugins.ToUniqueFile;
+import matlab.unittest.plugins.TAPPlugin;
+import matlab.unittest.plugins.DiagnosticsValidationPlugin
+import matlab.unittest.parameters.Parameter
+runParallel = false;
+SynthesizeDesign = {true};
+param = Parameter.fromData('SynthesizeDesign',SynthesizeDesign);
+if nargin == 0
+ suite = testsuite({'BSPTests'});
+ boards = ['*',lower(board),'*'];
+ suite = TestSuite.fromClass(?BSPTests,'ExternalParameters',param);
+ suite = suite.selectIf('ParameterProperty','configs', 'ParameterName',boards);
+ runner = matlab.unittest.TestRunner.withTextOutput('OutputDetail',4);
+ runner.addPlugin(DiagnosticsValidationPlugin)
+ xmlFile = 'BSPTestResults.xml';
+ plugin = XMLPlugin.producingJUnitFormat(xmlFile);
+ runner.addPlugin(plugin);
+ if runParallel
+ try %#ok
+ parpool(4);
+ results = runInParallel(runner,suite);
+ catch ME
+ disp(ME);
+ results = runner.run(suite);
+ end
+ else
+ results = runner.run(suite);
+ end
+ t = table(results);
+ disp(t);
+ disp(repmat('#',1,80));
+ for test = results
+ if test.Failed
+ disp(test.Name);
+ end
+ end
+catch e
+ disp(getReport(e,'extended'));
+ bdclose('all');
+ exit(1);
+ poolobj = gcp('nocreate');
+ delete(poolobj);
+catch ME
+ disp(ME)
diff --git a/test/setportmapping.m b/test/setportmapping.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..295644e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/setportmapping.m
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+function mdl = setportmapping(mode,ReferenceDesignName,board_name)
+% ! this script will work with test models that have 16 data ports and 4
+% boolean ports
+if contains(lower(ReferenceDesignName),'cn0585')
+ dev = 'CN0585';
+ mdl = 'testModel';
+ portWidthRX = 16;
+ portWidthTX = 16;
+ error('Unknown device');
+% First set all ports to NIS
+for k=1:16
+ hdlset_param([mdl,'/HDL_DUT/in',num2str(k)], 'IOInterface', 'No Interface Specified');
+ hdlset_param([mdl,'/HDL_DUT/in',num2str(k)], 'IOInterfaceMapping', '');
+ hdlset_param([mdl,'/HDL_DUT/out',num2str(k)], 'IOInterface', 'No Interface Specified');
+ hdlset_param([mdl,'/HDL_DUT/out',num2str(k)], 'IOInterfaceMapping', '');
+for k = 1:4
+ hdlset_param([mdl,'/HDL_DUT/validIn',num2str(k)], 'IOInterface', 'No Interface Specified');
+ hdlset_param([mdl,'/HDL_DUT/validIn',num2str(k)], 'IOInterfaceMapping', '');
+ hdlset_param([mdl,'/HDL_DUT/validOut',num2str(k)], 'IOInterface', 'No Interface Specified');
+ hdlset_param([mdl,'/HDL_DUT/validOut',num2str(k)], 'IOInterfaceMapping', '');
+filePath = '../CI/ports.json';
+str = fileread(filePath);
+val = jsondecode(str);
+fn = fieldnames(val);
+for k = 1:numel(fn)
+ x = val.(fn{k});
+ if (strcmp(x.chip, dev))
+ inIndex = 1;
+ outIndex = 1;
+ validInIndex = 1;
+ validOutIndex = 1;
+ if (mode == "rx") || (mode == "rxtx")
+ rx = x.ports.rx;
+ for indexRx = 1:numel(rx)
+ element = rx(indexRx);
+ if(element.type == "data")
+ if(element.input == "true")
+ hdlset_param([mdl,'/HDL_DUT/in',num2str(inIndex)], 'IOInterface', [element.m_name,' [0:',num2str(portWidthRX-1),']']);
+ hdlset_param([mdl,'/HDL_DUT/in',num2str(inIndex)], 'IOInterfaceMapping', ['[0:',num2str(portWidthRX-1),']']);
+ inIndex = inIndex + 1;
+ else
+ hdlset_param([mdl,'/HDL_DUT/out',num2str(outIndex)], 'IOInterface', [element.m_name,' [0:',num2str(portWidthRX-1),']']);
+ hdlset_param([mdl,'/HDL_DUT/out',num2str(outIndex)], 'IOInterfaceMapping', ['[0:',num2str(portWidthRX-1),']']);
+ outIndex = outIndex + 1;
+ end
+ elseif (element.type == "valid")
+ if(element.input == "true")
+ hdlset_param([mdl,'/HDL_DUT/validIn',num2str(validInIndex)], 'IOInterface', element.m_name);
+ hdlset_param([mdl,'/HDL_DUT/validIn',num2str(validInIndex)], 'IOInterfaceMapping', '[0]');
+ validInIndex = validInIndex + 1;
+ else
+ hdlset_param([mdl,'/HDL_DUT/validOut',num2str(validOutIndex)], 'IOInterface', element.m_name);
+ hdlset_param([mdl,'/HDL_DUT/validOut',num2str(validOutIndex)], 'IOInterfaceMapping', '[0]');
+ validOutIndex = validOutIndex + 1;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if (mode == "tx") || (mode == "rxtx")
+ tx = x.ports.tx;
+ if (mode == "tx")
+ inIndex = 1;
+ outIndex = 1;
+ end
+ for indexTx = 1:numel(tx)
+ element = tx(indexTx);
+ if(element.type == "data")
+ if(element.input == "true")
+ hdlset_param([mdl,'/HDL_DUT/in',num2str(inIndex)], 'IOInterface', [element.m_name,' [0:',num2str(portWidthTX-1),']']);
+ hdlset_param([mdl,'/HDL_DUT/in',num2str(inIndex)], 'IOInterfaceMapping', ['[0:',num2str(portWidthTX-1),']']);
+ inIndex = inIndex + 1;
+ else
+ hdlset_param([mdl,'/HDL_DUT/out',num2str(outIndex)], 'IOInterface', [element.m_name,' [0:',num2str(portWidthTX-1),']']);
+ hdlset_param([mdl,'/HDL_DUT/out',num2str(outIndex)], 'IOInterfaceMapping', ['[0:',num2str(portWidthTX-1),']']);
+ outIndex = outIndex + 1;
+ end
+ elseif (element.type == "valid")
+ if(element.input == "true")
+ hdlset_param([mdl,'/HDL_DUT/validIn',num2str(validInIndex)], 'IOInterface', element.m_name);
+ hdlset_param([mdl,'/HDL_DUT/validIn',num2str(validInIndex)], 'IOInterfaceMapping', '[0]');
+ validInIndex = validInIndex + 1;
+ else
+ hdlset_param([mdl,'/HDL_DUT/validOut',num2str(validOutIndex)], 'IOInterface', element.m_name);
+ hdlset_param([mdl,'/HDL_DUT/validOut',num2str(validOutIndex)], 'IOInterfaceMapping', '[0]');
+ validOutIndex = validOutIndex + 1;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/testModel.slx b/test/testModel.slx
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7021254
Binary files /dev/null and b/test/testModel.slx differ