\begin{algorithm} \begin{algorithmic} \State $\mathfrak{D}^{tr}$: training set of predictors $X$ and outcome $y$ \State $B$: number of resamples \State $M(\mathfrak{D}^{tr}, B)$: a mapping function to split $\mathfrak{D}^{tr}$ for each of $B$ iterations. \State $f()$: model pipeline \Procedure{Resample}{$\mathfrak{D}^{tr}, f, M(\mathfrak{D}^{tr}, B)$} \For{$b =1$ \To $B$} \State Partition $\mathfrak{D}^{tr}$ into $\{\mathfrak{D}_b^{fit}, \mathfrak{D}_b^{pred}\}$ using $M_b(\mathfrak{D}^{tr}, B)$. \State Train model pipeline $f$ on the analysis set to produce $\hat{f}_{b}(\mathfrak{D}_b^{fit})$. \State Generate assessment set predictions $\hat{y}_b$ by applying model $\hat{f}_{b}$ to $\mathfrak{D}_b^{pred}$. \State Estimate performance statistic $\hat{Q}_{b}$. \EndFor \State Compute reampling estimate $\hat{Q} = \sum_{b=1}^B \hat{Q}_{b}$. \Return $\hat{Q}$. \Endprocedure \end{algorithmic} \end{algorithm}
diff --git a/search.json b/search.json
index c5394d3..a2afae4 100644
--- a/search.json
+++ b/search.json
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
"href": "chapters/news.html#changelog",
"title": "News",
"section": "Changelog",
- "text": "Changelog\n\n2024-06-17\nSeveral new chapters on embeddings, splines/interactions/discretization, and overfitting. Also, shinylive is used for interactive visualizations of concepts.\n\n\n2024-01-02\nFixed various typos.\n\n\n2023-12-21\nTypo fix on main page.\n\n\n2023-12-19\nSmall updates.\nUpdated snapshot.\nThe background color of premade outputs has been changed to the pages background color (#16).\n\n\n2023-12-11\nNo new content.\nUpdated snapshot.\nIncludes new Google Scholar links for articles (#8)\n\n\n2023-11-17\nUpdated renv snapshot.\n\n\n2023-10-09\nFirst committed versions.",
+ "text": "Changelog\n\n2024-10-23\nChapter 4 is now on missing data, bumping subsequent chapter numbers.\nNew chapters on resampling and grid search are now online.\n\n\n2024-06-17\nSeveral new chapters on embeddings, splines/interactions/discretization, and overfitting. Also, shinylive is used for interactive visualizations of concepts.\n\n\n2024-01-02\nFixed various typos.\n\n\n2023-12-21\nTypo fix on main page.\n\n\n2023-12-19\nSmall updates.\nUpdated snapshot.\nThe background color of premade outputs has been changed to the pages background color (#16).\n\n\n2023-12-11\nNo new content.\nUpdated snapshot.\nIncludes new Google Scholar links for articles (#8)\n\n\n2023-11-17\nUpdated renv snapshot.\n\n\n2023-10-09\nFirst committed versions.",
"crumbs": [
diff --git a/sitemap.xml b/sitemap.xml
index c2f9c06..6821c1b 100644
--- a/sitemap.xml
+++ b/sitemap.xml
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- 2024-08-16T22:47:09.571Z
+ 2024-09-23T13:00:20.387Z