This is a clone of Bitrix24 website. From Homepage, Login&SignUp to Feeds-Update, Tasks Adding-Deleting-Changing Status, Calendar Todos-Adding-Deleting. We have cloned every functionalities. Checkout deployed link 👇🏻
🔗 🌐
- Login / Signup
- Google authentication
- Feeds ( Send feeds to all employees)
- Task ( You can add tasks )
- Calendar (You can add task with calender )
If you want to run our project in your local machine
Follow the given steps:
- Clone our repository
- Open our code in VS code
- Go to the client folder using cd client command
- In the terminal write npm install, it will install all the dependencies for our project
- Than simply write npm start
- Congratulations! Now you can navigate to our website
- React.JS
- Chakara UI
- MongoDB
- Express
- Google Firebase