OpenSALT Community Participation Agreement September 21, 2017
CASE is an IMS Global specification. OpenSALT is an MIT-licensed open source system for managing frameworks expressed using CASE and exposed to other systems use CASE APIs.
OpenSALT is developed and maintained on GitHub.
Technical oversight and governance is provided by an OpenSALT Committee whose members [1] are core committers. All pull requests must be approved and committed by a core committer. New individuals may be added to the OpenSALT Committee by unanimous consent of the OpenSALT Committee. Individuals may be removed from the OpenSALT Committee by consent of 75% of the members.
The OpenSALT Community consists of individuals and organizations who have signed up for the OpenSALT Community group and agreed to this the Participation Agreement. is an informational website overseen by members of the OpenSALT Committee. Changes must be approved by the OpenSALT Committee.
It is the intent that OpenSALT interoperate and integrate with other relevant open source projects [2]. The OpenSALT Community will liaise with these projects to define and maintain integration points. The OpenSALT Committee acts as an authority in such matters if necessary. It is required that such projects be licensed under compatible non-viral open source licenses, including Apache 2.0, MIT and BSD licenses.
PCG will retain copyright of the OpenSALT trademark and logo, and will make it available to any organization or individual to use, with attribution, for commercial or other purposes under a Creative Commons BY license.
The OpenSALT Community supports the use of specifications and standards published by relevant specification and standards development organizations[3] and will give preference to working with open source projects whose APIs support such specifications and standards.
Governance of the OpenSALT community and open source system will adhere to the Open Stand principles –
[1] Open Salt Committee members as of September 21, 2017: Joshua Marks David Ward Jorge Luis Mejia James Gambrell Brandon Dorman Fritz Ray Elliot Robson Pepper Williams Diana Bidulescu
Add individuals from these organizations who are the core committers / committee members
[2] Other Relevant Open Source Projects - identified as of September 21, 2017: Competency and Skills System (CASS) – Are there others to be added at this time?
[3] Relevant Specification and Standards Development Organizations – Identified as of September 21, 2017: IMS Global IEEE Standards Association ISO and its subcommittees W3C PESC HR Open Standards Medbiquitous Access 4 Learning
The undersigned organization joins the OpenSALT open source community, and agrees to abide by the terms of the Participation Agreement:
_ Organization
Name and Title of Representative