diff --git a/audiorecorder2-dev/audiorecorder2/audiorecorder2.rb b/audiorecorder2-dev/audiorecorder2/audiorecorder2.rb index 479ea14..6268f8a 100644 --- a/audiorecorder2-dev/audiorecorder2/audiorecorder2.rb +++ b/audiorecorder2-dev/audiorecorder2/audiorecorder2.rb @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ $codec_choice = 'pcm_s24le' $soxbuffer = '50000' $sample_rate_choice = '96000' +$filename = '' # Load options from config file configuration_file = File.expand_path('~/.audiorecorder2.conf') @@ -71,7 +72,7 @@ def BufferCheck(sr) end # GUI App -Shoes.app(title: "AudioRecorder2", width: 600, height: 520) do +Shoes.app(title: "AudioRecorder2", width: 600, height: 625) do style Shoes::Para, font: "Helvetica" background aliceblue @logo = image("Resources/audiorecorder_small_1.png", left: 160) @@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ def BufferCheck(sr) end def PostRecord(targetfile) - window(title: "Post-Record Options", width: 600, height: 550) do + window(title: "Post-Record Options", width: 600, height: 560) do style Shoes::Para, font: "Helvetica" background aliceblue trimcheck = nil @@ -252,13 +253,28 @@ def SetUpTrim(input) end end + stack margin: 10 do + button "Choose File Name" do + $filename = ask("Please Enter File Name") + if $filename == '' + @outputfile.replace "#{$filename}" + else + @outputfile.replace "#{$filename}.wav" + end + end + flow do + output_prompt = para "File will be saved as:" + @outputfile = para "#{$filename}", underline: "single" + end + end + flow do preview = button "Preview" preview.click do BufferCheck($sample_rate_choice) Soxcommand = 'rec -r ' + $sample_rate_choice + ' -b 32 -L -e signed-integer --buffer ' + $soxbuffer + ' -p remix ' + sox_channels FFmpegSTART = 'ffmpeg -channel_layout ' + ffmpeg_channels + ' -i - ' - FFmpegPreview = '-f wav -c:a ' + 'pcm_s16le' + ' -ar ' + '44100' + ' -' + FFmpegPreview = '-f wav -c:a ' + 'pcm_s16le -dither_method triangular' + ' -ar ' + '44100' + ' -' FFplaycommand = 'ffplay -window_title "AudioRecorder" -f lavfi ' + '"' + 'amovie=\'pipe\:0\'' + ',' + FILTER_CHAIN + '"' ffmpegcommand = FFmpegSTART + FFmpegPreview command = Soxcommand + ' | ' + ffmpegcommand + ' | ' + FFplaycommand @@ -275,14 +291,17 @@ def SetUpTrim(input) $waveform_pic = 'AUDIORECORDERTEMP' + $record_iteration.to_s + '.png' BufferCheck($sample_rate_choice) - filename = ask("Please Enter File Name") - @tempfileoutput = '"' + $outputdir + '/' + filename + '"' - @fileoutput = $outputdir + '/' + filename + '.wav' - if ! File.exist?(@fileoutput) + @tempfileoutput = '"' + $outputdir + '/' + $filename + '"' + @fileoutput = $outputdir + '/' + $filename + '.wav' + if $filename == '' + alert "Please enter an output file name!" + elsif File.exist?(@fileoutput) + alert "A File named #{$filename} already exists at that location!" + else Soxcommand = 'rec -r ' + $sample_rate_choice + ' -b 32 -L -e signed-integer --buffer ' + $soxbuffer + ' -p remix ' + sox_channels FFmpegSTART = 'ffmpeg -channel_layout ' + ffmpeg_channels + ' -i - ' - FFmpegRECORD = '-f wav -c:a ' + $codec_choice + ' -ar ' + $sample_rate_choice + ' -metadata comment="" -y -rf64 auto ' + 'AUDIORECORDERTEMP.wav' - FFmpegPreview = ' -f wav -c:a ' + 'pcm_s16le' + ' -ar ' + '44100' + ' -' + FFmpegRECORD = '-f wav -c:a ' + $codec_choice + ' -dither_method triangular -ar ' + $sample_rate_choice + ' -metadata comment="" -y -rf64 auto ' + 'AUDIORECORDERTEMP.wav' + FFmpegPreview = ' -f wav -c:a ' + 'pcm_s16le -dither_method triangular' + ' -ar ' + '44100' + ' -' FFplaycommand = 'ffplay -window_title "AudioRecorder" -f lavfi ' + '"' + 'amovie=\'pipe\:0\'' + ',' + FILTER_CHAIN + '"' ffmpegcommand = FFmpegSTART + FFmpegRECORD + FFmpegPreview syscommand1 = Soxcommand + ' | ' + ffmpegcommand + ' | ' + FFplaycommand @@ -291,9 +310,7 @@ def SetUpTrim(input) if $embedbext == 'true' EmbedBEXT(@fileoutput) end - PostRecord(@fileoutput) - else - alert "A File named #{filename} already exists at that location!" + PostRecord(@fileoutput) end end