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Vegard Krogh-Reinsnes edited this page Dec 22, 2019 · 34 revisions

Want to use GUN with Svelte?

Svelte has an approach to reactivity that couples very well with GUN, since you are able to use gun directly as a store within Svelte components. As a result, you can easily bind GUN data to Svelte in a way that feels like vanilla JavaScript, and is similar to the vanilla examples used in most of GUNs documentation.

Check out the examples below or try your hand in at a simple Todos example with the Svelte REPL

We have two recommended approaches to bind data to GUN. One for use directly in Svelte components and one for writing stores that can be reused across components.

Using GUN in a single component

The recommended approach to bind GUN data directly to a Svelte component is this:

import { gun } from "./gunSetup.js" // Only initialize GUN once

// Initialize a variable to store data from GUN
let store = {}

// Set up a GUN listener to update the value
gun.get("cats").map().on(function(data, key) {
    if (data) {
        store[key] = data
    } else {
        // can return null (deleted) values for keys
        // if so, this else clause will update your local variable
        delete store[key]
        store = store

// Reshape data to convenient variables for the view
$: cats = Object.entries(store)

{#each cats as [key, cat]}

Svelte will watch for updates to the store variable, and since we use the label $ with the cats variable it will update the UI when both variables changes.

This approach only works in compiled .svelte files, since Svelte wraps the variables with the invalidate() function which will tell the components to update once the variables change.

Adding a Svelte store for GUN data

Luckily, we can add our own subscriber system in regular .js files by writing our own custom store. This approach is easy to work with, since you can easily add your own custom methods to write GUN data or even adding more gun.get() calls for nested data.

The store below is a simplified version of the official Svelte writable store. You can also check it out in the interactive demo

// stores.js
import Gun from "gun/gun"
const gun = Gun()

function gunStore(ref, methods = {}) {
  let store = {}
  const subscribers = []

  function publish(data, key) {
      if (ref._.get === key) {
        // for gun.get(key)
        store = data
      } else if (data) {
        // for gun.get(key).map()
        store[key] = data
      } else {
        delete store[key]
      for (let i = 0; i < subscribers.length; i += 1) {

  // Add listener to gun reference

  function subscribe(subscriber) {
    // Publish initial value

    // return cleanup function to be called on component dismount
    return () => {
      const index = subscribers.indexOf(subscriber)
      if (index !== -1) {
        subscribers.splice(index, 1)
      if (!subscribers.length) {

  return { ...methods, subscribe }

const ref = gun.get("messages")
export const messages = customStore(, {
  add: text => ref.set({ text, sender: "moi", icon: "😺" }),
  delete: key => ref.get(key).put(null)

This pattern makes for very clean markup in the component itself

import { messages } from "./stores.js"

<input placeholder="write message" on:change={e => messages.add( && ( = "")} />

{#each Object.entries($messages) as [key, {sender, text, icon}] (key)}
<div style="padding: .4rem">
  {icon} {sender}: {text}
  <a href="#" on:click|preventDefault={() => messages.delete(key)}>delete</a>


In this tutorial we will build a very basic todo application.

Before we begin you should be familiar with Svelte and its APIs, as we will only focus on the data binding to GUN.

Step 1 - Set up GUN

Let's create a new file called initGun.js. It's better to do this in a separate file since you only want to initialize gun once. We'll import the gun object into the Svelte components from this file.

// initGun.js
import Gun from "gun/gun"
export const gun = Gun()
// App.svelte
import { gun } from "./initGun.js"

Step 2 - Create an input to add Todos

// App.svelte
// ...

let input = ""
const create = () => gun.get("todos").key(input).put({ title: input, done: false })

<input placeholder="Add todo" bind:value={input} />
<button on:click={e => create() && ( = "")}>Add</button>

Step 3 - List Todos from GUN

// App.svelte
// ...

let store = {}
gun.get("todos").map().on(function(data, key) {
    if (data) {
        store[key] = data
    } else {
        // can return null (deleted) values for keys
        // if so, this else clause will update your local variable
        delete store[key]
        store = store

// This syntax should familiar to you if you completed the official Svelte tutorial
// We'll convert the store to a sorted list that can be iterated in the view
$: todos = Object.entries(store).sort((a, b) => a[1].done)

{#each todos as [key, todo]}
<div id={key}>
    {todo.title} {todo.done ? "😺" : "😾"}

Step 4 - Add update and delete actions

// ...
const update = (key, value) => gun.get(key).get("done").put(value)
const remove = key => gun.get(key).put(null)

{#each todos as [key, todo]}
<div id={key}>
    <input type="checkbox" checked={todo.done} on:change={() => update(key, !todo.done)} />
    {todo.title} <a href="/" on:click|preventDefault={() => remove(key)}>remove</a> {todo.done ? "😺" : "😾"}

Using Svelte stores

While this approach increases the boilerplate of your application, you might find it necessary to create global stores that can be reused in multiple components.

Using Svelte's writable/readable stores

You can also merge GUN with Svelte's own stores, but they are harder to work with compared to using the custom store in the (recommended) example above.

Simple example with writable

// stores.js
import { gun } from "./initGun.js"
import { writable } from "svelte/store"

function createStore(ref, initialValue) {
    const { set, subscribe } = writable(initialValue)
    return {

const todosRef = gun.get("todos")
export const todos = createStore(todosRef, {})

Merged with svelte's writable store

// stores.js
import { gun } from "./initGun.js"
import { writable } from "svelte/store"

function createMapStore(ref) {
    const { update, subscribe } = writable({})
    ref.on(function(data, key) {
        if (data) {
            update(store => ({, [key]: data}))
        } else {
            update(store => {
                delete store[key]
                return store

    return {
        update: (key, value) => ref.get(key).put(value)

const todosRef = gun.get("todos").map()
export const todos = createMapStore(todosRef, {})

Anything to add? Add more to this article!

This wiki is where all the GUN website documentation comes from.

You can read it here or on the website, but the website has some special features like rendering some markdown extensions to create interactive coding tutorials.

Please feel free to improve the docs itself, we need contributions!

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