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Building Stratum for Barefoot Tofino based switches


BF SDE Package

There are multiple supported ways to build Stratum for Tofino, but all require access to the Barefoot SDE.

Note: To do this, you will need to have a SELA with Intel (Barefoot) to access P4 Studio SDE. Contact Intel for more details.

Supported SDE versions

  • 9.2.0
  • 9.3.0
  • 9.3.1
  • 9.3.2 (Recommended; LTS release)
  • 9.4.0
  • 9.5.0 (Experimental; LTS release; Latest)

The rest of this guide depends on the BF SDE tarball, so you can export an environment variable that points to it:

export SDE_TAR=<path to tar>/bf-sde-<SDE_VERSION>.tgz

SDE Deprecation Policy: We support the latest SDE released by the Intel Barefoot team as well as the previous LTS release (also called LLR, or Long Lived Release). Support for deprecated SDE versions will be removed after the next Stratum release. For example as of November 2020, 9.3.0 is the latest SDE release (and also an LTS release), so it is supported. 9.1.0 is the previous LTS release, so it is also supported. 9.2.0, which was the previous latest release, is now deprecated and support may be removed after the next Stratum release -- 2020-12.

Linux Kernel Headers

If you plan to run Stratum on hardware, you will need to build the kernel module for your particular switch OS.

If you are running Stratum on ONL (OpenNetworkLinux), you can download the Linux kernel headers here.

You can also find the Linux headers package for your distro by using apt-get, for example:

[sudo] apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)


If you plan to build Stratum using Docker or build the Stratum Docker container, we've tested with: Docker 18.06.0-ce

You can skip this depedency if you plan to build the Stratum Debian package locally (Method 3 and Method 4).

Building Stratum

Method 1: Build with Docker in one shot

This is an all-in-one script that will take the longest, but also requires fewest steps:

stratum/hal/bin/barefoot/docker/ $SDE_TAR [<path to Linux kernel headers package>]

The Linux kernel headers package can be omitted if you do not need to build the kernel module; for example, if you only plan to use the Tofino model simulator.

Method 2: Pre-build the SDE, then build Stratum with Docker (Recommended)

This method is recommended for most users as well as automated builds.

The SDE must be built inside the Stratum development Docker container, else there will be linking errors!

Step 1: Generate the SDE install tarball

The first step is to build the SDE:

stratum/hal/bin/barefoot/ -t $SDE_TAR [-k <path to Linux kernel headers package>]

You can also build the SDE to support multiple kernel modules, for example:

stratum/hal/bin/barefoot/ -t $SDE_TAR \
  -k linux-4.9.75-OpenNetworkLinux.tar.xz \
  -k linux-4.14.49-OpenNetworkLinux.tar.xz

Or, you can build the SDE with support for the local kernel:

stratum/hal/bin/barefoot/ -t $SDE_TAR --build-local-kernel-mod

However you choose to build the SDE, the script will output the SDE install tarball. Export the tarball path as an environment variable so that you can use it in the next step.

export SDE_INSTALL_TAR=<path to SDE tar>/bf-sde-<SDE_VERSION>-install.tgz

Note: The SDE install tarball should be used as an input for automated builds.

Step 2: Build Stratum using Docker

The second step is to build the Stratum Debian package and Docker container using our simple build script:


Note: This is the same script that was used in Method 1, but without any additional arguments. It is important that SDE_INSTALL_TAR is set in this method.

Method 3: Pre-build the SDE, then build Stratum locally

This method is primarily useful to developers that want to make changes to Stratum with a minimal recompile/test cycle without needing to recompile the BF SDE or Linux kernel modules.

First follow Step 1 from Method 2 (above) to generate the SDE install tarball. Make sure to export the path to the install tarball as an environment variable, then you can use Bazel to build the Stratum.

To build stratum_bf:

bazel build //stratum/hal/bin/barefoot:stratum_bf_deb

To build stratum_bfrt:

bazel build //stratum/hal/bin/barefoot:stratum_bfrt_deb

These Bazel targets build the Stratum binary and package all necessary configurations into a single Debian package (.deb file). The Debian package also includes systemd service definition so users can use systemd to start the Stratum as a system service.

The resulting Debian package can be found here: bazel-bin/stratum/hal/bin/barefoot/stratum_bf_deb.deb or bazel-bin/stratum/hal/bin/barefoot/stratum_bfrt_deb.deb

Copy this file over to the switch and follow the running Stratum instructions.

The Stratum build options are explained below.

Optional: Create Docker image

If you want to create a Docker image from the Debian package,

export SDE_VERSION=9.3.2
export STRATUM_TARGET=stratum_bf
docker build -t stratumproject/stratum-bf:$SDE_VERSION \
  -f stratum/hal/bin/barefoot/docker/Dockerfile \

You can push the image to Docker Hub using docker push <...>, and then pull the image on the switch over the Internet using docker pull <...>. You will also have to use your own Docker Hub account or org in place of stratumproject.

If you need to push the image to the switch directly (e.g. your switch does not have connectivity to the Internet), save the container image as a tarball with the following command:

docker save [Image Name] -o [Tarball Name]

For example,

docker save stratumproject/stratum-bf:9.3.2 -o stratum-bf-9.3.2-docker.tar

Method 4: Build the SDE and Stratum locally

This method is for developers that need to make changes to the BF SDE and Stratum with a minimal recompile/test cycle.

Step 1: Build the BF SDE

Extract the SDE and build as normal:

tar -xzvf bf-sde-<SDE_VERSION>.tgz
export SDE=`pwd`/bf-sde-<SDE_VERSION>
export SDE_INSTALL=$SDE/install
cd $SDE/p4studio_build
./ -up profiles/stratum_profile.yaml [-kdir <path/to/linux/sources>] [--bsp-path $BSP_PATH]

Barefoot's P4Studio Build tool comes with a default Stratum profile (stratum_profile.yaml), which takes care of installing all the necessary dependencies and builds the SDE with the appropriate flags. Feel free to customize the profile if needed; please refer to the P4Studio Build documentation. If you are using the reference BSP provided by Barefoot, you may also use P4Studio Build to install the BSP (see below).

Remember to download and pass the correct Kernel sources (-kdir) if you are building modules for a specific version other than the host's.

As there are some issues with building the SDE on ONL switches, it's better to do that on a separate server.

Step 2: Patching the BF SDE install directory

Stratum depends on a few minor modifications to the SDE_INSTALL directory.

With $SDE_INSTALL set, you can run the following to patch the directory:


Note: This only needs to be done one time.

Step 3: Build Stratum

Make sure $SDE_INSTALL is set and $SDE_INSTALL_TAR is not set, then follow the same instructions from Method 3.

Bazel will use the local SDE_INSTALL directory for the build.

The output of this step is a Debian package, and optionally, a Docker container as in Method 3.

Stratum Build Options

Building for a different SDE version

Stratum is designed for the latest Barefoot SDE. The SDE version is detected automatically by reading the $SDE_INSTALL_TAR/share/VERSION file.

BF SDE Build Options

These are only available in Method 4.

Board support package (BSP) or ONLPv2?

Stratum can be run on Tofino-based platforms in 2 different modes:


If your platform comes with ONLPv2 and a JSON "port mapping" file is provided by the platform vendor (see this example for the Wedge 100bf-32x), you can use Stratum in "BSP-less mode". Refer to this section for more information. This is the recommended mode. No changes to the SDE needed.


Otherwise, you need to build & install the BSP. You will not be able to use the Stratum ONLP support. The exact instructions vary by the BSP vendor, here is how it works for the Wedge reference switch. Pass the BSP sources to the p4studio_build script with the --bsp-path flag.

tar -xzvf bf-reference-bsp-<SDE_VERSION>.tgz
export BSP_PATH=`pwd`/bf-reference-bsp-<SDE_VERSION>
./ -up profiles/stratum_profile.yaml --bsp-path $BSP_PATH [-kdir <path/to/linux/sources>]