key parameters in networks, environment need to be findable and available in UI
expose network XML, or at least key network info (modules, file paths, gui vars...)
- better network parameter editing
- maybe a network wizard?
- show what files are being used, network file name
more example nets
more documentation, more sample networks (very useful for demonstrating module functionality)
search modules, networks for keywords
- see Matlab descriptors at the top of source files as an example
- when searching for modules, can we have the option of searching within the module text (i.e. search module GUI component names, variable names etc.)
port colors: change intensities, not just colors
- get updated palette from Nathan
standardize field names etc.
- i.e. interpolation: source -> target, object -> target, source -> object
support for transparent background in images or movies (image library)
image or movie resolution options (can we generate higher resolution images than displayed?)
first time use window
Nifti reader for SCIRun
STL file support
Add preset location for saving SCIRun network files
Parser modules need better error reporting
Actually implement ColorMap2DSemantics module
list field properties
if statement module
SCIRun should be able to read "obj" format meshes
Simple importer for 1D colormaps
collapse network preview window
side pane to expose some module parameters
- expose important dataset parameters too (size, dims, data info etc.)
easier way to do notes
- copy notes with modules
- easy way to edit or clear notes
- easy way to manipulate note location
- render text on top of pipes
better graph layout algorithms?
- look into graphviz, others?
- line up modules
- expose-like (OS X)
Add GUI element for indicating result of "Clear Output" button of module CollectMatrices
Add string port to Read / Write Nrrd
Add support for newer Matlab file format
Add cylinder to vector glyph types
ShowMatrix module should detect matrix dimensions
IO plugin for Meshalyzer binary mesh format
IO plugin for a binary node index matrix
- halt network without killing SCIRun
subnets must work (currently broken) - should be an easy select and create operation in GUI
better views for subnets: dockable widgets, tabs etc.
duplicate entire subnet
import network into other network
- choice to import as subnet or register network
- choice to save subnet as separate file
Basic GUI Redesign
Determine overall look and feel.
- Background color of network editor
- Placement of main window widgets--match current design at first?
Redesigning major parts of the main window.
- Menu bar
- Context menus
- Toolbars
- Status bar
- Configuration panel
- Module Search
- Module progress indicators
- Module general settings: port caching, info on ports, general info: available in "drawer" subwidget
- Tooltips
- Command window
Major Development Milestones
- All menu options/preferences work
- Can walk through entire SCIRun tutorial!
- is there a way we can display a brief blurb describing file importer and exporter plugin information (i.e. show a short description of the file types supported, file extensions etc.)?
Graphics and Visualization
- Be able to select or click on objects in renderer and get information i.e. node index, position etc.
- move all OpenGL code into Core (and intermediate layer as needed)
- verify that libpng and zlib are still needed, if so, update
- better XML parsing library (libxml2 is overly complex and buggy)
- merge all generated headers into a single generated header file
- Add regression testing feature to diff numerical output, either through text files or of matrix objects directly.
- Isosurface algorithm is very slow and should be rewritten
Error Handling and Exceptions
SCIRun exceptions could use an overhaul.
SCIRun assertions could also use an overhaul.
The same kind of assertions need to be used throughout the code. Currently, we're using:
- assert from cassert
- SCIRun's custom ASSERT macros
- Boost static assert (perhaps it would be best to replace all other asserts with Boost assert utilities?)
Possible Problem Modules
- ShowMatrix: this module should be completely rewritten
- CreateMatrix: bug #327
- GeneratePointSamplesFromFieldOrWidget: spinner boxes in both tabs are not editable. This is really annoying if one wants to generate a large number of samples.
- GeneratePointSamplesFromField: The execution pattern for this module should be improved. Also, SCIRun test networks are using GeneratePointSamplesFromFieldOrWidget, so there are no tests for this module.
- CreateAndEditColorMap: the GUI is not very usable and can be difficult to navigate.
Module Improvements
- See if it's possible to encapsulate common functionality in Matlab Importer modules in a parent class. Same with Exporter modules.
- Duplicated modules in networks
- Adjusting current displayed slice in ShowTextureSlices
- Connecting module after disabling and enabling can crash SCIRun
- Row indices not displayed for newly created rows in CreateMatrix
- Error reading fields created using older SCIRun versions
- BioTensor crashes on Windows
- BioTensor fails on OS X Snow Leopard
- SCIRun crashes when applying colormap to field from OBJ file
- InsertHexVolSheetAlongSurface gets invalid indices, doesn't converge
- changing light direction for volume rendering is broken
- closing the ViewWindow causes a crash
- Crash while not SCIRun is idle
- Create module skeleton creates bad CMake files
- Crash: replacing port on ShowTextureSlices
- Dipole does not change orientation after edit
- X11 crash when loading network
- SCIRun Matlab field exported by SCIRun cannot be read by SCIRun
- Incorrect rendering when network executed on startup
- Installer install path defaults to previously installed path
- UnuAxInfo should show current axis attributes
- Disabled modules execute during regression testing
- File dialog selection gets reset
- Showfield does not update appropriately.
- ShowAndEditCameraWidget hangs SCIRun
- Regression tests timeout before loading network
- Networks that hang on execution in regression testing mode fail to output image.
- scirun hangs while viewing extracted isosurface
- ResampleRegularMesh module missing resampling kernel options
- CalculateFieldDataMetric Integral option broken
- Cannot change field type in CreateParameterBundle module GUI
- CreateAndEditColormap SegFault
- Segfault caused by key/button click on widget
- Matlab file text field gets cleared on execute in ExportDatatypesToMatlab
- Transparency not supported in ExtractIsosurface geometry output
- RemoveZerosFromMatrix module is broken
- RemoveZeroRowsAndColumns module does not remove zero columns
- GenerateLinearSegments output field has geometry size 0
- CreateAndEditColorMap hangs on execution
- ExtractIsosurface module geometry ignores opacity
- SolveLinearSystem Jacobi method does not converge when used with AddKnownsToLinearSystem
- ShowField crashes if attempting to display data value text in a field with no data
- ShowTextureSlices crashes when its output port is used more than once.
- InsertHexVolSheet creates invalid elements
- ExtractIsosurface creates crossing elements
- RefineMesh local refinement bug
- FairMesh should check for and report crossing elements
- ConvertColorMap2ToNrrd always fails on assert
- EvaluateLinAlgUnary writes to invalid SparseMatrix location
- Setting SparseMatrix entries to same constant fails with EvaluateLinAlgUnary
- Review OptimizeConductivities module to make sure it works as expected.
- OptimizeDipole sample networks hang
- ViewScene record movie fails silently if path doesn't exist
- torso-tank-bem.srn network fails if cage is moved
- ExportNrrdsToMatlab doens't preserve header information
- ViewSlices module not ported properly from SCIRun 3
- SCIRun crashes when you write a movie to a directory where you do not have the permission to.
- libxml2 does not resolve local DTD path
- SCIRun module GeneratePlanarElectrode causes SCIRun to crash when loading.
- ShowAndEditCameraWidget UI is broken
- Changing spaces in OS X 10.6.3 logs user out
- Seg3D freezes when using 'Save Volume'
- MatlabInterface broken in SCIRun OS X app
- Tcl/Tk interpreter crashes on startup on Ubuntu 11
- Problem reading Seg3D2 segmentations (.nrrds) into SCIRun
- ExportFieldsToMatlab executes when disabled
- Record movie causes SCIRun to hang
- Memory leaks in BuildFEGridMapping algorithm
- CollectMatrices does not detect new inputs
- Missing parser documentation in CreateFieldData Medium
- String port input does not update parser module expression
- Deleting CreateAndEditColorMap2D from network crashes SCIRun.
- SolveLinearSystem graph does not show the current iteration
- ExportMatricesToMatlab file path error on Windows
- GetNetworkFileName does not update when network is cleared.
- Tcl/Tk GUI code cannot handle infinite floating point values
- Deleting swatches from CreateAndEditColorMap2D's UI crashes SCIRun.
- Issues with ConvertMatricesToMesh module: GUI
- Issues with ConvertMatricesToMesh module: C++
- Script tab in ReadField does not work
- Closing rendering window crashes X11 in XQuartz 2.7.x
- Crash when displaying text in LatVol (duplicate)
- SparseRowMatrix::put cannot put values in matrix if number of non-zero values 0
- Visualization test networks hang on Ubuntu when executed on startup
- TriSurf mesh get_edges with nodes argument broken