Tendenci virtual machine images contain a fully functional tendenci web site. It allows you to easily set up a demo site on your local machine with Virtual Box.
- Minumum RAM: 1024 MB
- Minumum file storage: 24 GB
- Install or upgrade VirtualBox 4 or later https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads.
- Import .ova file: Click File -> Import Appliance -> Open appliance and select the downloaded Tendenci ova file. Then follow the instruction to complete the import.
- Make sure Network Adapter 1 is attached to Bridged Adapter: Settings -> Network -> Adapter 1 -> Bridged Adapter
Once the import is done, you can start your Tendenci VM and access the demo site.
The system login:
username: tvm
password: tvm
The admin account for the demo web site:
username: admin
password: admin