ProcessSim is a simulation library which can simulate processes with fixed steps. It can be fully controlled by any control systems build by the modeller. Futhermore, the model includes an experimental layer for parrallel and sequential simulation experiments.
Install the Python 3 packages listed in the following table. There are two ways to install the required dependencies. Firstly, use the
to install packages easily using pip
. Secondly, you
can download packages manually.
Package | Version |
numpy |
1.19.1 |
pandas |
1.1.0 |
simpy |
4.0.1 |
The model settings can be changes are stored in
. That file includes two classes. The first class ModelPanel
contains the basic settigns which cannot be changed during simulations. The second class PolicyPanel
are options which can be changed at any point during the simulation. Alternativly, one can specificy additional functionality in
and aplly the setting Customized in the correct settingsfields in