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Install Bareos Jenkins pipeline

A jenkins pipeline to install and configure Bareos and required third-party components, or a wrapper for bareos ansible role. It gives you an opportunity do directly from Jenkins setting up pipeline parameters, without editing ansible playbooks and running them from terminal.


  1. Jenkins version 2.190.2 or higher.
  2. Linux jenkins node to run pipeline.
  3. AnsiColor Jenkins plugin for colour console output.
  4. Ansible installation on jenkins node(s). Required ansible version specified in meta/main.yml
  5. All other requirements from zabbix_agent ansible role.
  6. This pipeline may require groovy methods approve. If you see a message like: 'Scripts not permitted to use staticMethod ... Administrators can decide whether to approve or reject this signature' that means you need to allow them to execute. Navigate to Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins -> In-process script approval, find a blocked method (the newest one is usually at the bottom) then click 'Approve'. Or refactor this pipeline and move all these methods to jenkins share library.
  7. Internet access on Jenkins node(s) to install alexanderbazhenoff.linux.zabbix_agent from GitHub (or put this to your local environment and change a URL in pipeline code).


  1. Create jenkins pipeline with 'Pipeline script from SCM', set-up SCM, Branch Specifier as */main and Script Path as install-bareos/install-bareos.groovy.

  2. Install AnsiColor jenkins plugin on jenkins master and restart jenkins.

  3. Install ansible on your jenkins nodes, especially for user which jenkins pipelines runs (usually it's jenkins).

  4. Specify defaults for jenkins pipeline parameters in a global variables of pipeline code:

    • AnsibleInstallationName is named path of your ansible installation from: Jenkins -> Configure Jenkins -> Golbal Tool Configuration -> Ansible, e.g:

      Name: home_local_bin_ansible
      Path to ansible executables directory: $HOME/.local/bin/

      for your pip installation under user. Or check your installation path with ansible --version command. (Please take a notice global pipeline variables means a constants in a pipeline code, not in shared library or other global Jenkins settings.)

    • NodesToExecute is a list of jenkins nodes to execute on (with installed ansible), otherwise (if []) this will run on jenkins master.

  5. (optional) If you wish to connect Bareos server with ssh key instead of typing login and password in pipeline parameters, generate ssh keys and modify ~/.ssh/config on your Jenkins nodes specified in NodesToExecute global pipeline variable. So login to jenkins user and generate key and add them to Bareos server:

    ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa_bareos
    ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_bareos [email protected]

    Set username in BareosServerSshLogin and bareos server in BareosServerHost global pipeline variables. Then add the next lines to your ssh config in home folder (e.g. ~/.ssh/config). For example:

     Host bareos bareos.domain
         hostname bareos.domnain
         port 22
         user username
         IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_bareos
  6. Optionally modify another jenkins pipeline global variables like: ListOfBareosReleases, ListOfPostgreSqlVersions, etc.

  7. For security reasons you may wish to disable installation and/or control of various Bareos components. Check ActionsEnabled and BareosComponentsEnabled global pipeline variables for details. You can also enable or disable some Web UI user profiles creation in WebUiProfilesEnabled and/or allow or disallow Bareos configs copy for various actions in BareosCopyConfigsParams global jenkins variables.

  8. If you have fork an ansible project with Bareos role to your local repository you can specify a repository URL in AnsibleGitRepoUrl and credentials to access in GitCredentialsId global pipeline variables.

  9. Run pipeline twice. The first run injects jenkins pipeline parameters with your defaults which was specified on step 2.

  10. Optionally you can set permissions who can run this pipeline (see 'Enable project-based security' in the Jenkins pipeline settings).

Pipeline parameters

Main Bareos parameters

  • IP_LIST: Space separated IP or DNS list for install/uninstall components and copy configs.
  • SSH_LOGIN: Login for SSH connection for install/uninstall components and copy configs (The same for all hosts).
  • SSH_PASSWORD: SSH password for install/uninstall components and copy configs (The same for all hosts).
  • SSH_SUDO_PASSWORD:SSH sudo password or root password for install/uninstall components and copy configs (The same for all hosts). If this parameter is empty SSH_PASSWORD will be used.
  • ACTION: Action to perform:
    • install_and_add_client: install and add file daemon;
    • access: create user profile to access Bareos Web UI;
    • revoke_access: revoke user profile access to Bareos Web UI;
    • add_client: add already installed Bareos file daemon to director;
    • copy_configs: git clone and copy configs to already installed components;
    • install: install Bareos components;
    • uninstall: uninstall Bareos components.
  • BAREOS_COMPONENTS: Bareos components to install or uninstall: fd - file daemon, sd - storage daemon, dir - director, webui - Web UI, dir_webui - director and Web UI.
  • BAREOS_RELEASE: Bareos version.
  • OVERRIDE_LINUX_DISTRO_VERSION: Override ansible linux distribution major version. Useful when specified Bareos version repository is not available for your Linux distribution version (example: Bareos v21 currently is not available for any RedHat v9, so try to set 8 here).

Bareos file daemon and Bareos server parameters

  • FILE_DAEMON_NAME: Name of file daemon to display on Bareos server on file daemon add (leave '' for FQDN or hostname).
  • FILE_DAEMON_PASSWORD: Password to connect file daemon with (leave unspecified to generate random password).
  • USE_PIPELINE_CONSTANTS_FOR_BAREOS_SERVER_ACCESS: Use pipleine constants for Bareos Server SSH access for file daemon add and Web UI access control, otherwise set BAREOS_SERVER, BAREOS_SERVER_SSH_LOGIN and BAREOS_SERVER_SSH_PASSWORD (login and become are the same).
  • BAREOS_SERVER: Bareos server IP address or DNS for file daemon add, grant/revoke Web UI access.
  • USE_SSH_KEY_TO_CONNECT_BAREOS_SERVER: Use prepared on jenkins node ssh keys and config to connect Bareos server, otherwise uncheck and set login and password.
  • BAREOS_SERVER_SSH_LOGIN: Bareos Server SSH login for Bareos client add, grant/revoke Web UI access.
  • BAREOS_SERVER_SSH_PASSWORD: Bareos Server SSH password for Bareos client add, grant/revoke Web UI access.

Bareos Web UI parameters

  • WEBUI_USERNAME: Web UI username to create or revoke access.
  • WEBUI_PASSWORD: Web UI password to create or revoke access.
  • WEBUI_PROFILE: Web UI access profile.
  • WEBUI_TLS_ENABLE: Use TLS (certificate creation not supported by this pipeline and bareos role.

Bareos database parameters

  • PREINSTALLED_POSTGRESQL: Already preinstalled PostgreSQL before Bareos director install.
  • POSTGRESQL_VERSION: Version of PostgreSQL to install.
  • INIT_BAREOS_DATABASE: Force init Bareos database (run scripts) before Bareos install (for CentOS 7 will run anyway).

Other Bareos parameters

  • INSTALL_ADDITIONAL_BAREOS_PACKAGES: Space separated list of additional Bareos packages to install.
  • CONFIGS_GIT_URL: Bareos configs git URL (e.g. for copy_configs action).
  • CONFIGS_GIT_BRANCH: Bareos configs git branch. Leave empty to skip configs copy.

Pipeline main parameters

  • ANSIBLE_GIT_BRANCH: Git branch of ansible project with bareos role.
  • DEBUG_MODE: Verbose output.
  • JENKINS_NODE: Jenkins node to execute this pipeline and ansible role.

For more information read ansible role description.

Please keep in mind if you enable or disable some pipeline actions and/or Bareos components you should update pipeline parameters (some of them re-created, some of them not). Remove any sing pipeline parameter (see 'This project is parametrised' option in pipeline settings) and run pipeline again.