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Aleph can do more than just keyword search. This guide explains some of the more advanced queries supported by the system, as well as how to filter and refine your results. |
Aleph stores vast numbers of documents, entities, and the relationships between entities across many datasets. Here we'll explore how to narrow down or expand your search to methodically find the answers to your questions or just stumble on an interesting lead using Aleph's advanced set of search operators.
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Get started by learning the basics of searching for documents and entities across the entire corpus of data you have access to in Aleph.
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Learn about advanced methods to restrict your results to only exact matches, or to broaden your results to include spelling variations or fuzzy matches.
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Looking for only a specific type of content, like PDF documents or companies? Or within a fixed date range? Or only for matches that contain a specific address? Learn how to apply filters to further hone your results.
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Finally, learn about how to search in more contained contexts, like within the contents of an individual dataset or document.
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The methods above are all focused on searches for entities and documents within Aleph, but what about searching for a specific dataset or for all of the datasets pertaining to a country?
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